Newspaper Page Text
.J fi'W S fe- ll 1 l r==W ?f r"' i & I 8 FOB BENT For BentUnfurnished Houses, CORNER BLAISDELL AV AND 83d ST, TEN rooms, modern, fine lawn shade trees barn, esJJ, at 8236 BlaisdeU av. See tbe owner, who wtll make teims tight. rOR^ RENTEIGHT-ROOM THOROUGHLY modern house, spring water piped in house, at Bryn Mawr, $30 per month modern plumbing. 1204 Guaranty Bldg. .SOUTHEAST, 401 OAK BT, NINE ROOMS, AIX modern 6-room flats 505 15th ay SE In quire Janitor. Gould. 480 Guaranty bldg. BEAUTIFUL NEW EIGHT-ROOM MODERN honise, May 1. 3016 Lyndale av 8 rent $25. La Duke & Wolff, 422 Boston block. 176-ROOM COTTAGE, SEWER, WATER and gas, good repair. Room for garden. Thompson, 7oi 15th av SB. COSY UP-TO-DATE DETACHED HOUSE, FIVE rooms and bath $25 3443 Hennepin av keys with John T. Garland, 36 5th st S. MAY 1DETACHED MODERN HOUSE, SEVEN rooms, parquet floor, open plumbing, $26. In quire 315 3d av SE. York Life bldg MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, 3250 PLEAS ant av. Apply to Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. OR RENT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, I N GOOD repair, with gas, water in yard, $15 per month. 1415 7th st SB. For BentFurnished Houses. A RARE OPPORTUNITY A COMPLETELY furnished home will be rented by the owner for two years or more from June, 1906. The bouse is located in one of the most desirable residence sections of tbe city and within easy Walking distance of tbe business portion re sponsible parties only need apply- Address 8613. Journal. 0 LETFURNISHED, TO A SMALL FAMILY a. flne downtown residence. New York Life building _OR RENTA C0MF0RTABLE~FURNI8HED house from Maj I at moderate rental. 122 14th st. Call morning6 or evenings. for the summer. See W. W. Price, ttAKE HARRIETFOUR-ROOM COTTAGE FOR rent completely furnished, 4015 Sheridan av Inquire at 4016 Park boulevard. kODERN FURNISHED HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS for rent from May 1 to Oct. 1 easy walking distance. 1417 Vine place. TO LET UNTIL SEPT. 15, 416 CLIFTON AV, to small family. Very complete, convenient and best location in city. MY HOME FOR RENT, FURNISHED VERY desirable place, eighth ward. Address 1539, Journal. JTOR RENTFURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE near Lake Calhoun. 3837 Sheridan av S. For BentUnfurnished Flats. l-ATS FOR RENTWE CAN TURN OVER TO a good party one of our six room outside flats in the Astoria, corner of 16th st and Clin ton i at a utscouut as the piesent tenant has left the city This has hardwood finish, open plumbing and is in walking distance and is the onlj flat we have vacant. See us at once. David P. Jones Co. $66TO LET. ONE OF THE BEST OUTSIDE eight-room flats in the city ground floor thoroly modem, janitor service, all light and airy rooms, within six blocks, of Glass Block: it can't be beat. Nicollet Real Estate. Rental & Adjustment Co 5f Centiuv building SO LETFOUR-ROOM FLAT, MODERN IN all appointments, sideboard, refrigerator, gas range, large private screened-in porch, store room, steam heat, etc., easy walking dis tance, price $30. W. W. Price, 413 New Yoik Life building. _0R RENT1617 NICOLLET AV, FIVE-ROOM flat, all modem except beat, separate entianee, all light rooms and newly decorated, best flat in the olty for the money. $18 Douglas A Fi8ke. 525 New_"t'ork Life building BEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM OUTSIDE FLATS IN Yale. 1328 Vine place. Eight-ioom flats in Agincourt, 917 Chicago av, $40. Elegant 7 room flat in duplex houe on Lowry hill, $35 Hennann 4lo Phoenix. 0 LETFOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, STEAM heat, bath, lnunar.\, gas lange, telephone, re frigerator, excellent Janitor service. Flat 8, 131 Bast 14th st. McKinley Court. Inquire at flat or janitor. $37 A MONTHSIX-ROOM FLAT, WITH bath, gas, range, electric lights, hot water heat, hardwood floors, all modern in every lespect. Apply at once to E. C. Kibbe, Public Service Club FIVE ROOMS, THOROUGHLY MODERN, light and clean, in Franklin Heights, coiner 2(t and Hennepin cheap Frank R. Rich ardson hat department B. Barnaby & Co. DESIRABLE, 6-ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD eru flat, $82, unfurnished if desned will be rented furnished. The Asbmore. 6tli av SE. AIo other flats Edwards. 808 Guaranty. UNFURNISHED FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS, large lawn and shade trees, very desirable location with all modern conveniences. Phone East 635 L2 3023 University av SE. $30 PER MONTH, 2705 CHICAGO AV, FIRST floor, five rooms, thoroly modern, individual hot water heat practically new. Apply Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus building. 3TOR RENTMAY 1, SEVEN-ROOM MODERN flat, e\ery convenience, second story, de tached building, 25, No 300S Aldiich av S Miss Rmma V. White, Seedswoman, FOR RENTSIX-ROOK MODERN FLAT, Oroveland Apartments, 75 Lyndale av N steam heat, artesianwater. Apply F. M. Henr\, 514 Lumber Exchange. PRETTY MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, SECOND floor, duplex house light and clean, nice lawn, swell location. 190S Pleasant av S. T. C. 4342 IW0 SIX-ROOM MODERN FLATS, DUPLEX, with bain independent heating plants lower flat furnished if desiie 410 New York Life. FOR RENTFOUR-ROOM FLAT, ALL M0D- ern, steam heat, walking distance, janitor service Olm^tead, 635 Temole Court FOR RENTALL MODERN BUT HEAT SEVEN room flat, new building, hardwood finish, open plumbing, rent $22 723 Emerson av N. 6 PER MONTH FOR FIVE ROOMS AT 301S 23d av S, second floor Meyer Land Co., 418- 419 Phoenix building 3542 FOR RENT5-ROOM MODERN FLAT, EXCEPT heat first floor gas range and electric light. Price 521. 2514 13th av S. SIX ROOMS, STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE MOD ern all and light rooms, second floor, 215 11th st S, eay walking distance MODERN FIVE-ROOM F3.ATS AT THE CLIN ton, Clinton a\ ai E 18th st. Inquire on premises. Frank Miller _INE ST 8-ROOM, LOWER DUPLEX FLAT IN the Sth ward. 2713 Colfax av Inquire at 2709. Phone South 5S7 J2 THREE AND FOUR-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, at 1004 5th ac S, 01 call up Mrs. F. King, 4640 C. phone. _0R RENTMODERN SEVEN-ROOM FLATS, fine central location. W P. Maly, 413 Bank of Commerce. OR RENTSEVEN-ROOM FLAT. DUPLEX house, all modern adult* only 1786 Humboldt av S. FINEST 4 AND 6-R00M STEAM HEATED flats in city 1 E 17th st, coiner Nicollet av. CHADBOURN & BRADEN. 17 4th ST B, HAVE flats and houses, $10 to $45. Far BentFurnished Flats. JrURNISHED FLAT OF FIVE ROOMS, LARGE lawn and shade trees, very desirable location with all modern conveniences. Phone East 635-L2, 3023 University av SE. _WO FLATS OF THREE ROOMS EACH FUR nished for light housekeeping iu modern house on 2d and 3rd floors, at 1610 Harmon place, facing Central park OR RENTSEVEN-ROOM FLAT. NICELY furnished, desirable location, will rent from May 1 to Sept. 1 or longer. 1013 3d av S, flat 3. OR RENTFURNISHED FLAT, TWO ROOMS and bath. Harvard Chambers. May 1 to Sept. 1. Inquire Dr Holmes. Masonic Temple. EVEN-ROOlTFURNISHED FLAT, FROM MAY to September, everything new and complete artesian water Flat 12, 408 14th_st_B. _WO-_bOM~FURNISH_b ^APARTMENT, WITH bath, for rent in Harvard Chambers, very rea sonable. Paul R. Seidel OR RENTFtmNISHErT^'LAT, 7 ROOMS, modern, or sell furniture at once. 32 11th t N. For BentStores. OOOOOoOOOOOOOOO O STORE FOR RENT, NEXT TO O. H. Peck Co.'s, a flne location. Inquire 0 O 120 51,h st S, opposite New York Life 1 building. 0000000000000*000 FOR RENTCORNER STOREROOM AND basement. 