Newspaper Page Text
.il "fl- ftSlPRICE TWO CENTS. on: 0 W ir ,*B r,' ft sk PE LL DRAFTS I CANTEE N BILL Philadelphia Congressman /Make Fight for Restoration of Army Canteen. Will FEELS CERTAIN OF HIS CONSTITUENCY Matter Will Be Threshed Over in Committee on Military Affairs. Journal Speoial Service. Washington, Jan. 23.Members of the house committee on military affairs have in their keeping a bill to restore the canteen in the army. It was intro duced without flourish of trumpets by ^Representative Edward de V. Morreil of Philadelphia. There is more than a possibility that the committee will re 4 port the measure favorably, but the report, if it comes, will make its ap pearance only after the committee room has been the scene of a battle. Mr. Morreil is a republican and his district is filled with republicans. The antiicanteen. element might influence some votes in the Philadelphian's dis trict, but it would be a hard task to muster enough to defeat the man who has dared to propose the measure. The Philadelphia member, after quoting, the secretary of war to the effec that the operation of the present Jaw increases. drunkenness, disease, in subordination, desertion and moral de jgeneration, intimates, the lawmakers should be guided by reports which of ficers of the service have turned in to the effect that the restoration of the canteen would be -a--blessing to the soldier and the service. Representative Amo* Lawrence Al len has introduced a bill "to protect further the first day of the week as a day* of rest in the District of Colum- bia." Mr. Allen is a church man. His bill' provides that no one shall play any game or 'indulge in any sportj pas time or diversion on Sunday "and that no person excepting the druggist, the undertaker and the newsdealer shall keep open shop on the Lord's day. Mr. Allen also provides that all building operations and railroad construction shall cease upon the first day of the week. This bill stands a good chance f passing congress. Seeks to Mark:Battlefields. Senator Martirr /of Virginia has asked congress in aAbill to establish a memorial park in $pottsylvania coun ty. Pennsylvania, t preserve and suit ably mark "for historical and profes sional military study the famous bat tlefields known -as Fredericksburg, :3iai&eQ<q^U!e^-.he^ ,aja*fc fipottsylvariia courthouse." O CHICAG O U' $ 1,000,000 Added to Endowment, $100,000 to Provide for Mrs. Harper. journal Special Service. Chicago, Jan. 23.John D. Rocke feller has added again to the millions cf the University of Chicago. He has 3ust_ given $1,450,000. Of this sum, |1,000,000 will go for endowment, $350,- 000 to meet the deficit in current ex penses and the remainder$100,000 will be held in trust by the university for- Mrs. William R. Harper,' widow of the president. Announcement to this effect was made at a meeting of the board of trustees yesterday afternoon. The large gift,' especially the amount set aside for Mrs. Harper, assures the continuance of the relations of the foundation with the institution. Com ing, as it does, at a time when the insti tution has lost its builder, it is taken to meaa that Mr. Rockefeller desires to restore confidence the minds of the facults and friends of the institution. Dr. Harper's project of a $o0,000,000 university now seems not only a possi bility but a probability. Accompanying the gift was a letter from John T. Rockefeller, Jr.. stating his father's friendly and interested at titude toward the university. Previously, Mr. Rockefeller had given to the university $14,399,921.91, bring ing the total endowment of the insti tution up to within a few thousand dollars of $20,000,000two-fifths of the sum needed to complete the plans for Dr. Harper's great $50,000,000 uni versity. i' DREAD BEING PAUPERS fittings for Two Rooms WiE Save Old Couple. Furniture for two rooms is all that is ireeded to place an old and infirm couple, residing in Northeast Minne apolis, in a position-where they will be independent of charity, except in case of sickness. _: The case-was-brought to the atten tion of the Associated Charities early last month and a visitor was at once sent to investigate. He found the old man confined to the house by injuries received in a fall from a wagon last summer, yet his only request was for work. I was impossible to find work suited to him, and the association gave monej". The aged couple would accept only enough to keep them from starva tion. There are two vacant, unfurnished rooms in the house and the landlord has offered them to the old folks, rent free. These TOOIUS are suitable for lodgers and the income from them will support the old couple, who dread charity. The Associated Charities will call for and deliver any bedroom furniture which .may be offered. ./y 7 SALOON S O KEE CHICAGO'S PEAC E City Council Considers Plan.