Newspaper Page Text
m. }al S^P^^^^5?^^ FIREBUG H1 LU VISION CONFESSES JPI.OT OF TWO BOYS TO BURN OITY OP VERMILLION. Bemarkable Story of Arson Carried on for WeeksUniversity Dormitory Burned and the City Hall Marked for Destruction by the Use of an Infer nal Machine. 1 5 Special to The Journal. Vermillion, S. D.. April 9.Cta June W* 18, of last year, a little house belonging feo Jason E. Payne, on East Main street, ?%Vas burned. That was on Sunday morn /*linff. The next Friday morning the *tllacksmit shop belonging to A. J. ^Charrlin went up in smoke. And on I the morning of the Fourth of July the v,.~ ^nrmitnrv on thft university cam- boys' dormitory on the university 7 pus was wiped out by fire. At the time of these fires it was {thought and believed by all to have been the work of incendiaries, but wfco the, culprits could have been, and what their object was, baffled the minds of, Afte the burning of Wes hall extra police were put on duty and close watch was kept. No new fires started, but the additional police were unable to -discover anv evidence that would in criminate anyone in the setting of the [fires which had already occurred. Ever since the burning of those build ,ings the matter had remained a myste rry, up to last week, when Elmer S. Jor idan made a full and complete confes sion, stating that he and Richard Brueschweiler were the authors of the Irplan and carried into effect the destruc tion of the buildings mentioned. This came like a thunderbolt out of a^ clear jsky, and created a sensation the like of i which Vermillion has seldom, or never before experienced. Jordan's Queer Story. The confession of Elmer Jordan was .partially the direct outcome of the re jvival meetings which were in progress ,at the Methodist church last month. He jhad attended the meetings regularly, but gave no evidence that they were having anv effect upon him until the dast week of the series. says thatthe ling,ean went home one even- went bed and after falling asleep had a dream. He seemed to be .walking across the university campus one dark night, and was in the vicinity i of West hall, when suddenlv the heav ens opened and what appeared to him to be a huge ball of fire descended from 'above, revealing to him a vast multi tude of people. They all- seemed to ,beckon to him to come and join them, but he steadfastlv refused and kept awav from them. Slowly the light be gan to fade, and the people he had seen 'ascended in transcendent glory into 'heaven and left him behind. The vision had such an effect upon him that at the meeting the following evening he announced his conversion ana his determination to lead a Christian life. When urged to join the church with the probation class he held back saying he had a confession to make be fore he took that step, and that the con fession would be made in a few davs. In the presence of Mayor Ferry, State's Attorney Healy, Marshal Frank Beckett, Chief of Police Sujlivan and Sheriff John Gunderaon, Jordan made a full confession of the part that he and Bvueschweilpr had taken in the burn ing of the buildings. The statement was taken down and transcribed by Mr. Duggan, and was signed and sworn to by Jordan. i His Confession. Jordan said that he and Bruesch "weiler got their heads together and de cided that for the good of the city some of its old buildings should be wiped off the map. The first struoture to come under the ban was the Payne house. This they touched off by ig niting a* mattress that had been left there when the last family that occu pied it had moved away. The next building marked for destruction was Charrlin's blacksmith shop. They en tered the place by a window and fired some combustible material that had gathered there, and then thev made Insurance In All Its Branches Agents and Adjusters 39 Years' Experience AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE COMPANY Principal office: 23 Washington street, Watertown, N. Y. (Organized in 1853 W. H. ,Stevens, president, J. Q. Adams, secretary. At torney to accept service in Minnesota. Insur ance commissioner. Cash capital, $500,000. I INCOME IN 1905. Premiums other than perpetuals... Rents and interest Profit on ledger assets over book values $1,844,829.13 107.g02.38 32,054.10 Total income $1,484,185.60 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1905. _mount paid for losses $604,041.08 Dividends and interest 50,000 00 Commissions and brokerage 292,737.67 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 95,169.42 ,Taxes, fees and rents 52,144 67 All other disbursements 104,940 74 Total disbursements $1,199,083.53 Excess of income over disburse ments 2,683,218.07 ASSETS DEC 31, 1905. Value of real estate owned $307,895.88 Mortgage loans 582,702 07 Collateral loans 473,340.00 Bonds and stocks owned 1,205,362 00 Cask In office and In bank 180,645.45 Accrued interest and rents 37,715.28 Premiums in course of collection. 209,644.64 Total admitted assets $2,960,364.15 Assets not admitted, $43,295.38. 7 LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1905. Unpaid losses and claims $139,325 94 Reinsurance reserve 1,454,089 30 Reinsurance premiums 9,687.16 Capital stock paid up 500,000.00 Total liabilities including capi tal $2,103,102.60 Uet surplus 857,261 55 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1905 BUSINESS. Fire risks iwritten during the year $183,949,800.00 Premiums received thereon 1,958,482 00 Net amount in force at end of the year 279.052,800.00 7 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1900. Fire risks written $3,174,800.00 'Fire premiums received 43,265.00 Fire losses paid 28,291.00 Fire losses incurred 20,778.00 Tornado risks written 693,400.00 Tornado premiums received 3,954.00 'Aggregate risks written 3,867,700 00 Aggregate premiums received 47,219.