Newspaper Page Text
'jf Si BLEACHED DOUBLE SATIN DAMASK. 72-in., $2.00 value, sale yard $1.6 0 72-iu., $1.75 value, Bale yard 1.38 72-in., $1.25 value, sale yard 1.00 Fine Bleached Satin Damask. 72-in., extra value at $1.10, yd g7e 72-in., 89c quality, sale yard TfStC 72-iti., 75c quality, sale yard 60c 66 and 72-in., 65c value, yard 45c 60-in., splendid 45c value, yard 34c Napkins to match most of above. LOOM TABLE DAMASK. 72-in., $1.50 quality, yard.. .$1.20 72-in., $1.25 value, sale yard 1.00 70-in., $1.00 value, sale yard.. 80c 72-in., 85c value, sale yard 7*?C 66-in., 75c value, sale yard 60c 72-in., 65c value, sale yard....8 64-in., 50e grade, sale yard 45c 54-in., 25c grade, sale yard.... 19 FINE BLEACHED SATIN DAM ASK NAPKINS. 26-in., $7.00 26-in-., $5.00 24-in., $4.00 23-in., $3.50 22-in., $3.25 23-in., $3.00 22-in., $2.75 24-in/, $2.50 20-in., $2.00 20-in., $1.65grade, grade, grade, value, grade, grade, value, grade, grade," grade, sale doz $5.00 sale doz sale doz sale doz sale doz sale doz sale doz dozen $2.12Va sale doz $1.6 8 sale doz 1.45 3.7 5 3.2 5 3.0 0 2.7 5 2.65 2.2 5 Bleached Dice Napkins. 18-in., $1.50 grade, dozen.. .$1,2 5 French Lingerie and complete line of Matched Sets consisting of Gowns, Chemise and Drawers also fine Imported Novelties in white, pink and blue gowns trim med with English eyelet embroid ery and fine German Valenciennes laces. French Chemise, 75e to $ each. Matched Sets from $2.98 to $g Fancy Emb'd Gowns, $2.9 8 ^P- Long and Short Silk Kimonos, in latest Japanese designs. Hand-embroidered Negligee Robes, Skirts and Sacques of fine Alba tross, in all the latest patterns and styles at less than cost to make. GOWNSHigh neck, 12 tucks in yokeruffles in neck and sleeves. ST.1'. 29c (Limit, while they last, 2 to a cus tomer.) Muslin Gowns hemstitched cluster tucking on yoke and embroidery insertion trimmed good lengths and widths. Special "5f4^ for this sale, each *J Annual January Sale Table Linens, Muslins, HEAVY LOOM NAPKINS. 21-in., $3.00 value, Bale doz $2.65 22-in., $2.75 grade, sale doz 2.2 0 22-in., $2.50 grade, sale doz 2.1 0 20-in., $2.25 grade, sale doz 1.97 22-in., $2.00 grade, sale doz 1.68 19-in., $1.25 grade, sale doz 1.22 20-in., $1.25 value, sale doz 1.00 FINE BLEACHED SATIN DAMASK SETS. Extra Fine Pattern Cloths, 2x3 yards one dozen napkins to match $12.00 value, sale price set $9.00 Extra Fine Pattern Cloths, 2x2y2 yards one dozen napkins to match $10.00 value, sale price, set $8.00 Fine Pattern Cloths. 2x3 yds, $3.75 value, each $3.00 2x2% yds, $3.25 value, each.. 2.50 2x2 yds, $2.50 value, each 2.0 0 %-size Napkins to Match. $3.75 value, sale dozen $3.00 Fine Pattern Cloths. 2x3 yds, $3.00 value, each. ..$2.5 5 2x2V2 yds, $2.50 value, each.. 2.1 3 2x2 yds, $2.00 value, each. 1.70 %-size Napkins to Match. $3.25 value, sale dozen $2.75 FINE BLEACHED HEMSTITCHED PATTERN CLOTHS WITH DRAWN WORK. 8-4 size $2.25 value, each $1.8 5 10-4 size $2.65 value, each 2.25 12-4 size $3.00 value, each 2.50 Gowns made of soft nainsook and cambric, high or low neck and slip overs trimmed with fine laces, embroideries and ribbons regular 75c values A Q~ choice for this sale nrOC' Great assortment, of soft cambric gownsslip over, neck, high and low neck long or short sleeves torchon and Val laces fine Swiss. embroidered yokes, regular values to 89c, COr choice this sale i?VC Gowns of fine nainsook and cam bric various styles of yoke trim mings of sheerest laces and em broideries worth to ^KAT $1.25, special choice /OC Beautiful styles of dainty nainsook gowns lace, embroidery and rib bon trimmings about 12 styles. Begular $1.50 values, ffce special, choice V5C Gowns of sheer nainsook and long cloth the market's most exclu sive styles, and best values. Trim med daintily with sheer Val. la ces, ribbons and Swiss embroider ies. Values to $2.00. q** This sale choice *P I Other styles $1.50, $1.75, $1.98 to $8. The value of SECURITY MERCHANDISE STAMPS. 