-, for. Higher license in Order to Employ More- Police. Journal Special Service, Chicago, Jan. 23.Steps to increase the revenue of the city of Chicago,by increasing the saloon license and com pelling "levee" resorts to pay a city as well as a government license were taken by the city council last night. On motion of Alderman Bennett a resolu tion providing for an ordinance" increas ing the saloon license from $500 to- $1,000 a year was referred to the license' committee. A resolution, providing that alls places not recognized as legitimate en-' terprises which pay a government liquor license only be compelled to pay city license, was introduced by Alderman Uhlir and also referred to the license committee. I These first steps of the council to in crease the revenue with a view to reor ganizing and increasing theivpolice de partment, seem to have be&n the re sult of a petition presented to the mayor and council by a citizen's com mittee asking that the police force be increased bv 1,000 men, that the aged and inefficient members of the force be retired, that the saloon license be in creased to $1,000 and that the resorts paying government license be forced to' take cut city licenses for the privilege of selling liquor. This was also ferred to the license committee. SICK WOMAN SHOT Mysterious Shooting of Woman HI in Bed. Baffles Police. Journal Special Service. Chicago,' Jan. 23.Complete mystery, baffling alike to the detectives working on the case and the members of her family, surrounds the attempted assas sination of Mrs. Josephine Grenzenber, gi DEAT O MAN IN SNOWSLIDES fi-pSy. tyfe-r^r Five Italians in Colorado Silled Yesterday-Nine Perish in Utah. Silverton, Col., Jan. 23.Five Italian miners employed at the Sunnyside mine lost their lives in ah immense snow Blide yesterday afternoon. No trains from Durahgo'and Denver have arrived here since last Wednes day, due to slides and immense drifts of snow which have blocked the tracks. Salt Lake, Jan. 23.Belated reports from the mountain settlements have added two. more names to the list of men killed by snowslides within the last three days. Besides the seven miners killed at Alta and in American' Pork canyon, Peter Chrisfensen, a coal miner, was killed near Sunnyside, Utah, on Saturday. From Bigby, Idaho,1 reported the death of Bogto Jan steame delpli a Troian of the Boston & Phila ii ne v-l 'i-n collision with th.e. steam- ...._ er Naccochee of the Savannah line, in Vineyard sound last Sunday, was re-. _, ported here today by the Nacoochee, which arrived, having on board the captain and crew of the Trojan. The acident was due to fog. The Nacoo chee struck the Trojan amidships and the latter steamer went to the bottom within three-quarters of an hour, but Captain Thatcher and the crew of twenty-seven men of the Trojan were taken" off by men from the Nacooche^. GIRL'slEAD BODY IS FOUND BURIED IN SNOW Special to -The Journal. Grand Rapids, Wis., Jan. 23.The body of Lulu Ostrum, the daughter of H. E. Ostrum of Nekoosa, was found in the snow about twelve miles south east of this city. The cause of her death is wrapped-in mystery. The-girl was 18 years of age an was well known at Nekoosa. Her body was discovered on the side of the road deep in the snow on the line between. Wood and Portage counties. There are no marks of violence on the body and the officers are at sea as to the cause of the young woman's death. It is not believed here that she could have succumbed to the cold. The theory that she may have been mur dered is given credence. TO TEST ORDINANCE Creamery Proprietor Is Arrested for Selling Illegal Milk. F. O. Johnson, proprietor of the Star creamery, 19.12 Fourth avenue S, was arraigned in police court today, charged with violating the new milk ordinance, which requires all milk shipped into the city to be from cows that have been inspected bv a veterinarian. Johnson pleaded not' guilty and the case will be The Belgian government discovered, some time ago, that the leather bags tried Feb. 1. used for the mails in the Congo Free The ordinance was declared