Newspaper Page Text
B08, JULIE AND S" POODLES TRAVEL Fitz Family and the Dogs Drift Into Wilds of Chi- cago. Journal Speoial Serrioe. Chicago, Jan 16Robert FitMltnmont, pugi list and Thespian, his wife also a Thespian, and nine French poodles passed thru Chicago today There was also a small boy, who carried the six pups Neither Bob nor his wife looked any the worse foi the matrimonial storm which they have just weathered "It just awful," said Mrs Fitz angrily "The horrid newspapers I mean they say such *wful things which draw audiencesno I don't mean th t, I mean they say such dreadful, ugly mean, untrue things that really one must sometimes cry "She Do" Detest Ifoto^lety. Vl do so detest notoriety," continued MM. Pits "Don't you beliere our troubles were because Bob lost the fight," she said "But he is cer tainly a game loser, and he is certainly a fine winner too," she added looking at her muscu Jar husband with a smile which caused him to blush "Come on, Julia," he said "That will be bout allare the dogs all right?" Fitzsimmons said that while he would rather have won the flght than anything else in the world he is satisfied About Reconciliation. About the reconciliation both Mr and Mrs FitMimmona were strangely silent "It's all nonsense about that telegram," said Fite "I didn read 'always yours,' in the first place, but when I went into that ring I was a dejected and unhappy man Mrs Fitz also strenuously objected to the tory to her husband, having circumvented her attorney "Judge Aikens was anxious that we be reconciled Wasn't he, Bobby?" "I guess he was, if you say," said Bob re the boss" fo 'Ton "BAT" SAYS HE WILL FIGHT ALL OF THEM Battling Nelson lightweight champion of the world, who is doing an exhibition stunt with ffimmie Potts the local man, at the Dewey has announced that he has not retired from the *ing, but will take on Terry McGovern and a tew other aspirants as soon as he has cleaned up a Mttle of the easy money offered, by the tage Billy Nolan, the fighting Dane's manager is with him, and they talk freely about the cham pion's future plans On March 16 Battling will six rounds with McGovern at one of the hlladelphia six round clubs. It is said that flTerry is picking up and hopes to take advan tage of the short limit to land the fiegeswlch hoy by speed Jimmy Britt haa now promised to pay the $6,000 which Nelson claims' is stilV due him on the famous California mill and if he does o Nelson will give him a third chance to put him out of the way. Kid Herman and Aurelio Herrara are booked for a match in the near future, and the champion has agreed to take on the winner of this bout YARSITY GIRLS TO PLAY SOOTH HIGH The girls varsltv basketball team will play Its first open game Saturday night when it lines p against the girls' quint from South high Much interest attaches to this game, as it is the first of the season^** ^H n^-tjvv.- The university girla have been in training for some time as they bave a long hard schedule before them, and are already playing a fast game South has been thru some pretty con stant drill and will go into the game in condi tion to give the collegians a contest which will call forth all their strength The game will be called at 8 o'clock and will be followed by informal dancing TURF WARRIORS DID NOT GET TOGETHER Journal Special Service. New York Jan 16 There was no meeting of the American Turf association yesterday, as cheduled Edwin Oorrlgan, the wholfchead and front of the newer turf body altho wearing the tnodest title of vice president failed to put la an appearance as did several of the lesser lights whose chief function is to make a voting quorum and do as Corrigan tells them The failure of the A, A to meet started 11 sorts of gossip at the fair grounds It had been currentlv reported both here and at City park that the meeting was to begin negotia tions for the end of the turf war It was said when Corrigan did not arrive that he either had balked at peace at the last minute or else he bad found a new angel to furnish funds for the Citv park campaign but none of these rumors presented anv firm grounds for their circulation KIOWA CAPTAIN OF CARLISLE'S 1906 SQUAD Journal Special Service. Carlisle Vn Jan 16 The members of the Carlls'e Indian football team at their annual meeting unanimously elected Albert Kxendine footbill captain for 1806, to succeed Captain Nicholas Bow en Fxendme is a Kiowa,, Indian from the Kiowa and Comanche leserve. Indian Territory He has played right tackle for three years, and part of last season alternated with Dubois at fullback His captaincy now pieces him on the all nldian committee of six, which will in the future control all athletics at the Carlisle school AGGIES DEFEATED SAINTS St. Paul Y. M. 0. A. Quint Lost to the Farmers. The agricultural college basketball team won from the St Paul JST by a score of 23 to 15, in a hot game played at the college armory last night The association