Newspaper Page Text
i* City News THE WEATHER The Predictions. MinnesotaFair tonight and Wednes day colder tonight with cold wave in east portion fresh northeast winds. Upper MichiganFair tonight and Wednesday, except snow near Lakb Superior cold wave high northerly winds diminishing. Wisconsinthreatening with snow and decidedly colder tonight cold wave except in extreme southeast portion Wednesday fair and coldeY high north to northeast winds diminishing. IowaSnow and decidedly colder to night, with cold wave in northeast por tion Wednesday generally fair with colder in east and south portions high north to northeast winds. North DakotaFair tonight and Wednesday colder in south portien to night rising temperature Wednesday. South DakotaFair tonight and Wednesday colder tonight. MontanaLight snow flurries and continued cold tonight Wednesday probably fair with slowly rising tem perature. Weather Conditions. An area of high pressure overlies Manitoba and Saskatchewan this morning, accompanied my ery cola weather, with temperatures below 20 in northern North Dakota, below 30 in Manitoba and eastern and northern Saskatchewan, and 42 at Prince Al bert. This cold weather is expected to move southward, causing rapidly fall ing temperatures in this vicinity, with a cold wave tonight. The large ''low over the Rocky Mountains yesterday is now central over Oklahoma during its southeasterly advance it has caused rains in the middle Mississippi valley and thence westward into Texas, Okla homa, Kansas and New Mexico, and snow in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, parts of Wisconsin and northern Mich igan. The storm over Florida yester day morning is now off the Virginia coast it has caused rain at many points along the Atlantic coast. It is warmer than it was yesterday morning in the middle Atlantic states, New England, eastern Minnesota, the southern part of the upper lake region and the middle and lower Mississippi valley. Fair weather is expected tonight and Wednesday.T. S. Outram, Section Director. Weather Now and Then. Today, maximum 17, minimum 13 de grees a year ago, maximum zero, mini mum 28 below. AROUND THE TOWN Sue on Note.McCarthy Brothers are plaintiffs in a suit brought in the dis trict court todav to collect a note for $6,429.55 from Martin O. Sampson. Major Scott in Town.Major George L. Scott, former government Indian agent at Leech Lake, is in Minneapolis visiting, and has registered at the Com mercial club. Judge Amidon of Fargo registered at the club yesterday. Games Postponed.The second se ries of billiard games in the tourna ment now on between the Minneapolis Paul Commercial clubs will be and St, held Thursday- Wednesday night Southern Texas and Return $28.15. Oklahoma City, $18.20 Fort Worth, $21.50 Galveston, $28.15 Denver, $25.70 Mexico City, $50.55 New Or leans, $25.50 Havana, Cuba, $54. Lib eral limits and stopovers. Correspond ingly low rates to other points in south and southwest. Tickets on sale Feb. 20, March 6 and 20, via the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad. Call on J. G. Rickel, Citj Ticket Agent, 424 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago to the City of Mexico Without Change of Oars Via the Wabash. Commencing Feb. 12 the Wabash will run through sleepers from Chicago to the City of Mexico in connection with the Iron Mountain Route, leaving Chi cago at 9:17 p.m. Mondays and Thurs days. Write for illustrated booklets, time cards, maps and full details. F. H. Tristram, A. G. P. Agt., 97 Adams street, Chicago. HAVE YOU AN OLD PIANO? 1 night instead of as first announced. Stole a Valise.Frank Gale was sen tenced to the workhouse today for 25 days, on a charge of stealing a valise from a downtown store. While making a purchase he took possession of a new grip and walked out. He was caught by an officer later and taken to Central station. Pleads Not Guilty.Edward Paul, the Fort Snelling soldier accused of stab bing J. W. Wallace in a row at Wash ington avenue and Fourth avenue S, was arraigned in police court today, charged with assault and battery. He pleaded not guilty and was allowed to go without bail until Feb. 20, when his case will be tried. A Hospital Fund Benefit.The North Star Fellowship association of the Eoyal league has secured the Lyceum theater for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Feb. 20 and 21, for the bene fit of the hospital fund. The clever comedy, ''All