unconsti- State weTe often stolen. Investigation 1 tutional by Judge C. L. Smith three proved that natives in the postal ser-! weeks ago, and another jte3t case will vice took them, cut out the bottoms and gave them to their wives to be be made before Judge Ft. F. Waite. The .complaint was sworn out by W. ~$T, Q"Tl. ir'lk .inspector ANDREW CARNEGIE, American Capitalist Who Backed Labor- jj ites in British Elections. GARNEGI E BACKE LABO CANDIDATES American Millionaire Is Said to Have Influenced Recent British Elections. Journal Special Service. London, Jan 23.It is asserted here on good authority that the unprece dented success of labor candidates for parliament at the elections last week was due largely'to Andrew Carnegie. Most of the men elected were, un able to bear the expenses of their cam paign and-,-jt was said that.MivCar.ue i ^_ um 6 10625 Ewing avenue, early yesterday, purpose. The extent of his contribu- Creeping to the window ox the cham ber where Mrs* Grenzenber lay helpless thru illness, some unknown person fired a volley of shots at her bed. Mr. Grenzenber was awakened by his wife's cries. He went to the room, and, as he entered, two more shots were heard. Mrs. Grenzenber had fainted. He quickly revived her, and sent for-a doctor. One bullet pierced Mrs. Gren zenber's leg. The murderous attack took place at 4 o'clock. Since the shooting, Mrs. Grenzenber has been in a state of col lapse, and physicians say her condition is serious. ._,._ provided a generous fund tot that tion is not mentioned, but it was large enough, as-the result of the election proved, to change the political-com plexion of the house of commons. NE W MIL E RECOR I N ADT O RACIN Mariott in a Freak Racer Makes Distance in 32 1-5 Seconds. Ormond, 'Fla., Jan, 23.A s*^ world's record 4or the mttk of 21r5 V^^st^^fiWjond, wa^-njtade here~-?-lk!3&p:Ky riott -in Screak racer Hminary heat foT the1 Earp Tvas second. is 8 Charle B. Counts, a surveyor employed by the Oregon Short Line, who was crushed to death .tinder a snowslide. Counts was a resident of Jackson's Hole, Wyo. STEAMER SUNK BY COLLISION IN FOG 23.The loss of the i". Mar inDewarfirst the pre- trophy.. 600 FALL IN FIGHT IN FRENCH INPO-CBTNA Marseilles, France, Jato., 23.The Chinese mail which arrived "here yester day brought an account of the invasion^ of Tohquin, French Indo-Chifoa, by Chi nese regulars, who encountered a French force numbering 400 men, of wliom 150 were Europeans. A three^ours' battle ensued, result ing in the defeat of the Chinese, who lost 300 killed and 300 wounded., The French'lost 16 men of the foreign legion and 20 Amimites killed, PSOF EZMI Two Cruiser** Trinid^U 7-^La Churira. we Ifte Island of Paris, However, Says No Decisive Action Will Be Taken Until Port of Spain, Island pf Trinidad, Jan. 23.The French cruisers Desaix and Jurien d'e la Graviere sailed from here today, presumably for La Guaira, Venezuela. T Franc Free to Act. Paris, Jan. 23.President Loubet presided today, aft a cabinet council held the Elysee palace, at which Premier Rouvier announced that he had re ceived a communication--from Ambassa dor Jusserand to the effectconsiderthe United States, does new that snot a French naval demonstration against Venezuela, to be a violation of the Mon roe doctrine. France, it is pointed out, thus has her hands free, but the situa tion is unchanged for the moment, as the council will'not take decisive ac tion until the report of M. Taigny, the former charge d'affairs at Caracas, is received. Castro. Stubborn. The foreign office has received con firmation of the press report that the dean of the diplomatic corps and other ministers at Caracas have unsuccessful ly demanded explanations from the Venezuelan government with reference to their position^after' the Taigny in cident. MERICAMNSUL RECEIPT THREAT Canton Official Warned to Keep to European Concession Crisis Acute, Journal Special Service. .Hongkong, Jan. 23.The crisis in Canton caused by opposition to the taxes for the completion of the raal ,road to .Hankow is not vet at an ?eM. United States Consul Julius G. LayJttas fteen. warned, from an anonymous Source, not to leave the European con- esBkm rn the city unle'ss he is willing to run the, risk of being jmrrdered. Some 6f:tlfe^o1fl%wSw are strivifTjj to Implicate t|iei xtiperoy of Kwang ttuig province ia tififer 8&$iforeign. tcpuble and if is" feared that assassination and riots'will occur after the ^celebration of tne'CJ&nese New Year, Jan. 35. -The American and other consuls are onJche alert to cope with the- danger., ,"'Canton,*. Jan. 23.The, yiceroy^s, "Scheme fo* taxation in. order, to. raise? revenue eff the construction of the Canton-Hankow railway, may, lead ,to- a retaliatory strike. The viceroy threat ens the leaders of the merchants' guilds who Sfflenace the plan with decapitation. 