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Agiicultural insurance company, a corporation oragnized under the laws of New York, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state, relative to the admission and authorization of insurance companies of its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned. Insurance *kmissioner do hereby empower and author ise the said above named company to transact its appropriate business of fire insurance in the ^atate of Minnesota, according to the laws there of, until the thirty-first day of Jnnuarj, A. D. 1907, urless said authority be revoked or other wise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto,set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul, abis thirty-first day ofJTanuary^ A. D._ld06, oi oauuwjr, i THOMAS D. O'BRIEN, Inturancft Commissioner. M^'lMiJ.iiiigP their get-away. They went across the street to the 'Methodist church, which they entered by the use of a key which they had in their possession, and climbed up into the tower, from which point they watched the names as the building was consumed. In looking around for another vic tim, they 'decided that West hall shoul 1 be the next on the list and made their plans accordingly. They watched until they found, out that it would be va cant on the night of the 3d of July, and the date for its destruction was set for the early morning of the Fourth. They entered the dormitory from the basement where access was easily se cured, arranged the combustibles, ap plied the match and made their escape Devise Infernal Machine. They next spotted the city hall for destruction. It was a difficult matter for them to get to the building without being seen, and they planned for some time as to how to proceed. Finally, they hit upon an electrical contrivance with clockwork attachment, arranged with dry batteries, which, when a cer tain hour was reached by the hand of the clock, an electric spark would set fire to some highly combustible mate rial and the building then would burn. On Sept. 22, during the county fair, they managed to smuggle the maohine into the city hall, and secrete it in the stairway that leads from the out side on the southeast corner of the building up to a trapdoor in the stage. The clock was set for &>shor time after midnight. For some reason the machine failed to work, and the biggest fire of all was not pulled off. After waiting a few days, they got into the opera house and removed the infernal ma chine. Both to the Penitentiary. After Jordan had made this confes sion, he was placed under arrest. A warrant was also sworn out for Eich ard Brueschweiler. A few weeks be fore, the latter had secured a position as an attendant at the insane hospital at Yankton, and he was placed under arrest and brought to Vermillion. When he was first arrested he would not deny any of the statements that had been made by Jordan, and later admitted the truth of all that Jordan had said in his sworn statement. Both boys were sentenced this week, as stated in a Journal dispatch, to five years each in the penitentiary. GASTLE OF ELIZABETH TO BE A SANATORIUM Journal Special Servioe. Berlin, April 9.The magnificent cas tle of Achillion and the estate on the island of Oerfa, belonging to the ill fated Empress Elizabeth of Austria, have been bought by a German com pany. The deposit on the purchase price already has been paid, and it is purposed to convert the place into a sanatorium. NEW HOPE FOR HAZERS of Reinstatement Possible for Some the Dismissed Midshipmen. Washington, April 9.There is a ray of hope least some of the young midshipmen 'who were recently dis missed from the naval academy, as the result of eourtmartial sentence for hazing, may be reinstated. When the law was enacted permitting the sub stitution of a less punishment than ab solute dismissal for the offense of haz ing, in the discretion of the secretary of the navy and the superintendent of the naval academy, it was at once pointed out that it would be manifest ly unfair to the unfortunates who had been expelled from the academy to discriminate to the extent of allowing their comrades who had participated in the very same acts of hazing to re main in the service, altho formally charged with the offense by the inves tigating board. EIOTS ATTEND STRIKE. Havana, April 9.The strike situa tion here is assuming formidable pro portions. Mounted policemen Sunday dispersed a massmeeting of a thousand strikers and arrested the leader, who was- engaged in condemning the police and local officials. Two other men who attempted to rescue the orator from the police, also were taken into custody. Kodol digests what you eat. Relieves indigestion, Dyspepsia, sour stomach, belching. GERMAN INSURANCE COMPANYPrincipal office, 9-13 N. Galena avenue, Freeport, 111. (Organized in 1865.) C. 0. Collmann, President. F. Gund, Secretary. Attorney to accept ser vioe in Minnesota: Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, $200,000. INCOME IN 1905. Premiums other than perpetuals.. Rents and Interest. Profit on ledger asset* over book $3,617 035.09 331,564 22 29,784.36 661.48 Ka.S7R.fiftfi.l5 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1905. Commissions and brokerage. 951,017.40 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 160,033 99 Taxes, fees and rents 88,910.67 Loss on sale or maturity of ledger 178,594.08 Total disbursements $8,206,687.73 Excess of ii come over disburse ments 672,807.42 ASSETS DEC 31, 1905. Value of real estate owned $75,500.00 Mortgage loans 3,584,058.21 Collateial loans Bonds and stocks owned Cash in office and in bank Accrued interest and rents Premiums in course of collection.. Total admitted assets $6,148,738.07 Assets not admitted. $203,213.80. LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1905. Unpaid losses and claims $209,270.13 Reinsurance reserve 3,787,402.70 Capital stock paid up 200,000.00 Total liabilities including capital $4,196,672.83 Net surplus 1,952,065.24 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1905 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the year$342,411,396.00 Premiums received thereon 4,521,278.43 Net amount in force at end of the year $564,215,849.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1905. Fire risks written $9,495 257.00 Fire premiums received 114,882.00 Tire losses paid 40,495.00 Fire losses incurred 40,885.00 Tornado risks written 1,285,452.00 Tornado premiums _received 7,926.00 Tornado losses paid* 924.00 Tornado losses Incurred 924.00 Aggregate risks written 10,780,709.00 Aggregate premiums received.... 