Newspaper Page Text
1 I W W Left to rightFunderhlde, Lund, Fladeland, Dolve, Dean, Manager, Joseph Carhart, Jr. Athletic Director, Professor Pope' Mnyville. X. I)., Feb. 26.Under tlie direction Of Mr. Pope two of tbe fastest basketball teams tn North .Dakota have been developed at {he state normal school at Mayville. The girls' team has won six games out of eight played, THREE STARS TO START IN RAGE Sweet Marie, Tiverton and Went worth Will Furnish Rat tling Sport. Journal Special Service. Xew York, Feb. 26.Three of the greatest i trotting horses in America have been matched. The agreement was signed last week by the owners of Sweet Marie, 2:4}i owned by A. P. McDonald Tiverton, 2:04^, owned by E. E. McCargo, and Wenthwortb, 2:04%, John How ell, owner. The race will be for $2,500 a corner, play or pay, winner to take all. Each I owner has put up a forfeit of $500, the re i malning $2,000 to be deposited at the stake-' holder, $1,000 by June 1 and the balance the day previous to the race, which is to take place during the month of July. For a month the match has been ^discussed, but nothing definite has Come of It /till now. Never in the history of American harness were i there three horses with championship records matched for a speed contest. Every one of the great trio is now in excellent Condition. The race is bound to produce some sensational rec ords, and the harness world has looked upon the prospective contest as an event of historical Importance.- The conditions of the race is best two in three on the Empire plan, in case of a split heat only the heat winners "to start in the thiid and deciding heat. The track is to be agreejl on later. INDOOR LEAGUERS IN A BUSINESS SESSION At a meeting ot the indoor oasebail managers jePterday,, several important matters were _dls' eissed. -Protosts were brought up by Jack Smith of the Apex team and by John Schroeder th Holtzermanns. After some deliberating it was decided that be evidence was insufficient in the Apex case, .that of blocking a runner, and they will have "till Thursday to bring up certain evidence. The 'Holtwrmann-Company case was also laid over till Thursday, when a meeting will be held at the Casino rink. A ietter from R. L. Welch and W F. Oor,ey, president and secretary of the National Indoor. Baseball association, was read by the president, Win Currier, asking for photos of the three leading teams, and Of the president and secre i tary for the next indoor-guide. It was nnani kinoasl.v decided that thesyste of.scoring now i uod is satisfactory, and two members of the i scoring and averages committee were asked to publish official averages next Sunday. The schedule of the Japies as p^fcli^d, wa Incorrect, and the correction follows? Feb. 26Holtzermanns vs. Apex. ^Monitor hall. Feb. 26Company vs. Henleys. Monitor hall. Feb. 27PaMlce vs. Tonys, Ca|ino. Feb. 28Company vs Palace, Monitor hall. Feb. 28Si & L. vs. Tonys, Monitor hall. Merch 1Holtzerraanns vs. Lunds. Casino. March 2I,unds vs. Apex, Monitor hall, March 2S. & L. vs. Henleys, Monitor hall. The followers of the game will be glad that Rice, the S. & catcher, will play again. He will be In the game against the Tonys, Wednes day. The managers of the several teams will turn -In a roster of the men on their teams, to the i secretary of the league by Thursday* so they can be published in Sunday's paper. CORNELL ATHLETES HAYE LITTLE HOPE Journal Special Service, tthftea, N. V., Feb. 26.The recent loss of Captain Iunso nas put a OeciQef Oamper on Cornell's already unpromising track prospects for this season and unless some great "discov eries" show up in the near future, Cornell's chances of even making a good showing in the jntercollegiate this year are far from bright. AITKIlfr WAS VICTOKIOTJS. Aitkin. Minn., Feb. 26.The claims to the basketball championship of northern Minnesota, jecently made by Little Falls, were rudely shaken Saturday night at Aitkin.'