228 Washington av N, 28x80 freight elevator. *plendl location, wholesale or retail business. Douglas A. Fiske, New York Life building. FOR RENTFINE CORNER. BRICK STORE nuilding. with fixtures. $20 per month best location in town of 700 no drug ^tore in town and have two doctors. Ferdinand Peteis, Cold Spring. Minn. For BentOffices. DESIRABLE OFFICE OF ONE, TWO AND tbree rooms, with hot and cold water ane small office with light and telephone desk room for rent. Inquire at 666 Bank of Min neapoljs building O RENTTWO FINE OFFICES ON THE fourth floor. Apply to- W. B. Henderson, Room 403 N, W. F. & M. Ins. Co. building, 18 4th st N. Z-'(' -.--'-A' si'-* '-fa?- *~Sh S SIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, 860 6T1- AV FOR RENTTWO PLE/m*"" "ftOMB, ftTTB N, $30 per month. E. M. Christian, New I 18 ONLY, MODERN HOUSE, NEAR CENTRAL high worth $25. Hanford Rental Agency, 310 Bank Commerce. 8 JM Tuesday Evening, ~tv: FORWENT For BentFurnished Booms. THREE PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, FUR nlshed or unfurnished, will rent singly or en suite, light housekeeping allowed pleas ant location ground floor rent reasonable. Elsinor flats, corner Chicago av and 18th st. Mrs. Mas son. Take 8th av car. FOR RENTFOUR GOOD ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping good location three blocks from car Hue 7% minutes' service all day ample grounds with numerous shade trees large veranda on both first and second floors. Call 3S0O Pleasant av. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, NICELY FUR htsbed for one or two ladies also one side front room for one or two, all modern lovely lawn. Very homelike. At 620 E 15th fit FINE FRONT PARLOR, SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen or man and wife,- modern house, newly remodeled, also single room. Sea these at 09 12th st S. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, suitable for two, gentlemen preferred free use of T. O. phone 9549 spring water. 47 8th st S, flat 3 i gi one double, in strictly modern flat, walking distance, phone service, flat 2. 910 6th av S, TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, SINGLE AND double, in strictly modern flat, walking dis tance. T. O. phone 10053. 1809 5th av S, flat 2. WELL FURNISHED, LARGE FRONT ROOM, large closet also smaller room private fam ily everything first class. 614 9th st S. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM, $10 PER month back room, $5 bath, gas, hot water, house modern. 45 11 tb st S. CALL AT 1111 HENNEPIN AV FOR ROOMS, newly and neatly furnished house modern rooms strictly first class. $1.50NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, MODERN house. No 518 8th st S. J. B. Walker. 404 Century bldg. WELL FURNISHED ROOM, NEWLY PAPERED, bath, gas, telephones, lawn, tennis court. 410 9th st S. A FEW CHOICE CORNER ROOMS AND BOARD at the Clinton, corner 4th avjandGrant. PLEASANT, CLEAN, FURNISHED gas and bath. 817 6th av S. ROOZ FIVE PLEASANT ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, with use of three evtra rooms, if desired. 3516 Aldiich av S, onU $12 per month, 'fappan i* McClain, 1204 Guatant) building. 4% 250 LYNDALE AV N, 4 ROOMS, CITY W_- tei, $8. 513 4th st N 5 rooms. $8. 517 Portland av, 6 rooms, $17. Hermann.. 410 Phoenix. ENTIRE FIRST FLOORFOUR iARGE rooms, summer kitchen, cellar, bath, gas, newly decorated small family preferred. Price $20. Call at 2520 1st av S. FOR RENTFIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, upstairs: water and sewer at $13 per month. Call 1508 6th st N. FOUR DOWN STAIRS, 9121/. 35 ACRES, CORNER BLOOMINGTON AV AND 43d st, very cheap good mfcadow and forest, $70 a year. Walton, 114 4th st 8. For BentMiscellaneous. SHOP FOR BARBER, CIGARS OR LIGHT business. 12 Central av, Nicollet island, $8 SHOP FOR REPAIRS, BARBER, SHOEMAKER or tailor, 237 10th av S, $8. WANTEDJTO^BENT WANTEDTO RE NT BY YOUNG MARRIED couple, strictly modern four or five room flat or small house, must be near car line, price not to exceed $25 best care taken of every thing, references furnished possession want ed immediately. 1678, Journal TWO YOUNG LADIES DESIRE TWO UNFUR nished connecting rooms with refined family in desirable neighborhood, Snnnyside preferred references exchanged, state particulars. Ad dress MJ39. Journal LIST YOUR HOUSES, FLATS AND OTHER property for lesults with us. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. WANTEDTO RENT FOR THE SUMMER, A furnished house. In eighth ward, modern ex cept heat, lent about ?25, first-class refer ences. Address 1748, Journal, WANTEDTO RENT, BY MAY 1, MODERN house of eight to ten rooms, in good locality, within valkmg distance. Address K., 2614 Girard av N. SMALL COTTAGE, WITH SUITABLE SUB roundings for raising chickens, distance no object if near car line, no children. Address 1740, Journal. WANTEDA FURNISHED HOTTBE, FLAT OR apartments for summer or limited period. Ad dress full particulars to 1773, Journal. WANTEDTO LEASE WAREHOUSE SPACE, about 75x200 with trackage and office 100m, elevator. Address 1763, Journal. PERSONAL ARE YOU THE WIFE, SISTER OR FRIEND of a drunkard or morphine fiend.' We guar antee to cure the wOLfct case ever known in from five to ten days. Send for "The Prisonei of the Bottle" free. National Drug Cure Asso tiation, 1322 Hennepin av LADIESLF YOU WANT THE LATEST IN taiior-made suits, skirts and shirtwaist suits, call on L. Leiff, ladieB' tailor, at 1014 Nic ollet av. Prices -very reasonable. Special attention given to out-of-town customers. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED AND PACKED for shipment or storage by experienced men new fireproof storage waiehouse, with sepa rate compartments and locked 100ms. The Boyd Tiansfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. IF YOU TRADE See L. T. Sowle & Sons, Grain Brokers. _a_3 Uptown office, 214 Century Building. Gentlemen and Ladies' trade solicited. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, red nose, moles, birthmarks, powdermarks, permanent!,' removed without pain or scar. Lillian M. Simmons, electro dermatologist, 618 Medical building. FACE MASSAGE, SCALPS OR BODY MAS sage, also manicuring and shampooing, at your home, if desired, eperienced exclusively for ladies. Phone T. 9929 or address 1416, Journal. MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE RE paired, upholstering, new furniture, stoves, etc undertakers, embalmers easy payments. Rainvllle Bros., 17 Central av. Both phones. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND THURS day evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb's Academy, 43 4th st 8, third floor. WOULD LIKE TO GET 5 OR 6 LAWNS TO mow foi the season, I will furnish mower. Call or address W. H. Clayton, 203 Nicollet av T. C. phone 3305. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 207 MEDICAL BLOCK. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by electricity corns extracted, inverted nails and bunions treated. BEAUTY'S CHARM, A SATIN SKIN, SECURED by using Satin skin cream and Satin skin powder DELIOTOUS"^OME^MADE~BITTERSWEETS", 40c lb. 103 7th sv S. New England blccx. AUTOMOBILES, BICYCLES FOR SALE1905 FOUR-CYLINDER 22 HORSE power, shaft drive automobile car used four months thoroughly overhauled new tires, all equipment with car, first offer $1,100 takes It. Owner leaving town. Address Kemplin & Wo _mack, 203 Prase Mock, St. Paul. ^__ AUTO TIRES FROM $10 UP. CARRIAGE tires $3 up bicycle tires $1.5D up send your tires to us for repairing. We have the only complete plant for vulcanising and re-covering tires. J. N. Johnson Co., 915 Nicollet av. fOR SALENEARLY NEW BICYCLE, COAST er brake, adjustable handles tires practically new full equipment, cost $35, will sell for about half. Can be seen at 251 1st av S, tailor shop WTLL PAY SPOT CASH FOR 1903 OR 1904 Wlnton If it can be bought at right price and if in A condition. 