OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, November 12, 1905, Second News Section, Image 18

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1905-11-12/ed-1/seq-18/

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UCH interest is being mani
fested in the coming exhibi
tion of some of the more re
cent paintings ot Alexis Fournier,
which will open "Wedn'esdav at J. A.
Clow & Co. 's store, 806 Nicollet avenue.
The past few vears have been active
ones for the former Minneapolis artist,
whose success has been closely followed
by many Minneapolis friends. Since
making his home at East Aurora, X. Y.,
where his studio adjoins the establish
ment of the Rovcrofters, fte has pain'ted
several striking landscapes and has fin
ished and elaborated many of the
studies made in his eight years' work
in Europe. Besides this, Mr. Fournier
has been devoting considerable time to
the decoration' of the new music salon
at East Aurora, a work which is not
yet completed. He is much interested
at present in mural painting and may
undertake some pretentious work in
that field. Landscape work is still Ins
favorite, however, and it is probable
that he will remain true to this, his
first love. H? has done but little por
trait work, n'ot caring particularly for
it, altho his portrait of the late Frank
H. Peavey is regarded by competent
critics as particularly strong.
Will Go to Chicago.
At the close of his exhibition in Min
neapolis Mi. Fournier will take his can
vases to Chicago, where they will be
shown at the Art Institute, and from
there he will go on east. He has
brought to Minneapolis many new pic
tures, all landscapes, most of them
painted in New England, altho sdme
are pieces begun in France and Venice
three years ago on the occasion of Mr.
Fournier's last visit abioad. Mr. Four
ier will probably make another trip to
Europe next year, and hopes to bring
back with him some mteiesting pic
tures. It is his intention ultimately to
Major C. S. Riche, in CBatge of Im
provements on River Between 6t.
Paul and the Missouri, Talks Over
with Twin City Man Pressing De
mand for Waterway to the Gulf.
Major C. S. Riche of the Lnited
engineering improvements on the Mis
gissippi between St Paul and the mouth J*"*
of the Missouri, with headquarters at
ment association executive committee.'
points of general interest were brought
Perhaps the most striking statement
made was that the total value of the
river freight traffic, both ways, on Maj.
Riche's division during the season of
1904 was $34,000,000. The figures for
the season now closing" have not been
made upbut they will probably show
some increase over last year's figures.
Examples of Demand.
As examples of the demand, present
and prospective, for river freighting,
Mr. Crocker cites the following facts:
Between Red Wing and Winona is
grown annually 1,000,000 bushels of a
superior grade of barley needed by the
brewers of St Loins in the same dis
trict is found a kind of sand which
is being shipped out bv rail in large
quantities to cities which are installing
sand filters all the baled hay the
northwest can produce can find a mar
ket in the south. All these products are
well adapted for shipment by water.
Potentially the upper Mississippi val
ley is the manufacturing center of
America, declares Mi. Crocker. There is
a tremendous amount of available water
*pow#r between Bemidii and the mouth
of the St. Croix. Above the falls of
St. Anthony there aro undeveloped or
partially developed water powers at
Bemidii, Brainerd, Little Falls. Watab,
Sauk Rapids, St. Cloud and Elk River.
It is urged that in a short time thero
wiU be an amount of manufactured
products, added to the alrf-ady heavy
agricultural freight, which will swamp
he railroads.
Not One-Way Traffic.
This do6s not mean a one-wav traffic.
J^Tho river boats can get full return
greatly to be desired, according to Mr.
Crocker. By a careful comparison of
figures he has found that wheat prod
ucts can be shipped to the gulf to be
placed on ocean-going vessels fo* 1 per
cent of the lowest all-rail late.to the
Atlantic coast. Coal which is shipped
from the Pennsylvania fields 2,00^mile
by water for 25 cents a ton has TO pay
a rate of 75 cents a ton for forty-seven
miles of railroad transportation.
