Newspaper Page Text
12 N '^^'^J^S5^^V^|g^P^P|B^| 400 CHILDREN IN PANIG AT A FIBE IIA SCHOO Alton, 111.$ Feb. 26.Four hundred ohildren who were being entertained with a moving-picture show in St. Mary's school hall at Alton, were thrown into a wild panic by the acci dental ignition of a roll of celluloid' films about eight hundred feet in length from a spark droppea from the calcium light of the machine, which filled the ha|l with suffocating smoke. The children were pupils of the Ca thedral Orphanage, the TTrsuline con vent and St. Mary's school, and were In charge of about twenty-five mem er of various" Boman Catholic sister hoods. The sisters tried to ~stop the panic but were helpless. A steep stair way at the south end,of the hall toward which thev rushed became crowded with children, who fell down the steps and rolled over each other's heads. It is estimated that about fifty were hurt by being trampled, but none seriously. At the Dack of the hall was an exit which/ was locked,t and, the children, drilled to seek tha exit made a rush there, but could not get out. DEAT ALONE CUTS DOW N PENSION FORC E Journal Special Service. Washington.Feb. 26.Commissioner of Pensions Warner is reducing the coat of administering the pension of fice by cutting down his clerical force. He# has abolished the appointment di vision and ordered the former chief of this division to be required to do duty fcs a pension examiner and has assigned khe clerks of this division to other bureaus. The appointment clerk was dispensed with because there is no use for his services as no more appoint ments are being made in the pension office. The force is being reduced constantly, but the commissioner is not dismissing any of the clerks. He has adopted the p"lan of not filling the va cancies created by,the death and res ignation of the clerks. Many of the employees in the pension office are old Boldiers, and they are dropping off* at a rapid rate. Railroads PAY TOO MUCH MONEY Commercial Travelers Object to Present Mileage Book System. Committeemen appointed yesterday in St. Paul by the TJ. C. T. to meet with the Western Passenger association on March 8, are A. Scbaefer, H. K. Eich ardson, G. W. Bodgers, A. W. Crosier, W. B. Clarkson and J. M. Dresser. The traveling men want a 2-cent mileage book without the extra deposit. The mileage book now issued by the, association costs $60, and ,$19.50 is re bated when the cover is returned. The 50-eent charge is for handling the book. The travelers say it is unjust for the roads to compel them to have so much money tied up all the time, and that railroads are getting the use of vast sums of money to which they are not entitled. The roads are said to be favorable to the request for a 5,000-mile book at $100 flat but they believe that the de mand will not be sufficient to pay for a bureau to handle them. Aaihlad Goes Up. E. E. Amblad, chief rate clerk in the psssengpr department of the St. Louis road will succeed C. H. Fleming as chief clerlr to General Passenger and Ticket Agent A. B. Cutts. Git-La Grippeyou can't forget the namecures a cold in one day. At all druggists'. 25 cents. Do not suffer from sick headache a sn longer. It is not nRfiftssanr. Littl momen Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. -dose. 1 Small pill. Small Leading dealers are glad to show Glove rubbers "Foot-Schulzetf on the sole. Be Temperate in All Things." Be temperate in your eating, smoking, working, playing, as well as in your drinkang. But if you should take a "few too many" of Pickwick Rye when out for a good time, don't worry, there '11 be no headache in the morning. $25.00 to the Pacific Coast Via the Soo-Iacific Line. The best of service via the "True Scenic Eoute" through the Canadian Booky Mountains. Tickets on sale every day. For further information" and tickets inquire at ticket office. 119 Third street S. Columbus, Ohio. Take the Erie Bailroad. Popular -Boute. Short Line from Chicago. Two through trains daily. Apply to any ticket agent or E. B. Porch, Trav. Pass Agent, St. Paul, Minn. MINING INVESTMENTS H* X' 00 MINING STOCK BROK- SSF11 1 J*?"* GTanty building. Arizona Copper tocks bought and sold. List your stocks with tfs. Connections with Dulnth. Boston, New York, Denver and Salt Lake markets. SEATfSvrXLE. WIS., LEAD AND2IKC tocta.- "Writ,. concfn*** Bt* 3 free. W. P. McDonald. Andrua ene8 TBldg P0110 6 9^t Mplg. DYEING AND CLEANING ,TWIN CITY ~DYE~ WORKS/ SHE "LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 8316 Nicollet NORTH STAR DYEING AN FRENCH DRY cleaning works, 726 Hennepin av Both phones. PARQUET FLOORS THE OLD AND RELIABLEWE ARE THE oldest floor concern in the northwest Work guaranteed. Estimates furnished. Try our polish. Metropolitan Parquet Co.. 1019 Nic DETECTIVE BUREAUS rf HOY'S DETECTIVE BUREAU, SUITE 514-616 Phoenix troilding 20 years' continued experi-- experi _usinese, rates best of references. ence In Minneapolis legitimate business solicited, reasonable Both phones DETECTIVE AGENCIES MolTuXTY DETECTIVE AGENCYPB0MPT. HfcT' 6rJricec !W5 ef ineauale facilities, reasonable rates headquarters. 210 Kasot a ploek N. W phone. ATTORNEYS THE SWEET8TER-R0GHESTUR CO. 810-811 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped collection department in northwest CARPET CLEANING, RUGMFG PARTICULAR PEOPLE, SEND YOUR OAR pets. rag. toae Mpl8 Cane cleaning & Sue Factory. 