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wit :ff ft "l Vr- N, McClure A3 Vlsi 3DAYSu 3*4 $69 City- j&fi-iE ITgel-on in Will the Ring get Colby? He is the rich, young state senator of New Jersey, who went into politics for glory, learned the game from the bosses, turned upon them and won a victory as signal as that of Jerome's, La Follette's or Folk's. Yet the ring says it will get him. Lincoln Steffens who, in the January McClure's gave us the story of Fagan, tells of the fight of young Colby, The Gentleman from Essex," in McClure's for February now selling. All news stands, 10c $1 a year. 40-60 EAST 23rd STREET. NEW YORK^ A Week's Vacation You need that week. Your business doesn't. You may leave Chicago any Friday at 3 Havana Limited via Penins Ii 'I W Chicago & Alton St. Louis at 9 45 P.*M. via Mobile & Ohio, and connecting at the Mobile Dock, step aboard the "Prince George" Saturday, taking breakfast in Havana Monday morning. The balmy sea air of the Tropical Gulf has made a new man of yo and after three days of Quaint Havana and its sur- CHICAGO & ALTON TICKET OFFICE Name tending country you are back inJ. IN A Chicago, Saturday at 8:45 A "Prince CUBA y/jl This is an economical trip, too. A youcan*6n jr fj|\ A always communi- cate with home by the wireless Telegraph. THE ONLY WAY" to CUBA is via "OLD MOBILE" and the Prince George." ftflllNIi TRID including: meals and berth on steamer. You cut liUUIlll inlr select your steamer stateroom right herfTftEET8 CLARKRS8S0 Th. "Prlnoe Georee" enters its flrat service in southern waters this winter, e.nd is run ezolusirely for passenger travel from Mobile to Havana. Every luxury and convenience. For full particulars cut out this ad, write your name and address below and mail to Ceo. J. Charlton, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Chicago & Alton Ry., Chicago State BROMANGELON comes out right every time. You simply add hot water and Bro-man does the rest. Every ingredient deliciousnutritious and pure. No pure food law can be too exacting for Bro-man-gel-on. It is the original and one perfect dessert jelly. One package makes enough for a family. 19c size {tight yelloto pkge.) 15c size {pin% package) Jit your grocer's FlavorsLemon, Orange. Raspberry, Strawberry. Cherry. THE STERN & SAALBERG CO., Mfr9., New York wtmnm^"^'qtMraBia^ .wMwwwmi-Muiwwiiu MWHUM Any Make, Style, Price, $30 to $40 New and Second-hand. Call and examine our stock. A small payment will buy you a stove. All kinds of stove repairs always on hand. Great Western Stove and Repair Co., _, ~in niivUDBTU ATrtSNTTTC. BOTH PHONEB-161. 312 HENNEPIN AVENUE wtwfea Wednesday. Evenmf magazine fi M. on the Aboardth at N Street Address. Dept. DESSERT JELLY V-i SPOONER DEFENDS PRESIDENT'S WAY Wisconsin Senator Takea Issue with Critics of Roosevelt's Foreign Course. Washington, Jan. 24.For the iirst time since President Koosevelt was as sailed in the senate* because of his for eign policy during the present session, he was formally defended yesterday. Senator Spooner made a set speech. He was urged to undertake this task by Senators Lodge, Allison, Foraker and other leaders. Senator Spooner confined himself entirely to the Moroccopresident' mingo features of the1 and Santo Do- for eign policy. He devoted himself chiefly to Mr. Bacon's resolution calling for the instructions given the American delegates to the Moroccan conference, and to Mr. Eaynor's speech on the present interpretation of the Monroe doctrine. Public discussion of treaties Was dep recated by Mr. Spooner. He said it could not be effective and must prove embarrassing. What was called the new policy of the administration should be considered alone in executive session. He regretted the introduction of Sena tor Bacon's Moroccan resolution and the wisdom of the senate in closing the doors was justified. The senate, Mr. Spooner said, need not be consulted by the president in his conduct of foreign affairs. Its only concern is with the ratification of trea ties after their negotiation. The presi dent may employ such agencies as he sees fit in arranging treaties. These may be ministers, officials of the gov ernment