122,808.00 Aggregate losses paid 41,420.00 Aggregate losses incurred 41,310 00 STATE OF MINNESOTA. Department of Insurance. Whereas, the German Insurance Company, a corporation organized under the "laws of Illinois, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state, relative to the admission and authorization of insurance companies of its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above named company to transact its appropriate business of Are insurance in the state of Minnesota, according to the laws there of, until the 31st day of January. A. D. 1907, unless said authority be revoked or otherwise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul, this 31st day of January, A. D. 1906. fTHOMAS J^v J^'f*-c __L -mm #@gu D. O'BRIEN, ^^^Ji~w_*. Insurance Oo_mlssioner. -T r^.i^tlf^A^t4f^%it^^SM'^^^$^, m^ammmt mi ^Wf^ [SHOULD NOT BIDE SAYS JOHN D. JR. "k^i,^, **$$*$ Oil King's Son Jabs His Father in Address to Bible Class. New York, April 9."Many men put the accumulation of the dollar above the devotion to their Creator. In wor shipping a dollar we are worshiping an image. While it is well enough to make moneyif it is made honestly it is entirely wrong to forget our obligation to our Maker." In this manner John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. addressed his Bible class at the Fiith Avenue Baptist church yester day. He spoke with deep emphasis, whieh seemed to result from a degres sion in spirits. Continuing, he saia: "One of the most important injunc tions laid down in the Ten Command ments is that which says 'Thou shalt not covet.' I wonder how many of us realize the true import of the com mandment. "Let me tell you, men"and Mr. Rockefeller stepped closer to the class and raised his index finger"that never waB a greater mistake made than to think that riches alone will make a man contented with life. It is wrong to assume that men of immense wealth are happy. "To hide one's self from the world and live alone, secluded from one's fel low man, like a hermit, will make a man's nature sullen and wretched. The kind of man I like is the one that lives for his fellowsthe one who lives in the open, contented with his lot and trying to bestow all the good he can upon humanity." John D. i Goes to Lakewood. FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANYPrincipal office, 784 Broad street, Newark, N. J. (Or- ganized In 1855.) Daniel Dunham, presi dent, A. H. Hasslnger, secretary. Attorney to accept service in Minnesota, Insurance Commis sioner. Cash capital, $1,000,000. INCOME IN 1905. Premiums other than perpetuals. Rents and interest Total disbursements Excess of Income over disburse' ments 7,200.00 1,420,902 91 420,074.18 108,286 00 532,716 82 V^AM'A^-iiOiot Tft*.* 0 1 habits, citizens i New York, April 9.John D. Rocke feller III will be introduced to his grandfather this week at the oil king's home in Lakewood. The child will 1)6 taken by his father and mother on Thursday and will go in a special train to Lakewood. It is said that the elder Mr. Rocke feller was willing, after he found he was no longer in danger of process servers, to go to New York to meet his young namesake, but his physician advised against it. The Lakewood va cation will last three weeks. John D. Ill is reported by his father to be in excellent health. He has an enormous appetite and is getting fat. Oil Too High, Says Rockefeller. Lakewood, N. J., April 9.Employees of a grocery store in the village are telling a good story on Mr. Rockefeller. In the list of supplies for the Rocke feller household was included a gallon of kerosene. The groceryman charged 14 cents for it. The bill came under Mr. Rockefeller's eye and he made a vigorous protest to the groceryman over the telephone. The conversation! ran something like this: "This is Mr.Rockefeller. You have charged me too much fgr oil. Fourteen cents is high, very high." "Not at all, Mr. Rockefeller I have to pav 13 cents a gallon for all the oil I get." "Indeed well, you couldn't charge much less, then, could youf" "Couldn't do it and keep the store open," replied the groceryman. JAPS LAUNCH CRUD5ER. Tokio, April 9.The Japanese armored cruiser Ikoma, 13,000 tons, was successfully launched at Kure today. KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH tog done expertly, photographic materials oni business established twenty years. O. H. Peck Co.. 112 5th st S. PARgUETJJOOM THE OLD AND RELIABLEWE ARE THE oldest floor concern in the northwest. Work guaranteed. Estimates furnished. Try our polish Metropolitan Parquet Co.. 1019 Nic. PROFESSIONAL^ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA nently removed by electricity. Miss Holhster, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of tne northwest. Exclusive specialist. $1,015,608.80 171,356.72 Total income $1,186,965.52 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1905. Amount paid for losses $448,547.48 Dividends and interest 120,000.00 Commissions and brokerage 254,240 18 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 43,275.53 Tares, tees and rents 37,320 09 Loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets 22,022.77 All other disbursements 56,554.91 $981,960.96 Value of real estate owned $111,217.62 Mortgage loans 1,577,305.00 Bonds and stocks owned 1,883,985.00 Cash in office and in bank 61.635.45 Accrued interest and rents 33,281.52 Premiums in course of collection.. 123,379.87 All other admitted assets 3,860.97 Total admitted assets $3,794,615.43 Assets not admitted, $38.54. LIABILITIES DEC. 81. 1905. Unpaid losses and claims $75,698-65 Reinsurance relerve.... 924,168.85 Salaries, expenses, dividends and interest due 494-22 All other liabilities 1,887.00 Capital stock paid up 1,000,000.00 Total liabilities including cap ital I. $2,002,238.72 Net surplus 1,792,376.71 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1905 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the year.$105,141,014.00 Premiums received thereon 1,273,180.39 Net amount in force at end of the year 180,117,782.