Newspaper Page Text
for themselves $ Monday Evening, MOST IMPORTANT CLEABANCE SALE OP Freecln Negligee Second Floor *rnr The balance of our entire stack of fine French Negligee Empire Gowns, Lounging Robes and House Sacques will be offered for sale on Tuesday morning at prices that speak Pink Pompadour Silk Negligee, $80.00, now $35.00 Hello and White Pompadour Tissue Neglige, $75.00, now $37.50 Pink Orepe do Ohine hand-embroidered Negligee, $100, now. .$55.00 Yocca Kimono, $25.00, now $9.9& White Chiffon Cloth and Lace Negligee, $100.00, now $65.00 French Mull hand-embroidered Negligee, $135.00, now $78.50 Trench Mull nand-embroidered over silk, $150.00, now $75.00 Dotted Silk Mull and Lace, $37.50, now $19.50 French Matelasse House Gown, $55.00, now ....$42.50 French Matelasse House Gown, $80.00, now $22.50 French Albatross and Lace Gown, $35.00, now $24.95 Orepe de Chine Negligee in all colors, $60.00, now $33.95 Blue Chiffon Cloth, lace trimmed, $75.00, now $57.50 White Orepe de Chine, band-eimbroidered, $100.00, now $75 0 0 French Ohallie Gown, $16.50, now $9.95 White Crepe de Chin Empire Gown, $85.00, now $67.50 Hand Embroidered Gowns in rose, pink, gray, white and Alice blueas follows $9.50 gowns now $6.95 $12.50 gowns now $7.95 5.50 gowns now $5.95 $10.00 gowns now $7.95 $13.50 $14 gowns now $9.95 $16.00 gowns now.. .$10.95 $80.00 gowns now.. .$19.95 Freoch Eiderdown Lounging Robes Regular $15.00 now. .$9.95 I Regular $12.50 now.. $8.95 Dressing Sacques French Orepe de Chine Sacquesdaintily trimmed with lace. $25.00 Sacques now $16.95 $18.00 Sacques now $12.95 $15.00 Sacques now $11.95 $42.50 Sacques now $29.95 Chaffon amid Loimilsiee Silk Sacques Hand embroidered French Mull, $37.50, now $10.95 Fancy Silk $18.50, now $12.95 China Silk and Lace $16.50, now $11.95 Chiffon Cloth $38.50, now $24.05 Louisine and Lace $22.50, now $16.95 French Albatross and Challie Sacqtmes Many of them hand embroidered. $15.00 Sacques now. .$9.95 $7.50 Sacques now...$3.95 $5.00 Sacques now.. and $8.75 Sacques now. $6.95 $12.50 Sacques now. .$8.95 $9.50 Sacques now. .$5.95 Persian Outing Flannel Sacqtaes Scalloped Edge. $2.50 value now $1.95 $1J5, $1.50 values now..95o Silk Petticoats Quick clearance prices to close out broken assortments. Extreme values will prevail $2.85Limited quantity, formerly $4.50. $2.85Black silk drop skirts, formerly $7.50. $3.85Limited lot, formerly $7.50 and $5.00 $4.85Petticoats, formerly $13.50, $9.00, $7.50. $5.85-Formerly $12.50, $11.50, $10, $9, $7.50 $6.85Formerly $10.50, $9.50. $7.85Formerly $12.50. $9.85Formerly $25.00, $18.00, $15 and $12. and at $11 85, $14.85, $18.85, $22.85. Odd lots equally reduced High grade corsets correctly fitted at prices barely cov- ering cost of materials. Corsets in odd sizes, slightly soiled, also corsets in col- ored materials will be sacrificed at a fraction of regular prices $25.00 corsets, now. .$12.50 $20 and $15 corsets now. $10 $12.00 corsets, now.. .$8.00 $2.95 .$2.75 $10.00 corsets, now.. .$6.00 $5.00 corsets, now.. .$3.50 $4.00 corsets, now.. .$2.00 If you wish to be correctly corseted ait a modest price you should not miss this opportunity. ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS most bear Fac-simile Signature of Abstuttty Cure BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. TORPID LIVER. FURRED TONGUE.| INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN The TOUC the I E Genuine Wrapper Printed on RED PAPER BLACK LETTERS book for turn BUmtuM/^&Asc-^c2?^3j!f ARTER'S ITTLE IVER If you" have a good position open you ought to have a good employe to All it. "Write your Journal want ad, stating fully the requirements and the opportunities of the position, and you will receive answers from many capable persons Tou lose the best of your opportunity to get a competent employee when you word your ad carelessly or too briefly. Tell the whole story, and tne right person is sure to answer IE*.