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COLOR LINE DRAWNs BY HELENA JURORS TWO MEN CAUSE A SENSATION IN COURTROOM. Judge Refuses to Consider Objection to Colored Men Sitting in TrialGov eminent Finally Admits Claim for i".Sharing Cost of Bridge and Approves County's Demand. Special to The JournaL Helenu, Mont., Jan. 24.When a Jury had been secured in Judge Smith's department of the district court to try a case against a physician for noncompliance with the health laws, two of the jurymen rose and stated to the court that they objected to serving on the jury because one of Its members was a negio. They requested the court to discharge them, but counsel for the defeuse objected, and Judge Smith stated that the colored man was a citizen, a taxpayer and duly Qualified to serve and that he would hear no more of the matter. Later the case was dismissed on a technicality and me jury ul-cuuigeu County Gets $4,500. A telegram from Washington says that the house committee has reported favorably upon the bill of Congiessman Dixou of Montana paying to Custer county $4,500, representing one half the cost of a bridge across Tongue river between Miles City and Fort Keogh. The government agreed to stand half the cost when the bridge was built several years ago, but the claim has never been allowed by ibe auditor, and so re quired a special act of congress. Attorney Will Get Fees. Unless the supreme court interferes, Cascade county will have to pay $600 *to the attorney, R. W. Berry, former county attorney of Cas cade county, for asslstiig in the prosecution of James S. Keeil of Helena at his third trial at Great Fall6, as Judge Clements here lias quashed en alternative writ of mandamus secured against the local county commissioner^ to compel payment thereof. Keerl was tried a third time at Great Foils after two memorable trials here, for killing Tom Ciystal, and was convicted of manslaughter. He Is at the Great Falls jail awaiting the outcome of an appeal to the su preme court. Keerl was a prominent civil engi neer and his three trials attracted no little attention. Fifty Years for Murder. Fifty year* in the state penitentiary was the punishment meted out by Judge Loud at Bill ings to James Meddles, convicted of murder In the second degree in the killing of Roy Mc Laren at Pryor agency. He acknowledged the killing, but set up a plea of self-defense. NEEDS $19,000 MORE Faxgo's Y. M. 0. A. Seeks to Raise Fund for New Building. FARGO, N. D.The committees of the Y. M. 0. A. are doing some lively hustling these days to raise the balance of the $60,000 needed for the new building by the end of this month. The first $20,000 was raised last year with Hftle difficulty, and.the canvass was practically dropped till just before the holidays, when the young men of the elty raised about $8,000 when the main committees began their canvass. The total subscriptions now amount to about $41,000. Fargoans are more afraid of the Red river water now than formerly, as typhoid is re ported at Wahpeton. The fact .that the Wah petqn sewers empty* into the Red river from Which Fargo and Moorhead get their city water supply is what causes the uneasiness At pres ent the stream is frozen over to almost half Its depth, and this leaves it little more than a covered ditch. Chances for purification under the circumstances are not good. It is only fifty-four miles by air line to Wahpeton, tho a much greater distance by the river. Those who do not use artesian or spring water are boiling the water. SUIT AGAINST PEARSONS Chicago Operators Seek to Recover from Fort Dodge Man. FORT DODGE, IOWA.John H. Pearsons, brother-in-law of ULnited States Senator J. P. Dolliver of this city, has been made defendant by Ware & Leland, board of trade operators iu Chicago, In a suit to recover $5,187, alleged to be due them for losses sustained in board of tiade operations. Pearsons' mysterious dis appearance, coupled with the tiansfer of nu mtrous (Heces of property to his wife and relatives, prompted the firm to bring suit. The affair has created a sensation here. The petition recites that the defendant gave his promlsary note, which Is now due, for $4,000, and that In addition the firm holds an account of $1,167 against him. The petition cites an attempt at fraud in the defendant's transfer of property to his wife and her sis ter, and that an attempt was made to dispose of certain stock held by him In the Iowa Land & Trust company. The persons named are made joint defendants, and an injunction Is asked for, restraining Pearsons from disposing of more property. LONG SEARCH REWARDED Woman Finds Brothers and Sisters After Ten Years' Separation. MENOMINEE, MICH.Miss Delia Aschen of this city has just succeeded in finding some members of her family from whom she has been separated for the past ten years. The Weir family was broken up ten years ago at the old tome in Kent county. Delia was adopted by John Aschen of Menominee who. on his death, left her nearlv $60,000. She never heard of her brothers and sisters until two weel ago, when she found a 17-year-old brother at Sagi naw, and others near Grand Rapids. Her 15- year-old sister. Hczel. is still missing. Rev. C. H. Rutledge of Ishpeming. a repre sentative of the antisaloon league, has caused the arrest of two more Menominee county saloon keepers on the charge of keeping-open on a legal holiday. Jlev. N. J. L. Bergen, state missionary for the Swedish Baptist church of Michigan, has ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the church at Marinette. The Menominee River Improvement company, recently organized. Is prenaring to begin opera tions on the Menominee and Brule rivers and their branches for the raising of the millions of feet oil deadhead timber that have been sunk in years past. The company -will charge a certain rat* per 1,000 feet for raising, peeling and driving the timber. In ca*e charges are not paid for this work, the company will keep the logs. PASTOR GOES INSANE Charles City Minister Taken to Asylum at Independence. CHARLES CITY, IOWA.Rev. John R. San foid, a well-known Wesleyan Methodist minister, was before the insane commission today and ad judged insane and ordered taken to the asylum at lidependence. He was sent to the asylum about two ye.irs ago. Last week he went to Waverly. where a re vival meeting waa in progress, and became so affected that last night his mind became de ranged again and he began slnglii-r and shout ing und other A 1st raisins a disturbance. This caused him to bo tak*n before the insanity com mission with the abo\e result. Th case is one religious insanity. His wife and two small fhllc'ren resiij here A grown eon Is principal of a school e*ist o? here. ASKS $25,000 DAMAGES Iowa Woman Sues Railroad on Account of Husband's Death. IOWA CITY. IOWA.Damages in the sum of a."i,uo0 are demanded of the Rock Island road. The suit was In ought in the district court of Johnson county by Mrs. Lulu Slattery, widow ard administratrix of the estate of Conductor J. II. Slatcer.v, who was killed while switching in the West Liberty yards March 23 last. The lilalntiff alleges that the cars were old, brokei. loofed and otherwise bad that a portion of one broken roof projected from the car and that her husband stumbled against it and fell under the wheels. EARLY "NIP" IS. NIPPED Waterloo Druggists Surrender Liquor Selling Permits. Their