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1905. Fire risks written $2,466,801.00 28,332.00 17*583.00 16,891.00 158,575.00 2,625,376.00 29,220.00 17,588.00 16,391.00 Fire premiums received. Fire losses paid Fire losses Incurred......... Tornado risks written Aggregate risks written Aggregate premiums received. Aggregate losses paid Aggregate losses Incurred.... STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Firemen's Insurance company, a corporation organized under the laws of New Jersey, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state relative to the ad mission and authorization of insurance companies of its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above-named company to 'transact its appropriate business of fire Insurance In the state of Minnesota, according to the laws thereof, until the thlrty-flr6t day of January, A. D. 1907, unless said authority be revoked or otherwise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul this 81st day of January, A. D. 1906. T THOMAS D. O'BRIEN, Insurance Commissioner. U. S. AlAitJ_*L UOKPS unmarried men betweu tbe ages ot 21 and S0, ISaS character and tamperat 0 the United States, or who nave legally declared their Intention to become such must speak, Bead and write English: marines seive at sea on men-of-war In all parts of the world, on land In our Island pos sessions and at navy yards In the United States. Becrults desiring service in the Phil ippine Islunds may be enlisted accordingly. Apply at 107 8d st. St. Paul, or 39 Wash ington av 8, Minneapolis. WE WANT A GENERAL AGENT, ONE WHO has bad experience In soliciting with an old line life insuiauce company. We are matur ing policies above estimates when policies were sold and oui rates ace lower than eastern com panies. We have a good general agency for an energetic man. Address Old Line Bankers _Llfe. Lincoln. Neb. $_ COUNTRY PRINTER, CAPABLE OF WORBU ing on straight matter and job composition, distribution and feeding jobbers should occa sion require absolute sobriety and good habits demanded $18 per week of 53 hours board and room can be had for $7 per week steady job to right man no union in town. Addiess Argus, Lewlston, Mont. WANTED IMMEDIATELYBAND MUSICIANS for tent show one flat clarinet with A clari net to double In orchestra 1 solo flat cornet, trombones, slide or valve, baritone, tuba, one doubling violin and one string bass, snaie and bass drum. Address Bandmaster, Petersburg, N." D. WANTED^MANAGER FOR LARGE MEROAN tile establishment, must be German and Invest from $15,000 or up in the business salary $J,000 pel year. Don't write unless compe tent and have the required capital. Address Secretary, Lock Box 621, Sioux City, Iowa. WANTEDTO GET IN TOUCH WITH A trustworthy, capable man, who can Interest capital in one of the most piomlsiug coal propositions in the middle west a safe, leglti tf mate, conservative investment. Honford Ken tal Agency, 310 Bank of Commerce. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN FO~R OITY SALE8 man, German preferred, about 18 years of age must have good education and come well rec ommended give reference with your reply, and state salary wanted reply in own hand writing to 9861, Journal. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE exceptional opportunity new doctor lectures, skilled instructors, constant practice illustrat ed catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 221 2d av S, Minneapolis. Minn. Established 1893. 60 MEN WANTED AT THE WIDE AWAKE Shoe Repairing Shop, 718 Hennepin av, to get their shoes repaired while you wait sewed soles, 75c nail soles, 00c only Ironclad leath er used rubber heels. 40c. WANTEDPARTY TO CEMENT BANK BASE ment this month. Do not reply unless respon sible, as paity must give sufficient guarantee that job will keep out water. John Wadman, Galesourg, N. HAPGOODS, INCORPORATEDEXECUTIVE, clerical, technical and salesmen, positions pay ing $1,000 to $5,000 now open. Write for booklet and state position desired. Hapgoods, 313 Nicollet av. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH AND horseshoer with small capital to rent or buy shop. Chance to make money for right man. For particulars address First National bank, Rolla, N. D. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing, bricklaying, plastering union card guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co, Trade Schools, Chicago, New York. Free catalog. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corresponding for newspapers, ex penence unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS SCANDINAVIAN farm implements salesman, must have experi ence good wages paid to the right man. Ad dresfe Lock Box Argyle, Minn WHY PAY MORE? Watches "leaned, 50c, mainsprings, 50c clocks repaired, 25c, jewelry repaired at half price. Brunat, 202 Sykes Block. PLUMBING SCHOOL. Plumbers get good wages, few months com pletes course makes you Independent. 3689 Nicollet av, Minneapolis. WANTEDMANtaking WITH to- EXPERIENCd assist in offSOME storm windows anE other work. Apply to Fred Bustis, 825 Metro politan Life buildbg, SHOEMAKERS WANTED ONE FOR CUSTOM work and two for repairs, steady work and good wages Call at 153 7th st, St. Paul. S. T. Sorenton. WANTEDGOOD ALL ROUND PRINTER must understand running gasolene engine, wages $11 per week no boozer. Amboy Herald, Amboy, Minn. WANTEDGOOD LEAF GILDER ON PIQ ture frsmes none but experienced man need apply. Beard Art Galleries, 7th and Nicollet, Dayton's._ WANTEDBLACKSMITH AT ONCE, A GOOD all-round man, steady jobr state wages want ed in first letter. B. S. Kingtiey, Fullerton, N. D, $25 PER WEEK. AND TRAVELING EXPENSES paid salesmen \tf Mil goods' to grocery dealers, experience unnecessary. -Purity Co., Chicago. WANTEDEXPERIENCED MEN FOR PAINT ing hand-made shade cloth. Give experience and full detail in reply. Address 514, Journal. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING EXPENSES paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers experience unnecessary. Purify Co. Chicago. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED CROCKERY packer and stock man. Apply to L. C. Kel logg, New England Furniture & Carpet Co. WANTED CITY SALESMAN OUTSIDE work permanent calling on property owners, builders. Call 9 a.m. Apply 330 4th av S. LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY BIG DEMAND FOR workmen taught quickly: terms easy. Minn. College Photography. fil6 Nicollet_aT. WANTEDSIX WOODWORKING BENCH hands, good wages and steady job Apply to tbe Moore Boat WorkB, Wayiata, Minn. 50 RTVERDRIVERS NEAR DULUTH, $2.50 TO $3 day and board ship daily. Flour City Em ployment Bureau, 208 Washington av S. METROPOLITAN PLATE GLASS AND CAS- UALTY INSURANCE COMPANY.Principal office, 47 Cedar street. New York. N. Y. (Or- ganized in 1874.) Eugene Winslow, presi dent S. William Burton, secretary. Attorney to accept service In Minnesota: Insurance Commis sioner. Cash capital, $200,000. INCOME IN 1905. Accident premiums received $51,015 27 Health premiums received 7,849 10 Plate g^ss premiums received.... 