112 5th st N. Maint 3227 T. C. 8405: DRESSMAKING pLAJ3TlHntT~WAI^^ silks,/ $2, suits, $5 up. work, fit guaranteed. Mrs. Stevens. lOOB^ Nicollet. ".ea PENSIONS tOBT. WATSON, WAR VETERAN, PENSION 'J attg. box 413. 828 Boston bib. Minneapolis. i&7- STOVE REPAIRS rn Store Repair Co.. 312 Henaenln* &^'t^^l^^^^,^^:^fw Monday EvSiing,'% Seven-eighths of the men in this world marry woman because she is beautiful in their eyes because she has the quali ties which inspire admira tion, respeot and love. THE* IDEA sWHFf i Shapes the Destiny of Men-The Influence of a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated, There is a beauty in health which, is more at tractive to men than mere regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men and upon the civilization of the world could never be measured. Because of them men have attained the veryjheights of ambition because of them even thrones have been established and de stroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see the fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head 1 A siokly, half dead-and-alive woman, especially when she is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyous ness in the home, and a drag upon her husband. The cost of a wife's con stant illness is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc toring does no good. If a woman finds" her energies are flagging, and that^ everything tires her, dark shadows appear under her eyes, her sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams if she has backache, head aches, bearing-down pains, nervous ness irregularities, or despondency, she should take means to build her system up at once by a 'tonic with specific powers, such a Lydia. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy lor women lias done, more in ^he way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following we publish, by request^ a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Ever since toy child was born I have suf fered, as I hope -few women ever have, with inflammation, female weakness,bearing-down pains, backache and wretched headaches. It affected my stomach so that I could not en joy my meals, and half my time was spent in bed. Lydla be connected with The Jour- nal's Telephone Operator. Ask for the "Want Ad" De- partment, give your "Ad" and it will appear^ in the next issue of *The yournal. The Journal collector will call njsxt day for Ray- the GOO^JJRMS^TO^FATRONICT QUICK SERVICE. HOME COOKING. Acme Dining Boom, 212 3d St S. Open 7 30 to 8 o'clock, Except Sunday WATCHES CLEANED. 60c MAIN SPRINGS, 50c warranted one year, clocks repaired, called for and delivered. Telephone T. C. 943. Chas. Horwirz. 308 Washington av N. MALRE'S ROOF PRESERVER Stops leak in any roof. Call, telephone or write, Maire Paint Co., 242 1st av N. WEST HOTEL HAIR STORE, HAIR WORK, manicuring, face massage, pedicure a special ty chiiopody. Clara huhltr. Proprietor N. ohone 2237-L. KO&Y PARLOR RESTAURANTGOOD MEALS, good service. Seargeant, pr 93 7th st S. GET YOUR CHOP SUSY AND OYSTERS AT 5J9 Hennepin av. rt'sgreat^ E. W KITTREDGE, MANUFACTURING OP- "Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so grate ful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought ma health, new life and vitality." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for other woman who are in poor iiealth and ailing. Its benefits begin when its use begins. It gives strength and vigor rdm the start, and surely makes sick women well and robust. Remember Lydia E Pinkham's "Vege table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letterB from grate ful women which are on file in the Pinkham laboratory. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, If you have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. Pinkhrtm, Lynn, Mass., for special advice. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assis tant before her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. E Pinkham's Veietable Compound Succeeds Where there Fall. FIRE-PROOF STORAGE The Largest In the WestThe Finest Anywhere. Unequal ed Facilities for Packing, Movine, Storing and Shipping Household Goods THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Warehouse, 400-410 B. Lake St. Main Office, 46 S. Third St. Phone Nine, Either Line" An time yoii'wish to insert an A in Tie yournal "Want" Columns and you will The Rates are always the same, "Cent a Word." No Ad taken for less than 20c ^.^mMmf& tun.. sty rf ^^K3l 'met MEDICAL THE SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE CUBE IS AS known, up-to date and among the best cures for rebuilding the body and restoring the health. Dr Gurli Gummesson, 830 Auditorium. Office phone 3395 residence phone T. C. lOUl i FOR~NfoafiES~AND MEDICAL STUDENTS who desire to learn scientific massage can tp ply at Once to Dr. Gurli Gummesson, office 330 Auditorium PLUMBING ,x. P. J. MOONEY, PLUMBER, 3240 COLFAX AV S, T. C. phone 5434. Plumbing repair wagon carries repairs and tools for lead and Iron Pipe. MACHINERY 'sS IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING ebtnery large stock of second-band and new, Northern Machinery Co., 2L7 *d st 8. Mpls. THE MJNNEAPOLIS JOURNAL HELP WANTE&-MALE WANTEDFOR THE jff, S.