These were the salient points brought
out in the discussion of the need of
waterway to the gulf. On the possibiM
itv of such a way and the conditions
and found the Roycrof school of land
scape painters, which in time might be
come as famous as the Barbizon' school.'
One of the largest of the new can
vases is "Th Storm," one of the
cloudy sky effects of which Mr. Four
nier is so fond. There are two pictures
under the same title"The Old Swim
ming Hole"one in bright sunlight,
the other a nocturnal scene. Mr. Four
nier is conducting negotiations with a
large eastern publishing house for the
down Maior Riehc said
"Fo the past four vears, owing to
exceptionally hi^h water, we have had
practically uninterrupted trathc thru
the river season. -As things stand now
we could maintain traffic witn few in
terruptions thru a 'dead low' season.
It is a shame that the river ?s it now
is not being used as much s it
might be.
What Is Desired.
What the Upper Mississippi River Im
provement association, which Mr.
Crocker represents, is now working for
is a six-foot low-water channel from
Minneapolis to St. Louis in connection
with the lock dams now building. The
piesent plans call for a four and a half
foot channel. The added cost ef deepn
ening the channel would be compara
tively low. Major Riche and hics assist
antts $pill work outwinterl.l
States engineer corps, charge of the a}T0?1?
eo? J? tha
Crocker is the Minneapolis member of probable tha next congress wilfl
the Upper Mississippi River Improve-
J. D. DuShane, engineer in charge of appropriation of $25,000 a year, but the
the St. Paul section of the river, was general fund will have to be husbanded
also present.
Mr. Crocker is seeking Information
which will be of value to the associa
tion which he represents. All three men
are engineering experts and their con
ference was largely tchnical, but manv
existing on the river from St. Paul
improvements. It is not though
out the course of their discussion. I association is composed of men who
a plant, for six-
enamel this Whila th
saey what the estimated
A 116value
of the freight
it would not be over $20,000,000.
S ^S
Council Bluffs, was in Minneapolis yes- I wnien used route lasit season,
terday afternoon for the purpose of
conferring with A. L. Crocker. Mr.
presenthe $37 5 00 0 available for
anythingt this. Th removal
ac 1S.
ec I
with care if it is to cover two years1*
maintenance of the existing channel.
No Visionary Scheme.
"Thi is no
conference. Th Improvementr
theory," said Mr. Crocker at the end
have goods to ship and want to ship
them cheaplv. When such a demand ex
ists mere engineering difficulties may
be overlooked. We are busy at present
gathering all kinds of data from one
end of the river to the other and when
we find exactly what we want we will
do our best to get it.
I hope that in a short time we can
get together a body of representative
busine&s men in Minneapolis to talk this
subieet over with some engineering ex
perts. The subject is a big ono and not
one-tenth of it has been covered this
afternoon.''' DES MOINES MATRON
A special to The Journal from
Des Moines, Iowa, states that Lewis 'R.
Hough, a prominent commission broker,
and nis wife have separated and that
Mrs. Hough has gone* to visit heT sis
ter, Mrs. Edwaid Langan, 302 Eleventh
strpet S, Minneapolis. It is stated that
the announcement has eausod great sur
prise and much comment the select
social circles of Des Moines, of which
both the husband and wife were prom
inent members, as there has never been
a breath of scan'dal against either Mr.
Hough or his beautiful young wife, who
had always been supposed to be very
happy together.
Mrs. Hough, when seen by
Journal last evening, admitted that
she had left her husband and said that
divorce proceeedings would be begun in
She will remain i'tf
the present,
was formerly Miss
Genevieve Dodson of Perry, Iowa, and
was married in Omaha ten years ago.
The couple lived in Atlanta a short
time before moving to Des Moines. The
cause of the estrangement is a mystery
and Mrs. Hough will say nothing oh
this subject except to assert that it is
a one-sided affair and that the fault is
lot hers.
Chicago News.