500 are worth $1.50 in merchandise. 1000 are worth $3.00 in merchandise. In any department, except drugs, groceries, meat market and restaurant. FINE HEMSTITCHED GERMAN SETS. Cloth, 2%x3 yds, 1 doz napkins to match $25 value, set. .$18.0 0 Cloth, 2^x3 yds, 1 doz napkins to match $22.50 value, set $16.5 0 Cloth, 2^x2 yds, 1 doz napkins to match $20 value, set...$15.00 Cloth, 2x3 yds, doz napkins to match $17.50 value, set $14Ff Cloth, 2x2% yds, 1 doz napkins to match $15 value, set...$12.00 EXTRA FINE BLEACHED HUCK AND DAMASK TOWELS. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels. Size 92x50 $1.00 value, each". .75 Knotted Fringe Damask Huck Towels. Size 25x46 $1.00 value, each..75c Size 23x45 75c value, each 59c Size 22x50 75c value, each... -59 Size 23x50 65c value, each... 50 Size 23x45 50c value, each 35C Hemstitched Huck Towels. Size 24x45 50c value, each... -35 Size 22x42 35c value, each 25c Size 21x42 30c value, each 20c FINE HEAVY BLEACHED CRASHES. 18-in., 20c value, sale yard.... 1*7C 18-in., 17c value, sale yard, ...15 17-in., 15c value, sale yard. .12%C 17-in., 12%c value, sale vard 10 16-in., 10c value, sale yard... .7%C 16-in'., 8c value, sale yard 6%C CORSET COVERSMade of fine soft muslin, fitted back, felled seams, pearl buttons 10c quality, this sale,' each (Limit 3 to a customer.) Corset CoversFrench style, full front made of soft finished mus lin. Splendid 15c values, rv sale price, each Corset Covers of soft nainsook full Marguerite regular 19c values this sale 1 each WJLI2K Corset Covers of fine nainsook and cambric blouse front, trimmed with Val. lace and tucks. Eegular 29c values, sale lfbr price, each 1 VC Corset CoversFrench style, of nainsook and cambric handsome ly trimmed with fine laces, em broidery, tucks and ribbons 39c quality, sale price, each ZuC Corset Covers in full Marguerite ef fects, of nainsook and cambric about 20 styles to select from beautifully trimmed with fine laces and ribbon. Reg ular 50c covers, each. 4c 39c imKfmmmmmmmmmmwawaewmmr^^ewm lay Evening, I THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL.^ January i, 1906. AND REMEMBERjust as "Forward",is the motto of Minneapolis, and "Progressiveness" the keynote of our great success, so is "A/ways Lower Prices" the most important reason why you should trade at POWERS. more so now than ever, since we offer in addition SECURITY MERCHANDISE STAMPS with cash purchases. THINK IT OVER. NOTICE We will continue giving "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps as formerly. IMPORTANT!You may have choice of either the "S. & H." Trading Stamps or Security Merchandise Stamps with purchases, but JtOt both. I Ready-to-use ALL LINEN GLASS TOWELING. 19-in., 18c value, sale yard 15 17-in., 15c value, sale yard...