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till? fX. tf -'ii S: ifc #$i mm-- BR*.'J i JT N River mink lined coat, unplucked otter collar, kersey shell, fe7C reduced from $90 to p Natural rat lined coat, unplucked otter collar, kersey shell, reduced from $90 to The Plymouth TOtE DESTROYS PLAYHOUSE Phoenix Theater at Tacoma Burns the Ground. petii*l*'to The Journal. to Tacoma, Jan. 23.The Phoenix thea ter, at Pacific avenue and .Fourteenth street, was destroyed, by fire yesterday. The blaze started over the stage and is supposed to have caught from a de fective electric wire. The building was owned by Peter Sandberg. The loss is $20,000 insurance, $30,000. It will be rebuilt. STILLWATER, MINN.Judge W. C. Wlllis ton of Red Wing will hold a special term of the district court today. On Wednesday the petit Jury will return with Judge Crosby of Hastings on the bench to resume general term cases. 9100 Reward,9100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and as sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. $41C GABLER PIANOS, Mahogany or Walnut... Out=tMown Customers Can secure one of these by tele graphing or telephoning at our expense.. Pianos shipped on ap proval. Tuesday Evening, i $30 Plush Lined Kersey Ulsters J^A $75 Clothing Jealous Alaskan Miner Attempts Wholesale Murder at Boise, Idaho. Special to The Journal. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 23.The Gray resir dence was the scene yesterday of a tragedy that has created the greatest excitement in the town. Henry Neuem baumer, a returned Alaskan miner, shot and mortally wounded Ollie Powell, his sweetheart, who had rejected him La fayette Gray, his successful rival Mrs. Robert Gray, Lafayette's mother Lil lian Gray, sister of Lafayette, and then killed himself in from of the Gray home. The miner and Ollie Powers were to have been married last November, but the night before the wedding she is said to have run away with Gray. Neuembaumer retitrned to Alaska, but came back to Boise last Wednesday. Yesterday he concealed himself be hind a high board fence across the 41-43 So. Sixth St. aft' .J*. With Large Muskrat Collar." ^fcdfV/ With Large Muskrat Collar." /Fi? have sold large quantities of these warm, comfortable garments dur ing the past season. The former price of $30 was very reasonable, inasmuch as these St. George kersey ulsters are lined with black silk plush, are trimmed with blended muskrat and have large, high, blended muskrat collar. The manufacturer has just sent us about one hundred of these garments, which we are enabled to offer at $20 each. On Main .Floor Eur and Fur-Lined Coats Calf lined coat, river mink collar, kersey shell, reduced &QE? from $45 to *pOi Calf lined coat, river mink collar and facing, kersey shell, d* A A reduced from $50 to *p4U Natural rat lined coat, river mink col lar, kersey shell, reduced from $60 to.., River mink lined coat, collar of same fur, kersey shell, reduced from $60 to. Natural raccoon lined coat, river mink collar, reduced from $50 to River mink lined coat, unplucked otter collar, kersey shell, fc7r reduced from $85 to $ I Best natural rat lined coat, unplucked otter collar, best kersey shell, &QEC reduced from $110 to *p*W Best river mink lined coat, unplucked otter collar, best kersey shell, Q reduced from $110 to $/ House. Nicollet and Sixth FATALLY SHOOTS 5 EELS SELF 150 NEW GABLER PIANOS $45 $45 street from the Gray residence and shot his victims as they came out of the house, using a shotgun loaded with buckshot. The enraged* man, who was quickly surrounded 3y officers and citizens at tracted by the shooting, with a revolver shot himself to escape arrest. Great Northern Railway Company Will Place a New Passenger Train Sched ule in Effect, Sunday, Jan. 21, 1906. The Oriental Limited, which leaves Minneapolis at 11 a.m., will arrive at Spokane at 7 a.m., and will connect at Everett with the Puget Sound Limited for Vancouver, arriving at Vancouver at 10:15 p.m., the second night out. This train will arrive in Seattle at 7:30 p.m., an hour and twenty minutes earlier than at present. No. 3, Puget. Sound Express, will leave Minneapolis at 3:30 