DINrNQ ROOM CHAIRSEx actly UKe illustration. This chair is made under our own supervision and nothing but the best selected quarter-sawed* oax is used in- its construction. It has a full box seat, handsomely carved olaw feet and elaborately carved back, it is upholstered in the beat grade of genuine leather. Speoial price 4 O week #*09 HARTMAN'S SPECIAL STEEL RANGEExactly like cut. This range, famous the world over, has newest improved features which have greatly increased its durability and perfection in'bak ing and cooking. Has high warming closet, folding tea shelves and poise oven doors. It is fitted with a duplex grate for burning coal or wood. Large oven of non-warpable construc tion, insulated at exposed points Hartman's special #Q| A Pric -VClaDU Full nickel trimmed, $2550. Terms, $2.50 cash, $2 monthly. Term s: $25.00 Purchase, $2.50 Down $3 Month. $50.00 Purchase, $5.00 Down $4 Month. $75.00 Purchase, $7.50 Down $5 Month. hi Swift's Premium Bacon Brookfield Eggs on Toast Imagine a dish like Swift's Premium Bacon E* crisp and brownwith toasted bread, "like mother used to make," and some poached Brook field Eggsall for Easter Breakfast! Anything "more tempting, more appeti&ng? And Swift's -Premium Bacon has such a delicious flavor, ''tastes just rightalways. Order in advance and I,demand Swift's PREMIUM. WeHnesday Evening, JL JZlJCi Hartman's Spring Exhibition of Furnishings of Extraordinary Nature Extraordinary in characterin varietyin extent. These great spring stocks have been prepared with a critical knowledge of the tastes and desires of the people of this com- munity and have been made to embody the most advanced ideas of the most noted furniture designers and makers in the country. These splendid goodsfull of meritcost you no more at Hartman's than the ordinary furniture at most stores. The "low price" feature and the "high character" feature of these goods are the re- sult of extensive purchases made by twenty-two great stores where quantities were so great as to enable this mighty chain of stores to elevate the standard of quality whije saving on the cost of production. You profit by our advantage. HARTMAN'S BED COMBINATIONComplete out fit consisting of bed, springs arid mattress. The bed is of above handsome design, very ornamental, with heavy tubing and large chills and joints the springs are of durable make, pliable and comfort able the mattress is of our own make, has soft top and taped edges, the ticking is extra heavy. We offer this entire outfit this $l ejc week at Vlli 0 Terms, $1.50 cash 50c weekly. JjARTMAN MISSION ROCKERSExactly like illustra tion. This is another of the Hartman spe cials,-made exclusively for our,22 stores, and bought at a price which enables us to offer a remarkable value for little money. This' rocker is made in beautiful weathered oak, i-wax finish. It is exceptionally massive and durable,^ and purely Mission in design. The upholstering is of the best grade and genu ine Chase leather and has a full spring seat. Hartman's special sale price LEATHER COUCHESThe frame of this massive couch is made of gen- uine quarter-sawed oak'. throughout and. very strongly, constructed. Has beautiful carved ornamentations and heavy claw feet. It is of full steel construction the springs used, in this qouch are oil tempered and abso- lutely guaranteed. The covering is of the best grade of genuine leather, neatly tufted and hair and moss filled. Hartman buys these couches for 22 great stores, therefore he is able to sell them at the 9 A 9 E extremely low price of WwUihV Terms, $3.50 cash, and $2.50 weekly. Prepareslices of toast slightlybrowned. a pan of water to boiling, put in a pinch of salt. Break each ege into a saucer. Slide r* ._* 'twrefully into pan 6f water. Cook for two Breakfast gjmites. Place eggv on toast. or fry "vy*^ si*?** Premium'Baco'n 3 "f *nushedBroil with pare tSoe a crisp brown, arrange on 4 i"*. (In frying bacon, use small lump of Silver Lear Lard to prevent bacon from being Vi/ %b greasy and blaok looking.) ~-'^*rf.3?i*' JIV -SwiftftCompany, U.