f- WAXEEXiOO, IOWA.If any thirsty mortal j, tas been dependent on the druggist for his Mf$i~ before brerkfast "nip" of rock and rye, he is likely hereafter to find himself without it that is. unless he is willing to take a "dash" Pf of tex in it. For all but one or two of the local i-C-*1 1 druggists have surrendered the permits that gave *hem the right to dispense liquor, and hereafter cone will kee^ more than the le_al amount of "boots" on the premises. This amount ranges -x from one gallon to a barrel, according to the moun of mescription business done. The law Efi.' eontnnplitcs that the druggist shall hav enough liauo- on hand to compound any prescription a physician may send him. But liquor alone can not be prescribed. The intent of the law is to make it Illegal for a druggist not holding a permit to dispense liquor so that It may be when compounded with other drugs. For that reason "rock and rye" will no longer be on the bill of fare. but. with a little tar added, it can legally be dUvynsedon prescription. Those druggist still holding permits prombwd to surrender. them. AID FOR DRAINAGE Minnesota. $P President of League Writes of Fros pecta for Appropriation. J*^", CASS LAKE. MINN.A. G. Bernardf presi dent of the state drainage league, who has been in Washington the past month assisting In the task of securing aid from the federal gov ernment looking to the drainage of the public lands in northern Minnesota, writes as follows of the progress being made: "It Is too early to predict what shape the legislation will assume in the drainage matter. Both senators have discussed It and have their views, and it is hoped that these views can be carried out. It is going to be difficult to obtain a direct appropriation for anything bejond the absolute necessitv of running the vast .machin ery of the government. The coffers of the treas ury are nearly depleted and the country la confrouted with a balance on the wrong side of the ledger. "Congressman Tawney. who Is chairman of the committee on appropriations, is going to ap ply the pruning knife wherever he can. The strictest economy is to be observed in every di rection. However, this will not prevent a reim bursable appropiiation being made for a topo graphical smvey of the Indian lands. Con gressman Steenerson's bill, which gives the price of the public lands toward drainage, is likely to fail. In fact, the author of the measure haB no confidence in Its passage. The geological de- NEW BANK AT ABERDEEN Fourth Institution Nearly Ready to Begin Business. FIGHT CAUCTtS LAW South Dakota Democrats Will Test Constitutionality of Measure. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.At a meeting last night of the democratic state committee, that did not conclude Its deliberations till nearly midnight, Yankton was selected as the place for holding the state convention for the nomination of a congressional and state ticket. The date, June 5, is fixed by law. Four hundred and ninety-six delegates under the new apportionment will be entitled to seats in the convention. Cream was selected as the color of the ballots. A resolution was adopted denouncing the new caucus law enacted by the last republican legis lature and Chairman John W. Martin of the state committee was employed to secure counsel and institute an action In the courts for the purpose of testing the constitutionality of the law. OPERAHOUSE FOR PIERRE South Dakota Capital Will Seek First class Attractions. PIERRE. S. D.Charles L. Hyde announces his intention to begin early in the spring the erection of an opera-house in this city, to be fitted up for the convenience of first-class com panies. The building will have a seating capac ity of 1,200. This city has needed a first-class playhouse for years, and will especially need such a building with the road from here to the Black Hills completed, when better companies will come here on their way from points in the Hills to the eastern part of the state. The state capltol commission went to Sioux Falls yesterday to look over the situation at that city in regard to stone for the new capitol. They will investigate the quarries and their facilities for furnishing the stone required. Commissioner Robinson of the stete census bureau, has shipped to the various county audi tors of the state, copies of the census report assigned to each county. Those interested enough to desire a copy can secure one by call ing on vhe live. auditor of the county in which they WHERE IS MORGAN? Oshkosh Man Disappears and Active Search Fails to Develop Clue. OSHKOSH. WIS.Edward J. Morgan, a lum ber salesman and a distant relative of J. Earl failed to reveal any trace of his whereabouts. ARTIOXES o* iNetePOBATiotf**^ of $BNlMtAL CONTRACTING COMPANY^ Know all men by these presents, that? the undersigned, eitlseus of thes stytte of Minnesota, do liewbfc associate themplveB( partinent told me that if any amount was ap propria ted by the state for topographical surveys i to-wit: it would contribute a similar sum. As an ex- I Arthur J. Leahy, residing at Minneapolis, ample, if tne state should appropriate $20,000 Minnesota. for a topographical survey the geological jle- I William J. Prendergast, residing at St. Paul, partment would contribute the same amount. The work done bv this department is most thoro and complete, and 13 the safest basis for scientific drainage. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Hays, formerly of the University of Minnesota, is very much interested iu the work of the league, and has promised his hearty co-operation ABERDEEN, S. D.Aberdeen will have a foiuth bank und possibly a fifth. O. F. ISaston and F. J. MeArthur of Aberdeen, with C. A. Russell, It G. Townseud and R. A. Townsend of Anitr. Iowa, have filed articles of incorporation tor the Trust Savings bank of Aberdeen, with a capital stock of $25,000 The new institution will occupy the MoArthur building at the corner of Mam stieet and Second avepue, and will be gin business a soon as Its charter is secured and the building Is equipped with the neeessary lurmture. C. A. Rrssell and R. G. Townsend win have the active management of the .bank, serving as vice president and, cashier resyec tlvelv. The other officers and the directors of the institution will be selected later. Two capitalists from Vinton. Iowa, are in the city looking over the banking situation and may possiLly decide to put in the fifth bank. The establishment of another bank depends on the inclination of Aberdeen business men to en gage in the ertercrise. A special report to the agricultural department by J. L. Carlisle of Aberdeen shows there are 8,456 miles of public roads in Brown county, and that $17,54S.8S was expended on the county roads in the year 1904, the last year for which statistics a' available. toward *ny legislation looking to an intelligent vfVrtn who shall hold their off^ unUfl the leclamation of the vast swamp areas of northern rJJzli\?J&-!? $Z "'ilL Morg"an~"of"'the"MorgaiT"Lumber"company', left Montana, Januarybe18. 