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GARFIELD DENIES DIRECTING MOODY [Declares Beef Trust Papers Were Not Given to Prose- cutors. Chicago, Feb, 26.Commissioner of Corporations Garfield was again on the stnd in the packers' case today. The first questions asked by Attorney BVnes, acting for the packers, related to the consultation between Mr. Gar field and Attorney General Moodv. Garfield said that in September, 1904, lie talked with the attorney general regarding the case and also with H. H. Hrvyt, solicitor general of the depart ment of justice, -who acts for Mr. Moody in his absence. "Did the department of justice ask for any of the information you had seared?" asked Mr. Hynea. y,iYes P9* the solicitor general made a request in Julv, 1904." The witness said that the request was repeated in September, but that he did not accede to either request. "When next were you requested? "When I was 'directed by the presi dent to turn over information concern ing persons who knew alleged viola tions of the law." Talked with President. "Did you tell the president that you tad told the packers that there was no co-operation between the department of justice and Your department?" 'rI had stated that to him a number of times." "Did yon turn over any list of wit nesses to the department of -justice? I turned over to Mr. Bethea, at that time district attorney in Chicago, about 700 names of persons who said that they knew of violations of the "Did any of your agents report to the department of iustice or to Dis trict Attorney Morrison!" "As far as I know, I should say not "Have you here now the informa tion vou got from the packers which was turned over to the attornev gen- eral?" "None of that information was ob tained from the packers." "Did some of the information turned over contain conversations with the pnckers "Some of it." Refused Bethea's Request. "When you were asked by Mr. Bethea,, the formei distuct attorney, did you refuse?" I refused portions of his request." "What portions?" "He asked if my agents here in Chi cago could report to him and I told him definitely that they could not, as our departments were separate." "Did you tell the president that you had told the packers that the two "departments were not operating to gether?" I did not, because it was perfectly understood that the department was separate.'' Mr. Hynes asked that the court order that the latter part of the answer be stricken out. and it was ordered, despite the obiection of the district attorney. During a five-minute recess Commis sioner Garfield explained that the names turned over to the department of justice were so delivered at the request of the president. All of the names, the commissioner said, were obtained from sources other than the packers. Attor ney Miller, counsel for Armour & Co., then took up the cross-examination^ {n 24th Annual Reduced-Price Sale. The Great Plymouth Clothing House. SCHIFF FIRM QUITS RAILROAD BOARDS Kuhn, 'Loeb & Co. Retire from Field, but Stick to Banks and Trust Companies. New York, Feb. 26.Members of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. have deter mined to retire from all railroad boards in which the firm is represented, it was announced today. The reason given for this step is a steadily increasing diffi culty which the members of the firm have been experiencing in meeting the demands of their own ^business, and at the same time giving the necessary time and attention to the performance of theii duties as directors of corpora tions. Jacob H. Schiff is the head of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Pursuant of this policy, members of the firm on Wednesday -last resigned from the following boards: Union Pa cific "Railroad company, Baltimore & Ohio railroad, Baltimore & Ohio South western, Chicago & Alton. Denver & Rio (Jrande, Northern Securities company, Oregon Short Line railroad, Oregon Railroad & Navigation company, Rio Grande Western railroad. Southern Pa cific company, Pacific Mail Steamship company, and a number of subsidiary corporations. It is understood that members of the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. have not re tired from the boards of the various banks, trust companies and similar cor porations with which they are now identified. "Eubber' rubber!" Glove rubbers are full of it. All "rubbers" aren't. ATTEMPT IS MADE TO BORN HAMLEY FALLS Special to The Journal. Hamlev Falls, Minn., Feb. 26.A de liberate attempt was made to burn this village early today. A fire, undoubted ly of incendiary origin, started in the bowling alley a building owned by the Amund estate. When the fire hose was laid, it was found the nozzles were securely plugged with white .lead and stones. The hard work of the fire de partment and volunteers 'was the only thing that prevented a disastrous blaze. The fire was confined to one building. Scrofula Few are entirely free from it. It may develop so slowly as to cause little if any disturbance during the whole period ot childhood. It may then produce dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked tendency,to consumption, before manifesting itself in much cutaneous erup tion or glandular swelling. It is best to be sure that you are quite free from it, and you, can rely on JR i Hood's Sarsaparilla jp !fco*ridtyou of it radically and permanently. erhap [onday Evening, AMERICAN TROOPS i READY FOR CHINA Continued From First Page. China, in all probability, will be Ma3or General Arthur McArthur, who has been studying the Chinese situation on the ground and is believedl plans along which hev to have laid wil work when the time comes. No Peril, Says Minister. Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, the Chi nese minister, does not understand the warlike preparations this country is making, and he insists that there abso lutely is no reason for them, at least so far as the situation in his country is concerned. It is only fair to say that the British and German embassies are as ignorant ot the development of an abnormal sit uation in China as is the representative of the Celestial empire. The fact that only American officers apprehend an up rising is considered strange by Euro pean diplomats, who see in the action of President Roosevelt a move which will have important international effect and seriously affect their interests the far east. This aspect of the matter has caused the representatives of European govern ments to make repeated inquiries, but the answer is always the same, that the American consuls in China believe a serious situation is developing and that it is deemed advisable to take measures for giving adequate protection to Amer ican life and property. 'Nothing Alarming.'' I would certainly be informed if an uprising were imminent," said Sir Chentung Liang Cheng today,'' but as a matter of fact my advices, official and personal, show that there is nothing alarming in the situation. Our people are awakening, but it is a slow process for them to substitute the methods of the west for those observed for cen turies in the empire. The awakening is bound to come, however, and thtf Chinese people will know their rights and be able to uphold them. "The reform movement began in 1898, but at that time the government was not favorable to modern education and other reforms. After the Boxer outbreak the government realized the necessity of introducing reforms and en couraging foreign education." "What is the attitude of the Chinese people toward the United States?" Attitude Toward America. I do not think our people are hos tile to your country. I know the gov ernment is exceedingly friendly and re members with satisfaction the many kindly and generous things done by the American people in their behalf. While the native merchants participated in the boycott, I think they are sorry they did so. They have been injured far more than have been the foreign mer chants. In my opinion the boycott is only talk. Private information I have re ceived convinces me it is not serious. I think there is no reason," con tinued the minister "to apprehend dan ger to Americans in China. The state department is concerned over information it has received show ing that China is moving energetically to organize an army of 780,000 men, which was contemplated by an edict is sued by the empress dowager last sum mer. EMPRESS INCREASES GUARDS Significant Action Taken in the Im perial Capital. Peking, Feb. 26.-The guards around ?*d- the Forbidden City have*been doubled and all the palaces and residences of high officials are especially guarded. The police, who have hitherto carried batons, are now armed with rifles. AH the officials that are accessible either refuse any information or profess lgno lance of the reasons for the precautions that have been taken, and as a result many rumors are afloat. The chief of police and other offi cials were summoned to the palace on Saturday, and the display of force im mediately followed their conference. Possibly the only cause is the alarm of the empress dowager over the treva lenct of revolutionary rumors recently. The Chinese minister at Tokio a few days ago telegraphed the government, warning it against several revolutiona ry students who are departing from lapan to China. Two packages of dynamite have been found in the street outside the gate leading to the palace. Apparently they weie dropped by someone afraid to carry them. One report finding credence is that there is a quarrel afoot within the pal ace between the partisans of the em press dowager and the emperor over the selection of an heir to the throne, but it is not confirmed. All the information obtainable indi cates that the military measures at the palace were only precautionary and were taken because of rumors that The finding of the packages of dyna mite outside the palace gates, which is somewhat myBtenous, probably caused uneasiness, as the court has been nerv ous since the outrage in the Peking railway station on Sept. 24. The canard that Saturday had been designated as the day for disturbances appears to have been born in the United States. Telegrams describing the mili tary preparations of the American gov ernment for trouble in China have been widely published the Chinese news papers, and are considered as decidedly