quint held the lead until tbe very close of the game when with the score IB to 14 in favor of the A tbe aggies took a sudden brace and ran their end of the tally up to 23 rThe teams lined up as follows 1 arm School A Bellinger left forward Hansen Clapp, Greaves \right forward Tolson Ley center Abels Jacquith right guard Youngquist Swoffer left guard Johnson rield baskets Hansen 1. Tolsen 2 Young quist 3 Bellinger 8 Clapp 1 Greaves 3 Ley 2, Swoffer 1 UmpireFirst half Curtis, second half Swan ^pon Timekeeper Haywood Scorer, Ralph WOMEN TO VOTE But Only in an Election of Golf Club Official! Journal Special Service. Chicago Jan 16Mrs A Brower of the Evuiston Golf club bas been renominated for rthe presidency of the Women's Western Golf as eociation The ticket which will be voted on *t the annual meeting, in March was submitted, -today by the nominating committee as follows President MTB Brower, Kvanston, vice president, Mrs W De Wolf, Onwenfsia, secretary Mrs W Beatty Homewood, treas nrer Mrs A Beidler. Lake Geneva Ij, Directors Mrs A Edwards, Midlothian, 0 .Mrs New, Indianapolis, Mrs 1 sFore3\ La Grmge, Miss Evelyn Voss Milwau kee, Mrs W Cummincs, Toledo Mrs Lil bum McNair. St Louis, and Mrs Douglas, Cedar Ranids Iowa t^ It is probable than an amendment will be proposed at the annual meeting setting the time ly'tor holding the annual meeting simultaneously With the Western championship tournament DOUBLE-HEADER AT MONITOR HAUL. The S & team won from the Holtzermanns oy a score of 12 -to 8, and the Apex won from tbe Henleys by default in the indoor baseball double header at Monitor hall last night This sjrves the S i. two victories out of three James and the Apex the same standing George Kbnnix. has been added to the. Apex pitching staff end Parlev and Greaves formerly of the Salzsrs, fekve been signed by tbe Holtzermanns Tuesday Evening, Journal Special Service. Cambridge, Mass Jan 16 The death knell of intercollegiate football at Harvard was appar ently rung by the statement from the board of Harvard overseers that Harvard was not to be allowed to play any more intercollegiate foot ball until a new set of rules foi the game radically changing it, has been prepared by the governing board of Harvard, followed by a statement from President Eliot that he would not consent to intercollegiate football being played at Haivard next year under any cir cumstances These two, coining one on top of the other, struck Harvard undergraduates dumb with the fearful realization that the probability is that intercollegiate football will not be played by their alma mater next year and probably never again President Eliot in an interview last night said Eliot Still Radical. "I for one shall never consent to intercolle giate football being resumed at Harvard until it has been demonstrated in actual play that the objectionable features of the game have been ruled out A mere paper reform of the game will not secure my sanction of the resump tion of intercollegiate football at Harvard W Reld Harvard's representative on the new rules committee, who is now in Cam bridge refused to discuss the action of the board of overseers Dr E Nichols, the man in Harvard football of the greatest influence next to Reid said "I cannot speak for the overseers but from my own knowledge of the game I think the rules can be changed to make them answer the demands for an Improved game CORNELL CALLS BLUFF Ithacans Think Harvard Will Play the Game Next Teax. Ithaca N Y, Jan 16"Harvard will be found playing the game next season is the general opinion expressed among Cornell foot ball men, notwithstanding the action of the overseers of that institution in foibidding the game as now played Coach Warner, upon hearing the news from Cambridge said "I think the rules undoubtedly will be changed so as to remove all the objec tionable features from the game The objec tionable features will be removed and the cru sade against football will die down This action will mean nothing then and I see no reason why Harvard should not play next year CHICAGO CRITICISM Dean Hurlburt Thinks Action Was a Trifle Hasty. Chicago Jan 16Dean Hulburt of the Uni versity of Chicago today, on Harvard's attion as to football, said 'I think that the Harvard authorities took this action chieflv to influence the rules com- GOPHERS TO OFFICIATE AT THE BEACH RACES Minneapolis is well represented on the list of officials for the Florida automobile races at Ormond Beach With the exception of New York no city has as large a share of the tour nament honors as Minneapolis Asa Paine, president of the Florida East Oast Automobile association, is chairman of the ex ecutive committee for the tournament and -a member of the race committee Colonel Joyce, president of tbe Minneapolis Automobile club will be one of the judges Rj Smith sec retary of the local organisation, will act as assistant clerk George A Rose will be one of the assistant timers Dr O E Dutton