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Rhl: "3JMW1 m' SO S .1 ft i# '&- 'I '$' '"^t ft rj at? 'V! I tf*1~ Jsv & PRICE TWO CENTS. MERCURY I AS AT 9 BELOW TODAY Pi-edicted Cold Wave, Tho Not Severe, -Causes Consternation After Mild Weather. Indications Are that Tonight Will See Mercury Drop Down Tube Again. 80 weather of Saturday NORTHWEST FROSTY EAST SWELTERING Fall Was Steady after 6 p.mof Saturdav A that time the reading was 34 degrees above. At midnight the record shows 10 degrees and by 6 a.m. Sunday the temperature had fallen to zero. Thru the day the mercury lingered at the 4 degree mark, but by 6 $.m it was down to zero again. At 8 a.m. today the minimum or 9 degrees was reached, but by noon the cold had slacked off a couple of degrees. It is hard to say what will happen tonight, but it is safe to pre dict that the cold will at least regain the ground it lost while the sun was" shining. That the cold is more apparent than real is indicated by the fact that plumb ers have not been rushed with repair orders. The majority of shops report that they have had a few bursted pipes to repair and a few more to thaw out, but not enough to swamp them. While all trains have been a little slow in coming in, due to the difficultv of keep ing up steam in the face or the cold wind, the time card has not been seri ously disarranged. The charity bureaus report that de mands upon them have not been in creased because of the cold. This is largely due to the fact that they have been preparing for such an emergency all winter and now have their regular dependents warmly housed and clad. Fuel Market Active. The fuel market is active, but the or ders, are for small ton and half-ton lots for domestic use and the dealers say that they are still behind last winter's record of sales. They scout the idea of a fuel famine. One leading dealer said today that there was enough wood available to last thru a cold spell of ninety days and that the coal supply was safe as it would be easy to ship in enough to meet any demand should the present supply run low, which is im probable. In connection with the fuel side* of the present weather the Salva tioin Army employment bureau reports a good demand for*wood sawyers. The wave is booked to linger for two or three days, and the chances are that there will be a further decided drop in temperature, for reports from North Dakota and the Can adian northwest show temperatures ranging from 20 to 28 degrees below zero. Some of the really cold places are Qu'Appelle, 28 Devils Lake, 20 Battleford and Prince Albert, 24 Edmonton, 20 and Bismarck, 12. Temperatures on the north Pa cific coast have already recovered and gone up to 30 and 40 degrees above. This warm area will move this way, and should break the cold here some time Wednesday or Thursday. InTexassouthwesits the a In1 fr- it- Will blizzargd is raging. stock sufferin from the sudden' cold, while a little further north the disturbance takes the form of thun derstorms accompanied by cold rain and hail and followed by snow. The warm wave which passed ovei Minneapolis last week has moved eastward, becom ing more pronounced as it approaches the Atlantic coast and is causing as much discomfort as the cold in the west. Baseball games: heat prostrations and open-air swimming figure largely in the -eastern dispatches. OSLER'S IDEA AS CAUSE OF SUICIDE Chicago Coroner Finds Large Sui cide Increase Among Men Over 60 Years Old. Journal Special Service. Chicago, Jan. 22.That the exploita tion" of Dr. William Osier's chloroform theories is a contributory cause of the startling increase in the number of .suicides in Chicago of men over 60 years old during the last year, is the deduction reached in the coroner's office from, a review of the records and a comparison with those of 1903 and 1904. An increase of 25.8 per cent over the figures of 1904 for the suicides of men between 60 and "70 years was found. Between the ages of 70 and 80 there was an increase of 33.3 per cent. The conclusion is that Osier's advo cacy of the chloroforming of men who have passed the age of their useful ness was strengthened by the fa*ct that eighty-three of the suicides were foi^d to have been in occupations where they likely would be readers of newspapers. HEAT PROSTRATES SEYERA* IN OHIO \^pman Overcome by Heat on Streets of ClevelandOhio Children Suffer. Tho predicted over twenty-four hours before it arrived, the cold wave which struck Minneapolis yesterday came as a surprise to many. After the uncom ortably warm weather of last week it ?5 *^*^$ eemed well nigh impossible that the mercury could get down into the zero end of the tube in less than a day. The cold spell began at midnight Saturday, when chill northwest winds accompanied by a sting- Pittsburg, Jan. 22.The thermometer ing scud of dry snow swept' registered 5 and 86 degrees in the thru the streets