p.m. daily, and run thru to Seattle two hours earlier than at present, arriving at Spokane 5:40 p.m. the second dav out, and at Seattle at 7 the following morning. This train will connect at Havre with 150 Gabler Pianos ordered over a year ago were delayed in reaching us owing to the fact that the manufac- turers built and occupied a new factory during the last summer. This put them behind in all of their orders, and as a consequence we are just now receiving the entire lot of pianos which should have arrived six months ago. Storage room in proper warehouses is expensive, and we have decided that it would be better to make you suffi- cient concessions in the matter of prices to warrant you in storing a piano. Thus you will have the advantage of a beautiful piano in your home at once and best of all, will secure it at prices which have never before been equaled. A large number of these pianos in different finishes and styles of cases are now on our floors for examina- tion many others are stored in other parts of the building until we can make room for them in our display rooms. There are 5,000 satisfied customers of ours who will testify to the exceptional merit and durability of the Gabler Piano. Can we offer you any stronger recommendation than that? i THIS PURCHASE SALE OF GABLER PIANOS IS NOW OPEN AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE PIANOS OFFERED. 25 Per Cent DiscountEvery Piano^ Guaranteed Brand New $425 GABLER PIANOS, Mahogany or Walnut... $317.75 MINNEAPOLIS Largest and Best Piano House in the Northwest \Z- Journal Special Servioe. $450 GABLER PIANOS, Mahogany or Walnut.. Metropolitan Building i^^^.-u^p iJTHE MINNEAPOLIS jOtrRNAl,, TV i GRAIN FIMDEBTS W ABOUI 1800,000 McReynolda & Co.'s Liabilities Are Three Times as Great as Their Assets. Chicago, Jan. 23.After 'examining George S. McBeynyoldsas to his assets yesterday before Master in Chancery Eastman, the lawyers for the re ceiver of the bankrupt grain firm of George S. McReynolds & Cor for the Chicago Title Trust company and for the creditors on the board of trade, es timated the liabilities in round num bers as $800,000 and the visible assets as a little more than a third of that amount. "If the paper values are good,", said one of the lawyers, "perhaps 35 cents on a dollar can be paid.'' The hearing was adjourned until Wednesday, when an inquiry into the acts of the firm will be conducted and every event in the business career of McReynolds will be subject to exami nation. s?A rough schedule of the holdings of Mr. McReynolds, who practically is the firm, as testified to by him yes terday, places the amount of assets at $738,000, with liabilities at $794,000. McReynolds also admitted the posses sion of $200,000 in life insurance, half of which was payable to his firm and half of which was payable to his wife and mother. Trust Company Loses. "We have charged the McReynolds loan to profit and loss," said John J. Mitchell, president of the Illinois Trust & Savings bank, yesterday. We ex pect to lose some i money for the first time in five years and will be agreeably surprised if there is a substantial re turn when matters are settled. The grain on which warehouse receipts were given for security niight have been in his elevators at one time, but the se curities were not what they were repre sented to be when the loans were made.' "McReynolds occupied an enviable position in society and was prominent church life. We regarded him as a man of character andt integrity and he had no trouble in getting loans." The Bank of Montreal claimed the grain in elevator iB as collateral for a loan of $100,000,.-which was admitted by McReynolds in his examination. Judge Bethea continued the mo tion until today. Experts were en gaged upon the books of the bankrupt firm all day yesterday. ARMOUR LOSES BY RISE IS READING Chicago, Jan. 23.According to the gossip which came direct from Wall street, Adolph Lichstem and J. Ogden Armour were caught short 60,000 shares of Reading stock and squeezed by a Wall street bull pool to the extent of over $3,000,000. It is said Armour and Liehstern began going short of Reading immediately prior to the time the shares crossed par. Yesterday the price was jumped to 163,Jvhich was followed by breakfto 161%,tljgfhere the.closing sales were made* "i, The squeezing of the two Chicago op erators lS-sai'd to have Culminated yes terday and the rapitr-rise in shares was said to have^clflnsed^fhe failure .of. a. number of W#lfftre|t fc^mtors, which broke prices 'Qharply all' along the line at the. close of the day. ^M in the house with which, to relieve it is the"Montana Central" train arriving'at I a lesson never to be forgotten.