the Comforts of Home," will be presented by the Ralph Stuart Stock company. Members of the league will sell tickets, and arrangements are being made for handsome decorations and an elaborate souvenir program. "See America First" Organizer. Next week FiBher Harris of Salt Lake City, executive secretary of the "See America League," recently formed in Salt Lake, will visit Minneapolis in the interest of the league and to confer with T. B. Walker, a member of the executive board. It is probable that Mr. Harris will also do some local or ganizing and will address the Commer cial club on the work which the league proposes to do to encourage American travel. Has it ceased to be attractive? Why not let us take it in part payment for a new one? We offer you a magnificent line of high grade pianos to select from Hardman, Mehlin, Krakauer, McPhail, i g, Sterling, "Crown," Lagonda, Huntington and other good makes. Easy terms of $5, $6, $7, $8 and $10 a month. Bepresentatives for the Knabe Angelus Piano. Foster & Waldo 36 Fifth St. S., cor. Nicollet Ave. IN DEAD OF SIGHT WILLIAM WILLIAMS IS EXECUTED AT ST. PAUL. -1 Mfef in a clear voice. Grand total $6,233.10 Minneapolis Council 63, the United Commercial Travelers, to day contributes $25 to the Berwin fund, and the Worthlngton, Minn., fire department sends $10. Tomorrow night the receipts at the Lake of the Isles bobsled chute will be given to the Berwin fund. Of all winter sports, shoot ing the chutes on a sled is the most exciting and exhilarating. The course is a quarter of a mile long, lighted by electricity and starts from an elevation of 120 feet. The bobs carry ten passen gers each and are returned to the top of the incline by steam power. Tomorrow night will be a good time to visit the chutes and help the Berwin fund while helping yourself to a lot of fun. 5^s ucaoay Ktening, GOES TO GALLOWS 7 A He Mounted the Scaffold Calmly and Hid Last Words Are a Protestation of His InnocenceSays Johnny Kellar Was the Best Friend He Ever Had, On the gallows at 12:31 this morning William Williams paid the death penal ty for the murder of 16-year-old John Kellar at No. 1 Reid court, St. Paul, on the night of April 13. The execution was marred by a mis calculation in the length of the rope. Three deputies, standing on the scaf fold, held the rope in order to keep the prisoner's feet from touching the floor as he strangled. The condemned man approached the scaffold without a visible tremor and standing beside the noose that was to send his soul into eternity, protested his innocence in his last earthly utterance. Then the cap was pulled on, the noose adjusted, Sheriff Miesen pulled the trap and the body of William Williams struggled in the death throes. Fourteen and a half minutes later Coroner Miller pronounced Williams dead from strang ulation. When, ten minutes before the hang ing, the sheriff and two deputies en tered his cell, the prisoner looked up pleasantly. "Your time is up, Williams," said Deputy Robert. I am ready if you are," quietly re marked Williams, and the little party started for the scaffold.1 When they had left the elevator and were nearipg the execution chamber WilliamB lengthened his stride and led the little party up the steps of the gal lows. ''William Williams, have you any thing to say why the sentence of the court should not now be carried out?" asked Sheriff Miesen. "Gentlemen, you are witnessing an illegal hanging, repliedmthaccused prisoner I a of killing Johnny Kellar. He is the best friend I ever had." The voice fell and the few words that followed were inaudible. Following the fall of the body sev eral minutes elapsed before Coroner A. W. Miller and Dr. Charles A. Wheaton stepped up to the dangling figure and after a brief examination announced that life was extinct. Chief Deputy Sheriff Robert then stepped to the front of the scaffold and said: "William Williams having been pro nounced dead by the physicians, I now proclaim that the sentence of the' court has been fully carried out. All pres ent here bear witness." He then cut th rope. The body fell to the floor and was taken in charge by the cor oner. Williams was accused of the double murder of John Kellar and his mother. The shooting occurred in the flat occu pied by the Kellars in Beid court, and its cause was the refusal of the mother to let Williams take her boy away with him. He was indicted for both mur ders and was brought to trial May 11, for the