unfriendly. KING REX IN NEW ORL.EANS. New Orleans, Iowa, Feb. 26The car nival here was formally opened today, the entry of Rex being tne chief event. A slight shower fell during zne earlier part of the day. Kodol digests what you eat. Believes indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, belching. NO FUNDS FOR INSTITUTIONS One copy of the code was decidedly overworked today. It was an unbound copy sent up to the governor late 'Sat urday. The board of control borrowed it and proceeded to study it. "When they struck the big snap-, word was sent to the governor. He had already sent for the copy to confer with the attor ney-general's department. Governor Johnson delivered it to C. S. Jelley, and the two consulted over it for some time. The conference in the governor's office followed. The binders turned out 100 copies this afternoon, which were sent out from the document room in the old capitol to supreme court and district judges, heads of state departments and a start made on the distribution to county officials. The code, with its annotations, fills 1,15 9 pages and the constitution 5 1 r 7 Accep no sulJstitute but insist on having] pages moire.' Th index"fills 170 pages^ i$ Hood's. Liquid or tablets, Ik making 1,3$Q pages in .the volume, v^*.w-, TO REGULATE ROADS IS GOVERNMENT RIGHT Question Is Most Practicable and Equitable Action, Says Albert E. Clarke, Former Railroad Counsel, Discussing Regulation from Standpoint of a Lawyer. TT! By Albert E. Clarke of Minneapolis, Formerly General Counsel of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company. Every discussion of the question of railroad regulation, should bo prefacea by the adoption of the following pre amble, and resolution: Whereas,'the right of the government to regulate the management and oper ation of railroads, is fully established, and is not subject to question: Be it therefore resolved, that the purpose fcof this discussion is to de termine the best and most practicable' method of exercising that right, and making it effective. In the absence of legal restriction, the governmental power of the states is unlimited. All organic and consti tutional law is restrictive. A state legislature may pass any law not pro hibited by its own, or the federal con stitution. While the powers of the federal government are limited, its right to regulate corporations, subject to constitutional limitation, is fully es tablished. The constitution of the United States provides that no state shall pass any law which impairs the obligation of a contract. But for this provision the charter and business of every corpora tion, public and private, would be sub ject to repeal, amendment, alteration and regulation, at the will of each state legislature. The constitution of the United States, as well as the constitution of every state in the unio% except North Carolina, contains a provision that pri vate property cannot be taken for pub lic use, except upon payment of just compensation. Every court has, by various lines of reasoning, construed this to mean that private property can not be taken for private use, against the owner's objection, even upon the payment of just compensation. But for this provision, the right of eminent domain could be delegated to, and exercised by private corporations, for the acquirement, by condemnation, of the private property of individual citizens for the use, of such corpora tions. With this constitutional pro vision effective, the state cannot dele gate this power to any corporation, to be used for its own exclusive profit and its delegation to railroad corpora tions, is conclusive of the fact that they are in fact, and in law, public, as well as private in character, and in obli gation. They are designated by the courts as quasi-public corporations. In the two propositions that all organic and constitutional law is restrictive, and that the power of governmental control of public corporations remains in the state, free from constitutional restriction, lie the key to the problem of railroad regulation. Status of the Corporation. 7* oll i in there was to be trouble here Saturday, and tp what class of corporations does state control of public corporations. There are but few who seem to appre ciate the wondrous forensic knowledge of the great judge, who, in those days of little things, as compared with the things of today, in construing the slaw with reference to the charter of this, little New England school, pronounced an opinion which, in this age of cor porations, is as far beyond criticism, in logic, language, and principle, when applied to existing conditions, as it was when applied to the facts of the case in which it was written. It applies, with out the alteration of a sentence, to the situation with which we are confronted today. The rules which seem to be clearly established by the decision in the Dart mouth college case are as follows: The state cannot, by the repeal or amendment of the law which consti tutes the charter of a purely private corporation, divest such corporation of any right, franchise or exemption, with which it was invested by its charter nor can it vest