-MARINE CORPS, unmarried meni betvMwiUha a*ei* 2,1 and 86, mc-bofllea,'of Jgooltiafjactf o temperate habita. ctmsen* tit. tifc halted *StateB or who have legally declared their intention to become such must speak, read and write BngllBli: marines serve at sen. on men-of-war in all parts of tie world, on land In our island pos sessions and at navy yards In the United States. Recruits desiring service In the Phil ippine Islands may be enlisted accordingly. Apply *t 187 3d st. St. Paul, or 89 Wash ington av S, Minneapolis. WANTEDFOR TJ. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED, unmarried men, between aces of 21 and 65, cittsens of United States ^ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Oflicer, Phoenix Building or Com mercial Hotel, St. Paul, or 324 1st av S, ^Minneapolis, Minn. YOUNG MEN WANTED FOR THE U, B. NAVY, uges 17 to 35 years, pay $16 to $ty) per month, according to ratings first outfit of clothing fiee good opportunities offered for advance ment. Apply at navy lecrulting station, 100m 608Postofdce building, Minneapolis.* YOUNG, ENERGETIC XXN WITH LITTLE capital, capable of handling office work, can secure a high salaried position in company now organizing, no investment solicited with out services of the investor look this up. Newman, 640 Lumber Exchange. TEN Mi.N ON 1 SPLENDID PROPOSITION a new article tor tamilies, and sold on the credit plan, pays $10-$40 weekly, according to ability, D.^Autuus. iti-m 7th at a, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED-^A KA N CAPABLE OF ESTIMAT lug and detailing mlllnork for a factory em ploying about fifty men. We have a good po sition to offer to right part}. Address 1832, Journal. WANTEDTHE NAME AND ADDRESS OF ,the two gentlemen who assisted me to my home on Cedar av and 8th st after I fell on the sidewalk on Feb. 4. Address 21S9, Jour nal. PRINTER WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED country printei, no boosefighter or cigarette fiend, state number of years' expeiienre and salary. Address Lokensgard, Madison, Minn. OVER 1,000 MEN SECURED POSITIONS through us last month ,v why not let us help you to a high-grade position? Write for book let. Hapgoods, 813 Nicollet av, Minneapolis. PLUMBING SCHOOL. Pew months' course, steady work, good pay. Day and evening class. Practical School of Plumbing Heating, Minneapolis, Minn. EXPERIENCED ROAD SALESMAN WITH trade acquaintance in South Dakota and Ne braska, to sell men's furnishing goods, refer ences required. Address 2282, Journal. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN PLUMB lng, biicklaying, plastering trades, pays $5 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free catalog. WANTED AT ONCEPRACTICAL SAWMILL engineer who is capable of doing the ordi nary machinist repali work. Address John Schroeder Dumber Co Ashland, Wis. CABINETMAKERS WANTED86 SKILLED cabinet makers.geL Employment winter and sum- s'^ ^S006 ?If Apply at one Setralk & Konlhaus Co.. La Crosse. Wis- WANTEDBARBER MUST E A SHAVER and no boozer single man, used to country work prefeired wages $14 per week. C. M. Harding, Worthingtoh, Minn. THREE GOOD JOB COMPOSITORS WANTED Fargo open shops 34 hours scale. Perman ency guaranteed competents. Apply Wray. 206 4th st S, Minneapolis. WANTEDINSTALLMENT COLLECTOR FOR merchandise accounts, good salary and ex* penses. Address Manufacturer, P. O. Box 1027, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTEDHONEST RELIABLE MAN TO caro for invalid during the day in return for room, board and laundry. Apply basement door 1282 Mary place. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for city work, splendid opening for an, A man state age, experience and reference. Ad dress 2418, Journal. JOB COMPOSITORS, FOUR, $18. 64 HOURS. Linotype operator, scale. Permanacies guar anteed competent men. Also apprentices. Wray, 206 4th st S. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED CALLER, ONE familiar with millinery goods preferred. Ref erences required." Apply Robinson, Strauss & Co St. Paul. EXPERIENCED, COMPETENT FOREMAN, 1,000 acre grain farm, strong healthy wife. Address, with referencesjjr see Horton. Wah peton, N. D. WANTED A ONCEEXPERIENCED SALES women for cloak and suit department. Apply to Mr. Rasmussen, second floor, Dayton Dry Goods Co. LEARN WATCHMAKING, ENGRAVING, OP tics, earn more money) oldest school. Minne apolis Watchmaking, School, 7th and Henne pin. DURING JANUARY CATON^rasl^SS~COT- legff. 253 2d av 8, in the College blor-k, admits students, tuition payable after obtaining posi tions. DURING FEBRUARY CATON BUSINESS Col lege, 258 2d av S, in the College Block, admits, students tuition payable after obtaining posi tions WANTEDEXPERIENCED SEWING MA chine salesman gooa salary to right man. Singer Sewing Machine Co.?.J507 Hentei av WATCHES CLEANED 60o, MAINSPRINGS 60o wail anted one year, clocks repaired, iaUed for and delivered T. C. 85-fB, Dobrln. 228 W*sb. N WANTEDSTERE0PTIC6N VIEW OPERATOR with lantern for lecture tour. Write or see Brllng BJornson, 821 jSew York Life bnUdlng. LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY BIG DEMAND FOR workmen taught quickly terms easy. Minne sota College of Photograpfay7 816 Nicollet av $75 PER MONTH AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers experience unnecessary. Purity Co Chicago EXPERIENCED MEN TO PUT UP AWNINGS one for roller awning work. H. Q. Neal Awn lng & Tent Factory, 243-245 Hennepin av. __ WANTEDITALIAN GROHESTRA OF FOUR or five pieces, July 1 to 17. Address North Dakota Chautauqua. Devils Lake. N. D. WAUTEDlAILOU, BIG CKA2TCE, SKAU investment, old established shop clearing $80 to |50 a week. Call at 205 7th at S. WANTEDEXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and cashier, good opportunity. Address, stat ing age, to 2431, Journal. WANTEDA FEW. GOOD SALESMEN, FIR6T class men, will be given straight salary con tract. 