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::J"j ft :ii BJS ^i' '& "1 !&',- Why not bring these two classes to gether? Naturally the question of congenial ity is a vital one in arranging an ex change of courtesies, but it seems en tirely feasible \o list certain conditions in such a way that city people may, with some degree of assurance, select a country place where they would have a good time and that rural residents could act with equally satisfactory re sults in selecting a place where they would be pleasantly entertained in the city. For those of its readers to whom this idea of an exchange appeals The Journal submits this plan: Bural residents wishing to come to the city or to send their children in for a visit of a week or two to benefit by the contact with city life and institu tions, have but to fill out one of the Rural Resident'' coupons on this page and send it as addressed. As will be noted, this coupon also signifies that the sender is willing, in return for the More Boom Needed. In this home they have boarded and taught their young charges, but re cently it became apparent that the number of pupils who applied for admis sion was far in excess of the accommo dations. The houses are delightfully located, near enough to the center of the city to make them practically with in walking distance, yet in a neigh borhood which gives a charming atmos phere of excluslveness and retirement. Finally the property was bought by Miss Bubel and Miss Bartlett and last fall the George Miller house, which has been used as the schoolhouse proper, received a large and up-to-date addi tion in the form of an annex to be used for the school department and now Gra ham Hall is well equipped and in a position to take care of all its stu dents. In the annex are many of the schoolrooms as well as the large and airy gymnasium. Well-Equipped Gymnasium. The gymnasium occupies the entire length of the building and is fitted up In the best and most approved manner for the use of the students. The de velopment of a healthy mind and a healthy body go hand in hand at Gra ham Hall, and for that reason each of the. pupils is compelled to take her share in the gymnasium work every day, unless excused by her physician. Miss Charlotte E. Aves is the physical instructor. With a bevy of graceful maidens and children and the splendid apparatus at her disposal she has made For her purpose Miss Aves has all the modern apparatus, such as ladders, tall bars, Indian clubs, wands, horizon tal bars and othr equipments which are considered a necessity for the develop ment of the strong and healthy ?hysique of the girl of the present age. Indian club exercises the pupils do. some of the very best work and it is one of the many exercises upon which the teacher lays particular stress. Every -day there is also a short practice hour HY NOT have an exchange I city hospitality enjoyed, to entertain of hospitalities between Wsehostd the city and country read- a ,lat 6TB of The Journalfl between the two. This is the question that came float ing in on the mails a few days ago and The Journal gladly throws open Sfcs columns to those who may desire to work out the idea. The point is simply this* In the city there are hundreds of householders who are comfortably situated in good homes with an extra room or two who live well, but to "whom a vacation in the country is just a little out of reach. Or if it isn't.out^of reach they hesi tate to send their boys or their 'girls out alone among strangers. In the country or small towns there are just as many well-to-do folks with equally good homes, but who regard a city visit for themselves or their chil dren in much the same" way as their city cousins regard a country visit. P^iod to be agreed upon fo for a time in the country at a an I -City residents desiring a country visit Name Address la house all modern construction?. Number guest rooms available?. Children in your family. How many guests could you entertain?. days about (date) What time is most* convenient? For how long?. Do you desire guests of any particular nationality, and if so, what?. MINNEAPOLIS HAS ONE OF THE VERY BEST OF GIRLS' SCHOOLS Graham Hall, an Institution Where Pupils Are Surrounded By Home Influences and Instructed By Teachers Specially Trained for the Work. Graham Hall is one of the few Min- for the gjrls who play in the basket-ball neapolis'institutions where children andrtteanl, atrft so the gymnasium work, in- young fcirls. can enjoy the advantages stead of being work, is 4 delightful of a home and of a'modern schoolthe I means of recreation. The gynasium is advantages of a home in the truest kept up to so high a. standard that vis- Bens of the word, with mother love and mother care for all the troubles in the lives of the little onesand the ad vantages of a school governed by a capable and intelligent corps of in structors according to the best and most scientific principles of education. The value of such a school is appreciated at home and abroad and pupils from all parts of the northwest come to Graham Hall. The growth of Graham Hall since its opening about six years ago has been extraordinary-. Miss Zuleina A. Ruble and Miss Carrie F. Bartlett, the prin cipals, opened the school the first year in a house