the property of such corporation in the state, nor dispose of the, same without the consent, or de fault, of the corporation. A purely private corporation may lose its franchises by misuser, or non user and such franchises' may be re sumed by the government, after a judicial judgment of forfeiture. The state may regulate, modify, en large or restrain the powers of public corporations. Jn sharp contrast to the rule that the right of regulation is rfully established power of the state is unlimited, unless restricted,^e rule thatTa corpora SJK JS unless it ^^expresaly^ panted. A corporation, not being a natural per son, is without natural rights. Even its right to exist is a franchise, granted by the state. John Marshall, the first chief justice of the supreme court of the United States, in his opinion in the Dart mouth college case, defined and forever fixed the status of corporations in the political and judicial history of this government. These are the words, which by his utterance, became the official definition of the supreme court: A corporation is an artificial being, invisible, "intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law. Being the mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which the charter of its creation confers upon it, either ex pressly or as incidental to its very existence.'' This definition is comprehensive and complete. It is the utterance of the highest courr. It is final. If then, the power of the state is unlimited, unless restricted by organic or consti tutional law, it necessarily follows that it possesses the power to regulate the corporations which it has itself cre ated, unless such power has been sur rendered, or is restricted. Has this been done and if so, to what extent the limitation or restriction apply? The question propounded is the pre cise question decided in the Dartmouth college case and the opinion in that celebrated case exactly covers the ques tion of the right of the state to regu late railroad corporations. The case was decided in 1819, and has become noted in political and legal circles, because of the fact that it es tablished the rule of law, that the charter of a corporation is a contract between the incorporators and the state. It is also generally regarded as establishing the rule that a charter once granted cannot be altered or amended by the state, without the con sent of the corporation but this state ment is true only in part. It is true as applied to the charters of purely private corporations. It is not true as applied to the charters of purely public corporations nor is it true as applied to the franchises and privileges of quasi-public corporations, the exercise of which are o a character so public that their exercise involves the exercise of powers inherent in the government. Chief Justice Marshall, after care fully describing Dartmouth college as a private eleemosynary institution, speaking of its charter, states the ques tion before the court as follows: "Can this be such a contract as the consti tution intended to withdraw from the power of state legislation?" Because it was a purely private corporation, it was held to be exempted from state regulation, by the constitutional limita tion. Again and again, does the great jurist emphasize the fact that Dart mouth college is an eleemosynary insti tution, private in ownership, organiza tion and purpose and again-and.again is it made (clear that the right of the state to 'regulate every public cor poration is recognized) *,nd must be maintained. Thruout the whole opinion, which is recognized and accepted in 1906, as in 1819, as a most masterly" exposition of the law, binding upon all courts, runs the persistent assertion -of, the right.oX,' ^l^ Public Character Established. The public character of railroad cor porations is established by the single fact that they are permitted to exercise the right of eminent domain. Eminent domain is the right, or power, of a sovereign state, to appropriate private property to public use. Its exercise en ables railroad corporations to condemn land for right of way, and other pub lic uses. The right of eminent domain is an attribute of sovereignty4, THE ^MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. February 26, 1906. it is inherent in the state, as the trustee of the sov ereign rights of the people. It cannot be exercised exeept by express authori ty from the state and, under the con stitutions of the several states, as well as the federal constitution, cannot be delegated to any cor poration for its personal benefit. By its%cceptance and exercise, a railroad corporation admits its own public char acter, places itself beyond the limita tion of the provisW of the federal constitution which forbids a state to pass any law which violates the obliga tion pf a contract* jand, under the rule established Jn tJitfJDartnjouth college case, subjeots itself as a public corpo ration, to government regulation. This It is exercised in many ways. The con gress, and the state legislatures have exercised it by requiring the use of au tomatic couplers, alir brakes and other safety devices by compelling railroad