8 Eastman block. WANTED AT ONCEONE FIRST-CLASS pants and vest maker pants, $2 70 and up E J. Berg, Fargo, N. D. WANTED^GOOD CABINETMAKER PAID piecework. Address Red Wing Manufacturing Co., Red Wing, Minn, WANTEDFOUR YOUNG MEN FOR OUTDOOR work, on salary. Apply 418 Kasota block, be tween 4 and 0 tonight WANTED-r-12 EXPERIENCED TRUNK MAX era. St. Paul Trunk & Bag CO., 9tb and Jackson, St. Paul. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS PANTS OPERATOR. (Apply Mr. Schultz, Palace Clothing Co 316- 25 Nicollet av. WANTED-^25 TEAMS TO HAUL ICE TOMOR- \o-w motntae M-ercYMtirta* Cold. Storage Co 300 8d av N WANTED A FIKSTy ARCHITECTURAL draftsman. L. A. Lamoreaux, 818 Lumber Ex change, r- EXPERIENCED SALESMEN REFERENCE and bond required. Call C. Plckler, Nicollet Hotel. $125 MONTHLY AGENTS WANTED STAND* and Registry Co., 812 Bank ofjCommerce bldgf WATCHES -CLEANED,"$1 MAINSPRINGS $1 warranted one vear. PaegeJ's, 22 3d st S WANTEDTWO GOOD STRONG BOYS. BRAD Bros 1st av N and Washington. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE PAINT er at 180 Western. T. M. Nortner EXPERIENCED JOB PRESS FEEDER WANT ed. Thurston & Gould Pi Inting Co. WANTEDA GOOD CABINET MAKER, 6th av 8. Flour Citv Cabinet Co S25 WANTEDFOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS, Apply at 418 Kasota building WANTEDBOYS 16 TO 18 YEARS OLD, AT International Stock Food Co WANTEDCLERK AT MARKET HOTEL must speak German. WOMAN FITTER. W E REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS experienced fitter on alterations in our riady to wear suit cloak and skirt department ap pliemt must be thoroughly familiar with every detail connected with this line of work and be fully qualified to Successfully cope with a paitlcular tradbv purchasing high-grade gar ments must be-capable of obtaining the best results from eigbtrt twelve aleration hands to such a party an exceptional opportunity Is open all communications or interviews strict ly confidential Apply to Mr. Jossrtvn. super intendent, Mannheinter Bros., St. Paul. HOTTSEKEEPEEEX MIDDLE-AGED WtDO'W er, with daughter 9 years, old, in country vil lage", 55 miles from city. Lady must be neat In appearance an between 23 and 50 years old. Will not object to one child, but must be able to do a little sewing. Nothing but the plainest cooking required. Easy, perma nent place for the rlffht lady fair wageB all answered in English or Scandinavian lan guages. 1814,-Journal. WANTEDFOR A PERMANENT POSITION I N our business, lady of prepossessing appear ance and fair education experience not neces sary hours ft to Call after 10 Tuesdaj. 712 Boston block. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LADY OANVASB ers for road woik, safttty ,ad_--expenses paid must We- peady to leave a 0fl$e call touight between 6 and 8 o'clock. '56 Beaufort HELP WANTED-FEMALE Continued WANTED orai, FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small ramily, an Improvements, good wagfes to right girl at inside halt of house 2651 Portland av. corner 27th it. "wn WANTEDSTENOGRAPHER WITH FASH land and loan experience permanent position in North Dakota for right party. Address F. E. Graves, Hopkins, Minn. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LADY STBNOG rapher for abstract office apply In own hand, stating age, experience and salary expected. 1740, Journal. TWO FIRST-CLASS GENERAL GIRLS FOR cook and laundiy work, forNorth Dakota. Call Mrs. Stromquist's Intelligence Office, 722 8th av S. WANTEDDANISH WIDOW WOMAN FOR housekeeper by a widower of same nationality Write Andrew Jensen, Fort Collins, Col., R. F. D. 4. WANTEDYOUNG LADY TO ANSWER TELE phone in office of a contractor and builder, state age and salary expected. Address 2427, Journal. DURING FEBRUARY CATON BUSINESS COL lege, 263 2d av S, in the College Block, admits students, tuition pajable after obtaining posi tions. WANTEDEXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR students' lunchroom good wages and reason able hours. Gem Lunch Room. 409 14th av SE. DRESSMAKERS AND LADIES WHO DO THEIR own sewing or employ dressmakers, to visit the Praiss Pattern Rooms, 322 Medical block. TRIMMERS. WANTED. Ten first-class trimmers,' $15 to $12 per week. Strong & Warner Co., St. Paul, Minn. WANTEDTWO GIRLS FOR GENERAL housework, to leave city. Must bring refer ences. Apply Room 202 Nicollet hotel. WANTEDTHREE OR FOUR EXPERIENCED, capable salesladies straight salary if compe tent Call at once. 8 Eastman block. WANTED GOOD COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, good place for good girl. Apply 724 E 16th at WANTEDSTRONG WILLING GIRL FOR^. general housework, two in family. Call 3640 Lyndale av S. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housewoik in small family house modern. 2030 Clinton. WANTEDSTRONG GIRL IN HOME BAKERY to help with baking and wash dishes. 780 Franklin av. WANTEDA GOOD WASH -WOMAN AT 110 12th N. Call Tuesday or Wednesday wages $125. WANTEDA DINING-ROOM GIRL AT ST. Barnabas hospital, corner of 9th av and 6tb st S. WANTEDA GIRL FOR GENERAL H0U8E- work small family, wages $4. 