'You look like a man who would forgive au
enemy, remarked the Jong-haired person.
piobablj would." leioined the local poli
tician, rlf I had time, but it ieepa me busy
fwgivtqg iry fool fitiute
form a painters' colony at East Aurora reproduction of the former in an art galleries in America and Europe. More
_! *!__ ij. _!.__- -js i,1 calendar, which is to bear a portrait than dn*e are in the new Albright gal
of James Whitcomb Riley and a copy
of his verses on "Th Old Swimming
Hole." Nearly all the paintings are
pastorals, and sheep are to be found in
many of them
One of the most beautiful of the new
paintings is After the Storm,'' a Nor
mandy pastoral full of bright yellow
sunlight with storm clouds receding in
the background and a flock of sheep
with a'shepherdess. "After Rain iS
Is there an older cat in Minneapolis
than Kitty-ke, the aged feline which
for sixteen years has Deen1
an honored
member of the household of Mr. and
Mrs. H. R. Drew, 1406 Sixteenth ave
nue N?
Mr. and Mrs. Drew think not. Kitty
ke is now in his sixteenth year and
shows no signs of havm'g reached the
end of his v\j ality. He has lived with
the Drews since he was four months
old. The wisdom of years, the scars
of a soldier and the manners of a gen
tleman would mark Kitty-ke for dis
tinction in any company. His years are
beyon'd the alotted span of his race and
his intelligence is above the average.
Tho his spare frame and knotted sinews
speak plainly of the rivages of time,
there is an air of self-reliance in his
bearing and a poise in his movements
which speak of the vigorous strength of
healthy old ag"e.
In his prime he was a mighty war
rior an'd a crafty hunter and even now,
tho the fires of youth have long since
died out, he can strike terror to his
enemies and win his meat by crafty
stalking when the occasion demands.
His innate courtesy, quiet manners,
quick sympathy and gen'tle bearing
make him a cherished member of the
family in which he lives, Hot as a de
pendent, but as an honored guest. When
his prime he rendered valuable and
loyal services to the people of his adop
tion and now that his usefulness is past
he rests amon'g them, loved alike for
his past labors and his present com
panionship. While he is loving and
familiar with his old friends, toward
strangers his manners are markod by
the decided but courteous reserve of a
perfect gentleman.
Kitty-ke is not a trick cat, but shows
a marked, superiority in intelligence.
He has learned to go upstairs at the
suggestion of his master, call the va
rious members of the family and escort
them to the breakfast table. His mem
ory is unusually good. After two years
of separation from the family, during
which he was cared for in the home of
friends, he recognized them immediately
and showed his delight at bemsi re
stored to his old home by unmistakable
He is a connoisseur of milk and would
be a valuable addition to the state
dairy and food commission. His pref
erence is for fresh Jersey milk and he
has no time for the ordinary stuff sold
by milkmen. By actual test he has
shown his ability to distinguish be
tween the two when they are placed
before him. To make the test more
certain Mr. Drew made an equal mix
ture of Jersey and milkmaW's milk and?
placed it beside the pure product. Kitty
ke showed no hesitation in selecting the
real thing.
The Drews are very proud of their
cat. They do not claim any long line
of distinguished ancestors for him. He
is just ''plain cat, but they are con
vinced that for age, vigor adn' intelli
gence he can compare favorably with
any cat living.
Charles Lamb.
Men marry for fortune, and sometimes
to please their fancy, but much oftener
than is suspected they consider what the
world will say of it how such a woman
in their friends' eyes -will look at the head
of a, table. These I call furniture wives
as men buy furniture or pictures, because
they suit this or that niche in their din
ing parlors.
Louisville jCAurier-Journal.
"The plain, every-day lfap," says Sen
ator Dolllver, "long ago\*10|t his job on
the American press." ^Yes "lost it to the
decorative, yellow liir.Ifei
Second Nl^'Sectlnf ^^*THE'' MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL.' Sunday, November 12, 1905. PF313!
