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For Rent-Unfurnished Houses. 804 W GRANT ST. 9 ROOMS. STEMS heated, gas range, artesian water. Janitor service, all the conveniences of a flat with the privacy of a dwell ing bouse no lease required rate per month, in summer 940.00 8413 Nicollet av, brick dwelling, 10 rooms, good beating plant, open plumbing, hardwood floors 40.00 1911 Portland av. 12 rooms, two baths, ?amilles as, furnace, barn arranged for two 87.60 1627 Linden av, 8 rooms, new heating plant, new plumbing, freshly dec orated: hardwood floors 85.00 420 Ridgewood av, 9 rooms, bath, gas, all modern, barn 86.00 8618 Hennepin av, 8 rooms, bath, gas, furnace, barn 35.00 1611 Nicollet av, 8 rooms, bath, gas, fur nace 30.00 1721 4tb st SB, 9 rooms, bath, gas, hot water heat 26.00 520 3d av SE, 6 rooms, city water, bath. 20.00 609 22d st, 6 rooms, bath, gas 17 .SO 8510 Oakland av. 9 rooms, city water 16.00 819 16th st, 5 rooms, city water, sewer, closet 15.00 123 Western av, 6 rooms, second floor, city water, sewer, sink 12.60 George Odium, Manager, 309 Phoenix Building. 8016 DUPONT AV 8BEAUTIFULLY AB ranged new duplex, heat furnished, eight rooms large bathroom, open fireplace, gas, electricity, fine laundry, storeroom, ample lawn, one block from Hennepin cars, conven lent to other lines. Inquire 1516 W 27th st. fcO LET1700 8d AV S, BRICK RESIDENCE, very fine: about 14 rooms, good heating and plumbing barn, will be rented to private family only, caretaker in charge to show the bouse, rental, 805. George Odium, manager, 809 Phcenls building *OR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY WITH good references, nicely furnished or unfur nished thoroughly modern eight-room house, large front and back yard, with adjoining lot fine location adults only May 1 to Nov. 1. 3430 Oth _av_S. SI6 A MONTH. ALL MODERN TEN-BOOM house, 201 Groveland av, combination heat, hardwood floors, built-in hideboaid, in excel lent condition best neighborhood In Lowry Hill Wyvell-Harrlngton Co., 401-2-8 Andrus building. STO LET8786 PARK AV, 18 OR MORE rooms hot water heat, good plumbing, two baths and many of the attractive features of an up-to-date residence rental, $100. George Odium, manager. 309 Phoenix ___________ HOUSES TO LET. $18 per month, 1S25 4th av S. 6 rooms eity water, sewer get key at 1827 4th av S. or see Wj veil-Harrington Co., 401-2-3, An drus building MODERN, TEN ROOMS CORNER BLAISDELL av nnd 33d st barn, lawn, shade trees. Call Sunday or evenings. See Soden, 3236 Blais dell av, or 416 New York Life building SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGECITY WATER IN yard, cistern, cellar 10 minutes' walk from West hotel crpets and stoves if wanted, $15. 712 Bradford av. FOR BENT8-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN except heat No. 3101 Stevens av, $20. E. Elchhorn & Sons, 414 Washington av S. T. C. phone, 106. BOUSE TO LETARRANGED FOR TWO PAR ties no children, five rooms down, four up partly modern, gas range. Inquire 8081 Pills bury av. FOR RENTUPPER FLOOR, DUPLEX HOUSE, seven rooms hardwood finish, all modern, very nice half block to car. 1820 Dupont av N. BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE NIOE HOUSE hold goods at "Bown's" new bargain store, 17 Oth st N, opposite Masonic Temple. SWELL DETACHED MODERN SEVEN-ROOM house for lease, large lawn on street car line. At 633 8th st SE Call. 19824 41st AV N (CAMDEN PLACE), 5 NICE large roomB, cistern, well and woodshed. Walker, 404 Century building. For RentFurnished Houses. eY RARE OPPORTUNITY A COMPLETELY furnished home will be rented by the owner for two years or more from June, 1906. The bouse Is located In one of the most desirable residence sections of the city and within easy walking distance of the business portion re sponsible parties only need apply. Address 8613, Journal. MODERN HOME OF EIGHT BOOMS TO LET for a term of years, furnished, unfurnished or partly furnished. Apply at 2801 Portland av or telephonejN. W. 681 Jl South. BO LETFURNISHED, TO A SMALL FAM lly for the summer, a fine downtown resi dence. See W. W. Price, New York Life building. TEN-ROOM FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE, near Lake and Lyndale, May 1 to Sept. 1, references required. L. L. Sutherland, Oneida block. For RentUnfurnished Flats. FLATS TO LET. $23 a month, seven-room flat, 2541 Chicago av four-family flat building, all modern ex cept heat, new hardwood floors, newly dec orated, modern, open plumbing, excellent neighborhood. Wyvell-Harrlngton Co.. 401- 2-8 Andrus building. MODERN FLATS. For rent, $38 a month, six-room, all mod ern flat, hardwood floors, steam heat, janitor service, ground flooor flat. San Mateo Flats, 415 16th st. Wyvell-Harrlngton Co., 401- 2-8 Andrus building. fO LETFOUR-ROOM FLAT, MODERN IN all appointments, sideboard, refrigerator, gas range, large private scroened-in porch, store room, steam beat, etc. easy walking dis tance price $30. W. W. Price, 418New York Life Jbuildlng. fiODERN STEAM-HEATED FLATS IN THE Laurel apartments, corner of Laurerl av and 16th st easy walking distance tour, six and even rooms gas ranges, fixtures, etc. See janitor. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEDA FLAT from May 1 to Sept. 1 three rooms and bath cafe and elevator. Flat 807, 1915 Hennepin av. Hennepin Court. fcrVE-ROOM FLAT AND BATHROOM, HARD wood floors, steam heat, walking distance, cool in summer, $25 per month. Flat 1, 216 8d av SE. tXVE-ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN FLAT, all outside rooms summer rate, Trossalks, 14th and Spruce place. W. R. Brown, Nek York Liife. JT0R RENTA STRICTLY MODERN EIGHT room steam heated flat, very cheap one month's rent free. 1807 Oth av S, third floor. 88 PER MONTH FOR FIVE ROOMS AT 3018 23d av S, second floor. Meyer Land Co., 418- 419 Phoenix building. T. C. 3542._ nVE-ROOM HIGH CLASS MODERN FLAT, ice and drinking water furnished, $32 50. See janitor, 708 8th-st S. MODERN FIVE-ROOM FZJaTS AT THE OLIN ton, cori-er Clinton a ai4 E 18th st. Inquire on premises. Frank Miller. tHREE FLATSFIVE AND SEVEN ROOMS, modern except heat, No3 425 University av SE. Inquire nest door. 87 A MONTH, 3-ROOM FLAT, 2803 PLEASANT av city water. Wyvell-Han lngton Co., 401- 2-8 Andrus building. FINEST 4 AND 5-R00M STEAM HEATED flats in city. 1 E 17th st, corner Nicollet av. 0HADB0URN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST 6, HAVE flats and houses, $10 to $45. fl8FIRST FLOOR, CORNER, NEARLY ALL modern. 601 8th av N. For RentPurnished Flats. oooooooooooooo O FOR RESTFURNISHED FLAT OF 7 rooms, from May 1 to Oct. 1, possibly 0 longer if desired. 117 E 15th st, flat 5. O "Kenllworth Apartments." FOR SALELEASE AND FURNITURE OF ONE of the dandiest modern 3 rooms and bath in city everything complete just right for man and wife Inside 13th st. Address 200, Jour nal COMPLETELY FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT May 1 to Oct. 1 six rooma. bath, pantry, clos ets and telephone rent $38 no children. Ap ply 1921 Hawthorn av, flat 1. FURNISHED FLAT COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping, will rent until Oct. 1, modern. 115 E 15th st. For RentFra-nished Rooms, FIVE OB SIX FURNISHED ROOMS ON FIRST floor in modern house, to one or two reliable persons who will care for as many more oc cupied rooms in payment of rent during sum mer. Address Box 700, Minneapoli postofflce. 