Newspaper Page Text
4! I REFRESHMENTS OBTAINABLE IN TOWN "ACROSS THE BED." Minnesota Namesake Has Check on Gambling Described as "Temporary, Incident to Change in Municipal Ad ministration"Woman Sues Yeomen for $2,000, Value of Son's Insurance Policy. Special to The Journal. Grand Forks, N. D., Jan. 23.Grand Forks bas no lid. This is not because Grand Forks is not modish, but there is no need of a lid. There are no suloons to regulate, and eaily closing would only affect the mercantile establishments, the hotels and the billiard halls. A thoro seaich might unearth a few poker games, but they are of the quiet kind, patronized largely by acquaintances, and they have nevei been disturbed. The liquid refreshments of the city are ob tained from Bast Grand Forks, just across the Bed river, and a lid on in that city might be the means of raising just as strong a protest, or stronger, in Grand Forks than in East Grand Forks. The Dakotans take their flyers in Min nesota and come back in the morning or when ever they get icadj, and there is no objection on the part of the city across the Red. The city was built after the enictment of the prohibition law in North Dakota, or largely so, and this is expected. Just now the lid is on the gambling section in East Grand Forks, but this is de scribed as just temporary and incident to a change in municipal administration. East Grand Forks furnishes all the divertlsement needed by Grand Folks, and that explains why Grand Forks has no lid and has never had one. Woman Sues on Policy. Mrs. Mary Henderson, who lives in Michigan, has brought suit in the district court against the Brotherhood of American Yeomen to recover $2,000, the value of an insurance policy carried by her son, Albert Henderson, who was killed in a logging camp near Cloquet, Minn., nearly a year ago The brotherhood resisted payment on the grounds that Henderson was engaged in a prohibited occupation at the time of his death. A board of arbitration, made up of members of the local brotherhood, decided that Mrs. Hender son should be paid ?1,200. This was not satis factory, and suit was brought to recover the foil amount of the policy. Call for Drainage Meeting. J. L. Oashel, president of the North Dakota Drainage league, will try to arrange a meeting of delegates from the drainage leagues of Minne sota, North and South Dakota and a representa tive of the Canadian government, to be held in this city early ne\t month. The meeting will be called for the express purpose of discussing the overflow of the Bed river, and the date of the meeting will be left to Premier Laurier, who will be asked to send representatives to the conference. Bankers Choose Fargo. At a meeting of the executive council of the North Dakota Bankets' association, held in this city, it was decided to hold ttie annual meet ing of the association this year at Fargo, be ginning July 10 At the close of the conven tion, which will continue two or three days, an .excursion trip will be taken thru Yellowstone park. W. C. MacFadden and L. B. Hanna, Fargo, were appointed a committee to have In charge the excursion feature. Hans A. Aarstad was adjudged insane by the Traill county insanity board at Hillsboro, and has been ^committed to the insane hospital at Jamestown He got into the limelight at Wash ington last December, when he was arrested on the White House grounds. He explained that he had come to ask the president to release him from a hjpnotic spell. He was detained in Washington several days and was then re turned to Hillboro Since then he was em ployed as a farm laborer, and showed signs ot returning insanity and was promptly taken in charge. He was an inmate of the asylum in Washington state previous to coming to this state, about seven years ago. The evidence of the husband was taken in the district court befbie, Judge. Fisk in the case of James A Watkins against Ida Watkins. They were married at Winnipeg the day before Christ mas. 1901, and the wife is charged with desert ing the new ly-fonned household the day before New Years. This was in Winnipeg, where Mrs. Watkins, stil.l live+ The husband is a section mon ns 3 have contracted othe family ties. The action was started a year ago but nothingm,* had," been heard of Watkins for several months, and Mrs. Watkins made a trip to Grand Forks for the purpose, it is said, of urging him to get busy and get the divoice l-"* TOT HAS NAEEOW ESCAPE^ Infant Child Found Unconscious in Snow by Parents. BOWBELLS, N. The 3-year-old son of Max Runnke came near meeting his death in rather a peculiar manner. His Daients had gone to visit a neighbor, leaving the child in bed asleep. On returning they were surprised to find the lit tle fellow out in the yard lying face downward in the snow and all but dead. He was clad only in his nightdress and his limbs were rigid as if frozen. A physician hastilv was sum moned and restoratives applied, but it was some time before the child was out of danger. It seems that the boy had awakened, and, discov ering the absence of his parents, had started out in search of them. He had gone but a short distance when he was overcome by the intense cold and lay for some time in the snow before the .fortvnate return of his parents, who dis covered hJm.jrst in the nick of time. WARRANT FOR GIRLS Ada Benfield and Companion to- Be Taken Back to Minot. FABGO, N. D.Chief of Police Smith of Ken mare passed thru here en route to St. Louis where he goes to bring back Ada Benfield, the 15-year-old girl, the sensational story of whose arrest there was recently printed. The girl, when arrested, gave the name of Loralne Fair fax, and said she had left her home at Minot tecause her father did not treat her well. Myrtle Wallace, with whom the Benfield girl went to St. Louis, also was arrested, but later the police released both girls. Chief Smith has a warrant for the Benfield girl, charging her with the theft of $190 from a Bohemian neigh bor at Keumare. He also has a warrant for the Wallace woman, charging her with enticing the Benfield girl from home. MURPHY ON STAND Defendant in Fargo Trial Denies All ^Charges. FARGO, N. Major J. S. Murphy was on the stand yesterday in his own behalf in the Case of the state against him on the charge of forging Ward county load warrants. His direct examination was in the nature of a general denial of the charges against him. He told a plausible story in connection with the road taxes, and explained away many things that were regarded as strong points by the state. His chief contention is that the action was brought as a political prosecution. He claimed that, as agent of a big eastern trust company, he had loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars In Waid county, and the case was for the purpose of