-13c 18-in., 7c value, sale yard 5 BED SPREADS. Extra large fine hemmed Marseilles Spreads $7.00 value, sale price each $5.2 5 $4.00 value, sale price each 3.0 0 $3.00 value, sale price each 2.2 5 $2.25 value, sale price each 1.75 Extra Large Fine Fringed Crochet Cut Corner Spread, $2.00 value, sale price, each $1.6 5 HEMMED CROCHET SPREADS. Large size $1.50 val., each $1.2 5 Large size $1.85 val., each 1.00 75c and 85c value, each 50c TABLE PADDING. 64-inch Extra Heavy Fleeced Pad ding 50c grade, sale yard.. 35c 54-in. Quilted Table Padding 75c value, sale price yard 65 MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS. Fine 36-inch Bleached Muslins fine soft finished grades. 8c value, sale prico yard 6^0 Extra quality &i 9c, sale yard.. -7 Best lie grades, sale yard 8 Fine 36-inch Cambrics. Regular 10c grade, sale yard... -8 Extra quality 12%c value, yd. -9 Best 15c grades, sale yard 12 Annual January Sale Muslin Underwear Begins Tuesday, January 2. Values characteristic of a Powers Sale assortments ample sizes for all from the babies to the mothers. Corset Covers handsome, new French models, of nainsook, with dainty trimmings of fine Swiss embroideries, laces and ribbons trimmed backs. Values to Alts* 69c this sale, choice T"3C Other special values at 59c, 69c, 75c 98c, $1.25, $1.50 and upwards. DRAWERSHemstitched, flounced, cambric drawers open and closed. Regular 25c quality, Iftr special, this sale IOC' Lace trimmed, ruffled, tucked and hemstitched drawers values to 39c this sale Ju*y\^ Fine cambric and nainsook umbrella style drawers deep trimmed flounces, with lace, embroidery and tucks good 50c article, this sale Very dainty styles in umbrella drawers, fine torchon and Val. lace, and Swiss embroidery trim mings regular values to 69c, this sale Full Umbrella Drs.wers of fine nain sook, with shee Val. and torchon lace trimmings very dainty. Reg ular $1.00 values this sale The New Methods Here First! Another Stride Forward! Commencing Tuesday, Jan 2, we will give Security Merchandise Stamps FREE with cashpurchases. ?$j NNOUNCEMENT! After having studied the merits of the SECURITY MERCHANDISE STAMPS, and after having made closest investigation as to their value and popularity wherever they have been used in other cities, we have decided that the giving of these stamps with cash purchases is the the best form of profit-sharing yet devised, and it affords us great pleasure to announce that on' Tuesday morning, January 2, i9o6, we will commence giving, McKelvey-Hughes Co. SECURITY MERCHANDISE STAMPS with cash purchases in all department*, except drugs, Eastman kodak goods, restaurant and soda fountain. You get one stamp with each 10 cents worth of your purchase. We firmly believe this modern innovation will be welcome news, heartily appreciated by our thousands of patrons. The idea is this: The SECURITY MERCHANDISE STAMP books hold 500 stamps. You can fill one book or 100, or as many as you wish, then bring them to our store an4 for each full book of 500 stamps we will give you in exchange a certificate for $1.50 for two books, $3.00, and so on. These cer- tificates will be accepted the same as cash for goods of your own selection in any dept. in our great store, except drugs, groceries, meats and restaurant. Introductory Special Offer, GOOD ONLY THE WEEK OP JANUARY 1st. To quickly introduce the Security Merchandise Stamps we will give to every adult person calling at our store, 10 Security Merchandise Stamps FREE to start your book. No purchase necessary to secure these 10 stamps, they will be given to yon for the asking, any day this week, ending Saturday evening, Jan. 6,1906. 