** LL S 8ma!l Pill. 8mlt Dose. Small Pries. mmm Railroads TO POT MILLIONS IN ITS PROPERTY N. P. PLANS EXTENSIVE IM- PROVEMENTS IN 1906.~~~ Lays Aside $15,000,000, Chief Portion of Which Will Go for New Equipment and Heavier BailsPrepares for Bat tle with Milwaukee and the Aggres sive Harriman. New York, Jan. 1.In 1906 the Northern Pacific railroad will spend $15,000,000 on the improvement of its property and the extension of a few branches to local centers. There are no big undertakings on hand except the joint line into the Clearwater country and the other joint line into Portland, Ore. Most of the expenditure will be made to guard traffic threatened by the Milwaukee coast line and by the ag gressive Mr. Harriman. The road has ordered nearly 4,000 cars and 15 locomotives for delivery this year. The cars are all of the larger class, and the engines are almost as heavy as the biggest on the Great Northern. Last year the company did away with nearly five miles of wooden bridge on the system, and this elimin ation enables it to begin the handling of the biggest trains in the country. Most of the Tine is laid with light rails, un der seventy-five pounds to the yard, but the management is now laying all its new rails eighty-five pounds to the yard, this being the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific standard at the present time. Within the next five years the North ern Pacific is to receive over $50,000,- 000 of cash for the use of the property account. This is badly needed. The Northern Pacific is the heaviest single track railroad in the west, in point of gross traffic, with the possible exception of Central Pacific. Its road is not in fit condition to handle the traffic it has, in spite of the fact that the car and en gine equipment has been doubled in ca pacity in the past five years. Its equip ment is being overworked. It gets nearly three times as much work out of a car as any other road in the west except the Great Northern. Rumors that Howard Elliot is to re sign and be succeeded by one of the Hills continue. There has been inter ference between him and his vice presi dent, .lust as there was between Farrell and Louis W. Hill. Whether or not it will be smoothed over remains to be seen. In any event, the Northern Pa cific is under orders from J. J. Hill, who is as absolute on it as on the Great Northern. FORT DODGE TERMINAL Newton & Northwestern Road Will En ter Iowa City. Special to The Journal. Fort Dodge, Iowa, Jan. 1.H. Loring, president of the Newton & Northwest ern railroad, has completed arrange ments whereby his road will make Fort Dodge its northern terminal, and con struction work will begin in the spring. The deal carries with it the taking over by the road of the electric line now op erated in this city by the Fort Dodge Light & Power company. The plan is to handle the passenger traffic in and out of this city by means of electric cars and the freight business bv steam. Late Saturday afternoon the city coun cil granted to the Newton & Northwest ern the right to lay its tracks from Six teenth to Twenty-first streets on Central avenue, and from Twenty-first street the road will sun south, crossing the Chica go & Great Western and Illinois Central tracks by means of overhead crossings on its way to the gypsum fields and Des Moines river. Crossing the Des Moines river, the road will be built due south and connect at or near the village of Lanyon. Mr. Loring left last night for Boston with the intention of buying the neces sary material for the construction of the line, and