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mm ma 5, School Suits, ages 7 to 17, $4.00. Double-breasted two-piece and bloomer Norfolk suits in blue serges and fancy chevi ots. Children's Fancy Overcoats, age 3 to 8. The new coat, made plain, with full back, some with half belt and frogs, in fancy and plain overcoating, large assortment at $5.00, $6.50 to $10.00. Children's Novelty Suits, age 3 to 10. Sailor or Eton Kuesian suits with bloomer pants, laige assortment of fancy weaves and plain colors in serges and cheviots at $10.00, $8.00, $6.50 to $5.00. $8.00 Young Men's Overcoat, $5.95. Age 15 to 20. Broken lines in Tourist styles, friezes and heavy cheviots, in grays, blacks and fancy weaves$8 and $0 valuesat $5.95. $7.50 Young Men's Suits, $3.75. Age 14 to 20. Double-breasted style in all wool blue and black cheviot, dark gray and brown cassi mere odds and ends from our $7.50, $6.50 and $5.00 linesat $3.75. 75o Boys' Knee Pants, 45c. Age 4 to 16. Bloomer and plain knee pants, with double seat and knee all wool cheviot, tweeds and* fancy worsted, 75c values45c. FROM YOUTH 10 OLD HUE Your teeth need careful attention. Many of the Ills of life aiise from neglected, decaying teeth. If you are wise you will take good care ot your teeth W are EXPERTS in all branches of dental work JEWEL DENTAL PARLORS T. C. 10040. N. W. Main 1606 Sixth and Hennepin Ave. Tuesday Evening,* Open Evenings. MERCHANTS OF FINS CLOTHES g 1 "V Clothes for Boys of All Ages In Basement Boys* Section. Cor. Sixth and Nicollet. FAULT DISCOVERED IN 40 GRAFT INDICTMENTS Milwaukee, Deo. 19.Forty indict ments for graft, returned by the grand jury last year, may bo invalidated by a sensational discovory. It is found that one man was drawn on the grand jury while another one served, a similarity of names causing the mistake. Five men indicted by thie body have either been convicted or have pleaded guilty. It is said that steps will be taken to secure the release of Michael Dunn, former building inspector, now serving Croup. Exclusiveness in design and carefulness in the making serve to distinguish "Plymouth" Boys' Clothes. Our assortment is as complete as at any time during the season so that our patrons may feel as sured of easy and quick service. All the high grade novelties have been reduced in price. Plymouth Special Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Bemedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. Helpful Holiday Hints in Jewelry FOR MEN. Sterling Key Rings $0.50 to $2.00 Sterling Stamp Boxes 1.00to 1.3& Sterling Match Boxes.... 1.00 to 10.00 Sterling Pocket Files 75 to 1.00 Sterling Paper Weights.. 1.00 to 3.00 Sterling Ink Wells 2.00 to 15.00 Sterling Cloth, Hair, Hat and Military Brushes, Ebony and Silver .75 to 12.00 Sterling Ash Trays 2.50 to 7.00 Sterling Cigar Lighters... 2.25 to 10.00 Sterling Shaving Sets.... 4.50to 18.00 Sterling Flasks 7.50 to 18.00 Sterling Mounted Sus penders 3.00 to 6.00 Sterling Pencils 25 to 5.00 Sterling Mounted Umbrel las 4.50 to 15.00 Sterling Razor Strops 4.00 to 7.50 Cigar, Cigarette and Card Cases in Gunmetal, Sil ver and Leather 1.00 to 10.00 Liquor Sets in Cut Glass and Silver 10.00 to 35.00 Silver Plated Collar But ton Boxes 75 to 2.00 Silver Paper Cutters 1.00 to 5.00 Silver Erasers 50 to 3.00 Siher Soap Boxes 2.00 to 8.50 Desk Clocks 2.35 to 8.00 Cut Glass and Sliver Cig arette and Cigar Jars... 6.00 to 12.50 Solid Gold Stick Pins 75 to 10.