will be one of the scorers and Fawkes one of the umpires With Asa Paine acting on two committees, this gives Minneapolis six places on tbe leading boards POTTS AND FELKY TO WRESTLE AT TEMPLE As a result of the wrestling bout at the M. AAA show last Friday night Jimmy Potts and Professor Felky have had some argument as to their relative ability as wrestlers To give them a chance to settle the question, Pro fessor Carcioflnl has agreed to put them on the mat together, two falls out of three, as a cur tain raiser to the big Pardello Mattson finish bout at the Masonic Temple on the night of Feb 6 Both Felkv and Potts are always in condition, and tbe little chaps should, put up just as fast a bout as the big fellows CENTRAL TO FLAY DELANO. Hie Central hijth basketball team will go to Delano Saturday to meet the fast high school team of that place The Delano iuin has a clear record so far this season and will un doubtedly give the Minneapolis boys a stiff con nest Last Satvrday Delano won from Annan dale by a score of 46 to 9 ALLEN DEFEATED CHESTER. Oiili one same was played In the courthouse billiard handicai, at the Tendome lpst night Hugh Allen defeated Chester by a score of 60 to 51 Tonight W E Stoops (100) and Johnson (60) and Force and Condit both scratch Hen are matched Harvard Radicals Fife a Bomb in Footbcll Circles President Eliot Says Game Must Be Greatly Changed or It Will Be Barred For ever at Cambridge. rarer mlttee There is little danger that their action will affect in any v\a the proceedings of the football meeting that will convene at the Chi cago Beach hotel this week 'Harvard hates to be humbled, and it may be that jealousy of stronger teams is at the bottom of the stand that they have taken. There are plenty of level beaded men here In the west who are able to put college football upon a sound footing There are no serious objections to football among the authorities here at the university Whilte is a otf eliminatintg amoun otliere roughnesneed tha connects i a certain1 sself with the present game I see no likelihood of the abolishment of the game at Chicago Today was a day of mourning for Dr Harper at the University of Chicago Tomorrow the track men will commence rigid training, how ever Eckersall will don a track suit and the rest of last year men who have yet reported will begin training YALE NOT ALARMED Walter Camp and Tom Shevlin Talk of Harvard's Move. Journal Special Servioe. New Haveta, Jan 16 Tale men were not seriously alarmed at the action of the Har vard overseers in their decision to prevent the students playing football under the present rules Waltei Camp Tale athletic adviser, said that in view of the present probability of radical changes in the game he did not think it proper to make any comment on the action It is believed that he takes it for granted that Har vard will have no compunctions about playing football when the rules are revised' so as to meet the popular approval Tom Shevlin said that the action of the Har vard authorities seemed a little out of place iU6t at this time when action looking to the reformation of the game was being considered He believes that Harvard will continue to be Yale's chief rival on the gridiron when the game is reformed so as to satisfy some of the more conservative Harvard men UNION FOLLOWS SUIT Lesser School Makes a Loud Call for "Refavrai." Journal Speoial Service Schenectady N Jan 16 At the meeting of the Union body at Union college today the resolution passed by the athletic advisory board to abolish football as at present played was taken up and adopted by a large majority The adoption of this resolution means that the foot ball rules will have to be radically changed or there will be no more games at old Union The students have not taken hasty action on this matter, which has been under discussion since the death of Halfback Moore in New York last November The members of the foot ball team were not in favor of the resolution as passed A few desired to play the game under the old rules CATGHER NOONAN SENDS IN NATIONAL CONTRACTS Journal Special Service Chicago, Jan 16 Catcher Noonan of last sea sons St Paul American association team sent his signed contract foi 1906 to President Charles W Murphy of the Chicago Nationals yesterday The new catcher showed up well for the saints and great things are expected of him during the coming year He 1B a graduate of Holy Cross, and whfle on the team caught Pitcher Coakley who is now with the Philadelphia Athletics Jimmy Callahan announced yesterday that he had his entire team from oatcher to bat boy signed for next season and he had an aggrega tion that would force some of the other teams about the city to take to cover He does not care to give out the lineup at present but sajs when he does he may create a sensation wfth tbe strength of the bunch FRED BEELL OUT WITH BROAD DEFI Frenc Cookin I Best Bu No Expensive Milwaukee, Wis Jan 16 After Fred