Newspaper Page Text
3_ft (ft '7: .V- 5 f'& u 1*. -a_)# 1 & Mi '1 41 i .ft 5? f*. 4 "iV- nt. WW "fiJ1!*, I 1 i.Ml & S: Mil SEND US $10 TO $100 FOR INVESTMENT FOR YOU. If you dare. We promise a square deal. We report every eight or twelve days and we invest $2 to $3 for every $1 our clients or you Invest. We take no chances on any prop erty or proposition that does not show up 10 for 1 (ten for one) profits. To get in on this deal be quick and send what you can spare and then investigate. All will share alike. Address Dr. W W. Pugh, manager and se-jre tary, P. O. Box 41. Montgomery, Texas. flARBER SHOP IN THRIVING MINNESOTA town of 7.000 division potnt on the O. N. and N. P. railways this shop is in the best hotel in the city hot and. cold water and electric lights, included in the r,ent, $30 three hy draulic chairs. French plate sectional mirrors two bath tubs $700 takes it cost $1,000. People's Exchange, 510 Boston block. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. Fourteen-room modern house, close in, rooms full, rent $40 income above rent $50 $700, part time. 14 rooms, house modern, 40 boarders net income $150 per month $850, part time. 10 rooms, nicely furnished, rooms full, snap. $450. The Bobbins Co., 40i New York Life. PREFERRED STOCKMINNEAPOLIS CEDAR ft Lumber Co., manufacturers and whole salers of lumber and cedar, established 1802. incorporated 1003, offer 500 shares, $V0O each. 1 per cent and cumulative a legitimate and safe investment. If interested write, or call at office, 1015 Lumber Exchange, Minne apolis. feRx.*RaD STOCK MINNEAPOLIS CEDAK & Lumber Co., manufacturers and wholesalers of lumber and cedar established 18J2 incor porated 1903 offer 500 shares. $100 each. 7 per cent and cumulative: a legitimate and safe investment if Interested write or call at office, 1015 Lunber Exchange. Minneapolis. _~AM FORMING A SYNDICATE ON ONE OF the largest placer propositions in Idaho which will average from 25c to 75c per yard in gold, located in the Boise basin. Call and see me before the syndicate is full everybody on an equal basis. W. P. Mason, Elks' building, corner 6th st and Hennepin av. fOR SALE^FI NE STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise located in a hardwood belt on the new Soo line 10,000 cords of wood are handled annually one of the best locations In the state stock invoices about $0,000 will sell at a bargain. Schwab Bros., Clear Lake, Minn. ONE 25-ROOM, steam heat, neat, up-to-date little hotel, mak ing money town 7,000. one block of two new depots full all the time $6,000 other business cause of sale no agents well furnished. Own er, T. J. Hoxsey, Mexico, Mo. XUG CHANCE FOR REGISTERED DRUGGIST in town of 300 telephone station pays rent two doctors owner not a druggist small amount of money will handle the proposition If taken cuick. Address Commercial Club, Belvlew. Minn FOR SALEUP-TO-DATE GROCERY. COM plete fine location and steadily increasing business daily sales average $50 an excellent opportunity to step into a fine business good reason for selling. Address 7561. Journal. WANTEDTO SELL THE FURNITURE OF A 13-room roominghouse doing a good business centrally located: newly papered and clean thruout if you nave $250 and want to buy them call at once. 510 Boston block. FOR 8ALEQUARTER OR HALF INTEREST in $2,000 Minnesota weekly newspaper to one who can take full char_e except editorials. Reasonable salary assured purchaser. Give references. Address 8C09,. Journal. WANTEDAN UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF GEN eral merchandise from $5,000 to $S,O00 will exchange well located land, Griggs county, N. D. wish to deal with owners only lands are improved. 8021. Journal. WANT $6,000 STOCK GENERAL STORE HAVE clear land in Becker county, nt $15 an acre Wilkin county also lands Aberdeen, S. D., nt $30 an acie give you choice. Ilobart, Phoenix building. I~HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM IDAHO with some fine investments. Call or write at once, if you wish to invest a small amount. Mason, Elks' building, corner Cth st and Hen nepin av. WANTEDCREAMERYGOOD OPENING FOR a creamery: in one of ihe best towns on the new Soo road. For particulars write. Kirk horn & LangelM)d, Lankiu. Walsh county, N". D. WANTEIV-TO RENT, FURNISHED HOTEL IN bounty seat town or jiuiction point give full particulars size, heat, rent. Lnsiuess done, rate. F. J. Byrne, 511 1st av, Cedar Rapids, Ibwi. GOOD CHANCE240 ACRES OF GOOD AGRI cultural land, partly improved, will trade for Minneapolis or St. Paul residence, well lo cated. Write JM.. S_ Rutherford, Erlncetony Minn. WANTEDCREAMERYGOOD OPENING FOR a creamery in one of the best towns on the new Soo load. For perticulars write. Kirk ham & Langland. Lankln. Walsh county. N. D. CONFECTIONERYCLEARED S1.000 RETAIL Ing last year best location for manufacturing ice cream, candy and bakery goods: consider real estate. 818'Northwestern building. ROOMING HOUSE, NINE ROOMS, MODERN, rent only $25 this will clear $29 above rent and allow family three living rooms on easy terms. Taylor, 401 Ka'sota buil ling. WANTEDAN ALL AROUND EDITOR-PRINT er to take charge of country weekly news paper one who will buy an Interest preferred. C. P. Sonnlchsen, Hendricks, Minn. LIVERY AND DRAY LINE IN A LIVELY^ town and good business. Other business is reason for selling. For further information, address JH^I. Hogy, Cyrus, Minn. WANTEDEXPERIENCED CLERK WITH $5,000 to invest in a good paying mercantile business location. N'orth Dakota1. Pf#SS Phone 9, S. A. Mora wetz & Co., 500 Kasota building. __0TEL~WANTED30 BUYiRS FOR CHOICE $2 day houses write full description, price, terms, commission enclose stnmn. E. H. Burlingham, Oelwein, Iowa. irOR SALE-^-THE BEST-PAYING MACHINE shop in the northwestern part of state live town of 200, ?3,500 will handle everything. Address 8018. Journal. gOTEL, 80 ROOMS. THIS CITY, ELEGANT location. One transient trade family trouble It is going cheap: little 'jash handles. Taylor, 401 Kasota bnildlng. TRANSFER LINECLEARING $5,000 YEARLY, long established business Arms largely the patronage: nothing better In city. 3irf Xorth western building. I OR SALETWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP IN a town of 600: will sell all or part of fixtures to eult iurchaser. Address V. 0. Box 119, Coleridge, Neb. FOR SALE AT A BARGAINHARDWARE and grocery stock for $2,000 cash county seat northwestern Minnesota fine location. 