35c 45c 65c Our Annual January Sale of Embroideries and Laces wi be tfeeiBEST^ BEST in* valuesbest in varietybest in qualitybest ever held. The mere announcement is sufficientCome early Tuesday/January 2 ^&^^P^S9 Greatest of all White Sales! Commences here Tuesday morning, January Second, promptly at eight-thirty o'clbck. Consisting of Muslin Underwear, Linens, White Wash Goods, Bed Spreads, Embroideries, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases, Muslins, Sheetings, Table Padding, Infants' Wear and Corsets. Altho we pay thousands of dollars every year for newspaper advertising, only a compara- tively small number of bargains are quoted, so it behooves you to visit our big, handsome store just as often as convenient that you share in the countless saving opportunities that never get into our advertisements. Especially do we urge you to this week. 36-inch Unbleached Sheetings. 6c value, sale price yard 5 Heavy grade 7c value, yard 6 Fine grade 8c value, sale yard. .*7c MILL REMNANTS OF FINE 36- INCH BLEACHED MUSLINS AND CAMBRICS. Values to 8c, sale price ^yard 5 Values to 9c, sale price yard. .Q^Q 10 to 20-yd lengths, 15c goods 10 Mill remnants heavy 36-inch un bleached Sheetings 9c *alue, sale price yard 7 BLEACHED PILLOW TUBING. 42-inch, 17c value, sale yard...l4c 45-inch, 18c value, sale yard...l5 50-inch, 20c value, sale yard... 17 UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASINGS. Unbleached Pillow Casing. 42-in., ll%c grade, sale yard...lOc 45-in., 12i{ grade, sale yard...H Unbleached Sheeting. 1% yd wide, 19c grade, sale yd 17 2 yd wide, 21c grade, sale yd 19 214 yd wide, 23c grade, sale yd 21 2% yd wide, 25c grade, sale yd 23*J Extra Fine Heavy Unbleached Pil low Casing. 45-in., 16c grade, sale price.... 14 49-in., 17c grade, sale price... -15c Unbleached Sheeting. 2 yd wide, 20c grade, sale j^d l8c 2 yd wide, 22c grade, sale yd 20c 2% yd wide, 24c graje, sale yd 22c CHEMISECorset Cover Chemise, French' nainsook with Val. lace, ribbon and Swiss embroidery trimmings 75c quality, this sale, each 59c Skirt Chemise various dainty yoke effects, with deep flounce lace or embroidery all around trimmings regular $1.50 values, o/\_ this sale, each O Very beautiful line of full skirt chemise double rows of wide lace and beading with ribbon a $1.50 quality, this sale each $1.19 Better GoodsMost dainty, mater ials in domestic and imported novelties, at $1.45, $1.75, $1.98, to 30 SKIRTSFine muslin skirts, 10 inch deep hemstitched flounce, with underlay regular AtZr* 75c values, this sale, each.TrOC Full Spanish flounce cambric and lawn skirts, trimmed with groups of fine hemstitched tucks, lace and embroidery, good TKr* $1 values, sale, each /OC Sheets and Pillow Cases, will be unequaled! Unbleached Pillow Casing. 42-in., 12i4c grade, sale yard...H 45-in., 13y2c grade, sale yard.. -12c 48-in., 15c grade, sale yard 13 54-in., 17c grade, sale yard 15 Unbleached Sheeting. 2 yd wide, 25c grade, sale yd 22V2C 2% yd wide, 27%c grade, yd.. 25c 2% yd wide, 30c grade, yd..27%C BLEACHED PILLOW CASING AND SHEETING. Bleached Pillow Casing. 42-in., 12*4c grade, sale yard...H 45-in., 13%e grade, sale yard. .-12c Bleached Sheeting. 2 yd wide, 22c grade, sale yd 19 2*4 yd wide, 24c grade, sale yd 21 2% yd wide, 26c grade, sale yd 2&r> Fine Bleached Pillow Casing. 42-in., 14c grade, sale yard.. 12 45-in., 15c grade, sale yard \^r 50-in., 16^c grade, sale yard 14%C 54-in., 19c grade, sale yard.. .16^ Fine Bleached Sheeting. 