-S. &&*$&&& GO-CARTSFolding Go Cart, gear made of neat ly enameled steel, rub ber tire wheels, fold up compactly, has perforated veneer seat and back, strongly built. Hartman's special sale O price flivO What flarfaui Sells He Guarantees. SID E BOARDSThis Sideboard is made in the rich golden oak finish, beautifully polished, has neatly carved 'ornamentations, large linen drawer and lined drawer for silverware, fitted with French bevel mirror pat ent casters. Hartman** -spe cial sale price, CI O "TE each Ofi(3i 9 $1.50 cash, 25c weekly.'" $4.95 Terms: $100- Purchase, $10 Down $6 Month. $150 Purchase, $J5 Down $8 Month. $200 Purchase, $20 Down $10 Month. BEDE POKES FUN AT LONE STAR STATE $i%^TW.. r-.*?? Likes to See Texas Representa- tives Continue Independence of the Union. i Journal Special Berrloe. Washington, April 11.-Representa- tive J. Adam Bede of Minnesota, in a speech advocating the division of Texas into five states as provided for when that republic became a part of the union, poked fun at the Lone Star state. I have always voted for the sub sidy for special mail trains for the south," Mr. Bede said: "because I felt that it was a good thing for the southern people to be able to read the northern newspapers at earliest practic able moment. "Texas has in a single century paid allegiance to five flagsSpain, Mexico, the republic of Texas, the confederacy, and now the United States." He said the state had its own consti tution. She came to us with a his tory of her own. She came singing her own national anthem, with the Alamo? a halo 'round her head.' Texas Still an Empire. Texas, the speaker said, was loved more by her people than they loved Un cle Sam, which he said he did not object to very much. "Texas is an empire," Mr. Bede re marked. I was proud to see the six teen Texas representatives stand up and vote for their state against Uncle Sam when the quarantine bill was up. They were true to their state. They re minded me of the Scandinavian girl, fresh from her home, who came into my district. She went to church and the good minister, as was his custom after the service, stood at the door giving the hand of fellowship to the brethren aad sisters. She told him her name and where she lived. I will call on you soon,' the min ister said. rOh, I got a fellow already,' re plied the young woman. -Think of Ten Senators. I can remember when 'Texas' was* synonymous with 'Hell' and now it is about as populous, and two senators are not enough properly to represent it. A state with such diversified interests should be under one government. In northern Texas they raise mules, grain and free traders, and in south Texas they raise sugar, rice and protection ists. "But to get back to Texas. Think what a sight it would be to see. ten senators from Texas, their sombreros on their heads, their pants tucked in their boots and pistols in their belts, marching on Washington with a firm de termination to blow out the gas." DEAD WOMAN BEATEN BY COUNT," "BARON" SAYS a i Journal Special Service. Neysr.'. York, April 11.The startling accusation is made by Baron'' Bavas tra de Carozzi, one of the "Musketeers of Gallantry'' comi|cted with^fhe life story of-Mrs*.' Blanche(..Turner Dennis, who died my&terio^wBJfy jiwovweeks ago 3n the Hotel Mfs^|lie, that she came to her .