^BreWous to this game neither Little Falls nor Aitkin- had met defeat by high-school teams. The Aitkin boys, by fast ana skillful playing, defeated the visitors by a score -6f 30 to 12, thereby estab lishing a title to the northern high^school cbam pjouship. MORE TROUBLE FOR eKEORQE, Kscanaba. Mich., Feb. 26.Henry dlmsted, the Kscanrba pitcher who last year played with the Boston Americans -and who was sold to the Louisville American association team, refuses tb sign a contract. Olmsted balked at the salary offered by Tebeau and may sign with one of the outlaw league teams.- HERHOLD Tb COACH. Journal Special Service. Butte, Mont., Feb. 26.Fred D. Herhold, a former tackle at Purdue, will leave here to Be come athletic coach at Oregon college. AGGIES TO MEET ST. 0LAF. The farm school basketball team left for Northfield this morning to play the basketball team of St. Olaf's college tonight. BOXING NOTES'^ Jack Root of Chicago, former light heavy "weight champion, and Frei Russell of Denver and Chicago, will fight tonight in a ten-round battle at Kalamazoo, Mich., the bout taking place in the opera-house there. It is certain the arena will be jammed,'as the advance sale Is reported a record breaker. There has been ^little betting on the fight. & The bantam boxing championship of England p5_. is scheduled to-take place before the Loudon f I National Sporting club today, the contestants $"- being Ike Bradley and "Digger" Stanley.-, Jimmy Briggs and Dave Deshler. the 'Bostou ytfr' lightweights, have been matched, to box at '^"Chelsea, Mass.. ^tonight. fij^J, Larry Temple'"and Sam Lang'fordf "the colored Pi,.*middlerveights, have been matched to box there Von March 1. ESddy Santry,- the Chicago -featherweight, -dis, ^located bis left, arm in a fight at Davenport, i!Iowa, the other- nlgbt. It was. not .long ago itbat Santiy had a similar mishap. 3g '|^BB rsm At Monday Evenihgv having defeated such teams as the Valley City high school, Tower City high school' and the Y. W. A. at Grand Forks. The normal team is i-ecognlzed as one of the leading teams In the state and their schedule includes games BOWLERS PREPARE TO ORGANIZE TRI-STATE Definite steps toward the organisation of the Tri-State Bowling association, to include bowl ers of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, will be taken within'the next few days. Trouble with tlie- .A.meirlcsLxx Bowlers*' congress, tlie xmreilt body of the bowling game, Is tbe underlying spirit of the new organisation and if the three states can effect a merger it not (Improbable FRIEND GETS MAROONS OUT IN A VACATION Journal Special Service, Chicago, Feb. 26.Hugo Friend will spring an innovation in his training of the maroon track team this season. The novelty will be early outdoor practice. He is planning to put his men to work at Marshall field at least a week earlier than usual, and expects to have them well on the curves of the cinder path by the time the spring quarter of school opens, April-15. ^AceoriiliiK. to tBd iiresent plans, every one at the maroon athletics will start outdoor wotk before the spring vacation, which comes the last weefc March. The term examinations will break into the training somewhat, and most of the men have promised to give up their vaca tions in order to get into shape before the April opening. A full team will be entered in the big charity meet of the new Illinois Athletic club at the Coliseum March 27 and 28. The innovation will also be extended to the baseball squad. MAY BE MOURNING IN GHETTO STREETS Journal Special Service, Chicago, Feb. 26.Nate Lewis, manager of Kid Herman, the local Ghetto champion, has challenged Joe Gans tip figlit his man for the lightweight championship of the world, backing up his proposition with a cash deposit with T, J. Coffey of this city of $1,000. The only stipulation Lewis makes is that the weight must be 133 pounds ringside. Lewis said last night:' "Both Bat Nelson and Jimmy Britt have refused positively for various reasons to make matches with Gans. If the nress reports of their refusals to fight are half Vue Gans and his manager must realize, it will be futile for them to look to either of the men mentioned for a championship match. There is therefore no one in the way of Herman, ana if Gans wants a real fight for a real champion ship this is an excellent opportunity for 4im." BILLIARD STARS IN BIG TOURNEY Y.