6761. Journal. SO ACRES GOOD LAND IN CASS COUNTY, cheap or exchange for machine shop tools, or pipe threading machine. Box 177, New Prague, Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM, MIL llnery and ladies' furnishing goods store. Ad dress Strauch, 3SS Woodward av, St. Paul, Minn. HOTEL FOR SALEWISCONSIN TOWN. 700 llff_ UW. Vrtdress 7S81 Journal Sickness. AUUiessTE FOselling. SALEA VERY FIN E A AN COFFE E business in a growing town in Washing--j ton. John Mills & Son, Puyallup, Wash. WE~WANT~25 ROOMING HOUSES AT ONCE, customers waiting, come In and see us. The Bobbins Co., 400 New York Life bulg. FOR SALEFIRST-CLASft RESTAURANT NO better location In the state price right. Ad dress 114_Main stS, Aberdeen. S. D. FOR SALESTORE AND 70 ACRES OF LAND I in northern Minnesota will sacrifice on ac count of III health. 7528.- Journal. WANTEDPARTY WITH $3,000 TO $5,000 TO Invest in Canada Farm Laud Co., actively or as investor. Address 8093, Journal. WANTEDEITHER I CAN S-.LL YOUR BUSINESS: SEND DE scrlptlon. Shepard. Rank Commerce building. JVOODJ^NDJCOAL POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS, $4.75 TO $7 splendid coal for domestic use hard coal, $4 60 to $8.75 coke. $0 dry wood, $2.25 up drv edgings at lowest prices: fruuace coal, $8.50. Market Fuel Co.. 10U 3d st S: Twin City 182 BUY YOUR WOOD -*ND COAL. Hastings. Jr.. Malu st and Kth av SE Prompt 'delivers-. T. C.Tel. 161 til. DEraCOTE Tuesday Evening, HORSES ANDI CARRIAGES For Sale. "^^^^^SO^SIES^LT^AUOTIONI Our grand annual horse Auetlou Sale for the season, of 1906 will be held at our mam moth stables, Midway, St. Paul, Wednesday, Feb. ?th. The following well-known shippers and con signers will positively be on hand with choice consignments of fresh horses direct from the country, to be sold to the highest bidder: Ch'as. Petts, St.' Paul, two carloads W. Watson, St. Charles, Minn., three carloads Wm. Delancy, Northfleld, Minn., two car loads fancy drivers, delivery horses and farm mares II. Herrich, the veteran shipper, three carloads of horses suitable for the North Dakota and Canadian trade Eugene Dlll rance, Omaha, Neb., two carloads Leo Froellch, Minneapolis, -two carloads of farm horses and mares. 1,01)0 other horses and mules1,000. Every horse guaranteed as represented. This will be the greatest as sortment of horses ever brought together at any one time. Don't miss this great sale. Come early. Sale commences at 10 o'clock a.m. Remember the day and date: Wednesday, Feb. 7 th, and every Wednesday thereafter. Private Sales Daily. Barrett & Zimmerman, Great Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn. (Take Interurban street cars from either city.) ooooooo o. oooo IF YOU HAVE ANY H6R8ES, WAGONS, or harness you want to sell, bring them to Barrett & Zimmerman, Mid way, St4 Paul. Auction sales every Wednesday. Con signments solicited. oooooo PRIVATE SALES DAILY. A large assortment to select Good horses at right prices. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. ooooooo IF YOU N_D ONE -OR MORje. GOOD SOUND work or business horses, bought direct from the farmeis and guaranteed to be as repre sented, see mine 1 have them for sale. Alfred II. Pojie. Box 413 Windnm. Minn. HORSES. HORSES. HORSES. We have 50 head of good young, horses and mares:, weighing from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs our motto is, quick sales and small profits. Bloom __& Majerus, 248 and 250 2d av N. BLANKETS. HARNESS, BLANKETS. Special sale on blankets and harness: new and secondhand. Repairing douc at lowest prices. Central Market. Ilarnuess Co.. 128 7th st N. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT A CAR load of cheap farm mares and horses from $50 up, according to the size and age, at Bloom_ & Majerus' staibles, 248 2d av N. TEN .HEAD ~OF MINNESOTA HORSES, weight DOO to 1,100 lbs if you want a good city broke horse, see these before you buy. 13US 20th av N. CAXL0AD I'AitM MARES AND HORSES, 20 new $35 Portland cutters, $15 all kinds wagons, buggies and harnesses second-hand. 414 d st _. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEPERCHERON stallion, weight 1,800. If interested, write James Pettit, Storm Lake, Iowa, giving full particulars. 100 HORSES AND~MAR_B~WEIGHiNG~FROM 1,200 to l,5oo pounds shippers looking for carload lots invited. H. H. Roe Zumbrota. Minn. AL\v_,ifS ON HANDGOOD WORK HORSES, medium-priced drivers and delivery horses fitMi to\.s will buy your ueet. 3A. Uar_eiu _av JS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR UNINCUM bered land, imported thoroughbred Norman stallioq Address Lock Box: 15. Spencer, Iowa. FOR SALETEAM PONIES, 5 AND 6~YEARB old, gentle, good drivers price reasonable. Call U7 Harriet av. T. C. Tel. 4620. ZIMMERMAN'S HORSE MARKET, DEALERS in all classes of horses, part time given when desired. Stables, 12 2d st M. FROST & CO. All classes of horses for sale. X8 2d st N. FOR SALE CHEAPALL OF OUR HORSES, wagons, harness, etc. Call at Buchanan's _LIvery. Winslow & Ruff. NOTICEDEAD H0RSES~REM0VED. N. W. Scavenger^ Co., 102 ^IsJ st. N, Ph.oneiJ.93, Mala, HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. ROLLED OATS AND BARLEY. JERSEY COW feed, -ye flour and corn products custom grinding. Empire Mills, Oth av Sand 3d st. WANT GOOD SPANKING SOUND WORK horses have 40 acres Pine county, clear, value ?600. Room 302, Phoenix block. CYPHERS INCUBATOR COMPANY CELE brated poultry foods and alfalfa products. Fhone us for prices. N. W. Main 3178 2. Prior Seed Co.i 635 3d av S. WHEAT FOR POULTRYDELIVERED TO any part of the