at Nicollet avenue and Twenty-fourth street. From the begin ning the demand for more room was urgent, and shortly thereafter the man agement of the school took possession of the two Miller residences near Eighteenth street on First avenue 8. itors at the school are never barred from attending even the simplest exer- the department one of the attractive and their little interests and the little features at Graham Hall. Miss Aves is a graduate of the B. O. Ott school of Expression and of the Kansas City Normal School of Physical Training and has made the study of physical culture her life-work. The girls are taught how to walk correctly and acwork quire an easy, graceful carriage, how fb control their muscles and how to avoid the careless habits which are often the cause of deformities of once young and healthy figures. AH Modern Apparatus. s. .ate y- 's fvs %1 Ji & i .."0 cises, and classes are always open for inspection. Primary Work First Consideration. Perhaps none of the departments is conducted wtih greater care and suc cess than the primary department. One of the first principles of the school is a good, solid foundation for learning and as this can only be obtained thru the best efforts in primary work particular stress is laid upon this. The manage ment has been more than fortunate in securing the services of Miss Ina Good ale. Miss Goodale loves the children people reciprocate with the most ardent admiration for their teacher. Miss Goodale is talented above the average, a gifted artist with pen and brush and she finds it an easy task to work with her little charges. Her educational is such as to teach the children thru the sense methods in the most scientific manner, yet a sunny tempera ment permits her to eliminate anything that might work oppressively on the young minds, and so the work is turned into the merest play. Miss Goodale is also a true musician and much of the study is interwoven with song. The primary rooms are bright, .sunny and well airedin fact, all the schoolrooms do not fall faT short of being perfect. Boys Are Admitted. One advantage of the school is that boys are admitted in the primary and intermediate grades. Foreign languages are taught entirely by conversation and all the grammar work is taught in the language to beacquired by Jeachexs for themselves or members of their families, are to send in the "City Resi dent" coupon properly filled out, both as to what they can offer and as to what they would like to have. FILL I N AN MAIL TO TOWN AN COUNTRY DEPARTMENT* JOURNAL, 'i CITY RESIDENT COUPON FACILITIES OFFERED. l( ....Boys ages Gttrlsi',ages CH Do you prefer guests of any particular religious Menominatipn, and if so, what?. Note here any particular features which might make your home attractive to visitors: COURTESIES DESIRED. Would like in exchange entertainment for .members of my family for. who are natives of the land whose tongue they teach. Mrs. Xtunda Prus sian Azemar is in charge of the German department and Mile. Valentine Estop pey teaches the French language. Mrs. Azemar is one of the best educated I women and has had the advantages of A House Physician. Dr.^ Margaret Campbell, a graduate of the Indianapolis Medical college and of the Michigan State Normal College of Natural Science, is the house physi cian and also teaches the natural seience departments. The presence of a resi dent physician at the school is of un told value in cases of sudden illness. Miss Mary C. Iiockwood, who spent many years studying- in Paris, conducts the art classes, and Miss Iona A. Geg gie, a graduate of the University of Minnesota, teaches history and mathe matics. Miss Clara M. Batchelder, the head of the English department, or ganized a literary society, the Iexi therion, several years ago. The society meets every two weeks after the last period on Friday and is of great value to the more advanced students. Gradu ates from the classical course are adthe mitted without further examination to prominent colleges in the east, such as Wellesley, Wells and Smith. 4 A Model Home. At Graham Hall the children have a News Section. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Sunday, January 28, 1906. Why Not Have an Exchange of Hospitality Between City and Country?' Here I ^Practical Plan Submitted to Journal ReaderslWithoutyExpense For its part, Journal will offer every facility '-for bringing the two classes^ of ?wd*uld-be *:$ guests and hosts together. A& fast as^the coupons are received, they will be classified and N fi Name Address Aone y- i% vtf' $'*.#,*/'' **rK &, v 1- fy -r't THE SPACIOUS GYMNASIUM. years of travel in foreign lands. Mme. Estoppey comes from Geneva, Switzer land, and has fifteen years' experience in private schools. Miss Katherine Drew is in charge of the piano depart ment. Miss Kathertne Watkins teaches the vocal students and Axel Skovgaard is instructor of violin. Miss Grace Hor ton is the teacher of dancing and has classes every Wednesday afternoon. heme such as few children who are sent the hdurs of the school day are as fol- away to school ever have. It is^true^lows' Children in your family. if it is not just like the home where lov ing fathers and mothers watch every one of their steps,'but it is as near to the real home as it can possibly be made. It is cheerful and happy, and the spirit of love and kind and tender care for the little souls and bodies is ever prevalent. The smallest mite in the large family of teachers and pupils has her rights just the same as she would have at home, even the presence of a pet doll is not frowned at, and the little tot from North Dakota who shares her room with the maid from Winnipeg is allowed all the fun and frolic she wants after finishing her morning studies, and in her room the large doll and the doll's buggy are conspicuous^ In the hours which follow the lessons and study work, the children are deby lightfully happy' ei^fter in their rooms or the parlj)rs.