^..r v Journal Special Service. ^'i New York, Feb. 26.Five billiard stars from as many cities will compete in the shortstop taurnament to begin at the Knickerbocker academy thiB afternoon. The style of play will he 18-lnch Mlk line, two shots in and each game will consist of 400 points afternoon and evening. Albert G. Cutler of Boston, Harry Clinje of Philadelphia, Al' Taylor of Chicago, Thomas BA^TISTE BEATS SINIftRtJD Dakota Skater Shears Norwegian of %*:&''. Laurels.--?: :L Norval Baptiste, the Nortfi Dakota skater, yestepday trhjjmed, the record^bf, Peter Sinnirud, the Norwegian ehatopion,'|winning all three of the matches at tHe Sft. Pa*ul idowntown rink. Iti was" found necessary to use a sixteen-lap course, to which Sinnlrud's skates were "not adapted, he sajra. His ...mnners- werev too lo--, and he had difficulty in making the tarns, ..fall- Ingat the first. Rough ice imade it utterly im possible to make creditable time.* -The time for the three spurts was as follows: Half-mile scratch, 1.-301/6: half-mile pursuit, 1:32 inile scratch, 3:23. .-..,-*X^J' "PA" R0TO KE BUSY. Omaha, Feb. .26.'Pitcher Dodge of the Chi cago Nationals, who was drafted from tlie Wis consin league last year, will, it is announced today, play with the Omaha Western leaguers this year. In addition Manager Rourke an nounced the securing of nine other pitchers, three catchers, five lnflelders and four outfielders. GRIIXO GETS KTNSELLA* Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 26.Ed Kinsella now be longs to. the Toledo club, having been turned over .toQrillo by Barney Dreyfus. The Pitts burg club needed waivers on the player from the other major league club and, the last of these, waivers was secured on Saturday. RICOCHET TONIGHT. ?9^' North high and the varsity freshmen teams are scheduled to play ricochet. at the Gasino rink tonight at 9:15. INSTITUTE AT ELK POINT Farmers' Meetings to Be Held on Wednesday and Thursday. ELK POINT, S. -D.A session of the state farmers' institute, under the direction of A: E. Chamberlain of Howard, will be held to the XTnion county courthouse Wednesday and Thurs day. Professor A. H. Wheaton of the State Agricultural college and Professor John S. Cole of the state experimental station will be promi nent on the program. A county agricultural society Is being talked of as an outcome of tbe institute., Mr. and Mrs. John Waugh celebrated their silver wedding last week with a social ^party, composed of a few neighbors and friends. ing Worth While in Sport Is Gathered Herel W Mayyillfi 5. D., Has Two of the Fastest Basketball Teams in the Northwest that they will rebel. The secretaries of the three as sociations will carry on correspondence In an effort to bring about the union Prizes were awarded to the winners of the Winona tournament and the largest surplus in the history of the organization reported at the meeting of the new board of directors at St. Paul yesterday. All prizes were officially awarded and Pres ident F* W Gesewisch announced the following appointive members of the board of directors: Henry Martin, H. W. Lyons, F. J. Doris, Charles Gerber, J. DeUer and C. W. Kuhle, of St. Paul E. B. Gilbert of Minneapolis O. A. Ross of Al bert Lea, Henry Grabow and William Rosen kranz of Winona. Two additional prizes were added to the list yesterday, one for.high individual score and the other for high individual averages for nine games. The prizes of $10 for high individual score went to J. Moshofsky of the St. Paul olpitols', whose' score was 245. J. Schmelzer of the Lennons of St. Paul took the $15 for high average for nine games, his average being 191. Nestoss, Rachac Left to rightManager, Joseph Cafh art, Jr -Oftedal, Dolve, Cur-ran, Osmon, Kenny, Llum, Professor Pope, athletic, dl rector.