Newspaper Page Text
us i LAMBERTON DIES^f AT WINONA HOME Death Claims Former Capitol Commissioner and Pioneer of Minnesota. Special to Tie Journal. Winona, Minn., Jan. 1.Henry "W. Lamberton, one of the commissioners under whom the new state capitol was built, a pioneer of Winona and one of tho oldest bankesr in the stae, died here ye?terday afternoon of diabetes and complications from which he suffered several years. He had been confined to his home far a month. He was born at Carlisle, Pa., seventy-five y^ars ago next March. He was admitted to thethe bar in Pennsylvania. He came to Wino na in 1857, and after two years he went to Faribault for two years, and then to St Peter, where he was engaged in the practice of land law and sold land war lants. He practiced law before the land office, and the interior department. Made Land Commissioner. After the Indian outbreak, he moved back to Winona in 1863. In 1866 he was made land commissioner for the Winona & St. Peter Railway company. Shortly after he organized the old Winona De posit bank, and was elected the first president, which officeke held continu ously until his death. Jin 1876, apart of the railway land grant was transferred to the Winona & St. Peter Land com- }and any of which Mr. Lamberton became commissioner, which office he held until his death. In early years Mr. Lamberton was prominent in politics, running for con ress in the later sixties, when the dis nct embraced all southern Minnesota. Was Mayor of Winona. Later he was alderman, member of the board of education and mayor of Wino- Rec. price Lot 1- E J. S. price to $20. Rec. Price Lot 2 I E. J. S. I price to $25. Rec. Price Lot 1 E S price to $4,98 Rec. Price J.51 Lot 1E S price to 25c Re- ceiver's pr. LOT 1-E S prices to 10c yard. Receiv- er's price Ladiesr Ito LOT 1E J.S. prices to 39c. Receiver's price LOT 1-E. J. S. price to $5 00. Receiver's Price 31 LOT 1-E J.S. price to 15c Receiver's Price Monday Evening, na. While alderman and mayor he was instrumental in getting the city's pres ent water system, the work having been done under his administration and per sonal supervision. He was one of the organizers and builders of the Winona & Southwestern road. He was reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in Winona, leaving a large estate. His wife died about two years ago. He is survived by two sons, Charles H. and Henry M., the later an attorney here, two daughters, Mrs. John R. Mitchell and Msr. C. A. Boalt of Wino na, and two sisters in Pennsylvania. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. AMERICANS IN ISLE OF PINES OPPOSE TREATY Havana, Jan. 1.The Americans in vicinity of Nueva Gerona, Isle of Pines, who are interested in the attempt to separate the island from Cuba, have issued an appeal to the people of the United States to aid in preventing tho ratification of the Isle of Pines treaty S'he ending in the United States senate, appeal says': "Thus far any hearing has been de nied us. We ask you to save us from betrayal by a few unworthy representa tives of our government until we have had the only thing we ask for, namely, a hearing, at which it can be shown that our cause is .lust, and that we are only striving to preserve for our coun try what belongs to it." The appeal reiterates the arguments that the island belongs to the United States. It alleges that the sole motive back of the pending treaty is the desire to condone and conceal the disobedience of the "American officer who was re sponsible for permitting Cuba to take control of the Isle of Pines." Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, nerv ous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 cents. In "Men's Furnishings\ Neckties, Half Hose, Shirts anfl Underwear, Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, Silk Mercerized and all Wool Union Suits, worth to $3.50, Divided in three lots- Lot 1E. J. S, AAK Lot 2-E. J. S. ff**g 1 Lot 3-E. J. S gfe Gil 2Z2C?&* Of2CS2TS*. .51i- 2 1 2 tec. price. In Women's and Misses' Cloaks Four lots of the latest, swellest Winter Cloaks. Every one a snap. Every sale final. Lot 3 E. J. S. price to $32.50 Rec. Price. 