9379. Journal. No atten tion paiid unless price given. $425 FOR OLDS LIGHT TOURING OAR, 10 P.. detachable tonneau, tires, running parts and body guaranteed in excellent condition. Address 1162, Journal. WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR 1908 OR 1904 Wiitton if it can be bought at right price and if, A condition. 9379. Journal WANTEDPOSITION TO RUN AND TAKE care of anj gasolene car, good references. Address 1194, Journal. FORT"SALEONE" OLDSMOBLLE RUNABOUT, first-class condition, $240. 241 Nicollet av, room 9. FOR SALI"A FEW LADIES' A ND GENTS bicycles, cheap. H. F. Hughart, 260 Henne pin. SECOND-HAND INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE IN A condition. Peterson's 511 1st av 8. STOVE BEPAIBS U. STOVE REPAIR CO., 13 3d ST S. STOVES rehired and stored for summer. Both phones, Prempt Service. REPAIRS FOR ALL STOVESGREAT WEST ern Stove Repair Co.. 312 Honnepm. PBOETSSHSIOHAL^ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA nently removed by electrJd^r. Miss Holtister, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist, ft^ffjjgj^-^ REAL ESTATEJ^OR SALE Improved PAUL BEUHLER, 156 Temple Court. $4,750Sunnyside home, first time offered east front, on Colfax av S large lot This is one of the special bargains for this week only. Owner obliged to leave the city. Built by the owner for his home about one year ago. Re member this is no sham of a house built like you would for yourself, not built to sell. Strictly modern in every particular and every thing the latest up to-date. $3,000Elegant, all modern, east front, 8-ioom home, Elliot av, ouly one i-loek to Chicago av car flne home surrounded by $4,000 and $5,000 homes inside of Lake st no Joubt a big bargain. $8,300Look at this beautiful 9-room, all mod ern home, handsomely finished and decorated, flne gas fixtures, window shades one of the latest improved combination heating plants, fine lot, nice shnde trees, good bavn. stone Walk, sewer, water, gas, all paid for easy walking distance to business no doubt a good bargain. Don't fall to look this oyer have arranged with the occupants to show all com rs through. No. 2200 Chicago av. $3,850Built by the owner tor his home a short time ago. Don't fail to see this beau tiful up-to-date, strictly modern home, hard wood finish, and floors, gas fixtures, window shades, Bfrr sash, screens, elegant built-in china closet, very best of open porcelain plummng, and heating plant fine lot. nice shade trees sewer, water, gas, stone walks everything paid for ouly one block to car surrounded by elegant homes costing from $5,000 to $10,000. Don't fail to go and see it Sunday or any day. No. 2609 Uavfleld av S. Occupant will show you through. $2,300The biggest bargain you ever heard of nice seven-room strictly modern hardwood finish gas fixtures, window shades, storm sash, screens, fine mantel and grate, line bathroom, large vestibule, good heating plant big snap. Good for this week only. Good title, all clear, nice location, Nicollet av. Sure to go quick. $4,600One of the finest, new, strictly all mod ern, hardwood finished, up-to-date, eight-room homes in Calhoun addition flne view of lake $1,000 down. $3.300Beautiful, new, ceven-nom, all-modern, hardwood nnished home big lot, fine location near Park av. inside 83d st. $4.500For quick sale, 12-room house, modem except heat best open nickel plumbing, gas t- fixtures, two fine mantels lot 64x144 Park fwv, inside Franklin, walking distance. Come .iud make me an offer. .200Look at this beautiful, new, up-to-date, Vstrictly home, finished in the choicest i an For BentUnfurnished Booms, i wood floors throughout-, ane gas fixtures, win dow shades, storm windows, screens, latest up-to-date improved hot water heating plant, fith AV S. $8. TWO UPSTAIRS. 809 11th AV S, $4, For BentFarms. Located near Penn av. between 35th and 86th avs N, size 40x128 feet each three blocks to 20th av N car line He beautifully, over looking city. Terms very reasonable $10 cash, $5 monthly, 6 per cent Interest. Here is your opportunity: buy quick. BARGAINS IN THREE NEW HOUSES BUTLT on honor by day labor duilng tbe winter months. These houses are little wonders in design, both outside and inside, completely modern with polished floors, open plumbing, gas piping, Ptc all three in Walton Park, 37th av N and Lyndale av. Telephone Main 3285-L. Will sell foi $250 down and $20 a month, including interest, lots very large t.rlces $2,000 and $2,450. Edmund G. Walton Agency, 114 4th S. BEAUTUTJL SUMMER AND WINTER HOME neai Lake Harriet, hot water heat, open plumbing, full basement, stationary tubs in laundry, hardwood finish, built in china clos ets, paneled stairways and reception room, new and modern, mateiial the best, built by owner for home business changes cause of selling. See E. B. Waterman, 41-0 Upton av S. RAILROAD TRACKAGE. Corner. 198x157 feet to 20-foot alley, with exclusive railroad trackage also con venient to depots, mills, etc. will sell or lease terms to suit. Thorpe Bros., Andrus Bldg. OOOOOQOQQOOOOO $1,000GOOD SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 1405 E 21st st, cheap for the money. $2.500Seven rooms, modern except heat, on Irving av S, between 31st and 3JW sts. $7.0001*5 room modern house, on Stevens av, very desirable for a home. Inside 17th st, in flne condition. Crooker & Abbott. 513 Bank of Commerce. FOR SALE$11,750, ELEGANT LOWRY HILL residence, new, never occupied, built for a home, finished in choicest hardwood, silk tap e-tried side walls free band cellinc work, art glass windows, hot watei heat, stone porch, full attlo. full basement, lot 100x158 feet oak trees large barn telephone Miss Currier, Main 4316 J. Pf^^if'i'pSW^K^.' selecmodern highly polished hardwood and hard line laige corner lot in fact, everything the very best money can buy. Call Sunday or any day. 3345 Grand av S. $4,600Strictly modern up to-date 8-room baid wood finished eighth ward home, this is fine and well located first time offered easy terms $566 down, balance to suit. You will surelj like this. $900Good S-room all finished cottage and four big lots close to Lake Harriet biggest bargain ever offered at the lake. $3,300Strictly new, modern eight-room bard wood finished home well located, 2d av S terms, $000 down, balance to suit this is a snap owner leaving the city. See Paul Beuhler before you buy for flne, new, up-to-date homes in Lowry Hill, Lake of the Isles, Sunnyslde, Lake Calhoun, Lake Harriet or in any part of the city, at all prices If you wish to make a quick cash sale, list your property at once. No charge made for adver tising it. Or borrow money, call and see him. THORPE BROS. 206 ANDRUS BLDG. $11,500The most unique two family house in the city, located in beautiful Kenwood, on a lot 70 feet front by 150 feet deep to alley, facing southeast. Each apartment has up and downstair*. The house looks lige a one-family home. One liat contains four living-rooms, four bedrooms the other flat contains three living rooms, three bedrooms. The smallest flat rents for $45 per month, hardwood finish and floors thru out, hot water heat, the veiy best work manship and finish. This is the most at tractive house of the kind in the city. House 2 years old. For photo and further particulars call at office. Submit Your Own OfferNos. 