'Three Chinese gunboats have been sum moned from Shanghai. StTKSAY MOBNINO XrYNO^IKO. 'Hopkinsville, Ky.. Jan. 23.A mob of 300 men early on Sunday morning took Earnest Baker, a* negro, from tne Trigg county JaU and hanged him In the center of Cadiz. Baker at tempted'Saturday night a criminal assault on an 18-year-old girl. HE'D BETTER STAY AWAY. If Ponfteney Bigelow goes near the isthmus again they'll sic tlie mosquitoes on him. \%$gfi i '_!** tit GENERAL JOE WHEELER, Retired Army Officer, Seriously ffl Is Brooklyn. &x GELWHEELE IS I N GRAV E DANGE Retired Army Officer Is HI in Brooklyn, Threatened with Pneumonia. New York, Jan. 28.Brigadier Gen eral Joseph Wheeler, U. S. A., retired, is seriously ill at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Sterling Smith, in Brook lyn. He has" been confined to his bed for three days with a bronchial affec- tion.- There is-fear that his illness.may develop into pneumonia. GASOLEN E CARS FO RANG E ROA Biwabik-Hibbing Line to Be Equipped with Cars of Union Pacific Pattern. Duluthj' Minn., Jan. 2S.T-6asolene cars similar to those ntn on the Union Pacific railroad, will be used on the new system to be built from Biwabik to Hibbing this year. Consulting En gineer T. McGfilvray said last night that the franchise o Biwabik had -pafeged the couc|L and^iegal action for the. necessary nghts^* in "c eighty other range town's. will probably "%e given ndthin a few days. I was at first planned to use electricity, bat .statis tics from the operating department of the Union Pacific railroad regarding the cost of the gasolene cars and their maintenance made it advisable to use oil burners. The cars will be of the rlOQ-horsepowor class. SENATOR CXTLLOM BETTEE. St. Augustine. Fla.. Jan. 23.Senator Shelby M. Cullom, who came last week to recuperate his health, is rapidly ImproTicg. He Is not confined to his room and is without medical attendance. He says that he came here to recover from a "too strenuous life," and that he is doing so. PMNTERS IX COKTEMCT. Chicago, Jan. 28.Judge Jesse Holdem yester day afternoon found the Chicago Typographical union, No* 16, Edwin B. Wright, its president, and Edward E. Bessette guilty of contempt of court in violating the injunction granted against the printers In favor of the Chicago Typothetae. No punishment was-fixed, by the court, but this will be done Monday, Jan. 29. ^(((laMMMMM FINDS FIANCEE, WH O SAYS, "1 DO" && 3 ftVVt fVVVT'f *in Marks' Search for His Betrothed Rewarded at t*.f.J. the Altar. Love" laughs at conspiring sisters as well as at locksmiths. Miss Anna McNaughton, who was in duced by her relatives to desert her affiance.d husband on the eve of their wedding, is now the happy bride of JEdwin\ Marks, the determined lover, who would not let family opposition come between him and his love. After Anna was taken to the Mc Naughton farm on .the Silver Lake road in Ramsey county, Marks was distracted over, the ioss. He was certain that Anna had been abducted and was forcibly re strained. He could find no trace of her and appealed to the authorities of three counties to help him. Word was finally given out by the McNaughtons that Anna had gone to her 'parents in Can ada, but Marks, ever vigilant, kept his eyes on the farmhouse on the Silver Lake road, and was finally rewarded by meeting Anna face to face, Marks already, had the license, and arrange ments were .soon made to go to Minne apolis and have the long-delayed cere mony performed. Where Mr. and Mrs. Marks may. be now no one knows, but it is certain that their honeymoon is none the less sweet because or the difficulties that were overcome. TRADIN STAMPS AS CHURC BAITj Chicago Pastor Will Use Them to Gather Crowds to Hear His Sermons. Journal Special Service. St. Louis, Jan. 23.Trading stamps as a means of getting children to come to Sunday school, to bring other chilr dren with them, and to contribute their pennies to the contribution boxes have proved so successful in the First Meth odist Episcopal Church-South that Pas tor Todd will extend, the innovation to the church proper and allow the grown ups to share in his business-like re ligious enterprise. Under Rev. Mr. Todd~fs~plan every child who comes, to Sunday school regu larly receives a 2-eent trading stamp each time she or he is present. For bringing a new pupil a 5-cent trading stamp is issued and a 1-cent stamp is given for each penny contributed to the Sunday school pl^te. When tne child has $2 worth of stampR^i^permitted to aekct. a. prseii^#^s^Hf^{a^toek kept by the pasto'r. OF STARVATION Wealthy Man Dead Because He Would Eat Only Doughnuts and Coffee* Journal Special Service. Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. 23.Be- cause he loved money better than life, H. Hugh, a millionaire Of Deadwood, S. D., starved to death in this city. His daughter, Mary Moulton, is the wife of the government assayer in Deadwood, who is also wealthy. Ooffee and doughnuts were the only food Hugh would buy, tho he had a monthly income of $2,500 from rentals and interests. He owned thousands of dollars worth of property in the busi ness district of I&adwpod. The body was shipped to Deadwood last night. INDIANS TO ATTEND CATHOOC SCHOOLS By W. W. Jermana. Washington, Jan. 23.It was an nounced today at the Indian office, that a plan of having a certain number of Indian children on the Bad river res ervation in Wisconsin attend the Cath olic schools at Odanah is to be followed. This action was taken as a result of charges filed against Indian Agent Campbell by Bishop "Schinner of Su perior to the effect that Campbell had forcibly removed some of the children from the Cftholic schools in order to make up the quota in the government school at Odanah. JAPS WANTED GRISGOM BUT LIKE WRIGHT Journal Speoial Service. f?. v, Tokio, Jan. 23.Tho some disap pointment is felt because Lloyd G. Griscom was not appointed ambassador to Japan, a cordial welcome awaits Governor Luke E. Wright, the news of whose prospective appointment as the first ambassador to this country has just been received. His record in. the Philippines and wide experience in ori ental affairs are such that it is felt no better choice could have been made. The Japanese rejoice that President Roosevelt recognizes the importance of the Tokio embassy by appointing to it an official of high standing and the best repute. .,'TO FOREST RESERVE Representatives of Twin City Commer dal Clubs Plan Junket. Representatives of the Minneapolis and St.' Paul Commercial clubs will take a little journey to the wilds of northern Minnesota next week upon invitation of Representative A. L. Cole of Walker. The purpose of the junket is to edu cate the twin city visitors to the IdeaB of the northern part of the state regarding the Css Lake forest reserve. The two twin city organiza tions, have gone on record as favoring the reserve PRESIDENT HAS A 1GR WN SENATE By House's Aid May Force Action on Bates if It Takes All Summer. 1" INSURGENTIfOVEMENT^g IN DANGER OF BREAK Congressmen Who Support State hood Opposition Are Hear-. ing from Home. &$ By. W. W. Jermane. Washington, Jan. 23.As suggested in these dispatches Sunday morning, public attention in Washington is be ing focused on the senate, so far as rate questions are concerned. Not withstanding the fact that the rate bill has not yet been reported to the house, its passage there is taken for granted. The Gorman blockade in the senate is thought to be serious by those on the inside of affairs,, and in anticipa tion of its being put into_ effect, there has been some discussion of a tenta tive program to offset it. It is said tliat the president 'is to send a stirring message to congress, after the rate bill has been before the senate for a sufficient length of time to demonstrate that nothing is to be done with it. This message, it is fig ured, will focus the attention. of the 4 country on the senate and -perhaps compel it to permit the administration-".*,:.* bill to reach a vote. Still Another Way. Should the message fail to move the senate, it is said the president, thru an arrangement that he has already made with Speaker Cannon, is, to keep con gress in session this summer, thus again focusing attention on the sen ate. It will require a joint resolution for congress to adjourn and so long as the house refuses to pass such a reso lution, the senate will have .to. stay here debating the rate bill day after day. .*-.,j Tariff Fight Possible. J.