'lADY LEAVING CITY WILL-BENs ARE YOU Monday ^vetimgfP*1 FOBJENT For RentFurnished Rooms. Continued. A FEW CHOICE CORNER BOOHS AND BOABD at the Clinton, corner 4th av and Grant. MODERN BOOMS. 1009 3d AV S, FLAT 8. For RentUnfurnished Rooms. ONE LARGE UNFUBNISHED FRONT PARLOR In strictly modern house, hardwood floors, cab inet and mantel large porch and lawn suit able for two gentlemen. 1419 Chicago av. T. 0. 8228. FOUR NIOE ROOMS, 188 E 16th WATER, GAST toilet, 2d floor detached house, $11, 5 rooms, 904 14th av N, 2d floor detached house-, $10. B. D. Brown, 788 Lumber Exchange. TWO UPSTAIRS FOR MEN, 809 11th AV S, 84. %t For Rent"Stores. oooooooooooooo 850 2d AV S84x90, FIRST FLOOR and basement reasonable rent owner will put store In good condition. Apply Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building, oooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo GOOD STORE FOR RENT MAT 1, ON Hennepin av between 3d and 4th sts. Apply C. C. Taylor, 412 Phoenix Bldg. FOR RENTPART OF STORE ON SOUTH side of Nicollet av, between 4th and 5th sts, can be seemed by. term of years. right party for a long lV Bichhor & Sons over Voegeli's. T. 0. phone 106. STORE FOB BENT. INftULRE 180 5th ST S, opposite New York Life building. For RentOffices. DESIRABLE OFFICE OF ONE, TWO AND three rooms, with hot and cold water one small office with light and telephone desk room for rent. Inquire at 666 Bank of Min neapolis building. For RentMiscellaneous. $75 A MONTH, FRONT HALF OF THE SEC* ond floor Hall block, with steam heat space 47x36, rearrange to suit tenant suitable for office, tailoring or light manufacturing. Very fine down-town retail store on Nicollet av, about 25 feet frontage very reasonable rental. Good display windows. Wyveil-Harrington Co., 401-403 Andrus Bldg. TO LET1207 WASHINGTON AV S, TWO large halls, suitable for mercantile or lodge purposes, $50. George Odium, manager, 809 Phoenix building. WILL GIVE USE OF MY PIANO TO RESPON sible party who will care for it. Call 300 Walnut st SB. BARBER SHOP AND ONE CHAIR, $8 PER week. 237 10th av S. __J^NTED^TO^ENT__ WANTEDBY YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, flat of five or six rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping must be modern and good locality, best of references furnished best of care given everything responsible parties rent must be reasonable possession wanted at once. 9587, JournaL HOUSES AND FLATS ARE LISTED WITH US "every day still we cannot supply the demand. What have you to rent bring us a list of your vacant properties. Nicollet Real Estate Rental & Adjustment Co 504 Century bldg. WANTEDFURNISHED SIX OR SEVEN room flat or double decker from May 1 to Sept. 1, walking distance preferred, desirable tenants no children. Address 478, Journal. WANTED TO RENTBY MAY 1, A SIX TO eight room house, modern except heat, not over $25 per month no children. Address 204, Journal. WANTEDTO RENT A SEVEN OR EIGHT room house, all modern. In good location rent not to exceed $30. Address 9859, Journal. jmjANCIAL "oHATTEirLOANsT Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., Established 25 Yean. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having been engaged in the money-lending business for the past 25 yea/6, and with the large cli entele we hav, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honorable and confiden tial dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.. .805-306 Bank of Commerce Bldg.. 1st av S and 4th st. r'HARD-UP" TO BE fined lady, employed, near Glass Block, light housekeeping, reasonable probably permanent references exchanged. Address 9789, Journal. fcWO LARGE, BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED rooms on ground floor suitable for living or business purposes: must have first-class refer ences. Mrs. Bertha Abbey, 929 Nicollet av. COMFORTABLE, WABM, CLEAN BOOMS, good bath, furnace heat and gas location cen tral prices reasonanle: transients accommo .dated. The George House. 117 7th st S. SLEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF THBEE large rooms, with toilet and lavatory suitable for three gentlemen or for office purpose. 1222 Hennepin av. FURNISHED BOOMS IN MODERN HOUSE walking distance elegant locality to single lady_or_husband_and wife. Address Box 40. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOM IN MODEBN steam heated flat, private family, no other rooirers. 95 Sprnce place, flat T. C. 1651. HARRIET HOTEL, 86 WESTERN AV, CORNER "st 9th st newly furnished, steam, single or y.\ double rooms, toy day, week or month. NEAR THE FIRST OF the month) Borrow money. Chattel mortgage loans On Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Warehouse Receipts, etc Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co., 40C-408 &ew York Life Bldg. Telephone N. W. Main 409-L2, T. O. 3092. ABE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Moncv? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, fcorseB, wagons, eto. Low rates, easynterms, Open Monday and 8atu-^ay till 9 p.m. n. CaU ftelephoneN. W Mai 1770 wrlt Twin City 9878. Minneapolis Loan Co., 1 601-602 Globe Bldg.. 22 4th st S. BUILDING LOANS, WITHOUT DELAY, BOND or disappointment money advanced as need ed in building 6 per cent payment privileges. Straight loans three or live years. E. A. Brown. 738 Lumber Exchange. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE- UU .merchants, teamsters, boarding nouses, without security offices in 53 principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 920 Now York Life building. MONEY ALWAYS ON HAND TO LOAN UPON real estate, no delay in securing answer oj in closing deal. Also building loans, lowest rates. Thorpe Bros., Andrus building. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON Improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., 313 Nicollet av. NSW FIRS AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE Deposit Vault boxes for rent only $2 per year and up. Minnesota Title Insurance & Trust Co., Oneida block. WANTEDPARTY WITH $1,000 TO INVEST in land can clear $10,000 in less than three years, chance of lifetime. Box 44, Orovllle, Wash. R. D. CONE & CO., 017 GUARANTY BLDG., have on hand to loan on improved property 81.000, $1,500, $2.000. 88,600 lowest rates. COMMERCIAL LAW AND ADJUSTMENT CO., Collections, credit Investigation, Investments. 805-6 Phoenix Building, Minneapolis. WILL SELL FEW SHARES PREFERRED stock Twin City Telephone company make offer. Address 873, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE BE curity. Edmund G. Walton Agency, at their new offices, 114 4th st S. WE LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT L0W- est rates no delay. Nickels & Smith, 811 Nicollet ay, MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS mortgages bought and sold. M. R. Waters. 707 Phoenix. WE BUY LIFE INSURANCE P0LI0D3S. LAKE _and Clt_Realty Co., 616 Guaranty Loui bldg. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF $100 TO $500 loans on city property. Polley, 501 Andrus bldg MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES NO delay. Thater & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. $100 TO $500 TO LOAN ON good paper. 