1818 1821 2d st N and 207 19th av N. The corner of 2d st and 19th av N, improved with two houses and store building, lot 55x163 feet. Two houses now renting at S2t per month store va cant in need or 3ome repairs. A flrst class investment. $900Lake of the isles. A beautiful east front lot on Lake place, between 24th and 25th sts, size 50x130 feet. lies. well. $1,500Lot on James av S, between Lincoln and Franklin cvs facing west 60\135 feet improvements in, lies flne. The Best Lots in the City. For $70 Each. REAL ESTATE$3,400 BEST BARGAIN IN 7-room modern cottage in city. 3621 Stevens av, lot 50x133 to alley hardwood finish, hot water neat, best open jlumbing storm sash, screens, shades, gas fixtures, range, water nieter, stone walks, nice lawn, trees, ea-sy terms. See owner T. 4964. ELEGANT HOME, IRVING AV B, OVERLOOK ing Crlhoun new, eight rooms, artistically decorated hot water heatg harwood finish and hardwood floors through Hit beam ceiling, sideboard two grates handsome leaded glass windows, beauty. Telephone Main 4316 Miss Currier. FOR SALEHOUSE AND LOT, EIGHT ROOMS, hardwood finish, hot water heat, parquet floors extra fine lot, very desirable In every respect if yon want something flne at a real bargain answer at once leaving town must sell al once Address 1898, Journal, BIG BARGAIN BEAUTY HOME EASY terms $400 down, $20 .ncnthly new, 7 rooms and bath, parquet floors throughout gas, *.'ity water, sewerage, artistically decorated large lot good location. Price $2,300 if taken at once. Phone Miss Currier, M. 4816 J. FOR SALEA FINE, THOROUGHLY MODERN seven-room cottage, beam ceiling, paneled wainscoting, hardwood finish, gas and. electric fixtures, mantel, laundry and excellent fur nace. J. B. Thompson, 2912 18th av S. T. C. phone 5678. $4,850NEW 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 3017 Holmes av, near Lake Calhoun large lot Mc Gee hot water heating plant, elegant sldebpard and decorations. It's fine. Easy terms. Has sett, owner and builder, 311 Century bldg. TWO SNAPfrFIRST, 3,000, NEW 7-ROOM house nil modern steam heat. Second, $2,250, house on large corner lot, rented, per manent tenant, $22 per month. Both Inside 32d st, near 4th. Call afternoons 3141 3d av_S. FOR BALEBY OWNER, 3848 COLFAX AV N. 11-room house, built for two families and nearly finished $900, $600 cash, balance time at 6 per cent. A snap for anyone wishing a cheap home. Have to leave the_city. $100 CASH WILL BUILD YOU A HOME, ANY part of the city, according to your* plans. Come In and see us at once. R. Betcher & Co.. 507 Phoenix Building. FOR SALENEW EIGHT-ROOM MODERN house icod material and workmanship oak finish, hardwood floors best bathroom, fur nishings, laundry trays, combination stairway, eighth ward. Owner. T. C. 2109. FOR SALEA FINE THOROUGHLY MODERN seven room cattage. nearly new hardwood finish, mantel, paneled wainscoting, beam ceil ings and an excellent furnace. A bargain. T. rhin 5678 29'2 18th av S COTTAGE, FOUR ROOMS, WELL, CELLAR, pantry, vestibule thoroughly well built, near ly new: can finish two more roOms: second floor, gas and city water in front. 3825 Lyn dale av S. Owner on premises. WOOD FOR SALEWE~HAVE 1,000 CORDS AT Excelsior. Lake Minnetonka. and will deliver to cottages at reasonable prices. Leave orders at "New s" office Excelsior, or Thorp* Bros., Andrus building. Both phones. BY~bWNER AT A BIG BARGAINAN EIGHT room house, modern excent heat, in good repair, storm easn, Bcreens, big barn to be sold befoie May 1. For terms and price call at hoise. 2S12, Elllojt av. $800 DOWN, BALANCE TIKE. WILL BUY flne modern home, Portland av. Hanford Rental Agency. jy810 Bank of Commerce. I THIS MilNTNEAFOJ-lS JOURNAL. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE Improved. Continued. GARDENING AN? FARM LANDS FOR RENT and for sale In and near the city also build ing and'residence lots for sale. Janies T. Sawell. 636 Andrus building. WE BUILD HOUSES AND BELL ON EASY payments. Get a modern home and let the vent help you pay for it. C. S. Woodruff, 603 Guaranty building. A MODERN TEN OR TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE, near University campus, $500 down, balance monthly must have cash value. Address 1896, Journal. FOR SALETHOROLY MODERN IT-ROOM COT tage, Calhoun district well built, easily heat ed: large lot $3,800: terms. Telephone South 1083 J2. FOR SALENICE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, OAK finish, partly modern will make modern ex.- cept heat to suit purchaser terms. 114 W 88th st. FOR SALS OWNERNEW FIVE-ROOM house, hardwood floors, nicely decorated, cel lar, summer kitchen price $1,150. 4847 Pleas ant av. A GOOD, ROOMY HOUSE, ONLY $3,000 A good, homey place, in Hudson, Wis. Photo furnished. A. R. Klbbe, New Richmond Wis. $4,200NEW 8-ROOM ALL-MODERN, ON large, choice comer east and south front. By owner, Herman White, 3452 Lyndale av S. $1,800SEVEN-ROOM PARTIALLY HOUSE, large lot must be sold at once a snap for some one. Walker, 404 Century Bldg. $760 BUYS GOOD FOUR-ROOM HOUSE WORTH $1,200. Sylvan Park addition, if tiken soon. Campbell Co., 782 Boston block. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. Unimproved. SNAP OFE_% BY OWNER. $475Takes nicely located lot next to corner 'of 88th st on Portland av. $526^Takes corner lot on 38th st and Port land ftv. These lots form a very pretty double corner and are ideal speculations a choice loca tion for a home builder they face north and west and are the only remaining lots in this block of $8,000 to $4,000 new homes title Insurance policies given easy terms to suit purchaser. Address owner. 1646 Journal. BARGAINS I N LOTS. $500Lot, corner Irving av N and 23d st. $1,250East front lot, 50x158 feet, Irving av S, near 22d w'ater and sidewalk. $1,800Bast front, on Nicollet, 45x192 feet, between 25th and 26th sts. We have a fine lot on BlaisdeU av, between 24th and 25th sts, that is extra cheap. See us -about this. Crooker & Abbott. 513 Bank of Commerce. "PEACHY" BARGAINS. $376^Columbus av, near 85th, 42 feet, water, walk, gas. $475Oakland av, near 84th, water, walk, gas. $800Park av, near 34th st, 26 feet blvd, 49- foot lot, street improvements paid. Telephone. L. L. Sutherland, Oneida block or 3418 Park av. Insure H. H. Goods now^ 00000000000000 FOR SALEON KNOX AV S, $8,000 if taken soon will buy very flne lot 50x135, only lot left at this price among flne homes and lots of trees. No agents. Ad dress 1851, Journal. $750FINE LOT ON LAKE PLACE, CLOSE TO 25th, rear Lrke of the Isles. $875On Irving av, with water, walk, gas, sewer and trees, close to 31st st. We have many others, same locality, & 315 Bank of Commerce Bldg. LARGE WOODED LOT ON TAYLOR ST, Op posite Pre^cott school city *ater and stone side^ajk in front $100 cash, balance $10 monthly, with 6 per cent interest. Price $650. T. Andrew*,, owner, 2191 Commonwealth av, St. Paul. Both telephones. WOOD FOR SALEWE HAVE 1,000 CORDS AT Excelsior, Lake Minnetonka, and will deliver to cottages at reasonable prices. Leave orders at "News" office. Excelsior, or Thorpe Bros,, Andrus building. Both phones. $1,200 WILL BUY 20 ACRES A SHORT Dis tance from Lake Harriet will take a vacant lot or an equity in a small house as part payment. William Hendricks, 830 Guaranty bnlldlig. 40x179, EAST FRONT, $875, NICOLLET AND 38th city water, stone walk ordered, double car service favorable terms to builders. C. S. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty building. BEAUTIFUL PARK AV 4 THE PLACE TO build homes or sell quick at large profit all improvements, 49-foot front, high. Owner, 1804, Journal. LAKE H_RRI^.TWfc7C$&eE BUILDING sites in Linden Hills. If jou, want the best at $1,000 call B, B. Waterman, 4120 Upton av S FOR SALE, BY OWNER, TWO LOTB IN OLI ver Park, Lake Harriet, between 40th and 41st sts, will sell at bargain. Phone T. C. 2594. SOUTHEAST, $1,000 EACH, 40 FEET FRONT age: best vacant residence lots, Essex and Walnut streets. Gould, 420 Guaranty bldg. 3,300BLAISDELL AV, SECOND LOT BE joud Rand's residence lot 71x165 feet half pi ice J. C. Hall, 736 Lumber Exchange. FOR ALEAT A BARGAIN, LOT 40X188, ON at NE. between 18% and 19th avs. Call at 827 5th st N. L. F. PeaWBch. $450 FOR A HIGH, DRY LOT ON PARK AV near 35th st no finer place to live improve ments. Owner, 1805, Journal. Farm Lands. FOR SALEFINE PLANTATION IN NORTH Carolina, located on shore of a large lake, 4,000 aeres, all in one body- 1,800 acres of it farm land, balance timber land. Soil deep, rich, black loam, well drained and will raise fine crops. Healthy and close to fine mar ket. Good buildings, house 60 by 42 feet, 2%- story, with ell 30 by 30 feet barn 70 by 80 feet, four story, IS other houses and build ings 8 miles of private roadway, with fine large shade trees on side, within four miles of railroad station. Will make the finest large farm that can be bought. Price $15 per acre. Worth $50 per acre. Would sell rtne-half JWBALJESTAjKE^OB^AJ^ Farm Lands. in terest. For full particulars address P. O. box 155, Elkins. W. Va. FOR SALE. 11,520 acres North Dakota land, six miles soflth of railroad. $5 per a'c're 8,000 acres, one body, at $7.50 per acre 20 sections Texas Panhandle land at $6 50 sure to double in one year. If interested write, wire or call Lusk-Dibble Land Agency, 530 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. A FARM FOR $60 DOWN* 80 ACRES $50 down and the balance $10 a month 40 acres of Minnesota hardwood timber land on small pajments $25 down, balance $5 per month our contract allows you to cut the timber and to pay for the land by delivering to us of pulp wood, corflwood, railroad ties, logs, etc. Original growth of tlmbei and good meidpw land, close to*railroad station and sawmill For further information write to the Minne sota Land & Stock Association 612. Ger mauia Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. WASHINGTON, D. 0., IS^LEAPING FORWARD to a place among the great capitals of the world Invest your money there. It will grow faster than anywhere, else on earth. You can invest from $110 to $1,100 in the U. S. Realty Co.'s immense real_estate holdings largely upon famous Pennsylvania av. the avenue upon which the White House and capitol are located, by paying $8 to $20 monthly, and your family protected in case of death. Send for free booklet, giving full Information. United States Realty Co., Washington. D. C. NO BETTER PRAIRIE FARM LAND. 160 acres adjoining a new prosperous town, in the southern portion of North Dakota. Soil is deep, rich, black loam on clay subsoil, free from stone. A flne creek running thru the land. All fenced. Price $15 per acre. Act quick. Also a number of part open and part tim bered tracts in Wisconsin. Homestead Land Co., 302 Nicollet av, Minneapolis. WE'RE OFF FO_ "SUNNY SOUTHERN AL berta" Wednesday, April 25. Come and go with us. We are selling nice clean prairie land eight miles from railroad for $8 per acre, only $2.50 per acre cash. The richest soil and the finest climate in the northwest. Price will be advanced $1 per acre May 1. Buy now and reap the. benefit of the advance. O. W. Kerr Co.. 520 Guaranty Bldg. T. C. 379. N. W. Main 2345. ______ FARMS~FOR SALE I N MISSOURI KANSAS. Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas, improved and unimproved. I also do a general exchange business. List your pioperty with me: com mission 2 per cent, and 1 will find you a deal. State What you want and where located and I will give you full description and price In first letter. For further particulars wrlto .7. H. Colliver ie Co.. Tina, Mo. n-~YOu-~lVANT A FARM IN SOUTH DAKOTA or expect to go out to Lyman county and look over the section through which rail roads are new building, write or call on us low rates. Egeland's Land Agency, Immi gration Bureau, 709-11 New York Life Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. ALBERTA FALL WHEATLANDS NEAR LETH BRIDGE. 5,066 acres, twenty-five, miles from Leth bridse smooth, open praiiie 130 acres under cultivation all fehced fair buildings. Price for quick sale. $6 50 ber acre. For full in formation write The Cooper-Walch Land Co., UnionfBank building. Winnipeg. Can-. HARDWOOD TIMBKRB5.C00 ACRES DRY land on the bank 'of large river verv fine timber will cut KT.000 feet to the "acre one third, oak beet rail! preposition in the south. $ Price $.25 per acre. Title perfect. Ad Areas 1542, Journal. 1 iJM Defective Page -O-aalii Continued. MONTANA RANCHES FOR SALE. Here is what our local bank' says of us: "This is to be an assurance thnt the Collins Land Co. of Helena, Mont., is a high-class company, doing business in this city and composed of men who have lived here many years. The company is very highly regarded in local quarters and we have no hesltatiou In saying that in our judgment any lepiesenta tions they may make can be relied upon for honesty of purpose and intent. We con sider the men composing this company to be men of integrity In every respect. ('Stoned) Union Bank & Trust Co., by George L. Ram Bey, President." With the coming of another transcontinental railway (the Bt. Paul), the projection and initiation of many irrigation prcpositloni", the conversion of the waters of the Missouri into cheap power, transmitted many miles distant and last, but by no means least, the recent discoveries of mineral at great depth, and the many discoveries in different portions of the sta.te will develop more' activity in realty this season tban ever before. Eastern capi tal is eagerly seeking safe investments in tbe west and Montana is one of the best fields in the west. Our production of minerals last year aggregated $64,(W)0,000, which will be considerably exceeded this year. Let us tell you about a couple of money makers: No. 19711,000 acies patented land and 4,000 acres leased from tbe state at cheap rental, in eastern Fergus conttty, well improved, can maintain 20,000 sheep or 5.000 cattle 4,000 acres under ditch, will produce 1,000 tons hay: good Improvements. At present ranch is stocked with 10,000 sheep, 90 head, cattle and 150 well-bred Norman horses, all of which will be sold at going prices, or owner will detain same and give possession in reasonable time to allow for disposition. Immense adjacent range con trolled. Price $68,000. Terms. This is one of the most attractive propositions we have handled in a long time. It's a rare oppor tunity. Investigate it. No. 16838,000 acres patented and 12,000 acres leased from state 2,350 cattle, grade, including 1,000 beeves about 650 calves ex pected this year 7,200 flne sheep, 3,500 lambs guaranteed 130 head good hoises, 35 regis tered bulls. The wool will net at least $12,- 000 this year and the lambs $2.50 the com ing fall. Beeves will net $42. At least $10,000 to $12,000 worth of implements, sup plies and provisions. Ranch cuts easily 2,500 tons hay and can be Increased to 5,000 tons. Unquestioned water right. Located in Meagh er county. Price $3.50 per acre for the pat ented land. Think of it! And the state leases thrown in. Stock, implements, sup plies and provisions lumped at $100,000, $60,- 000 of which will come back this year. If stock not bought, owner will retain, in which case nothing goes with the land except the improvements. This is certainly a gilt-edge buy. Terms, one-half or more down, with balance at 6 per cent. Any further desired information cheerfully furnished. We have ranches in all parts of the state, from the modest one of 160 acres to the one covering "a thousand hills." No trouble to show the goods. The Collins Land Co., Helena, Mont. 000000000000000 I HAVE BIG BARGAIN TO OFFER YOU in choice northwest farm lands. Write, wire or call on Louis A. Howard, Oneida Building. Minneapolis. 