-J 1 u-ii-
4 4
another charming picture of shephered
and sheep, a Normandy scen-e. "Th
Storm/' a Pieardy landscape, is an
other of those beautiful cloud effects in
which Mr. Fournier delights and which
he handles so admirably. "Eventide,''
a scene on the river Oise, is considered
by many of Mr. Fournier's friends on'3
of his strongest achievements.
Paintings by Mr. Fournier have
found their way into many of the finest
lery in Buffalo, which Mr. Fournier de
clares to be the finest art building,
architecturally, in America. Several
have been purchased by Mrs. Charles M.
Schwab, wife of the millionaire steel
Mr. Fournier has never ceased to re
gret the destruction of his beautiful
canvas, At Rest in Normandy,'' which
was own'ed by M. W, Savage of Min
neapolis. The picture/a beautiful pas
toral, with cows in the foreground,
was in Mr. Savage's Portland avenue
residence on Aug. 20, 1904, when the
house was struck by lightning in the
famous storm and the frame of the
picture was slightly damaged by fire.
In' December Mr. Savage sent the pic
ture to Boutell Bros, store to be re
framed and in the great fire of Dec. 13,
picture, frame arM all were consumed.
Stolen by a Squaw.
Mr. Fournier yesterday related an in
cident of his early lifehe was one
month old at the timewhich happened
in St. Paul some forty years ago. At
that time his father lived in West St.
Paul, near the en\l of the present High
bridge. Indians from Mendota were
often seen in the vicinity and one of
tV came near ro*bbing the art world
ot all the Fournier paintings, then' yet
to be made. Mrs. Fournier was at work
in her garden at the rear of the log
cabin one day when she spied an old
squaw sneaking out of'the front door
and into the thick woods across the
road. She had a small bun'dle under her
arm and Mrs. Fournier, knowing that
the Indians would steal anything thev
could lay their hands on, called out to
her to stop and ran after her as fast
as she, could. The squaw, frightened,
dropped her bundle :iand ran', and th/e
bundle, when 'picked! up, proved to be
Alexis Fournier, who,was crying lustily.
New Evening Daily to Be Run by S1ck
Company, of Which the Senator Is a
Member, and His Partner Goes In as
ManagerRepublican Leaders Con
ferring in St. Paul',
Senator H. C. Hansbrough of North
Dakota, who is at the Merchants' hotel
in St. Paul, confirms the report that he is
interested in a new daily paper to be
started at Grand Forks to compete with
Editor George B. "Winship, the arch
enemy of Hansbrough and the rest of
tho powers that be in tho republican
party of North Dakota.
The paper will be called the Evening
Times, and will b running in about a
month. H. H. Lampman, now of Neche,
will be the editor, and the manager
will be S. J. Small, for some years Sena
tor Hansbrough's partner in the Devils
Lake Inter-Ocean, and its active man
ager. Bqth are in the twin cities now
securing an outfit. .The paper will be
a member of the Associated Press.
Senator Hansbrough said yesterday:
"It is true that ten or a dozen prom
inent citizens of Grand Porks have ot
ganized a stock company and propose
to establish an evening paper
at Grand Porks. It will be modern in
its equipment, and a complete news
paper in every way. It- may not be
generally known, but it is true never
theless that altho Grand Porks and
North Dakota are Overwhelmingly re
publican, there is not a republican pa
per in that city. The new paper will
be reliably republican, and thoroly pro
gressive. i
^This little remark is a hot shot aimed
at Mr. Winship, who has always fought
the "machine'' in North Dakota, and
is to the front in tne organization now
being perfected, which will try next
year to defeat the "machine in the
state convention.
The new primary law lends doubt to
the situation. There will be no county
conventions, but the delegates to the
state convention will be chosen at the
primaries, at the same time as county
officers and members of the legislature.