828 New York Life Bltdg. V* PLEASANT BOOM IN MODERN HOUSE, ONE PLATTEVTLLF WIS., LEAD AND ZLN0 block from Y. M. C. A. will rent by the day stocks. Write concerning stocks. Advice and month* 1025 Mary place.,,,?., free. ~T. P. McDonald. Andrus Bids., Mpls, REALTY OB LOANS AND CHATTELS WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers lowest prices. WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers lowest prices. LOSTENAMELED METAL LINK BELT. fst reen jewels on 4th between Hennepin and or Nicollet between 4th and Washlng ton. Finder telephone T. O. 5104 for reward. LOSTGOBDON SETTER, YELLOW AND black. Liberal reward will be given whoever returns him or notify A. Beyer, 316 Ply mouth av. LOSrS-GOLD BRACELET ON THE WAY ~TO Bryn Mawr Friday evening return to Clinton hotel, Grant st and 4th av g, for reward. UMBRELLA EXCHANGED IN CHURCH OF the Redeenrer, pew 75. Sunday morning, April 8. Please call 319 Hennepin av. LOSTPAIR OF SPECTACLES, GOLD BOWED, at auditorium, Monday, April 2. Return for reward. 3326 Chicago av. FOUNDFINE FAIR STEEL BOWS. BEADING glasses for 85c, at Hirschy's. optician. 518 Nicollet av. second floor. LOSTSEAL FOB H. W. IN OLD ENGLISH return for reward. 42 and 44 6th st S. MINING INVESTMENTS H. E. SMITH & CO., 782-4 GUARANTY BLDG, Minneapolis also Duluth and Superior. We buy and sell in all markets. We have infor mation .regarding all properties. Phone, Nic ollet 360. ^.^fr _____!_ REAL ESTATE FOR SALS Improved NEW 8-STORY FRAME HOUSE OF I BOOKS, arranged for., two more on the third floor or attic, billiard hall or den, full ^basement 7% feet deep with boal bin, laundry and water closet, hot water heating plant, large front porch 12-26, 11 plate and leaded glass win dows and doors, gas, grate and mantel, side board, first floor finished throughout In weath ered and golden oak, second floor in birch, cherry and mahogany. 'Four good sized bed rooms, closets off of each, bathroom with new and modern open plumbing, heat and gas on the third floor, concrete cement fouudation tor the porch with one tier range Vock, stone porch pillars, lot 45x128 to alley, price $5,500. $4,000 buys new all modern up-to-date 7-room house, three very large bedrooms, reception room, parlor, dining room and good sized kitchen, hot water heating plant, full sized lot, east front, In the 8th ward, well located, this pioperty must be seen to be appreciated, price 'Is way below what it could be pro duced for now, the owner has to leave this city on account of poor health. $1,000 up, paying rent keeps you from owning your own home. What satisfaction will It be to you lu after years to say, "I always paid my rent promptly, my landlord never had to ding-dong It out of me? What satisfaction if you should then be homeless and unable to pay rent? If a tenant, be a good one, but you can Just as well be your own landlord at once. I have houses for sale In all locations In the city. My list consists of some of the very best bargains now offered for sale. Some of my clients ate leaving the city and are com pelled to sell others wont to raise money to go Into business! some are offered for sale that have been taken on mortgages some are for sale on small payments, balance monthly payments, Including the interest. It would be just as easy as paying rent, Buy now, don't put it off be the owner of your own home. J. A. Walters, New York Life Bldg., Phone 476. THORPE BEOS., 806 ANDRUS BLDG. $10,000A beautiful corner home in the vlnielty of Harriet av and 26th st a 15-room house, finished la the most expensive hard woods, with several fireplaces, sideboard and parquet floors, wainscoting, elaborate decora tions and hardware, combination fixtures, bath, laundry, combination heating plant the place 1B up-to-date in every particular, and thor oughly well built on the first floor there Is parlor, reception parlor, extra large living room with built-in bookshelves, dining room, kitchen, besides hall and den second floor is finished with family living room and bed rooms attic and basement are finished with servants' quarters, billiard room, fuel room, etc a good modern barn and large corner lot 89x118% feet. $4,800Business property a house and lot. two blocks from Hennepin av and 7th st ground 50x142 feet to alley Improvement renting -at $300 per year. We consider this the cheapest downtown property on the mar ket. $5,2001809 7th st SE near university a thoroughly modern 14-room house, hardwood finish and floors, fireplace, bathroom, new plumbing and hot-water heating plant, laun dry, extra toilet in basement, small born and large lot 55x165 feet all in perfect repair. $2,500Lot on Park av, between 18th. and 19th sts. 50x130 feet fine location for duplex house or flat all improvements including pav ing. $1,050Lake of the Isles a lot on 26th st between Lake place and Euclid place, facing south, size 50x156 feet to alley. ooooodeoooooooo RAILROAD TRACKAGE. Corner. 198x157 feet to 20-foot alley. 0 with exclusive railroad trackage also con venient to depots, mills, etc. will sell or lease terms to suit. 0 Thorpe Bros., Andrus Bldg. 0 oooonocoooooooO ELEGANT HOME, IRVING AV S, OVERLOOK ing Cflhoun new, eight rooms, artistically decorated: hot water heat harwood finish and hardwood floors throughout beam ceiling, sideboard two grates, handsome leaded glass windows beauty. Telephone Main 4816 J. Miss Currier. FOR SALEBY OWNER, 8386 PORTLAND AV, new 9-room house built for a home must sell at once all hardwood, tuilttn sideboard and decorated, hot water heat, largo east front lot, fine location, easy terms. Call Sunday or any time If you want a fine home at the right price. OOOOOOOOoOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, LOWBY HILL, 0 for sale. Owner, 502 Lumber Exchange, T. C. phone 452. 900000 0 0 $6,500 THE BEST BARGAIN IN A NEW eight-room residence In Lake of the Isles, built before the advance in building material. 1522 W 25th st. Investigate before you buy. Open from 3 to 4 m. Easy terms can be made. 2022 OAKLAND AV, FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, city water, gas, cellar, storm sash, screens, large beautiful lot, 50x130 special price for quick sale $600 cash required, balance two years. L. L. Sutherland, Oneida block. A BARGAIN NEW EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat open nickel plumbing full cemented basement large attic stone walks, shrubs and trees fine neighborhood leaving city. Call 1600 22d av N. SUBSTANTIAL SIX-ROOM HOUSE, WITH barn, cistern and well gas, sewer and water In street $1,800, part time desired. 1213 E 22d st. Call afternoons or evenings. BEFORE BUYING, LOOK AT 8827 DUPONT av N, modern six rooms, $500 down, balance easy terms. Inquire 2422 Emerson N. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE, IMPROVED AND unimproved in-all parts of city. Harris & Houston. 706 Andrus building. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, GOOD SHED, ONE and one-half lots, cheap good little bouse. Inquire 2936 16th av S. LOWRY & WALLING, BUILDING OONTRAC tors. Get our estimates. 