discrediting him with the capitalist. ESTABLISHING COLONY Order of St. Benedict Settles in Sas katchewan Valley. FARGO, X. D.Prominent members of the Order of St Benedict are establishing a large colony of German Catholics in the Saskatchewan valley in noithwestem Canada. H. J. Has kamp of St. Cloud, Minn who is one of the promoters of the movement, sa\s there are now 5,000 colonists the valley, the largest colony of its kiutl on the continent. The Benedictines have ten chuiches there, and will eaily begin the work of erecting a co'le^e. The rlans call for a stone building 80\240 feet in *ize This work is in charge of Father Alfred, formerly of the Assumption church, St. Pavl. The new college will be located at Muenster. a thriving town in the center of the colony. CATTLE CANNOT FEED Reports of Suffering Among Stock at Crow Reservation. CROW AGENCY, MONT.From the cattle ranges on the upper half of yie reservation comes a report of great suffering among the stock winterins there. The recent heavy snow "storm has ccvered the ground with foi'r feet of snow at places, and owing to the crust that formed over the early snows of November, cat tle have freat difficulty in feeding. Cows that were shipped in late las^fall, being then in poor condition, are the wofll sufferers, many of them perishing. Sheep are also suffering greatly. It has beea ftund necessary to build bis plows QboDRb^s i wiiiuiiitiliiimiiniiiiimiiumummmw AVegetablePreparationfopAs- similating ItieFoodandRegula- ting theStomachsandBowelsof IN FAN is CHILDREN PromotesDigcstion,CheerFur- nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norMineral. KOT "NARCOTIC. FbnqJuH Seed'" jtlx.Se/tna &xh*U*SJtt- AuutSttfl A perfect Remedy forConstipa Tion, Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Feverish- ness and Lo^s OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 'Alb moalhSiOJd. man on the Great Northern at Grandm, and a\JZa VKW O^ -FnA/Una- Viim Malta-Vita since the desertion of his wife he is said to EXACT COPY OF WRABRER. How to Save Baby From Being Siek JBY A MOTHER WHO KNOWS Every mother should avoid the possi bility of sickness befalling her chil dren in this season. And. of course, most mothers do honestly try to avoid such possibilities, but many do not ap preciate the one great essential. Feed the little folks good, healthful, pure, strengthening food and there need not be any fear. For many years physicians have pre scribed malt extracts) which contain a large percentage of maltose, or malt sugar. Malta-vita, the crisp, delicious whole-wheat food, contains from eight to ten per cent of maltose. Malta-Vita, on account of its large percentage of maltose, is easily diges tible and readily assimilated by the hu man economy, forming rich, healthy blood, is especially beneficial for chil dren, and it is so good to eatnot at all* like the tasteless variety of break fast foodsthat the little ones always welcome its appearance on the table. Mrs. Miles McCormick of South Bend, Ind., says: "We had almost de spaired of finding something our baby could eat without beiBg distressed. Ke had, since birth, been a constant suffer er from constipation and a general de rangement ogfa thfee stomachmanda bowels,a in have contracted oti,Pir- fnmfTv HD he has improved wonderfully and is en tirely cured of constipation. eding hiMlt a Vit Malta-Vita is sold by all grocers. Big package 10 cents. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of "GENERAL CONTRACTING COMPANY." Know all men by these presents, that the undersigned, citizens of the state of Minnesota, do hereby associate themselves together as a body corporate, pursuant to Title Two (2), Chapter Thirty-four (34) of the General Stat utes 1884 of the state of Minnesota, and the amendments thereto, and do hereby adopt the following articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be "Gen eral Contracting Company." The general nature of its business shall be the buying, owning, improving, selling and deal ing in lands, tenements and hereditaments, real, mixed and personal estate and property. The principal place of transacting the busi ness of this corporation shall be the city of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin and state of Minnesota. ARTICLE II. The time of the commencement of this cor poration shall be the first day of February, A. D. 1906, and the period of its continuance shall be the term of thirty (30) years from and after said date. ARTICLE III. The amount of the capital stock of this cor poration shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), to be paid in from time to time as the board of dlreotors shall prescribe. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount of indebtedness or lia bility to which this corporation shall at any time he subject shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). ARTICLE V. The names and places of residence of the persons forming this corporation are as follows, to-wit: Arthur J. Leahy, residing at Minneapolis, Minnesota. William J. Prendergast, residing at St. Paul, Minnesota and Morris Seyferth, residing at Minneapolis, ifin nesota. ARTICLE VI. The names of the first board of directors of this corporation are as follows, to-wit: Arthur J. Leahy, William J. Prendergast and Morris Seyferth, who shall hold their offices until the annual meeting of this coiporatlon on the first Monday in' February, 1906, or until theii suc cessors are elected and qualify and Arthur J. Leahy shall be president and William J. Pren dergast shall he secretary and treasurer and Morris Seyferth shall be vice president of this corporation until the annual meeting in Febru ary. 1906, or until their successors are elected and qualify. The annual meeting of this corporation shall be held on the first Monday of February in each ear, and the government of this corporation, and the management of Its affairs, shall be vested in a board of three (3) directors, who shall be elected by the stockholders at the an nual meeting of the corporation, and in a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer, who shall he elected by said board of directors al their first meeting, which shall be held on the day of the annnal meeting of the corpora tion, and whose terms of office and powers and duties shall be prescribed by 4he by-law/ of the corporation. Any two of said offices, except that of president and vice president, may be held by one person. ARTICLE Vir. The capital stock of this corporation shall be divided into Five Hundred (500) shares 'of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each. In witness whereof the undersigned have here unto set their hands and seals this eighteenth (18th) day of January, 1906. ARTHUR .T. LEAHY, (Seal WILLIAM J. PRENDERGAST, (Seal MORRIS SEYFERTH. (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Clarence E. Drake, John B. Atwater. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. On this eighteenth (18th) day of Januaiy, 1906, before me, a notary public within and for said county, personally appeared Arthur J. Leahy, William J. Prendergast and Morris Sey ferth. to me well known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing In strument, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed CLARENCE E. DRAKE. (Seal.) Notaiy Public, Hennepin Counts, Minnesota. My commission expires Aug. 16, 1912. Got something you want to sell? 4 Don't waste time worrying Adver- _. $ ti se in The Journal. to remove the snow. ShPepmen have been'feed tag hay and corn for the past four weeks. ^$^^^^^^^$^^^^^$^^^^ For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years TUB OBNTAVR aoMMNV. NEW OITV. VQKK ARTICLES OF INC0BP0RATI0N of "MINNEAPOLIS FUEL & SUPPLY COMPANY." Kn all men by these presents, that the undersigted, citizens of the state of Minne sota, do hereby associate themselves together as a body corporate, pursuant to title two (2), chapter thirty-four (34), of the general statutes 1894, of the state of Minnesota, and the amend ments thereto, and do hereby adopt the follow ing articles of incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be "Min- neapMIs Fuel & Supply Company." Tlu general nature of its business shall be the buying, owning, improving, selling and dealing in lands, tenements and hereditaments, real, mixed and peisonal estate and property. The principal place of transacting the business of this corDor_tion shall be the city of Minne apolis, count/ of Hennepin and state of Minne sota. ARTICLE II. The time of the commencement of this cor poration shall be the first day of February, A. D. 1906, and the period of its continuance shall be the term of thirty (30) years from and after said date. ARTICLE III. The amount of the capital stock of this cor poration shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,- C00). to be paid In from time to time as the board of directors shall prescribe. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to whien this corporation shall at any time be subject shall be twenty thousand dollars ($20,- 000). ARTICLE V. Tie names and places of residence of the per sons fo.-ming this corporation are as follows, to wit: Arthur J. Leahy, residing at Minneapolis, Minn. WllHam J. Pendergast, residing at St. Paul, Minn. and Mjrris Seyferth, residing at Minneapolis, Minn ARTICLE VI. The names of the first board of directors of this corporation are as follows, to-wit: Arthur J. Leahy, William .T. Prendergast and Morris Sevferlh who shall hold theh- offices until the annual meeting of this corporation on the first Monday In February, 906, or until their successors are elected and qualify and Arthur J. Leahy shall be president, and William J. Prendergast shall be secietary and treasurer, and Morris Seyferth shall be vice president of this corporation until the annual meeting in Febru ary, 1906 or until their successors are elected and qualify. The annual meeting of this corporation shall be held on the first Monday of February in each year, and the government of this corporation, and the management of its affairs, shall be vested in a board of three (3) directors, who shall be elected by the stockholders at the annnal meeting of the corporation, and in a president, vice president, secretary and treas urer, who shall be elected by said board of directors at their first meeting, which shall be held on the dav of the annual meeting of the corporation, and whose terms of office, and powers and duties, shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the corpoiation. Any two of said offices, except that of president and vice presi dent, may be held by one person. ARTICLE VII. The capital stock of this corporation shall be divided into one hundred (100) shares of one hundred dollars ($100) each. In witness whereof, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seals this eighteenth 118th) day of January. 1900. ARTHUR LEAHY, (Seal.) WILLIAM .T. PRENDERGAST, (Seal.) MORRIS SEYFERTH. (Seal.) Shrned seiled and delivered in presence of Clarence E. Drake, John B. Atwater. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of On this eighteenth (18th) day of Januarv, 1906. before me, a notary public, within and for said county personally appeared Arthur J. Leahy, William 3. Prendergast and Morris Seyferth. to be well known to be the same persons described in snd who executed the foregolnsr Instrument, and sevrallj acknowledged that they executed thp same as their fiee act and deed. [Seal.] CLARENCE E. DRAKE. Notary Public, nennepin County, Minnesota. My commission expires Aug. 16, 1912. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF HENNE pinss In Probate Couit. In the matter of the estate of William Vro man, deceased. The petition of Charles E. Vroman having teen duly n,ade and filed in this court, r.epie senting among other things that one William Vroman, who resided last -jrior to his death at Madison, in the state of Wisconsin, died at Madison, in the county of Dane, state of Wis consin, on the 1st dav of Ma 1896, seized of an estate of Inheritance in certain lands in the county of Henne: in, state of Minnesota, de scribed in said petition, and that said petitioner has an interest in said lan^s, and that more lhan five v-'ars have elapsed since the death of said WillUm Vioman, deceased, and that no will has been probated, and administration has not been granted or haO of said estate in thi3 state, and praying that the descent of said lands and of the interest of said petitioner therein be this court determined and said lands assigned to such persons as may be entitled thereto by law. Now, therefore, it is oidered that the said petition be heard pt a term of this court to he held at the courthouse, in the city of Minne apolis, in said county of Hennepin, state of Min nesota, on Tuesday, the 13th day of February, A. D. 1900. at 10 o'clock a.m. It is fuither ordered, that notice of said hear ing of said petition be given by {he nublication of this oi iev once in each week for three suc cessive weeks in the Minneapolis Journal, a daily newspaper printed and published in said Henne pin county. F. C. HARVEY, Judge of Probate. Dated Jan. 15. 1906. PB0P0SALS FOB CONSTRUCTION.OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Afslnniboine, Montana, January 18 1906.Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a.m Mountain time. February 19, 1906. and then opened, for construction of a bacterial sewage puiificntion plantplan Spl. 2-707. at Fort As siuniboine, Montana, in accordance with plans and specifications to be seen at this office, also at office of chitf quartermaster, department of Dakota, &t. Paul Minn., at of face of chief quar termaster, department of the Lakes, Chicago, Illinois at office of depot quartermaster, Army building. New York city, and at office of depot quartermaster. St. I/mis. Missouri, where instruc tions to bidders and blank form of i CHATTEL LOAMS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.. M- Established 25 Years, fM i Loans proposals will he required. X'nguaranteed bids will not be considered. The government reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be indorsed. "Proposals for Construction of a Sewasre Purification Plant" and addressed to Captain J. B. McDonald, Con structing Quartermaster On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. small Or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cosft. Having been engaged in the money-lending business for the past 25 years, and with the large cli entele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible seivlee. Our record and reputation tor the past 25 years insures honorable and confiden tial dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 805-306 Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1st ay S and 4th st. ABE Y0V LOOKING _,. For a Friend H" To Loan You Money? -W loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Satin day till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephoneN. W. Main 1770, Twin City 8378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe pidg., 22 4th st S. CHATTEL M0&.JGAGE LOANS On furniture, Pianos, Hoi-bes, Wagons, Warehouse Receipts, etc Lowest and best lates. Minneapolis Financial Co., 406-408 New York Life Bldg. Telephone. N. W. Main 409-L2 T. 0. 8082. BUILDING LOANS MY SPECIALTY MY PLAN is simple and satisfactory both to owners and coutiactors no bond, delay or disap pointmeut. Write, see or phone me for particu lars, hi. l. Brown, 738 Lumber Kxebauge. MONEY AX 6 .& CENT PxB ANNUM: PRI vate party will make loans of $25 to $50 to men jer.nanently employed no security, plan explained upon application. 1114, Journal. MONEY SUPPLIED SAJ,ARIED PEOPLE, BE tail merchants, teamsters, boarding houses, without necurity offices in 58 principal cities. Tolman. 020 New York Life building, MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPBOVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates, payment privi leges given no delay in closing. Minneapolis Trust Co., Hennepin av and 4th st WANTED$100,000 TO INVEST IN GONSEB vatlve first mortgage on real estate small loans net lender 7 per cent.* C. M. Lumpkin, Crookston, Minn. WE OFFJ_R 0UB OWN MONEY TO LOA-ToS improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., 813 Nicollet av. MONEY TO LOAN JON MINNESOTA AND Nortn Dakota farms. Johnson-Van Sant Co., Bank of Commerce building, Minneapolis, Minn. THE EDMUND G. WALTON AGENCY, 800 Hennepin av, are making first mortgage loans. Call on them if you want to borrow or invest. 4 PEE CENT, 5 PEB' CENT, 6 PEB CENT thoney to. loan on improved city property no delay. J. A. Walters, 514 New York Life bldg. CONE & CO., 617 GUABANTY BLDG., have on hand to loan on Improved property $1.000, $1,500, $2,000. $3.500 lowest rates. WANT TO BOBBOW $4,000 EIBST MOBTGAGE on up-to-date residence iropsity only priu cipals need apply. Address 3032, Journal. LOUIS A, HOWARD. 602 ONEIDA BUILDING, has money on hand to loan on improved city property. Current rates. WE LOAN ON CITY SEAL ESTATE AT LOW ebt rates no delay. Nickels & Smith, S ll Nicollet a v. HONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS no delay. M. R. Waters, 707 Phoenix Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES NO delay. Thayer & Gale. 213 N. Y. Life Bldg. MONEY LOANED, FLBST OB SECOND MORT gages and other good security. _305 N. Y. Lifu. $100 TO $500 TO 10AN ON REALTY~0il __good paper. 322 New York Life bldg, WILLIAMS, 434 GUABANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos, or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers lowest prices. DIAMONDS BOUGHT, LARGE OB SMALL, highest price paid money loaned. M. L. Cohen, diamond broker, 29 Washington av S. BICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property charges reasonable. 506 Globe Bldg. MEDICAL MEDICAL BATHS AND TBEATMENT FOB women only in your home, for weakness, ner vous diseases, rheumatism and paralysis please try my method before you go to the Hot Springs I can help you. "Mrs. F. Lem strom, doctor of massage from Finland. 307 W 15th st hours, 2 to 4. T. C. phone 9220. IF YOU BUFFER FBOM P00B CLRCULA tion, indigestion, constipation or nervous ness^ take massage treatments and" suggest ive therapeutics given by Dr. Garli Gum merson, office at 330 Auditorium building. Office phone, T. C. 8395. Residence, 120 I2tb at S. T. O. 1011^, PHYSICIAN AND -tfR-LitSED NURSE TREATS successfully a.H i^qntaT* (jdaeiises. obesity, rheumatism, ^insomnia best methods No. 10 7th st S suite 302. Hulet block* Hours 1 to 6 p.m., PILESDR. H. WAITE, 30 YEARS" SPECIAL ist cures every case. Write for pamphlet, mailed- free. 1219 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis. AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUB GOODS TO GEN eral* stores, clothiers, druggists and grocers fine sidelines, big profits, liberal terms. Model Mfg. Co., Box L, South Bend, Ind. WANTEDAGENTS TO SELL STOCK SOUND, attractive proposition large wages to right men. Address I.- L. & D. Co.. 701 Drexel _Jrilding Philadelphia, Pa. SALESPEOPLE EVERYWHERE, BIG BE mand, clean work sella for quarter, costs 7c. Address with stamped envelope for reply, 7877, Journal. WANTEDGOOD AGENTS Td~CANVASS~BESI dence district with a new line. Good money for live men. Room.303, Hulet block. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL GOOD ABTI cles no experience heeded. Call 114 Wash ington av S. room 15. __PAlENTATTORNE^__ INVENTORS. ^ATTENTION!PATENTS IN all countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, manufactured models made twenty-five years established unexcelled reputation in ventors' book free. Address Patent Market, St. Paul, Minn. WILLIAMSON & MEBCHANT, PATENT LAW yers and solicitors main office, 925-933 Guar anty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 52 McGill building, Washington,1 1 can be procured. All proposals previously re ceived have been rejected. "Work to begin when frost is out of ground in the spring of 1906. Bidders a.-e informed that they must subm^f pro posals complete in everr "detail for oing this work, and must state the time they will com-I ft APP1PT fiT."E.AKrTNrfl UTTfJ MTPfl mence and complete the work. A guarantee in I rlic-^cdL^iS-^!