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links 2.00 to 15.00 Fobs in Silver, Leather and Gold 3.00 to 25.00 Solid Gold Lockets 7.50 to 25.00 Solid Gold Seal Rings 5.00 to 25.00 Solid Gold Chains 7.76 to 35.00 i^ftArt i" 1 ~3*A Ag* 7 to 17. A suit for dress or service, with double seat and knees, all seams double stitched some are-Norfoiks with knickerbocker pants in fancy cassimere, worsteds, tweeds and serges. A $6.50 suit at $5. Young Men's Suits, ages 14 to 20. New singla-breasted, cut extra long, with deep side vents large assortment of double-breasted in serges, black, unfinished worsted, and a most com plete line of fancy mixtures, at $25, $20 down to $8.50. Young Men's Overcoats, ages 15 to 20. Tourist style in fancy weaves, dress overcoats in plain black and oxford grays, large assortment of new styles, at $10, $12 to $25. Boys' Flannel Blouses, ages 3 to 16. Russian or military style, plain blouse with soft roll collar, in grays, blues and reds, at $2 to 75c. New Knicker Suits, age 6 to 16. Imported fancy cheviot, silk mixed worsted and serges, made in a yoke style, with pleats and full pants, at $15 down to $6.50. New Winter Reefers, age 5 to 16. Heavy chinchillas, cheviots and friezes in navy blues, grays and browns, lined with all wool flannel in grays or reds, cut extra long, at $12.00 to $5.00. Boys' Tdnrist Overcoats, age 8 to 16. Storm overcoat, cut extra long, with half belt grays and black friezes fancy over coating in all the new shades, at $5.00, $6.50 up to $15.00. 50c Boys' Knee Pants, 29c. Age 4 to 15. Heavy mixed cassimeres in blues, browns and dark mixtures, all seams taped, with sus pender "buttons odds and ends from our 50c lineat 29c. $2.50 Boys' Suit, $1.69. Double-breasted two-piece and Norfolk Suits in blue cheviot and dark fancy mixtures, strictly all wool winter weight age 7 to 16. $4.50 School Suits, $2.69. All wool Dickeys, tweeds, fancy cassimeres and blue cheviots extra heavy in Norfolk and plain double-breasteds, on sale at $2.69. Store Open W. LEBER, a term in the house of correction, and the remission of the fines of the others. IN DARKNESS TWO MONTHS Washburn Has Light Turned On Pend ing Settlement of Controversy. WASHBURN, WIS.After being in darkness for more than two months the streets of this city are again being lighted, the city council and the Washburn Electric Sc Power company having agreed upon a price to be paid for lighting. No CHARLES OITY, IOWA.Fir* wrecked the. residence of This. Wlxstead. Loss, $4,000 In surance, $2 500 The fire originated from the furnace and communicated to the upstairs part before it was discovered. AMES, u^y, IOWA.Harry Atkinson, a conductor on the North-Western, was fatally injured In a wreck here. He had recently fallen heir to an estate valued at $50,000. FOR WOMBN. Sterling Hat Pins $0.75 to $2.00 Sterling Brooch and Belt Pins 75 to B.00 Sterling Bracelets 1.00 to 3.00 Sterling Hooks, Horns, Files, Manicure Knives, Scissors, Powder, Vase line and Puff Jars 50 to 5.00 Sterling Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets 10.00 to 27.50 Sterling Hair, Hat, Cloth and Velvet Brushes 1.00 to 8.50 Sterling, German Silver and Leather Chatelaine and Wrist Bags 2.50 to 25.00 Sterling Hand Glasses 7.B0to 15.00 Sterling Lorgnettes 5.00 to 7.50 Sterling Lockets 2.25 to 3.50 Sterling Chatelaine Mir rors 1.50 to 2.25 Sterling Trimmed Vases.. 1.75to 10.00 Solid Gold Lockets 7.50 to 40.00 Solid Gold Neck Chains... 2.B0 to 10.00 Solid Gold Brooches 2.75 to 25.00 Solid Gold Bracelets 4.50 to 35.00 Solid Gold Stick Pi ns 75 to 5.00 Cut Glass Perfume Bottles 2.50 to 12.00 Cut Glass Powder Boxes.. 9.75 Cut Glass Bowls 4.25 to 60.00 Cut Glass Vases 2.00 to 20.00 Cut Glass Water Sets 9.00 to 35.00 Cut Glass Candlesticks ...13.50 to 55.00 Cut Glass Atomizers 2.50 to 10.00 Cut Glass Ink Stands 2.50 to 10.00 Cut Glass Celery Dishes... 