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Pilas i4 Years Case Cured Painlessij with, Only One Treatment 01 Pyramid Pile Cure. ee Package in Plain Wrapper Mailed to Everyone Who Writes. f'l have been a terrible sufferer of &s for fourteen (14) .years and dur jj all this time you can have an idea )i how many hinds of medicine I rfed. But I found no relief what ,ver. I felt there must be something hat could cure me without having -to adergo an operation which might kill Now, after trying but one treat ment of your Pyramids,' I am Sell all sufferers of this dreadful dis se to try this medicinethe Pyramid de Cure. It will cure when all others *sil. Sincerely yours, George Bran ch, Schellburg, Pa." Anyone suffering from the terrible i jrturo, burning and itching of piles, fill get instant relief from the treat pnt we send out free, at our own ex Inse, in plain sealed packages, to leryone sending name and address. ISurgical' operation for piles is un Icessary and rarely a permanent stte fss. Here you can get a treatment |at is quick, easy to apply and inex insive. and free from the publicity |d humiliation you suffer by doctors' lamination. ^Pyramid Pile Cure is made in the rm of "easy to use" suppositories, vie coming of a cure is felt the mo ant you begin to use it, and your suf ring ends. ii Send your name and address at once It r^-o-Vv,,^ TW c.n 3071 Pyramid free, in plain, sealed wrapper. After seeing for yourself what it can you can get a regular, full-size fckage of Pyramid Pile Cure from any Juggist at 50 cents each, or, on receipt 1 price, we will mail you same our Jves if he should not have it. Vhy Doctors I Order Pabst Beer Refreshes and Strengthens the Body with Predigested Nourishment. I^As a sferengthenin fiSysicians and scientists |jat there is nothing, perha iiixnefieial than pure beer. I ijifch in the food extractives of malt lihd the tonic properties of hops, nour ffhes the whole body, restores wasted fifissues, invigorates the blood, refreshes ijie brain and aids greatly in the diges tion of solid foods. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is known by ||iyjsicians everywhere as the best beer |&cause of the absolute purity of its Ifgredients. Because of the exceeding -""lleanliness of the exclusive Pabst fpetnod of malting and brewing, Pabst |'ier is considered perfect beer, and l^rfect food. It contains 12 per cent food properties derived from the If ght-day barley malt (exclusively I ,ibst). These consist chiefly of sugar fid other carbohydrates so necessary to fie health of the body, along with |le proteids, potash and phosphorus, all which nourish and build up the |dy and brain. This 12 per cent food filue, the reader must understand, is I gh~ percentage, equal indeed to the I ,pd value percentage of pure milk, I percentage of water in each in |ince being 88. ftilf your food doesn't taste just right, |j if your digestion is a little'" off,'' or rot-appetite is poor, try Pabst Blue f1[bbon beer for a few days and find for Miurself that it is good food. nti fPabst Brewing Co. |or. 16th Av. So. and 7th St I N. W., Mam 424. T. C, 424. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer |*der a ease for your home today a: HJ EW RICHMOND, "WIS The feud among Jl'mers from tbe vicinity of Deer Park, wMen hlminatefl in a street fight in this city, resulted 1 a thirty-day jail sentence for (Xristopher Pliogson, who wielded the beer, bottles 'with |jh terrible effect. Tom and Ohris Curiatlan ii were let off with fines of $10 and costs. 3UAPLETON. JUNN.As a result of the Lowry I'ival meetings at Mapleton, 178 persons have |?n converted. Eruption Broke Out in Spots Ait Over BodyCaused a Continual Itching for Two YearsDoctor's Medicine Did no GoodCured at Expense of only $1.25 and No HANKS CUTICURA FOR COMPLETE CURE "Some time ago I wrote, you for a on the Cuticura Remedies and ived it O. K. and went and bought !