1906.Sealed proposals, on a regular trip thru northern Wisconsin and TEOTJBLE IN CHURCH C1BCLES Petition Asks for Christian Science Day at Northern Chautauqua. MARINETTE, WIS.Local church circles are all wrought up over the proposition to have a Christian Science day at the Northern Chau tauqua assembly this year, the Scientists hav ing presented a petition with 600 names, ask ing that Professor Hering of Boston be per mitted to lecture. The Protestant churches have combined and are circulating a counter petition. The board of three churches, the Presbyterian, the Methodist and the Baptist, have met and passed resolutions against the pioposition. The Chautauqua board of directors meets to night to decide the matter. The situation is further intensified by the fact that Mrs. Isaac Stephenson, wife of the millionaiie Mis A. Meniman and Mrs. O. Carpenter, wives of deceased millionaires and members of the Sci ence church, are pressing the matter. SLEEP TWO NIGHTS AND A DAY Farmer and Son Near Death and Did Not Know It. LINTON. N John Munn and his sou. who live on a farm near here, had a narrow escape from asphyxiation recently, and did not become aware of It until told by a neighbor that they had omitted to water their horses one day. The men were in the habit of watering nt neigh bors well, and one morning got up ralier late feeling somewhat ill. They went to the well wheie the neighbor asked why they had omitted to water on the preceding dar. Munn and his son denied that they had, and only after much discussion weie they convinced they had slept two nights, a day and well Into another dav. Investigation later showed that a stove In the room where they slept was defective, and that the men had been unconscious from breathing the poisonous fumes of lignite coal. HORTICULTURISTS ELECT Convention of Southern Minnesota So ciety Closes at Albert Lea. ALBERT LEA, MINN.The annual meeting of the Southern "Minnesota Horticultural society closed here last evening after one of the best meetings ever held. The program was carried out as prepared and premiums ou the large amount of fruit exhibited were awarded. The election of officers resulted as follows* President. A. W. Lassee. Albert Lea vice presi dent, L. P. H. Highby, Albert Lea secretarv, O. M. Peterson, Albert Lea treasurer, Jens Jensen Rose Creek. The constitution was amended so that the executive committee can designate the place of meeting. MISSOULA, MONT.Word has been received that United States Maisbal James M. Shoup, at Juneau. Alaska, has arrested Mrs. J. Roe and Smith Higgins. wanted here on a charge of grand larceny. It is alle_ed that Mrs. Roe secured $2,000 money left by her former husband to the couple's children, and that Higgins accompanied her to Alaska. The r"Isoners will be held- at Juneau until Sheriff Grahcm of this county can reach there. WEBSTER, S. D.The re_ular term of the district court opened here today with Judge McCoy on the berch. Ray Urlch and Archie Kennedy nleaded guilty to grand larceny and were sentenced to eight months in the penl- a The police of Wisconsin end Michigan cities Dakota, &t. Paul. Minn., at office of chief quar- as well as those of all large cities and the termrfrter, depaitment of the Lakes, Chicago, United Commercial Travelers, of which Morgan Illinois at office of depot quartermaster. Army is a past counselor, have utilized their machinery building. New York city, and at office "of depot without avail. ouartermaster, St. IK)U1S, Missouri, where as a body corporate, pursuant to 'Title Two (2), Chapter Thirty-four (34) of the General Stat utes 1894. of the state of Minnesota. And the amendments thereto, and do hereby adopt the following articles of .incorporation, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be "Gen eral Contracting Company." The general nature of its business shall be the buying, owning, improving. Selling and deal ing in lands, tenements and hereditaments, real, mixed and personal estate and property. Tho principal place of transacting the busi ness of this coJporatioff shall be the city of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin and state of Minnesota. ARTICLE 11. The time of the commencement of this cor poration shall be the first day of February, A. D. 1006, and the period of Its continuance Shall be the term of'thirty (80) years from and after said date. ARTICLE III. The amount of the capital stock of this cor poration shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), to be naid In from time to time as the board of directors' shall prescribe. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount of Indebtedness or lia bility to which this corporation shall at any time be subject shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). i ARTICLE V. The names and places of residence of the pei sons forming this corporation are as follows, Minnesota and Morris Seyferth, residing at Minneapolis, Min nesota. ARTICLE VI The names of the first beard of directors of this corporation are as follows, to-wit. Arthur J. Leahy, William J. Prendergast and Mortis 0 *toes TviS annual meeting of this coiporatlon on the first Monday in Tebruarj, 190ti, or unul their suc cessor are elected and qualify and Arthur J Leahy shall be president and William J. Pren dergast shall be secretary and treasurer and Morris Seyferth shall be vice president of this corporation until the annual meeting in Febru ary, 1006, or until their successors are elected and qualify. i The annual meeting of this corporation shall be held on the first Monday of February In each year, and the government of fhis corporation, and the management of Its affairs, shall be vested In a board of three (3) directors, who shall be elected by the stockholders at the an nual meeting of the corporation, and In a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treasurer, who shall be elected by said board of directors at their first meeting which shall be held on the day of the annual meeting of the corpora tion, and whose .terms of office and powers and duties shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. Any two of said offices, except that of president and vice president, may be held by one person ARTICLE VII. i The capital stock of this corporation shall be divided Into Five Hundred (500) shares of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each. In witness whereof the undersigned have here unto set their hands and seals this eighteenth (18th) day of January. 1906. ARTHUR J. LEAHY, (Seal.) WILLIAM J. PRENDERGAST, {Seal.) MORRIS SEYFERTH. (Seal.) Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Clarence E. Drake, John B. Atwater. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. On this eighteenth (18th) day of January, 1908, before me, a notary public within and for said county, personally appeared Arthur Leahy, William J. Prendergast and Morris Sej ferth. to me well known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing in strument, and severally acknowledged tnat they executed the same as their free act and deed. CLARENCE E. DRAKE. (Seal.) Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. My commission expires Aug. 16, 1912. NOTICE OF SALE Of all the assets and property of Theopold Mer cantile Co., a bankrupt, for many years carry ing on a wholesale grocery at Faribault, Mln nesota. Pursuant to an order of the United States die trlct Court of the District of Minnesota, entered at Minneapolis on January 13th, 1906, the entire assets and property of said Theopold Mercantile Company, a bankrupt, wiU be sold at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at Room 314, Federal building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, -on Monday, the 20th day of January, 1906, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, said sale to be made subject to confirmation by said United States District Court. The business and property to be sold is that of a wholesale grocery house, which has been conducted by said bankrupt at Faribault for more than fifteen years. The assets in a general way consist of a wholesale stock of groceries, ac counts and bills receivable, warehouse and office building, located at Faribault, machinery, trade fixtures, horses and wagons, all used in connec tion with said business: also $80,000 par value of the preferred stock of the Morris-Oliver com pany. B. R. Ricbter, trustee, has in his possession at Faribault, Minnesota, a complete inventory of the property to be sold taken at cost prices, and also the appraisal of the appraisers ap pointed by the court. Copy of said inventory and said appraisal can also be seen at room 314, Federal Building. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Prospecttye Didders may consult this inventory and appraisal and make reasonabl examination of the property by applying to B. R. Rlchter, trustee, at Faribault, Minnesota. Dated January 13th, 1906. B. R. RICHTER, Trustee In Bankruptcy. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION.OFFICE Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Assinniboine, triplicate will received here fintl 11 a.m. Michigan shortly before Christmas. On Dec. Mountain time. February 19, 1906, and then 20 ho wired his wife from Manitowoc that he opened, for construction of a bacterial sewage irtended taking the next train for home. Since purification plantplan Spl. 2-07 at Fort As- WANTE5D AP N EXPERIENCED WINDOW- then he has absolutely dropped from sight and sinpiboineo Montana, in accordance with plans trimmer state experience, where last em- the most diligent and painstaking search has specifications to be seen at this office, also i chlr oflc quartermaster, department of 0_' The missing man Is tall, well built, dark hair tions to bidders1 anA1- blank form of proposals JOB COMPOSITORS, THREE $18. 54 HOURS^ a'nd eyes and wears a pointed Van Dyke beaid can be procured. All proposals previously re ceived have been rejected. Work to begin when frost is out of ground ln the spring of 1906. Bidders a^e Informed that they must submit pro posals complete ln every detail for doing this work, and must state the time they will com mence and complete tbe work. A guarantee in the amount of 10 per cent of amount of bid will be required. Unguaranteed bids will not be considered. The government reserve*^ the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be indorsed. "Proposals for Construction of a Sewage Purification Plant" and addressed to Captain J. B. McDonald, Con structing Quartermaster. BANKRUPT SALE OF EVANS, JOHNSON, Sloane Co Minneapolis, Minnesota. The United States district court has directed the trustees of the above estate to sell the stock of merchandise, fixtuies and other assets at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the second day of February, 1906. Said sale will take place before the Hon. O. C. Meniman. referee in bankruptcy, at his office in the fedeial building, Minneapolis. The merchandise can be inspected by calling at the store. 625 Nicollet av, Minneapolis, and full information can be obtained by addressing Lindeke, Warner & Sons St. Paul. Minn. John V. Farwell & Co. Chicago. HI. Morphy, Ewing & Bradford, St. Paul. Minn. 0CEANJ5TEAMERS AMERICAN XJNE.- PLYMOUTHCHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON PhiladelphiaQueenstownLiverpool/ ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. DOMINION LIN% MONTREALLIVERPOOLShort sea passage flOLLAND-AMEfflGA LINE. NEW YORKROTTERDAM, IA BOULpG^. RED STAR LINE/ /U,7 ANTWERPDOVERLONDON-PARISi t* WHITE STAR UNE. .NEW YORKQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL. BOSTONQUEENS rOWNLIVERPOOL. MEDITERRANEAN AZa FROM NEW YORK. REPUBLIC.Jan. 26, 3 p.m. Mch. 9. April "1 CELTIC (20,904 tons) Feb. 17, 12*3) p.m. CRETIC... April 3. 10 a.m. May 10 FROM BOSTON. ROMANIC.Feb. 3, 5:30 a m. March 17. April 28 CAXOPIC Feb. 24, 11 a.m. April 7, May 19 0. E. BRECKE, N. W. P. Agent, 121-123 3d S, Guaranty Bldg, Minneapolis. T. H. LARKE, Passenger Agent, 875 Robert st, St. Paul. MACHINERY '_?*"" IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA* chlaery large stock of second-hand and new. Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d st S. Mpls. ATTORNEYS THE SWEETSTER-ROCHESTER-CO., 810-tsll Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped* collection department in northwest. STOVE REPAIRS Wednesday Evening, T^ipW[|NNEA|OLI JO$JRN&L. January 24, igEfe, OOOO OOOO OOO,OOO i DO NO* STAMMER. *We cure stuttering, stammering and other forms of defective speech In four to six., weeks. Moderate terms. Call or write today. Jflotth.w8tejrn'SelMH8",fo*' tnMnerers,#| 1222 H5nnep5\ AT, Minneapolis, MinuT^ WANTEDFOR THE U.S* MARINE 00RP8, unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35, able-bodied, of good character and temperate habits, citizens of the Lnited Mates, or who have legally declared their intention to become uch must speak, read and write English marines serve at sea on men-of-war in all parts of the world, on land in our island pos sessions and at navy yards In the United States. Recruits desiring service iu the Phil ippine Islands may be enlisted accordingly. Apply at 1ST 3d st, St. Paul, or 38 Wash Ingtou av S, Minneapolis.** LEARN SHORTHAND. Our course of instruction Is the best, mowt simple and practical. The wonderful success of our graduates, and our Inability to till all the applications tor bieuogra^hevs is the piooi. The Mtinson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty Loan Jtfulldiug. WANTEDFOR U. S. ARMY: ABL.&-BODIED, uunturiii men, between ages of 21 and 23: citizens of United States of gooa character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write _nglish. For infoiinatiou apply to itecruitlog Oiiicer, Phoenix Building or Coni lliticia'. Hotel, Si. Paul, or 324 iUst avenue S, Minneapolis, Minn. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN ON MINNESOTA and other railroads, experience unnecessary. Firemen $70, become engineers and earn $150. Bi'akeiueu '$t5 become conductor and f*ui*n $14u. Name xosltion preieried. Stagt age. Unequal* opportunity for strong, ambitious -young men. Address Railway Association, i+su. Journal. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN *6 TO $8 day alter comyieting course or piactlcat lustructicu at home or in our schools, gradu ates admitted to union& positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co. Practlc?l Schools Plumoing andv^BrlcHlajiiig, Jsew loik, Chicago, cincin- liatVi aut!