killing of the boy. He was convicted and sentenced to be hung Aug. 9. An appeal resulted in a Btay, but the lower court was sustained and this morning the murderer expiated his crime. Chas. L. Hoffman, Shopping, New York, New goods arriving daily at Hoff man's Toggery Shops, both stores. $ BEBWIN MEMORIAL FUND For the wife and four young children of Captain John Berwin, the fireman who heroically sacri ficed his life in a successful en deavor to save Mrs. D. B. Barlow at the West hotel fire. The fund will be a token of recognition from the city Captain Berwin so faith fully served. SEND MONEY TO THE JOURNAL. The various funds now stand as follows: Journal fund, previously re ported $2,659.10 Council No. 63, U. C. 25.00 Worthlngton, Mtan., fire de partment ....4 10.00 Journal fund, total $2,694.10 Previously reported from oth er sources 3,539.00 -3 mrcROLOGio SAMUEL S. MERRILL, aged 83 years, died Monday afternoon at the residence of his son, Sherlock M. Mer rill, 5143 Thirty-ninth avenue S. Fun eral services at the above address Tues dav 5:30 p.m. The remains will be sent to Chicago for burial. Chicago papers please copy. EDITH CARPENTER FORD, young er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ford, died last night of cerebro-spinal meningitis at their home in Pasadena, Cal., aged 16 months. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ford, nee Yale, have many friends in Minneapolis, where they formerly lived. JOHN E. GRIMESA large number' of friends attended the funeral yester day afternoon at St. Charles' Catholic church. Rev. Fr. J. M. Cleary offi ciated. The interment was at St. Mary's cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our sad bereavement in the loss of our beloved wife and mother. We also thank the members of the quartet for their kind services at the funeral, i Albi and Arthur Carlson. "Learn When to Say 'No.' And say it most emphatically when offered ?i whiskey claimed to be "as good as Pickwick Bye.'' Insist upon Pickwick if you want the best. MRS. HATCH ARRESTED ONi SERIOUS CHARGE Harriet E. $f\l%* Hatch, proprietor of a lying-in hospital at 32 Western avenue, was arrested this afternoon on charaas relating to the death of Mrs, Ella Bogers, of Pillager, Minn., who died Friday at *St. Barnabas hospital. The victim was taken to St. Barnabas from the Hatch hospital, where, it is alleged, the prisoner had performed a criminal operation upon her. PERRY OWNS THAT HE FIRED STORE WITNESS IN ARSON CASE TELLS WHOLE STORY. Evidence Reveals That Mrs. YateB Had Such Control Over Man that He Did Her Bidding Without Question Store Is Burned for Insurance Money. Insanity, superinduced by love and jealousy, is evidently the defendant's explanation of Erwin A. Perry's burn ing of the store building at 708 Third avenue NE, and of his damaging story told on the witness stand today in the trial of Mrs. Emma Yates, charged with arson. With crippled hands and scarred face Perry took the stand in Judge John Day Smith's court today and confessed to setting the fire in the defendant's store, implicating Hhe women in his testimony. In reply to questions by First Assist ant County Attorney John F. Dahl the witness told of the plans made for burning the store, and the work of him self, Mrs. Yates and Miss Anderson in setting it on fire. Mrs. Yates Wants Money. Mr. Dahl took the witness over the preliminary arrangements and he testi fied to conversations with the defend ants Yates and Anderson, in which he swore that Mrs. Yates had insisted that the place must be burned as the insur ance would soon run out, and that she had bills coming due that she could not meet unless she made some money. Perry then testified to his previous relations with Mrs. Yates. He said that he had met her about three years ago when she lived at 1028 Hennepin avenue, and as Mrs. Clement, ran an employment office for girls and prac ticed clairvoyancy. The witness testified that he had giv en Mrs. Yates money and that she had told him that she did not want to get married, but if she ever did she would marry him. In February, 1905, the witness said that he learned that the defendant had married Yates. He asked her about it and she admitted that it was true, but stated that it was merely a business arrangement and would vnot interfere with her former relations or affections. Perry said he continued to give her money. On cross-examination Perry admitted that he had been the