1 4 In Children's Coats Last call on Children's Garments, good assortment of sizes to 18 age. 4 lots. Sg.79 irt.f 8-5.69 i?A $4.98 %'A SAM Dessert and Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks, etc., 4 well assorted lots- J Lot 2-E. A"V 1 Lo Lot 4 E. J. S. price to $50.00 Rec. Price price to $5 9 8 price to $9.00 O price to $12.5iHB In the Jewelry Roll plate Collar Buttons, Souvenir Trays, Stick Pins, Bead Neck Chains, Key Chains, Waist Sets, Hat Pins, Silver Thimbles, Watch Guards, Sterling Silver Novelties, Picture Frames and Mirrors, Bread and Crumb Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Card Receivers, Nut Bowls, Fruit Dishes, Gravy Boats, Table, i Ain A 3 Lott3E. J. S. price to $6.00. Re- ceiver's. 2 yp 12 !S 11110* 2 pr In the Linens Linens, White Goods, MuslinsTable Damask, Napkins, Doilies, Tray Cloths Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Towels, Towelings, Cambrics, Long Cloths, Sheetings, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow Casings, Bedspreads, Table Covers India Linons, French and Persian Lawns 7 LOT2-E.J.S. prices to 20c yarfl. Receiv- er's price A 1 LOT 3-E.J S. g% 1 LOT4 4-BJ.S.. J.S JM1 ft prices to 30c I ~a In Boys* Clothing Boys' Overcoats, Children's Overcoats, Men's Overcoats, worth to $15.00. Divided in three lots isceec:::?r:'.Ii A $2,67 1 ii-$4,671 5-$8.47 In the Embroideries Nainsook and Swiss Edges and Insertions, Bands, Beadings, Allovers. A swell collection, in four lots A S. price to 39c I *f* 2C LOT 2-E. J. i 1 LOT3-E. J.ffcMf 1 LOT 4-E. J. 1 Sar^!.* imported Silk Embroidered, Lace Ankle and All Lace, brilliant Lisle, Gauze Lisle, fancy boot tops, black and fancy colors such as Plums, Greens, Cham- pagne, Tans, Whites, etc., also Cashmere md Heavy Wool, Fine Cotton, Wool and Silk Fleeced, etc., in plainLOTd LOT 2-E. J. S. price to 50c. Receiv- er's Price.... 1 6 FRANCE STIRRED BY FEAR OF WARmilitarnapreparednesse fr %tP Conservative Press Shows Disqui- etudeCalls Feeling of Anx iety ''Military Alertness.'' Paris, Jan. 1.Sensational papers here continue to publish lengthy tele grams from frontier towns reporting extraordinary activity by the military authorities. The evening edition of the Intransi Seclaration of the main frontier points. Deputy Jaures reflects the pessimis tic view of the socialist element, writ ing in the Hunumite that "the antag- 7- N Lot 4E.J. S price to 2.W 0 $7.50. Re- ceiver'Bpr. LOT price to $1.60 yard. Receiv- er' A Priceprice. e^riceT: *2b 12C In the2b Glove Dept.iff-Js^H and Children's Gloves and MittensMocha, kid, wool, silk mercer- ized, worth $3. Divided in four lots tffc 1 LOT 2E.J.S.ffeBV 1 LOT 3-E.J.S.- 1 LOT^1 ^j: ft Prices to$l. MB prices to $1.60.B- A prices to 53.00 f* A A LOT4-E.J.S.SUj prices to$3.1 Receiver's price eant yesterday produced the alleged I up in price rapidly, of a superior Belgian staff Good stones are 100 per cent dearer officer upon, the military precautions today than they were five years ago, Belgium is taking in order to preserve and they will cost more a year hence, neutrality, and also a lengthy special Diamonds are not scarce, explained a dispatch showing the defensive strength Hatton Garden dealer yesterday, but onism in which France and Germany tion that prices would go down again enter the Morocco conference causes a terrible uneasiness to weigh upon J3u- rope, as the slightest untoward incident might unchain a catastrophe." Most of the serious journals take a more conservative view, altho all rec ognize the existence'of widespread feel ings of disquietude. Marcel Prevost, in the Figaro, seeks to analyze the ex isting feelings, saying it is the na jayii froi an indication neither of a desire for war nor actual anticipation of war, but a lively sentiment which has taken ho^d of the people that the nation should be prepared for all emergencies. This sentiment, he adds, has grown out of the scare of some months ago, when Germany's attitude in Morocco seemed to threaten grave consequences, and France was made to realize that arranging ententes and arbitration had relaxed her military policy. The present movement is in effect, says M. Prevost, an expression of the sentiment against pacificism and in fa- LOT 1E. J. S. orice to 12%c. Re price 2 2 1 LOT 1-E.J. S. price to 7Bc. Rec price to $1.60 A LOT 1E, J. S. price to 69c Receiv- er's Price-.. 1 2 8sKasr*!' 