city. Telephone your orders. N. W. Main 3178 12. Prior Seed Co.. 635 3d av S. __ PERSONAL population choice property no competition PERSONALCROCHETED TRIMMINGS OF part cash. E. H. BurHr.ghani. Oelwein. Iowa. FOR "SALEON EASY'TFRMS. BLACKSMITH shop and full set of tools good opening for a good all around blacksmith. S:i(j." Journal. SA'J^^n^1^ ^ooSEv 8 A NE W YEAR'S PRESENT. The Minneapolis representatives of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester, Mass., believe that in view of the insurance developments iu New York the busi ness of the State Mutual will be benefited by a more general knowledge of insurance prin ciples and methods. They offer free a booklet giving a full ex planation of the insurance situation. Send a Mtamped, addressed six and one-half Inch envelope to C. W-. Van Tuyl, General Agent, 15-21 Loan & Trust bldg., or ask auy of the State Mutual agents. (See display ad. In this issue.) 999 OUT OF 1,000 Have Kidney or Stomach Trouble and do not know it. Send me your name and iiddress and let me tell yon how to test your kldneys^and how I cured Bright's disease of the kidneys of several years' standing with out medicine, surgery or loss of time. James Daniel Farrell, Minneapolis. Minn. INTERESTING TO KNOW What is in Your- Mind. Lecture lessons in suggestion, teaching psy chic ueveioiiiuent drugtrr*. iiii'ts. iier.toiuu inag netism'developed investigate Tuesday or Fri day evening free of charge. Dr. ltavmond, AVehb Block, 10 3d st S, third floor evenings. 7 ro lo. silk, cotton or linen thread for shirtwaist: and gowns, done to order after beautiful, mod ern patterns. 303 W 15th St. T. C. 9220. Hours 2 to 4 lessons In crocheting given, 10 lessons for S." SUPERFLUOUS HAIR-MOLESrWARTSrR-E moye "SILENT OR ACTIVE partner in established business that will bring big profits. Address 7719, Journal. fTOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE TO trade for land give full particulars first let ter. Box P. Hallaway, llinii. WANTEDA DRUG STORE TO LOCATE AT Mayer, Minn., at once. Address 0. D. Sell, real estate, Mhyer. Minn. SWELL LITTLE ROOMING HOUSE JUST right for man and wife 14 rooms all rented. Laurel Hotel. 2S 1st st X._ WANTEDPARTY WITH" $5,000 TO $10,0C0 to take active interest in bank in northwest. Address S092, Journal. JLGENCIES^ McNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCYPROMPT service, unequaled facilities, reubonubie rates. References, police headiruaiters. 210 Kasota block. N. W. phone. electrically wrinkles, blackheads re- iNSl. Journal. moverl sViBntiflcillv mr ,lm.m, IH *,1, moved scientifically my almond skin food Blush of Roses, the best. Mrs. Lillian Clyde, ^dermatologist and instructor, 620& Nicollet. K0US3H0LD GbODS~MOVDrAND "PACKED for shipment or storage by experienced men new fireproof storage warehouse, with sepa rate compartments and locked rooms. The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. THE MAN TTat cures dandruff and stors the h_ir from falling evenings by appointment. W. L. Illgbee I'ace Specialist. 018 Medical bldg. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND THURS day evenings, with social following buck and wing and nriv.ite by appointment. Ilolcomb's Academy. 4:'. 4th tt S. third floor. ANNA M. GR1SWOLD. 207 MiDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hair, moles, wnrts re-loved by electricity -corns extracted inverted nails and buniois treated. RELIABLE LADY PHYSICIAN HAS NE W HOB pltal, trained attendants women's patronage solicited. 1216 Logan uv N. Plymouth car going north. SPECULATORS TRY OUR UNEXCELLED facilities for trading in grain and stocks. V. L. Bauman Co., 222-225 Century. Both phones. THE NE W STORE PLEATING DEPARTMENT has removed to 701 Hennepin av, second floor, and reopened as the Morton Pleating Co. c'bRNS^XTRAlCTED. _5C INVERTED NAILS and bunlous treated. Dr. Collier. 515 Ms. av. AUTOMOBILES & BICYCLES ._^-_^_3fcil^lj-^^^ Should F6ifl J7|E remind you again that Th ^%P Journal will accept your answers to "Want Ads" over the phone, may see an ad in The Journal and want to answer the same. Perhaps the cir- cumstances may be such that- it may not be convenient for you to write. Here is where The Journal will serve you. Call up Number Nine either phone, ask for the "Want Ad Depart- ment," and state the facts of your re- ply. Th Journal will do the rest. It's so easy. Try it the next time you want to answer an Ad. FORJRENT^ Unfurnished Houses. FOR SALE OR RENTEIGHT-ROOM MODERN house, good barn. 8329 Oakland av. Inquire Willlman Art Store, 33 6th st S. FOR RENTA STRICTLY MODERN FIRST floor duplex brick house, 8 rooms, grounds and __auto shed. 2506 3d av S. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT, CLINTON AND I8th st. Inquire on premises. Frank Miller. NINi, KOUidS, 43-2 LY-i-tALE AV S, $10 FIVE rooms. 124 Humboldt av S, $10. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST S^ HAVE flats and houses, $10 to $45. HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS. 1116 3d AV S. $15 house, 1107 3d av S. $12. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 312 9th ST S. $15. Furnished Houses. A RARE OPPORTUNITY A COMPLETELY furnished home will be rented by the owner for two years .or more from June, 1906. The house 16 located in one of the most desirable residence sections of the city and within easy walking distance of the business portion: re sponsible pai'tias only need apply- 3613, Jour nal. oooooooooooooo FOR RENTA SNAP TO THE RIGHT party, an all modern furnished house on .Stevens av near 16th st- David C. Bell Investment Co., Ill 4th st S. FOR RENT8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON Portland av for rest of winter. Telephone South 631 Jl. FOR RENT8Jt60M MODERN HOUSE" ON Portland av for rest of whiter. Telephone So. B31 J-l. Unfurnished Flats. WANTEDTENANT FOR THOROUGHLY modern, hot-water heat, duplex flat, seven large rooms and attic, 604 Uidfcewood av S Monroe and Bryant car line delightfully locat ed, furnished or unfurnished