^ A good Helena at 7:10 a.m., and at Butte at 11 a.m. For tickets, berth reservations and full information, inquire of Mr. D. V. Jones, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, corner Third and Nicollet avenue, or at the Union station. Hoodwinks the Oculist. Madden Eye Medicin cures eyes. (Don't smart.) 25c. -Ministers, lawyers, teachers and oth ers whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Liver Pills for torpid Liver and bilious ness. One is a dose. Trv them. Experience a Dear Is Sometimes Teacher. So many parents of young children do not realize the danger from croup until they have had the experience of one severe case in their own home. To be awakened in the middle of the night by the peculiar rough cough and find their little one suffering from a fully devel oped attack of the croup and nothing remedy at hand is of incalculable value in a time like this,1 Let us eater into a cemtrmct with you. You can arrange satis- factory term a of payment and nothing better can be obtained than Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy. It has been thoroly tested in hundreds of cases, and not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear, it will prevent the attack. The fact that this remedy contains no narcotics makes it nerfectly safe to give to the children. $337.50 Easy Payments Our easy payment plan will continue throughout this salea little down, a little a month. 'J i Journal Special Service, Crown Point, Ind., Jan. 23Charles F. Conk ling, amateur Millard champion' of America, de feated Dr: Harley Parker of Chicago in a naatch game of 800 points, 14-inch balk line, one shot In, -last night before the Commercial Club of this city, by a score of 300 to 271. Conkling's high score, 39 Parker's, 52 Conkling's average, 9. January 23, 1906. HOLDS TITLE. CONKLING William BOUTELL'S QOOD PURN/TURB. You Cannot1Afford-to Leather Box^Seat Dining Chair $2.00 for a Dining Chair that would sell elsewhere at $3.75. It is a box seat, polish finished dining chair, upholstered' seat, covered with genuine Chase, leathlJlV-CVl.l er(12 to a customer only)Special for Wednesday, only.... ains $2.00 LU1UV V_xJ.ACV.3V Oak Chiffonier $5.00 will buy a five drawer Golden Oak Chiffonier, alj complete with casters and trim mings. Good value for $9. Special for. st* am Wednesday at, Jre only SEE OUR FURNISHED PLATS, ON SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS. ESTABLISHED IN 1871 Largest Home, Hotel and Club Furnishers In the Northwest. A Minneapolis Institution Owned by Minneapolis People. WANT BASKETBALL GAMES. I Journal Special Service, Black River Falls, Wis., Jan. 23.High pchool students have.fitted up a new,gymnasi.uuJ hete arid brcanlzed two basketball teams which they d*6sire-+o pjt against rthe talent J:he other high schools of the state. Games may be 'i r ranged by writing to the manager of the Black River Falls high school basketball team. I Exclusive Correspondence to the Sunday Journal Now on His^lTri Around the World Overlook Office Furniture Our line of Typewriter desks far surpasses everything that has been shown hvthe North west. Before you furnish -or add to your office we would like to show you the most complete line of Office Fur niture in the city. HELENA, MONT.J. C. Dollve. the Western Union telegraph operator who was ^murderously assaulted by ah unknown"man." supposed to be an escaped lunatic, a few miles south of Helena last November, receiving what were thought to be fatal wounds, has partially recovered, and has gone to Florida. A companion operator, A. K. Arpin, also wounded, recovered recently. Their assailant was never taken. -m %2t