4.50 to 15.00 Cut Glass Ice Cream Trays 16.00 up. Cut Glass Salts and Pep pers, pair 50 up. Cut Glass Rose Bowls 1.50 to 20.00 Chafing Dishes 3.75 to 25.00 Evenings. 306 NICOLLET AVENUE. nlw oontVact weienfered into, but"the lights would be to the bebt interests of the United have been turned on, to be put off at the option of the council The contract between the city and the company, which has been in force for fif teen years and for which the city has been paying $11.24 for each lamp per month, has ex pired and the new rate for lighting on the midnight schedule has been agreed upon at $5 60 per lamp per month, but It Is the opinion of the council that this rate Is too high and an effort will no doubt be made la the near future to have will it I owered. M#ff| _x DEMANDS PAY FOR SURVEYING LAKE BROWN COUNTY OFFICIAL CLAIMS FEB FROM FARMERS. Heavy Rains Check Elaborate Plans to Reclaim Lake Bed of 5,000 Acres and Controversy Arises Over Settlement of Surveyor's ServicesBoy Acci dentally Shot by Brother. Special to Tb Journal. Bt. Ptter, Minn., Dec. 10.A. murrey made of a lake may become the basis ox an Interesting ao tion in the Nicollet county district court. In 1903, when Swan lake, a larger body of wa ter in the western end of the county, was very low, an effort was made to reclaim its dry bed. Farmers owning abutting property engaged George Boock, county surveyor of Brown county, to make a division of the land, and thirteen of them signed an agreement to pay the expenses of the survey. After the survey was begun it is said that Boock performed services for other farmers, not signers of the agreement, and it was estimated that upwards of 5,000 acres of good land would be recovered. Several wet seasons refilled the lake and the work was valueless. The surveyor, however, does not propose to lose his fees. He Is making an effort to collect from the thirteen original signers at the rate of 85 cents an acre, but they are protesting the claim on the ground that the total cost has been taxed against them, whereas part of the work was done for others. An attempt Is being made to settle 'the con* troversy out of court. Boy Accidentally Shot. Robert Kewatt, a 16-year-old son of Fred Ke watt of Ottawa, was dangerously wounded in the left breast yesterday afternoon. With an elder brother he was shooting at a mark with a 22-callber rifle. While the older boy was handling the gun it was discharged, the bullet striking his brother above the heart. It was deflected by a rib, however, and the wound, while serious, will not prove fatal. STRUCK BT TRAIN Unknown Man Dies at Two Harbors from Injuries Received. TWO HARBORS. MINN.An unknown man was ran over by a Duluth & Iron Range passenger train and received injuries from which he died a few hours later at the Budd hospital. In the morning he inquired the way to Duluth, and was walking the tracks bound for that point when the train struck him. He had reached the south end of the yards here, known as the Duluth siding, as the train ap proached It is thought he concluded the train was going to move up the tracks on -which he vias walking, so he stepped to another track, which was the one actually used by the train. Nothing can be found to lead to the man's identification or anything concerning his rela tives or home, and there does not appear to be any one here who has any previous knowledge of him. He was about 40 years of age, weight about 150 pounds, sandy hair and mustache, with a slight sprinkling of giay hairs. From his clothes, it appears that he had been in hard circumstances for some time, but his hands are small and show no evidence that he was ever & laborer. Another new towns!te is to be platted on the Mesaba rpnge, near Prairie river. It will adjoin the property of Lind & Buchman, on which 200 ftet of iron ore has been found. The develop ment of this immense deposit of ore will make room for a thriving village. OBJECT TO DECISION Winona Officials Will Have legality of Ordinance Passed Upon. WINONA, MINN Application has been made by Mayor John A. Latseh and City Attorney D. E. Tawney. for a writ of certiorari In the ^ineroom case recently tried befote the municipal court. In this case. Martha Lake was charged with violating a wlneroom ordinance passed by the city council, and in rendering a decision, Judge H. L. Buck declared the ordinance to be invalid. It is the contention of 01ty Attorney Tawney that Judfie Bwk went beyond the province of his court, and accordingly the application for the writ to compel the municipal court to send all records In the case to the district court for review by Judge Snow, has been made The writ has been ordered issued and the hearing will come up at the Jainuary term of the district court The ordinance In auction is one making It unlawful for saloonkeepers to sell liquor to women, to be drufcik omthe premises, and mak ing it unlawful for-. omen to freijuent saloons unless accompanied by their husbands or fathers. FOB DEBATING CONTEST Iowa University Will Select Its Repre sentatives Tonight. IOWA CITY. IOWA.Iowa university -will tonight select Its representatives for the de bating contest with the University of Minnesota The Zetaeathian and Irvine Institute debaters of Iowa 'win meet and the winning society will select two of the three Iowans. and the loser the other debater. Tonight's debate will be on the following subject: "Resolved, That the United States should establish a fiscal protectorate over any South American, Central American or West Indian re ubllc manifesting a chronic failure to meet foreign obligations The livings will take the affirmative, the speakers being B. R. Barnard, Walter Mvers and W Rilev. The negative side will be taken by the Zets, whose orators will be Ray Files, W. T. Brlnton and R. C. Cleveland. The Judges will be Dean N. Gregory of the college of law. Professor Sam Sloan and Dr. Gilbert Houser. ftu DEBATE AT NORTHFIELD Philomatheans Win in Carlton College Society Contest. NORTHFIELD. MINN The thirteenth annual debate between the Athenian and Phllomathean societies of Carieton college, resulted In a victory for the Philomatheans The question was, Resolved, That a system of compulsory insur ance for working men under government control States. The Philomathlan representatives who uphold the affirmative were C. C. Allen, M. K. Plumb, L. S. Headlej. The Athenians who presented the negative were N. D. Dickinson, B. W. Cross, T. 0. Steiesguth. The judjres, Superintendents Wasson of St. Peter, Franklin of Faribault and Nelson of Austin, rendered their decision by a vote of two to one. NEW PLANS FOR SCHOOL Marsnalltown Will Pay More Attention to Manual Training. MARSHALLOWN, IOWA.The Marshalltown school board proposes a unique departure in school methods here. It Is the intention to build on the high school grounds a large one-story structure, with basement. The building is to be used for a heating clant, sanitary closets, auditorium, gympaslum and* manual training de partment It is the Intention of the school board next year to pay more attention to manual training in the public schools. Plana are belnp he ft repared for the structure, which will bo built he coming summer. HEALTH OFFICIALS ACTIVE La Crosse Department Makes Thoro In spection of Dressed Pork. LA CROSSE, WIS.The health department of this city has begun an inspection of the dressed pork that is being offered for sale on the mar ket by farmers, yesterday Health Officer Major condemned