&e Soap, Ointment, and Pills. They did ine more good than any medicine I ever They cured me of my skin disease, id'I am very thankful to you. My juble was eruption of the skin, which tok out in spots all over my body, nd caused a continual itching which early drove me wild at times. I got tedicine of adootor, but it did not cure ie, and when I saw in a paper your id.. I sent to you for the Cuticura book ji 1 studied my case in it. I then ent to the drug store and bought one ike of Cuticura Soato, one box of Cu icura Ointment, ana one vial of Cuti :ura Pills. From the first application received relief. I used the first set aid two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap, nd was completely oured. I had offered for two years, and I again hank Cuticura for my cure. If you fesh, you may publish this. Your riend forever, Claude N.Johnson, Maple Jrove Farm, R. F. D. 2, Walnut, Kan., una 15, 1905." :'rS ITCHl ITCH! ITCH! SOBATCH! SCRATCH I SCRATCH 1 This i the condition of thousands of skin-tor* ifrad men, women, and children, who ,j be instantly relieved and speedily jtd by warm baths with Cuticura Soap gentle applications of Cuticura Oint it, the great Skin Cure, and mild jg of Cuticura Resolvent Pills, when tysioians and all else fail. tuottghant th.iroild. Cnea lc., BMolTWtJlOc. (to form of' iWSSfc. r t in), may bj hl ol 11 di^|g1rt 8^ Mt on curtf. Fetter Drug fc Cttm. C$rp., p,SBo.,Olt. "tti Sole %Ki^^Ail About lk 8kte,tI,-dIUU.' '"Ife' 3^E City News JEWS ATTACKED THRU CHILDREN RUSSIANS PERSECUTE PARENTS BY CRUELTY TO SONS. Michael Rosenthal, a Refugee from, Kishinef, Now in the City, Tells Shocking Story of Conditions in His Home City Says Revolution is Weakening. s'' nutritious food, now agree aps, Pure beer, more 1. TT5W' "You are familiar with the wrongs of the Jews of Russia, but if you knew more of the conditions there you would be sorry for the Christians also." This is the statement by Michael Rosenthal, a Kishinef refugee, who is visiting friends and relatives in the twin cities. According to Mr. Rosenthal, who left Russia a month ago, the revolution is weakening before the secret attacks of the government. Every, progressive man, whether Jew or gentile, is the ob ject of underhanded persecution bv gov ernment agents who are apparently the hoodlum element of the population, They say that the persecution ot the Jews is dyiuic out," says Osias Feinstein,.of 26 Washington avenue 8, "but what Mr. Rosenthal told me yes terday would indicate that it is not., He says that, while open riots are not as common and are suppressed, the gov ernment has found a worse way of for cing liberal Christians and Jews out of the country or terrifying them into submission. It is by attacking their children. It is not safe to send a child from its home to its school, because roughs, secretly in the government pay, are likely to waylay it* illtreat it and perhaps kidnap it. Rosenthal had a prosperous business in"Kishinef and wished to stay in Rus sia. But he also has a boy of 13. The mother would not let her child leave the house to go to school and he finally yielded to her pleading and came to this country. "This last persecution is the most trying of all that have come to the lib erals of Russia. The government will take into its pay any tramp who will agree to do its bidding, and once a man is marked as a Jew, a Roman Cath olic or a. liberal, his children are not safe outside the house. "Mr. Rosenthal told me that the*per secution of the Christians is almost as severe as that of the Jews. "Maxim Gorky will not he asked to come here to speak. We are anxious to hear him, but he speaks Only Rus sian and there are not enough Russians in Minneapolis to pay the expenses of his coming." TWO LABORERS KILLED ORDER FALL OF GRAVEL A rushing avalanche of sand and gravel crushed out the lives of GeoTge O'Neil and Nels Sanderson yesterday afternoon, while they were cutting away a hill at Clearwater Junction for the Great Northern railroad company. The workmen were using a steam shovel and were cutting away the bot tom of a hill and allowing'the'earth^ and gravel to fall down from the top. At each rush of gravel they