2116 Henne pin. LATEST HAIR FOBS, SCARF PINS, ETC., TO order. Evans, 429 Andrns Bldg. Both phones. WANTED--0OOK F0R SAT.T.BT.ATHES JO CITY AMD OOTTNTUY, A. Kigar, Bales agent, 602 Sykee piag WANTED-^GIRL FOB GENERAL BOUSE work no washing. 2617 16th av S. WANTEDA COMPETENT eral housework. 516 6th SITUATION WANTED COMPETENT AND reliable bookkeeper and office man, 12 years' experience five years with last employer. Ad dress 9796, Journal. MEAT~H6lfEBX YOTJUa- MAXT STTTIWOTT wants place "to work, evenings and Saturdays for board or in part. Address Student, 2529 3d av S. NEAT, HONEST YOUNG MAN STUDENT wants place to work evenings and Saturdays for board or In part. Address Student, 2529, 3d av S. WANTEDA POSITION FOR MAN AND horse, to represent some firm in city, can fur nish wagon or buggy. Address 1957, Jour nal. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH FIRST-CLA8S references seeks position driving for laundry or tea and coffee house. Address 1650, Jour nal. WANTEDBY BOY, 16 YEARS, AN KIND of Indoor work, prefers tailoring or woik in art studio. Address 2631 Stevens av. WILLING YOUNG MAN, NOT AFRAID OF hard work, wants to have any kind of an honest Job. Address 1550, Journal. "C STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER, EM ployed, wishes to make change one year's experience. Address 167. Journal. WANT TO KEEP BOOKS FOR MERCHANTS not employing regular bookkeeper, gooo. -wor* cheap.* Address 2327, Journal POSITION WANTED B7 EXPERIENCED DRY goods and clothing man, German, best of ref erences. 1714, Journal. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION. tf A word, no ad less than 10c daily 20 words of less, one week, 60c. YOUNG LADY MILLINER, WITH FOUR years* experience, at present employed in leading St. Paul store, but wishing to change to Minneapolis, is open for engagement, refer ences given. Address 2310, Journal. C0MPETENT~Y0UNG~ LADY~~DESLUES POSI tion as assistant bookkeeper or cashier BOW employed, desires advancement first-class ref erences from present employer. Address 2388, Journal. -V. .GIRL WOULD LIKE WORK I N FAMILY place, unable to speak English just arrived from Sweden. Address Carl Gustofson. 4028 6th st N. A NEAT, HONEST YOUNG MAN STUDENT wants place to work evenings and Saturdays for board or in part Address Student, 2529 80 a.v FIBBT-0LABS LADY BOOKKEEPER, 8TEN0G- rapher and typewriter desires position very best refeiences several years' experience. 2428, Journal. THOROUGHLY, COMPETENT AND RELIABLE stenographer, six years' experience, desires remunerative position. Address 2428, Journal. SITUATION WANTED GIRL OF 18 AS nurse in nice family good with children. Call or write 3329 14th av S YOUNG LADY WOULD XLKE A PLACE IN small family to do general housework. 3025 15th av S. LADY WANTS WASHING AND IRONING OR cooking by the -day. 7M) 1st av S NOTICE NOTICE TO HOUSE MOVERS Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the VlUage of Fairfax. Renville Count*, Minnesota, will receive bids on the 16th day of March, 1906, for moving the two story frame scboolhonse building in said Vll large, building beingThe moved4'saiabout Februdly^ 26,-^906. H0TEL WAGEffS PER week. Addiess Oxford Hotel, Tintah, Minn. GIRL FOR GEN- av SB WANTEDA SEAMSTRESS TO MAKE OHTL dren's dresses. 8032 Park av. WANTEDA DISHWASHER AT HOTEL CLIN ton. 4th and Grant. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSOnOATION, H A word: no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 60c .WANTEDEMPLOYMENT A MfeN WITH tnenty-seven years' experience in the farm Implement line. Can sell and operate any thing from a sewing machine to a steam en- fInglish, ine. Speaking Scandinavian, German and strictly temperate in habits. Ad dress L. A. Lfftson, bok 439, Springfield, Minn. SITUATION WANTED A8 TRAVELING SALE8 man with work on salary, commission or both, have had 16 years experience in the hardware, furniture and implement trades, and can fur nish the best of references as to character and business ability. Address Box 386, Wbeatnn, Minn. WANTEDPOSITION YOUNG MARRIED man as clerk or manager of hardware store best of references furnished, three years' ex perience In retail hardware business, North Dakota preferred. Address Box 10, Bienville. Minn. 'WAtfl'&DBY COMPETENT ACCOUNTANT, qualified to act as secretary, assistant man ager, credtt man or correspondence, ten years with one company excellent references. Ad dress 897, Journal SITUATION WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN, I N lumber business, as stenographer, bookkeeper or yard agent experienced and first-class, bond or references. V. M. East Grand Forks, Minn. POSITION WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN~IN A bank or a wholesale house, as bookkeeper or assistant can furnish the best of refer ences and have some experience. Address 2425, Journal. BOY OF 17 WOULD LIKE A POSITION I N ,some commercial business office, now taking a second year in high school will work foi $5 to begin with. Address 2400, Journal. BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER, SIX YEARS experience in wholesale house, now employed, desires advancement reference from present employer. Address 1S03, Journal. SITUATION WANTEDBY COMPETENT young man of good habits, as bookkeeper or office assistant, good perman, accurate at figures. 1667, Journal. 