two dressed hogs as being unfit lor sale. The hogs were discolored and showed signs of having been sick before they were slaughtered. A thoro Inspection of all dressed hogs will hereafter be made by the department before It 16 offered for sale. PABST BECOMES STUDENT Milwaukee Millionaire Studies Agricul ture at Wisconsin University. MILWAUKEE, WIS.Fred Pabst, the former president of the Pabst Brewing company and one of the best known millionaires in Wisconsin, is studying agriculture at the University of Wis consin. He recently acquired a fine stock farm and has decided to go into the business of stock raising on an elaborate and scientific plan. FATHER IS ARRESTED Des Moines Man Accused of Attempt ing to Kill Son. DBS MOINES. IOWA.Jack Morgan, an angry father, nearly succeeded in killing his son yes terday afternoon. He told the boy to close a door and when he did not obey, the man Is said to have attempted to cut the boy's throat. The police found the lad lying across the top of the Des Moines river levee, where he bad been dragged. The father_was and Is held without1 THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. December 19, 1905, placed under arrest charge tl the condition of tha boy can be ascertained. STABKWEATHEE, N. D.The sale of insti tution lands for Ramsey county, just closed at DevUs Lake, amounts to 30,000 acres, sold at an average of $13 85 an acre. Bottineau county sales averaged the highest figure, selling at a price of about $18 28 EDEN VALLEY, MINN.Jess Racy, a former resident of this village,* was lake Sunday. j~ drowned^ In- J* X4 OPEN Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Eveni'gs Cross CORN-HUS-ONO WAGER Iowa Woman Wins with Record of 148 Bushels for Day. ONAWA IOWAMiss Amanda Slocum, a teacher living near BluethLake, champion1 JUST RECEIVED a new importation of Ladies' Even ing Gloves, 12, 16, 20 and 24-button lengths, in whites and blacks. GLOVES OP ALL KINDS in stock, correct styles and best qualities. No more appropriate Christmas gifts. Always useful, always acceptable. OUR CERTIFICATE PLAN enables the recipient to se lect gloves to suit and have them fitted at any con venient time. Men's Goods Neckwear. Mufflers. Bath Robes. Suspenders. Shirts. Night Shirts. Drapery Department Mahogany Furniture. Brass Goods. Oriental Rugs. Teco Pottery. Silk Floss Pillows. Baby Cab Robes. Fine Draperies. Carpet Sweepers. is probably cornhulker of world and undoubteth edly more than a match for many of the best sr_J_.-_i AS**EC412 pounds between sunrise and sunset, stopping thlrtv minutes for lunch at noon. Miss Slocum has had previous experience. She haloed her brothers for three years before she blcame a teacher! The corn ran about forty five bushels to the acre and was blown down. Miss Slwum says she is confident she can busk 200 bushels a. day in eighty-bushel corn that stands _p wellf She say? the $50 she won In the wager will help her buy a trousseau for her welding Christmas day to SamuelJ Turnera prosperous young farmer of an adjoining town ship. ELDOBA. IOWA.Express companies In Har dln^ountf'are doing a Dig business in the ship Ding of liquor. The drug stores in this city and* in several other towns of the county have been refused permits tor the sale of any kind of intoxicating liquors, and as a re" men representing houses out of the state have been taking hundreds of orders. GBINNELL, IOWA.The Iowa college glee club started today on its annual tour ftni the state over the Iowa Central Stops will be made at Van Cleve, Cedar Eaplds Traer Relnbeck, Waterloo, Postvllle, Cresco, Oharles City, Nash ua and Hampton. Palpitation of the heart, nervousness tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made specially for the blood, nerves and complexion. Hoodwinks the Oculist. Madden Eye Medicin cures eyes. (Don't smart.) 