and made the streets of Pittsburg yesterday, while owl car patrons huddle doorways for I 360 feet the air, fanned by the wind, shelter. By 8 a.m. Sunday, the govern-1 the United States weather bureau's ment thermometer had fallen to 4 de- i thermometer registered 74 at 3 o'clock grees above. Today the official quota- i yesterday afternoon. It was the hottest tions opened at 9 degrees below, with January day within the memory of man. the chances in favor of a further drop, The records at the weather bureau did While this does not touch the record not indicate any such marvelous record, minimum for the last fifteen years, 33 The sun shone brightly and even the degrees on Jan. 24, 1904, it is causing shady sides of the streets proved un- considerable discomfort after the upper comfortably warm Journal Special Service. Cleveland, Jan. 22.With the official thermometer standing at 71 degrees in the shade at 2 o'clock yesterday, Mrs. Sarah Bergmeyer of Cornell road, south east, was overcome by the heat at Su perior avenue and Ninth street. She fainted while waiting for a streetcar and was carried into a nearby drug store, where she was revived. Mrs. Bergmeyer, a stout woman, wore a long heavy coat and other midwinter apparel and these in a measure account for her tainting. Weather Forecaster KentaJy said tonight that this was the hottest Jan. 21 Cleveland has had in over a score of years. Hot at Pittsburg. Steven Hymess, aged 63, a coal miner, from Mingo Junction, Ohio, while stending on the street, fell in a heap. mi js When taken to a police station the sur- The fall the mercury was steady geo pron heat prostration. He wasn takeouncedeitHomeopathic to th hospital, where the same verdict was passed. He regained consciousness late tonight. Physicians report that children suf fered considerably from the heat. OHIOAaO IN STOBM'S GRIP Rain, Sleet and Snow Pull Wires Down and Block Traffic. Chicago, Jan. 22.A severe storm alternating rain, sleet and snow, which commenced just before midnight last night, caused one of the worst tie-ups this city has known in many years. This morning only a few telegraph wires were working Out of the city in any direction. Inside the cityj telepho'n'e communica tion was badly crippled, the electric lines of street cars were almost out of commission, it sometimes requiring an hour to move a car the distance of one block. The elevated roads were still greater sufferers. Many passengers on the Aurora line and Chicago electric werecompelled to remain all i*ight in the depots when the road ceased opera tions on account of the storm. Large commission brokerage houses which ordinarily use from twenty to thirty wires leading to all parts of the country, were unable this morning to send a message in* any direction and were without advices regarding the sit uation in other parts of the country. Cable disptaches from Liverpool were handled early in the day, but with this exception an absolute dearth of infor mation regarding crops prevailed. The long-distance service outside of this business district was badly crippled. Storm Moves Eastward. The weather bureau managed to re ceive some information before the con ditions, reached the worst stage. It was announced the storm was moving slowly eastward, with the center just north, of Indianapolis. It was predicted that the area of low barometer would slowly, move eastward, altho precipitation' might be expected in this section for another twenty-four hours. If this forecast is verified, it will make forty eight hours of rain, sleet and snowfall without cessation. The railroads, altho in much better condition to contend against sleet and snow than the electric lines, were at times during the day in desperate straits. On some of the lines running east of here, hundreds of miles of wires were down, and the dispatchers were having a most anxious time in moving trains. The result was that practically all trains due in Chicago from the east were from two to five hours late today, and there was little prospect for im mediate improvement in the situation. Great trouble ^was experienced this morning by people who use the electric lines in the outlying sections of the city to reach their places of employ ment. To add to the other troubles of the public, the cable line of the North Side, the main dependence of people in that section of the city, after the crip pled condition of the elevated roads and electric lines was manifest, broke down, and thousands of people were compelled to walk thru the storm to the business part of the city. Gale Continues. At noon the situation had not im proved in the slightest degree. A gale from the north was tearing across the city at the rate of forty miles an hour, driving before it great clouds of snow, which would, without warning, turn to sleet or rain. ST. LOUIS HAS BLIZZARD Fierce Thunderstorm with Snow in