2fc 2C 2B price to 98c"J A In the Hosiery- an ribbed. Four lots O 3-E. J. "US. price to Qlg $1.00, Receiv- f^exXcriae.... LOT 1E. J. S. price to 60c. Receiv- er's Price.... price tok fk 3o3C|Ki^6Z26 J.afr Wa&jlg}&L$& a I6ic Defective vor of military alertness. It is not to be understood as indicating the pur pose of France to as'sume a belligerent role i the Morocco^ conference, but merely return to th former policy of p DIAMOND PRICES*I ARE GOING UP Fine Stones Fetch Twice the Bill ing Market Figures of Five $ears Ago. London, Jan. 1.Diamonds are going half a dozen diamond syndicates are holding back the uncut stones. When prices began to rise people held aloof from purchasing, in the expecta but today they are rushing to secure the best gems on the market before prices rise still higher. As a result, the demand is about three times greater than the supply. So keen is the demand in Hatton Gar den for diamonds that many small deal ers are going round the pawnbrokers' establishments buying up any good stones that may have been pledged and unredeemed bj present value. LOT 2-E. J. S. price to 39c. Receiv- er's price.... LOT 1E. J. S prices to 15c yard. Re- ceiver's price, Lot 1E. J.S. pr, to 75c, Rec. price MINNEABDMS,JOURNAL,. W. Warning! Don't Go to California.. It would be a great mistake to ar964 range for a trip to California at this time of tL year without first looking into the new sleeping car service tq kansas city over the minneapolis and saint louis railroad, making close con nection in kansas city union depot with the fast and luxurious California limited trains. No other road offers such through servicelowest rates. Consult ."John gee rickel, four twenty four nicollet ave. There was never a question of the buying ability of Evans-Johnson-Sloant Co. In that respect their reputation was above reproach. Their stock which would invoice today probably $200,000.00 contains practically no undesirable mer- chandise. experience as a mercantile man for many years past warrants me in making this assertion. Jl-nri Thic Fnffv/ Ktnnlr as well assorted as any man ever owned is being sold under Order of the jfillU 1111J L.1UUC tJlUi/A United States Court for the benefit of creditors. Tuesday Morning at 9:00 O'clock Sharp, increased activity. Every sale final. WM E. MUSE, Trustee. In the Allover Laces, Torchon and Oriental Laces, duny Bands, Applique Chantilly Lace, Val Edges and Insertions, Footings, etc. Choice up to date goods, for rapid selection in four lots. 1 LOT8E J. AA1 LOT4-E. J. fBfl A S. price to 7#V In the Flannels Fancy and Plain French Flannels, Embroidered Flannels,T Red,J.Blue and White Wool Flannels, Velour and Fleece Prin-t-Flannels, Flannels, Outing Flannelettes, etc., just fouE-Jlots LOT *-E.J.S. 1 tf| s~*r LO In the Silk Dept. 1 A cT^2~?- Fine Black and Colored Silks and Velvets, China Silks, Jap Silks, Grena- dines, Crepe de Chines, Peau de Soies, Foulards, Rough Pongees, Peau de Cygnes, Louisines, Plain and fancy Taffetas, etc., thousands of yards of most excellent, worthy silks, assorted0in fouLOT3-E. lotsJ. LOT 2E. J. S. price to $1.26. Receiv- er's Price... SPECIAL TRAINS SMASH RECORDS 5 price 4 *11 1 LOT4-E. J. g\m\ 2aC^^.322G|^47te&:f..62se In the DresS Goods Finest Silk and Wool Imported Novelties, French and German Novelty Mixed Suitings, French Zibelette Suitings, Rainproof Mixtures, Silk and Wool Paris Crepes and Crepe de Chine Silk and Wool Fancy Eoliennes, Shadow Check, Lace Voiles, Fancy Nub Etamines, Camel's Hair Mixtures, Mohairs, Cheviots, Panamas, Venetians, Broadcloths, Shirtwaist Suiting Checks, Solid Colors, Mixtures and black, arranged in three mammoth lots for quick selling. i A 1 LOT2-E. J.f|f|1 LOT 3-E .J. m\ LOT 4 EPriceT J. 4H% I I S. price to |l|1 11 ceiver'- A S. price to All' ceiver'aPric I Plg $1.98 yd. Rc-uUlfl Sl-25yL Re-BftOPlfl $8 50 yd. Re- DoC ceiver'sPrice 'P fi In the Underwear Pure Silk and Wool, All Wool, Wool Plated, Camel's Hadr, Pure Silk, Fleeced Health Underwear, Wool and Cotton Fleeced, Jersey Ribbed, etc., in Vests and'Pants or Union Suits for Women, Children and boys. Four lots yr Nine Remarkable Long-Distance Runs of Ameriqan Trains Made Last Year* jftg^ New York, Jan. 1.In thenar just closed nine new high-speed records were made on the railroads of the United States, the average varying