- with such teams as the state university and Agricultural college. The boys have also made a very creditable showing and have won the respect of all the teams encountered. While they have not been IOWA'S TRACK TEAM SHOWING GOOD FORM Special to The Journal. Iowa City, Iowa, Feb. 26.Two broken records and_ several other good marks, recorded at the first Indoor field meet of the season, attest to the fact that tlie University of Iowa track atbletes propose to malte themselves seen and felt in hawkeye circles the coming spring, even it foot ball and baseball are submerged in a tidal wave of reform this year. Remley, the two-mile runner, and Bralnerd, the mile runner, captured the laurels at. the Iowa meet Saturday nlgt, when each broke an indoor record. Remley clipped the two-mile mark to, 10:14 4-5, and Bralnerd cut the. mile mark down to 4:40 3-5. Captain Catlin, the Chicago football star, now successfully, developing the hawkeye track men, was well pleased with the showing of the candi dates, and anticipates something noteworthy from some of them before the Iowa state and dtial meets are over this year. Summaries: Mile ,RunFirst, Bralnerd second, Willet third, O'Connell time, 4:40 3-5. Two-Mile RunFirst, Remley second, John ston time, 10:14 4-5. Half-Mile RunFirst, MeCann second, Haz ard third. Stoops time, 2:14. Shot PutFirst,' Durkee second,- Seidel third, "Cresco" White distance, 86 feet%3 inches. Seidel and White made 32 feet 1 inches and 31 feet 10 inches respectively. 35-Yard DashFirst, Renshaw second, Rich mond! third, 84cCleary time, 3 seconds. 35-Yard High HurdlesFirst, Earl Brown second, B. Murphy third, Gordon time, 4 1-5 seconds. Quarter-Mile DashFirst, Carberry second, Keith third, Barker time, 59 seconds. ONE PUNCH SETTLED BAKEBSFIELD COMBAT Jouiral Special Service. ._ Bakersflefd. Cal.,-Feb. 26.It took Sam Mc Vey, the .colored heavyweight, ten seconds to knock out "Tornado" Smith pf Jacksonville. Mo., and the white giant -*fc.n)iiinjed. uncon scious for ten minutes. At tne opeiiine of- 'tbo fight, which was scheduled to gcr twenty rounds, Smith danced around in promising fashion. Me Vey waded in and placed a stinging blow over the heart-which sprawled Smith on the floor and rolled him three feet by the force of the piinch. Frank Garrillo says he will challenge the world on behalf ot McVcy. BATTLING NELSON IS A REAL HERO NOW Journal Special Service. Huntington. W. Va., Feb. 26.Battling Nel son, the champion lightweight pugilist, who is spending a few days' in the mountains at Blue Sulphur, near here, prior to going into training at Philadelphia, was painfully bruised in stop ping, a runaway at that place today knd res cued Mrs. Frank Howard, with her two small children, from a perilous situation. Mrs. Howard had taken the children for a drive, and the horse, becoming frightened, bolt ed and ran. As the runaway neared Nelson, the pugilist leaped for the horse's neck and succeed ed in stopping it only after he had been dragged a considerable distance. The bruises are not serious. FLANDREAU PLANS A RED-HOT CELEBRATION 'V Special to The Journal. ~.-.:.'~:f '^ivvvcW Flandreau, S. D., Feb. 26.The Flandreau Driving Park association and the Ql. A. R. (Lake Madison Veterans' association ),vivill hold a vok't meeting and reunion on July 3, 4 and 5, the dates set for the encampment. The Flandredu facing association will give the greatest r^ee in the west. The feature of the racing wilfebe "the Flanareiu XJertjy." The dlatatvce l^ one and oue-eighth miles and the jpurse is $500 guar anteed, .^v.- It will be run, scale weight. It Is expected that the thorobred horses from all over the coun try will be in it. There wiH be two harness races and two running races each day with lib eral purses for all. There will be speaking and a general program for the G. VA. R. encamp ment. MATTSOJT WEDS CHORUS GIRL Minneapolis Wrestler Becomes Bene dict at Duluth. Duluth, Minn., Feb. 26.Carl Mattson, heavy weight' wrestler of Minneapolis, last evening, was married to Miss May Langdon* of-Philadelphia, who feinrs and- dances in the'chorus-1 of Reiley & Woods' Burlesquers. The ceremony was performed by.Judge Cutting in tne.-iarl of the Lennox hotel at 5:30. Mr n* Mrs. Mattson are Staying at the Tnsmont Muttson met his bride while the company was plfiying in Minneapolis recently, where he was meeting comers as a specialty, with the show. The big wrestler is as haopy as a king and the pretty. little chorus girl is in the same frame of mind. 