Texas. Journal Special Service. St. Louis, Jan. 22.Heavy hail, snow and rain, accompanied by an average fall of 50 degrees in temperature, visit ed the middle west yesterday, and last night a blizzard was reported as far south as central Texas. In north and central Missouri the ground was cov ered with an inch of ice early in the evening aiad sleet continued to fall un til midn'ight. The heaviest snowstorm in several years prevailed thruout north Texas an,d the temperature went below freezing, a fall of more than 50 degrees from the summer-like temperature of Saturday. Lightning and Snow. The snow storm was accompanied by terrific lightning and thunder. Trains into north Texas points have been de layed several hours by the blizzard. Missouri horticultural authorities fear great damage to peach and other fruit crops. Kansas and Oklahoma and Indian Territory suffered greatly from the bliz zard, the snowfall being the heaviest of Continued on 2d Page, 3d Column. S***f&f.A2S' MARCH ON HILL Union Pacific's Head Outwits Great Northern Man in Get ting Seattle Terminals. E. H. HAR&IHAN, & Who Has Stolen March on J. J. HtH to 1" 5 Seattle. 0 ib *t*tf* t* fr* \*vtxx.*- v*i Journal Special Service. San Francisco, Jan. 22.By the transfer of $10,000,000 of stock of the Pacific Coast company, E. H. Harriman is credited with getting control of the company and also with securing ter minal facilities at Seattle, thus out witting J. J. Hill. The transfer was made in New York. The mosj valuable asset of the Pa cific Coast is the Columbia & Puget Sound railroad, about sixty miles long, with an entrance into Seattle. Its de pot is between the Great Northern and NorthernJPacific and it has thirty of the seventy feet of choicest business water front. It also has four large wharves, coal bunker plant and machine and re pair shops. This purchase puts Harriman on an equal footing with Hill and the Great Northern. By this purchase Harriman also acquires a feeder for his steam ship lines, as the company operates ves sels from Mansaillo to Vancouver and does a great Alaskan business in sum mer. In this way .Harriman will prac tically control the steamship business on the coast. DIVORCE GRANTED TO HAN WHO IS DEAD Journal Special Service. 'ri~ Louisville, Ky., Jan. 22.The fact that Philip Fletcher dropped dead on the street here mdre than a week ago did not prevent Judge Miller Jeffer son, in the circuit court here, from granting him a divorce from his wife, Mary Fletcher, on the ground of abandonment. For some reason, not ex-: plained, Attorney Minton, who repre sented Fletcher, failed to notify the court of the demise of his client, so the divorce mill ground out a legal separa tion for a dead man from his living wife. Fletcher's wife will receive a small life insurance amount, because her husband died before the divorce was granted. CELEBRATES 104TH BIRTHDAY. Beloit, Wis, Jan. 22.Mrs. Mary A. Hunt, mother of H. Hunt of Chicago, celebrated her 104th birthday today. She is vigorous physically and mentally, writes a good hand, and is interested In all current events. $& HIRII UJ STEALS RADICALCHANGES TREND OF WORLD NEEDED IN ARMY Shortages, Desertions and Ineffi ciency Among the Problems a to Be Faced. LOSS THRU DESERTIONS IS $400,000 A YEAR Secretary Taft Recognizes Evils and Is Seeking Satisfactory Remedies. Special to The Journal. Chicago, Jan, 22.A Washington special to the Tribune says: I is be coming increasingly apparent to those who follow affairs in the army that rad ical measures must be taken to stop the practices which are demoralizing and tend to gross inefficiency. So*me months ago President Boosevelt notified the Keep commission to request the assistant secretaries of the war and navy' departments to investigate the military branches of the govornment, but for some reason nothing has been done. That there is urgent need for action is shown by some acts which have come to light. Supplies have been pur chased and condemned and sold at less than cost, and no one has been pun ished. In' spite of the most minute sys tem of keeping accounts, which requires officers to go to the ten-thousandth part of a cent,in onedepartment alone there is not a month in which two, and some times more, officers are short, and when they leave the service the govern ment is out by several thousand dollars. The cost of erecting buildings at posts has increased 36 per cent in the last three years, because, according to the official explanation, of the advance irftthe price of labor and materials. Cause of Desertion. 