_S-t cataios_ MACHINE OPERATOR T0~ TRAVEL AND IN stall special woodworking machinery, must be man of good address and familiar with up-to date me mods of piano, furniture and veneer manufacturers give reference, experience and present occupation. We pay salary and ex penses. Address 8091, Journal. SALESMANWANTED AN EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, thoroughly familial with general stoie and grocery trade of l\orth Da kota and norlrern Minnesota must be earnest and a gentleman no trunks or samples high class lici'se. Address !8u70. Journal, Minne apolis. Give relererees. PERMANENT SALARIED POSITIONS IN sales -departments of reliable houses for men of busluess-gettlng ability experienced sales men looking for advancement and young men desiring light opportunity should wilte for booklet. LUpgoods, 313 Nicollet av. YOUNG MEN WANTED i OR fHn U. 8. NAVY, ages 17 to 35 years pay, $16 to $70 per month, according to ratings 9?t outfit of clothing tree good opportunities offered for advance ment. Apply at navy recruiting station. Room 506 Postoffice building, Minneapolis. SPECIALISTS DESIRING TO MARKET THEIR ability at the highest prices should write us today positions paying,$1,000 to $5,000 and over are now open lor men experienced in special line of executive, clerical and technical work. Hapgoods, 313 Nicollet a v. A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR A YOUNG MAN connected with seme wholesale establishment as bnjer of laces and white goods, to secure mteiebt In a corporation just organizing abil ity is wanted not capital. (Confidential). Ad diess #144, Journal. WAITEDA FEW A HALFTONE FINISH ers and etchers non-union permanent posi tions guaranteed capable men. Write or ap ply with .ercrence and samples of work. It. K. Donnelley & Sons, Plymouth Place and Polk st, Chicago. WANTEDYOUNG MEN AND BOYS TO learn sign painting, ad writing, designing and pictorial bulletin work pupils earn money while learning. Call on or address Artistic Advertising Co., 202 Sykes block, Minneapolis. A~ MACHINIST ~F0R "EXPERIMENTAL WORK upori special woodworking machinery must be a man of experience and ability: give refer ences, experience, present occupation and wages wanted. Addtess- 8105, Journal. WANTEDA WALL PABER SALESMAN FOR retail floor must furnish references and salary expected In first letter only first-class man need apply. Single man preferred. Address P., O. Box 455, St. Paul, Minn. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER stands job work to work in country paper and job olfice, one familiar with Scandinavian lan guage preferred. Address, stating experience and salary desired, 802,7, Journal. IHii iiii-if ON A &JfL-'SiDl*> .PROPOSITION a new article for fainllies. *nd sold* on ihe credit plan pays $10 $40 weekly, according to ability. C. F. Adams. 76-78 7th st S, Minneapolis, Minn. FREE HAIR CUT AND SHAVE AT MOHLER Barber College also wants men to learn bar bjr trade call or write for free Illustrated catalogue. 221 2d av S, Minneapolis. Minn. established 1893. PLUMBING SCHOOL. Special rates for two months' Instruction day class $25. Practical School of Plumbln? and Heating. 3639 Nicollet av. Minneapolis WATCHES CLEANED, 50c MAIN SPRINGS. 50c warranted one year clocks repaired, called for and delivered. Telephone T. U. 943. Chas. Horwitz, 303 Washington av N. WANTED20 TUNNEL MEN FOR RAILROAD tunnel in Washington. Wages $2.50 to $2.75 per day. Free fare. Vail quick at Western Employment Co.'s, 103 .Nicollet av. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income coiresponding foi newspapers ex cellence unnecessary. Send for particulars. Pre**4? Svndlcate. Lockport. N Y. 45 st au MI ove an sa i_i. expected. Address P. O. WANTEDLAUNDRY HELP AN EXPERI enced polisher and marker either lady or gentleman, out of town situation. Address J. Preston, 314 12th av SE. ""instruc W -_... _.*-' linotype operators, scale, union or non-union, permanencies guaranteed competent. Typothe _tae, 206 4th st S. WANTED AT ONCE. SEVERAL GENERAL store oleiks for North Dakota, Minnesota and Montana. S. A. Morawetz & Co.. 500 Kasota building. LEARN WATCHMAKING. ENGRAVING, OP tics earn more money- oldest school. Min neapolis Watchmaking School. 7th and Hen nepin. WATCHES CLEANED 60c MAINSPRINGS 60c warranted one year clocks repaired, called for and delivered T. C. 9545_Dobrin. 223 Wash. N LEARN PHOTOGRAPHYBIG" DEMAND FOR workmen taught quickly: terms easy. Minne _sota CollegeAof Photography, 316 Nicollet av. LEARN" PHOTOGRAPHYBIG DEMAND" FOR workmen taught quickly, terms easy. Minne sota College of Photography, 316 Nicollet av. SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTES, BEST OAK roles, sewed. 75c: nailed. 50c: rubber heels, 40c. S. T. Sorensen, 314 Nicolelt av. WANTEDA GOOD TEAMSTER TO DELIVER spring water good wages and room and board. Call 104 Elm st. Bryn Mawr. A IMPLEMENT SALESMAN I0R A SMALL North Dakota town $ft5-$75. S. A. Morawetz & Co.. fiOO Kt,cota building. BOY TO RUN FRRANDS AND LEARN TRADE must be willing to work. Minneapolis Freie fiesse Herold, 49 3d st S. WANTEDA BRIGHT BOY OF 19 TOR MIS cellaneous office work a good opportunity for a beginner. 6646. Journal WANTEDA FEW GOOD SALESMEN. FIRST class men, will be given straight salary con tract. 8 Eastman block. WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS NONUNION CAR penter for finishing house. 251i Stevens av. T. C. phone 5113. 50 MEN WANTED TO CUT HEASING BOLTS good wages paid. Apply Heading Mills, Frederic. ^Wh. ____ WANTED-^THREE~NO. 1 NON-UNION CAR~ penters. Inquire at 43 7th st S, Thursday morning. WANTED--"SCANDINAVIAN/TO TAKE SEC ond position in county bank. Address 8030, Journal. WANTEldA REGISTERED Pd-RMACIST with good references. Address 74937 Journal. W25 MONTHLY AG.ENTS WANTED: STAND ard Registry Co.. 312 Bank Commerce bldg. WATCHES CLEANED $1 MAINSPRINGS $1 warranted one yesr Paegel's 22 d tt S. v-, J-j-_f-g^_j$^~J4JjB_1. LEARN EXPERT SHORTHAND AND TOUCH TYPEWRITING. Sr r' We provide means for that careful, personal attention and individual instruction which is so vital to the success of the average student. ,,s^ Th*e MnnscnyShorthand Institute, -7*13 Guarant Loan Building* *r BUSINESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR SELF dependent lt*dy of fair education experience unnecessary if otherwise qualified good pay and permanency to suitable applicant hours 9 to 4. Call after 10. Thursday, ?12 Boston block. WANTEDEVERY MOTHER'S' SON AND daugh*er to buy a bo\ lunch. 10 and 13 cents, at 'Corn Exchange Confectionery Stand, operator Phoenix building lobby. A. J. Wlrth's oandv store and 126 7th st N. NEAT GIRL FOR' GENERAL HOUSEWORK VdUruak day. N. W. phone. Main 1040 J2. Continue* 500'PEOPLE TO MAKE KITCHEN AJPRQNS by, dozens increase business small room there fore hbmewoik permanent stamped uddreed envelop for particulars. American Apron Co., 4408 Indiana av. Chicago WANTEDA COMPETENT WOMAN TO TAKE charge of an office must be proficient In bookkeeping and stenography and have had satisfactory experience, with references. Ad dress 8125. Journal. FORELADY FOR SKIRTTPANTS" ANS'OVER ali factory one who is competent to take cnarge of factory floor. Outside of twin cities. State experience. Address Forelady, 7305, Journal. ANY INTELLIGENT' PERSON MAY EARN good income conesponding for newspapers ex perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y- WANTEDGIRL TO GO WSBT FOR GEN eral housework. wh"b is a zood cook call Thursday, Jtn. 25, between 2 and 5 p.m., at 2122 Chicago av, upstairB. WANTEDIMMEDIATELY, WOMAN C0MP08I- tor for good country office straight matter with chance to learn job if desired. I. A. Her riek. Faimlngton. Minn. DRESSMAKERS ~AND LADIES WHO BO THEIR own sewing or employ dressmakers to visit the Praiss Pattern Rooms. 522 Medical block. Main 1714 L. WANTEDGIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK AND to assist on counter: one who can go home nights. Webstei's lunchroom. 