1% yd wide, 21c grade, yd. -IS^ 2 yd wide, 23c grade, yd.. .20V JC 2% yd wide, 25c grade, yd.. .22^ 2y2 yd wide, 27c grade, yd.. -24%C Half Bleached at Same Prices. EXTRA FINE HEAVY GRADE BLEACHED PILLOW CASING. 42-in., 16c grade, sale yard...!3%C 45-in., 17c grade, sale yard 15 50-in., 19c grade, sale yard 17 54-in., 21c grade, sale yard 19 White Skirts of lawn and cambric very deep lace and embroidery trimmed flounces, with dust ruf fles Tegular values to (iffcrr $2 each. This Sale OVC Beautiful line of fancy lawn skirts sheerest lace and Swiss embroid ery trimmings, at $1.49, $1.75, $1.98, $2.25, O '7C $2.48 and $JbJD Flannelette GownsAbout 600, in desirable stripe effects *^Or worth 50c, this sale each.. .^VC Flannelette Gowns, heavy fleeced quality, pretty stripes, cut full regular $1.00 values, ZA_ this sale each. OVC WHITE WAISTS. Corded White Madras Waists, eight tucks in front, with deep tucked cuffs regular $1.00 qual- /Lf\r* ity, this sale each O White Lawn and Dotted Swiss Waists, trimmed with fine Valen ciennes laces and Swiss embroi deries miscellaneous assortments values to $2.00, ft Or* special choice:- OVC V'"^$k A SPECIAL FEATURE. PREMIUMS DELIVERED FREE. When you have the required number of SECUR- ITY MERCHANDISE STAMPS to exchange for certificates, you make your selection of goods and we will deliver them FREE of charge to your address in this ity. .v:5 EXTRA FINE HEAVY GRADE BLEACHED SHEETING. 1% yd wide, 23c grade, sale yd 21 2 yd wide, 26c grade, sale yd QSV2c 2% yd wide, 29c grade, sale yd 26c 2% yd wide, 32c grade, yd 28VaC READY-TCMJSE SHEETS AND PILLOW SLIPS. Powers Special Bleached Hotel Sheets, 2^4x2% yards, 65c value, sale price, each 55c Fine Bleached Sheets. I%x2*4 yds, 55e value, each. 47c l%x2y2 yds, 60c.value, each...52c* 2 x2y yds, 70c value, each....STe 2*4x2% yds, 75e value, each. ..@2c 2^x2% yds, 80e value, eaeh...$J7 2%x2y2 yds, 80c value, each.. .67c Fine Heavy Bleached Sheets. I%x2% yds, 60c value, each.. -53 I%x2% yds, 65c value, ach .8c 2 x2% yds, 75c value, each.. .03c 2^4x2% yds, 80c value, ach.. -68 2^4x2% yds, 85c value, each. .73c 2*^x2% yds, 85c value, each.. -73 Fine Bleached Pillow Slips. 42x36-in., 16c value, sale each. -14c 45x36-in., 17c value, sale each. -15o 50x36-in., 19c value, sale each. -17c 54x36-in., 21c value, sale each.. 19 Fine Heavy Bleached Pillow Slips. 42x36-in., 18c value, sale each. -16c 45x36-iu., 19c value, sale each.17o 5Qx36-in., 21c value, sale each. -19* 54x36-in., 23c value, sale each. -Sic Powers Special Bleached Hotefl Pil low Slips, 45x38%-inch 15c value, sale each ~-12Hc INFANTS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Infants' long slips of soft nainsookj tucked cuffs and collars regular 39c values this /")i sale, each 4*1 Infants' short Blips, full tucked yoke hemstitched ruffle on neck and sleeves regular 59c values* this sale, *f|y each V Infants' long and short nainsook slips, dainty tucks embroidery and lace trimmings regular val ues 59c this tlflz-r sale, each J Dainty long robes of sheer French nainsook with finest Vol. laces and Swiss embroidery edge and tucks worth to $1.75 Q|Yr each, this sale, choice OVC SPECIAL SETS of Infants' Muslin Undergarments, consisting of drawers, skirts and waists seams felled and some double stitched the greatest values eyflr known. of at, per garment M% i li 10c 15c 20c 25c i 4 i 1