perfecting arrangements for work as soon as the weather will permit. TO BUILD BIG YARDS Beported Great Northern Will Have Lumber Depot at Superior. Journal Speolal Service. Superior, Wis., Jan. 1.A crew of Great Northern surveyors is at work in this city running a line from the South End to the James J. Hill property on the Superior bay front. It is semi-offi cially stated that the Great Northern will build an immense lumber yard on the bay orthe purpose of piling western timber for shipment down the lakes. The argument that the road can utilize many of its idle cars at certain seasons for hauling lumber from the west, is used in support of the statement that the lumber yard will be built as soon I as the tracks can be constructed. Aneta Extension Bumored. I Grand Forks, N. D., Jan. 1.There I is a well-defined report here to the ef feet that the Great Northern will ex tend its lrnte from Aneta to Devils Lake I this year, and that while this work is being done the main line will be double tracked between Devils Lake and I Minot. With the Aneta extension it would be expected that thru freight to and from points west of Devils Lake would be run over the Aneta lrnte, a shorter one by several hundred miles. Officials, Conductors' Guests. Railroad officials were guests of honor yesterday in Chicago at the twenty ninth annual anniversary dinner of Chi cago division, No. 1, Order of Railway Conductors, held the drill hall of the Masonic Temple. About 400 were pres ent. Messages of regret were received from President Roosevelt, James J. Hill and Vice President Fairbanks. Another Daily Train. In conjunction with the Northern Pa cific, the Burlington will inaugurate an other daily tram service between 'Oma ha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Chicago and St. Louis to Montana, Washington, Puget sound and Portland, over the northwest line by way of Billings. This makes two thru trains a day. The serv ice will begin Feb. 15. Choice Muslin Underwear On sale at the Lace Store, 724 Nicollet tomorrow. The best sale of the year! FEKOUS FALLS, JUNK.The estate of Charles Kuglien, which has been pending in the probate court here for the past thirty two years has been settled up Kuglien was drowned at Eliza* beth, in 1873 and none of his heirs have ever been discovered The estate was origluallv ee timated to be worth $1,000, and the residue amounting to $79, is Decreed to the state of Minnesota INSURANCE ON SCHOOL South Dakota, Commissioner Receives Draft Covering Losses. PIERRE S President Goodner of the state board of regents of education has received drafts fiom different insurance companies to pay the losses on the dormitory building burned at Vermillion, and the barn burned at Brookings college The amounts vseie $1,300 on the barn and $15 270 on the dormitory and contents at Vermillion fl The VCermilllon loss was probably the first paid in the state under tbe provisions of the valued policy law. The law went Into effect July 1, and the policies were written on that V- J** asaa *SsfiL 5-1 W MINNEAPOLIS "JOURNAL Fine Furniture^ r*%?^ a *x Low Prices Metal Beds (All colors) $2.50 Iron Beds $1.75 $4.00 Iron Beds.... 3.00 $6.00 Iron Beds,... 4.00 $8.00 Iron Beds 6.00 $12.00 Iron Beds... 8.00 Three Piece Parlor Suites $45 Parlor Suites. $28.00 $55 Parlor Suites. 40.00 $60 Parlor Suites. 38.00 $75 Parlor Suites. 