from 44.3 to 79 miles an hour. There were two sensational long-distance runs one by the "Death Valley" Scott special from Los Angeles to Chicago at fifty miles an hour for the entire dis tance, the other by the E. H. Harriman special from Oakland, Cal., to Jersey City, at 44.3 miles an hour. Mr. Har riman was on his way with his family and frietods from Japan to New York, to testify before the insurance investi gation. The Harriman special smashed the famous record of the Jarrett and Palm er theatrical special from New York to Oakland, 3,311 miles, which averaged 39.53 miles an hour. The record of the nine record-break ing runs of 1905 was as follows: Oct. 23Harriman special, Oakland to Jersey City, 3,239 miles average speed 44.30. July 9"Death Valley" Scott's spe cial, Los Angeles to Chicago, 2,246 miles: average speed 50. Daily New York Cetotral Twentieth Century Limited, New York to Chicago, miles average 53.55. Nov. 3Pennsylvania's 18-hour Chi cago Flyer, Harrisburg to Chicago, 717 miles average 56. June 13Twentieth Century Limited on Lake Shore road, Chicago to Buffa lo, 525 miles average 69.53. Oct. 24.Eighteen-hour flyer on Pennsylvania railroad, Crestline, Ohio, to Clark Junction, 257 miles average 74.55. May 14Sea Shore Flyer, Atlantic LOT 4E S. price to $198. Receiv- er' price Re" I UPC 75c prices to 39c yard. Re- ceiver's price, In the Bedding Comforters, Robe and Crib Blankets, Horse Blankets, Down Comforters, Feather Pillows, Mattresses, Rugs, etc., dependable qualities. Choose from four lots S. price to Af 4-E. J* mm Domet and Shaker A 1 L0 sC I $i-25 yd.BRe-ffl 42k|^87!ci|$ 1.37!im87J a A 1 LOT 3-E. J. 4%"* 1 LOT4-E.. J. ffcW 1 ytB A S. price to A Look Here, Music Lovers! 50 Songs, words and music, all for lie. "Old Kentucky Home," "Star Spangled Banner," "Old Black Joe," "Sweet and Low," "Robin Adair" and 45 other favorites, 1 1 fifty in all. Tuesday, while they last I Star Folio No. 5, containing "Moonlight Serenade," "Molly O," "Shade of the Old Apple Tree," "Dear Old Georgia," "Bright 9 A Eyes" and 52 others. Special Tuesday only, limited number. .'.v"21# Add 10c extra for postage. *& !$-&A,,zr& S^priceV' fi 1A I ofi (stiver's price prices to8c -K25CLOT &rr8c8o w A S. price to j-'-A &ri sale A S. price to A LO 4-E S. price to 13.00. Receiv- er's Price.<p>SttA-Til O I 2W Wp52-^0 12C 2C They Must Go! the Receiver Says $67.50. 1 A XM. Sfrrr, Receiver'sShoes BS" City to Camden, 55% miles average1 Oct. 24:Same train, Crestline to Fort Wayne, 181 miles average 77.81. June 818-hour flyer on Pennsylva nia railroad. East Tolleston to Don aldson', 50 miles average 79. Mr. Harriman's journey of 7,775 miles from Yokohama to New York was made in, 13 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes. His train started east five hours after he got off the steamer at San Fran cisco. The highest average speed made by the Harriman special was 49.1 miles from Chicago to Buffalo, 532 miles. The next best average was 49 miles an hour over the Union Pacific, from Green River, Wyo., to Omaha, Neb., 824 miles. Previous to the run of the "Death Valley" Scott special the best average time from Los Angeles to Chicago was 38.55 miles an hour. The New York Central's eighteen hour Chicago-New York flyer has toSenator cover a longer distance than the eight een-hour tram on the Pennsylvania, and so has a higher shedule speed average. The run of the Pennsylvania eight een-hour flier on Nov. 3', to make up lost time was remarkable in that the train averaged 58.7 miles an hour on the steady up grades from Harrisburg to Altoona. When the Pennsylvania eighteen hour flyer beat its own best record on Oct. 24, it consisted of four cars weigh ing 520,000 pounds, and an engine with 109,000 pounds weight on the driving wheels. The Atlantic City-Camden run ofthe 55% miles in 42.33 minutes was made with a five-car train weighing 460,000 pounds, drawn by an engine weighing 99,000 pounds. I 1A ^toV LOT E J. S. A LOT BO SOOigTV 8 All of the speed records of 1905 were obtained by the enormous locomotives of the "Atlantic" and "Pacific" types, with driving wheels 6 feet 8 inches in diameter. The Atlantic City Engines had driving wheels 7 feet in diameter. The notable thing about the 1905 tram performances is that the trains were heavier than those of previous years. Hoodwinks the Oculist. Maddeu j5ye Medicin cures eyes. (Don't smart.) 