421.787 31 Total premium income From Interest, dividends and rents Net paid policy holders Commissions Dividends to stockholders Salaries of officers, agents, em ployees, examiners' and inspec tion fees AH' other disbursements 205,004.56 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1905. Total disbursements Excess of income over disburse ments ASSETS DEC. 81, 1905. Bonds and stocks owned Cash in office and in bank Accrued interest and rents Premiums in course of collection. All other admitted assets Total admitted assets 'Assets not admitted, $1,286.62. LIABILITIES. Claims in process of adjustment and reported Claims resisted Aggregate of unpaid claims.. Commissions and brokerage, etc.. Reinsurance reserve All other liabilities Capital stock paid up... ||^l^g^ggpiP^PP^|^PSSBl| $480,651.68 19,249.51 Total income $499,901.19 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1905. Accident claims paid (net) Health claims paid (net) Plate glass claims paid (net) $13,995 41 1,584 25 148,629 49 $164,209 15 175,238 47 20,000.00 72,034.15 44,691.10 $476,172.87 23,728.32 $545,880 00 47,146.69 4,410.80 77,180 35 8,458 71 $678,076.55 $9,807.90 2,500.00 $12,307.90 27,328 41 245,670 28 292 41 200,000.00 Total liabilities, including cap ital $487,187.00 Surplus over all liabilities 190,889.55 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1905. Premiums Received. Accident $975.40 Health t. 21.00 Plate glass 18,561.1* Losses Losses Paid. Incurred. $24.00 $24.00 4,414.94 4,485.95 Totals .$14,557.58 $4,438.94 $4,509.94 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Metropolitan Plate Glass and Casualty Insurance Company, a corporation or ganized under the laws of New York, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state relative to the admission and authorization of insurance companies of its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above-named company to transact its appropriate business of accident and plate glass insurance in the state of Minnesota, according to the laws thereof, until the thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1907. unless said authority be re voked or otherwise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed fny official seal at St. Paul this 31st day of January, A. D. 1906. oa THOMAS D. O'BRIEN, Insurance Commlssionf 'Vt continued. *i WANTEDGOOD BUBHZLMAN AND PRESS er at once steady job to right man. Call Minneapolis Dye Works, 1012_6th_st 8. 81101 8 RESOLE.) .44 16 MINUTES BEST OAK soles, sewed. 75c{ nailed, 50c rubber heels, 40e. S. T. Sorensen, 814 Nicollet av. WANTEDPRACTICAL. EXPERIENCED DRY cleaner and spotter at once. .Good wages. Steady job. Address 9874, Journal. BARBER WANTEDMUST BE fJRST-CLABB $14 and half over $22. Answer at once. W. H. Burns, Canby, Minn. EXPERDBNOEfl FURNITURE ITND3HER8 wanted steady work. Call at once. Levin Bros., 31-48 Main st SB WANTEDFLA JANITOR GOOD FAY FOR smai-t man state size of family. Address _9143, Journal. WANTED EXPERIENCED,* FIRST-CLASS bushelman and preaser, at Fuller Laundry. 611 Hennepin av. WANTEDGOOD IOE OREAM MAN. SINGLE young man preferred. F. H. Graaf, Sstherville, Iowa. SHOES RESOLED IN 16 MINUTES OAK SOLES 75c nailed, 50c. H. Mlchelaon, 021 Nicollet, WATCHES CLEANED, $1 MAINSPRINGS fl warranted one year. Paegel's. 22 Sd st 8. CABINETMAKERS WANTED. APPLY FRED 0. Genge & Co., St. Anthony Park. WANTEDCARRIAGE PAINTERS AT HED derly & McCracken's, 250 1st av N. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Courthouse Barber Shop. TWO BRIGHT ENERGETIC ITALIANS FOR factory work. Apply 2CS 3d av N. MOLDERFOR FLOOR AND BENCH. EAGLE foundry, 2601 University av SB. BOY 16 TO 18 AT ONCE, WITH Thomas P. Pease. 47 6th st S. WANTEDCARRIAGE PAINTERS. 1318 E 24th st. O. L. Rowell. HELP WANTED-FEMALE 9 _2_ ooooooooooo 0 ALL THE LADIES TO KNOW THAT WE are prepared to show the choicest -and most complete line Ot Easter hats and bonnets at unusually low prices. Store open every evening, which enables every lady to make her selection. Our sales ladles are courteous and find it a pleas ure to show our hats. C. T. Nelson, 429 Cedar Av. oooooooo oooooooo BUSINESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR SELF dependent lady of education experience un necessary if otherwise qualified $15 per week and permanency to suitable applicant hours 9 to 6 800 Hennepin av room 712. LADY OFvINTELLIGENCE AND STANDING wanted to unite with ladies In her own city in forming a small reading club. No can vassing, no expense. Address Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia. WANTED80 GIRLS TO OPERATE POWER Bewing machines, making ladies' garments: we pay a salary while learning. Call and see, us at once. Sterling Mfg. Co., 428 5th av S. WANTEDSALESLADIES TO SELL OUR goods good profit for capable person. Write for particulars. The Paris Gown Mfg. Co., 472 W Madison st, Chicago, 111. WANTED85 GIRLS FOR POWER MACHINES to make duck coats, pants and shirts steady employment. Wyman-Partrldge & Co., 620 1st av N. WANTED-^A GOOD GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work who can go home nights family of three, no children. Call mornings 2115 Fremont av N. WANfcBD-A YOWQ Unf Afl AsfiiSTAHf cashier and bookkeeper in grocery store with some experience preferred. Address 509, Jour nal. DURING APRIL CATON BUSINESS COLLEGE, 253 2d av S, in the College block, admits stu dents, tuition payable after obtaining positions. STENOGRAPHER FOR ESTABLISHED MER cantile business steady position salary small references required. Address 504, Journal. WANTEDA GIRL "FOR "GENERAL "HOUSE"- work, no objections to newcomer, call either mornings or evenings. 2611 Harriet av. GOOD PLAIN COOK FOR SMALL BOARDING house, $5 per week Minneapolis and St. Paul oar. T. 6243 838 Raymond av. WANTEDAT HOTEL RICHMOND, YOUNG experienced chambermaid and dining room girl good wages, board and room. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work small family. 2444 Girard av S one block from Hennegin and 25th st. WANTEDMIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO CARE for European hotel must have an education. Inquire at 21 Washington av N. WANTEDYOUNO LADY CASHIER FOR meat market prefer one living on the North Side. Call at 321 20tb av N. WANTEDA FULLY COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, two in family good home. Mrs. Jennings, 24 12th st S. WANTEDAPPRENTICE GIRLS IN THE MIL llnery department. Ask for Mrs. White at Pickering's, 714 Nicollet av. WANTEDGOOD STEADY GIRL FOR GEN eral housework small family no washing. Apply 2414 Chicago av. WANTEDGIRLS TO .DO PRESSING| EXl perienced preferred. Call Minneapolis Dye Works. 