companies to build connecting tracks, establish stations, supply track scales and comply with numerous require ments of public convenience and safety. The right to regulate the rates and charges for transporting persons and property exists at common law it was exercised by the courts before the first railroad W6B built and is exercised reference to railroads today. The doctrine that railroad carriers have the right to charge what they choose for the transportation which they sell, and which constitutes their whole stock in trade, has never been recognized. It has never been the law of this, or of any other country. The right to regu late railroad rates has existed ever since railroads have existed to deny it is useless and as illogical as to deny the right of the state to regulate the meth od of exercising the elective franchise. There is but one question concerning the right of railroad regulation which remains open that is the method of ex ercising the established right. It is a curious fact, that the storm center of the argument in behalf of railroad interests, is this question which, has never been a question. Writers of more or less ability continue to argue in favor of the right of railroad car-, riers to charge what they pleaBe for the transportation they have for sale seeking to apply to these public service corporations, which exist thru the grace of the state, and build up their property by the exercise of the delegated powers of the state which created them, the same rules which govern the ventures of private business. Difficulties Not Insurmountable. Efforts are put forth by the repre sentatives of railroad interests, to im press the public mind with the complex ity of railroad operation, and the mag nitude of the difficulties in the way of railroad regulation, I' doubt whether this question, fear lessly and honestly met, is more com plex or more difficult than other large questions connected with the govern ment and business of a great nation. All questions of national government are complex and difficult, because of their magnitude. In finance, in diplomacy, in the judi cial construction and administration of the laws, the various departments of government are confronted with diffi culties and complications, which they are oblifed to meet and solve, and do meet and solve, as presented and this is done as a matter of course, and with unhesitating promptitude. Mistakes are sometimesno doubt frequently made, and rectified by methods born of experience but in no instance, except in the matter of the regulation of cor porations, is there any apparent doubt as to the power or ability of the gov ernment to successfully meet the re quirements of the situation. The greatest difficulty in the path of rail road regulation is the fact that those who possess the power are either afraid or disinclined to exercise it. When the congress of the United States earnest ly, honestly and in good faith desires the regulation of railroads, it will be speedily accomplished. There are no a reasonably effective law nor should there be any gater difficulty in en* forcing it than is attendant upon the enforcement of other important laws. The will of the people ds thwarted by the people's representatives. The indispensable feature of an ef fective law for the regulation of rail road rates', is one which invests the in terstate commerce commission, or such other body as may be created for that purpose, with the power to fix rates. One party or the other must at all times possess this power the govern ment or the railroads. Under the pres ent law the government at no time pos sesses it. If the courts declare a rate unreasonable, the railroad makes an other, which may be equally unrea sonable. S The railroads, who have hereto fore alone possessed and exercised the power, have made it clear that as interested parties they cannot be trusted. They are notoriously and admittedly violators of law. That they are interested parties, is of course conceded that they are habitual violators of law, is evident. S passes issued by the officials of the railroads they are asked to regulate, and the rebates are paid, the franchises rates? Is it not true, that they have abused the rate-making power? Is there any reason why the people, who pay, should be influenced to continue the, power in their hands? Government Is Impartial. On the other hand, the government has no interest except to deal justly, fairly and honestly with the railroads and with the people. It has no inter est which it can divorce from the in terest of both parties. To cripple the railroads by the establishment of un reasonable and unremunerative tariffs, would be a serious blow to state, and national prosperity. Every public in terest demands the careful protection of railroad interests upon the one hand, and the protection of the interests of the people on the other hand. The com mission, clothed with a power which will enable it to command considera tion and respect, will occupy a position which will compel the able traffic managers of our great railways to render honest, earnest, and capable as sistance( in /establishing