2530 Hiawatha av. WANTEDTEACHERS, COUNTRY, VILLAGE, city experienced and unexperienced. Address Superintendent H. Collin. Euvtska. S. I). BUY YOUR TRUNKS AT" THE" SLTOU" TRUNK factory old ones taken in exchange. 14 Wash ington av N. Wm. Lorenz. Roth phones. WAN riDGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in femily of two one who can go home nights. Ac'dress 6644, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED CR ELDERLY WOMAN TO w-oik in family of two adults Immediately. Apply aftei 4 30. 1515 lt st NE. WANTEDSERVANT FOR GENERAL H0U8E- work, must be thoroughly competent. No other need apply. 2000 Paik av, flat 2. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL H0U8E- work, family of mree adults: call mornings. Mrs. Eppley. 2319 Aldrlch_ay_S'. WANTEDGIRL OF ABOUT 16 TO ACT AS companion to ladv and do light work. Only tw*o in family. 3228 Park av. A FEW LADIES QUICK TO LEARN FILLING in designs, at home good pay whole or part time. Address 7599, Journal. WANTEDA GOOD, THOROUGHLY COMPE tent girl for general housework no other need apply. 1901 Dupont av S. WANTEDGIRL TO SEW ON POWER MA chines. American Tent & Awning Co., 307- 309-311 Washington av N. WANTEDTEN EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on power machines good wages. Apply 100 Washington av N. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework small family, 1925 Humboldt av S, Kenwood car. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LAUNDRY BOOK kecper. Apply at once, Co-operative laundry, 523 1st av S. WANTED-COMPT TENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call mornings. Mrs. Ettley, 2819 Aldrich S. WANTEDYOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE wcrk must room at home. Apply flat D, 2619 Chicago av. WANTEDA CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework good wages. 2517 Blaisdell av. NEAT NURSE~MAID,~ COMPETENT SEWER, in family of two. Address 8098, Journal WANTiD GOOD CTRL FOR GENERAL housi-w ork. Apply 1901 Dupont av_ S. WANTEDCOMPETENT ~GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call 2449 PlllsburyaVj WANTED EXPERIENCED ~~MANGLE GIRLS. Co-operative Laundry, 523 1st av S. WANTEDA SECOND GIRL TO ASSIST WITH the baby. 2955 Chicago av. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, %o A word: no ad less than 10c dally: 20 wocus or less, one week, 60c. WANTEDYOUNG HAN WOULD LIKE Posi tion as clerk In hotel In or out of town can give reference. Address H. V. D., Lumber Kxchange_bldg, room 431, Minneapolis, Minn. POSITION BY"A~YdUNG MARRIED MAN AS shipping clerk with some reUable hardware or grocery firm, or trlbutory to that am not afraid of work. Address 8165, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION IN SOME OFFICE, store or bank by a Scandinavian of 26 ex perience not salary the object sober and hon est. 0 F. W., Box 356, Hudson, Wis. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER DESIRES A position live years' experience In railroad, farm loans and Insurance business A in every particular. Address 8115. Journal. STENOGRAPHER, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, at present employed, desires position where he will have considerable correspondence sal ary $10. Address 7656, Journal. YOUNG MAN LIVING AT HOME WANTS chance to clerk, learn trade, anywhere with chano learn wages no object good refer ences^Address 7484, Journal. WANTEDBY SENIOR I N HIGH SCHOOL, position to collect or work ln office of some business house Saturdays, collecting preferied. Address 7488. Journal. A MAN WOULD LIKE EMPLOYMENT^S^A house servant with private family willing and handy in and about the house. Otto Wled, 713 17th av S. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER OF several years' experience would like work one or three evenings each week. Address 8074. _Journal, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN DESIRES WORK AT anything all day or part thereof: small sal ary or exchange for board. Address 8101, Journal. BY YOtfft-G MAN OF 19, INSIDE WORK PRE ferred, speaks German sober and steady, would like to learn trade. Address 8058, Jour nal. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED clerk In general or grocery store will go any place good references. Address 7667, Journal. 6rrUATI0N~WANTED^^Y~Y0UNG~M AN~ OF 24 years, as hotel clerk, porter, etc. day duty preferred. Address 8137, Journal.' BY MARRIED COUPLE, AS COOKS IN A RES taurant or hotel, or can take charge and manage a place. Address 7672, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS CLERK BY YOUNG man of ability willing to work. Address Theodore Gominsky, Watklns, Minn. A POSITION AS OFFICE MAN OR BOOKKEEP er have had considerable experience give ref erence. Address 7558, Journal. CHEF, COOK, FIRST-CLASS, DESIRES Posi tion in hotel or restaurant, in or out of city. Address 8100, Journal. WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, 106 16th st S, third house from 1st av. BOY" WOULD LIX_ WORK OF SOME KTND a pla?e for dvancement. Call at 819 25th av S. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, /,c A word no ad less than 10c dally 2 words or less, one week, 60c. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, EXPERI enced, must have work, preferably with law firm other acceptable. If you want a thor oughly in earnest stenographer address E. C. 356_12th av NE. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRAPHER and tjpewriter desires position at once compe tent and capable of taking full charge of book keeping and collect 16ns best business refer ences. Telephone Main 2807. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, RAPID and accurate, capable of assisting on books, desires position with reliable firm fair wages until acquainted with business Address 8o79, Joui nal. ASSISTANT POSTMISTRESS WISHES Gov ernment position best of references German American: would like to assist postmaster in country town. Address 7277, Journal. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A POSITION ns assistant bookkeeper or to help on the books has had experience and can give refei ences. Address 7541, Journal EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly competent, desires position know ledge of bookkeeping first-class references. Adoress 6782, Journal. YOUNG LADY WITH FIVE YEARS' EXPERI ence desires position $- bookkeeper and sten ographer. -Can* furnish best of references. Ad dress 7905, Journal. A RESPECTABIE, RELIABLE WOMAN wants situation for neneral housework must be ln Minneapolis Call or address 2108 Bloom-v ington av, upstairs. WANTEDA POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by young widow with one childi bent refer ences. Address The Got man, 9th st and 1st av N. city, room 8. HIGH-GRADE BOOKKEEPER AND EXPERT stenographer, several years' experience and best business references, desires position at once. T. C. 152. WANTEDCLERICAL POSITION BY YOUNG lady who ban had four years' experience, can give best of references if required. Address 8699, 'Journal. GERMAN CHAMBERMAID, CAN SPEAK French, good seamstress and nurse, wants po sition references furnished.. Address 7489, Journal. SITUATION WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call or write, 410 16th av S. aad cooking in family of two. Address 81037 SWEEPING, "CLEANING, mONING~BY^THE "T^1*S3S^^Sv4i4*t?