1012 6th st S. WANTEDA DRESSMAKER TO LOCATE IN A country town an Al opening. Carlson & Mel qulst, Sherburn Mi WANTEDHELTr dresscutting. Phone Nicollet ALSO SCHOOL OF .ase, 620% Nicollet. :T HOUSEWORK D, 2619 Chicago av. YOUNG GIRL must room out _N. W. South loov-i-Z WAITEDGIRL IN CANDY STORE. APPLY Dewey theater. FIRST FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING Both Phones, 584 WLLLIAMSBURGH OITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYPrincipal office, 18 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Organized in 1858.) Marshall S. Driggs, president Frederick H. Way, secre tary. Attorney to accept service In Minnesota Insurance^ Commissioner. Cash capital, $250.00o! INCOME IN 1905. Premiums other than perpetuals.. Rents and interest Profit on ledger assets over book values $1,183,501.18 126,681.52 127,861.00 Total income $1,437,543.70 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1905. Amount paid for losses $538,100.41 Dividends and interest. Commissions and brokerage Salaries and fees of officers" agents and employees Taxes, fees and rents All other disbursements 75,000.00 297,461.90 100,595.36 49,805.28 84,618.95 Total disbursements $1,145,081 90 Excess of income over disburse ments 292,461.80 ASSETS DEC. 81, 1905. Value of real estate owned $672,929.76 Mortgage loans 237,100.00 Collateral loans 44 250.00 Bonds and stocks owned I,413!345!o0 Cash office and in bank 301* 902.08 Accrued Interest and rents 24'198 76 Premiums in course of collection.. 157483 77 Total admitted assets $2,851,209 37 Assets not admitted, $628.20. LIABILITIES DEC. 81, 1905. Unpaid losses and claims $90,383.60 Reinsurance reserve 1,004*604 43 Salaries, expenses, dividends and interest due 7 QQQ QQ Reinsurance premiums 6484 56 Capital stock paid up 25o'o0OO0 Total liabilities Including cap ltal $1,859,116.34 Net surplus 1,492,093.03 RISKS AND PREMIUMS. 1905 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the year.$138,112,784.00 Premiums received thereon 1,483,464.29 Net amount in force at end of the year 193,016,242.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1905. Fire risks written $1,312,894.00 Fire premiums received 19,681.00 /Fire losses paid 12,708.00 Fire losses Incurred 10,596.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Wllliamsburgh City Fire Insur ance company, a corporation organized under the laws of New York, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state relative to tbe adjMsslon and authorization of Insurance companies of Its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above-named company to transact its appropriate business of fire insurance In the state of Minnesota, according to the laws thereof, until the thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1907, unless said authority be revoked or other wise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul this 31st day of January, A. D. 1906. THOMAS D. O'BRIEN, 1 Insurance Oonualsaioner, HELP WANTEDrrFmM.g Continued WANTEDTHREE GIRLS, DINING-ROOM -irl. one serving-room and one floor girl. St. Barnabas Hospital. WANTEDA GOOD COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework modern house. Call at 1913 Stevens av. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework small family no children. 1728 Nicollet av. WANTEDNEAT GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work no washing. Mrs. O. W. Brown, 8018 Park av. WANTEDA COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND work small family. Apply 31S5 2d av S. T. C. 4047. WANTED~COMFETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework good wages. Gall at 720 10th av SB. WANTEDGOOD LADY COOK IN HOTEL good wages. Apply to H. Sparling, Sherwood, N. D. FIRST-CLASS C0ATMAKER8. skirt finishers at once. Mrs. st S. WHEEL. REAR OF BOY WANTED AT MASONIC DRUG STORE. WAIST AND Wlberg, 7T 9th WANTED- EXPERIENCED SHIRTMAKER steady work. W. D. Elsesser, 1515 ECake st. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Inquire 1810 Humboldt av 8. MISS OROZIER, 115 7th ST S. LunchesLunchesLnncheaLunches WANTEDEXPERIENCED NIGHT COOK. Mill City Cafe, 527 Washington av 8. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LAUNDRY GIRLS. Star Laundry Co., 906 Hennepin av. CHAMBERMAID WANTED. SIXTH AVENUE Hotel, 6th av and Washington av S. WANTEDA SHORT ORDER COOK AT ONCE. Unique Lunch Room, 608 Hennepin. WANTED3-OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, competent girl. 2204 Dupont av N. WANTEDYOUNG GIRL TO AS8D3T IN GEN 3108 Stevens av. eral housework. WANTEDFEftST-OXASS SKIRT FIND3HER at once. Call at 1210 Linden av. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR housework. Apply 3101 Park. GENERAL WANTEDSCRUB GIRL AT HOLMES HOTEL, corner 8th st and Hennesin. WANTED AT 1020 E 17th ST, GOOD PLAIN cook. Apply with references. WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 325 E Franklin av. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. BATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, He A word no ad less than 10c dally 20 words or less, one week, 60c. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS WITH 18 years' experience in general farming and some knowledge in gardening and nurBery work, wishes a good place to work for some good party during summer. Address 9206, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS STATIONARY ENGI neer or fireman by a young Scandinavian have had five years' experience and have license and some good references, strictly sober will go anywhere. Address 9486, Journal. SITUATION WANTEDAS CUSTODIAN OF building, have twelve years' experience with heating and electric plants and management of buildings best of references. Address S. Cookman. 