husband of Dr. Linda Burfield. The trial of the case will occupy several days longer. Cost no morelast longer. That's the reason for Glove tubbers. SOUTH SIDE POLICE RAID GAMBLING ROOM Sergeant Stanley and a squad of po lice from the South Side station drove a nail in thfl lid last night by raiding rooms at 1203 Washington avenue S, and arresting Lawrence Chamberlain and John Mattison for gambling. Chamberlain was charged with main taining a gambling house and Mattison was charged with being found in the place. Several poker tables, chips and decks of cards were taken. The two men were arraigned in police court today and both pleaded not guilty. Their cases were continued until tomorrow. The raid was the result of reports that have come to the police recently from persons alleging that they had lost money in the place. The officers say they "have enough evidence to secure a conviction. sleeping car interiors are of new and, the service, besides the berths are longer and roomier, than in standard sleepers. Comfort is these new North-WesternT trains and we invite their inspection. Hoodwinks the Oculist, Madden Eye Medicin cures eyes. (Don't smart.) 25c* TO FORM AUXILIARY Women Will Be Concerned'in Mission ary Training School. The organization of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Northwestern Bible and Missionary Training school will take place this evening at Westminster church. Judge" John Day Smith will be the first speaker, his subject being: "The Bible the Foundation of Civic Right eousness." Dr. John E. Bushnell will speak on "The Bible the Founda tion of Home Happiness." Dr. Fayette L. Thompson of Hennepin Avenue Methodist church will give an address on "The Bible the Foundation lof Creedal Comity." Rev. W. B. Riley, superintendent of the school, will con clude the program of addresses, speak ing on "The Bible the Foundation of Religious' Knowledge.'' Chicago and Eeturn $8.00, via North-Western Line. SUDDEN TURN IN PIG PAIENX CASE v INJUNCTION AGAINST DBBRE- WEBBER OOMPANY. Judge Amidon Decides Famous War, Ordering Deere-Webber Company to Cease Infringing on Hoyt Patent and to Account to Dowagiac Company for Past Use. The Deere-Webber company of Min neapolis lost to the Dowagiac Manu facturing company of Dowagiac, Mich., today in one of the outlying skirmish es of the famous campaign which the latter company has been waging almost continuously since 1891 to protect its rights in and to the Hoyt patent grain drill. Judge Oharles Amidon of the United States circuit court issued an order en joining the Deere-Webber company from selling drills which infringe the Hoyt patent until that patent shall ex pire. Further than this the order di rects that the Deere-Webber company shall account to the Dowagiac company for all such drills it has sold. Jusf what damages the Deere-Webber coni- Eany will Tiave. to pay can not be nown until after the accounting is made before George F. Hitchcock, Jr., who has been appointed special master in the Case. Large Sum at Stake. The conclusion of this case, which has been before the local branch of the United States court for some time, was unexpected. Judge Amidon was hear ing a motion to dismiss in chambers, when he announced that he could not dismiss as moved by the defendant, but 1 thought that as the entire record was before him the time was ripe to enter a final decision. Neither party object ed and the decision was rendered ac cordingly. The Deere-Webber company was brought into court in connection with the plaintiff's suit against the Brennan Manufacturing company of Louisville, Ky., which has been manufacturing the drills sold by the local firm and many otherB. The plaintiff estimated that at least 20,000 drills, valued at $75,000, all alleged to infringe on their patent, have been put on the market. Like Rogers Case. This afternoon the Deere-Webber Judge for New Trains with New Feature! Chicago Travel. The North-Western Limited trains leaving Minneapolis 8:00 p.m., St. Paul 8:35 p.m., every night, for Chicago, in clude several features of travel-comfort that have never before been seen. The eople were obliged to appear before Amidon to testify in the case of the Dowagiac company against the Brennan company. An order directing this was refused by Judge Page Mor ris at the last sitting or the court in Minneapolis, but has since been grant ed upon the advice of Judges Sanborn, Hook, and Adams, sitting at St. Louis