50x80 feet, to TOO feet Villag Councie leseives the*ight to" reject anv and all bids A certified check for $100, payable to said village, mtfat accompany all bids. By order^)f the Village Council, A. E. Carver, HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. BARRETT ft yrifim',.TtMii, America's Leading Horse Dealers, Midway St. Paul. Horses at Auction. Horses at Auction. Every Wednesday. Private Sales Dally. O JJ-o O From fcOO to 1,000 bead constantly on hand. Farm mares, delivery Jaorses and drivers a specialty. Every horse guar anteed as represented or your money cheerfully refunded. If you need any thing in the horse line, come to Bar rett & Zimmerman's Great Midway Horse Market, Midway, St. Paul. Minn. (Take interurban streetoars from either city.) ooooooooo Notice to the public, and.especially to the farmer The oldest and most reliable sale stable in the city, go where you can boy just what you want, nave a large assortment of all kinds of horses on hand. Go where you can save from $5 to $25 on a horse. Go where horses are sold as represented. My motto is square dealing, quick sales and small profits. Stables, No. 12 2d st N. S. M. Zimmerman., XF YOU HAVE ANY HORSES, WAGONS, or harness you want to sell, bring them to .Barrett ft Zimmerman?- Mid- way, St. Paul. Auction sales every Wednesday. Con signments solicited. oooooooo SOUTH ST. PAUL HORSE EXCHANGEA fresh lot of good country horses on sale a Urge consignment en route which will reach, us first of the week. Come early and make your selection. Q. W Flanagan, manager. POJtt BALEH6 Plkiii-O-LABB JtbkSjtS AND some cheap ones, also three mares In foal must be sold to make room for another car load coming from the farm. Chas. Hoffman, 445 Wabasha st, St. Paul. BLOOM & MAJSRU8 HAVE FROM 100 TO 150 bead of farm mares and horses on hand at all times fresh consignments every week our motto la quick sales and sman profits. Stables 246-260 2d av N. FOR SALETWO FINE-LOOKING MARES, 8 and 7 years old, Just right for farm, and one team of heavy work horses, wagon and har ness. Call at Wis. Fuel Co., 1601 Nicollet, or 810 86th st. CONSIGNED BY RXNGLTNG BROS. CIRCUS, carload second-hand harness, all kinds, from 10 to $16 set your own price. Midway Har ness Co., Prior and University av. HEAD OF GOOD BIG YOUNG MARES AND horses, some of the mares with foal, Just in from the country. Will tell cheap. Bam 2818 8d itN. FOR BALE OR TRADEFINE COACH 8TAL lion. Send /or description, mosey or live stock preferred. W. J. Pettlt, Storm Lake, Iowa. L4SOE8T U3TE Of BECOBS-HAITD B.IG3. single and double harnesses, in city, car load horses constantly on hand 414 3d st 3. TEN HEAD OF HORSES, WEIGHT 1,000 TO 1,400 pounds also nice 6-year-old Shetland pony, broke for children. 1308 20th av N. SHIPPERS, TAKE NOTICEWE HAVE ALL kinds of horses constantly on hand at West Hotel stables. Wilson A McGetrick. FOR SALEONE SPAN OF HORSES. 1.400 pounds, 7 and 9 years old, $100 takes them. Feed stable, 801S Hennepin av. FOR SALESORREL HORSES AND DELIVERY wagons, first-class condition. New Store Stables, 132 Holden av. A FINE LOT OF FARM MARES AND DRAFT noises always on hand at Nolan's Sales Sta bles, 20 2d st N. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, 40 TO 100 HORSES of all kinds prices right. Dan Egan, 223 2d av N. GOOD DELIVERY WAGON AND TWO BUO gies for sale cheap. Call at once. 1520 1st av S. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, 40 TO 100 HORSES of all kinds, prices right Dan Egan, 228 2d av N. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. W. Scavenger Co., 102 1st st N. Phone 195 Main. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS REPAIRED AND painted, factory prices 129 Western av HORSESHOEING, FOUR NE W SHARP STEEL shoes, SI 25. Harvej 'a, 127 Western av. FROST A- CO., ALL CLASSES OF HORSES FOR sale, moved to 218. 2d av N. FOR SALECOWS, A FEW CHOICE SPRING: ers, Including two lovely family Jerseys, at my Rowland farm. Apply to J. F. Blwell. New Store. OIL MEAL $1.65, CRUSHED OYSTER SHELLS 75c, grit 75c per 100-lb sack. H. Smith, hardware, 214-216 Hennepin av. THREE GOOD COWS FOR SALE CHEAP, drew Harmut, 105 Wood st. AN. HNANOIAL CHATTEL LOANS. Minnesota. Mortgage Loan Co., Established 25 Years, Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without *lie slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having been engaged in the money-lending business for the past 25 years, and with the large cli entele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years Insures honorable and confiden tial dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 305-306" Bank of Commerce Bldg.. 1st av S and 4th st. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephoneN. W. Mala 1770, Twin City 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601 602 Globe Bldg.. 22 4th st S. CHATTEL MORTGAGE LOANS On Furnitjre, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Warehouse Receipts, etc Lowest and best rates,, Minneapolis Financial Co.. 406-408 New York Life Bldg. Telephone N. W. Main 409-L2. T. C. 3092. MONEY TO LOAN ON MINNESOTA AND North Dakota larms. Johnson-Van Sant Co., Bank of Commerce building. Minneapolis, Minn. S. R. Van Sant, president, J. A, John son, secretary I WILL MAKE YOU A" LOAN ON BETTER terms than you can secure elsewhere, this applies to men holding good positions vTho raielj borrow, confidential. 