00000 0000 OUT THEY GO THIS MONTH To North Dakota, to select a 320 or a 640-acre farm out of our 100,000-acre tract, for $12 to $15 an acre. Will yield over $12 an acre. Free coal, living water, black Soil Send for maps and Brown's Farmer. Wm. H. Brown Co., 181 La Salle st, Chicago, or Mandan. N. D. BEST BUSINESS CHANCES AT HOUSTON FOR manufacturers, jobbers, wholesalers, distrib uters, capitalists, and others, cheapest fuel, many railways, low freights, water competi tion cd-tinuous prosperity, rapid growth. Right Inducements to right people. Houston Business League, Houston, Texas. $600BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE TRACTS ON THE electric line to Escelsior cars every hour good soil on main road the lonliness of the city, get out Into the country your business might fail secure a few acres good life insurance Hobart. Phoenix building_ FOR SALE80 ACRES, 16~MT_ES FROM Min neapolis. 15 acres btoke 4-ioom house, barn and granary store, postoffice, church and school located acioss road. Price $1,600 one third cash, balance on good terms. Fred John son, Constance, Minn. $2,200160 ACRES. KINGSBURY COUNTY, S. D. section 2-108-59, anothei one in Spink, section 6-116-60, for $2,200 $1,250 one in Hand 2,000,000 acres foi sale lands in South Dakota are booming catch on. Hobart Land Co., Phoenh. building. CANADA LANDS ON CROP PAYMENTS, 10,- 000 acres near Macoun and We burn on Soo lir-e, 5,000 acres near Churchbridge, for sale In small parcels on easy terms or on the crop payment plan. Urquhart Land Co., 550 Endl cott. St. Paul. FOR SALEBY OWNER, 80-ACRE FARM IN the clover belt: 16 acres under cultivation house, on main road, mail route telephone eight miles from Pine city timber for all farm purposes $1,400. N. C. Edrldge, 4200 Minnehaha. AWAY FROM THE DUST A ND DIRT OF THE city, where trees, flowers, green grass and pure air reign supreme have oue-acre tract near Lake Calhoun, 68x600 $376 cost a nickel to reach town, electric car. Hobart, Phoenix building. H0ME8EEKERS AND INVESTORS READ column article on Opelousas and St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, in the news section of this paper May 5 For further information address Opelousas Progressive League, Opelousas, La. NORTH DAKOTA AND CANADA. Improved farmb and wild lands, best of soil, good water first crop pays for them an ex cellent in-vestment write for maps and prices. Dowllng & Charles, Magill block. Fargo, N. D. 20,000 ACRES FINE LANDS IN AITKIN, CROW Wing and Itasca counties, in tracts to suit $7 to $9 per acre strong, heavy soil delight ful climate great stock and dairy district. Henry M. Troy, 502 Guaianty building, FOR SALE$2,250 FOR 15 ACRES GARDEN land adjoining city limits, near Camden $2,750 for 35 acres good land in village of Wayzata, about one-half mile from station. W. J. Dean, 404 Washington av N GREAT SNAPFOUR-ACRE LOTS I N EDMON ton, Alberta, Oan., price for the four lots $450, worth $1,000 each must be sold this week will give a guarantee of 20 per cent. Box 561, Minneapolis. $1,490 BUYS NICE 60-ACRE FARM HOME on lake, 3." miles from St r*iul \djoins store, creamery, rural route good house, new barn half improved. Wiite W. Borchscuins. Nye, Wis. FOR SALEIMPROVED RED RIVER VALLEY farm, 820 acres, to be sold all seeded at $34 per acie, 12 miles southwest of Fargo, Cass county, N- D. Inquire of W. G. Dance, 8528 1st av S. FARM AND RANCH LANDSGREAT BAR galns In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado 10 years' time, one-tenth cash Dept. O, Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha. Neb. $7,000WEST HALF 7-14-62, BARNES COUN ty, N. D. $6,000North half 35-145-69, Wells county. The finest lands that can be had for the money. Hobart, Phoenix bldgj FREE GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS IN North Dakota, actually worth $1,600. For further information, address Thomas Watts, 616 Phoenix building, Minneapolis. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS IN Washington, good soil, abundance spring wa ter, fine climate, hunting and fishing. Par ticulars 709 Andrus building. FOR SALE180 ACRES, 36-41-22, KANABEC county, station two miles, Minneapolis 70 miles $12.50 per acre $500 will handle this. Krieg, 284 Ridgewood av. $1FARMS FOR $1. Write or call and get information how to buy a farm on $1 per week new plan. -Pres ton, 307 Kasota block. MARKET GARDEN FOR SALE80 ACRES, 20 irrigated cheap water, 2 acres small fruits: buildings excellent market. C. H. MeCully, Sheridan, Wyo. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDWANT A FEW good quarters at $6 to $10 an acre must be bargains. Give legal numbers. 869, Journal. 7^200 ACRES FINEST WISCONSIN LAND close to railroads and good towns. As a whole at $2.60. George Rupiev. Dulutn. Mum IMPROVED FARMS, FROM 80 TO 160 ACRES, near Long Lake beautifully located, best of soil. J. C. Hall, 736 Lumber Exchange. INFORMATION FREECANADIAN LANDS. R. R. Stoner, Canadian government agent, 440 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. $2,280NW 12-115-58, CLARK COUNTY, S. D only six miles from county seat biggest bar gem ever offered. M. P. Hobart. BARGAINS IN VIRGINIA FARMS AND TIM ber tracts around Richmond. M. O. Mann, Manchester, Va. ^_^ FOR SALESEVEN-ACRE TRACT WITHTNTO miles of bridge square $300 cash. 1728. Journal miii April 17, 1906. Address $l,C00NW 80-111-74, HYDE COUNTY, S. D. worth $2,000 big snap. Hobart, Phoenix building. WRITE TO SCANDINAVIAN-CANADIAN LAND Co., Chicago. They will tell you all about it. I OAN S-LL YOUR FARM. SEND DESCRIP tlon. Shepard, Bank of Commerce building. WANTED-REAL ESTATE W E SELL REAL ESTATEWE SHOULD E pleased to have you list your bouses, lots aud business property with us. The E. A. Con rad Co., 513 Phoenix building. WANTEDTO BUY ON EASY TERMS, BY Re sponsible party* a good, fully modern, comfort able home everything complete. Address with Jall particulars, 1903. Journal. GASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE, NO MAT ter where located. We buy. sell, good demand Open for bargains. Marcus P. Hobart, Phoe rflx bldg WANTEDTO BUY A FINE HOME IN BEST residence district, large enough for family of eight. Address 1366 Journal. WANTED-REAL ESTATE Continued CASH FOR GOOD TWO- WILL PAY ALL family, house. Pay cash for neat six or seven room house. Want seven or eight-room modern home pay down $1,000 cash, balance monthly. Want ten-room, up-to-date, strictly modern home pay $10,000 to $12,000, all cash. Want good income-paying property pay $19,000 to $15,000 cash. Want neat six or seven-rooom modern home for about $8,000 cash want good modern home, about $4,500 cash. Have cvsh customers for the above proper ties. If you wish to sell, call and see me at once. I invite tbe listing of any other prop erty you may wish to sell. Remember, it costs you nothing to list your property free advertising. Will pay $6,000 to $7,000 or possibly a little more for a good up-to-date modern home In Sunnyslde, Lake of the Isles, Blaisdell's addi tion, Green's addition, Lowry Hill or in that general vicinity. Cash is ready. Paul Beuhler, 456 Temple Court. FINE LOT, WASHBURN HILL, TRADE FOR farm, Minnotonka or city bonse. Remainder cash. NWS 1864 2, or 808 Guaranty Loan. WANTEDfO BUY 6,000 TO 20,000 ACRES good Canada land give price, terms, location first letter. Minn. Ortonvile Land Co., Ortonville, WANTEDTHE BEST MODERN OR NEARLY modern house in Kenwood or Sunnyslde that $3,500 Will buy. Address 340, Journal^ WANTEDBLOCK OF 5,000 OR 10,000 ACRES western North or South Dakota lanid. Orton Tllle Land Company, Ortonville, Mian. MINNETONKA PBOPEBTY WOOD FOR SALEWE HAVE 1,000 CORDS AT Excelsior, Lake Minnetonka, and will deliver to cottages at reasonable prices. Leave orders at "News" office, Excelsior, or Thorpe Bros., Andrus building. Both phones. FOR SALESEVENTY ACRES, BEAUTIFULLY situated for country home or fruit farm, 1,500 feet lake shore, fifteen minutes' drive to Min netonka Beach. Owner. 