't- She will leave for Taebnia with the company Wednesday morning. The couple will meefat the close of the present season, when Mrs. Mattedn will probably give up her stage career. LUTHERAN PASTORS TO MEET Conference of La Crosse District to Be Held at Winona. J^y-i: -WIJCQNA, MINN.A meeting of the pastors of the La Crosse district of the Unftetl Nor wegian Lutheran church will be held in the First Scandinavian Lutheran "church in this c^ty nest Thursday to Sunday, inclusive, i The session will begin with a sermon -by Rqy. H. H. Huzen of Strong's Prairie, wjis, and on Friday morning there will be a lecture by Rev. Helvnrd Roalkvam of Coon Valley, \^is. On Friday evening there will be sevV ices conducted in the English language bv Rev. T. Hovers'tad of Houston.' Rev.. O. .Gnlbrand- siJu of Blair will lectori 'on Saturday morning. The Sunday morning service at 10:30 will addressed by Rev. Messrs. L. Lund of Blroy a^id O. Gulbrandson, and on Sunday evening the Messrs Lun of Blro Tl il on Sundu evening the session will come to a close. At this time i short-speeches AVIII be made by all the vliritora. The following pastors- will be present in ad- brandson of Westby, Wis. R. Anderson of Fa dent of the La Crosse district Ki Kirkeberg ot/ Urne, Wis. T. Sweger of "Hountain. Mhm., ah'd Rev. H. E. Rasmussen of Lanesboro. n&.w SAUK CENTER, MINNEvangelistic, services will- be held in this city, begTuprng Sundity March is There will be a three weeks' revival, tie meetings being held nt the grand opera- ftotBe. "ttev". "G." I rondnct the services. Barke'r,, ffc^-V*-' *V^\.!...', as successful abroad, they hare not lost any games ou their own grounds. Qreat credit Is/due. to Joseph Carhart, Jr., for the excellent schedule arranged, which Includes all the leading teams of the state.- OMAHA WAITING FOR COMING OF MILLERS Special to The Journal. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 26.Pa Rourke's roster of his Omaha baseball team for 1906, announced today, includes one surprise 'in the person of Pitcher Dodge'of the Chicago Nationals. Three catchers, ten pltcnere, flve- inflel^lers ana low outfielders will report for spring practice oh March 27, according to present plans. As the team now stands it includes: Catchers, Gond ing* Freeze and Marx pitchers, Quick, McNeely, Koukalik, Fort, Bemls, Welsh, Corns, Huesser, Sanders and Dodge first base, Dolan second, Howar'd third, Perring shortstop, Runkle and Wambel outfielders, Bassey, Harry Welch, Penloh and Carter. This list is subject to trades with the big leagues after the magnates hars had a chance to test their timber, Pitcher Dodge was drafted last fall by th Chicago Nationals from the Beloit team of the Western league and was rated as one of the two star pitchers in that organization. Not having a place for him on the cubs, Manager Chance has turned Dodge over to Omaha. Minneapolis -will open the season here March 31 and April 1 the Chicago white sox come for two games, April 7 and 8 St. Paul follows on April 9 and 10, and the Minneapolis bunch re turns for three games, April 11, 12 and 18. Mil waukee is to be here April li and 15, and dates with several local teams' completes a- most at tractive array of exhibition games. WIS^ONSINIOWLERS CLOSE STATE TOURNEY Journal Special Service. -v'-:- Oshkosh, Wis., Feb. '26.The annual state tournament of the Wisconsin State Bowling asso ciation closed Saturday night. The first priae of $125 for five-man-teams goes to the Clippers of Oshkosh.' Harake anfl.Heimer of Milwaukee win first money, $60,i in the two-man team competition, and I. Brn,khurst of Fond du Lac gets $35 for leading .