1 The inequality in the treatment of of ficers and enlisted men is one of the se rious causes of desertions, which, to quote one of the high officers in the service, is the bane and the disgrace of the army." The loss to the govern ment on account of desertion is $400,- 000 annually. A which on1 5 way doing business and of congress think opens the door to irregularities, was disclosed by the testimony of Colonel Pond of the quartermaster's depart ment, before tne house committee on appropriations. Colonel Pond said it was the custom to pay for ther improve ment of grounds around a building out of the fund for the transportation of the army. Congress fixed a limit for the cost of tb constraction of the army war college, Thi't the department con strued this- refer,*,to the building alone*.nd *tfhej transportation fund was drawn upon to build a sea wall, roads and sewers and to do the necessary grading. The cost of this work was $170,000. There is reason? to believe that the transportation appropriation is used for many other things besides that of the actual traveling expenses of troops and soldiers, for which congress specifically intends it. Congress has been endeav oring for years to limit appropriations for buildi'n'gs, etc., by stating that their cost shall not exceed a specified figure. But there seems to be ways of beating the devil around the stump," which are causing a great deal of criticism at the capitol. But while there are many of these irregularities, the efficiency of the army is affected seriously by the detail pi Continued on 2d Page, 5th Column. fhese i** J^i'itzk WILL HE SURVIVE THE TREATMENT? ^ijlf ijyJg|^ MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1906. 14 PAGESFIVE O'CLOCK. IS DEMOCRATIC President Eliot of Harvard Pre dicts Rapid Spread of Dem ocracy in Next Century. CHAHLES W. ELIOT, I President of Harvard, Who Predicts Eapid Spread of Demooracy. J* **'jT.f fi A i */*&%.* 1 Journal Special Service. Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 22.-" The great movement of the world today is toward democracy. The great keynote of the present century, the century that we are just entering upon, will be de mocracy in all things. One hundred years irom now the population of our country, which is now for the most part wilderness, will be beyond any present conception and this great nation will be the most democratic that the world has ever known. The progress of de mocracy will be the great feature of the advance of civilization in the pres ent century. If this is to be sound, the character of our people must be as sound as their proficiency in the arts, in commerce and in^ government." This was the stirring prophecy of the future of our nation with which Presi dent Charles W. Eliot, president of Harvard university, began his lecture on A Just Beverence Consistent with a Genuine Democracy,'' in the lecture room of the Prospect union, Cambridge, yesterday afternoon. "Tho critics of democracy claim that democracy has destroyed some of the finer characteristics or the older days, such as reverence of children toward parents, pupil toward teacher, the peo ile towajd their rulers, there is in all relations a more genuine relation than formerly fho their relations have changed," continued President Eliot. No nation- in the world has such reverence for women as have the men of the great republic. Our reverence for symbols has diminished. But not for the ideals which these ^material signs of religion and love of country stand for. Such a belief as this toward the ef fect of democracy is the only one con sistent with a belief in the permanent duration of democracy and a belief in the permanence of this is necessary for a belief in the advance of civilization.'' VIOLA. ALLEN STJBELY MAKREED. Milwaukee. Jan 22Mrs A P. Hall, 936 Hackett avenue, a sister of Viola Allen, the famous actress, has practically admitted that the report concerning her sister's marriage to Peter Duryea, the noted turfman, is true. ABTZST'S MOTHER DIES. London, Jan. 22 Mrs Sirgent, mother of J. S. Sargent, the American painter, died of heart disease yesterday at Carlisle mansions, London. She was 76 years old. llimMtimmiWimillUMMIHIHWIWHHIfMIMIHIIMIH Warship Sinks as Result of Ex- plosionOne Officer Only Is Saved. Bio Janeiro, Jan. 22.The Brazilian turretship Aquidiban has been sunk at Port Jacerepega, south of Bio Janeiro as the result of an explosion. It is re port*d that 300 of her crew perished, and that only one officer was saved. HAMILTON LEADS STATEHOOD FIGHT Michigan Man Center of One of Fiercest Battles of This Congress. By W. W. Jermane. Washington, Jan. 22.There is one member of congress who has his work cut put for him this session, and that is Mr! Hamilton of the fourth district of Michigan. As chairman, of the com mittee on territories he is in the storm center of the fiercest fight that has yet been attempted on any of the impor tant bills suggested by the president and ranking as "administration" bills of the first magnitude. It is the joint statehood measure, kno-wn as the Ham ilton bill, that he has been called upon to prepare, and for which he will lead the fight upon the floor of the house against