^ the amount of 10 per cent of amount of ii _y_m._c0LAR jfJ_Ol-Li, SEND YOUR CAB- D. UNEXCELLED MINING PROPOSITION WILL surely make good ground-floor price for short time. Don't fail to look into this. Address 7.J91, Journal. WRITE CONCERNING'MINING STOCKS IN formation free 31 years' experience stocks exchanged, W. P. McDonald. 802 Andrus. Mpls. ^JBUgKE^JgOPERTY^^ FOR RENT66 OR 132 FEET OF FRONTAGE on 4th st N near 2d av, heart of the while sale district, to lease for 50 or 90 years, 4 per cent basis ten year revaluation. Yale Realty Co. FOB BENT FACTORY BUILDING, THBEE floors 6,750 feet elevator central near depots and trackage. Huhn Drug Store, 98 Western. TWIN CITY DYE WOBKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. N0BTH STAR" DYEING~AND"FBENOH~DBY cleaning works. 720 Hennepin av. Both phone/. JPROE^SIONAJL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PEBMA nently removed by electricity. Miss Holllster, 77-78 Syndicate Black. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. ^PHOTOGRAPHIC^SUPPI^S^ KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH ing done expertly photographic materials, our business, established twenty year*. O. H. lJecK Co 112 5th st S. ^ANIJOJNCEMENTS^ CUT BATES ON HOUSEHOLD G00 D3 TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. 3est of service and lowest possible tates. Write or call on tha Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 S 3d st. ^ATTORNEYS^ THE SWEETSTEB-BOCHESTEB CO., 810-811 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped collection department in northwest. EUR REMODELING, REPAIRING AND BE dyeing, one month at sumuiei prices. D. Moms Fur Co.. 79 10th st S. Main 3454. ^ffiAOHINERY^ IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA chlnery, large stock of secoutl-hand and new. Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d st a. Mpls. pets, rugs tc the Mpls. Carpet Cleaning & Rug i-actory. 112 4th st N. Main 3227: T. C. 9495 STOVE REPAIRS era Stove Repair Co., SX2. Hennepin. HELP WANTED-MALE WANTEDFOB THE U. 8- XAEXNE OOBPS, unmarried men between the ages oV'il and 35, able-bodied, of good character and temperate habits, cltlaens of the United States, or who have legally declared their Intention to become such must speak, read and write English marines serve at sea on men-of-war in all parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions and at navy yards in the United States. Recruits desiring service in the Phil ippine Islands may be enlisted accordingly. Apply at 167 3d st, St. Paul, or SO Waah lngton av S, Minneapolis. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade pays $5 day after com pleting course of practical instruction at home or in our schools. Graduates admitted to union and Master Plumb ers' association. Positions secured. Spe cial tuition price to residents of Min neapolis, $25. Coyne Bros. Co., Plumb- 1 ing Schools, New York Chicago, 8t Louis. Mo., Cincinnati, 0. Free catalog. OOP OOOO'OOOOOOO LEARN SHOBTHAND. Our course of Instruction is the best, most simple and practical. The wonderful success of our graduates, and our inability to fill all the applications for stenographers is the proof. The Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan Building. WANTEDFOB U. S. ABMY: ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85 citizens of United States of good character and temperate nabits. who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Becrultlng Olticer, Phoenix Building or Com mercial Hotel, St. Paul, or 324 First avenue S. Minneapolis, Minn. FIBEMEN AND BBAKEMEN ON MINNESOTA and other lallroads. experience unnecessary. Firemen $70, become engineers and earn $150. Bi'akcmen $65, become conductors and earn $140. Name losition preferred. Stage age. Unequal'd opportunity for strong, ambitious young men. Address Hallway Association, 74S0. Journal. WANTED AT ONCE Experienced male bill clerk, $50, $60. Telegraph operator and stenographer, $65. Several stenographers for banks and lum ber Arms in N. D. and Minn. Several first-class stenographers for city, S. A. Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota Bldg. SALESMANWANTED AN EXPEBIENCED traveling salesman, thoroughly familiar with general store and grocery trade of North Da kota and northern Minnesota must be earnest and a gentleman no trunks or samples high class he use. Address 8070. Journal, Minne apolis. Give references. YOUNG MEN WANTED FOB THE V. 8. NAVT, ages 17 to 35 years pay $16 to $70 per month, according to ratings first outfit of clothing free good opportunities offered for advance ment. Apply at navy recruiting station, Boom 508 Postottlce building, Minneapolis. WANTJbDGOOD AGENTS IN MINNESOTA, North and South Dakota, and north Wisconsin by the Continental Casualty Co. Health and accident Insurance. Best contracts, ratea and commissions. D. H. Evans, state agent, 310 Andrua building, Minneapolis. WANTEDA FEW A HALFTONE FINISH ers and etchers non-union permanent posi tions guaranteed capable men. Write or ap ply with reference and samples of work. B. R. Donnelley & Sons, Plymouth Place and Polk st, Chicago. WANTEDEVEBY MOTHER'S SON AND daughter to buy a box lunch, 10 and 15 cents, at Corn Exchange Confectionery Stand, operator Phoenix building lobby, A. 3. Wlrth's candy store and 126 7th at N. WANTEDSHIPPING CLERK FOB WHOLE sale grocery business, must be thoroughly familiar with this line. Address, giving refer ences and name of last employer. 3. Allen & Co.. 201 E 3d st, St. Paul. TEN MEN ON A SPLENDID PROPOSITION a new article for families, and sold on the credit plan pays $10 $40 weekly, according to ability. C, F. Adams. 76-78 7th st S, Minneapolis, Minn. FBEE HAIR CUT AND SHAVE AT MOHLEB Barber College also wants men to learn bar ber trade cull or write for free illustrated catalogue. 221 2d av S, Minneapolis. Minn. establlsted 1S93._ A FIRST-CLASS EXPEBIENCED CLOTHING salesman to go to Dnluth Scandinavian pre ferred bring references. Call at 310 Nicollet av, from 10 to 11 a.m., and ask for Wm. Goldstein, PLUMBING SCHOOL. Special rates for two 'months' instruction day class $25. Practical School of Plumbinf and Heating, 3639 Nicollet av. Minneapolis. WATCHES CLEANED, 60o MAIN SPRINGS, 50c warranted one year clocks repaired, called for and delivered. Telephone T. C. 948. Chas. Horwitz, 308^ Washington av N. WANTEDPHYSICIANS TO REPBESENT A line of specialties to the medical profession by a well-known house in the east. Address Nelson, V. O. Boy 996, New York. WANTEDLADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO canvass St. Paul, Minneapolis, Stillwater, 445 permanent also travelers, $18 per week. Come at, once. 575_Canada st, St. _Paul: A COMPLETE SCHOLABSHIP~XN LEADING Minneapolis business academy for sale at half price if taken at once. Other business reason for selling. Address 8051, Journal. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EABN good income eonesponding for newspapers, ex perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N Y. WANTEDEXPEBIENCED GBOCEBY OLEBK to take charge of grocery department, North Dakota, general store. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 500 Kasota building. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WINDOW trimmer state experience, where last em ployed and salary expected. Address P. O. box 455, St. Paul, Minn. JOB COMPOSITORS, THBEE, $18, 54 HOURS linotype operators, scale union or non-union permanencies guaranteed competent. Typothe- ^_tae, 206 4th st S, EMPLOYMENT BUBEAU FOB BOOKKEEPEBS, stenographers, office and store clerks. Fred Sheridan & Co., 520 Bank of Minneapolis building. WANTEDCANVASSERS PAY EVEBY DAY highest comn.ission, best portrait proposition. Tel. T. C. 14264, or call 702 26th av NE, Min neapolis^ LEABN WATCHMAKING, ENGRAVING, OP tics earn more money oldest school. Min neapolis Watchmaking School. 7th and Hen nepin. WATCHES CLEANED 50c MAINSPRINGS 60o wari_nted one year clocks repaired, called for _and delivered. T. C. 9545, Dobrln. 223 Wash. N LEABN PHOTOGRAPHYBIG DEMAND FOB workmen taught quickly terms easy. Minne sota College of Photography, 316 Nicollet av. LEABN" PHOTOGRAPHYBIG DEMAND~FOR workmen taught quickly terms easy. Minne sota College of Photography, 316 Nicollet av. SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTES, BEST OAK soles, sewed. 75c nailed, 50c: rubber heels, 40c. S. T. Sorensen, 314 Nicolelt av. I WANT SOME TEAMSTERS THAT ABE NOT sfraid of work to board with me. Ohio Ex press, 120 3d st N, knowing city. WANTEDA FEW GOOD 8ALJ.SMEN,' FIR8T class men, will be given straight salary con tract. 8 Eastman block. BOY, 16 OB 17 YEARS OLD, HANDY WITH tools, to learn a good trade. E. R. William son, 245 Hennepin av. WANTED AT ONCE, A JANITOBTWHOTTHOB. oughly understands steam. Hotel Fananelo, 1221 Nicollet av. 50 MEN WANTED TO CUT HEADING BOLTS good wages paid. Apply Heading Mills, Frederic, Wis. BABBEB WANTEDTO BUY OB RENT GOOD paying two-chair barbershop at once. Address 8011, Journal. WANTEDFIBST-CLASS DHLTVEBY BOUTE man references. Ye Olde Tyme Bakerie, 822 Nicollet av. WANTEDA SCANDINAVIAN TO TAKE SEC ond position in county bank. Address 8030, Journal. WANTEDA GOOD ALL snith and machine man. N. D. BOUND BLACK- P. M.. Fnllerton, $125 MONTHLY AGENTS WANTED STAND art! Registry Co.. 312 Bank Commerce bldg. WATCHES CLEANED $1 MAINSPRINGS $1 warranted one year. Paegel's. 22 3d st S ^ELP^AJ^Dj^^MALE MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING TAUGHT 1 Nicollet av. LEABN EXPEBT SHOBTHAND AND TOUCH TYPEWBITING. We provide means for that careful, personaf attention and individual instruction which is so vital to the success of the average student. The Munscn Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan Building. FOBELADY FOB SHIRT, PANTS AND OVER- A NJ_A APPEARING YOUNG LADY TO work afteinoors fix1 Continued EMPLOYMENT BUBEAU FOB BOOKKEEPEBS, stenographers, office and store clerks. Fred Sheridan & Co., 520 Bank of Minneapolis building. i WANTEDTWO GOOD SOLICITORS, $12 weekly salary. Gall 8 o'clock tomorrow morn ing, ready for work. 510 Boston block. WANTEDLADLES TO ACCEPT FBEE OSTEO pathic help this week for any and all troubles bring your friends. 321 Medical Dloek. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED GENEBAL housework girl wages $5 references required. 722 10th av SE. T. C. Tel. 16046. WANTEDEXPEBIENCED 8HIBT MAXEBS at once for custom work power machines. Mulford Shirt Co., 16 5th st S. ANT INTELLIGENT PEBSON MAT EABN good income eonesponding for newspapers ex perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport,. N. Y. _. WATCHES CLEANED, 50c MAIN SPRINGS, WANTEDIMMEDIATELY, WOMAN COMPOSI- ^-L, warranted one year cfocta repaired, tor for good country, office straight matter S"^ *5ii^^ 5*S? with chance to learn Job if desired. I. A. Her- _rick,_Fai mlnsion, Minn. DBESSMAKEBB~AND LADIES WHO DO THEIB own sewing or employ dressmakers to visit the Pralss Pattern Booms, 622 Medical block. Main 1714 L. WANTEDGIBLS TO SEW ON POWEB Ma chines. American Tent & Awning Co.. 307- 309-311 Washington av N. COMPETENT GIBL FOB GENEBAL HOUSE work good wages. 3140 Lyndale av S. __ N W. phone, 681 J2 South. WANTEDA GOOD, THOBOUGHLY~OOMPE tent girl for general housework no other need apply. 1901 Dnpont av 8. WANTEDGLUL TO SEW ONPOWEB MA Chines. American Tent & Awning Co., 307- 809-811 Washington av N. WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS STENOGBAPHEB and office assistant by local mercantile house. __ Address 8026, Journal. WANTEDTEN EXPEBIENCED OPERATORS on power machines good wages. Apply loo Washington av N. EXPEBIENCED GIRL FOB GENEBAL HOUSE work call mornings. Mrs. S. L. Washburn, 1112 6th st SE. WANTEDCOMPETFNT GIBL FOB GENERAL housework. Call mornings. Mrs. Ettley, 2819 Aldrlch S. WANTEDYOUNG GIBL FOB LIGHT H0U8E- wcrk must room at home. Apply flat D, 2619 Chicago av. WANTED^OMPETENT GIBL FOB GEHEBAL housework four adults. Call after S, 3314 9th av S. GIBL FOB GENEBAL HOUSEWORK HEED not cook three in family. 2417 Emerson av S, fiat 2. WANTEDSOME ONE TO TAKE FLAT WASH ing and ironing home. Call 2018 Humboldt av S. GLUL FOB GENEBAL HOUSEWOBK. TWO IN family. Call at 1318 Washington at NE. WANTEDOIBl. FOB GENEBAL HOUSE work small family. 2305 Portland av. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOB housework. Call 816 21d av S. GENEBAL WANTEDGIBL FOB GENEBAL HOUSE wdrk. Call 303 East Lake st. WANTEDA GOOD GIBL FOB GENEBAL housework. 312 2d st NB. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. BATE UNDEB.THIS CLASSIFICATION, Ho A word: no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 60c. TRAVELING MAN WITH 10 YEARS' BOAD experlenoe, at present employed, would like position as city salesman for good reliable firm, state line and salary. Address 7&&tt), Journal. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS 8ALES man for line of hardware or line tributary to groceries would go out with experienced man as helper and packer. Address 7233, Journal WANTEDPOSITION IN SOME OFFICE, store or bank by a Scandinavian of 26 ex perience not salary the object sober and hon est. O. F. W., Box 356, Hudson, Wis. STENOGBAPHEB, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, at present employed, desires position where he will have considerable correspondence sal ary $10. Address 7656, Journal. YOUNG MAN LIVING AT HOME WANTS chance to clerk, learn trade anywhere with chanci tj learn wages no object good refer ences. Address 7484, Journal. WANTEDBY SENIOB IN HIGH SCHOOL, position to collect* or work in office of some business house Saturdays, collecting preferred. Address 7488. Journal. I AM PBEPABED TO DO FIRST CLASS COPY ing (letters, etc.) on typewriter or with pen. Address Hans Jorgensen, 204 Sykes block, Minneapolis, Minn. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGBAPHEB OX several years' experience would like work one or three evenings each week. Address 8074, Journal. YOUNG MAN OF 19, INSIDE WOBK PBE ferred speaks German sober and steady, would like to learn trade. Address 8058, Jour nal. SITUATION WANTED EXPEBIENCED clerk in general or grocery store will go any place good references. Address 7667, Journal. MARBLED COUPLE, AS COOKS IN A BES taurant or hotel, or can take charge and manage a place. Address 7672, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS CLEBK BY YOUNG man of ability willing to work. Address Theodore Gomlnsky, Watkins, Minn A POSITION AS OFFICE MAN OB BOOKKEEP er have had considerable experience give ref erence. Address 7553, Journal. BOY WOULD LIKE WOBK OF SOME KIND a pla^e for *dvancement. Call at 819 25th av S. Female. BATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, /c A word no ad less than 10c daily 2u words or less, one week. 60c. YOUNG LADY STENOGBAPHEB, EXPERI enced, must have work, preferably with law firm other acceptable. If you want a thor oughly in earnest stenographer address E. C. P., 356_12th av NE. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER, STENOGBAPHEB and typewriter desires position at once compe tent and capable of taking full charge of book keeping and collections best business refer ences. Telephone Main 2807. EXPEBIENCED STENOGBAPHEB, RAPID and accurate, capable of assisting on books, desires position with reliable firm: fair wages until acquainted with business. Address 8v79, Journal. ASSISTANT POSTMISTRESS WISHES Gov ernment position best of references German American would like to assist postmaster in country town. Address 7277. Journal. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION as assistant bookkeeper or to help on the books has had experience and can give refer ences. Address 7541, Journal EXPEBIENCED LADY STENOGBAPHEB, thoroughly competent, desires position know ledge of bookkeeping first-class references. Aduress 6782, Journal. YOUNG LADY WITH FIVE YEABS' EXPEBI ence desires position as bookkeeper and sten ographer. Can furnish best of references. Ad dress 7905, Journal. A RESPECTA BIE, RELIABLE WOMAN wants situation for general housework must be in Minneapolis. Call or address 2108 Bloom Ington av. upstairs. WANTEDA POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by young widow with one child: best refer ences. Address The Gorman. 9th st and 1st av N, city, room 8. HIGH-GRADE BOOKKEEPEB AND EXPEBT stenographer, several years' experience and best business references, desires position at once. T. 152. WANTEDCLERICAL POSITION BY YOUNG lady who has had four years' experience can give best of references if required. Address 8099, Journal. GEBMAN CHAMBERMAID, CAN SPEAK French, good seamstress and nurse, wants po sition references furnished. Address 7489, Journal. quick a course in frame and shape making LADY, PRACTICAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, only $10 individual instruction in all parts of the trade. We sell stock hats at cost of good bookkeeper, qnic and accurate flgurer, tine penman highest references. Address 7W2, Journal. FIRST-CLASS STENOGBAPHEB AND BOOK keeper wants responsible position with engi- Address 7904, Jour- material hats made to order in up-to-date styles, all kinds of fancy wire shapes made to order five apprentice girls wanted at once for spring season in millinery. Dressmaking course, $2 per week French tailor square measure and Instruction book and a course in cutting waists and sleeves only $5 French, WANTEDPOSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER English, American and all other kinds of sys- have experience can give reference. Address terns for sale at wholesale prices fashion i Mrs. Andeison, 1926 Crystal Lake av N. journal free. Call or write Dobbs Bros., 1003 EXPEBIENCED YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE neerlng firm or architect, nal. work to wait on table or dinner parties in private homes. Address 7916. Journal. SEWING IN FAMILIES BY A FIRST-CLASS seamstress, children's clothes and all kinds of family sewing. 638 E 14th st. A LADY DOis~ALL~KINDS"0- 1.MBROIDEBY, hemstitching, drawing work, plain -sewing cheap Lindxtrom. 1324 Sth st PE. DRESSMAKER WANTS A FEW MOBE En gagements to go ot:t bv the day. Address __1517 11th av S, second flat, all factory one who is comoetent to take WOMAN IN N^ED OF WOBK. LAUNDBY charge of factory floor. Outside of twin cities. I State experience. Address Forelady, 7305. Journal. ""NJ_AT two evenings a week in a drug store nice place and work is not hard. Small pay to start. Address 8084. Journal. A N OPPOBTUNITY FOB CAPABLE. CLEVER lady of fair education In our business must be industrious and willing to learn. Call after 10, Wednesday, 712 Boston block. fc** Defective Page Call up N. W. work and sweeping, dusting. Main U2 Jl C._25(T. DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE A .FEW MOBE engagements by the day: references. Call eve _nings. T. C. phone 4826. FIRST-CLASS STENOGBAPHEB DE8LBE8 permanent position best city references. Ad dress 7289, Journal. SITUATION WANTEDGIRL FOB GENEBAL housework. Call or write, 410 16th av S. kMim^j^&jis^iM (KKXDJTRMSJTO PATRONIZE MAIBE'S B0OF Stops leak in any roof. Call, telephone or write. Malre Paint Co., 242 lst, av N. 943. Chas. Horwltz. 303 Washington av N. MONET LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS and furs. Reliable watch and Jewelry repalr ing. Bank's Loan & Jewelry Co.. 243 1st av g. CABBIAGE AND TTAGON repairing and paint ing at reasonable prices. J. M. Noetner. 130 Western. JOHN 8. ALLEN, 110 GUABANTY BLDG, & liable Jeweler, diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. Watches cleaned $1. Mainsprings $1 Ea tablished 1885. H0B8ES SHOD WITH NEVEBSLIPsTT^EW steel shoes (1.25. Harvey Shop, 128 West. T. C. 1271. OABBIAGES AND WAGONS BEPAXBED~~AT% factory prices work guaranteed. 129 We*. _tern av. T. C. 1271. THE BPLAN HEATING VENTILATING Best plant for-least money. 212 4th st 9 Phones. 8HOES BE80LED WHILE TOU WAIT. BEST oak soles, sewed, 75c nailed, 50c: rubber heels, 45c. Standard Shoe Repairing Co., 70S FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS PIANOSA^SBLENDTO^LHiTOF^Oolb^KCANoi in our bargain room this week. Here's just a few sample bargains. Two uprights $100- $110 Dunham piano, $160 Haines Bros., $16i) Ivers k. Pond. $210 Cable piano. $200 two Henry F. Miller pianos, $200. $280 two Mc Phall pianos, $245, 8300 two Knabe pianos, $215, $375 easy payments. Foster & Waldo. 