25c. "Co-operation"started by poor starving English strikers in 1S44, to free themselves from the oppression of em ployersh a revolutiottized home- and. bus-ness-lifSe in Great Britain. But in "free" America it has so far proved a failure. Russell's "Soldiers of the Common Good" (in Every body's for Christmas) tells the dramatic story of a struggle from utter weakness into magnificent power. Erwybodys Magazine r$ cents fx.50ayc_r Special nvrvMat-trra wwntaHl far BIIJ body's -a_*_lM te towns where there are no daalars For Holiday Trading Most Useful Gifts Best Possible Service Gloves Silk Waist Patterns (New Line Just Opened.) Embroidered in Silk.. .$4.S0 Embroidered in Cotton $3.75 Stoles. Scarfs. Muffs. Capes. Chafing Dishes, Baking Dishes, Table Cutlery, Clocks, Embroidery Sets, Razor Sets, Candlesticks, Tool Chests Golf Football TOOLS, Handkerchiefs" LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS-All linen, a fine line at 15c and 25c each. CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS-New and novel designs, in our 50c line. SWISS HAND EMBROIDEREDA very^, complete stock at favorable prices. **M MEN'S FANCY DRESS HANDKE&-* CHIEFSTaped or embroidered, 75c to $1. i*l/ INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFSIn van- ous styles for ladies and men. 25c 50c, $1. CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS In boxes, plain and initial, 25c, 60c, 906. Umbrellas BUSTER BROWNFor the little tots, has handle with Tige's head also natural sticks sizes 18 to 24-inch prices 75c to $2.75. LADIES' UMBRELLASIn plain black, from $2 to $5.50, in colors, navy, red, brown and green, with or without borders, $3 to $5. FANCY HANDLESFor ladies, beautiful Christmas goods combinations of pearl and gun metal, ivory and silver, ivory and gold, ivory and gun metal, gun metal and silver, ebony, all silver and gold, ranging in price $4.50 to $20. MEN'S UMBRELLASFancy handles, a beautiful line, similar to ladies' umbrellas above, from $5 to $15. FIR E SALE USEFUL HOLIDAY ARTICLES Coffee Percolators, Carving Sets, Silver Plated Ware, Metal Frame Mirrors, Scissor Sets, Writing Sets, Japanese Baskets, Athletic Goods, Tennis, Fishing Tackle, All the above owing to condition ONE-HALF to THREE-FOURTHS regu- lar prices. Tuesday only, $1.00 watch, for 59conly one to a customer $4.00 set plated knives and forks, $2.00. $3.00 set, $1.50: $3.00 GUI** Safety Razors, $4.50. KITCHEN WARE DEPT. Second FloorTake Elevator. $4.00 Clothes Wringers $2.00 $3.00 Clothes Wringers $1.50 $1.25 Fotts' Irons 50c 60c to 85c Roasters 25c 75c Lanterns 38c $3.00 Ash Cans $1.50 $2.50 Wash Boilers $1.25 X. Wrapping, weighing and mailing convenience* Leather Goods Belts. Card Cases. Bags. Hand Purses. Billhooks. Combination Books. Suit Department I Seal Jackets. Silk Underskirts. Persian Jackets Otter Jackets. Near Seal Jackets. Silk Waists. Fur Lined Coats. Children's Coats. Five O'clock Teas, Pocket Cutlery, Watches, Manicure Sets, Drawing Sets, Smoking Sets, Glass Vases, Sweaters, Baseball, Skates. 184 7 Rogers $1.90 Nickle copper Teakettle, 95c 75c Waffle Irons Q&c 75c Enameled Saucepan 25c 1,000 Dover Egg Beaters 5 1,000 articles worth to 20c 5 TOOL CHESTS, STOVES AND RANGES, AT HALF PRICE AND UP. On Sale at 13 South Third Street, Between Nicollet and Hennepin^ ALL OTHER GOODS ON SALE AT W. K. MORISON & CO. 247-249 NICOLLET AVENUE. Stock Purchased By HARDWARE SALVAGE GO. (INCORPORATED) Net CashNo guaranteeNo exchange-All stores open every evening. 0 1,000 articles worth to 50c. ...15c 1,000 articles worth to $1 25c '4