such old-timers in floor-scrap ping as John Sharp Williams, the dem ocratic floor leader, an'd J. W. Babcock of Wisconsin, the leader of the repub lican 'insurgents, who are opposing joint statehood. ut is in Mr. Hamilton's committee room that the heavy fighting has sofar occurred and it has been at hearings over which he presided that the lie was Sassed# ing. as has been recorded in the aily press dispatches. POT the past week every day has seen a row in Hamilton's room, and on several occa sions the members overgee have been upon the5 TONIGHT AND TUESDAY CONTINUED GOLD. WEST HOTEL PIPES WERE DRY A FIRE 300 PERISH ON |N0 WATER, SWEA1 BRAZILIAN SHIP th committee of fist fight- Shakes His Fist and Boars. It has been great and Hamilton could have sold tickets for any one of the hearings at $1 apiece to the geneTal sporting public. The hearings general ly start peacefully enough, but within five minutes several men are roaring at 'each other at the top of their voices and sometimes the chairman kicks his chair back and rising, shakes his fist at the committee and in a tremendous voice orders the committee to keep cool. The bill providese for the admission of New Mexico and Arizona as one state and Oklahoma and Indian Terri tory as another. Practically all oppo sition to the latter combination has dis appeared since Mr. Hamilton has ac Continued Prom First Page, cepted an amendment providing for prohibition in' the "Indian" portion of the proposed state. AH the big fight ing now comes from the territory of Arizona. There is a large delegation here from Arizona, some of whom say they will remain until the end of the session if they do not sooner defeat the proposed union of their territory with New Mex ico. Their claim is that tne people of New Mexico are by a large majority of Mexican? extraction, that a state com posed of the two territories would be dominated by "greasers" and that such a union would leave the schools and other public institutions of Arizona at the mercy of an ignorant and illiter ate majority, to the certain ruin there of. Why Arizona Complains. On the other hand, the advocates of joint statehood for these two territories say that what is the matter with the Arizonans is that they have such a good thing in the present status of things that they cannot bear to give it up. They hold that the territory is entirely and absolutely dominated and controlled by the railroad and mining interests, which have for years run it practically as an independent princi pality, making the laws and fixing the taxes to suit themselves, and that the prospect of losing this dominating po sition is at the bottom of all the efforts to defeat the bill. They quote the an nual report of the governor of Arizona to prove this to be true, showing by it that some of the railroads pay taxes ori an assessed valuation of only $75 a mile, while some other roads pay no taxes at all. They also show that some of the mines, valued in some instances at as high as $150,000,000, are assessed at only a few thousand dollars. Under state government, it is asserted, interests would have to pay something, more nearly like a fair share of the taxes, while their absolute control of all government machinery would be much more .difficult, if not entirely im possible. Of course the men who are here to combat joint statehood deny that they are controlled by the rairoads or the mines and say they represent all the varied interests of the territory yet when the governor's report is sprung upon them they have to admit its correctness and also have to admit that the governor is himself against joint statehood. Hamilton Is Youthful. Mr. Hamilton is the youngest man in the house to hold the chairmanship of one of the great committees, and the size of the row he will have to go up against in the house will come pretty near showing what good there is in Jihim as a debater and the floor manager of a big administration issue. In addi tion to Messrs. Williams and Babcock, he will have several of the ablest men in the house to combat but with the White House and the speaker on Bis side, he ought to win if there is any win in it for the administration. The speaker thinks the administration has enough votes to carry the bill, altho he admits the margin to be close, while th insurgents are loud in their claims of a good working majority against the measure, the democrats in this case be- Two Bellboys Tell Coroner% Jurj at Inquest They Gould Get None. Building Inspector Says Hotel Was Complying with All Pro visions of Ordinance. There was no water in the West note! standpipes on the morning of the flr that claimed eleven lives. This fact was established by Jamei Wood and Arthur Atwater, employeel of the hotel, in their testimony befow the coroner's jury which convened it the grand jury room in the eourthous* today to formally investigate the death