^/ To add to all the pther troubles of the antirate people, the house leaders are very seriously considering whether it will not be good policy to have,, the ways and means committee report* the McCleary maximum and minimum tariff bill. If this should be done, the tariff will be made a very* live issue and the democrats will have 'Something on "which to make their campaign. The house leaders recognize this to be true, but they are beginning to think that some such -remedy,.a* McCleary proposes is the only tfiing that will correct th German situation, as it wUl apply to American^ expo*t ft^e aftw** *be new German tariff goes into effeet March I. With the selate refusing to enact a rate bHL and withj. the house helping to make the tariff ^1 campaign, tissue, there are many who $gare-that-the re publicans will have a nard, rub at th polls in November. Insurgent Move Weakens. There are signs tftday that the state hood insurgent move is in danger of collapse. Borne of the insurgents have begun to hear from home. Letters and .telegrams have been coming in for several days from admiring constitu ents, insisting that members supposed to be part of the insurgent movement come over to the support of the presi dent. These advices state that the men sending them believe that the statehood insurgency, is merely one of the forms which the opposition to Roosevelt has taken, and their congress men must not be led astray by it. "Vote to sustain the president,'' is the cry from home, -and congressmen who formerly were thoroly committed to the insurgent cause are seriously thinking of abandoning that position. It is not possible to ascertain defi nitely whether Bepresentatives^Da *a, Steenerson and Bede from Minnesota have really been in the insurgent group. The insurgent leaders have been claim ing them, Dut that is all the newspaper men know. The same thing is true of Gronna of North Dakota and Dixon of Montana. Nearly all of these men, it is said today, are likely to vote for the statehood bill in compliance with re quests made by constituents. Represen tative Marshall of North .Dakota has been one.of the insurgent leaders, and he may have got so deep into the muss as to be unable to extricate himself. I t, now looks as if he would be almost the only member in the middle northwest to vote against the bill, aside from the two or three Wisconsin members who are rallying around Representative and it is to change their mtads ttiat the bnsi- and -carefu consideration jgiven it by ness men of Walker and CaBs Lake proposed to let them see for themselves. There are to bel _, thrr? deier?t* from MI* finh. .Continued on 2d Page,.4th X' Babcock," the head of the insurgent forces. Should ten or a dozen insurgents be affected in this way, the insurgent movement is bound to go to pieces, and that it will do this is being freely pre dieted today by memberr, who, while supporting the bill, are careful obsenr ers and free from bias in making esti mates. -,_ Bill Due Tomorrow. The bill will come before the house tomorrow and the test of strength will come on the adoption of a rule under which it will be considered. House or- --vs ganization leaders are feeling jubilant 'A^. today. They sav their fight is already 3& won. It certainly looks better than !j| at any time since it began. Represen-. S& tative Bede may possibly stick and vote with tlie insurgents. It is said that $3 about $10,000,000 of Duluth capital has V^S been invested in Arizona and tjat the men who hold it arc bitterly op- ^-rd posed to. joint statehood. Bede, of """^l course, must consider the wishes of these men in deciding what to do, for"- 1 if there ever should be' political trouble' in his district, it would originate in/ St. Louis county. Representative Davia has come out' squarely in favor of the.' joint statehood bill. Speaking today to The Journal correspondent he said: "It should be understood that I am not opposed to any measure advocated by the president. This is especially true of the statehood bill. 1 shall vote for the rule for consideration of the 1 bill and for the bill itself. It is true .v that there is a great deal- of diversity of opinion as to the merits of join-^v-f 1 ing*Arizona and-New Mexico in onet-^ 1 state owing to tne difference in the..r- -1 character of their respective peoples, '^h the immensity of the territory and thej^^H great inconvenience in communicatingIt,': with the capital no matter wherelrir*CS: no located. Yet "the exigencies of the cases aa -r, u" S^-Caj^ts(ir r^imColum