1114, Journal. MONEY SUPPLIED BAT.ATtnr.Tt PEOPLE, RE- without security offices in 59 principal cities. To!man, 920 New Yortc Life building. MOA 1 0 LOAN OH IMPROVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates, payment privi leges given no delay in closing Minneapolis Trust Co Hennepin av and 4th st. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates LO delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co. 313 Nicollet av. 4 PER CENT, 6 PER CENT. 6 PE CENT rqoney to loan on Improved city property, no delay. J. A. Waiters. 614 New York Life bldg. R. D. CONE & CO.. 617 GUARANTY BLDG., have on hand to loan on Improved property $1,000. $1,500. $2,000, $3,500, lowest rates. LOUIS A. HOWARD, E02 ONEIDA- BUILDING, has money on band to loan on Improved city property. Current rates MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS ALSO TWO farms for sale at very low figures. M. R. Waters, 707 Phbents. W E LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT LOW est rates no delay. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet av. WILL BUY PREFERRED STOCKAddress OF MLNNE- spoils Stee & Machinery Co 2408 Journal. OH7 XO lOAM AX XOWEST SAIEB NO delay. Tha?er St dale, 213 N Life bldg I MATE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500 loans on citv property PoIIey. 501 Andrus $100 TO $500 TO LOAN ON REALTY OR good paper. 322 New York Life Bltdg. ^^OAN^ANDjDHATm^ WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers lowest prices. DIAMONDS BOUGHT, LARGE OR highest price paid money loaned. Cohen, diamond broker. -S0 Washlnc BlfAT.f^ Washingto M. L. RICE LOANS DM ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property dftrgee reasonable. 506 Glooe Bldg. PATENT ATTOBNEYS INVENTORS, ATTENTION!PATENTS I N all countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, manufactured: models made twenty five years established, unexcelled reputation, in venters'*.book free. Address Patent Market, __ Paul Min Village Recorder, Fairfax. Minnesota! buflding. Washington, D. C. j^w^r us jig i mm mm awf^ jpwt il WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, PATENT,LAW vers and solicitors, main--office. 925-933 Guar anty building. Minneapolis. Minn. 52 McGiU BUSINESS CHANCES UNHEARD OF, EXTRAORDINARY PHOTO* BITION. We have placed with ns for quick sale 11,000 acres ^ot very sood land is northern Minne sota, four miles from railroad town and near some of the beat ban mines in the state. This is cat-over land, bat all hardwood, small f1.3,6 ine cedar and spruce is left price only pet acre. Act quick. American Real Estate investment Loan Co.. 437 Andrua Building. CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPANY, OWNING sawmill in redwoods, capacity 30,000 feet dally, steam donkey, logging outfit, lumber yard in county seat town (all running), wants party with $26,000 to $150,000 to Join them, purchase land, add box factory, another mill In sugar pine belt and enlarge business. Ad dress C. A. Macomber, 916 Market t, Baa Francisco, Cal. WANTEDPARTNER I N HARDWARE ONLY *H exclusive hardware in county seat town, popu- i "i lation 1,000 draws trade from 18 to 25 miles 4 business done'last year, $21,000, stock carried. between $5,000 and *,000 located In the best part of North Dakota. Address P. O. Box 327, New Rockford. N. D. PATENT BUSINESS A SPECIALTYWE BUY DRUG STORE FOR BALE I N VILLAGE OF 4001 good paying proposition mostly Scandinavian and German community stock $4,000 will sell for one-half cash, balance secured at a lib eral discount will stand investigation. Ad dress 1812, Journal. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR S00 acre farm, Taylor county, Wisconsin oO acres cleared, balance prime hardwood timber, has elegant set of buildings. Want Minne sota oy Dakota land or town property. 1804, Journal. BUSINESS CHANCEFINE 820 ACRES OF well located unimproved land, near Rosooe, S. D., to exchange for some good business or live stock, price $15 per acre give par ticulars In first letter. Owners only. 2052, Journal. $5,000 STOCK IN GOOD RUNNING BREWERY, would exchange for stock general merchandlM or good farm lands of about equal value might put in some cash, must be good deal, as stocks are worth the cash. 1886. Journal.' FOR SALEFIRST-CLASS RETATT. TITPT.TV ment business in one of the best towns in Red river valley If you are looking for a lo cation It wiU pay you to investigate this. Terms easy. Address 2406, Journal. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE OR" E change for a store building and lot In a good town in^northern Iowa, worth $3,500, occu- Johnsons, led a a hardware store. Address J. Park River, N. D. WANTEDTO RE NT I N A GOOD-SIZED northern town a good store for a permanent first-class clothing, hats, shoes and gents* furnishings business. 4213 Medical Block, Min neapolis, Minn. easl SPECULATORSTRY OUR ^UNEXCELLED FA. pillties for trading in grain and stocks. Bauman Co 222 225 Century. Both phones. BOARDING HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED will sell at a bargain, have 50 boarders, own er leaving cit j. Address 2128, Journal. SALES OR STOREROOM, I N CENTER OF shopping district, 44 7th et, a few door* from Isicollet Isoulre next. door. FOR SALECARD SPACE TS THE VEST hotpi registry case. Inquire of chief clerk at West hotel for full particulars. FOR SALEPHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE, GEN tral Minnesota town, only physician in the place Address 1938, Journal. W E HAVE A FEW GOOD SALOONB FOR THE right parties. Come Standard Brewing Co., Mankato, Minn._ I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. BEND DE scriptlon Shepard. Bank of Commerce Bldg. LOST OR STOLENBANKB^OK^No!