{ Nearly all of the pupils live ip?the"(Schjftalh6use and on each floor of the teachers, has her apartments, so that order can be main tained under every condition. The rooms are bright and cheerful '2XA '"if/'.: \i' 't? ip.t and ,the pupils have the privileges of^ bringing whatever articles they /want to make the rooms cozy and "just like home.,r each will be given a distinctive number in its own class. In The Sunday Jour nal following the date on which the coupon is received, a full digest of its contents will be printed in a paragraph FILL I N AN MAIL TO TOWN AN COUNTRY DEPARTMENT, JOURNAL. How many guests could you entertain? RURAL RESIDENT COUPON FACILITIES OFFERED. Do you reside in village? On farm? If latter, how far out?. How many acres?. What modern conveniences has house? Number guest rooms available? What time is most convenient? For how long? ..Boys ages I:::: Do you desire guests of any particular nationality, and if so, what?. .Girls ages Do you desire guests of any particular religioub denomination, and if so, what?. Is there lake or river near you, and if so, which? Could guests secure privilege of using horse or boat near your place, and at what expense? Note here any particular features which might make your home attractive to visitors: COURTESIES DESIRED. Would like in exchange entertainment for members of my family fox. ,^-M days about (date) 6:45 a.m.Rising bell. 7:30 a.m.Breakfast. 88:30 a.m.Tidying up rooms. 8:30 a.m.School bell rings. 11 a.m.Chapel exercises for ten min utes. The exercises consist of readings from the Bible or of short talks on some ethical subject, prayer and singing of hymns. Fifteen minutes' recess. 1 p.m.School closes. 1:15 p.m.Lunch. 2 p.m.Study bell rings for boarding students and for day students who are kept behind to make up studies. 4 p.m.Weather permitting, students are taken out for a walk or other open air exercises, skating being a favorite one. A teacher always chaperones the children. 6 p.m.Dinner, at which the girls are expected to change their dresses and wear light waists. Dinner is followed fifteen minutes' devotional exercises in the assembly room. After the deyo tionals girls and teachers adjourn to the ymnasium for dancing or some social rolic 7:308:45 p.m.Girls Study in their rooms. 8:459 p.m.They are permitted to visit in each other's rooms. 9:30 p.m.Last bell lights out. Saturday and Sunday. Saturday is cleaning-up and mending day, and the morning hours are devoted to shopping trips under the escort of one of the teachers. Sundays the chil dren are taken to whichever church they belong to in the afternoon they can visit, rest and write letters and in the evening from 5 to 6 the Sunday school is conducted by the two princi pals. Saturday evening is the at-home night, when the children mingle in a pleasant social intercourse and when they are taught the little social manners and graces which are an essential of the education of a woman. At these little gatherings they have games and con tests and often they are allowed to en tertain their friends from outside, PBEPABING FOE NEXT PICNIC. Special to The Journal. Sibley, Iowa, Jan. 27.Preparations will soon be made by President J. Fred Mattert, Secretary A. W. MeCollins and Treasurer E. W. Taylor, all of Sibley, for the annual picinie of the Northwest Iowa M. W. A. Picnic association, to be held here in June. The sum of $1,000 will be collected to defray expenses. $ GRAHAM HALL'S EXTERIOR. They are impressed with the rudiments of housekeeping by keeping their rooms neat and in order, and every morning they make their beds and dust and do whatever'straightening up is needed. Of course, anything in the way of heavy work is forbidden. Every now and ttten one of the teach ers makes a tour of inspection of the different bureau drawers, and should she happen to finrl handkerchiefs, col lars, cuffs, stoekings and other articles out of their place there invariably fol lows a heart-to-heart talk between teacher and pupil on the principles of being orderly and tidy. The hours at the school are properly regulated and first principle which is observed is that of giving the children opportunity to relieve their burden of study-by physical exercise. The Dairy. Program. td The" regulations s^nd the division of W&. fi%X\ ,A 3*i s^v,yj* M*% CHURCH DEDICATION TODAY Eev. T. H. McMichael Will Preach Special Sermon at Brookings. Special to The Journal. Brookings, S. D. Jan. 27.The new United Presbyterian church will be for mally dedicated tomorrow. It is built of pressed brick awd will cost, when thoroly completed, about $12,000. Rev. T. H. McMichael, of