possession about May 1. T. C. 5459. NEW MODLRN 6-ROOM FLAT, HARDWOOD floor and finish east front good light 3354 Columbus av, between Park and Chicago, avsj Tel. N. W.. So. 726 L. T. C.r 5180. FOR RENTFINE FIVE-ROOM FLAT, ground floor, $16, all modern except heat best In city for the money. A. L. Straight Co., 635 Andrus. TO LET FIRST-CLASS SEVEN-ROOM steam-heated flat, 1512 2d av S, large, light rooms, good closets. ^W. P. Meeley, 413 Bank of Commerce.. $30 PER MONTHFIVE-ROOM, THOROUGH ly modern, 1508 Hennepin av. Apply to C. Lindley, 620% Nicollet av. Possession given Feb. 1. FURNISHED FLATS WANTED PARTIJ LS waiting for three, four and five-room furnished flats. A. L. Straight Co., 635 Andrus. FOR RENTFIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN flat, steam heat, southern exposure 1921 Aid rich a S'. Phone South 1381 J2. FINEST 4 AND 5-ROOM STEAM-HEATED flats in city also 16-room house. Call at 1 E 17th st. corner Nicolelt. BEAUTIFUL UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM FLAT IN the Carlsbourgh, 701 Oth st S. Walking dis tance. T. C. 2422 modern, with steam heat 635 6th av N TO RE_iT em. Furnished Flats. LEASE AND FURNITURE OF A FOUR-ROOM Kteara-hf ated modern flat for sale cheap. 18 7th st N. Furnished Rooms. BEAUTIFUL LARGE WAF.M FRONT ROOM, with alcov? house entirely modern hot water all the time telephone service. 1014 2d ay S. FOR RENTWELL FURNISHED FRONT PAR lor. .nodcru, central, board if desired suit able for two gentlemen. T. C. mone 0976. NICE, CLEAN, WARM, StEAM-HEATED room, in modern place suitable for one or two near public library. 1107 Hawthorn av. LARGE LIGHT ROOMS WITH CLOSET, EN tlrely modern, $7 or smaller room with closet, $5. 164S Hei.nerin av. T. C. 3142. WARM rURNISHED ROOMS STRICTLY modern, gas. batu, stationary bowls with hot and cold water phone. 520 Sth st S. NICE SUITE. TOGiTHXR OR SINGLE Li brary Apartments, 11th and Hennepin nothing better in Minneapolis. FLRST-CLASS ROOMS IN STRICTLY MODERN hotel, single or en suite, from $8 per month ui 715 AJcollet a v. PACIFIC HOTEL225 Washington ay N TWO fine furnished rooms $1 per Week up house keeping privilege**- NIC-.LY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN,, DAY or week $2 a week and up. 620 1st av S. ONE AUTOCAR, 4-INCH FISK TIRES, FRENCH coil, large sanrcklijxht, A i condition, $0JO. One 1SM Hambler, two-seat. 4-inch Fisk tires, acetelyn lamps, just overhauled and In 1 Al condition a bargnin $800. One autocar, runabout, practically new. $600-! One model A Cadillac, A condition, $450. One model A Cadillac, thoroughly overhauled, $425. i One Olds dos-a-dos seat. top. extra tire. $425. I One Ford detachable tonueau. searchlight and oil laniDS. double colls and commutator nil In good condition, S87B. Auto Construction Co.. 1401-1403 Henneoln Av. ONE 12 H. P. FOUR-PASSENGER CAR TOR best offer over $300: also one nearly new Olds- FINE HALL OVER 519 14th AV SE LATELY mobll". pink of condition, $2C spot cash. East 1 lefltted. Side Auto Co., 11 2d St SE. 1 I.* \l Homv Lumber HTclian-p Unfuniislierl Rooms. fiECOND FLOOR, FOUR ROOMS. ALCOVE: closets, bath. gas. unheated two. entruuees Walking .distance adults references, ex i-hangcd. 1416 Vine place. THREE ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeeping, on third floor of modern dwelling i house. 2000 Bryant av S. FaBT^BENTFOUR""ROOM?. DOWN" STAIRS, all mode-", n-22 Fmerwin av X. Miscellaneous. ^c^iry^s^M^i^^fe 'Yc '*9a ifc*v? urn* &.'awac tTHE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL '^'?Wr You FORjRENT Stores. ~p oooo oooo A V_.xtY DESIRABLE STORE Between Cedar and Minnesota sts, on Oth st frontage 25 feet- Can be delivered at a ay time. For further information Apply to Luther S. Gushing, 224 Endicott Building, St. Paul, STORENO. 517 l*th AV SE, TWO BLOCKS from university. V. M. Henry, Lumber Exchange. HALF OR PART OF LARGE FINE STORE room, fine windows steam heat. 317 Henne- !pln av FOR RENTSTORE AT 46 4th ST S, APPLY to J. A:. S'chloss, office of Palace Clothing FOR RENTTW* FINE FF_0E ROOMS, AD joining, in''ep-to-datei.ofttce'. hu\ldlng on 14th av SE, one Block from university,' windows fac ing street. Address or call on Northwestern _School.Supply Co., 328331 14th av SE._J DESIRABLE OFFICE OF ONE/" TWO FOR RENTONE SUITE OF 6 J&OOMS. ALL SEVERAL PARTIES WAITING FOR FLATS Apply J. Kistler, and houses list with us for quick rental. A. L. Straight Cp^. 6,35, Adams. SEVEN ROOMS. STRICTLY MOD 117 E 15th st. flat I.. NEATLY FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM AND single room, double room!, nicely suited for I two gentlemen furnace heat, baths, hot and i cold water and telephone strictly private fam ily: anybody answering this ad must have good reference. 628 16th st, between Portland and Park ovs. TO LETPARTICULAR PEOPLE LIKE THE Itaraona hotel, 323%. 1st nv S, Rcause it is clean and modern elegant transient rooms, gas. steam, bath and good ventilation reasonable by day or week. Phone- 2822. CLfcAN, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN steam-heated flat one large front room suit able for four also sin.le rooms or en suite. Call 24 Washington av S, upstairs. BEAUFORT HOTELEUROPEAN, MODERN steam-heated rooms, elevator and bell boy service porcelain baths $2 to $5 per week. Opposite rostoSice. threat"rooms, with hot and cold, water,,.ANDe 'ilp'n 'small office with light and telephone desk room for rent. Inquire at 666: neapolis building. Bank of Min- IN ANDRUS BUILDING, DESIRABLE OFFICE or desk room with stenographer aud phone very reasonable to right party. Thompson, 536 Andrus building. FOR RENTGOOD LIGHT OFFICES IN THE Eastman block, 412-414 Nicollet av. Apply _J. F. Conklin & Zoane Co.._110 Temple Court. B_*UTIFTJL_BMALL~H___L FOR RENT FOR select social affairs all conveniences. 804 Nicollet av^ LIGHT J_ND~CONVENIENT OFFICES FOR rent at 804 Nicollet av. Call for C. C. 