806 Boston block. Unimproved. LAUDERDALE CO,,- TEMPLE COURT. A few pieces left on 20th av N. $6,500, 48 ft. front, next to Sodlnl block. $70 per foot, 60 feet front, corner 6tb st. $5,000, 55x80, corner Lyndale. $100 per foot, 66 feet front next to Dress ler's new block. $70 per foot, between Dupont and Emer son, with dwelling. $3,800, 110 feet, corner Girard. $550, 22 feet, next to Schwabach'a black tim^th. shop. SNAP OFFER BY OWNER. I must sell at once the corner of Portland av and 88th st, price $525 lot adjoining goes for $475. This double corner faces north and west supeib neighborhood, full of new homes costing $2,500 to $4,000, nearly all improve ments in and paid for. Title insurance policies given. Any reasonable terms satisfactory. Address Owner, 453, Journal. CABLEGRAM FROM ENGLAND To sell 5,000 acres Canadian wheat land on line of new Grand Trunk Pacific railway, near Yorkton nothing finer selections made seven year ago price $6.50 per acre $1.50 cash, balance five years. Address W. A. Hammond, 611 Manhattan building, St. Paul. LAUDERDALE CO., TEMPLE COURT, Have four lots in choice location In Oak Park, 03 front on Knox at $800 45 on Logan at $450. Corner on Irving at $550, and lot on 8th av at $400. $495 WILL BUY AN ACRE LOT ON PENN AV N, three blocks from car line stone side wait paid for terms $100 down and 850 every six months. William Hendricks, 830 Guar anty building, WE WANT AN OFFER ON TWO EAST FRONT lots on 16th av S, between 31st and 82d sts. Crocker & Crowell, 815 Bank of Commerce Building. LAUDERDALE CO. TEMPLE COURT. Have lots beyond Camden Place at $75, $85 and $100. Good car service and plenty of work. $1,000LOT 60x200, FOBEST AV $8,200, LOT 71x165, Blaisdell, second beyond Rand's resi dence. J. C. Hall, 736 Lumber Exchange. FOB SALEFINE HIGH LOT, $125 CASH, 88th st and 21st av S, west front, 42x139. Inquire at 8252 17th av S. Farm Lands. ALL OF SEC. 33, 137, 88. MORTON COUNTY, N. D., for $7,000. NE 35, 111, 65, Beadle county, S. p., for only $1,500. NB 29, 113, 64, In Beadle county, S. D., $3,200, well Improved. NE 13, 119, 78 and SE 34, 120, 78, in Potter county, S. D.. only $1,000 each. SE 25, 119, 75, in Potter county, S. D., $2,400 excellent quarter. In Spink coun ty. S. D., I have NW 14. 114. 60, for $2,400: SB 81, 114, 61, for $3,200 NB 11, 114, 62, for $1,800 NE 20, 114, 62, for $2,000 (springs on this land) W 36. 114, 62, for $4,000 NB 12, 114, 64, for $2,400 SE 20 and NE 85, 114. 65, for $4,000 SW YJ. 5, 115, 65, for $1,400 only. All sec. 29, 117, 64, finely improved and only 3 Ms miles from Redneld, at $30 per acre. Also a well-improved farm of 1,280 acres, ten miles from Redneld, in German neighborhood, for $30 per acre. Two last-mentioned farms have artesian wells. Also 158 acres 8& miles northeast of Redneld for only $2,000. 80 acres in Chase county. Neb., for. $500. 100 acres in Poinsett county, Ark.,-for $800. 160 acres in Lawrence county, Ala., for only $500. No trades considered. Terms of sale about one-half cash. These are all bargains. Wil liam issenhuth, owner, Redneld, S. D. THE GARDEN SPOT OF MINNESOTA. Don't fail to get a home in Kanabec county, in the land of the big red clover richest and most fertile soil in the state located within 70 miles of the four big northwest cities prices range from $10 to $20 per acre $3 per acre down, balance 10 years' time, extra big yields small grains, .root crops, etc. Greatest clover and timothy land under the sun. Great stock and dairy country. Own your own home. Be Independent. Write or call for maps and descriptive matter. L. A. Howard, 502 Oneida Block, Minneapolis. FARM AND RANCH LANDSGREAT BA B7 gains In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado 10 years' time one-tenth cash. Dept. O, Land Dept. U. P. B. R. Co.. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farm Lands. M Continued DAIRY FARM$28,000, ADJOINING TkE CITY of Jamestown, N. D., 540 acres, watered by James river, 30 acres good timber, good house, horse baro, cow bam, granary, root bouse, chicken house and windmill, tea horses, sixty head of cattle and some hogs, full stock of farm machinery, including cream 'separator, potato planter and digger, corn planter and binder, mower and grain binder everything goes. Write to owner. No trade and no agency. Box 227, Jamestown, N. D. 1,600 ACRES, SOLD) BODY, MINERAL RE served, close to population of 20,000, good market price $2 per acre. 80 acres, close to lallroad, half mineral reserved price $2.25 per acre. 120 acres, close to railroad, half mineral reserved price $2.25 per acre. 270 acres, nice lake frontage, timber and half mineral reserved price $1.76 per acre. 40 acres, six miles from city of 8,000 price $8 'uluth, er acre. Guaranty Farm Land Company, Minn. GOING TO CANADA 1WE ARE ABSOLUTE owners of 200,000 acres in Sunny Southern Alberta, all within eight miles of railroad the new transcontinental line of the Great Northern will also go through our tract choice prairie, free from brush price $8 per acre only $2 per acre down the biggest snap in Canada. Next excursion April 17. O. W. Kerr Co., 520 Guaranty building. T. C. 9879 N. W. Main 2346. i HAVE BIG' BARGAINS TO OFFER YOU In choice northwest farm lands. Write, wire or call on Louis A. Howard, Oneida Bldg., Minneapolis. 00000 0000 OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH To North Dakota, to select a 320 or a 640-acre farm out of our 100,000-acre tract, for $12 to $15 an acre. Will yield over $12 an acre. Free coal, living water, black soil. Send for maps and Brown'B Farmer. Worn. H. Brown Co., 181 La Salle st, Chicago, or Mandan, N. D. BEST BUSINESS CHANCES AT HOUSTON FOB manufacturers, jobbers, wholesalers, distrib uters, capitalists, and others cheapest fuel, many railways, low freights, water competi tion cLtinuou prosperity, rapid giowth. Right inducements to right people, Houston Business League, Houston, Texas. IF TOTJ WANT A FARM IN SOUTH DAKOTA or expect to go out to Lyman county and look over the section through which rail roads are new building, write or call oa us low rates. Egeland's Land Agency, Immi gration Bureau, 709-11 New York Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. OUT THEY OO. Ton send 26 cents for photographic views and a year's subscription to Brown's Farmer and learn all the facts about North Dakota, where the great crowds are going. Address Brown's Farmer, Mandan. N. D. I HAVE AN OPTION TO SELECT 10,000 ACRES out of 40,000 acres finest wheat land in west ern Canada, at $7 per acre want party with $5,000 to go in on deal have buyers at re tail at good proft if Interested wire C. A. Monson, Warren, Minn. SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF GOOD FARM land, located five miles from Clearwater, Wright county, Minn., tor sale in 40-acre tracts, $15 per acre $100 cash, balance on or before ten years, 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., Clear Lake, Minn. CANADA LANDS ON ORpP PAYMENTS, 10,. OOO acres near Macoun afid Wejbum on Soo lire, 5,000 acres near CSturchbridge, for sale in small parcels on easy terms or on the crop payment plan. Urquhart Land Co.. 550 Endi cott. St. Paul. t, FBUIT GROWERS, IF YOU WANT A HOME In an ideal climate, where apples, pears, cher ries and strawberries grow to perfection, write us for description and prices of land in the famous White rSalmon Journal. valley. 