-end'./after bein kicked and beaten by-'' Count" Albert Sacky, Mus ketee*?No. 1. The "baron" said that Mrs. Dennis hadfteen closely associated with Sacfcy, and indeed, was practically engaged to be# married to him, Mrs. Dennis, he said, learned that |be was paying his addresses to another' woman and this led her to search-^him out" in New London, Conn. Mrs Dennis, according to "the baron," found the count with the other woman and upbraided him. There were angry words between them and finally the "count," the "baron" declares, lost all control of himself and beat and cuffed her. Finally he kicked.her, said^the "baron." FLYING R0L|ERS^'HURL CHALLENGl TO SAINTS Independence, Mo., April 11.A highly dramatic scene marked the close of the conference of the reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints when President Joseph Smith told of a revelation which he said had recently come to him. The revelation, he said, was concerning the establishment or a sanatorium in Independence for the use of members of the church. The revelation was. given to the "quorum of twelve" and the bishopric for consideration. A committee from the "flying rollers," a religious organization whose disciples have been holding street! meetings, visited the conference and submitted a challenge for a religious debate. After much discussion the challenge was accepted, it being un derstood and agreed that many of the debates are to be held at Benton Har bor, Mich., where the "flying rollers" are said to be numerous. Sour stomach, indigestion, belching, gas, fulness after eating relieved by Kodol for Dyspepsia. -Sweetens the breath, aids digestion: The bee that gets the most .honey doesn't loaf around the hive. The man who wants the best whiskey will have to ask for Pickwick Eye because it costs more than other whiskies and many ..dealers are not likely to push it. Other whiskies may be good, but it is an established and well-known fact that Pickwick Bye is a good, pure, old whis key. Try it. "See America First" Illustrated Tour. Yellowstone National Park Rocky and Cascade Mountain Banges along the Clarks Fork and the Columbia riv ers through Montana, Idaho, Washing ton and Oregon and by steamer thru the land locked "Inland Passage" to southeastern Alaska. This entertainment includes 200 beau tifully colored stereopticon pictures, and six motion pictures, making the finest illustration of this wonderful ter ritory ever attempted in this city. The descriptive lecture will be given by Mr. G. F. McNeill at the Central Baptist church, corner Fourth avenue S and Grant street, on Wednesday, April 11, at 8 p.m. Git-La Grippe is a rational treatment for colds. It kills the grippe germ. Cures in one day. All druggists. 25c. Electric-Lighted Sleeping Oar. fi In their new Pullman sleepers, fresh from the greatest carshops in the world, the Minneapolis 8B St. Louis Railroad is confident that it has reached the acme of perfection in the equipment of its Chicago service. These cars being new, represent in their construction every detail of com fort, elegance and sanitary excellence which the best inventive brains of the aouatrj hare been able to devise. T~"V 5 W:Wf:i ill i 4 and *Top CoatsNew coverts and home- spuns. Sizes 3 to 10 $5, $6 and $7.50 /f Haste Clothes-Show a *?%n *t i Young Men's Varsity SuitsThe new H., S. & M. long model. Every new fabric. Deep center vents. Imported and domestic woolens. Sizes 30 to 36 $25, $22, $20, $18 and Boys' Bloomer Norfolk SuitsLong coats, pepper and salt mixtures, mouse gray worsteds, broke plaids and serges. Sizes 8 to 17 $8.5Q and. Children's Reefers sieBWGSSiMIMSIM'il %*'"r"'"*^' $15 $10n We Share Ou Profits with 200,000 Investors! Most Brilliant of high-class distinctive fashions now in vogue. Every vital essential In making, every precaution and innovation given particular attention in the product of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Prince Albert Suits Silk lined unshorn worsteds, $35. Silk lined thibets, $30. Serge lined sil faced thibets, $25. '.v.:~ THE MOST RADICALLY NEW SACK MODEL IS The extra long cut sack suit. Expressive tailoring ideas in 8 or 10-inch center or side vented shapes,, straight, round or angular cut, flap or welted pocket French cuffs, falsel cuffs or no cuffs mohair or serge lined shaped waist and 33 inches long.' "v Through every variation of the new modes, hut particular strength in Imported WorstedsMoonlight grays, $35. Silk-mixed WorstedsLoomed in England, $30. Gray VeloursNew silver stripes, $28. Globe WorstedsMohair lined, $25. Herringbone VeloursInvisible gray overweaves, $25. Unfinished Gray ClaysExtra wide wale, $25. Double Twist CassimeresFaintly traced stripes, $25. Llama ThibetsMedium spring weights, $25. Hocanum VeloursScotch plaids, $20. 