as tbjfe circuit court of appeals. They advised the circuit court that in the case of testimony taken for use in a trial in another district the question of materiality did notAlenter, but that the testimony should hte taken anyway and the trial court be allowed to pass on its admissibility. This decision is said to bear strongly Upon the refusal of H. H. Rogers to testify in the case af the State of Mis souri against the Standard Oil com pany. Fred L. Chappell of Kalamazoo, Mich., appeared for- the plaintiff today, and Louis K. Hull f Minneapolis rep resented the defendant. TONGUE IS LOOSENED Sentence to Workhouse Has Startling Effect on Vagrant. "What's your true name?" asked Judge C. L. Smith'bf Charles TJhland in police court today. TJhland only made queer motions with his hands, indicating that he was dumb. The court then proceeded to take evidence, which proved conclusively that the man was a vagrant, and he was sentenced to thirty days in the workhouse. Scarcely had the sentence been pro nounced when the man turned and be an rebuking the officers who had tes ified. "You know I'm not a va frant," he said in a loud tone, "and '11 fix things with you some day." STOPS RTJNAWAY HURT Patrolman Channels' Shoulder Hurt but He Holds Horse. Patrolman Channels of the Fifth precinct station is laid up at his home with a wrenched shoulder, received this morning when he stopped a runaway horse at Vine place and Seventeenth street. novel design, making the cars more con- Channels was walking his beat when venient than any other sleeping cars in, flaw ri dow mr The Tickets on sale for all trains February 17th and 18th, including the famous North-Western Limited, good for return within ten days. Call on A. O'Brien Genera Agen PassengerJ. Department, 600 Nicollet a.venua, TODAY IN THE DISTRICT COURT judge D. F. SimpsonDrake vs. Great Northern Railway company, still on trial. Judge F. C. BrooksMinor court cases. Judge John ta SmithMrs. Emma Yates, still on trial for alleged arson. Judge Andrew HoltDaniel Falvey vs. Minnesota Sugar company, to.j collect $2,500 for services, stilt on trial. Judge H. D. DickinsonMarshall vs. Hodge, $20,000 alienation case, still on trial. Judge F. V. BrownJury, Juvenile court and minor chamber matters. tened animallight dashing- thteh streeg hitched to a bug X. S? \n 87- sprang to the middl the .S^T iSfitS &eet andVaspihg the bridle, brought sster Limited the ho 8 mmfmmum JTHBr^INNEAPOMS JOURNALS FebniaryP-13, 1906. /iie ff tiT* t &.<* S draggedr several feet, however andWhis shoulde Wl badl braised. The horse was taken to a livery sta ble and was later claimed by the owner. FRIEND NABBED, TOO M. M. Morgan Who Appeared as Witness for H. Ft. Ellis, Arrested. M. Morgan found himself In trouble this morning when he went to police court to testify for his friend H. R. Ellis, who was arrested for disorderly conduct on an interurban car. Morgan appeared as a witness, and when aa&ked for his story of the affair told tha court that there had beeri no trouble. The conductor, however, said. that- Morgan has assaulted him, and Judge C. L. Smith ordered Morgan's ar rest on a charge of disorderly conduct. He. will have his trial tomorrow. Ellis was found guilty an fined $15. SURVEY FOR PRISON SITE Stillwater, Min"n., Feb. 13.The'state board df controjr today selected a Sur veyor to make a complete survey of the Atwood property offered as a site for ^tind, Prison.. Thi a tracT of--^-t ne &aB Atwoodddecision and.regarded Br* abou Ji.s Prtu of the lue three other board' to have that surveye is as afarms. indicatioeThpropert that it is favorably disposed to its se lection if found suitable. Vital Albert was before the munici pal "judge today on a charge of con tempt of court 'for failing to comply* with an order-to pay $10 a month to nis wife. He was placed under $200 bonds to carry out the court's instructions and failing, he will be held at the county iail to await-the action of the district court. Airways Keeps Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in His House. "We would not be without Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home," says W. W. Kearnev. editor of the Indepen dent, Lowry City', MB. That, iai iitst what every family should &6.i When kept at hand ready for instant use a cold may be checked in the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become settled in the system. I Fur Lined At an Attractive Price Many cold