'Heintz man. WANTEDTO REN?!. BvOUSE OF EIGHT OR nine rooms, with good sized br.m to hold aliout ten head of horseB, In vicinity of Hen nepin anf- 13th st, or will rent ham alone. __0fcll or address 121,8 Hennepin av. FURNISHED ROOMS-1 waiting for 3. 4 and 5 rooms, rurnished for housekeeping. 'A. LY Straight Co.. 635 Andrus. WANTEDSIX OR SEViN-ROOM FLAT first-claes accommodations, within ten minutes' walk of postoffice. Address 6113. Journal. REAL ESTATE RENTED AND CARED FOR. I can save you money. J. A. Walters, N. Y. Life Bldg. SHE BOYD TRANSFER 4 STORAGE CO. HAS uneqnaled facilities for packing, moving, storing and shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake st. the largest In the west the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and Fireproof Storage Warehouse, with every accessory and convenience. Visitors welcome. Warehouse office, 400 E Lake st. Main office, 46 S 3d st. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has beet facilities for handling and storing Household goods expert furniture' packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points can save you money do not be deceived by other advertisers we, can "and will do What we agree regarding car rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machin ery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones CUT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spoaane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. The only concern in the N. W. doing enough business in this line to give prompt and reliable or Indeed any kind of service to many points. Don't experiment with doubtful propositions, but bring your business to the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 8 3d st 999 OUT OF 1,000 Have Kidney or Stomach Trouble And do not known it. Send .me your name and address and let me tell you how to test your kidneys and how I cured Bright's dis ease of the kidneys of several years' stand ing without medicine, surgery or loss of time. James Daniel Farrell, Minneapolis, Minn. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE EX pert packers for storage or shipment large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nicol let both phones 120S.- Residence. T. 0 13324. FLOUR ciTY~~TRANSFER AN STORAGE Moving and packing a specialty. Office. 217 oth st S. Both Phones 648- JTEAMSHIM CUNARD LINE TO EUROPE OLDEST LINE crossing Atlantic, Boston, New York to Queenstown, Liverpool New York to Gibral tar, Genoa, Naples,-, Adriatic. Company's new office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. E. Car ley, manager northwestern, department. 'EUROPEAN TRAVEL, Lowest rates to Europe large up-to-date twin sc. ew steamers: excellent accommoda tions, unsurpassed table new Atlantic service. Canadian Pacific railway.. Northwestern Pas senger office. 15 ltd st S. Minneapolis. STORM SASH AND CARPEN- o^MOULDLNGS AND INTERIOR FINISH, With our first-class factory facilities we are able to finish the interior of your' home from basement to roof in a way that will please you. Wc specialize on all kinds of general mill work, turning and band sawing, Union Sash & Door Co., T. 0. SOOO.P- 213 Sth st S. JkEAJ^STATEJ^RJMjE^ Improved. ooooooooooooooo THE TRUTH IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR US. We do buy or build homes on easy pay ments. md we buy or build them when you o, want them. Monthly payments lesB than rent. 0 American Real Estate Investment Loan Co., FORTSALEAT A BARGAIN. $1,700, A BLX roqm cottage an.l larre barn in good condition .lo 165 deep. No. 2011 2V4 st S. "Jnimproved. ooooooooooooooo NORTHEAST BARGAIN. $900, 60x131 feet, on Adams st NE be tween 15th and 17th east front, all im provements in and paid for $300 down, balance to suit. Minneapolis Trust Co., Hennepin and Fourth St. ooooooooooooooo ooooo LOOK AT THESE. $400 each, Lyndale av N. between 29t_, and 30tU: east front 40x124 all Improve ments in $100 down, balance to suit. Minneapolis Trust Co.. Hennepin and Fourth St. oo.o oooo oooo LOT BARGAINS ON EASY PAYMENTS, i$50Summe? near 24th av SE 40x128. $150Johnson st. 29th av NE: 40x126. $25018- :i W_uVl'_.D PARTIES av near Como 40x135. $350AMrich, corner 33d st 32x128. $5005th av S near 34th st 45x126. *450West Lake Harriet and 45th st 44x135. J. A. Walters. 514 X. Y. Life Bldg. LOWRY REALTY CO., CONTRACTORS AND builders $400 large lot,. 11th av S, near 27th st. for sale or will build for you easy terms. 806 Boston block. THE INTERNATIONAL FALLS REALTY CO.'8 lots at Koochiching Falls on sale. Easy terms. Call or write at once. 120 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Farm Lands. LANDSEEKERS' EXCURSION. The Southwestern Land Co. will run an ex cursion to the southwest oa Feb. 5. 75 per cent of one tare or $27.95 for the round trip, to Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico, through the great Panhandle district, Texas, and the fertile Jecos valley of New Mexico, stopping at points from Gage, Oklahoma, to Bo6well, N. M. will run private car on which berths and baard will be furnished reasonably. Come and join us. Our lands comprise some of the best in the southwest, and in point of fertil ity and productiveness are excelled by none selling at a low price and on easy terms an ideal' climate. Write foi- particulars. Southwestern' Land Co., 100 New Chomber of Commerce, Minneapolis. ooooo ofcooooo HALF SECTION BROWN COUNTY, IN i exchange for small stock merchandise or a Minneapolis house. 6 $18,000 general merchandise stock In good Iowa town for southern Minnesota farm, For bargains in western land*:, write us. List your Dakota lands with us.