36 5th st C. corner Nicollet av. SAFES, SAFES, SAFESLABGE8T AND MOST couplet line in Minneapolis all sizes, kinds and makes prices the lowest also big stock new and second-hand office, store, bank, drug and candy fixtures, wall cas-s. show cases, counters, shelving, partitions, desks, letter files, chairs, tade s, cash registers, etc. Twin City Fixture Co.. 223 3d st S. ABTEFICTAL LIMBS MADE F. BUCH^ stein Co., 608 1st av S, are one pound lighter than others, guaranteed for seven years. Our braces cure bow legs, flat feet, spinal curva ture, etc. Invalid's chairs for sale and rent. Elastic stockings and radical cure trusses made to order. WE~TBUST EVEBYBODYEA8Y PAYMENTS billiard tables,, bar fixtures, bowling alreys cheapest prices our salesmen work on a salary In dealing with us you do not hav to pay commissions or middlemen's profits. The Brunswick-Balke-OoUender Co.. Minne apolis, Minn. 1087 WASHINGTON AV B, LARGEST LINE OF fixtures, new and old bank, saloon, millinery, drug, butcher, barber, grocery, candy store, at low prices aU fixtures from St. Anthony bank for sale cheap. Call and get goods cheap. FOB SALEONE TWO H. P. ENGINE, $60 one 4 H. P. engine. $125 one 14 engine, $200, with complete outfits for in stalling in a launch. All in first-class condi tion. Moore Boat Works. Wayzata, Mum. FINE MACHINES FOB LITTLE MONEYSIHl ger, Domestic, White, New Home, Standard, $3, $5 to $15. Special bargains in drop-heads, _all__kinds repairing. Dalseide. 925 Nicollet. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS ONE POUND LIGHTER than otters made 'by F. Buchstein Co.. 6u8 1st av S guaranteed seven years our braces _cnre bow legs, flat feet and deformities. STEEL BANGE WITH HIGH CLOSETS, $201 Stewart steel ranges, $18 heating stoves, cheap gas range, $10. C. Herbert Smith. 424 Hennepin av. FOB SALESQUARE PIANO, ORGAN, EXTEN slon table and dress suit, size 38 cheap if taken before Thursday moving away. 1409 21st av N. TWO ELECTRIC MOTOBS, BOTH TWO-HORSE, globular protected tyve. 500 volts. Al con dition, open fair condition snap. 7799, Jonr nal. WOOD, DBY, $8.50. '$2.78 FACTORY WOOD, $2.50 coal, $5 and $5.75. Plymouth Lumber Co.. 287 Hennepin. Main 3S46 LI T. C. 2807. INVALID CHAIRS FOB 8ALE AND BENT elastic stockings and radical cure trusses made to Older F. Buchstein Co., 608 1st av S. SECOND HAND TYPEWBITEBS OF ALL makes at a bargain must be sold. Blickens de-fer Typewriter Co.._605 Sykes block. HALL'S SAFES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND! largest stock in the aorthwest. J. J. Deright. & Co.. 818 2d av S. Tel. Main 3121. FOR SALENATIONAL CASH REGISTER AND 1,000 pound safe, $100 for both snap. 2630 E 25th St. FOB SALELADY'S FUB JACKET. GENT'S fur-lined overcoat, cheap. Call 1502 Sum mit av. FOB SALELARGE HEATING STOVE IN good condition. C. E. Ashworth. Chicago and 14th st. NEWLY MADE, NEAB SEAL WBAP, SIZE 44, for the price of making. Call 1320 Vine place. flat 2. *~_* 3* CENTSBEADING GLASSES, FINE PAIR. Hirschy. optician, 518 Nicollet, second floor. FOB SALEONE OAK BOLL TOP DESK AND chair can be seen at 743 Lumber Exchange. JSp _W WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTEDPARTIES LEAVING THE CITY TO .get our cut rates on household goods to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. For the best of aervica and the lowest possible rates, write or call on The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 S 3d st. WANTEDOFFICE AND STORE FLXTUBES, especially safe*, desks, showcases and wall- _. cases- highest prices paid. For shipment to the co?st. 223 32 st S. WANTEDTO BUY A HEABSE, SECOND. hand, muBt be in good condition and at a reasonable figure. Address John Holcomb, Otls ville, Washington countv. WANT $600 PIANO FOB 40 ACRES CLEAR land. Pine county value of land $R5 an acre. Room 302 Phoenix building. WANTEDSAFE, ANY GOOD MAKE STATE size, mrke, price and where it can be seen. Address 8041. Journal. BOLL TOP DESK, ABOUT FIVE FEET LONG name lowest price. Address 8039, Journal. WANTEDA LARGE OFFICE SAFE MUST be good and cheap. Address 8005. Journal. TO EXCHANGEMiscellaneous. TO EXCHANGEFAPEBHANGLNG horse. Addiess 8081. Journal. ii hi FOB ^OJT^J^Um^REWAmS^ FOUNDTHAT I NEED A POSITION AM AN experienced all around groceryman, good on the floor, -good stock keeper, and can hold an order route am no shirker: know the city from A to Z. Are yon in need of such a man? Look me up. Address 8C45, Journal. LOSTON EIGHTH AND CENTRAL CAB O S at Powers, Wednesday, small monkey skin purse containing $10 bill and change Please notify if found will reward. J. E. Engquist, 3160 Columbus av. LOSTTWO SILVEB BUTTONS ON A RING) lost probably on Minneapolis-St. Paul cat Saturday night please notify Wegge, Swedish American bank. Reward. FOUNDA PLACE TO HAVE YOUB TRUNK repaired or exchanged for new one, 14 Wash ington av N. Bijou Trunk Factory, William Lorenz. Both phones. LOSTA SMALL PARCEL CONTAINING BOLL of brown and white satin en Nicollet between 10th and New Store. Finder address 1928 Hennepin av. LOSTCOCKEL SPANIEL DOG: LAST SEEN on Central av Saturday: any information lead ing to his recovery will be rewarded. Call T. C. 16988. i FOUNDBUNCH OF $1 BILLS IN YOUNG dahl's meat market, 603 8th av S: party can have same by identifying it and paying for this ad. LOSTBULL TERRIER, PURE WHITE Ex cept left eye trarked brindle. Return to F. E. Freeman. 11 Spruce place, flat 17 FOUNDFINE PAIR STEEL BOWS, BEADING glasses, for 35c at Hirschy "s, option, 51S Nic ollet av, second floor. STORAGE^ THE BOYD TBANSFEB & STORAGE CO. HA! uuequaled faculties for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake st. the Iarsest in the westthe finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and Fireproof Storage Wv rehouse, with every accessory and Visitors welcome. Warehouse office. 400 E Lake st. Main office. 46 S 3d st. MINNEAPOLIS TBANSFEB AND 8TOBAGB Co. has best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cut rates to Pacific coast and other points oar specialty- 122 5th st S. Both phones^ _________ CUT BATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cagq. Denver. Spokane, Pacific coast ter minals and tributary points. Best of service and-lowest possible rates. Write or call on tha Bovil Transfer A Storage Co 4ft 3d st S. OAMEBON'S TBANSFEB AND STOBAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house uold goods expert packers. Office. 200 Nlcoj W Both phones. 1208. Res. phone T. C. 13324. A_ JMZ BROS., TBANSFEB AND STOBAGE t_jest vans and wsrerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 Sth st N. Both tele phones 952. FXBEPBOOF STOBAGE, CLEAN SEPARATE rooms packing and shipping. IPS 1st av N. ^^raE^NE^WLIGOTOTOE^ WANTEDHOBSES OB 0THEB PEBSONAJ property in ecbanr for an elegant privaf ^acarriage or take Harriet lot. 3018 Aldrich a IS :t el