Beell had defeated Charles McMahon of Indianapolis in a wrestling match last night three straight fallst he issued the following challenge I will meet any heavyweight wrestler In the world, Tom Jenkins and Gotch preferred, for $1 000 a side I also claim the middleweight championship as George Bothner bas no light to the title altho I have offered repeatedly to wrestle him for any amount I will post money with any responsible paper if my challenge is accepted LEHIGH WILL WAIT Journal Special Service. South Bethlehem, Pa Jan 16 Pxofessoi Thornburg se-retary of the Lehigh Univer sity athletic committte, stated last night that the committee had decided in favor of the foi lowing changes of the football in'es as recoru mended by the national intercollegiate football committee An oien game elimination of brutal plaving and efficient enforcement of definite rules in regard to the different forms of lough playing as holding tripning etc It is not Dioballe that anv radical action regarding football.will be taken by the faculty or athletic committee French cooking is more noted for gra tifying the taste than for the quality or expense of materials used. *his is because the Chefs make and carefully utilize their own Beef Extract, enabling them to give that rich, delicious flavor to Entrees and made dishes of ordinary quality. The use of a little Armours Extract of Beef makes a big difference in the flavor/ It's just as good for Beef Tea and chafing dish dainties. It requires skill to make your own Beef Extracts and it doesn't pay, as Armour's Extract of Beef is better and its cost is trifling compared with the results it will produce. For sale by all druggists and grocers. I****-? MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. WINTER SPORTS AND PASTIMES^NOW TO THE FORH WILLIE.HOPPE IS NOW TflE CHAMPION American Boy Defeated' the Aged Frenchman at Bile liards. ^^7fTmvtV9T9'rm ffttXTr%fmmeim Journal Speoial Servioe. Journal Speoial Service. Paris Jan 16 Age went down to defeat be fore youth last night in one of the most excit ing billiard games ever seen here America wrested the championship from France, Maurice Vignaux the 60 vear old expert losing his title to Willie Hoppe the 20 year-old American lad. The young man beat the veteran by a score of 500 to 328 The game went twenty four in nings Hoppe running out with a score of 90, which was unfinished This was the highest run of the contest Hoppe's average was 20 showing that he had played a consistent game Vignaux average was 13 11 24, his high run being 61 Vignaux took his defeat with profound chagrin and astonishment but put on as graceful a mein as his deep disappointment would permit The game was 500 points 18-inch balkUne, with one shot allowed in balke HART CAME NEAR TO STOPPING A HAYMAKER Journal Special Servioe. Butte Mont Jan 16Marvin Hart, claim ant of the title of heavyweight champion of the world last night knocked out Pat Callahan, a husky young man Who essayed to win the forfeit of $100 which Hart offered anyone to stay with him four rounds Hart showing was a disappointment com pared with the raw work of the miner, who stood up like a brick wall, taking every wallop of the champion, who was sixty pounds heavier The local man was seemingly unable to cover himself or attempt any kind of guard During the first round the miner caught Hart on the point of the jaw with a wallop which sent the champion sprawling to the floor He was up again in three seconds, however, and it was simply give and take of tbe pile driving^ordef until Callahan was bartered down Hart entered the ring weighing about 225 GOPHER RULES MAKER WILL NOT CRITICISE 'I do not care to discuss or criticise the action of Harvard" said Dr Williams todaj, when asked for his opinion of the eastern school latest move on football "I do howevei, think that the rules commit tee will take such action in removing the rea sonable objections that there will be little left upon which the Harvard authorities can base a valid objection CHICAGO BASKETBALL TEAM ON LONG TOUR Journal Speoial Servioe. Chicago, Jan 16 The Central Meteors base ball team left today on a long trip Tbe sched ule announced shows dates with all the prin cipal teams between bere and the Rocky moun tains a three weeks engagement thru the state of California and a return home by wav of tbe principal cities in Texas, Louisiana Alabama Tennessee, with the final date on March 13 In Crawfordsville Ind GOODWIN AND ATTELL DRAW Chelsea, Mass Jan 16 Cheter Goodwin of Chelsea and Abe Attell of Califo-"ia fought fifteen rounds to a iraw before the Douglas Athletic club last night MICHIGAN SOO WON Calumet, Mich Jan 16 The Michigan Soo Hockey team defeated the Calumet boys last night, 1 to 0, in one of the closest and hardest fought games ever played in the International league i P* Now Holds First Place with Traveling Public The New North-Western Limited now holds first place over all other