25c. rrieftoJ"S In the Handkerchiefs, Very handsome Swiss, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Lace and Embroidery Hemstitch and Scallop borders. Some initials among them. A portion are slightly mussed but none thefworse. & Corsets, Gowns, Skirts, Chemises, Drawers, Corset Covers and Children's wear 3c 25c H%C 39c & In Picture|Framing Dept. Fine assortment of pictures in Gilt, Black 'and Brown Frames, all selected subjects, among them ''The New Mother,'' always sold at $1 K- and $1.25. Receiver's price, choice 3 In the Fur Section Sable Australian Marten Scarfs, six 10-inch tails. E.-J.-S 4 A*A\ price $3.60. Receiver's price |fII i Sable and Black French Coney Double Scarfs, cords and IMfe A A il tails. E.-J.-S. price $5. Receiver's price 3&ABSIV Sable Raccoon Double Boas, two Fox tails, made from choice selected skins 96 inches long. E.-J.-S. price $22.50. 0 CA Receiver's price 9-1 VsiOUj^ $4, $5 and $6 Neck Pieces, in Astrakhan, Nearseal, Australian Marten, Near- seal and Chinchilla. Your choice at Receiver's Gh O Nearseal and Isabella Raccoon trimmed Jackets, Skinner satin linecUf~ E.-J.-S. price $55.00. Receiver's 4&0"7 A'' price 9 0 OIK Gray Krimmer Blouses, made from choice selected skins, ^&JS A RctV well matched. E.-J.-S. price $67.50. Receiver's price HJ*fr5FOlf Siberian Squirrel lined coats. Black broadcloth shells. 4& R|TI| A A Persian lamb collars. E.-J.-S. price $75. Receiver's price... .vvlliUU Collarless" Coats, 48 inches long, gray and white squirrel lined, in black* brown, green, blue and tan shells. E.-J.-S. price 9LJLm7 price M**fr "mf I Half Price many lots to clean up our Bargain Tables, V-,*Vgbi$ Women's $1.25 Strap Slippers- six styles fi9 A every size m sl# Men's Good Calf Shoea, Lace and Congress, $1.50. '**$ 2 -7I5sT*#1*i" Out in two Women's $2.50 Shoes, many of full lines, all sizes 4*4 A included. Half price mm4mt Slippers for Men, Women and Children. Many kinds. AA. Value to $1.00. Half and less IPlPC. TO THAT DEPEW QUIT Legislative Attack on New York 3 Senator Depends on One ^r:T Man's Nerve.- Special to Tie Journal, Albany, N. Y., Jan. 1.Unless Sen ator E. T. Brackett of Saratoga changes his mind by Wednesday, a resolution will be presented when the senate meets on that day demanding the resignation" of Chauncey M. Depew as United, States senator from New York. If not, other senator presents the resolution* Brackett will introduce it. A* for as can be learned, -no other mem ber of the senate intends to present such a document, and it will, therefore, be left to Senator Brackett. A few weeks ago Senator Brackett declared his belief that Senator Depew would come to see the wisdom of vol untarily resigning rather than run tha risk of receiving an official request, backed by the entire legislature, to sur render his seat. The senator, however*, has not as yet indicated to Governor Higgins his desire to retire from the. senate and it is, therefore, probable that Senator Brackett will 'introduce resolution requesting him to resign. Why Not Use the Best? Whether on a pleasure or a business tripThe Lake Shore & New York Central give you the best of everything in point of service, time and equipment. For information, call at 257 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, or 340 Bobert street, St. Paul. W. B. Hutter, N. W. P. A. Smart Weed and Belladonna, com bined with the other ingredients used in the best porous plasters, make Car ter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters the best in the market. Price 25 cents. These in four^lots*4-E" J" I 1 In the Stationery Calendars, Box Paper, Post Cards, Leather Cards, Photo Folders, Albumi, Paste, Ink, etc. A varied assortment of pretty things 2-Et. J. S. 1 LOT 3-Eo. J. S. A prices 25 JI Receiver's $UO\a Receiver's SOlfl Receiver's tJOC price w price Tfil* price In Muslin Underwear Corsets, Petticoats, Dressing Sacques, Aprons, Knit Goods, Children's Cloaks, Tarns, Hoods, Toques, Dresses etc. arranged in four lots viz. LOT 1-E. J. S. A 2-E. J.S. Mg% LOT 3-E. J.S. tffc LOT 4-E.J.S.jifc m 4** *M Tf A prices 85 ^1 A 49 89 *$2.94 8 Receiver's Sale of Muslin Underwear and Corsets 4ioo69o L$ 9*B*DH A ,i|