- Will give you good honest service. Excursion rates. Meyer Land Co., 418 Phoenix. W E OWN THE FINEST RANCH IN NORTH Dakota, consisting of. 3,120 acres in Kidder county aud right on the railroad land Is all sub-Irrigated and produces the finest alfalfa: several very large springs, open all winter, 1,500 tons of hay can be cut on ranch we will sell on easy terms or trade for Minnesota or Iowa lands or merchandise. Write for circular containing full description of the ranch, photo graphs of springs and buildings. O. W. Kerr Co., Fargo, N- D. WE.HAVE 240 ACRES IN PODGE COUNTY, Minnesota, with $10,000 worth of improve ments on the place black .loam soil clay subsoil will take good prairie'land as first pay ment, oaiaiice ioiig time _.lo acres 111 Oner Tail county, one mile from Dent want small farm of 40 or 80 acres, balance cash or time 80 acres two miles from Perhain, Otter Tail county, improved, at $35 per acre one-third casb. The Bobbins Company, 409 New York Life building. SOME GOOD BARGAINS. 161 acres, located within three miles of three good markets Redwood Falls, Morton and Beaver Falls, Minn. building value at $2,500 dwelling 24x28, square roof, large porch in front basement ham, 40x50 granary and corn crib: 90 acres under plow 25 acrex in pasture and timber, running water owner, must sell: write for particulars. M. S. Ruth erford.i Princeton, Minu. 1(0010 ACRES. HOPKINS, ELECTRIC CAR line. $1,50030 acres near Hopkins, near lake. $1,50010 acres, Lake st, St. Louis Park. $6,00080 acres, Robbinsdale, to trade. $45 an acre, 160 south of Lake Harriet. $_00 only, 40 acres Pine county. 8-43-17." Will buy, sell and exchange biggest sales, largest- lists, old and reliable. M. P. Hobart, Phoenix Bldg. OUT THEY GO OUT THEY 0 0 To North Dakota, most prosperous of all countries. Land $12.50 an acre big crops plenty water free coal. We own 100,000 acres to select from. Write Wm, H. Brown, Co.. 131 La Salic st. Chicago, lll or Maudan, N. D., for fncta. feiT _^?^.vV_ **&> REAL ESTAyigJFOR SALE Farm Iond-us^t Continue-..!?* i 0 437-38 Antirus Building. Minneapolis, Minn. oooo oooooo RAILROAD TRACKAGE, CoVncr. 198x157 feet to 20-foot alley, with exclusive railroad trackage alto con venient to depots, mills, etc. will sell or lease: terms to suit, Thcrpe Bros., Andrus Bldg. ooooooo oooocooo $2,200 ONLY. HOUSE 8 ROOMS, PARTLY modern, gas, city water, stone walks, big lot, hardwood finish, mantel and grate, inside of 31st st, near Lyndale av she is snap mort gage $800 at 6 per cent require $1,400 cash. Call room 302 Phoenix building. Show the property by aprointment BRAND NEW UP-TO-DATE 8-ROOM RESI dence in biautiful Lake of the Isles, midway between Hennepin and Lake, ^522 W 25th st, bargain. Address owner at 3105 Columbus av, for particulars. J. A. Fagan. GET A HOUSE. New flvV-room house. 805 Thornton st SE, price $1,100 $150 cash, balance $12 per month. J. H. Field. 319 Hennepin av. DARROW, 1022 GUARANTY, BUILDS HOMES has several new modern residences, $,2ud and upwards Pleasant, Portland, Stevens, Clinton-, Lyndale. Easy terms. LAND FOR BAI,E11 HALF SECTIONS IN Morton county, 'North Dakota, 7,360 seres, at a Miup price of .$7.50 "per acre land in vicinity now selling at $12 to $14 acre this offer only good'for ten days.'. $2.50 per acre cash will handle it. A. Chittenden, Mar sbal, Minn. 1 _u_. __._._aNG 8TO0KUN A TRACT OF $0,000 acres the :ntst land to-be irrigated in Idaho. Now Is the time to get in. W. V. Mason, Elks' building, corner 6th st and Hennepin T ooooooooooooooo BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING A FARM or any kind of city property coll on L. A. Howard. 602 Oneida Bldg. lands hare 1.000 other farms, 000 differ ent prorositions, sale or trade. Send your propositions. American Land & Exchange Co., 235 Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE200-ACBE FARM, WASECA COUN ty, Minn., two miles from New Richland lo cation, soil and lay of land no better in state: price right easy terms. Address owrier, John Oleaon, Waseca. Minn. MISSOURI LANDS60,000 ACRES, 85 MILES from St. Looia, $3 to $15 warm climate, finest fruit, grans and stock lands in south- 'west* Conway, Ironton, Mo. IMPROVED FARMS ALONG TIDE FARMERS7 railroad in Ramsey, Towner and Cavalier coun ties. For information address Herbert Lewis, Starkweather, N. D. TRACTS OF MINNESOTA IRON ORE IN 40- 80 or 320 acres, offered at low figures. Write for pluts. Coal mine in .Indiana. Address 780, Journal. 'it SOME GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS IN OREGON particular*. Write-or call on J. S. Smedberg, 016 Phoenix building, Minneapolis. INFORMATION FREE CANADIAN LANDS. R. R. Stoner, Canadian goTernmest agent, 440 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. IMPROVED FARMS OF 30 TO 160 ACRES, ONE third mile from Long Lake station choice soil. J. C. Hall, 736 Lumber Exchange. I CAN SELL YOUR FARM: SEND DESCRI* tlon. C. C. Shepard. Bank of Coinaiprce hldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WolfaNElltiSoVEI^^ ed, southern Minnesota, price 87,200 clear, for a good stock hardware or general merchandise. Address 8085, journal. WANTlSD60.C00 ACR_J8 OF LAND IN SOUTH Dakota. North Dakota "r Canada. What have you to offer? Day County Land Company, Andover, S. D. 160 ACRES, POLK COUNTY, MINN., TO Ex change for residence property or grocery stock. The Bobbins Co.. 4Q9 New York Life. I CAN EXCHANGE' YOUR PROPERTY. 0 C. Shepard. Bank of Commerce Bldg. wwwLLL^i_i_ir^u9naS^ other property, no matter where located. Send description, state price and learn how. We have or can find the property you wish to buy. Tell us your requirements. Call or write'. W. J. Westfall Co., 421-423 Kasota Bldg. WANTEDFOR ALL CASH CUSTOMER, business lot on 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th or Oth st, between Hennepin andU 2d av S. Wanted for cash customer," modern residence, 6 chambers, Sunnyside or equally desirable local Ity. E. D. Brown. 738 Lumber Exchange. $80,C0O TO $60,000 SPOT CASH TO INVEST IN Minneapolis vacant lots give complete legal description and cash price in answering: prefer from owners direct will be in city until Feb. 5. ^Address 7533, Journal. WANTEDFIVE OR SEVEN-R00M~H0USE in North Minneapolis will pay $600 cash, balance monthly with 6 per cent Interest. Call or send full description. J. A. Walters, N. Y. Life building. BOARD AND ROOMS MOrST'ciJNTON^ra^ and 4th av }s now under new management. any one desiring .good room and board will do well by calling. -HBAUTLTUL SUITE, PRIVATE BATH SIN. gle room, private bath single room, without bath. Hotel Waverly. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, STRICT ly modern, with or without board. 2244 Nicol let av. GOOD ROOMS WITH BOARD AT 829 2d AV S. DETECTIVE BUREAUS. HOY'S DETECTIVE BUREAU, SUITE 614-515 Phoenix building 20 years' continued experi ence in Minneapolis legitimate business solicited reasonable rates best of references. Both phones. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William Wintheiser and wife to M. Stef fens, lot 1, block a. Woodland Park.. $2,000 James W. Rickey and wife to I. R. Goldstein, lot 28, block 2, Abbott & Sundby's addition 390 James W. Rickey and wife to I. 8. Goldstein, lot 27, block 2, Abbott & Sundby's addition 345 William Reilly and wife to John Gelser, in section 19-116-22 500 F. P. Nicoll and wife to O. L. Latham, lot 14, block 9, Excelsior addition 100 W. H. Miller to L. C. Miller, block 4, Cleveland subdivision 1,000 0. L. Latham and husband to J. V. Ellis and wife, lot 14, block 9, Excel sior addition 500 0. J. H. Martin to M. Murphy, lot 2, Newball's subdivision 2,800 A. G. Holmdale to U. Hilbig, lot 10, block 49, Remington's second addition 2,700 A. Hilbig and wife to A. G. Holmdale, lot 10, block 49, Remington's second addition 2,700 A. V. Hamburg and wife to I. Weis man, part lots 1, 2 and 3, block 61, town of Minneapolis 7,500 W. E. Goodfellow to A. Olson, lots 12, 13 and 14, block 5, second division Remington Park 1,300 1. W. Campbell and husband to A. V. Hamburg, part block 61, town ,of Minne apolis 15,000 H. A. Brlttain and husband to R. J. Dean, part lot 8, block M, Tuttle's ad dition 2,000 Total .$88,833 Brown Bros., 2789 Buchanan street NE, two-story frame dwelling $1,600 Georglnana Brown, 3336 Clinton avenue, two-story frame dwelling 3,200 Christian E. Graves, 3308 Harriet avenue, two-story frame dwelling..._ 3,000 C. W. Kelsey, 3108 Polk street NE, 1%-story frame dwelling 1,200 A. A. Hilstad, 1829 Lake street, two story frame dwelling 1,500 Swan Nelson, 3217 Bryant avenue S, lJ/4-story frame dwelling 2,200 Swan Nelson, 3213. Bryant avenue s, 1*4- sfory frame dwelling.. 2 200 Merrlman-Barrows company, 607 First avenue NE, five-story brick factory 15 000 Five minor permits. 1 095 Total, thirteen permits. $30,905 _CRADI^^LTAR^GRATO_ iBIRTHsi Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Nefeoifc 815 Twenty seventh avenue S, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Segal, 818 Bryant avenue N, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCool, 3221 Park avenue, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. James McGruder, 3228 Seven teenth avenne S. a boy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowker. 413 E Eighteenth street, a hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Scvert Thompson. 3317 Twenty second avenue S. a. "boy. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'C. Biabee, 316,Harvard street NP, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. W. G..-Conway, 626 Seventli avenue N, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Duval, 1014 Twenty sixth avenue N, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McDonald, 2414 Pleasant avenue, a boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frand G. Gruide and Anna Kurtz. Frank C. Potter and Mary Rasmusgon. Howard W. Mqore and Kate E. Norton., George Davey and Johanna Swansen. DEATHS. Carl Blomanist, 1500 Madison street. James Larkin. 820 E Seventeenth street. Charles Haydon, Soldiers' home. Grace Stahl. St. Barnabas hospital. Katherine Price, 2501 Bryant avenue S. John Troinbley* 1403 E Twenty-first street. John H. Klnports, 2558 Lyndale avenue S. Hamuel Olson. Asbury hospital. 7_ David Palmer. St. Mary's hospital,. Heury Johnson, city hospital. *_- January 23,^1906. 13 !i Bmin? Si ear, 2729 Emerson avenue S. 1 Thercs 1 Gnu, 1710 Seventh street S. s, RAILWAY TIME TABLES HOTEL ABBIVALS BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BUILDING JPERMXTST^^ ^tt$W^*&^"* CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND WE HAVE IMPROVED FAHMB TO BELL OB exchange in Minnesota, North and Soutfc Da- t7.amJ|& ,^235 Boston block Minn BESIDESv:e ST. PAUL RAILWAY. City ticket oW, 328 Nicollet Av.ntie. PboDe 122. PMwnpr Button, Wuhtnyton and 3d Aventiw Sotdfc. |San, only. 'Daily. tKxi-ept Bun. tt_. S-t. jc.~_lo_* Uav.. MARCH 26, 1905. 7.50 am UCroiw, Milwaukee, Chicago. 1 kota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. MaBy bargains. Dubuqne Rock i- J*^ American Lfnd 4 Ex. Co., *8.20m Northfleld, Faribault,Aberdeen, CANADIA.N.Minneapolis.WISCONSIN AND J10.1 5 am Ortonville Milbaok {11.55 am Kaokato, Well*, Jackwn...... Arrive. 10.30 ^J 2.80 pm Winona, La Crou*, Milwaukee.... 3.6ft FsnbiiUt, Dubuque, Cblcajo..... 0.05 pm Maakato, Well* jBufliiitjto'n flouts! ftwapp-i pCsonuCity... M.iOpmi .eop_ WS* pm 3.05 pm 10.05 am iionopm The Fast Mail. 6.45 La Crowe, XllwaukM, Chicago... 6.45 Ortonville, Fargo, Aberdeen. 7.15 pm Korthfleld, FaribaulK AOSHB......... JllJ*a 7.35 am The Pioneer Limited. $.00 La Crune, Milwaukee, Chicago. 84M aa* 10.25 pra La Crone, MUwaokee, Chicago *^J.01p_i tlO.M pm Madlaon, Wi... Janerrille, Rockford.. }ergo^ JJJ C. B. & Q. Ry. Phone N. W.. Main 860. T..C. 311. Ticket office, ear. 3rd and NicoUeW Union DepotNicollet and High St. Leave I AJ1 Trains Daily. Arrive 1:30 a.m. 7:80 a.m. Chicago Scenic Express 1:05 sun. Winona, La Crosse,Dubuque, Chicago, St. Louis. 7:50p.m. 7^0p.m. 1:05 p.m. &00 a-m, "The Chicago Limited" Winona, La Crosse. Dubuqne, Chicago, St. Louis Rock Island, Davenport. Clin ton, Moline, Peoria. 