rates which are just and fair. $ If the rate-making power is permitted to remain with the car riers alone, their traffic managers, some of whom are said to com mand salaries equal to, or larger, than that of the president of the United States, will continue to bend all their energies, and to de- I vote all their skill, to prevent in terference with the tariffs, which I are put in effect in the sole in terest of their employers. This they will do in the future, as they have done in the past but wben a body of men representing the government, is invested with the rate-making power, the effort of the traffic manager will be to se cure a rate which is fair to the company he represents not alone to prevent the installment of a rate which is fair to the people. JTo commission would assume to make rates without consultation with the representatives of railroad interests. If a mistake be made the commission would have the power po correct it. If an unjust or oppressive order should be made by the commission, the courts are open to the carrier. The real question is this: Shall the rate-making power be extended to a commission which is wholly disinterested, or vested, exclu sively, in the carriers who have so per sistently disobeyed the law, and dis regarded the interests of the people? Rebates Still Given. To deny the fact that rebates have been and are paid to secure and retain business would be idle. To deny that the concessions thus made by railroad companies are compensated by the rates collected from others jght,oXinsurmj5U^aWe,dJfj|oulfaes in^framing rate., mad^e by the commission, can & give- railrc xwould come effective. If it be true that the rate making power cannot be delegated to the commission, it cannot be dele gated to any other body and it follows, necessarily, that rate making must be done by congress. The way to have this important constitutional question deter mined is to enact the Dolliver bill into a law and the test will come speedily. 'Appeal Proposition Doubtful. The federal courts do not sit to try moot questions, and can scarcely be expected to pass upon the constitution ality of an act of congress in advance of an attempt to practically enforce it neither is it consistent to ask congress to enact a law embodying an expressed doubt of its own validity, and provid ing for its review by a co-ordinate branch of the government, before it can be made effective. Nor can an appeal be taken from an order of the com mission, fixing a rate, to the courts. The act of the commission would be legislative and no appeal can be taken from legislative action to a judicial tribunal. Whether a law providing for such an appeal would be valid is more than doubtful, and the first question which would arise would be the consti tutionality of the law providing for It is the law of the land, that n^o such an appeal. The great danger of railroad carrier has the right to dis- establishing a precedent for an appeal criminate between its patrons. It is from legislative action, if it can be forbidden that any railroad company don under any circumstances, is mani- shall by any device whatever, give to fest, as by such means the functions any person, company, firm, corporation of the legislative department would be or locality, any undue or unreasonable suspended and its authority practically preference or advantage over any oth- nullified. The position taken by the er person, company, firm, corporation' opponents of thfr legislation, who do or locality yet rebates are paid and to any length to accepted/private car lines usurp and i establish the independence of railroads exercise the franchises of the carriers, government control, emphasizes monopolize their business, and rob the ^J,?* 06 7 action. Judicial supervision and con- people our lawmakers ride free upon tructio precede en orc of the carriers surrendered to private assuminge possesC(mthe and the car lines, and passes issued by rail- right to do so. It can hardly afford to road companies, in express violation of assume or admit the unconstitutionality law. Is, it not true that the railroad of its own acts in advance of a judicial companies, who demand the first right decision. The people look to it for a to fix their own rates, are interested law which will accomplish something, parties and are self-confessed violators Let"the bill be passed and let the ques- of law, and that they have heretofore tion of its constitutionality be met when so fixed the rates, as to enable them i it arises in a genuine attempt to en- to pay rebates, and supply free trans- force it. Railroads have no right to portation, at the expense of those who ask that laws which affect their inter- comply with the law, and pay tariff ests,question, be equally idle. Eegular tariffs are pub lished. Tariff rates are collected,from all shippers, and a part of the money collected refunded to the favored ones. It necessarily follows that a uniform rate, less than the published tariff with out' reduction or rebate, which would return the same net revenue to the car rier, would represent a considerable general reduction of rates. It is use less to look for an