and chilly days 'before Spring* and these garmente will always be popular In this climate. One Lot of Fur-Lined Coats $30.00 Each THIS IS THE FINAL CLOSING OUT PBIOE. Good fabrics, gray and white squirrel linings, some with blended squirrel collars. A few collarless coats with velvet and braid trimmings. Very comfortable garments to wear with fur neckpieces. The above is final closing price. About 1Q0 Tailored Suits HALF PRICE These are our latest Fall Suits, coat effects and fitted backs, made in broken plaids, broadcloths, cheviots, homespun and English tweeds. Splendid suits for spring wear, and the former prices were $25 to $75, closing at half price. Ladies' Fancy Costumes HALF PRICE The former prices were $85 to $150. Good colors, suitable for evening and reception gowns. They are made in crepe de chines, French voiles, baby Irish nets, lined with silk chiffon and taffetas. Misses' and Children's Coats HALF PRICE Former prices, $7.50 to $20. Thqse are Ulsters and Long Coats, loose and half-fitted, desirable fabrics, bodies lined through out with satin or self-lined, some of choicest fall garments. HEINZE'S MINES IN MONTANA ARE SOLD Butte, Mont., Feb. 13.Arthur C. Cardon, representing Thomas F. Cole of Duluth, this morning took posses sion of- all mines and mining property of F. Augustus Heinze and the United Copper company in Silver Bow county, which have been in controversy or lit igation with the Amalgamated Copper company. This means that peaee has come to the warring copper mining in terests of Butte. Ladies' Winter Coats ONE-THIRD OFF STRUCK BY WILD ENGHNE Iowa Former prices $11.50 to $27. Good heavy coats, for street or auto wear. Tight and semi-fitted. Stylish garments. At closing out prices. Fanner Fatally Injured While Driving Across Track. Bjteci&l to Tht Journal. Mason City, Iowa, Feb. 13.A wild engine on the North-Western road struck the wagon of Daniel Dougherty of Dougherty township while crossing the track with a load of corn. Dough erty was thrown out and seriously in jured and may not survive. The team was badly injured. The engine struck the wagon, cutting it from the team and throwing the latter one way and the wagon and driver the other. The. injured man had a bad scalp wound and fracture ef the skull. CRUSADE ON HITOHERS Hitching horses to street lamps has become such a common practice that there is a general, demand for a Crusade to end the practice. There is an ordi nance prohibiting it and a few arrests would undoubtedly have a salutary effect. Right t the City hall horses may be Seen hitched to lampposts at any time of the day. The present street lamps with their delicate incandescent light attachments and still mora delicate mantles, can not withstand much rough usage. Even a slight jolt will often displace the mantle. A restless horse hitched to a street lamp will destroy a mantle in a few moments. Complaints haVe been made by the light inspector and the lighting oontrac ots and it is understood that Mayor David P. Jones will be asked to in struct his police force to bring several of the offending drivers to time. OHABLE8 OITT. IOWA.The Stms of Veter ans commemorated tit* birthday of Lincoln last Lien* with a banquet at the Blldreth hotel. The principal address was made by George D. Per kins on "Abraham Lincoln He paid an elo quent tribute to the life and character of the martrr. Have You a Friend? 5mrf ?*$** HOLDS ALL-DAY MEETING WOMEN' MISSIONABY UlrfON IN SESSION MBS. W. O. A. WALLAE'S RESIGNATION AN- NOUNCED. The Women's Missionary union of the Minneapolis Congregational churehes held an all-day meeting today in Plymouth Congregational church. At the executive session of the Min nesota branch of the W. B. M. L, Miss Margaret Evans, president, made the announcement of the resignation of Mrs. W. A. Wallar, secretary of the young people's work. Rev. W. C. A. Wallar has! been called to a pastorate at Sturgis Bay, and the removal of the family from Little Falls is the cause of her resignation. Plans were discussed for the program at the annual meeting of the Minne sota branch of the W. B. M. I., which is to be held at Montevideo, April 17, 18 and 10. Mrs. H. A. Gale spoke on The Bene fits of the Annual Meeting." Miss Agnes Baird, a missionary, described the work which is being done at Sama kov, Bulgaria. Mrs. L. E. Jepson re ported on the treasury of the state branch and announced that the $6,000 fund set to be completed by April 