50.00 Chafing Dish Cabinets $80 Chafing Dish Cabi net. $20.00 date The Are that destKQ the building c-1 curred on the Fourth of July, and the payment was made in full under &- provisions of the law. Under preiont laws the amount received from lnsusftnce sow into a special fund, which is available for reconstruction of the burned buildings Formerly Insurance payments on pub lic buildings went into the general fund and was only available after the legislature had met and appropriated the money for a specific purpose This was considered a hardship and the law was changed to allow the money to at once become available When the general mail delivery began in this city the postoffice at Bast Pierre was discontin ued, and that part of tbe city was supplied by carriers. On account of the distance to the main office a substation has been established there with William Hartley in charge No mail will be distributed from the office, but the residents can transact all other postal business at the station Articles of incorporation have been filed for the Farmers & Merchants' State bank of Oonde, SMITH & WYMAN, WHOLESALE Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Specialties Stair Work. Office Fittings aad Interior Hardwood Finish Corner 8d Avenue S aad 8th Street. Brass Beds $25 Brass Beds...$18.00 $33 Brass Beds... 25.00 $40 Brass Beds... 30.00 $50 Brass Beds... 40.00 $55 Brass Beds... 45.00 Buffets $22 Buffet $13.50 $25 Buffets 18.00 $28 Buffets 20.00 $35 Buffets 22.00 China Closets $12 China Closets,.. $9,00 $15 China Closets.. 10.00 $25 China Closets.. 20.00 $30 China Closets.. 25.00 Extension Tables $12 Mahogany Table. $ 8 $16 Golden Oak Table 1 2 $18 Golden Oak Table 1 5 $28 Golden Oak Table 2 2 CAST BIDS. Minneapolis, Minn. STRONG & NORTHWAY MFG 00. FLOUR MILL MACHINERY. 251 and 253 3d av S. 4 LANGDON STONE 00. Crushed Lime Stone. Phones T.C. 16359. N.W. E177. ALFRED ANDRESEN & CO., Importers SWEDISH STEEL GOODS. 1300-1302 Washington Av. S. NORTH STAR SHOE CO. Manufacturers. Corner First av N and Fifth st. Minneapolis, Minn. WINSTON HARPER FISHER COMPANY. WHOLESALE GROCERS Minneapolis, Minn. & 3 An attractive ad, full of informa tion, placed in one paper, will com mand more attention than a short and vague ad placed In every paper in Minneapolis. It wQl cost less If your ad is in the want columns of The Journal it will be seen and an swered. w% &1 I tp S Cellarettes $35 Cellarettes... $25.00 $30 Cellarettes... 20.00 $25 Cellarettes... 17.00 SEVENTH AND NICOLLET OUR WHITE SALE ADVERTISEMENT 18 ON PAGE 3. Semi=Annual Furniture Sale Beginning Tuesday MR. COPPAGE, our furniture man, tells us that every article in his depart- ment has had a liberal discount placed upon it. Inasmuch as this furniture is all new andfresh, not a single piecehaving been in stock over four months, we consider this a rare chance for anyone desiring to purchase furniture. Visit the department You will find it up-to-date in every particular, comprising about $30,000 dollars' worth of medium and high-grade furniture, including Arts and CraCfls, Mission, Antique, Mahogany and all the other late styles and finishes. Quality con^ sidered, you will find our prices as low aa the lowest. Furniture sold on partial payment plan when desired Leather Couches $30 Conches $20.00 $40 Couches 30.00 $55 Couches...... 40.00 $65 Couches...... 50.00 Spink county, with a capital of $10,000. The incorporators are Bmerson Place Wilson W Rounds, Harry Place, PrlacUla V. Robertson Lester A. Vanderburg, Benjamin F. Taylor and Norrli J. Haight, all of Conde ABERDEEN, 8. DJt-In 1881, General S. H. Jumper sold tbe two^lots on which the Park Place hotel now stands, for 880$40 each Now the Great Northern offers $10,000 for the lots without buildings, and the owner demands $15, 000. QUIZZING THE OXROTJXATOS. Philadelphia Press "Who did you. say that stranger was?" asked the country editor "Jonas Perkinbine," replied the loafer at the village store "Well, well! Why, that's the name of one of our subscribers "Don't say? W'afs the name o' the other one?" WYMAN, PARTRIDGE & CO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. First av N and Fourth st. PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. Larrest producers of Plat* Olass la the world. We carry a eomplete stock of WINDOW AND ORNAMENTAL OLASS. Northwestern Distributing Agents of PAT TON'S PAINTS( and carry a fuU line of Painters' Sandrlss. BEMIS BROS. BAG COMPANY. 