2-and-l Weave WorstedsBich* mixtures, $20. Chain Weave Worsteds and Club Checks, $20. Silk Lined Unfinished Worsteds, $22. Hocanum WorstedsOhalk stripes, $20. Grampian CheviotsShepherd checks, $2t). & Equatorial WorstedsAluminum grays, $20. Silk Lined Unfinished Worsteds, $22. Check Silky Worsteds, $18. Earnsdiffe WorstedsSilk stripes, $15. Venetian Lined Thibets, $15. American WorstedsMouse grays, $15. Greatest Raincoat and TopcoatStocks in the World Velour paletots, button-through flare-backs, homespun box cut shapes. Eighteen New Shades of Gray WorstedsShepherd plaids and silk mixtures. Fine plain black thibets. Beautifully loomed Scotches. "Proper" new French flare-back and box shapes. Snappy "gingery" styles, full of grace. In any proportion. $15, $18f $20, $22, $25, $30 and $35. Magnificent Stocks of Boys' Easter Clothes. CONFIRMATION SUITS. Long or Short Pants Suits in correct dress fabrics of every weave. Smooth surface-serges, neat diagonals, un dressed or smooth worsteds, jet thibets, soft cheviots. Every tone of black and blue sizes from 7 to 20 years. $3.95 $5, $6, $8, $10, $12, $14, $16.50, $18. We are the largest investmentbond company in the World. You will find our bond holders in nearly every state in the Unionover 200,000 of them in all. We have already paid out over $3,500,000 to hold ers of our Bonds. Our assests are over $3,000,000 and our State Deposits as required by law are the largest of any bond company in the United States. These are big figures, of vital interest to the large or small investor, for they show the tremendous earning power of small sums, when combined and invested in American Reserve Gold Bonds. The success of our financial transactions proves con- clusively that the state laws, by which we are governed, were framed in the interest of the conservative investor. Set Your Idle Dollars To Work! Every person who has idle funds, or who draws a regular salary, can soon be receiving regular dividends by investing, now, in American Reserve Gold Bonds.r These bonds not only pay dividends of 5% the first year, payable semi-annually, but they partici "pate in the total earnings of the American Reseive Bond Company. Money that yoti invest in these bonds works for youproduces an incomebecomes a permanent and rapidly accumulating reserve fund. These facts should interest every man or woman whose funds are non-productive or yielding only 3%. You have worked hard for your dollars. $? It's timeo they 55 weree workingrfor -k*v-H**'?--" ""V**' .^-'V's**''-^*" American Reserve Bond Company 401 Northwestern Building People who pay two cents for a paper naturally give it moi^e attention than one they bxur for a penny* The latter is sold principally on the streets and is thrown aside after a hasty ^perusal, and has practically no adrertJsintT value. $ circulation that 1B a home circulation.Is what the advertiser wants. neapolis and the northwest this paper is The Journal Young Men's RaincoatsCarnarvon coverts and Dumfries velours. Regular custom clothes. Tailor ing of highest class. Swell box back. d*Q Sizes 30 to 36 $20, $18, $i5, $12 and... p7. O "Ruff and Tuff" and Dudley SuitsNew service able fabrics. Dudley suits make four combinations by means of extra pair of pants. Sizes 8 to 17$7.50 grade. tS a*te you. ":J Dro pint our offic at you earliest convenience, and talk the matter over, or send for bur book "About Gold Bonds," which is free with our compliments. In MinA is $5 Young Men's French Flareback Overcoats Richest dress fab rics. Button through styles. Sizes 3d 0 $2063to chest $25 an CEYLON TEA GREENorBLACK OF PURITY AND HOW TO MAKE TTtjse half tfc quantity as of other tea, fresh boilin] water. Steep four or five minutes. TETtfYSTE* UNEXCELLED IN DELICATE FLAVOR AND REFRESH- I NO QUALITY. s"