^if^Ji" Kmm^*w "-^tr- -"vtv ^irgr^ffe*SF-*_** i 4 Defective Page I SITUATKHIMANTED. Female. I Continued. y* JLADYV PRACTICAL BUSINESS EXPERIENCE, good bookkeeper, quick and accurate figurer, fine penman highest references. Address 7402, _Jouinal. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK keeper wants responsible position with engi neering firm or architect.. Address 7804, Jour nal. WANTEDPOSITION* AS HOUSEKEEPER have experience earn give reference. Address ^MrSj_Andeisonj_1826 Crsta Lake ay_N. EXPERIENCED GIHL^bR~GENERAL HOUSE work or second work good wages wanted. Call 828 21st av S. upstairs. HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. 1S6RSETAT^AUCTI0Hr^~*^ Our grand annual horse Anctloa Sale for the season of 1906 will be held, at our mam moth stables, Midway, St. Paul, Wednesday, Feb. 7th. The following well-known shippers and con signers will positively be on hand with choice consignments of fresh horses direct from the country, to be sold to the highest bidder: Ohas. Petts, St. Paul, two carloads W. Wateon, St. Charles, Minn., three carloads Wm. Delancy, Northfleld, Minn., two car loads fancy drivers, delivery horses and farm mares H. Herrlch, the veteran shipper, three carloads of horses suitable for the North Dakota and Canadian trade Eugene Dill rauce, Omaha, Neb., two carloads Leo Froelich, Minneapolis, two carloads of farm horses and mares. 1,000 other horses and mules1,000. Every horse guaranteed as represented. This will be the greatest as sortment of horses ever brought together at any one time. Don't miss this great sale. Come early. Sale commences at 10 o'clock a.m. Remember the day and date. Wednesday, Feb. 7th, and every Wednesday thereafter. Private Sales Dally. Barrett & Zimmeiman, Great Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn. (Take Interurban street cars from either city.) 00000,000 000000 IF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES, WAGONS, or harness you want to sell, bring them to Barrett & Zimmerman, Mid way, St. Paul. Auction Bales every Wednesday. Con signments solicited. 0 00000000 00000 00000000 00000 PRIVATE SALES DAILY. A large assortment to select Good horses at right prices. Bariett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. oooooooo 00000 IF YOU NEED ONE OR MORE GOOD SOUND work or business hordes, bought direct from the farmers and guaranteed to be as repre sented, see mine I have them fox sale. Alfred H. Pope, Box 443 Wlndom, Minn. HORSES. HORSES. HORSES. We have 50 head of good young horses and mares, weighing from 1,200 to 1,500 lbs our motto Is, quick sales and small profits. Bloom ft Uajerus, 248 and 25C 2d av N. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT A CAR load of cheap farm mares and horses from $50 up, according to the sine and age., at Bloom & Majerus' stables, 248 2d av N. TEN .HEAD OF MINNESOTA HORSES, weight 900 to 1,100 lbs if you want a good city broke horse, see these before you buy. 1808 20th av N. CARLOAD FARM MARES AND HORSES, 20 new $85 Portland cutters, $15 all kinds wagons, buggies and harnesses second-hand. 414 3d st S. FOR SALE- OR EXCHANGEPERCHERON stallion, weight 1,800. If interested, write James Pettit, Storm Lake, Iowa, giving full particulars. 100 HORSES AND MARES. WEIGHING FROM 1,200 to 1,500 pounds, shippers looking for carload lots invited. H. H. Roe Zumbrota. Minn. ALWAYS ON HANDGOOD WORK HORSES, medium-priced drivers and delivery horses fresh cows, will buy your beet. 3oo8 Garneld ZIMMERMAN'S HORSE MARKET, SEALERS in all classes of horses, part time given when desired. Stabtas, 12 2d st M. PROST & CO. All classes of horses for sale. 18 2d st N. FOR SALE CHEAPALL OF OUR HORSES, wagons, harness, etc. Call at Buchanan's Livery. Wlnslow & Ruff. FOR SALEFIRST-CLASS HIGH-GRADE CON cord buggy. McCluskey, 326 Grant st, city. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. "W. Scavenger Co.. 102 1st st N. Phone 195 Main. FOR 8AL_BLACK HORSjfc, AND CONCORD buggy and harness, $75. Phone T. C. 853. HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. ROLLED OATS AND BARLEY, JERSEY COW feed, "ye flour and corn products, custom grlndlng._ Empire Mills, 9tb av S and 3d st. WANTEDA YOUNG HORSE FOR DELIVER ing weight about 1,200 pounds will pay cash. Address 7494, Journal. COWS, DOGS, POULTRY CYPHERS INCUBATOR COMPANY CELE brated poultry foods and alfalfa products. Phone us for prices. N. W. Main 3178 2. Prior Seed Co., 635 3d av S. WHEAT FOR POULTRYDELIVERED TO any part of the city. Telephone your orders. N. W. Main 3178 J2. Prior Seed Co., 635 3d av_ S. OYSTER SHELLS, 76c GRIT, 76c OILMEAL, $1.65 per 100-lb sack. J. H. Smith, 214-216 Hennepin av. AUTOMOBILES & BICYCLES ONE AUTOCAR, 4-INCH FISK TIRES, FRENCH coll, large searchlight, A condition, $900. One- 1905 Rambler, two-seat, 4-inch Fisk tires, acetelyn lamps, just overhauled and in A condition a bargain $800. Owe autocar, runabout, practically new. $600. One model A Cadillac, A condition, $450. One model A Cadillac, thoroughly overhauled. $425. One Olds dos-a-dos seat, top, extra tire. $425. One Ford detachable tonneau, searchlight and oil lamps, double colls and commutator, all ln good condition, $375. Auto Construction Co.. 1401-1403 Henneoin Av. ONE 12 H. P. FOUR-PASSENGER CAR FOR best offer over $300 also one nsarly new Olds mobile, pink of condition, $250 spot cash. East Side Auto Co.. 11 2d st SE. PATENI^ATTORNEYS INVENTORS. ATTENTION!PATENTS IN all countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, manufactured models made twenty-five years established: unexcelled reputation in ventors' book free. Address Patent Market, St. Paul. Minn. WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT. PATENT LAW. yers and solicitors main office. 925-933 Guar anty building. Minneapolis. Minn. 52 McGUl building, Washington, D. C. ^^^^AN^O^NC^^NTS^^^ CUT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. Best of service and lowest possible rates. Write or call on tbs Boyd Transfer & Storage-Co.. 46 S 3d st. FRED SHERIDAN & CO., EXPERT ACCOUNT auts, 520 Bank of Minneapolis Building. Books opened, kept and closed. Business t-ystematiz'-d by the latest methods. Employment bureau for office help. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. NORTH STAR GOOD FIRMS TOJPATRONEE DRY DYEING~ AND~FRENCH cleaning works, 725 Hennepin av. Both photic McNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCYPROMPT service, pnequaled facilities, reasonable rates. References, police headquarters. 210 Kaxt block. K. W. phone. PROFESSIONAL. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PSRMA nently removed by electricity. Miss Hoills.ter, -77-78 Syndicate Black. Pioneer stand of tbe northwest. Exclusive speciallsu ^PHOJOGRAPJgC^JJPmES^ KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH ing done expertly photographic materials, our business established twenty years. O. H. I'ecljj 112 5tih at S. AGENTJMVANTJ SALESPEOPLE EVERYWHERE, BIG. DE mand, clean work sells for quarter costs 7e. ,.5Address with stamped envelope for reply, 7877. Journal, j* WATCHES CLEANED, 60c MAIN SPRINGS, 50c- warranted one year: clocks repaired, called for and delivered. Telephone T. 8te. Cbas. Horwltz. 3i WashingtonJJT N. MAIRE'8 ROOF PRESERVER -***'lf*r* Stops leak In any roof. ,&" f'fi^v^ Call, telephone or write. Malre Paint Co.. 242 1st av 8H0E8 RESOLED WHILE YOU WAIT. BEST oak soles, sewed, 75c: nailed. 50c rubber heels.' 