^e individuals. Frank Favour of this city wonllhe state championship. He averaged 286"'for.'ntne games. The. high scores,made, at the tournament were: Flvfe-man, %092, whicit ^ls a new' national rec- two-man,' X,20St -Jnairiaual^ 6ei. Xbe .prize list foots up to $l,2$Ck Milwaukee. Nearly $800 goes to GOPHERS AND MAROONS FIGHTIHG FOR PLAGE Journal Special Service. Chicago, Feb. 26.Two games were played off last week in the intercollegiate basketball" game, and the result bf both matches were a surprise to most of the* followers of the game. Chicago and Minnesota considered the two strongest teahis of the league, were the victims. The former aggregation- lost to the supposedly weak'Illini, while the gophers fell before their ancient rival, Wisconsin. ..This is the first time that the: badgers have had the pleasure of turn ing the tables on the jgiants of the north for many years. At present Wisconsin-leads the league by a comfortable margin, while Chicago and Minne sota are tied for second, with a .500 average. Purdue appears to be out of the running, but Illinois still has a fighting chance. WILL AVOID PRIMARIES Candidates for Grand Forks Election File as Independents. GRAND FORKS, N. D.While republican candidates for most of the municipal offices will be voted on at the primary election March 6, there will be but one contest in the fourth ward, over an alder'manic nomination. All of the opposing candidates for the various offices from mayor: down witt-ille as independents and will not take advantage of the primaries to gain a nomination. Jbhn^ Dlnnie, who was" mayor of: Grand Forks* for eight years, will be the republican candidate, and Mayor George E, Duis, who is serving bis first term, will be the independent candidates for mayor. Party lines have been eliminated to a ?reat .extent .in.municipal elections, and the "Herald, Qeotge Wlnslitia's ^eL^eir^ i sxipport ing the independent candidate, the republican candidate being supported by Senator Hans brough's new paper. Despite efforts to dis courage, it, gang and anti-gang lines are being drawn, and it will b the first showing of strength in the republican fight that is to be waged'this' year in North Dakota between the tVo factions of the republican party. Mayor Duis is making an effort to secure lower gas and electric light prices, and a recent reduction iii the price of gas is a result of his campaign. B8s stand in this direction has led to the rumor that W. J. Murphy, ow.ner of the gas plant, is the power bebind the camiwlzn that-is being waged for former Mayor Dinnie. This is denied by the latter's supporters and while the campaign is at white heat, Edward L. Healy, who owns a valuable water power at Red Lake Falls, will ak for an electric fran chise in the city, with a view of transmitting electricity for lighting and "power purposes from Red Lake Falls. This application will be made at a regular meeting of the council nest Mon day night. --_ WUat effect this application will have on the municipal tight can onW be surmise^. Mnj-oi Duls and bis followers 1n the council' will Insist on.the allowance of the franchise,'under condi tions prescribed by the city, and It is not un likely that Healy will find himself with a fran chise at the close of the municiiidl campaign. Dinnie is expected home thisr week from Cali fornia, and the campaign w.ill take on ne\y life on his retrrn,. his interests so? far havins been looked after by bis supporters. H. C. Howard, the Great Northern express messenger. whd went insane While 16 charge of a car between this city and Williston, was be fore the Grand Forks insanity board. He ap peared to b ratnoial and much Improved in con dition, and the' board decided to allow Howard's brother to take him to the family home at Barnesville, in hopes that a rest would restore him to i good health. Howard was married on Feb. 10 at Brownwood. Texas, and his young wife is here. He erected a sensation in the Baptist church in this city during the baptismal service by -""'-rMrrr 'o c'.lvn into th epool. YOUTHi'QL, ELOPER CAUGHT ABERDEEN. -S. D.Sheriff Abbott of Hand county arretted William J. Pusie. aged IT'years and the son of a lawyer of Miller, for eloping with Mrs. Foy. many years his Th couplen lefb Mille. threeh, daysPusi.e AerIee, before ,theird,ar.