1315 19th av N. WHOLESALE GROCERSWANTED, Posi tion by man who speaks the German and Scandinavian languages, to sell groceries to private trade have good territory. Address 472, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS MANAGER OF A drug business In North Dakota or Minnesota speaks, reads and writes German thoroughly experienced, best references. Address 512, Journal. POSITION WANTED IN GENERAL STORE IN Montana or Dakotas by young man with good experience in all lines best position offered first will be accepted. M., Box-113, Mandan, N. D. SITUATION WANTEDFIRST-CLASS LUM ber stenographer desires permanent position with good concern. Three years' experience, neat, accurate and rapid. Address 2$5, Jour nal WANTEDPOSITION BY A YOUNG MAN, several years' experience as collector, also some In insurance and rentals, best of refer ences. Address 9523, Journal. POSITION WANTEDMY A MAN~AND~W_E, to work on a farm wife to do housekeeping and man to work on the farm. Address M. Gnstafson, Lafayette, Minn. YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED BTENOGRA pher, understands books, 24 years of age, de sires permanent position best of references. Address 299. Journal. WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN OF 25, SOME kind of a situation prefer position as ma ehinlst helper can furnish references. Ad dress 9289. Journal. WANTEDBY RELIABLE YOUNG HAN, Po sition as stenographer where there is chance for advancement In good business firm. Ad dress 9429, Journal WHEN IN NEED OF MEN FOR ANY KIND of work, mail or phone your orders to Central Employment Agency, 9 1st st S. T. C. 794, N. W. Main 1688. WANTEDWALL PAPER CLEANING TO DO with a new preparation satisfaction guar anteed. Phone N. W. Main 382 L2 T. C. 10115. WANTEDA POSITION FOR A GOOD KAN, horse and buggy, to represent some firm or some light delivering ddress 9046, Journal. YOUNG MAN WITH THREE YEARS' EXPERI ence in grain office wishes position of some kind will leave city. Address 0142, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS BOOKKEEPER BY young man. Small salary with prospects for promotion. 201 8th at. Crookston, Minn. SITUATION WANTED AS STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper one year's experience gllt edge references. Address 9319, Journal. WANTEDBARBER, 1% YEARS AT TRADE*, wishes a place to finish trade where he can make expenses. Address 9258, Journal. WANTEDA POSITION AS A PRIVATE OAR man can give the best of references. Phone South 1101 L2. Address 526, Journal. MAN WOULD LIKE EMPLOYMENT AT OUT door work can give references if required. Address E. Utley, 201 Hennepin av. NON-UNION PLUMBER WOULD LIKE STEADY work In Minnesota or Dakota. Address, stat ing wages, etc., 9383, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS COLLECTOR BY A man of experience good references. Address 9168, Journal. AN EXPERIENCED GRAIN ELEVATOR MAN wants position as agent for good firm. Address 9821, Journal. YOUNG MAN OF 21 WOULD LIKE POSITION as bookkeeper or as assistant. S. A. Bushey, Orange, Wis._ SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED Ho tel cook country preferred. Address 9779, Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY AN ALL ROUND blacksmith. K. Knutaon. 1207 6th at S. city. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, %e A word no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week. 60c. TO MANY FAMILIES HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture is a luge proportion of their entire pos sessions is yours insured? Best companies, liberal policy, lowest rates. George H. Root. 820-828 Century bldg. SITUATION WANTEDFIRST-CLASS LUM ber stenographer desires permanent position With good concern three years' experience nat, accurate and rapid. Address 203, Jour nal. LADY OF EXPERIENCE WANTS POSITION as housekeeper in hotel or private. Can fur nish first-class reference. S. Room 208 Grand Apartments, 620 7th st S. FIRST-CLASS LADY BOOKKEEPER, STENOG rapher and typewriter desires permanent posi tion: best business references several years experience. Address 520 Journal. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and cashier Is open for permanent position April 15, accurate and reliable best reference. Address 9636, Journal. WANTEDPERMANENT POSITION BY FIRST class stenographer one accustomed to assum ing responsibilities five years' experience. Address 421, Journal. STENOGRAPHER, GOOD OPERATOR, OAPA ble of taking difficult dictation, wants posi tion with established business house or law firm. T. 16572. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER WANTS Po sition, has had two ears' experience can use Fisher billing machine. Address 580, Journal. LADY BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER wishes position with reliable concern. Ad dress Box 731, Crookston, Minn. A LADY WOULD LIKE KOBE WORK IN washing and ironing and cleaning. N. W., Nicollet 356 R. WOULD LIKE ABOUT FOUR OR FIVE DAYS In each week to wash and iron. Address 9237 Journal WOMAN WANTS WORK*BY DAY. BEST OF references. 1121 3d av S. Mrs. E. Taylor. MACHINERY FOR SALE150-H.P. ABMINGTON & SDU single automatic cut-off. center-crank self oiling, self-contained engine, not new in good order. Also Iron and wood-working ma chinery. Northern Machinery Co., 218 217 3d at S, Mlnneapolla. ZESBAUGH, 11 th ST SRECEIVED HEAVY new stock mouldings, picture frames, ovals, pictures. We frame pictures cheap to keep fcuay. Picture sale. ggrorass CHANCESi CAPITAL WANTED. To develop one of tbe most promising coal* propositions in the middle west. Sufficient prospecting has been done to show tbe qual ity and extent of tbe property. A safe, coo jervative investment. We stoold be gbU to I talk with any interested persons. Hanford Rental Agem. 310 Bank of Commerce. I GOOD OPENING FOR ALL HINDS OF BUSI neas In our new town of Warner, situatedsoldtoaew Alberta railroad, 40 miles south of Lethbridge, S^T-Ji? cen t ot our tract of land tn 24,000 acres of land adjoining this town last week. This will be a good town. Get la early. Write to O. W. Kerr Co. of Fargo, p., or 520 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minna apolls. GOOD OPENING FOR HARDWARE AND DRUG store, also feed store, In town of Warner, oa the Alberta road, 40 miles Bontb of Leth bridge townsite just laid oat sold 24,000 acres of land to actual settlers last week. Write for particulars to O. W. Kerr Co., Fargo. N^D.. or 520 Guaranty Loan Bldg.. Minn**. WANTEDPARTNER IN HARDWARE ONLY exclusive hardware In county seat town popu lation 1,000, diaws trade from 18 to 25 miles business done last year, $2l,oo0 stock carried, between $5,090 and $6,000 located In the best part of North Dakota. Address O Box 327. New Rockford. N. D. WANTEDA BUSINESS MAN THAT CAN in vent from $1,000 to $2,oou In a business, eoa. ducting several business places in Minneapolis a permanent business, well established will pay from 10 to 20 per cent on investment. State where interview