trains from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago for luxurious travel facilities. Trains are new throughout, with sleeping cars of new design, more strongly built, more comfort able, more luxurious, with longer berths the chair cars and coaches have likewise been improved. The entire train is more brilliant ly illuminated by electric lights, and there is no extra fare for the added comforts and conveniences. Try The North-West ern Limited on your next trip to Chicago and be convinced of its superiority^ TICKET OFFICES: 600 Nicollet. Ave., Minneapolis, 396 Robert* St*., St. Paul. -w^rnm^ GRIUO REPLIES''"' TO BAN JOHNSON Makes Flat Denial of Statements of the Big Johnson Boy. Toledo, Ohio, Jan 16J Ed Grlllo, who was re elected president of the Toledo Baseball association yesterday makes emphatic denial of every allegation in the statement made by Ban Johnson as to Grlllo's reason for resigning from the board "In regard to the statement that my election was a mistake," said Grlllo "I can only say that the only man who opposed me was O Brien, and after he withdrew my election was unani mous Aa to the statement that I nominated Griffiths for president of the Class A combine, I tan only say that It is absolutely false "I did i,ot nominate Griffiths, that action coming from Ned Hanlon, who placed Griffiths' name before the meeting Before the session closed I withdrew from the meeting along with representatives of eleven other Class A clubs "As to the statement that I advised Mike Kelley to take his case into the courts after he was awarded to St Louis by the national commission I can only say that Mike Kelley had his lawyer in Cincinnati before I ever got there, and that when he told ihe afterward about his case and related some evidence that he had not given to the commission, 1 told him that if .he asked for a rehearing before that body on the grounds of new evidence, I thought it would reverse its decision MARTIN DUFFY LOST TO JACK DOUGHERTY Journal Special Servioe. Indianapolis Jan 16 Jack Dougherty of Mil waukee knocked out Martin Duffy of Chicago in the fourth round of what was to have been a ten round fight in thiB city last night Duffy came up for the final round of the bout in a groggy condition and Dougherty took advantage of his opportunity and in the first exchange of blows sent the former welterweight cham pion of the world to his knees for the count of six the terrible fusillade of blows showered upon hi* wind and jaw and again he went to the mat frcm a ferocious right to the body followed up with a left on the point of the Jaw The blow went home, and Duffy went to the floor Sayers Joins Cemetery Class. Journal Speoial Servioe. Philadelphia, Jan 16It was not until the fourth round that "Young Erne" of this city got the measure of Maurice Sayers of Milwaukee at the Washington Sporting club last night Then Erne had things pretty much all his own way and deserved tbe victory by a considerable margin Erne proved to be the faster and the harder hitter of the two, altho it was not until Sayers had beaten the Quaker up around the body in the *hird round that he showed his true superiority Erne's carefulness was probably caused by the fact that he may soon meet Abe Attell In a twenty round bout. After getting a slight advantage in the first two rounds he was Inclined -to take it easy until Sayers got to work Journal Speoial Service New York Jan 16Jimmy Britt left New York yesterday for his home in San Francisco His principal reason for leaving Is to consult his brother Willie regarding the fighting dates they are laving plans to obtain, and matters In relation to the club In which they are in terested Gus Gardner Won. Jcirnal Speoial Service. Buffalo N Jan 16 Gus Gardner of Phil adelphia knocked out Leo Craig of Chicago in the ninth round of their battle before the Washing ten A here last night It was a grueling flght with science pitted against strength and bulldog grit For the first three rounds Gardner had a shade the worst of the going January 16, 1906. Also at Peoria, 111. I Journal Special Service Peoria 111, Jan, 16Kid Fanner gained the decision in a fast ten round bout with Patsy Hogan before the Riverside Athletic club The fight was a fast one and at the end of the go tanner had but a trifle the best of the work LLNINGEB CALLS MEETING A. A. TJ. to Fix Dates for the Cham pionship Events. Chicago Tan 16President Walter A Lin injeer of the A A has called a meeting of the executive committee for Jan 22 at the Palmer house Several questions of vital interest to the sporting world will be brought up Among the matters which are to be consideied are the dates for the championship meets in basketball and track and the selection of the organization under whose auspices they will be held i n* MAflY ATHLETft WOULD JOURNEY TO GREECE Journal Special Service. New York, Jan 16,To go to Greece and take part in the Olympian this year is the ambi tion