~lOT64li isued The Farmers & Mechan'cs' Savings Bank of Minueayolls. if not returned to said bank before March 7. 1906, application will be made for a duplicate thereof LOST OR STOLENBANKBOOK NO. 117491: issued by The Farmers A Mechanics' Saving* Bank of Minneapolis, if not returned to said bank before March IS. 1006, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. IXJSTTSTIX T.ATVrKB WHO WE RE SEEK TO pick up locket on Bioemingtoo. sa&a&y noon, kindly notify or return t M. C. N-, 2317 Bloomlngton av, and receive reward. LOSTSCOTCH COLLIE DOG, ANSWERS TO name of Don, white feet and chest, cinnamon, color. Liberal reward for bis return. Geo. O. Sherman, 2728 Pillsbury av. LOSTSUNDAY. Feb. 25, I N INTERURBAN or Oak street car, or in changing, pocketbook containing about $6. Return to 412 6tb st SB. Minneapolis, for reward. LOSTPAIR OR RIMLESS GLASSES WITH gold bows in ease. Return for reward, ill Flour Exchange or Berkeley hotel. S. H. Mills LOSTTHURSDAY, GENTLEMAN'S OPEN. face gold watch monogram on back of case liberal reward offered. Address 2345. Journal. LOST-UGREEN ermOon, let. NECKLACE, ON SUNDAY AFT between 2d av SE and 6th and Nicol* Return to 4o6 2Ta SE for reward. LOSTLADY'S PLAIN GOLD WATCH. OPEN face, with chatelaine pin, Sunday afternoon. Return for reward to 1124 1st av N, fiat 2. LOSTFOX TERRIER, FEMALE ANSWERS to name Rex. liberal reward for return. 4316 Lyndrle av S^TelSoutblOgej^ FOUNDFINE PAD2 STEEL BOWS, RSADINe) l*sses for SBc. at Blrschy's optician. BIS floor. NlCOlIet BV. second1 floor. LOSTGOLD LINK CUFF BUTTON, SET with opal. Heturn for reward to 2628 Blals dell av. WILL THE WOMAN RETURN GLASS TO Auditorium loaned her the 2d at the "Soc- dere." LOSTCOLLIE PUP TAN COLORED, HALF* gnbwn. Return for reward to 712 lOti av SB. STEAMSHIPS^ OUNARD LINE TO EUROPE OLDEST LINE crossing Atlantic, Boston, New York to Queenstown, Liverpool New York to Gibral tar, Genoa. Kaptes. Adriatic Company's new a and sell, promote and incorporate companies -M for the Inventor, information furnished free cfs of charge, best of references. Call on or write Lancester & Seward, Room 18. Chamber of Commerce building, Richmond. Va. A SNAPFOR SALE. A REAL GOOD HTATT, hardware stock in one of the best towns a western North Dakota will invoice cash, $3,800 no trade considered good reason for selling write today this opportunity won't last. Address 2238, Journal. central Minne WANT "J O INTO GENERAL mracTTsyl S S" b!i!! ,M,- sota gooo lmprored farm. Jf joa mean busi ness give full particulars first letter. 1918, Journal. ROOMING HOUSE, STEAM HEAT, WELL FURI nlshed, downtown district, good transient place, rent only $33 per month will sell cheap for cash. Call at 715 Nicollet av, up stairs.^ FOR SALEONE OF THE BEST GROCERY stores in the northwest, thoroughly modem f6,O00 ood [trade established stock and fixtnres. i _Address_Box_41, StatlonA, city. FOR LEASENEW 60-ROOM H0TEL~WIlg electric lights, gas, steam heat, hot and cold water and all conveniences, half-block from station. Address L. EaUer, Mooerly, Mo. FOR SALEFURNITURE BUSINESS, nTj gary, in heart of business district, absolutely new stock splendid store, $2,500 buys. 7. .NoeL Box 1629, Calgary. Alberta GOOD PAYING GROCERY BUBLNE68 FTXl tures, delivery outfit, must sell at sacrifice at once wife's illnesa cause, about S600 cash required. Address 2397, Journal. GOOD OPENING FOR FIRST-CLASS BAKER: oven and baker's paraphernalia can be bought cheap. Afcdress W. R. Movlus, Lidgerwood Mill Co.. Lidgerwood, N. D. TO START CO-OPERATIVE GARDEN WEEK ly shipments fresh poultry, eggs, vegetables: lesa than wholesale prices to persons who wUI advance $10. 1547, Journal. NEW LIVERY AND FEEITBARN FOR RENT1! No 1 chance for good man with 10 or 15 good horses, to connection with $2 per day hotel. Address 1881, Journal WANT CORRESPONDENCE WITg AH" TZJEfj-L rienced baker who wants to .put In ViAolesal* and retail bakery. Good opening fcrrlrnt man. 1484. Journal. HA^VE GROCERY BUSINESS THAT MUST E sold- this week. Invoice and 10 per cent off for cash about $1,000 required. Address 1492, Journal. FOR SALETHREE SHARES OF TABASCO Plantation company's instalment stock, a obliged to sell and will give liberal discount. 1948. Jooraal. GOOD OPENING FOR GENERAL STORE I N a good town on main line on Great Northern R. Has a very large territory. 1820, Journal. TEN OR TWENTY SHARES CAPITAL STOCK North Dakota bank No bonus if taken by March 15. Cash. Am going away. 2394, Journal. FOR SALE OR LEASEONLY RESTAURANT in good county seat town, good location, good opening.^ Write J,_H. Hays, Faulk ton, S. D. CIGAR STORE FOR SALEIN A GOOD KTS". nesota town of 6,500, sales for 1905, $12,000 a snap if taken soon Address 2402, Journal. office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. B. Csrfey. manager northwestern aepartment- ^ROFESSI^TAi SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA* ne*itly removed by electrieit Miss Hollister, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of th* northwest. Exclusive specialist. ^PEWT0GEAjmC^SUPPIffiS^ KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH, ing done expertly, photographic materials, oof business established twenty years. O. -Peek Co.. 112th St S^ JK '^S