can be had. Addrea* 507, Journal. FOR SALEFIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET^ corner building, foil basement, with complete fixtures, cheap rent business can easily bo doubled by right party will sell cheap IX taken at once. Reason for selling, other busW ness. 9139, Journal. FOBthriving SALELIVERY BARN AND 4a STOCKnIlN North Dakot a town only bar a town dray line In connection reason for sell ing, other buslnesss: don't answer unlets yoa mean business. Address 8158, Journal. FOR SALEHOME BAKERY AND RE8TAU. rant in a town of 2,000 population, the only bakery In town, good business reason for selling, other business if Interested, writ* Lock Box 155, Park Rapids, Minn. FOR aALE^OAL~WOOD~AND_DRAY BU8L ness. Yearly profit $1,800. Price $750, small North Dakota town. Flour mill in excellent town, worth $16,000, for $12,000. Addresa Box "C." Grand Forks. N. D. FIRST-CLASS MEAT SHOP OT NORTH DAKO la town of 2,000 for sale everything In first class condition, fine slaughterhouse In con nection, rent cheap $2,000 bandies this bar gain. Address 9o94, Journal. BEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN CENTER of city, a restaurant, $200 per month nst profits must be sold at once. Come and investigate this bargain. Hurry. Lewis Co., 525 Boston Block. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR INTELLIGENT woman to secure one-half interest In thor oughly established business bringing good la come. Answer immediately, references. Ad dress 495, Journal. FOR SALEA FEW SHARES OF PREFERRED stock in an established business in Minneapo lis that will pay to investor about 15 per cent net. roll investigation given. Addresa 494, Journal. INVESTORSDO YOU WANT TO MAKE Blft interest on your money by building stores, dwelling houses, etc.. to rent? If so. wrlta to Secretary Commercial club. Bronson. Minn. WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH MANUFAO turer who can use my two-story building, 33x66, railroad in rear, best 8,000 city la southeast Minnesota. Address 513, Journal OPENING FOR HARDWAREIN SMALL south central Minnesota town, building Just completed can be rented cheap- can do a good business on small capital. 471, Journal. FOR SALEFOR CASH, ONE-HALF INTEIU est In livery barn, 16 Washington av N, Min neapolis, or Sioux Falls, S. D. cannot handla both. A. Korthof, Sioux Falls, S. D. NEWSPAPER SNAPMINNESOTA ONLY PA. per within radius of 12 miles, growing list: town of 600 mfcst sell at once on account oi other business. 9757. Journal. FOR SALETWO GROCERY STORES ON ~ta av N you will have to burry if you want this. Nicollet Real Estate Rental Adjustment Co 604 Century building. HAVE 920,000 TO INVEST WTTH SERVICES, manufacturing or jobbing business preferred would like to buy interest in good business. Address 118, Journal. FOR SALEATFIRST-CLASS SALOON, DOING a good business at 879 Wabasha st, St. Paul, Minn. reason for selling, pressed wi^b other business. A GROCERY AND FEED BUSINESS. DOIEO a business of from $4,50O to $6,000 per month, For particulars, addresa Box 382 Santa Rosa, Cal. SOMETHING NICE, ftUIET AND A MONEY.' maker 15 rooms fine location modern Jani tor service Address 9756. Journal. FOR LEASE OR SALEA JOB OFFICE A moneymaker at a bargain If taken at once. Terms to suit yon. 9984. Journal. R00MTNGH0U8E OF TEN ROOMS, OENTRAXi location, modern, filled with roomers, and all first-class. Address 214, JournaL FOR SALECONFECTIONERY STORE, DOINft good business will sell cheap. Apply 1105 20th av N. I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. BEND DS* scription. Sbepard, Bank of Comerec Bldg. FOR SALEMILLINERY STOCK FINE L0- cation low rent. Box 183, Hawarden, Iowa, INVENTORS, ATTENTIONPATENTS IN ALL countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, man ufactured models mads, 25 yean established) unexcelled reputation inventor's book frea. Address Patent Market. St. Paul, Mton. WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, PATENT LAW. yers and solicitors main office. 925-988 Guar anty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 53 McGifl building. Washington. D. C. A FEW GREAT BARGAINS IN SEOOND-HANO pianos. One Everett, elegant mahogany case, nearly new. $195 one Chickering, fine con dition, $225 one Hammond, good a new, $195, one Huntington, good condition, $143 one New England, rosewood coae* ivory keya. $135. We will sell these pianos (or $10 cash Sluslc ayment down, $2 per week. Northeetera House, 318-820 Nicollet, second floor. MEDICAX MRS. DR. FLUELLA G. MeKAY, SPECIALIST,, diseases, such as rheumatism, sciatica, lum* 7 7th st S, near Hennepin, treats all chronla bago, indigestion, paralysis, sprains and all nervous diseases and weaknesses by her own method of applying electricity massage ami magnetic treatments. Hour*, 9 to 9, Sundays Included. CLIFTON A. SHELL, 0PT0METR7ET, HAS BE. moved his office to 804 Nicollet av. room 202. DR. GERTRUDE STANTON, only woman op* tlclan In twin cities. Optical Dept.. Dayton's. E~.~W. KITTREDGE. MANUFACTURING OP tlclan. 40 5th st S. J^ttORING SUITS SPONGED, pressed, while yon wait, fiOof pants, 15c Starr, tailor, 107 6th stS. T.C 1405. LOFGRENVCO.. MERCHANT TAILORS, I_3 est Importations. 620& Nicollet av. PETER'THOMPSO^ TAILORING CO.. 1M 34 st 8. Sse us for your sprfrdt suit. OOOD FIRMS TO PATBONIZB MAXRE'S ROOF PRESERVER Stops leak In any roof. i Call, telephone or write, Malre Paint Co.. 242 1st av N. ~A KOZY PARLOR RESTAURANTGOOD XEALaV cood servici- J. Seargeant. pr.. 9? 7th st 8. STOVE REPAIES U. S. STOVE REPAIR CO., 18 Sd ST S. STOVE! repaired and stored for summer. Both phones. Prcmpt service. REPA1b *OR ALL STOVASGREAT WEfiS ern Stove Repair Co.. 812 Hnepln. OAEPET GLEANING, KUGMFO 'CABtEFUL^ARPET^LEANraG ZT' Beautiful rug weaving from old carpets) best work, lowest prices. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nicollet island. Both phones. BEST RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS CARPEt cleaning. Moorish Rug Co., 1002 E Franklla. 33*555331-- NEW YORK FLORISTS. 7 WASH AV 8 feather and cut flowers and plants, floral do* signs for all occasions. T. C. phone 1728. yrPb D-JUGA* ANV FLCW-RS TfcLB. phone. NageVs. HIS W Ias st. HOTEL ALLEHi ^STsT^sND^d AV S ONLY hotel In tbe city having all outside rooms. Kates. TSc. $1 $1.5Q single ^jraNTOjAND^AWNTOGa^ D. CAMPBELL, SHADE AND AWNING CO* awnings, tents and shadea all Hesjqfia at* 1 1