-fe of Sherif and nnv younassistancelder. trip rd 5f. th Bthe ra in J? mk tn dltion to those previously mentioned as taking Anderson of Aberdeen the c6uple was found in part fax the program: -.Rjfev. Messrs Gnl- city an th, Fo Crosse, A. J. Orle of Pigetin Falls. "Wis., presi- sltion as a waitress. Young Pusie explained his ^vinge^tr-'AVjil is allege to horserrW antd Eavnessfunds rlva soi^ a belonsingh to his toJ^rfJht wit jnhic bo returned to Miller. Mrs. recently...arrived at Miller and secured a.po- infatuation for .the woman by saying that she had "such taking ways." Mrs. Foy was allowed to go ou her way. Colonel J. H. Holmes of Aberdeen has pur chased. T5.000 arres of land in Billings and Bow man counties, worth Dakota. The land is at present far from a railroad, but will be close to the extension of tbe Milwaukee to the coast. Colonel Holmes expects to organlw* a syndicate to develop the' property and dispose of It to farmer*.-- Defective Page 1 lAi.--*" ^^f flk Bring your face in and have it sur- mounted by an appropriate new Spring Hat. Hats are made to suit faces. You'll never look well in a. hat that does' not suit your face. As there are vast varieties of faces we have vast varieties of Hats to suit any old kind of a face. Bring yours in and we'll' find it its "affinity" in a Hat. E.G. Barnaby & Co. 400 to 404 Nicollet Ave., Cor. 4th St. "If It Cm* From Bamaby'a It Must B* Good" The reason Guckenheimer has a distinct flavor, rich and rare, entirely different from any other rye whiskey isbecause it is made from an, original Irish formula, 200 years old which has been in the possession of its distillers "Since 1857." Good-old "Bottled in Bond** is different from -a ll other whiskies^ It has character. 1L [Cures Sore Throat A tail Druggists iDr.EarlS.Sloan.Bosfort" WANTE RECRUITS FO :V THE JOURNAL CADET REGIMENT on Boys from 12 to 18 ^years call at the re cruiting office Jour nal Building, Between 4 and 6 -p. February' 26, 1906. "*'You Preferred for medicinal pur poses, Recog nized everywhere as the Standard Rye Whiskey of America. A.6iH*eiNieriBros: Distiller* Pittoburtfa ilfcflPW-Afl Rheumatic Pains & Aches Legafor Troosers A blessing to men with bow legs, knock knees, slender legs and men having extra large legs. $5 a pair to measure YEttOn Nicollet Avenue FINE CUTLERY (r%f A full line ef Carving Sets, Manicure Cases, Shaving Outfits, Toilet Articles. Cutlery Orlnding. R. H. HEGENER, 207 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. ,1 The usual remedy for"* this delayed passage (called Constipation) is to take a bifc dose of Castor Oil. This merely make slippery the passage for unloading ttre current cargo. It does not help the Cause of delay a trifle. It does slacken the Bowel-Muscles more than ever, and thus weakens them for their next task. Another remedy is to take a strong Cathartic, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any -of these mixed. What does the Catfeartic do? It merely flushes-owt the Bowels with a waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing into the Intestines through the tiny suckers. 5*55 PURELY VEGETABLE. *o^S How to Exercise the Intestines i& Hhed Inside with millions of little suckers, that draw the Nutrition out of food as it passes them. But, if the food passes too slowly, it decays before it gets through. Then the little suckers draw Poison from it instead of Nutrition. This Poison makes a Qas that injures your system more than the food should have nourished it. You see, the food is Nourishment or Poison, just according to how long it stays iri transit. But, thp 'Digestive -Juice -we -waste tax doing this today is needed for tomorrow's natural Digestion. We cannot afford to lose it. That's why Cascarets are the only safe medicine for the bowels. WINTER ECZEMASKIN W TOUCH the Genuine Wrapper Printed on RED PAPER \BLACK LETTERS Look for the SUaatux* They db not waste any.precious fluid of the Bowels, as Cathartics do. They db not rclafc the Intestine* by greasing them inside like Castor Oil or Glycerine. They simply stimulate the Bowel Muscles to do their work naturally, com fortably, and nutritiously. And, the Exercise these Bowel MuscJet are thus forced to take, makes them stronger for the future, just as Exercise makes your arm stronger. They are purposely put-up like candy, so you must eat thm slowly arid let them go down gradually with the saliva, which