Monmouth, 111., will deliver the dedicatory sermon, fol lowed by an address in the evening by Rev. H. T. Wallace, pastor of the United Presbyterian church at Ireton, Iowa. i. Special Settlers' Bates. Minneapolis to Oklahoma City, $14.15 Fort Worth, Tex., $16.35: Galveston, $20.75 Denver, $17.45 New Orleans, $19.00. Correspondingly low rates to other points South, Southwest and Southeast. Tickets on sale via the Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. February 6 and 20. Call on J. G. Rickel, City Ticket Agent,-424 Nicollet Ave., Min neapolis, Minn. designated by the number which the coupon bears. There will thus be at forded for Journal "readers a list of city homes where country visitors may be entertained on an exchange basis and a I i 1 73-78 South Sixth St. ij,* THE MOORE STEEL RANGE is the only range that you want in your home. It is the best built range, the best material is used, and the con struction is such that It will give you the best satisfaction, and you will nnd It the most economical in the use of fuel. EXTRA SPECIAL.Monday we will place on sale a number of these Ranges at a greatly^ reduced price. It will pay you to take a'dyantage of this ale. A 4-hol range, with ll 18-inch oven, 9^ f\(\ $30.00 site, vtf^UU A 6-*ol with oven,!ize.'r.e16xl8-lnch F. .$30.00 0.regula of?,1?f.a .?.range Stoves Stoves We have on hand a few good Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves which we nave taken In trade on new stoves. We are selling these at less than half their real value. All stoves guaranteed in good con dition. Terms $2.50 on $25 $10 on$100 $5 on $50 $15 Balance easy weekly or monthly A genuine elastic cotton Felt Mattress, with 80- day guarantee, will be sold Monday at a price that ought to put everyone on a comfortable bed. These mattresses are made in nice heavy tickings, with close stitched edges and biscuit tufted, ttfl Bf| regular price $10. Special Monday p\z*/v list of country,homes where city fo ple may be extended hospitality itf/re turn for what they have done.|^j!?, By studying these lists earefully, Journal readers should be able- to make up their minds fairly well whether or not this or that place would be con genial for them. In case direct com munication with the writer of any cou pon is desired, any member of the ex change may secure the name and ad dress by a request to The Journal, accompanied by postage. Here the re sponsibility of The Journal ceases, for the two parties to a possible ex change of hospitality will have been brought together and it is to them" to fix up details. PETERSON' S If there is a demand for an exchange ^1 of this sort, many pleasant friendships 1* between exchanger*" are in prospect and these, together with the education which all may derive from travel, are the considerations which induce Tke Journal to open its columns to theses who may desire to make the experi ment. Minnesota is full of the homes of well-to-do farmers who are situated so as to entertain city visitors royally in the summer months and the fresh air and the free life that can be enjoyed: there by city dwellers will amply repay, them for the pleasant task of returning the courtesy. On the other hand there is much in the city to interest the rural visitor and in addition it may not in frequently happen that the open doom of some city home will be the factor which makes a city visit possible. This is just the right season of the year to begin the experiment. Beside the ordinary attractions of he elty,^the amusement season is at its height, |&d residents of outlying towns and rriral districts will appreciate hospitality of fered by city residents. And it is none too soon for city dwellers to begin to plan a summer trip. I So send in your coupons promptly, and let's get together.'' Special Bargains for Monday Compare these prices with the goods and you will find them the BEST BARGAINS ever offered. MooreSteelRange Mission Rocker 73-7* Sotttir Sixth S A massive weathered oak Rocket?"" Mission style, at a very low pric?J Here is a value that you cannot* afford to pass. The rocker is well built, the seat is upholstered In gen uine Chase leather, regular price $7.60. Monday's spe- ^Tg clal. Couch This fine Couch has heavy oak frame,,. nicely finished in golden, best oft* tempered springs used in the con-1 struction, and covered in heavy lours, the regular price of this couch Is $12.50. Monday your fi /Lff choice at po.^. on $150 payments. Cotton Felt Mattress The GASTON y SONS 20th Century Government Standard Scales The latest product in scale perfection. Every scale is war- ranted. Absolutely correct. A product of over 60 years* experience. N. B. GASTON Ls SONS Beloit, Wisconsin and Minneapolis M. MARKHAM, Atfent, Allen Hofel wm*3 MlfcVe s\v Ti i fered in FUltS. Orders and Repairs at 35 Per Cct Discount. a 7FIf MAil 86 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET* i fcCMWAIls rUllIBU Minneapolis, Minnesota. Student's Lamp i Large size nickel plated Student's Lamp, fitted with best B. & H. burner, complete with shade, etc., regular price tB.69. Special Mon- A 1 O A day 31.0|J r." P. 9 it -1*L SOLD at Reduced Price*. W have a large stock to select' from. Call and see our bargains. greatest opportunity ever l-~. 'y^^fesfef^