100 is.m. 750 a.m. 7*0p,m. 7^0 p.m. a.i. Sunday. Otherg Daily. Chicago and East. Dubuque Chicago, Kana_ Oity, Omaha, Chicago, Des Moines. Kansas City Kansas City, St. Joseph. Des Hofnei Omaha, Ft-Dodge, Austin .Rochester, Red Winer, i Mankato. Fart-anTt. Korthuald. ]odgaOant Havfield 8K a.m. lKKp.m. St. Louis Scenic Express Rock Island, Davenport, din ton. Molina. Peoria 8K)0a.m. 840 a.m. "The St. Louis Limited \t- -r W XL. wvl* I Office 600 Nicollet Ave. Phone 240. tEx. Sun. Othersdaily For CHICAGO Lv 7:50 am, 6:00,8:00,10:20 pm From CHICAGO...Ar 7:55,8:50 am, 6:20.10:20 pi POND DU LAC. .Lv 4.26,8:00 nm, Ar 9:60.10:80am DULOTH. I.v f7:85 am, 4:00 pm, Ar t6:06,8:86 pin For SIOUX CITY fMO, 9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From SIOUX CITY 8:05 am, t4:45, 8:10 pm For OMAHA LT +7:10,9:10 am. 7:80,8:80 pm From OMAHA..... Ar 8:06 am, 8:10 pm For KANSAS CITT Lv9:10am.7:80,8:80pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:05 am, 8:10 CHICAGO GREATWESTERN Rt Cur Ornc_: Flfthauid Nicollet, D_POT: Waa-lagtoa and Tanth Avo. South. Pao.B: Main m. ArMplii lOtOpia Lv. MpU 7*0 am 8 00 pa 1046 pm lMam 740 am *7Uam 4Upn 3} pin *a_B lispm 110 pn lo pa 7 pa lOUaa naoa_i MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R.R Station, Washington and 4th avs N. Washingto Office, 424 Nicollet. Except Son. others daily. Leave for CHICAGO *M am 8:00 P Leave for ST. LOUIS :a5 am 8:00 pa Leave for DE8 MOINES *:S6 am 8:86 PI Leave for OMAHA, California *9:35 am 8:86 For Watertown and Storm Lake *9:u_am For Madison and Esthervllle. .9:02 am 6:10 pm WISCONSIN CENTRAL BY. tlOKST OFF1CX. 8tt MOOLLKT AV. *_*T. C. 6t: V- W.. MalaM*. Chipiowa Falls. Mayan-] Lear*. 6eld.Aah_uid.Ixon Towns.I I end du Lac Oshkosh 8:00a. nx kilwaukee. Chicago I 'tXb p. m. Arriva. tao a.. t:iu n.m. HOTEL ARRIVALS^ HOTEL HYSERF. B. Leach. Fargo, N. M. A. Clark, D. A. Kellar. Aberdeen. S.' D. G. Torreson, Aberon, N. P. George F. Darr,: Bueyru8, Ohio John Elefspn and wife, Chi cago Wlitoii McDonald and wife, Dickinson,. N. D. K. P. Davis, Grant McOlure, Mllaca Charles V. Callaway, La Crosse John W. Ogman, Grand Forks S. S. Crossett* Fari bault James S. Davles, Bozeman, Mcyit. Olaf Anderson, Hunter, N. D. A. W. Peck, New York G. Kelrdlng, Milaca A. P. Spen cer, Virginia H. M. Avery, Princeton J. Merrick and wife, Osgood, Iowa Mrs. G. Rus sell, Norfolk. Va. i H. Dagg, L. F. Shim William Dickson, A. J. McLean, Holland F. A. Brown, Duluth J. S.'MacDonald, Portland Emil E. Teddwell, Cleveland H, P. Conway. Chicago J. L. Dugas and wife, Butte, Mont. E. E. Carr, Danville, 111. E. S. Marshland. Royalton W. A. Towler, Chicago, F. U. Train, New York Dick Turpln, Chicago Mrs. C. F. Allen, Winnipeg L. J. Muellefa Milwaukee L. L. Brockett. Chicago A. & Morley, J. W. Barrington, Sisseton O. Palm qulst, Chicago D. C. Glennon, Tracey A. tt. Way, Alice Baker. Mike E. White. Mrs. Caro lina B. Nicols. Miss V. M. .Dunn, H. Wilk inson, Boston: Melville S. Collins and wife. New Yoik W. V. Carrington, Philadelphia W. M. Crane, Minot Al Heer, Dubuque: Loa Travis, F. W. Travis. Lansing J. 1. Eddy, Ipswich A. M. Schaucue. Elmore Harry SL Thompson, Chicago Dr. and Mrs. I*. H. Munns. Kingston L. Lemberg. Chicago: BenJ. W Stephenson. Madison W. A. Movins, Singapee, N. D. L. Worthington, New York G. R. Lindsay, Manana W. J. Fender, Lock port, N. D. B. Van Horton. Fargo. N. D. D. D. Hiebost, Harvey, N. D. Ander Becur and wife, Ammond H. Harow, Joston. Miss. E. E. Ellerstrom, Clarkston O. A. Sanders. Hillsboro D. A. Phalen, C. I. FUnn, Chi cago J. H. Klench, Pittsburg W. R. Jones, Le Sueur A. B. Clair, Grand Rapids E. C. Kiley, F. A. King, W. A. Wilder, John Pitts, H. T. Wand, Grand Rapids William Barker, Chicago W. C. Helen. Valley City, N D. C. J. White, Grand Forks H. F. Sternberg, Chicago M. Friedson, New York: W. T. Wilson, Chicago F. Madson, Red Wing S. Dunlevy, Eau Claire U. G. Spencer. Milwaukee H. A. Whittler, Northfleld P. Ej. Thompson, Milwaukee L. J. Emery, Duluth Mrs. C. C. Lewis, Chicago O. H. Schaver, Wahpeton. HOTEL VENDOME.F. S. Monroe, Chicago Lieutenant John R. Kelly, V. 8. A. L. K. Deal, Des Moines W. J. Blauey. Charles I-unperskl. Chicago C. K. Tackland. Stephen Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ralter. Miss Yytta Raiter, Alexandria A. Halta. Bismarck M. F. Thomp son, Wells, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Elefson. Ma bel. Minn. C. F. Johnson. Milwaukee F. O. Gold, H. J. Dale, Renville: D. P. Barnes, Glen UHln J. C. Anderson. St. Cloud: L. B. Bleesing, Chicago J. II. Roberts and wife. Duluth: P. A. Stelnmetx. Garret son. S. D. C. R. Oliver. Baruesville: A. P. Karvand. Will mar: E. H. Griffin, Edmore, N. D. Mrs. Wood in, Anoka J. C. Mans. Chicago: rf. I). Daly, St. Paul A. Kinne, Mason City, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Westfall, E. Gaurean, Beardsley John Gtbrey and wife. Dassel: Mr. and Mrs. Blaisdell, Langford, N D. Mr. and Mrs. Scbouville, Montevideo Arthur II. Jones. Mankato: S. J. Brell. Chicago N. D. McGlllt nay. Madison. S. D. Wiliam Goldstein. Dave Casmlr, Ed Abelson. Duluth Si Birch, Fargo: S. Hunhn, Eau Claire, Wis. C. T. Cbrlatian son. Young America. HOTELS HOTEL VENDOME EUROPEAN PORCELAIN plumbing, parquet floors, room telephones, sieam beat. 75c-$1.25 with bath fl.50-$2. HOTEL ALLEN, 3d ST AND 2d AV S ONLY hotel In the city having all outside room*. Rate*, 75c, $1. $1.50 single, $2,200 ONLY FOR MODERN HOUSE. EIGHTH ward city water, stone walks, trees, large lot 47x12S tnhlde of 31st st: block frqrc car open plumbing, bath, mantel, grate, hardwood hours mortgage ^buo only at 6 per ceui ,wa_t equity in cash ttow property by appointment. Room 302 Phoenix building. __ JOHN M, GLEASON, IUNERAL DIRECTOR and embalmer. 88 7th at S.' Poth phonei. HUME ft DAVIES, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, MA- sonicTemple, Oth and Hennepin. Both phonea. HUME ft ROBERTS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. _710 Hennepin av. T. C. 9707. N. W. $283. RALNVILLE BROS., UNDERTAKERS AND furniture. 17 Central av. Both phone*. FLORISTS NEW YORK FLORISTS. 7 WASH. AV 8 feather and cut (lower and plants floral de signs for all occasions. T. C. nbone 1723. FLORAL DESIGNS AND FLOWERS TELE. ^%M gi-tib or .hone Kegel's. 1118 W Lake st. -XJWI 80 PES CENT SAVED ON ALL FUNERAL DX^ signs at Latham's greenhouse. S3 10th st 8.. v.*?-