would step back out of danger until everything was- quiet. Yesterday they had worke several honre and no gravel waB started from the top. Suddenly, without any preliminary signs of a fall, the top of the hill began to slide. All of the workmen except the two that were killed ran in time to escape, but O'Neil and Sanderson were furthest nnder the ledge and were buried beneath the sand. As soon as the slide was over the workmen began digging to rescue their comrades, but it was^more than half an hour before they could reach them. They found the dead bodies and noti fied Coroner Kistler, who ordered the corpses sent to the morgue. O'Neil's father, who lives at 224 Girard avenue N, claimed his son's body, but early this morning no one had claimed the body of Sanderson. Both were young men and were single. NIGHT OF FESTIVITY MAY RESULT IN DEATH John Zahara of Northeast Minneapo lis is in a critical condition at his home as the result of a revolver shot Wound received Sunday night in a little cele bration. Alex Jorenka and Simon War hol are locked up and will be held pend ing a change in the wounded man's condition. v^ The police say that the affair started innocently enough, but ended badly/ T?he men met at one of the houses in the vicinity to drink beer. The dozen or more men there were all armed either with, knives or' pistols. The liquor led to quarreling and there was a general fight in which Zahara got the worst of it. The police were not notified of the affair until yesterday afternoon when George Ostfickel swore out warrants for the two men now locked up. Jorenka, it is said, is the man who shot Zahara. All the near Seventh avenue !NE and Ramsey street. Zahara is at his home attended by a physicion and "is'recovery, there is littl"e hope of"111 WHITE BEAU BRIM PULL Property Owners Around Lake Would Dispose of Extra Water. L. P. Ordway of St. Paul, in the name of a number of owners of white Bear property, has requested the B&m- sey county commissioners to construct a concrete culvert connecting White Bear lake with Bald Eagle lake at such a level that in time of high water "White Bear may be drained into its sister lake. Mr. Ordway stated that there used to be such a drain, but. that it has been filled in. At present high water in White Bear does much dam age to cottages and property of resl .deats at White Bear.. The matter will be acted upon by the county commis sioners next Monday, HOTEL OrlAtfGES MANAGERS A. E. in Zonne Sells Half Interest Nicollet to Employees. Moris Zonne and W. 33. Oapron have bought A 33. Zonne's half interest in the management of the Hotel Nicollet. Floris Zonne has been steward of the hotel since he left the theatrical busi ness, and Mr. Capron has been clerk for fifteen years. A. 3D, Zonne* who has been associated in the hotel business with Ira H. Shattuek for about four years, is also vice president and treas urer of the J. F. Conklin & Zonne corn real estate, insurance and loans. is a brother of Moris Zonne. MOK1N80S, N. D.In a quarrel at a ranch thirty miles northeast. It Is alleged that William' Cams shot CQauB Berg itt the hip, rttultlng la Berx's doatlk Guw i tu^ui VJ "WAE SOLDIBE BOYS MATCHING Snelling Troops Start lor Shakopee on Practice "Hike." f\ Somewhere in the region of Shako pee five companies of United States infantry are doing field practice work. The companies are under orders to com plete a march of thirty-six *miles, which was begun Monday at 7:30 a.m. -3 Sfct Tuesday Evening*, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Apriivi?.5.11906 "J& Purity from germs, Sv**S& Ask for the Brewery Bottling. Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitz. To avoid being imposed upon, see that the cork or crown is branded For common beerusuallywill buy Schlitz beer, if you ask for it. The purity, costs you nothing, yet it costs us more than half the cost of our, brewing. means and sterilized. It aged until it cannot cause biliousness. 