ofSJ. S. Peisinger, who was killed by jumping from the seventh floor. Arthur Atwater is employed at the hotel as a bellboy and was on duty th morning of the fire. It was he wh saw the flames in the guide rail of" th elevator shaft and reported it to th* clerk, who turned in the alarm. ,A*t water says after reporting the fire /thai he ran to the second and third floors. Arriving at the third floor, he unreeled the hose and tried to get water from the standpipes. He could not get drop of water and leaving the hos and faucet open he laid the hose the floor and began arousing the guesti and leading them to the stairway. Later he returned to the hose, but if was flat and no water had passed thn it. Hose Lay Flat. James Wood, another bellboy, also ran upstairs as soon as he heard of the fire. He saw the hose that had bee^i unreeled, but it lay flat and no water was going thru it. He aroused the guests and helped them to the stair way, and when the fire department ar rived, went back on duty at the desk. B. W. Schimmel, a special insurance agent living at 1117 Harmon place, was one of the first men to visit the upper floors, and he testified as to tb condition of the standpipes. He was on a streetcar as he passed the hotel, and seeing smoke coming out of the upper windows, got off and ran into the building. This was about 7:15 and be fore the department had arrived. He ran to the fourth floor and in tended to helrj the guests, when he saw the hose unreeled and lying on the floor of the corridor. Thinking .the waters had not been turned on, he went to thr^ faueet, but found it wide open. The hose was dry and flat At that time the fourth floor was only smoked and had there been water in the pipes much good could have been done. Returning from the upper floors, he went to one of the clerks at the desk and asked him why the water was not turned on in the standpipes. He says he received no answer from the clerk.^ Could Have Stopped Fire. At the afternoon session, County At torney Al J. Smith, who examined all the witnesses, said he would introduce evidence to show that had there been water in the pipes the fire could have been extinguished before it spread from the elevator shaft, as there were men there who would have done it. James G. Houghton, building inspec tor, was on the stand for nearly an hour. Altho he admitted that at the time of the fire the management was complying with all the provisions of the fire ordinance, his testimony showed that the -ordinance affords lit tle protection, and that it is easy to dodge around if. The ordinance, he said, was meant to govern only the construction of build* mgs erected after the ordinance was passed. He has the power, however, to ordv e-escapes changed or the num ber increased on all buildings, new and old. As to changes in- general con struction of buildings erected before the ordinance was passed he said be had no power to demand that they b made. Some Strange Conditions. County Attorney Al J. Smith ques tioned Mr. Houghton at length regard ing his interpretation of the ordinances and incidentally brought to light some strange conditions in other buildings. As an example, to get the building in spector to explain his interpretation of his powers, Mr. Smith referred to the Andrus building. "Why is there no escape therel" asked the county attorney. "Because the owners refused to put one there and because I cannot get a warrant for the arrest of the responsi ble persons from the city attorney's office." Mr. Houghton said that he was satis fied that the hall fire started above the second floor, probably from a gas leak in the elevator shaft. The fire could no have started in the basement for there was no evidence of Are there. The fire seen in the guide rail was started by falling brands from above. Other witnesses will be introduced later 4o testify concerning the gas leak which is said to have been of several years' standing. Miss Helen Wood, proprietor of the hotel, attended the inquest with her attorney. Judge W. A. Kerr. When the gas leak was mentioned Judge Kerr asked Mr. Houghton if he had not learned that two weeks before the fire the flexible tubes supplying the gas to the elevators had not been replaced by" new ones. Mr. Hoqghton said he hall not. At the afternoon session several fire men who were the first on the scene of the fire were called and employees of the hotel who were about the building at the hour of the fire also testified. BOSIOM MILLIONAIRE WEDS CHAMBERMAID Jcnro&l Special Serrioe. fi *3 Boston, Jan. 22.Until* last Thurs day a chambermaid and waitress in the household of Stephen Crosby on the Back Bay, Miss Elizabeth Jennie Mur phy, js now Mrs. Le Boy Fay, wife of a millionaire Boston clubman. Mr. Fay met Miss Murphy last summer. He sought an introduction and began an ar dent courtship. He is 35 years old and his bride 26. 4- I t% Si^