effective remedy which does not include some provision for placing the power to make rates in the hands of representatives of the government. The lack of governmental supervision and regulation is largely responsible for the existing abuses of corporate power. I do not desire to be understood as denying the original right of railroad carriers to make rates what I mean is this: When a complaint is made to" the commission that a rate is unreasonable or oppressive, and is found to be so, the commission should have the power to make a new rate, which should at once become effective, and should be subject to judicial review by the courts, like any other legislative or adminis trative act. The Dfclliver senate bill apparently meets the requirements of the situation. Its opponents, who are in fact, and in truth, opponents of all railroad regu lation, insist that, as rate making ia. a legislative function, it cannot be dele gated to an administrative body like the interstate commerce commission and that the bill should be so amended, that it shall provide for a judicial de 7 prompt and sitive a legislative act must be tw thing 8ag th the actual pas an & bon a flde aemp jo xh grespower enacttst laws, ^oa open except by ordinar the same methods open private citizens. -*w *w a No Need of Appeal Provision, The rights of the railroads and the people, are now defined with sufficient accuracy to enable the courts to make the Dolliver-Hepburn bill practically ef fective. It was held in the case of Eailway company vs. Dey, 35 Federal Eeporter 879, that railroad companies have the right to charge and receive a compensation which will enable them to pay the cost of the service rendered, interest on their bonds, and some divi dend. A rate which does not enable them to do this is confiscatory. A rate which enables them to do this is not confiscatory. Here, then, is a test as to the constitutionality and validity of any rate made by the commission. It is a judicial test, which may be speedily applied, if a speedy decision is desired. A rate made by the commission under the Dolliver bill is a law as it ought to be. If it does not afford just compen sation, measured by the above rule, it is an unconstitutional law and the circuit courts of the United States have full jurisdiction, ana power, to so determine. Nothing in the proposed bill limits or assumes to restrict that power. The same case holds that the act of the legislature of the state of Iowa, which authorizes the board of railroad commissioners to make and enforce a schedule of rates for railroad charges, is not unconstitutional, as an attempted delegation of legislative power. This decision was made by Judge Brewer, then circuit judge, and now associate justice of the supreme court of the United States. So far as I know, it has not been overruled or criti cized by that court. There are other decisions which hold that the rate-making power may be del egated to commissions. State vs. Bailroad Co., 38 Minn. 298. People vs. Harper, 91 111. 357. Georgia Bailroad Co. vs. Smith, 70 Ga. 694 Tilley vs. Savannah, etc., Bd. Co., 5 Fed. Bep. 641 Hildreth vs. Craw ford, 65 Iowa 339. The right seems to be recognized in Stone vs. Turst Co., 116 U. S. 307. No case can be found wherein it has been held that the power to make rates may not be delegated to a commission, altho and passed upon. It seems idle, in the face of these decisions, to urge its un constitutionality as a reason for not en acting a law which is demanded by the people. The people are looking to congress for a law which will accomplish some thing. Let it pass this bill, and let the question of its constitutionality be met when it arises in a genuine attempt to enforce it. Bate Making "Systems." It is argued on behalf of the car riers that because their traffic managers are acquainted with the cost of trans portation, and familiar with the system of rate making, they, alone, should be permitted to make the rates, and the shipper should be relegated to the courts for redress. As has been already explained, courts have no power to make rates, and can afford no substan tial redress. As to the methods of rate making, it is true, as stated by A. B. Stickney, a railroad president and an able and consistent advocate of gov ernment regulation, that there is no system of rate making deserving of the name. S termination of this question, before a I'of the actual cost of all transportation x'_.v^^ ,be-*tq?o^nc i the point has been freuently presented sion, it is easy to see that great minda Practical rate making has here tofore consisted in fixing the high est rate the traffic will bear a simple rule, requiring little tech nical skill in applications in pay ing such rebates as are necessary to secure, or keep desirable busi ness from competitors, and in the absence of competition, charging the highest rate which can be ex acted and collected. $ The railroad manager has no informa tion as to the cost of furnishing trans portation, which cannot readily be ac quired by any experienced accountant, by an inspection of the records of the accounting department of a railroad, if the books are* honestly kept. The rail road manager looks to these records for his own information the traffic man ager has no knowledge of the cost of carriage, other than that which he de rives from the same source. So far as it can be demonstrated by any system of accounting, it is within the knowl edge of any honest and capable account ant. The distribution or apportionment t_.