612, 614, 616 Fourth St S. LINK BELT SUPPLY CO. Manufacturers Flour and Saw Mill Machinery. Complete Elevator Equipment a Specialty. Salesroom 418-420 Third st S. Factory, 200-204 Lyndale av N. If you were renting a house you $ would show a prospective tenant S S every desirable point, and thus in- $ terest him. In writing a Journal $ wan ad you should do the same -$ j thing. The results will be the same the prospective tenant will come $ to see about it. Tell the whole & $ storythat will bring the answers January i, i$oOi "%&> Morris Chairs $12 Morris Chairs. .$8.00 $14 Morris Chairs.. 10.00 $16 Morris Chairs.. 11.00 $18 Morris Chairs.. 12.00 Dressers and Chiffoniers $12.50 Dressers...$10.00 $18.00 Dressers... 14.00 $25.00 Dressers... 20.00 $7.50 Chiffoniers.. 5.00 $12.00 Chiffoniers. 9.00 $14.00 Chiffoniers. 10.00 $25.00 Chiffoniers. 20.00 $42 Mahog. Dressers. .$35 $75 Mahog. Dressers.. 0 0 $110 Mahog. Dressers. 8 $140 Mahog. Dressers. 125 Music Cabinets $6 Music Cabinets. .$4.00 $7 Music Cabinets.. 5.00 $12 Music Cabinets. 9.00 $20 Music Cabinets 14.00 Turkish Rockers $25 Rockers $20.00 $35 Rockers 28.O0 $50 Rockers 38.00 $65 Rockers 50.00 CITY SASH & DOOR CO. Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Millwork. 4th St. and 3d Av. So. MINNEAPOLIS FLORAL CO. Wholesale Growers and Deal ers in Plants and Flowers. Special Attention to Funeral Orders. 36th St. and Calhoun Boulev'rd GLUEK BREWING CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HIGH GRADE BEERS. Minneapolis, Minnesota. THE JOBBING, MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE INTERESTS OF MINNEAPOLIS Are the Greatest in the Whole Northwest. J. H. Kerrick. Engines, Boil ers, Wood and Iron Working Machinery. 126 Third Av. N. Many people who should answer a Journal want ad pass it by be cause it does not seem attractive. S & This is often because it is non-com mittal or too short It is much bet ter to tell the whole story. Mention the atractive points of your offer $ so the ad will appeal to every person S who may be interested in such a proposition. ,_ ^feMSf* Handsome Furniture K* at Sale Prices ,7 Desks $7 Desks $5.00 $12 Desks 9.00 $18 Desks 12.00 $20 Desks 13.50 Sideboards $25 Sideboards $18.00 $28 Sideboards... 20.00 $33 Sideboards... 25.00 $45 Sideboards... 35.00 Davenports $25 Bed Davenports. .$1*7 $45 Bed Davenports.. 3 0 $110 Tux. Davenports 7 0 Peninsular Heaters s$30.$40 New and Second-hand. Call and examine our stock. A small payment will buy you a stove. AU kinds of Stove Repairs always on hand. Great Western Stove & Repair Co. BOTH PHONES161 312 HENNEPIN AV JANNEY, SEMPLE, TTTT.T & COMPANY, Wholesale Hardware. 30, 32, 34, 36 Second avenue S. Corner First Avenue S. (Buyers of Hides, Furs, Wool, Etc. NORTHWESTERN HIDE & FUR COMPANY, Established 1890. 200-202-204 First Street N. GEO. R. NEWELL & CO. Wholesale Grocers, Cor. First av N and Third st. OYEN MANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers of Pine Cabinet Work, Bans, Office and Store Fixtures. Detail Sash, Doors and Ornamental Staircases 209-211 So. Second Street. STOVES GREAT WESTERN STOVE AND REPAIR CO. Stoves and Repairs. 312 Hennepin Av. Minneapolis. MACKm? WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. 100-2-4 Second Avenue N. Wholesale Iron and Steel Carnage and Wagon Stock, etc. CHIDES FUR^, PELTS, WOOL 'oMcMILLftNFUR'&WODLJCO. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. WRITE FO CIRCULARS