1, will probably be raised. Mrs. H. B. Painter sang a solo and Mrs. Clement G. Clarke of the Women's Missionary union led the devotional exercises. Luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Frank N. Jepson spoke at the afternoon meeting on "Minnesota's Possessions in India," and Miss Helen Griffith gave "Recent Tidings from India and China." Robert A. Hume, a missionary in India, sent a paper on the "Old, Old Story/' which was read by Mrs. George W. Beach. Miss Marion Gale sang. feECHTEL TRIAL PUT OFF The cases against W. F. Bechtel, or ,mer president of the Northwestern Na tional Life Insurance company, now under indictment on charges of bribery and embezzlement, were continued over to the April term by order of John Day Smith today. Victor Welsh, the defendant's attorney, is ill and will not be ready to go on with the trial be fore the April term. Demurrers were interposed to the two indictments re turned by the present grand jury on the ground that the bills do not state facts sufficient to constitute public of fenses. Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Tell bim bow it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it on hand. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doctors use it a great deal for all forms of throat and lung troubles. WebareMiecntsI WesaWIrt j.o. tlwttnnaUaefallefeJtdaea. 25 O 50 OFF on our stock of seasonable and up-to-date FURNISHINGS and HATS for MEN in order to make room for our new Spring goods. \T \X7UTDDT 1 7 V. WHlrrLL, 42 6 j*%^WX^ fiaflzor^ TEN-CENT I A.R To lazily float In a painted boat On a shimmering morning sea, Or to flirt with a maid In the afternoon shade Seems good enough sport to be But the evening hour, With its subtle power Is sweeter and better far If joined to the joy Devoid of alloy That lurks in this good eigar. WINECKE & DOERR, 414 Nicollet, Distributors. BUSINESS CHANCES Lumber Business. Implement and Fuel Business. State Bank. Drug Store. Creamery. Patents. General Merchandise. General Bepair Shop. General Store. Hotel. Grocery Store. Saloon. The above are advertised in the Business Chance Column of today's Journal. If you are looking for a business opening of any kind it will pay you to read and use this column. The Journal is the Northwest's greatest newspaper. Wha Ea and When to Eat Two Important Questions An swered Easily After Bead ing This. Every nutritive element of the best white wheat grown is found in Malta Vita. This famous food is the whole of the wheat thoroughly steamed and cooked in absolute purity and mixed with the finest malt extract that was ever made, thus it is the richest* strongest food in the world. You un derstand, of course, that the cooking and steaming of the wheat gelatinizes its starch, and then the malt extract, a powerful digestive agent, quickly converts this starch into maltose, or malt sugar. Maltose is great food, and the weakest stomach digests and as similates it without effort. We all know that for many years physicians of high standing in their profession have prescribed malt ex tracts, which contain a large percent age( of maltose. Malta-Yita, the crisp, delicious whole-wheat food, contains from eight to ten per cent of maltose. When Malta-Vita comes from the ovens, it is the crispest, most delicious food in the world, containing only one per cent of moisture. The other 99 per cent is foodbrain and bone and nerve and muscle foodand most easily di gested. Malta-Vita is always fresh and crisp, and ready to eat. Delicious, refresh ing, invigorating. No other food like it. All grocers. Now 10 cents. Henry J. Gjertsen t* Harry A. Lund ATTORNEY8-AT-LAW 1015-16 N. Y.Life Bid., Minneapolis. Twenty-one years In general practice of law. Prompt attention given to ail legal matters placed In cvt charge. mm SCHOOL'', S AMrOt., LowTl.Kaa. ANNUAL CLEAN-U SALE HATTE* JjgTY' &j'*5tWH* Veg-e-ton Our new anestheticforprereast- in* pain. Bell Suction Teeth, S10p*ret Dr. C. L. Sargent, DENTIST, Syndicate BUc. 521* Nicollet. EYES Examined PrM. Artificial Eyes. BEST, Optician.409 Nicollet. I Many people who should answer a Journal want ad pass It by be- & cause It does not seem attractive. & This Is often because it is OQ-com mlttal or too short It Is much bet- 4 ter to tell the whole storjr. Mention the atractlve points of your offer so the ad will appeal to every person 4 who may be interested ia such a proposition. AN FURNISHEA NICOLLE AVEKUE,! ffl *r*4