of many American athletes One event In particular is very open just sow It is the mile, and many candidates are sure to try for the position The A A. cbamploshlp event, which isito be decided at the annual games of the Columbia University Athletic association at Madison Square Gtrden on Jan 26, may determine who is to go That event has drawn a big amount of entries so far, and among them are such cracks as Lightbod}, the Chicago A A man, Harvey Conn, Sbephard Sullivan and others of like class That is but one big event of the games In addition the S00 yard A A champion ship, which has attracted the best sprinters of the country, there are many relay races on the card There is one for freshman class, of which Yale is looked upon as the best Then there is one for New York schoolboys, another for A teams and another for teams of the Iuterborough athletic league The program is a very long one and the open events have drawn exceptionally good fields with several days to go yet before the entry list closes MINNESOTA IS FIRM FRIEND OF FOOTBALL Duffy came back with the best he had in him but he was unable to cover up and ward off be no movement toward reform measures other in a heap and arose to his knee, but this was at the badger Institution The Minnesota Dailv all the farther he got, for the previous rounds had been more than the ex champion could stand, and he fell back beaten decisively He was as sisted to his corner by Referee Ryan and restora tives brought bim to hlB normal condition. Corbett Wants Another Go. Journal Speoial Service. San Francisco Jan 16 Young Corbett of Den ver knocked out by Aurello Herrera at Los Angeles Triday night, declines to be considered pugilistically dead He is now here trying to persuade Promoter, Coffroth to give him a march with Britt The little pugilist's mission is r.ot likel to be a successful one Joe Gans and Mike (Twin) Sullivan are in fine shape for their battle Friday evening James Britt Starts Home. Sentiment among faculty members and stu dents at the university is unanimously opposed to the action which has been taken suspending footbaH at Columbia and Harvard and there is no possibility of drastic measures in regard to the game at the University of Minnesota In fart, many of the university authorities look on the Harvard and Columbia actions as "grand stand" plays and predict that botb of these institutions will be represented by football elev ens next fall In support of the theory that the two eastern Butler had gone before his students and assured Semabolishment that the Columbia action did not mean of football at that institution It is also pointed out that in the caoes of both of these colleges "woodchuck clauses are at tached to the resolutions which will permit a quick change in the attitude of the university authorities the moment changes of any character are made in the rules There are members of the Minnesota faculty who believe that football should be abolished, but they are greatly in the minority and owing to the strong sentiment in favor of the game among the instructors and authorities there will South high girls' quintet will meet the varsity "?,?fj^l team on the armory floor The game will be caleld at 8 15 and it will be followed by dan cing CJOIMCT.1 VASTLY COOKER ir Jfo. &*%' Defective Page FORMER PLAYERS TO TALK FOOTBALL Minnesota Football Alumni Asso- ciation Will Be Organized Thursday Evening. A movement is an foot for the organization of a Minnesota Football Alumni association. The Idea originated with some of the old players, and requests for attendance at a meeting Thurs day night have been sent out. The meetings will be at the office of Dr Wiliams The first business to be taken up will be a consideration of the playing rules and ar discus sion as to changes regarded as desirable by the old players Membership in this association will be con fined to those who have played the game and won the "M This will give an organization the members of which know what they are talking about As Minnesota now has a representative on the rules committee there bas been a gen eral awakening of interest in football among the stars of former years Dr Williams, coach of the team and gopher representative on the rules committee, regards the organisation of such a body as desirable He conceived the idea and is doing all in his power to make it a success. institutions do not Intend under any conditions grand circuit (harness racing), held an ad to abandon the game one of the leading men journed meeting yesterday and elected George in the university faculty called attention today Hayt Binghamton presiding judge for the com- to the fact that even at Columbia President ing season and Robert N Newton of Yorkville, than have already been taken The situation at Wisconsin is of more interest to university people than the situation in the east, and there is a general feeling that there is no possibility of tbe abolishment