614 Phoenix bldg. A BEAUTIFULLY WOODED MINNETONKA lot free for tbe best name for new subdivision contest closes May 1. American Suburbs Co., 324 Kasota block. FOR RENTAT FERNDALE. STATION, 8- room house in good repair small barn and 4 acres ground. Address Wm. Bushnell, Way Bata, Minn. -J1 820~ACRES, N. D $8l7FOR MERCHANDISE, 160 acres, Minn $35, for implements. 40 acres, Grant county, N. D., $41, store building American Land & Ex. Co.. 235 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED TO EXCHANGEDESIRABLE CITY l^t, 50xl2 centrally located, one block from car and 10 minutes' walk from Glass Block, east front, for desirable Mlnnetona property with lake shore inukt be good. 1847, Journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEGOOD 406-ACRE well-improved farm, rented to good tenant want stock of merchandise or hardware, some cash. E. H. Stephens, Ortonville, Mlnh. JflOVING THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE 00. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor lng and shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake sty the largest in the west the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and fireproof storage warehouse, with every accessory and convenience. Visitors welcome. Warehouse office, 400 E Lake st. Main office, 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and storing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cut rates to Pacific coast and other points can save yon money do not be deceived by other advertisers we can and will do what we agree regarding cat rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machin ery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones OUT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. The only concern in the N." W. doing enough business in this line to give prompt and reliable or indeed any kind of service to many points. Don't experiment with doubtful propositions, but bring your business to the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d Bt S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND 8XORAG- __.- pert paokers for storage or shipment, large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nic ollet bote phones 1208. Residence, 1 O. 134 BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tele phones 962. TRANSF_R AND STORAGE MOVING, LIGHT and heavy hauling, horse clipping. William M. Dye, 318 4th st S, in rear. T. 0. 958. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED BY CAREFUL. experienced men. I. N. Devore, Eighth Ward Transfer, 10 E Lake st. Both phones. H. B. WOODWARD MOVING, TRANSFER and storage furniture packed by expert men. 220 10th av N. T. C. 13401. FLOUR CITY TRANSFER AND STORAGE Moving isd packing a specialty. Office. 217 5th st S. Both phones 648. JOHN MCARTY, MOVING AND TRANSFER. Office. 201 ad av N. N. W.. 2117-J1 THE BOYD TRANSFER Sc STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake st, the largest in the west, the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and Fireproof Storage Warehouse, with every accessory and convenience. Visitors welcome. Warehouse office, 400 E Lake st. Main office, 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cut rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 Sth st S. Both phonea. OUT RATES OK HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points best of service and low eat possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND BTORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house bold goods expert packers. Office, 200 Nicol let. Both phones 1208. Res. phone T. C. 13824. STOVES STOREDWE CALL FOR, CLEAN and set them up in the fall. Both tele phones. Great Western Stove and Repair Co., 812 Hennepin av. FIREPROOF STORAGE, GLEAN SEPARATB rooms packing and shipping. 106 1st av N. NEW WAREHOUSEFURNITURE STORED, moderate rates. Inquire bakery, 12tb st-8d av 8. BIRTHS. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. E. J., 114 Thirty-first avenue N, a ly. Landberg. Mr. and Mrs. G. J.. 3606 Aldrlcb avenue N, a boy. Hohler, Mr. and Mrs. N., 810 Spring street, a girl. Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. John, 2410 Hiawatha a venae, a girl. Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter, 1224 Fifth ave nue N, a girl. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. William, 1203 Har mon place, a boy. Cloutiers Mr. and Mra. G. J., 714 Fourth street NB. a girl. Brown, Mr. and Mra. Wiliam. 2523 Aldrich avenue S. a DOT. Harris, Mr. and Mra. Henry, 910 Baasett place, a boy. Goulen, Mr. and Mrs. H., city hospital, twin girls. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William C. Sandey and Edna F. Deiley. Norrls M. Feterman and Lucy Tempert. Benjamin Skellman and Dora Lempert. Gottleib Nestel and Lydla Guth. Rasmus Rasmqssen and Signe Danielson. Fred S. Baker and Genevieve E, Mulford. Edwin B. Crocker and Mabel F. Smith. Edward Leighton and Alice D. Stephenson, Nels A. Lundeen and Tillle Nelson. Alvln Wanzer and Josephine Lynn. Edwin Gardner and Rena Christopherson. Otto H. Erickson and Grace Chamberlain. Gotfred H. Liedman and Minnie Glenwe. Horace A. 1'eabody and .*or A. Smith. DEATHS. Johnson, John A.. 528 Sixteenth avenue S. Holm. Magda, 1628 Jefferson, street. Conroy, Martin, 125 Wood street. Anderson, Bertha. 1413 Sixth street S. McCullougb, Guy, St. Mary's hospital. Fianklyn, George, city hospital. Kent. Francis. 2118 Clinton avenue. Deville, Marie, 1017 Main street. Winston. Francisoa, Northwestern hospital. Smith, Joseph, Soldiers' home. Sainmon. John, Soldiers' borne. Allen. George, 613 Eighth street S. Miller, George. 706 Twenty-third avenue N. Hanson. Louis. Swedish hospital. Sairson, Theresa. 1713 8tevens aTenue. Hornig. Herman, 77 Ninth street S_ Pearson, Argot, Swedish hospital. Nelson. Charles, Swedish hospital Spellman, Mary. 1122% Sixth street 8. A Tomoley, John, city hospital. "SU Bembe. Harry, 2131 Emerson avenue Johnson, Iver. 212 Fourth street 8. Leave laOa-m. 1_0_m. 7:60p.m. 7:50p.m. 7:80a.m. 7:80a.m. 7:60p.m. 7:50 p.m. ~~r ^MAI^STATEJKCHi^aE^ READ THIS OFFERACT TODAYSPECIAL. Wild and improved tracts in Pembina, Cava lfer, Towner and Benson counties. N. D. Marshall, Red Lake and Polk counties. Min nesota large tracts in North Dakota Montana fruit lands five sections in Manitoba. What have you. to offer in trade. Income property'* Hegel Prince, 409 Hennepin av, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. NW V, 20-146-44, Norman Co., Minn., one hakf mile from station of Flemming, prairie land price $4,000 mortgage $1,200. Want livery stock will consider automobile. R. H. McCarthy, Madelia, _Mlnn CHIOMRLAT sf T3 _S RAILWAY TIME TABLES BEAL ESTATE TBANSFEBS BUILDING PERMITS BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATI CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AN ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Olty ticket office, 82S Hieollet Arenas. PhoM 123. PaiMBLger station Washington and fek faava *DHy fEx Sunday. IEx. Saturday. Af 160am Chicago, Milwaukee, LaQroue *10.M 6 45 pm Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCrotM. .