The campaign will be a severe test for
the machine which is making every
preparation to nieet the attacks of, the
Scandinavian Eepublican league and
the other forces that will try for its'
overthrow. J
\tyith. Senator Hansbrougfc in 8%. Paul
are Alex MeKenzie, Jud Ea Moure and
several other leading lights in North
Dakota politics. They are engaged im
one of their periodical conferences. Un
der the primary law, they recognize
that a great deal will depend on news
paper support and several other deals
are said to be pending, including one
at Minot.
First DirectorI wish they'd investi
gate this company.
Second DirectorWhy?
First DirectorI'd like to find out
something about it.
The Indian woman had been attracted
by the bright colors of the shawl in
which the boy was wrapped and seized
shawl, baby and all. Mr. Fournier did
not learn' of this inteiesting episode in
his early life until five years ago.
Sold The Journal.
Twenty-five years ago Mr. Fournier
sold The Journal on the streets of i hard study un*der such men as Benjamin
Mrs. McCrea, landscape architect for
the Milwaukee railway system, and
other large railroads, was in the city
yesterdav and in a conference with 0.
M. Loring of the park board, an
nounced that the Milwaukee road is
planning to beautify the depot grounds
at Minnehaha park. A new depot of
ornate and artistic design will be erect
ed and the-grounds belonging to the
company will be parked harmony
with the Minnehaha park. The work
will begin early next spring, and it is
stated that when it is completed the
Minnehaha station and grounds will be
the handsomest of their kind in the
The improvements to be made by
the Milwaukee company will, it is
thought, compel the park board to fol
low suit. The waste between the park
and the railway right of way has been
anything but inviting for many years.
Not only has there been a forbidding
stretch of neglected land covered with
weeds, but on the other side of the
railway tracks there has for years been
maintained an unsightly string of dance
halls and pavilions known as the Mid-
way." The park board has secured
the title to the land, but did not have
the means to secure control of the
leases for the various midway enter
prises, which, it is understood, have
still another year to run., They are
now cut off from, direct access from
Minnehaha park W a high wire fence,
but the latter hal been cut in many
places, and while the midway is not
as objectionable as it was a tew years
age, it is fully as unsightly.
Mrs. McCrea is one of the most fa
mous landscape architects in the coun
try. She studied finder the tuition of
her husband, and after his death her
self entered the profession. She is com
missioned by the Milwaukee system to
make plans and suggestions for beau
tifying, the depot grounds controlled by
the company and has some extensive
plans under way. It is the intention
of the road to place itself in tho same
class with the New York, New Haven
& Hartford railway, whose artistic de
pots and handsome depot grounds are
the talk of travelers. The work at
Minnehaha is but the beginning of a
magnificent scheme which the road
hopes in time to extend to its entire
Josef Hofman, who Is to wed Mrs
George Eustis, is not the firs.t foreign
pianist to marry a New York woman of
position. Th Franz Rummel
andh married here Miss Morse, a daughter
Edwin Osgood Grover.
I believe in laiifchter, in love, 1n'faith,
In all distant hopes that lure us on.
Chicago Tribune.
JJj$feardso (in thfl9*crowded tar)You gave
y*h seat to that .sPfcian, but you* did It with
evident Wgr*t, T*v
QioHtxeaf didn't Vu notice Wat sfche ifaw
plderly, aftgulw and woie eurrfirgi^-and did yu
*vri jjot a "thank .von" (mm t?v co nitinifnn'*
Defective Page
olate the telegraph. Richardtme
who came her'e^ from- EnglanQd*"
to tour with Jenni Lind, married
daughter of the Lamson family, and only
last winter Ernest Schilling was married
to Miss Draper. No other musicians
have Ifroken into families, of wealth and
position so readily as the pianists.
Catholic Standaul and Tlmos.
Alas and alack' She ^111 go to the '.mil.
And, of course she aspects mc to hire a
But 1 can't 'alse tho ptlce of the carriage at
A lass and a lack!
t'hleago Journal.
HeWon't you (kiss) give me (kiss, kiss)
just one (kiss, kiss, kiss) kiss, my (kiss, kiss,
kiss, kiss) own?