is in itself, a fine, natural Digestive. They are put up purposely in thin, flat, round-cornered Ena-Tel boxes, so they can be carried in a man's vest pocket, or in a woman's purse, all the time, without bulk or trouble. Price 10c a box at all druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Steeling Remedy Com pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." BT- FREE O OUR FRIENDSt We want to send to oar ftteaos ticautnui Frcacb-4ec!eaed. GOLD-PLATED BOHBON BOX. hard-enameled la colors. It is a beauty for tfe dressing table. Ten centsinstamps is asked as a measureofgoodfaithandtocorercsstofCascarets, with whlclrtnTslalnty trinketIs loaded. 712 Send to-day, mentioning this taper. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or Hew York. Some skin diseases are active in Summer, while others wait until col( weathertomanifestthemselves. Winter Eczema sleeps in thesystem through the long hot months, and gives no sign of its presence but at the coming oi Winter the trouble asserts itself and it becomes one of the most painful an distressing of all skin diseases. The blood is filled with poisonous acids which seem to be excited by the cold and as these are thrown off throng! the pores and glands, the skin cracks and bleeds, the flesh becomes hot an4 feverish and the itching intense. The natural oils which keep the skin soff and pliant are dried up by the cold, bleak winds, causing it to become had and dry, giving it that shiny, leathery appearance, characteristic of the disease The head, face, hands and feet are the usual points of attack, though othei parts of the body may be affected. So painful and distressing is the trouble that the sufferer constantly "doctors" and treats it trying to get relief. Soothing washes, medicated ointments and salves are used, but aside from giving temporary relief they do no good. The cause is poisonous acids in the blood, and these must be removed before a cure can be effected. The only cure br Winter Eczema is S. S. S., the greatest of all blood purifiers. It 1 1 matter and cures AMoiuteiy Cure BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. TORPIP LIVER.J FURRED TONGUE. INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN Is Your Mental Tool Box Well Supplied? Every householder prides himself upon his abil itywhen occasion demandsto handle a hammer, saw or chiselupon a knack of cbiviiag & "emerg ency nail" or of doing most any sort of a "oan't wait job." He realises that in the commonest odd-job about the house he needs toolsthat a mere "pair of hands" are not enough. Man being a "tool-using animal,'' discovers, too, that in his daily life he needs tools not made of steel intangible toolsmental implementsmental ham mers, saws, squares, bits, chisels, planesand the knack of using them. These tools are merely "ways and means" of repairing little losses, finding lost things, securing tenants or help, quickly selling prop, ertypersonal or realand they, are. more oomnionly known as WANT ADS*' They cost but a cent a word in The Journal Advertise in The Minneapolis Journal, a clean, high-grade evening news- paper. You are given ho waste circulation every copy counts and acts as your silent salesman. It represents you In the homes of the thinking and buying classes. The Journal goes into more homes in the city, in the suburbs and Into country homes than any other paper In the northwest'. 6*- 3 acfpt-s Smalt PUL 8m*n Small Writ .ys 4 WTBEBT Cascarets are as safe to use constantly as they are pleasant to take. HARD AND RY cleanses the entire blood supply of the acrid poisons and sends a fresh, healthy stream to the diseased skin, healing and softening it and cur ing the painful,' itching eruptions. S. S. S. enters the bloo,d and purifie'Winter it of alSczemaox^anewastl Tetter as it is sometimes calledsafely as well as sorely besides it does not contain any harmful mineral to derange or'* damage any part o,f the system. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice you need, free, jrfff SWBFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS most bear Fac-simile Signature of ARTERS ITTLE IVER I i^i