45c. Standard Shoe Repairing Co., 70ft _lst av S. MONEY "LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS and furs. Reliable watch and jewelry repair ing. Bank's Loan & Jewelry Co., 243 1st av S. JOHN 8. ALLEN, 110 GUARANTY BLDG. RE. liable jeweler, diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc. Watches cleaned, $1 mainsprings $1. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS REPAIRED AT factory prices work guaranteed. 129 Wes tern av. T. C. K71. __ CARRIAGE AND WAGON repairing and paint ing at reasonable prices. J. M. Noetner, 130 Western. HORSES SHOD~WITH NEVER8LLPB, 4 NEW steel shoeV$1.25. Harvey Shop. 128 West. THE SPLAN HEATING & VENTILATIHG COl Best plant for least money. 212 4th st S. FINANCIAL CHATTEL LOANS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.. Established 20 Years, Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having been engaged In tne money-leading business for the pat 25 years, and with the large cli entele we have, we are enabled to make tbo lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 23 years Insures- honorable and conadea ual dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., S05-306 Bank of Commerce Bldg.. 1st av S and 4th st. ARE YOU LOOKING For a iriend To Loon You Money? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses^ y, agons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Cull, write or telephoneS. W. Mala lllo. Twin City 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Bldg., 22 4th st S. CHATTEL KOKTGAtil-. LOANS On turnituie, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Warehouse Keceipu, etc. Lowest and beat rats. Minneapolis Financial Co., 406-408 New York Life Bldg. Telephone. N. W. 'Main 40J-L2 T. C. 3092. BuMLKUlG LOANS MY SlriiClALXY MY PJUAH is simple and satisfactory both to owuuis and contractors no bonu, delay or uisap pointmeut. Write, see or phone me for partiiu iare. E. D. Brown, 738 Lumber Exchange. MONEY A 6 V1-.R CE&T J-'xJt ANNUM: Pri vate party will make loans of $25 to $50 to men lernanentiy employed no security, plan explained upon application. 1114, JournaL MONEY SUPPLIED SAT^dRIED PEOPLE, RE tail mercnants, tetmsters, boarding houses, without security offices in 53 principal cities. Tolman. 020 New York Life building. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates payment privi leges given no delay in closing. Minneapolis Uiust Co., Hennepin av and 4th st. WANTED$100,000 TO MVEST~lN C0N8ER- vatlve first mortgage on real estate smaU loans net lender 7 per cent. C. M. Lumpkin, Crookston, Minn. Wi. OFFJ JL OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Zrost Co 313 KicoUet_ar. MONEY TO LOAN ON MINNESOTA AND Norti Dakota farms. Johnson-Van Sant Co., Bank of Commerce building, Minneapolis, Minn. THE EDMUND G. WALTON AGENCY, 300 Hennepin av, are making first mortgage loans. Call on them If you want to borrow or invest. 4 PER CENT, 6 PER CENT, 0 PER CENT money to loan on improved city property no delay. J. A. Walters, 514 New York Life bldg. R. D. CONE & CO., 517 GUARANTY BLDG., have on hand to loan on improved property $1,000, $1,500. $2,000. _$3,500 _lowest_rates._ WANT $860 AT 6 PER CENT ON 73 ACRES, Mound station, Lake Mlnnetonka, value $3,750. No eommlsslons. Room 302, Phoenix bldg. WAN_~TO BORROW $4J000 FLUSr MORTGAGE on up-to-date residence irt'Ux*rt onlv priu clpals need apply. Address S032, Journal. LOUIS A. HOWARD. 502 ONEIDA BUILDING, has money on hand to loan on improved city property. Current rates. WE LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT 1.0W- est rates no delay. Mckfels Smith, 311 Nicollet av. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVES FARMS no delay. M. R. Waters. 707 Phoenix Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES NO _deUy__TUay_&_Gale, 213 N. Y. Life Bldg. MONEY LOANED, FIRST OR SECOND MORT- _gages^an^ojher^g^jecurlty.__5o5 N. Y. Lite. $3,000 TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES ON mortgages. _Newhall, 550_Temple Court! $100 TO $500 TO LOAN ON REALTY oH _good^ paper. _322 NewYork Life bldg. ^J^AiTS^ANpjDE^TTMjS^^ WILLIAMS, 484 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers lowest "prices. DIAMONDS BOUGHT, LARGE OR SMALL, highest price paid: money loaned. M. L. Cohen, diamond broker, 29 Washington av S. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property charge* reasonable. 506 Ulooe Bldg. ^^ST^FOraD^REWARDS_ LOSTTUESDAY EVENING AT AUDITORIUM or between there and 1302 Yale place, lady plain gold watch, name in full Inside of back. Return for liberal reward to above number or telephone X. W. Main 2521-J. LC STLADY'S GOLD WATCH. JAN. 22, IN vicinity of 8th st and 8th av S, or on 8th and Central car to Nicollet av M. J. O. engraved on bace of case: please return to Swedish hospital for reward. "SET-*" -s 4 ^sli SK LOSTONE LADY'S OPEN-FACED GOLD natch, with nickel fob attached lost In one of the dry goods stores or on 8th and Central car: reward if returned to R. M., 44 3dst S. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH SUNDAY morning on 22d st, between Garfield and Clin ton av. Finder please notity T. C. phone 4493. __or return to 2112 Garfield av for reward LOSTTUESDAY So AFTERNOON, BETWEEN 7th and 8th sts, large black Persian lamb muff. Finder please return to 2210 Aldrich av S. Reward. LOSTBLACK COCKER SPANTElTpUP. LAST seen on Central av Saturday any Information leading to his recovery will be rewarded. CaU T. C. 16988. LOSTWEDNESDAY MORNING, ON BALCONY at Donaldson's, large badger muff, with black frosting. E. D. Parkinson. 1780 Bryant av S. Reward. LOSTPARCEL CONTAINING GREEN AND line braid, last Saturday night liberal reward and no questions asked. 923 Chicago av, flat 2. L08TBULL TERRIER, PURE WHITE EX cept left eye irarked brlndle. Return to F. E. Freeman, 11 Spruce place, flat 17^ LOSTSATURDAY, BUNCH OF KEYS: FIND er please return to Otto J. Borer. 201 Guar antv buildlrg. and receive reward. LOSTPLEASE RETURN D. H. TICKETS keep money found in lady's handbag taken from Powers _lcvo" at Journal^ffice^ LOSTSMALL BROWN "SAMPLE CASE. CON taining sasb, on car Saturday. Return to 1912 Feronia, St. Psul, for reward. LOSTFROM A SLEIGHING PARTY, BUNCH of keys and baln return to C. L. Hay ward, 2927 AHrich N. for reward. FOUNDFINE PAIR STEEL BOWS, READING glasses, for 35c at Hlrschy's, option, 518 Nic ollet av, second floor. LOSTA BUNCH OF XEYS. FINDER PLEASE return to J. C. Wltte, 3032 Central av, and receive reward. BOARD AND ROOMS Offered. BEAUTIFUL SUITE, PRIVATE BATH STK. gle room, private bath single room, without bath. Hotel Waverly. ROOM AND BOARD ALSO FIRST-CLASS table board moderate pi ice. Mary King, 18* 4th v S. FOR RENTNICELY FURNISHES PLEASANT j-ooins. with or without board. Call 1606 Har mon place. G00DR00M8 WITH BO__aTAT $29 Sd AV S. CLAgVOYANTS^ PROF. H. C. BELMONT, Clairvoyant, death trance medium tells past, present and future calls names, gives dates, facts and figures. Advice on all matters $5 readings, 50c. Hours dally. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundiy. 2 to 5 n.m. Mall readings, send 50c, six imports nt questions. 715 1st avR MRS. C. TRYON, MINNEAPOLIS, CLAIRVOY ant, tlvc. readings daily, Tuesday 25c tests at Room 318. 620-& Nicollet av. third floor. FUR REMODELING, REPAIRING AND RE* dyeing, one mouth at summer prices. D* Morris -Fur Co.. 79 10th st S. Mala MM. mix _*- j-AX*- v f1