of the game this morning printed the following from tbe Cardinal, tbe Wisconsin dally publication which expresses tbe feeling of the Madison students In regard to the game "Football has developed loyalty to Wisconsin above loyalty to ourselves and our clubs and cliques, football has held us together under one flag, bas taught us to rise and with bare heads sing tbe toast to our alma mater it has woven about us the bonds of Wisconsin brotherhood, and now, after we have become known turnout the land as manly losers as well as winners row the 'acuity steps forward and with iron hand and pvrpose removes the very thing that has made up famous removes the flag and offers us nothing in return except their word that it is for the best YARSITY QUINT TO PLAY HOLCOMB TEAM Holcomb academy will meet the university team tonight in th second game of the univer sity basketball season The university team bas been practicing steadily since the Macalester game last Saturday and followers of tbe team look for an improvement in_ the play of the vai sity Arrangements are under way for a game with St Thomas for Saturday evening While th men's basketball team Is busy rounding into form the girls on the girls' squad ganized GRAND CIRGUlT ELECTS OFFICIALS FOR YEAR Journal Special Service. 1 New York, Jan 16The stewards of the 111, starting judge A committee of three which bas been appoint ed at the last meeting, consisting of Jew ett De Forest Settle and Secretary Moore, pre sented a report which set forth that it was the sense of the association that owing to the difference in local conditions it is inexpedient for the grand circuit to adopt a fixed or arbi trary method of racing, and owing to the di version of opinion obtaining among the members as to ertrance fees that the rules of the Na tkmal Trotting association should be followed. The report was accepted A committee of three on rules was appointed to confer with a like committee of the a tional Trotting association and tbe American Trotting association It consisted of G. Billings of Memphis E Devereux of Cleve land and Bentley of Buffalo HANDY HAD BEST WATCH YOUNG DANIELS "Chicago Jan 16H Handy, the crack swimmer of the Central A and tbe holder of thirteen world records and five Amer ican records, has started preparations for the big international meet to be held In New York Feb 22 He gets into the tank every day at the A and is sent several distances in fast time by Swimming Director Sullivan The latter thinks Handy will bave no dlfficultv in bringing borne the honors In everv event in which he participates His work last year was remarkable and be bas shown in tbe last few davs that he still is in form Handy says he has no fear of the contests, altho he has some respect for Daniels' ability as a swimmer He is expected to prove Handy's only tough customer altho tbe New York Athletic club is sajd to be bringing tort* some good men in the aquatic sport ATHLETIC CLUB ACTIVITY Illinois Organization to Go In for Foot ball, Etc. Chicago, Jan. 16St^retary Charles S Gen slinger of the Illinois Athletic club announced todaj that the club will enter into a number of additional wts this jear and that base ball football and lacrosse teams would be or-t toathleticwith play other are doing strenuous stunts in preparation for tions It has been seve-alt rearpsvsincseorganizef-ovan*seretmcecitoathletihe the season The first championship girls' game *h 1 will be played Saturday evening, when the If^^tl* t^^LV^^J *u\ S* Herpicid* Will Sav* it. Herpioid Will NEWBRXVSe HERPICIDE.HerpielderfoaLatoTo.iteSav Tht Rabbit and tht Bulnaa-PIg Prof Unna tbe world greatest dermatolo- frstt is (ask your doctor about hlia) was the to discover tbe microbe and contagious nature of true dandruff His discovery was verified by Dr. Sabourand of Paris who de nuded a rabbit with human dandruff flakes Also by Lassar and Bishop, who took dan The ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the'Dandruff Germ," 10' *t* ?.?%&**- $!L to KERPICTDA J!*n VOEQELI BROS., *rge clubs of th ba engaged We a agal club intend to hal it 8 teM every year and play the besetnorganization of section of the countrv IMC*!! GONE!!! thatsta draff scales from a student who was losing his balr and having made a pomade of them with vaseline, rubbed the same upon a guinea pig and tbe pig became bald New bro'a Herpicide is the original dandruff germ destroyer It kills the microbe growth and permits tbe hair to grow as nature intended wonderful. hair-saver A delightful dresss ing Stops itching instantly E CO.. Sept H, Detroi Mich., for sanrol Oor. Hennepin end Washington Aves. and Oor. Seventh Bt sad tfioollat Ave, Applications at prominent barbershops There is no element of speculation in the quality of Old Underoof Rye It is good beyond compare. CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago. A8K YOUR GROCER FOR IT. THE IDE AI. HEALTH FOOD. SPECIAL AGENTS. LBS. IN ITUX PACKAea.