489, HOMESEEKERS AND INVESTORS READ column article on Opelousas and St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, in the news section of this paper May 5. For further information address Opelousas Progressive League. Opelousas, La, FINE 10-AORE BERRY QR CHICKEN FARM, West Minneapolis, five blocks from Minnetonka carline good 6-room house, well, cellar, fine suburban home, $2,150 buys It. Act quick. Yale Land Co., 206 4th st S. 82 TO $3 PER ACRE FOB SPLENDID MINNE sota lands is the best investment you can make, half mineral right included. Large profit, absolute safety. George Rupley, Du luth, Minn WESTERN LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLDSEND descriptions, baigains only am offering Faulk county, NW 29-119-69, $1,100. If wanted, wire. Wilcox, 810 Phoenix bldg. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS IN Washington, good soil, abundance spring water, fine climate, hunting and fishing. Particulars 709 Andrus building $1FARMS FOR $1. Write or call and get information how to buy a farm on $1 per week new plan. Prestonf 807 Kasota Mqcfc --ff- VT INFORMATION FREE-LCANADI AN LANDS. R. R. Stoneri Canadian government agent, 440 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE^-60 ACRES, PARTLY IMPROVED^ 11 miles out Central av, by G. Jevne, 904 Minneha~ha a S. THREE SMALv FARMS FOR RENT OR SALE 80 miles from city. M. R. Waters, 707 Phoenix WRITE TO SCANDLNAVIAN-CANADIAN LAND Co., Chicago. They will tell you all about it. WE SOLICIT THE LISTING OF CITY PR0P erty, Improved or unimproved acres near city, Improved farms and wild lands, also houses, flats and stores to rent from owners only. Brown Bros., 1026-1028 Guaranty Bldg. TIMBER LAND. Want good saw timber, either email or large tracts, north or south, piue and hardwood. Give full description, estimate and price In first letter. 8467. Journal PROPERTY BOUGHT AND SOLD, LISTED FOR sale on your own terms wnen others fall to sell try my 20th century plan. Special work Is sure to win. J. A. Walters, New York Life building. I WANT THE BEST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, modern except heat, between Nicollet and the lakes that $1,800 cash .will buy. Address M. M-, 1612 Portland av, WANTEDIMPROVED RESIDENCE PROPER, ties in all parts of the city have customers for the same. Fifleld & Fifleld. 923 Lumber Exchange. LF YOU HAVE PROPERTY IN FARMS, LOTS, houses or flats that you really want to sell, list them with Geo. H. Root, 320-23 Century bldg. SOUTH DAKOTAWANT TEN QUARTERS IN Buffalo and Hand counties. Must be very cheap for spot cash^ 9681, Journal. THE BEST MODEBN HOUSETWITH HEAT, that can be bought for $3,000. Telephone Main 4816 J. FARMS FOR ILLINOIS CLIENTS, SEND DE scrlptions. McCabe & Co., 108 Boston block. MINNETONKA PROPERTY LAUDERDALE CO., TEMPLE COURT, have six acres in Carver county,, three-quarter mile from Excelsior low taxes, three-room cottage, about 1,600 grape vines, 43 apple trees almost ready to bear, acre red rasp berries, bed asparagus $1,700 takes this, $*1,000 cash down. 81,500. lev Nine acres fine level fruit land one mile from Excelsior small payment down, balance monthly. Badger & Thompson, Bank of Commerce Building. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, FULL BASEMENT storm sash and screens lot has 75-feet lake frontage by 200 feet deep price $2,000. Lake & City Realty Co.. 616 Guaranty Loan Bldg. MINNETONKATO LET, 22 ACRES AT MARK vllle, on the Great Northern railroad six room house and some fruit $150 yearly in advance. George Odium, manager, 809 Phoe nix building. FOR RENTCOTTAGE AT AR00LA, MAIN lake, five minutes' walk to station phone So. 175&J, or call at 302 Pillsbury Bldg., 2 to 4 p. m. WANTEDFRUIT FARM FROM OWNER, 10 to 20 acres, showing good income. Give full particulars in first letter. Address 9479, Jour nal. A BEAUTIFULLY WOODED MINNETONKA lot free for the best name for new subdivision. American Suburbs Co.. 324 Kasota block. FOR BENTMY COTTAGE AT MANITOU FOB the season: or will let until Aug. 1. R. Ev Lovett, 709 Phoenix building. ^MBAI^STArajBXCH^M^ 480 A., CAN., SASKATCHEWAN, $8, SALE. 160 A., N. D., Richland Co., $25, for Res. 160 A., Deuel Co., S. D., $26, for Mdse. American Land & Exchange Co., 285 Boston Block, Minneapolls.Minn. WILL EXCHANGE MARSHALL COUNTY LAND for 1905 or 1906 Model automobile must be in running order 80 or 160-acre tracts good proposition to offer you. Address Box 55, Ar gyle, Minn. WILL EXCHANGE MY HALF SECTION OF Canada land in Saskatchewan valley, worth $3,500, for a good paying drug store In North Dakota. Address L. MacKechnie, Cottonwood, Minn. I CAN EXCHANGE YOUB PROPERTY. Shepard. Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR SAUE-MISC2ELLANEOUS O. C. PLYMOUTH' LODGE." NO. 88. A. 6. U.~ W., will entertain Grand Master Workman M. O. Tlfft Monday evening, April 9. All members are requested to be present., PIANO CREDIT BILL NOTICE. During the'past month we have been con ducting a word contest and have issued a large number of credit bills, some of which will doubtless be offered for sale In thes columns by people who already have Pi*0**e and for the guidance and protection of the public we submit the following: Credit bills honored only at the warerooms of the W. w. Kimball Co., Minneapolis or St. Paul, where they vlll apply as part purchase price on any new Kimball piano at regular retail price. Not more than one oredlt bill can be applied on the same piano, nor can they be applied on accounts now running wun us. Transfer of cVedlt bill mutt be made In person at our office and properly endorsed by the sales manager. We would particularly warn you against misleading ada Inserted in these columns, in an endeavor to depreciate the value of these credit bills. To any on* desiring to purchase a piano, they mean juai so much money. 26-27 6th St S. between Hennepin and Nicollet. PIANO BARGAINSWONDERFUL VALUES tor this week. We are holding our semi-an nual clearance sale of all sample pianos, dis continued Btyles, shopworn and used pianos. This is the great event of the year In piano bargains in Minneapolis. The list includes such standard makes as Hardman, Mehlin, Krakauer, MePhail, Behning1, "Crown, Ster ling and a score of other good makes. Many pianos going at half price. Upright pianos, $80, $100, $110, $115, $120, $160, $180, $185. $190, $210, $280, $260, $290 two McFhall pianos, 210, $290 two Sterling pianos, $125, $268 two Hardman pianos, $190, $885 Stein way piano, $265 Ivers & Pond piano, $180 Marshall & Wendell piano. $185. These are only a hint of the great bargains offered at this sale. Call at once. Easy terms of $8, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $10 a month. Foster & Waldo, 36 6th st S, corner Nicollet av. THE SEASON HAS ARRIVED. You need store, office bank, confectionery and restaurant fixtures. We have the largest stock of new and second-hand fixtures in the northwest and at the very lowest prices. Just received carload of safes, all slues and standard makes, desks, chairs, tables, counters, shelving, show cases, wall cases, mirrors, typewriters, registers, scaleB, etc. It will pay you to come and examine the goods. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 Sd st S. SEOOND-HAtfD STORE, OFFICE, BANK FIX /tures BOO counters, shelving, cases, safes roll top desks new line floor cases, cash registers, scales all kinds millinery tables and mirrors, coolers, refrigerators, iceboxes, furniture, stoves, wagons 1027 Washington av S. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE. Buy the I. X. L. Cement Block Machines, the best in the market today *c the money. Write for circulars and price list. Boom E. Metropolitan Life building, Minneapolis. Minn. Mention this paper. WE TRUST EVERYBODYEASY PAYMENTS billiard tables, bar fixtures, bowling alleys cheapest prices, our salesmen work on a salary in dealing with us you do not have to pay commissions or middlemen's profits. The Brunswick-Balke-Coliender Co., Minne apolis. Minn. FOR SALE CHEAPCLEAN NEW STOCK general merchandise, in good northwestern Iowa town, doing fine business can be bought cheap. Good reasons. If interested, vulte quick. Lock Box 34. Ocheyedan, Iowa. FOR SALEA GOOD BUSINE8S IN OALLFOB. nia. I have first-class stock groceries in one of the best towns iu southern California, do ing $80,000 business. Wrife for full par ticulars. Wm. Duncan, Long Beach, Oal. WALL PAPERWALL PAPERARTISTIC DE. signs, latest shades and color effects. Prices right to make early business. Painting, e amellng and paper cleaning. Baker, 118 6ta st S, opposite N. Y. Life building. FOB SALEGOOD SECOND-HAND FLUE EN glne In good condition: can be bought at a bargain. For particulars write A. A. Wilson, Village Recorder, Brownton, Minn, ftUICK MEAL GASOLENE STOVES, \SLIGHTLY used warranted cheap 18-in oven Comfort steel range, new, $22. C. Herbert Smith for bargains. 424 Hennepin av. LAUNCH FOR BALEA FIRST-CLASS HALF cabin launch, 36-foot long, 8-foot beam, every thing complete and good as new, low price. 227 E 6th st, St. Paul. FOR SALESHOWCASES, COUNTERS, SHELV Ing and all kinds of store fixtures cheap must vacate. Inquire J. F. Blwell, the New Store. FURNITURE, GOOD AS NEW, VERY LOW easy payments open evenings. PhoneB, N. W. 2467-L, T. O. 2017. White. 218-215 5th st S. WOOD, DRY, $2.60, 82.75 FACTORY WOOD, $2.50: coal, $6 and $5.75. Plymouth Lumber Co., 287 Hennepin. Main 3846-L1. T. O. 2807. WE BEAT THE W0BLD OK HIGH GRADE, ball bearing sewing machines new machines, $7.57 up. Roberta Supply Co., 717 Nicollet. FOB SALEONE UPBIGHT PNEUMATIC BAL ing press for baling waste paper may be seen at Journal offle. Inquire of 0. A. Tuller, AWNINGS, TENTS, .FLAGS. American Tent & Awning Co., 807-809-831 Wash, av N. Mpls, Minn. SEEDSFBESH STOCK, GARDEN AND FIELD seeds, just received. Our lawn seed is the best. J. H. Smith, 214-2a.6_Hennepln_a.v___ FSR BALELAUNCH, EIGHT HORSEPOWER 28 feet, canopy and side curtain. Room 404, Kendrlck block. 27 E 7th st, St. Paul. HALL'S SAFES. NEW AND SECOND-HAND largest stock In the northwest. J. J. Derlght & Co 818 2d av S. Tel. Main 8121 FOR SALEROLL-TOP DESK, GOOD AS new office chairs, pure maple syrup, etc., at a bargain. Call at 1514 6th Bt SE. FISHERMEN, FLY AND BAIT CASTING RODS built to order expert repairing. H. A. Allen, 2544 Clinton av. FOB SALEA NO. 8 MLDDLEBY BAKE OVEN, in good condition, for sale cheap. Address 9818, Journal. FOR SALEABSTRACT BOOKS OF POPE county, Minn. W. J. Carson, Glenwood, Minn. 85 CENTSREADING GLASSES, FINE PAIR, Hlrschy. optician. 518 Nicollet, second floor. KIMBALL $85 SQUARE, $16i 716 1st av S. A FINE ELK'S HEAD FOB SALE, 108 3d stg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDPARTIES LEAVING -THE CITY TO get our cut rates on household goods to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. For the best of service and the lowest possible rates, write or all on The Boyd 'transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. WANTEDLAUNCH FROM 20 TO 80 FEET IN length. Write full description, name and power of motor, when boat was put In com mission, lowest cash price. Address Box 69, Wayzata, Minn. TOWN MARKET PAYS HIGHEST CASH prices for second-hand household goods and office furniture. 417-419 Washington av S. T. C. 2817. SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESORIP^ Hon to Standard Furniture Co. highest prices paid. 827 Washington av S. T. C. 3068. WANTEDWILL PAY 10 AND 15 CENTS A load for ashes, dumped at 8610 1st av S. Inquire at 3526 1st av S. W. Q. Dance. A SECOND-HAND 8 TO 10 H. P. STEAM boiler for hot-water heating. R, J. Baton, 3020 Hennepin av^ Telephone T. 0. 9829. SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO LLNDAHL ft Diegre highest prices paid. 405 Washing ton av S. Phone Main 1815-L2. WANTEDTO BUY A FIVE OR SIX-FOOT second-hand rol ltop desk. Address 210, Jour nal. BOARD AND ROOMS Offered. RKtoroND^aOTEL! First-class board and room at reasonable rates for summer also pleasant room at Library apartments. FIRST-CLASS HOME BOARD WITH BOOM, $3.50 without room, $2.50. Meals, single, 15C. 1514 6th st SE. Phone. T. C. 16856. LOOK AT THISBest table board, 88.50 per week a trial will convince you. The Mc Gnlpln Dining Parlors, 108 7th st S, HOTEL VAN EYOE. QUIET FAMILY HOKE, modern, best of table board, 1224 Nicollet av. VERY PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD, AT the Clinton, corner of 4th and Grant. ROOMS WITH B0ABD. 829 2d AV S. BOARD AND ROOM8 Wanted. WANTEDBOOM WITH BREAKFAST IN THE vicinity of Cottage Olty or Excelsior private family preferred. State terms. Address 581, Journal. HOTEL SAN ANGELO, SUITES WITH BATHS, single rooms, with or without board elevator service. 1221 Nicollet av. Both phones. i INSTRUCTION ^H( HAND PAINTING AND DECORATIVE WORK done all kinds of material lessons and spe cial attention given to School children. 809 Boston Block. ___ WANTEDFEW MORE SCHOLARS TO TAKE lessons on violin a new class started. Call on or address S. Grosland. 2751 17th av S. LESLIE VAUDEVILLE SCHOOL. 810 Studio Arcade. 804 Nicollet- Minneapolis. STEAMSraPS^ OUNARD LLNE/NTON^UR^PKOLDEST rtivt Paoe HORSES AMD CARRIAGES $f.\\ For Sale. LINE crossing Atlantic, Boston,. New York to Queenstown, Liverpool New York to Gibral tar, Genoa, Naples, Adriatic. Company's new office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. B. Carter, manager northwestern ^department. SOUTH ST. PAUL HORSE EXCHANG! When looking for horses call on tho ex change. Offerings, drivers, drafters and de livery horses also two carloads ot heavy draft mules. Take South St. Paul car direct to our barn, or phone T. C. 7078. G. W. Flanagan, Manager. ONXTBOCKAW AY CARRIAGE "WITH POLE, cost $850, FQR $425 one Thompson top buggy, cost $160, for $110 one light open runabout, cost $110, for $50, one phaeton, latest style, cost $225, for $125. All these rigs have rubber tires and nearly new. Call 916 Nicol let av. J. N. Johnson, both phones 1989. FB08T 00. Largest .sale and commission stables in the city. Fresh consignments every week. Quick sales, small profits and easy terms when de aired. 218 2d AT N. PAIR OF BLACKS, ONE MARE AND ONE horse, weight 2700, one pair bay mares, weight 2,600, also two pairs heavy horses, weignt 8,000, all young, about 6 to 9 years old also sound wagon and harness. 2829 Park air. FROM 800 TO 1.000 HEAD OF HORSES AND mares constantly on band auction every Wednesday private saiea aailj, farm maieo, drivers and delivery horses specialty. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. LOGGING HORSES FOR SALE) 100 HEAD OF second-hand logging horses, consigned to us from the Stone Lumber company and must be sold. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Mlrln. BLOOM ft MAJX&U8 HAVE FROM 100 TO Utt head of farm mares and horses ou nand at all times fresh consignments every week out motto is quick sales and small profits. Stables 848-260 2d av N. COACH AND HACK HARNESS^ Several very fine and very low in price old harness and collars in exchange. A. G. Schlener, 16 1st StN. JUST RECEIVED FROM THE COUNTRY, 0AR- load 6f farm and general purpose horses, which will be sold cheap. Charles Hoffman, 445 South Wabasha st. St. Paul, PAIR HORSES, 7 YEABS OLD, GOOD WOSK ers, weight 2,800, or will seU 5 and 7-year-ol4 horses, sound, good workers, weight 2,550. Sell separate. 2642 Clinton av. LARGEST STOCK OF HABNE8SE8 AND BAD dies In west Your own prjee. Midway Har- So?SIO ness Co., 1950 posite horse markets. WE ABE ALWAYS BEADY TO BUY AND PAY cash for harnesses, wagons, horses, etc. Bar rettt Si Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. Minn. FOR BALEFIRST-CLASS RACE PROSPECT, sound, bay gelding, pacer, can show fast, a sure 2:15 pacer. 228 S Front st, Mankato, Minn. ONE FAMILY DRIVER, 17 HANDS, WEIGHT 1,300 also buggy and harness will be sold cheap, as am leaving city. Call at 725 Oth av S. JOHN HOAGLUNDDEAD ANIMALS RE moved free. 22d av NB and Stocyards road, Minnesota Rendering Co. T. C. 16346. FOR SALEONE SORREL HORSE, WEIGHT 950 lbs, and if called quick, will sell for $20. Leaving city. 2611 Madison et NB. FOUR NEW LIGHT STEEL SHOES. $1.25 cash best material: we do horse-clipping. Globe Shoeing Co., 421 1st av N. JOHN HOGLUNDDEAD ANIMALS BEMOVED free 22d av NE and stockyarns road. Minne sota Rendering Co. T. C. 16346 FOR SALEFIRST-CLASS HORSES, DELIV ery wagons, harness, etc. New Store stables, 182 Holden av. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. W. Scavenger Co., 102 1st st N. Phone 195 Main. FOR SALEBANGOR BUGGY, NEWLY painted fine condition at 12 E Grant st. HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. CASK PAID FOR HORSES, HARNESSES AND buggies horses sold for anyone for $8 a head commission. Frost & Co., 218 2d av N. WANTEDDELIVERY HORSE, ABOUT 1,100 or 1,200. Call at 830 4th av S. THREE LIVER AND WHITE POINTER DOGS, one female, beauties, just right to train pedigreed sire and dam, both extra hunters shipped on approval. E. D. Brown, Lumber Exchange. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, WINTER LAY tag, spring hatching eggs setting 75c setting hens $1. 22 W 26th st. Phone 446 South. PUPPIES OUT OF REGISTERED COLLIE, nicely marked, crowded for room males, $5 females, $8. A. G. Rehse, Stewart, Minn. FOB SALETHREE ST. tt~y.UTAiTi DOGS, males and females 4 weeks' old. Call at 912 15th av S. PIHiSONAL^ NATURE, SELF-INTEREST AND TWENTIETH century intelligence demand that you keep your hair. You can do it, but not with ton ics, nostrums, etc.. vended and recommended by baldheaded fakirs. Get WIBO today. Oliver K. Chance. Hair and Scalp Specialist, 580 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. PURENESS OF YOUR COMPLEXION BE turned and preserved by French Hygienic Wa ter. Trademark registered. For toilet, bath and after shaving. Sample bottle 10c. Office, 117 3d av NE, Minneapolis. Ask your drug store. HOUSEHOLD GOQDS MOVED AND PACKED for shipment or storage by experienced men new fireproof storage warehouse, with sepa rate compartments and locked rooms. The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 8d st S. LADIES~T YOU WANT THE LATEST IN tailor-made suits, skirts end shirtwaist suits, call on L. Lelff, ladies' tailor, at 1014 Nic ollet av. Prices -very reasonable. Special attention given to out-of-town customers. IF YOU TRADE Bee L. T. Sowle ft Sons, Grain Brokers, uptown office, 814 Century Building. Gentlemen and Ladies' trade solicited. FACE MASSAGE, SCALP OR BODY MASSAGE, also manicuring and shampooing et your home if desired graduate New York school experienced. Phone 9929. Address 601, Jour- MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE RE palred, upholstering, new furniture, stoves, etc. undertakers, embalmers easy payments. Rainville Bros., 17 Central av. Both phones. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND THUBS day evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb's Academy, 48 4th at S, third floor. WILL GIVE VALUABLE^iNFORMATION TO anyone afflicted with any disease or ailment. No patent medicines. Address P. O. box 909, Milwaukee, Wis. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 807 MEDICAL BLOCK. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by electricity corns extracted inverted nails and bunions treated. SPECULATORS, TRY OUR UNEXCELLED FA cillties for trading in grain and stocks. C. L. Bauman Co., 222-226 Century. Both phones. MEN AS WELL AS WOMEN NEED SATIN skin cream and powder for youth keepers. 26c. AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES AUTO TIRES FROM $V OP, OABBIAGB tires $8 up bicycle tires $_BO up send your tires to us for repairing. We have the only complete plant for vulcanising and re-covering tires. J. N. Johnson Co.. 815 Nicollet av. ONE 1906 YALE RUNABOUT, DOUBLE OYLIN der, 14 H. P. motor car in excellent condi tion and is now being painted price $575. In quire of Northwestern Motor Vehicle Co., 219 6th st S, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALECADILLAC MODEL B, JUST painted^ and overhauled, at big* bargain. 610 Jficollet_av. SECOND-HAND INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE IN Al condition. Peterson's 611 1st av S. 18-FOOT LAUNCH. NEW THREE-HORSE engine I will trade for auto runabout in good condition. 104 12th st N. Wm. Bgan. WANTEDTO EXCHANGE TAILOBINfr FOB bicycle must be in good condition and a high grade model. Address 0767, Journal. 871 CREDIT CHECK ON TnsTBwT.T, PIANO 00. Will trade for library table or anything I can use. 8848, Journal. ABOUT FOUR CORDS LIME STONE FOB SALE or trade for sodding. Address 9184. Journal. PIANO FOR SALE 0B EXCHANGE FOB BAFB, 716 1st av 8. PIANO FOB SALS OB EXCHANGE FOB SAFE. 716 1st av S. TWIN CITY DYB WORKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladles' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 818 Nicollet. NORTH STAB DYEING AND FRENCH^ DRY1 cleaning works, '726 Hennepin av. Both phones. STERLING DYE HOUSEFrench 602 4tb av 8. T. C. 9838 N. W DETECTIVE BUREAUS HOY'S DBTKOTiVE BUREAU, SUITE *14-615 Phoenix building 20 years' continued experi ence in Minneapolis legitimate business solicited reasonable rates best ot references. Both Bhones. B-SsNsslSSSBSBBJSBBsiBi_SSBlesS^^ RAILWAY 1TCME TABLES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BUILDING PERMITS BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS 3b_j_S3p[p\ CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. CiWtickat office, 8M KicoUet Ano*. HUM* US* llf PasMager-atatioa, Washington and Sd ST 80. '*f Urn 'Dmfly fE* Sunday. tEs. BaiarAay. Asrhe 150 am Chicago, Milwaukee, LaOrosss ..noJSpat 6 45 pm Chicago, Milwaukee, UCroaee nt.Olm 8 00 pm Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCroste SOOaa 10 26 pm Chicago, Milwaukee, UOrotsa. *13.01p 8 60pm Chicago, Dubuque, Savanna ...*10.06 8 30 am Horthfield, Faribault, Maaon City ~...