or civilians. The senate has no concern in whom he employs or what instruction he gives them. "The president," said Mr. Spooner. is" so omnipotent in the matter or treaties that he may suppress one after it has been unanimously ratified by the senate. He may refuse to exchange ratifications and thereby pocket it. This was done in the case of arbitra tion treaties and the senate had no just cause for complaint." BIG PLOT TO KILL STATE GOVERNORS Pennsylvania Officials Uncover Comprehensive Anarchistic Plans of Italians. Journal Special Service, Washington, Pa., Jan. 24.What is be lieved to be a gigantic anarchistic plot for the destruction of prominent men in the United States was unearthed at. Baird, a small mining town, ten miles east of Washington yesterday. The bungling of a coterie of Washington county Italian members of the organ ization betrayed the plot which is be lieved to be extensive. It is known that Governor Penny packer of this state and Governor Pat tison of Ohio were condemned to death by the organization. Evidence was also found that leads the authorities to believe that many other high .officials were included. Coroner Sipe* of Washington county stumbled upon the scene while search ing for the murderers of Michael Cer razola, a wealthy Washington county Italian, who was killed last week. The crime was laid to the Italian, Black Hand" society and in searching for members of this alleged organization the other bigger one was discovered. George Barll, an Italian, was arrested. last night by the police for the Cerra zola murder. In his clothes was found a paper containing the plans formulated in a small hut, evidently the meeting place of some society to which he be longed. Officers finally discovered this shanty at Baird, in a dense swamp. They broke it open and found there evidence that will incriminate at least half a hundred Italians in Washington county. The room was lined with pigeon holes filled with letters in which the plot for killing of numerous officials was outlined. The destruction of Governor Penny packer and Governor Pattison was giv en to the local band and to similar gangs in other parts of the country was given other work. Nearly all the letters found were received from Pat terson,, N. J., but no names were signed. A majoritv of the letters both bore the initials "G" and" M." MOLEHILLS SHOULD REMAIN MOLEHILLS How much of your time and uervous force are devoted to "making moun tains out of molehills?" It is one of the worst of employments and the prime temperamental defect of the race. In business the tendency is all in the direction of mountain-building, with material which is, in some cases, scant for a sizable molehill. The "scared" merchant sees the molehills of additional competition," "increased expenses," "over stocks" and "lost custoirers" loom large as the Alpswhile adequate advertising would rob them of all terrors, and keep them "under his heel." The property-owner sees, in a broken lease, a rapidly-bulging molehill of loss and troublewhile a classified ad. would turn the incident to his profit by finding a better tenant at once/ The widow who keeps boarders loses a group of them unexpectedly, cutting her income in half, and expanding the molehill to a sinister-visaged mountain of fret, while a quick use of the want columns would fill the empty chairs and clear the atmosphere of worry. The man with a plan, with an inven tion, with a business openingbut with out money to "push it"h is moun tain looks as tho it could never have been a molehill. And a Business Op portunity advertisement, whichlike Faithcan "move a mountain," could find a man who could find the money to set things in motion. Look over the Journal classified ads. and you will see how printers' ink is used by "all kinds and conditions of men" "to dissolve and remove trouble mountainsto turn" dailj* perplexities into content, even to profitto resolve imaginary mountains into the molehills from which they were builded. Merchant Tailors' National Protective Association. Cambridge Springs, Pa. Seduced rates Jan. 31 to Feb. 5, via the Erie Eailroad. x. Souvenir and full information from E. B. Porch, Tray. Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. The action of Garter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do toot purge. They are sure to please. Try them. "Learn When to Say 'No.' And say it most emphatically when offered a whiskey claimed to be "as good as Pickwick"Rye." Insist upon Pickwick if you want" the best. 10 FREE 10 TV.W j!k 3?H I4INNE^^I*IS^30UlraL. fajM&ary ay1906: *& Ten Security Merchandise Stamps free all this week, Call at Stamp Counter/J =No purchase necessary. 600 are worth $1.60 in merchandise. "S. & H." Oireen Trading Stamps given as formerly. Nicollet Aver**'4 10-4 white wool blankets. ,$4.00 grade, at'pair $3.20 $5.00 gracte( pair $4.00 12-4 white wool blankets. $5.75 grade, at pair $4.60 $7.25 grade, at'pair .....$5.80 $8.50 grade, at pair ...1..$6.80 $12.50 grade, at pair Arranged on tables in Flannel and Wash Goods Aisle main floor. 'First Ave. So. .Of the many very special features in this the Greatest January Clearance Sale we'mention particularly for Thursday's trade the remarkable reductions on women's and misses' fur jackets, fur scarfs fur lined coats, etc., at less than cost of the skins alone! Handsome Near Seal Goats of selected quality 24 inches long made'on the same general lines ns our genuine seal coats all sizes regular $35.00 values special for this tfJ*S| Ef| sale, each $Ju Y*0\j Astrakhan Goats a complete line of sizes in handsome 30-inch elose curled astrakhan coats regular value $40.00 special for this sale, each Extra Fine 36-inoh Astrakhan Jacket, selected quality regular. $50.00 value, special for this sale, each Sable Opossum Scarfs regular $4.85 C") *7C values, special this sale, each *PJue O flWM&y. $3.50 $4.75 -Tke'Jd^M issues for the six months for you at the nominal price of A VALUABL E ADDITIO N O YOU LIBRARY^ !&- 11-4, white wool blankets. $4.00 grade, at pair $3.20 ~Y $4.50 grade, at pair $3.60 $5.00 grade, at pair $4.00 $5.50 grade, at pair $4.40 $6.00 grade, at pair $4.30 $6.50 grade, at pair $5.20 $7.00 grade, at pair .$5.60 $9.60 $7.50 grade, at pair $6.00 If you have need of good, warm blankets this surely is the time to buy. Look at the above figurespresent values and clearance prices. Note the savings of dollarsand come at your earliest opportunity. *rtep- Fifth Street $20 selected $25 $75 river mink lined coats, special $35 You will have to hurry if you want on of these fine coats, as we only have a few left. They are 50 inches long, lined with backs of natural musk^ rat, deep shawl collars of imported Sable Squirrel blacks only sizes 32 to 40. The best $75.00 coat in the Twin Cities this sale Wool blankets Januar clearance sale. Manufacturers present prices on blankets are higher a good deal than for some years, and the market is still BUT it is almost stock-counting time here and to us it is more important just now to re- on the rise. BUT it is almost stock-countm duce stock than to figure on future buying. So for this week only we otter All-wool white blankets at* less than mill cost, The time to buy girls' coats cheap is now. The Ave lots are complete in size assortments, ranging from 6 to 14 years, in all the popular and de- sirable colors of the season, but these specially reduced prices and the,rapid selling Trill surely -"break the lines, and soon. Better come Thursday, tho, you'll not be disappointed. P6.00 to $6.50 $7.00 to $8.50 $9.00 to $10.60 $11.00 to $13.00 $18.50 to $16.50 Coats, now Coats, now Coats, now- Coats, now Coats, IMPORTANT! i*AU previously advertised re- :,*f duced prices during W$ THE GREATEST li -1 JANUARY CLEARANCE^ & SALE CONTINUE in force while quantities last. Thisi tine time to supply all needs. PlJIt BOASHandsome Fox Boas, extra long lengths, selected skins regular $12 and $1* values special, this sale, choice Another lot of 50 extra fine Boaa regular value $9.50 special for this sale, g f\(\ each H0 VV Sable Raccoon Scarfs $7.50 value, special for this sale, each Natural Marten Scarfs $6.05- values, special for this sale, each Dyed Marten Scarfs, extra fine lot ti^y 2 $5.00 values, special this saley^adi^^^O $6.50 $7.50 $9.75wno $7.50 $3.50 .95 $55 i /./s I