-.-=_ raaroao^^ or a given di- J&j*^ w*+m+mm*mmii mmmimmmmmmfmm ^COD LIVER OIL. It- almost makes you* sick to think of it, but it, isn't nearly as bad as it. used to be. The improved SCOTT ft BOWNE, 409 Paul Strtmt, New York. vision, between the different classes of goods carried, is largely, in act almost wholly arbitrary and is a matter of bookkeeping. Such apportionments are necessary, proper and desirable in or der that each class of merchandise may be charged with its fair proportion of the entire cost, having in mind the character and values of the several commodities. These matters are ques tions of classification, with which a commission can deal easily and un derstandingly, thru its expert agents. Authority Explicitly Stated. Coming back directly to the question of authority, I quote from two deci sions of the supreme court of the United States. In Smyth & Ames, 169 United States, page 544, Justice Har lan, delivering the opinion of the court, says: A railroad is a public highway, and none the less so because constructed and maintained thru the agency of a corporation deriving its existence and powers from the state. Such a corpor ation was created for public purpose*. It performs a function of the state. Its authority to exercise the right of eminent domain and to charge tolls was given primarily for the benefit of the public. It is under governmental control, tho such control must be ex ercised with due regard to the consti tutional guarantees for the protection of its property." Again, at pages 545, 546, in the same case, the court says: A corporation maintaining a public highway, altho it owns the property it employs for accomplishing public ob jects, must be held to have accepted ita rights, privileges and franchisges sub ject to the condition that the govern ment creating it, or the government within whose limits it conducts its busi ness, may by legislation, protest her people against unreasonable chargea for the services rendered by it." In the case of Chicago $ Grand Trunk Railway vs. Wellman, 143 United States, page 344, Justice Brewer says "The legislature has power to fix rates ^and the extent of judicial inter ference is protection against unreason able rates." In the face of these utterances of tha court of final jurisdiction and last re sort, what use to argue as to the power or right of the government to regulate railroad corporations or to fix railroad rates? The decisions of the courts, and the principles upon which they rest, are strangely unfamiliar to many by whom they should be best understood. One railroad manager has written and pub lished a pamphlet article, in which he argues, in apparent good faith, that because the power to exercise the right of eminent domain is delegated by the state to railroad corporations for the public interest, and not for the personal benefit of the carriers, and because rail roads are public highways, they should be exempt from state regulation. A the reasons enumerated are the identi cal reasons stated by the most eminent judges for reaching a contrary conclu- ffe? method of refining it*^!** makes it much easier to S take, and when made into Scott's Emulsion almost every one can take it Most children like it and all children that are not, robust are benefited by it. When the doctor says Take cod liver oil," he generally means Scott's Emulsion ask him if he doesn't. They know it is more easily digested and better than the plain oil. differ. There are, however, able men, occupying high positions in railroad ad ministration, who do not hesitate to admit both the propriety and necessity of reasonable and proper governmental regulation. These men nave always advised cheerful compliance with the law and the results of their policy is manifested in the prosperity of the properties entrusted to their control. Have no equal as a prompt and posi tive cure for sick headache, biliousness, constipation, pain in the side and all liver troubles. Carter'* Littla Liver Pills. Try them. Spring Shoes *SSe Ladies' new College Boots, in vici kids, gun metals and pat ent colt skins, A*\ QO We are showing several new ar rivals is ladies' vici A JO kid shoes, at #fi.*0 Also four styles of ladies' new spring shoes in lace QQ and Blucher, at P**FO We want to call your special at tention to our line of ladies' laca and Bluchers, heel or A school heel, at, pair.. Seven lines of our new Oxfords are in at $1.69 4 0 QQ $1.98 $2.48 ana....ifi.3o 4 L* i 69c Overgaiters in gray or brown, at pair See the special values in rubbers displayed on Bargain Tables. Home Trade* Shoe Store Dr.BulIis "BISK HHH COUCe SYRUP*pxeacrifsdruggist' Sares the doctor's fe and the tion charge. Always cures coughs, colds,* whooping-cough, bronchitis, etc. Price, 26 FREE SAMPLE ifm name 1kh Bf*