*10.055 S60pm Korthfleld, Faribault, Maaon City *6.40 1.15 pm Horthfiftld, Faribault, aurtlo flL30ass S.ttam KantM Ufa, Davenport Bock IaUnd..t 6.40 pa 10 26 pm Madison, Jfaneirule, Bockford 10.30 pt* US6 am Mankato, Well*, Jackaon lOOpai 6 06 pm Mankato, Wella, Montgomery 10.10 pm 10 15 am Aberdeen, Slneton, Hutchinson fl.OOp 0 45pm Aberdeen, Ortonville, Fargo MKn 2 30pm Milwaukee, LaCrosse *8.0Sp THE FAST MAIL leaves at 6:46 p.m. SHB KONEER LIMITED leaves at 8:00 p.s 'BlilliliPilli! Hume* Leave 1:80a.m.. 30a.m 1 7:80p.m. f0p.m. C. B. & Q. Ry* Phone N. W., Main 860. T. C. 311 Ticket office, cor. 8rd and Nicollet Union DepotNicollet and High St All Trains Daily. I Arrive Cnicago Scenic Express Winona, La Crosse,Dubuque, Chicago. S Louis 1:06 p.m. "TheChicago Limited'1,. Winona, La Crosse, Dubuque, Chicago. St. Louis Rock bland. Davenport COn ton. Moline. Peoria. St. Louis Scenic Express Rock Island, Davenport. Clin ton. Moline. Peoria "The St Lous Limited" fcBOavm. **0a.m. fcCOp.. 70 p.m. 1:05 p.m 8*0 a-k 8:00 fc-u 1:06 p.m. 840 a.m 8:00 a.-1 IMORTH-WESTERN IINE LU_JC. ST. P. M. Be O Fv l.lL__ Office (00Nicollet Ave Phone S40. tBx. Sun. Othersdaily For CHICAGO Lv 7 60 am, 6:00,8:00,10:30 prma From CHICAGO...Ar 7.66, 9 50 am, 5:30,10:2 pm FOND DU LAC Lv 4-28,6 00 pm,7:808:S0 Ar.10-.80am DULtTTH, L3Xw.-"-T710,9:10,u:nt6-06,9:85 t7.85 am, 4:00 pm, Ar pm S^ I Tjnlversit/av, St. vA^JS&U^^nm^^W&m 0P For OMAHA Lv t7i0,9:10 am, 7-30,8:86 pm From OMAHA Ar 8:06 am, 8:10 run For KANSAS CITY Lv9:10 am. 7:80,8:80 pm i From KANSAS CITY.. Ar 8:05 am, 8:10pm CHICAGO ^[ATWISTEWIRI COtr OmOH: Fifth and Hleollet, Dnrer: WaaEmstoal and Tenth Ave. South. Foirt:Mainn. *gx. Sunday. Others Dally. Chicago and East, Dubuque Chicago, Kansas Olty, Omaha Chicago, Des Monies, Kansas Olty Kansas City, 8t. Joseph. Des Moines Omaha, Ft Dodge, Austin Roenester. Bed wing, 1 Mankato, Faribault. Northueld. i Doom Center, Bayfield............ yiWHEAPOLiS & Lv.Bpls 7etam SO* pa lOtfpm MM am IMam *T6am (Hpm leWaa* 4 ami 11 Malt Ar.Mpli 10 pes see as* 8 it pat! apa, ST.dLOUIs S Chippewa Falls. Marsh. teld.Aafalana.Inaa f?owns.| Pamd Lac, Oab-ee* I bOOa. m. Milwankeo. Chieaao 7tQ5p, m. B." Station, Washington an 4th av N. Office, 484 Nicollet. 'Except Sun. Others Daily. Leave for CHICAGO, *8:86 am 8:00 pa Leave for ST. LOUIS *9.35 am8-o0 pa1 Leave for DES MOINES *9.36am 8:26 pm Leave for OMAHA, Califomia. *9:86 am 8:25 pm For Watertown and Storm Lake 9:02 am For Madison and Estherville *9:02 am WISCONSIN CENTRAL B*Y. TICKET OFFICE, 280 NICOLLET AV. Phones, T. 856 N. W., Main 858. Leave. Arrive, 8:60 a. 5:10 p. JflOTINO MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND 8TOBAGS Co, has best facilities for handling and storing household goods expert furniture packers: satisfaction assured, cut rates to Pacific coast and other points can save you money: do not be deceived by other advertisers we can and will do what we agree regarding ear rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machln* ery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. Call and In spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake st, the laigest In the west the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and Fireproof Storage Warehouse, with every accessory and convenience. Visitors welcome. Warehouse) office, 400 Lake st. Main office, 46 8d st & CUT BATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. The only concern in the N. W. doing enough business in this line to give prompt and reliable or indeed any kind of service to many points. Don't experiment with doubtful propositions, but bring your business to the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 48 8A' st S. CAMEBON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGk -X pert packers for storage or shipment large an4 commodious vans for moving. Office 800 Nie* ollet both phones 1208. Residence, T, C- 18324. BENZ BROS.. TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE. finest vans and warerooms goods morsd bjr experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tele phones 952. TRANSFER AND 8T0RAGE MOVING, LIGHT and heavy hauling horse clipping. William M. Dye, 318 4th st S, in rear. T. C. 958. FLOUR CITY TRANSFER AND STORAGE-* Moving nd packing a specialty. Office. 211 5th st S. Both phones 648. JOHN MoCARTY, MOVING AND TRANSFER. Otnce. 201 2d av N. N. W.. Q.17-l STORAGE %z THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake st, the largest In the west the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and fireproof storage warehouse, with every accessory and convenience. Visitors welcome. Warehouse office, 400 Lake st. Main office, 46 3d st 8. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND 8TOBAOB Co. has best facilities for handling and star* lng household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cat rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 128 5th st S* Both phones. OUT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI. cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points pest of service and low est possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer ft Storage Co., 46 3d st S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE-. Best facilities for moving and storing bouse hold goods expert packers. Office, 200 Nloo** let. Both phones 1208. Res. phone T. C. 13884, FIREPROOF STORAGE, CLEAN SEPARATl rooms packing and shipping. 108 1st at A^GENTSJANTED AGENTs'^WAN^r^^EVERY TOWN Tg northwest to sell embroidered shirtwaist pat. terns. I have the very latest style's, and exclusive lines. Territory given. I also want a few canvassers for the road who ar* hustlers, for these I have a good propo sition. J. R. Fouch, 26 Chute block. Central and University avs. Minneapolis. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED MONTHLY payment accident and sickness insurance so licitor to act as local manager ot industrial department ot an old and established com pany: liberal contract to a producer. Ad dress 7500, Journal. MUTUAL HALL AND CYCLONEGOOD MEN make 810 to 880 per day writing it. Agents wanted. Minn. Farmers' Mutual Ins. Co,, 326 Railway building. AGENTS WANTED FOB CITY BESTHOUSS to-house proposition in the country. If yon want to coin money, call at 508 Hennepin a% Suite 26. _- MONUMENTS $10,000 WORTH OF FINISHED GRANITE AND marble monuments, markers, etc. most b* sold before June 1. Please call at salesroom of Anoka Marble and Granite Works, 488 Washington av N. NORTHWESTERN MANTEL 00., MONUMENTS, headstones and markers special designs oa request Office 419 6th st S. Granite and Marble Works, 8617 Hen, av. Both phones. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS. ALSO BTBW art iron fences. Call H. O. Jnve. 719 Cedar av. SHE EMPBESS LINE OF THE ATLANTIC, Canadian Pacific railway fast Atlantic service largest, fastest and finest express steamers be tween St. Lawrence ports and Europe OUT four days from land to land. 'After April 6, 1906, the company's Northwes tern passenger office will be located at 289 Nicollet av (Hotel Nicollet block). Rates and information from H. B. Northwestern Passenger Agent. Telephone, T. 798 N. W., Main 48616. #iT' Cleaning. 449 J8. FUNERAL DIRECTORS HUMS DAVBS8, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Masonic Temple, 6th and Hen. Both phones. JOHN M. GLEASON, FUNERAL DLRECTOB and embalmer. 82 7th st S. Both phones. J. WARREN ROBEBTS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 710 Hennepin av. Both phones 3882. PENSIONS ROBT. WATSON. WAB VETERAN. PENSION attxt box 418. 888 Boston bit. Minneapolis., ___il___a_B_l____l__ 3