18^ The march the Tegular three-day trip required of each battalion. Last night the troops made camp six miles from Shakopee. They wfll go to the town today and wiH camp on the same atpot tonight. In the morning they will start for the fort, reaching it this evet ning. The command, composed of Com panies A, B^ and of the First bat talion, and of the Second battalion, is in eharge of Major B. I*. Bullard. '}&&,' V/rMt/frf'/tf/ftiitfttiinnitUU\\\\\\\\i*\\\\\\wu jwrrr DltUMfi Anty Drudge Entertains the Sewing Circle. Mrs. Dominie"I declare, Anty Drudge, your table linen is whiter than snow. You must put something in your wash besides elbow grease. Our hired g}rl rubs until lier knuckles bleed, and then her white clothes look yellowish." Anty Drudge "I don't even use elbow grease. Don't even boil the clothes. And they last twice as long. I use Fels-Naptha and lukewarm water. No boiling, little rubbing, and done in half the time." .J'': V- Defective Page healthfulness freedorh It. means a clean beer, filtered means an aged beer That is what Schlitz beer means to you Phone W 87 Jos. SchHte Brewing Co. 1211 4th St. South, Minneapolis FIRE-PROOF STORAGE *?& The Largest in th WetThe Pineat Anywhere. TTmqnsW FmcflitiM tmc Pckhur, Mevfns. Blotto* mad Shipv^c HWMhoM Ge*da, THE BOYD TRANSFER t* STORAGE CO. WarcboBK, 400-410 E, Lake St. Mara Office, 4* 9. TMr* St. 4 Never give up. Be un optimist. Journal Want Ada will help you get there. It is quite certain that no woman would deliberately iriake any part of her work doubly as hard and take twice as long as is necessary. Yet that is practically what the woman is doing who clings to the slow, old-fashioned, washrboiler, harb-rubbing way of washing clothes. 'Of course she doesn't do it 3 A. Ca^PMIUWCl.PHIA irir^iTTiBitjLia i iteirii fj i knowingly. It's because she doesn't know Fels-Naptha soap. i Fels-Naptha ean do all tHe hard work-can get the dirt out of the clothes, without any boiling,.'without any hard rubbing and in half the time. Why not let Fels-Naptha do it? Fels-Naptha works in cold or lukewarm water.. It is not made for boiling-water. It's use is easy and simple. You wet the clothes, rub Fels-Naptha soap on|and put them in a tub of water for thirty minutes. In this half hctir Fels-Naptha does whatyou used to depend oi*the boiling and hard rubbing to do. Then you ygiye a light rub, a thorough rinsing ^arid hang but-^^The wash is cleaner, purer-better every way, than it ever i waf before, and the clothes last longer/- ^:1 Whynottryit.^f Follow the easy,?2^ directions printed on the wrapper. All'grocers sell Fe Gallons A *9 Per Daily I O Month There Is Life in the Blood. Blood Is 80 Per Cent Water. Good Water Makes Good Blood. The Glenwood- Inglewood Co. S13 Hennepin Avenue. Either Phone 222. If You Knew you could be relieved of that perlodlo or chronic, nervous or dek headache in a few minutes, would you continue to suffer? Especially when you are assured of the fact that the remedy Is perfectly harmless, and will have absolutely n* other effect, except to relieve and curs the pain. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills. will bring such relief, quick and sum. ..(That is not alL They win preveai jjd cure all kinds of painNeuralgia, Jackache, Rheumatism, Menstrual Pains, Stomachache, etc. Tour yars ago I began using Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for headache. I have used an kinds of powders and puis, but never found anything to give th relief they do." MRS. B. D. WATBOUS, Mahoning, Pa, The first package will benefit, not, i the druggist will return your money. S6 doses 26 cents. Never sold in bulk, .CURED TO 8TAY CURED. 1 We give prompt relief and permanent freedom from Asthma. Our latest Book, Nn 90L will be mailed on request. OR. HAYES, Buffalo, N. OLD SORES CURED AIXEK'8 UIXEBIKB 8AXVB. Cores Ohxonle Xfhem, Bone tneers,Taartoee fTleers, flerofaloas Dleers, tfereurial Ulcers, Wmrmt 8ore, Gbuurrene, Blood Poisoning WMteSweULag.MTlkJ^.PotoonedWoonds, All fleTM ef lou ttsadinff. Potltlrely never fslls. ra. xpnM eaSria i. T. MUJa IttWCIM OO..^c VASL. Knot. 'VST &**&&&*- 'J Hi 'i