^13.03 8 00J Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCroue 80 10 25 pm Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCroeae nM 8 60pm Chicago, Dubuque, Savanna ......*le.O .*a Nbrthfleld, Faribault, -agon City n?3S 8 50 pm Northfiftld, Faribault, Maaon City 6.46 115 pm NorthfWd, Faribault, Austin til 8.20 am Kansas City, Davenport, Rock Island..t 6 tt 110 25 pm Madison, JanesviUe, Rockford .80 1155 am Mankato, Wells, Jackson 100 6 05pm Mankato," Wells' Montgomery .......,+10.10 TlOloam Aberdeen, Sisseton, Hutchinson fCM 6 45pm Aberdeen, Ortonville, Fargo I.Sj 3 20 pm Milwaukee, LaCroese 8.09 THE FAST HAIL leaves at 6:46 p.m THE PIONEER LIMITED leave* at 8:00 p. C. B. & Q. Ry Buitinoion! Rnuiiy 1 Phone N W.. Main 860. T. $ Ticket office, cor. 8rd and NiooB Union DepotNicoilt and High All Trains Daily. Atriv Chicago Scenic Express Winona. La Cro8ae,Dubniue Chicago, S Louis "The Chicago Limited" Winona, La Crosse, Dubuque* Chicago, S Louia Rock Island, Davenport, Clin ton. Moline, Peoria. St. Louis Scenic Express Rock Island, Davenport. Clin ton. Molina. Panrla "The St. Louis Limited" 1*6 p.: 8,-OOa.l 1:06 8d00a. 8*01 Kflii7T_YZ*H_LJlEr Offloe 000Nicollet Ave Phone 840. tEx. Sun. Others For CHICAGO Lv 7:50 am, 6:00,8:00,10_0 From CHICAGO...Ar 7 55, {TSoam, 630,15:90 FOND DU LAC Lv 4:25,6:00 pm, Ar. 10:80 DULUTH, Lv 17:88 am. 4:00 pm, Ar tCK,9_6 For SIOUX CITY f7:10,9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 Prom SIOUX CITY 8:06 am, t40,8:10 For OMAHA Lv t7:10,9:10 am. 7:80,8*0 From OMAHA Ar 8.06 am, 8:10 For KANSAS CITY Lv 9:10 am. 7*0,8:80 From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:06 am, 8:10] Cat QmcBi Fifth and Nicollet, Dnot W**H_ and Tenth Ave. Sonth. P_or: MtAnJHT *mx. Sunday. Othwi Dally. Chicago and East, Dubuqna Chicago, Kansas Olty, Omaha Chleago-DeaMoinea,XanaaaCltar.. Kansas Olty, i Joseph, Dea Hobtaa Omaha, Ft, Dodge. Austin Rochester. Red "inr, Mankato, Faribault, KoH__idA Oodsa Center, Bagr__4...._.. yiNMEAPOUS & ST. LOUIS R.i if a Station. Washington and 4th evft N, Office, 424 Nicollet. 'Except 8un. Others Leave for CHICAGO 4-_S am 9:00 Leave for ST. LOUIS 9:35am8:O0 Leave for DES MOINES 9:35 am 8:25 Leave for OMAHA, California.*9:86 am 8.35 For Watertown and fetonn Lake *9:0_ For Madison and Estherville *9:0 WISCONSIN CENTRAL BY. TICKET OFFICE, 280 NICOLLET AT. Phones, T. 866 N. W., Main 865. Leaa, Chipaewa Palls, Marsh. Aeld.Aahknd.Irsa) Towns. Fend d LM, Oshkeen I fttiOa. Milwankea, Chia_o I 7:06 p. AjRffcr* 8:60 6:Mn.j BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS lots 12 and 1, block 1, Wolverton'a add! tion Western Realty company to I. M. John son, lot 4, block 12, Fair Grounds addi tion W. E. Smith and wife to George Hamil ton, et al.. part lot 4. block 2. Gil patrick's second addition George H. Spear et al. to James O. Wells, lot 5, block 2. Rhone's sub division M. A. Hoffman and husband to George V. Tierney, lot 8. block 1, Grlin's ad dltion 1A im M i J. H. Howe and wife to M. E. Sullivan, lot 10. block 10, Motor Line addition.. R. B. Curtis to B. H. Bass, lot 4. block 7, Remington's Second addition N. H. Barry et al. to J. P. Churchill, et. al.. lot 14, block 46, Calhoun Park Charles A. Laplerre. et al., executor, to M. A. Bonrchard, lot 18, block 3, Cut ter's addition M. F. A. Labelte to M. A. Bourchard, un divided one-third lot 18, block 3. Cut ter's addition *s,*| August Kraemer and wife to M. H. Heg erle, et al., in section 28-117-24 S. W. Koeliler and wife to O. Tangen, in section 23-117-24 N. Schanfield and wife to A. Wintheiser et al., lot 3, Kalkhoff's subdivision.... S. G. Sanborn to Belle Silbagh, lot 17, Thomas avenue addition M. E. O'Brien to B. Valentine Backer, lot 6, block 26, Sibley addition Joseph McPetters to Charles H. Adams, lot 10, block 5, J. G. Lennon's addi tion Mutual Benefit Life Insurance company to, N. Lowenthal, part lot 5. block 7, Brad' ford & Lewis' addition 6,01 A. A. Menage and husband to Finance company of Minnesota, part lota 13 and 14. block 5, Baker's fourth addition A. A. Menage and husband to Charles,. G. Beadell, part lots 13 and 14, block 5, Baker's fourth addition O. W. Lyden and wife to J. E. Johnson, lot 29, bloek 2, Avery's Chicago ave nue addition 1,0 z,i 8.8 -u 2,8 141 Total HEM' BUILDING PERMITS E. J. Reese estate, 24 Eleventh street S, alterations $6,01 Gluek Brewery company. 1426 Washington avenue S, two-story brick stores..' 14,0 M. O. Lovejoy, 3528 Bryant avenue S, two-story frame dwelling 1,84 H. H. Gagnon, 816 Fifth Street NE, two-story frame dwelling 2,54 B. A. Stavik, 3028 Columbus avenue, two story frame dwelling 44 Meiu P. Paulson, 422 Oliver avenue N, 114-story frame dwelling 1,9 Edwin L. Stone, 8020 Humboldt avenue S, two-story frame dwelling 8,8 Thomas Kernan, 918 Plymouth avenue, 1V_-story frame dwelling 2,8 William F. Karrow, 1402 JaffereOn -treat NE, two-story frame dwelling 8,04 C. A. Harper, 4602* Wentworth avenue, one-story frame dwelling 1,0) Swan J. Johnson. 506 Aldrich avenue N, two-story frame dwelling 8,31, Theodore Korp, 3204 Oakland avenue, 1ft- story frame dwelling 8,81 T. L. Flanagan, 3925 Thirty-seventh ave nue S, \y-story frame dwelling 1,6* Charles E. Schumler, 2223 Sixth street N, H_-story frame dwelling 2.R Andrew W. Brown, 8408 Thirty -fourth avenue S, 1^-story frame dwelling 1,0 Redel & Nelson, Marshall street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth avenue NE, 1%-story brick barn 1,G Marie J. Forten. 2811 Bryant avenue N, two-story frame dwelliug 1.B* Owen R. McCormick. 3308 Lyndale ave nue S. H4-story frame dwelling %01 V. A. Brown, 4826 Garfield avenue, 1%- story frame addition 1,01 Oliver Erickson, 2802 Johnson street N_, two^tory frame dwelling R,0t O. E. F. Smith, 8509 Columbus avenue, two-story frame dwelling S,W George H. Price, 2306 Pierce street NE, two-story frame dwelling I and E. J. Gibson, 808 Lyndale avenue N two-story Brick-veneered dwelling.. -AW P. and R. G. Brown. 300 Lyndale avenue N, two-story brick-veneered flats 6,01 and R. G. Brown, 304 Lyndale avenue N, two-story brick-veneered flats 6,01 Forty-eight minor permits & Total, 74 permits .$88,71 PATENT ATTOBNEYB INVENTORS, ATTENTIONPATENTS XN AX countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, mw ufactured models mad, 26 years esteb-istei unexcelled reputation Inventor's book _*- Address Patent Market, St. Paul, Minn WILLIAMSON MERCHANT, AXEOT yers and solicitors main ofnee, W8-M8 anty building, Minneapolis, Minn- 83 McGI building. Washington. D. C. SUITS SPONGED, pressed, wnile yon 5*5 Vnts, 16c. Starr, tailor, 107 6th at 8. T.Q- IM LOFGREN & CO., LADIES' A ND GI org latest importation-- 620% ff* PETER THOMPSON TAILORUra r S. See us for your spring salt. CLIFTON A. SHELL, OPTOMETRIST, HAS moved bis office to 804 NicoHet av, room DR. GERTRUDE STANTON, only woman tlclan in twin cities. Optical Dept- Er^TK-TTRKDGE, l_ANUTAOTtmil tlclan. 40 5tb st S. ANNOgNCrajENTS NOTICEPICTURE SALE, ENTIRE new and unclaimed pictures most be We frame pictures cheap new stock 1 ings. ovals, artist material, china pattts. baugh, 11 5th st S, opposite Lumber