SheYes (kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss) darling,
Just (kiss, ktss, kiss, kiss, kiss) one.
tg LET HIM BOLL. jf'
Atlanta Constitution. .vtf Yfek*
Jf Let Old Winter rage an' blow-i- **Mt*
fL. All his storms deliver %k&
%tfi Sutntner blazed an' scorched us so, ^-^*s^i
& Wlllin* now I'JI
m&P3?-z?i. u-urn****
Minneapolis, going to school in the
mornings. He began his art education
at the Minneapolis School of Fine Arts,
under Douglas Volk, and was one of
the first pupils of the institution. Sev
eial years with a scene painter in Mil
waukee did much to broaden the young
artist's style and in 1893 he went
abroad, where he spent eight years in
Washington Evening Star.
"Why did you ask that woman's young
est child to recite'"
"Because," answered Miss Cayenne, 'it
was the only way to keep the eldest
child from playing the piano."
415 to 419
Nicollet Ave.
Constant, Jean Paul Laurens and Har
pignfes, who was the last of the old
Barbizon group and a warm personal
friend and coworker of Corot.
He spent some time with the Dau
bignvs at their home at Auvers-sur
Ois, and many ctf his most beautiful
studies an'd pictures were painted here.
He made three tr*ps to Venice and the
results are to be seen in some of his
impst brilliant and beautiful convases.
At Venice he was one of a delightful
little colony of artists and writers,
among them Joseph Pennell, F. Marion
Crawford, An-dre CJastaigne, the three
Zangwills, Louis Loeb and Hubert
Faulkner, one of whose paintings hangs
in the T. B. Walker gallery. It was
near Bordeaux that Mr. Fournier found
the original seat of ke Fournier family,
whose name in bygonv days was Four
nier-de-Prefontaine. There are still
many Fourniers near Bordeaux.
Mr. Fournier tells_ many interesting
stories of his years in the Latin quar
ter. Israel Zangwill was on-e of the
members of a little cljib to which Mr.
Fournier belonged and it was jnst
tjiat time that his stories,l'
downing,King & Co
Evening Clothes
The cut of our clothing for Evening Wear is its
first distinction. The name of Browning, King &
Company is its guarantee as to fit, fabric and finish,
The skirts of the Coat are longer this season and
the lapels heavier than a year ago.
Lined with Serge and Silk-faced or lined through
out with Silk.
$22.50 to $38
Coats, Waistcoats and Trousers separately at pro-
portionate prices.
Fur-lined, and Fur-trimmed Overcoats to wear with
Evening Dress at reasonably low prices.
Broadway at 32d Street NEW
baliverod Promptly at Prices That Are Right*
51S First Street Northeast.
The Master'ftabou
and Children of the G'Jbetto'' were be
ing published in Amer loan periodicals.
Nearly all the students were reading
them and most of them knew Zangwill,
but one tright a guest at the club asked,
pointing to the writer's, bowed figure,
"Who is that hungry locking Jew?
''That is Israel Zanfc'will," replied
Fournier. The inquirer subsided.
Farmer CorntasselYe don't mean
tel me ye've stopped smokm'!
Farmer LongjawYep, threw away m'
pipe this mornin'. Been smokin' nigh
onto fifty-seven years, an' was afraid if
I didn't quit pretty soon I'd sit the habit.
Philadelphia Ledger.
"I wonder what Bragg merjftit by for
ever talking of his 'social oblfeations?'
*2 suppose he's a member of several
social organizations and never pays his
415 to 419
Nicollet Ave.
YORK factory. Cooper Square.
Equip Your House With
and You WiU Save the Cost im Your Fuel BUI
If only out of curiosity come in and see our great display of
the very latest novelties in Diamonds and Jewelry.
The Additional Spacoe
We have acquired enables us to show our large stock
very best advantage. Special prices on Watches and Diamonds.ythot
And all Ready for our
327 Nicollet Avenue

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