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^3*, New York, April 19.The market valuation of the buildings in San Fran cisco, exclusive of municipal and fed eral buildings, is $260,000,000. The most conspicuous and beautiful build ing in the city was the city hall. It covered four acres, and its dome, 131 feet high by 115 feet in diameter, rose 335 feet above the sidewalk. It cost nearly $7,000,000, and was one of the most imposing of public buildings in the United States. The depot of the Union ferry, whose boats connect the city with the lail Xvay system across the bay, was erected EXPLANATION OF THE DISTURBANCE Authorities Make Dire Predictions Say Chicago and New York May Suffer. Jctrnal Special Service. 1 Washington, April 19.Gilbert X. Grosvenor, editoi of the National Geo graphic Magazine and one of the best informed scientists in the United States on seismic disturbances, dictated the following statement: The earthquake which brought ruin to so manv in San Francisco was caused bv an invisible settling or breaking in of the earth's crust somewhere not many miles from that city. It is not very likely that the earthquake had any connection with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Manv of the mountains in that part of the world are still voung,' as the geologist would say. They are as much unlike the old, gentle and softened Blue ridge as a great, overgrown, husky bov is unlike a fully developed and "hard ened man. "They are expanding in some places and contracting in others, tho this process is so slow that the changes cannot be measured in many genera tions. But every now and then some thing gives way in the bowels of the earth, an immense mass settles, and tho the fall may be only a foot or a few inches, the iar is so tremendous that great buildings miles distant are shaken like ^aekstraws. "This is probably the explanation for the cause of the terrible catastro php in San Francisco. If the earth quake had happened in Venezuela or in the West Indies we would, with good leason, attribute it to volcanic agencies, but San Francisco is too far away from volcanic influences. It has been noticed that volcanic disturbances of anv kind are usually accompanied bv magnetic or electrical disturbances, which, in waves, encircle the earth.'' SCIENTISTS DISCUSS QUAKE FOR LAYMEN SHOCK FELT IN GREAT BRITAIN Area of Disturbance Was Worldwide. Almost London, April 19.Professor Milne, the leading expert on seismic phenome na, says his seismograph at Shide, Isle of Wight, recorded the San Francisco earthquake with such clearness that he vas able to almost immediately ask where the disturbance occurred. Asked his opinion as to the causes of the catastrophe. Milne said: "The first question to be asked is of astronomers, for it is generally believed that earthquakes are to a large extent caused by the failure of the earth to swing perfectly true. Sometimes it gets a little bit off its course and the reaction in swinging back to its true position involves a tremendous strain on the center. This is said to be so great that it results in twisting or breaking earth's crust. Therefore, to find the present disturbance you must get astronomers to tell you if they have noticed any deviation in the earth's axis within the past few days. The recent eruption of Vesuvius is probably due to the same cause." VOLCANIC ACTION IN PROSPECT Head of. Carnegie Institute Tells of ^Recent Study of Pacific Conditions, journal Special Service. Philadelphia, April 19.Dr. W. J. Holland, head of the Carnegie Insti tute at Pittsburg, here as a delegate to the Franklin bicentennial, said that the recent volcanic activity of Mount Tacoma is most probably responsible for the San Francisco disaster that Vesuvius has nothing to do with it, and that the entire Pacific coast is in fhurs'iay fivening, f in 1896, at a cost of $1,000,000. It was 659 feet long, 156 feet wide, and housed, beside the ticket office and waiting rooms, the California State Board 01 Trade, Pacific Commercial Museum and the state mining department, all filled with papers and documents of almost priceless value. The United States government build ings in San Francisco consist of the mint, which was second the country, and the United States appraiser's build ing, which contains the internal revenue office, secret service and marine offices, the United States circuit and district danger of subsidence beneath the wa ters of the Pacific. Dr. Holland has recently returned from a long trip in which he devoted his time to an exhaustive study oi volcanoes and earthquakes in Japan and along the western coast of this country. "There are series of what might be called cracks the earth's surface ex tending along the western coast line from Patagonia to Alaska," he says. "The stretch of earth between the mountain ranges and the coast is con stantly uplifting or sinking, and it is not impossible that it all may sink. Coincident with such lines of fault ing there is always found in proximity to an ocean volcanic disturbances ac companied by earthquakes. Volcanoes are due to the fact that the water of the ocean settles down and peicolates to deeper strata, which are heated by the internal heat of the earth. Steam is thus generated, lava is formed and there follows explosions and seismic disturbances. "There is no doubt that there has been a breakdown and a shifting of strata, perhaps at a great depth, in the region of San Francisco. There is cer tainly great connection between this earthquake and recent private reports which have come to me of intense vol canic activity on the part of Mount Tacoma. I would say that it is not possible to connect the disturbances in San Francisco with the activity of Mount Vesuvius. courts, the court of appeals and the coast and geodetic survey. The two cost about $2,100,000. The number of industrial establish ments recorded in the last census was 4,002. In the last five years this list has grown to 4,400, employing 43,000 wage earners. Sugar and molasses re fining are the largest single industries. There are fifty-nine hotels, of which the most famous was the Palace hotel, which occupied an entire block on Mar ket street 158 churches, 16 theaters, 18 hospitals, 21 orphan asvlums, 69 clubs and 22 homes for the aged. i CHRONICLE BUILDING, KEARNEY A ND MARKET STREETS badly raekad. "There has been tremendous poten tial activity along the whole western coast. This potential energy is being changed into actual energy and the whole coast is in danger of subsidence.' This, to my mind, is the beginning of a great volcanic action." DISASTER LONG EXPECTED President Van Hise of Wisconsin "U," Comments on Earthquake. Madison, Wis., April 19.President Charles E. Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin, one of the best-geolo gists in the country, formerly of the United States geological survey, says a disaster at San Farncisco has long been expected by scientists. In a signed statement he says: "Scientists have known for many years that San Francisco is dangerously located and would probably, sooner or later, be subject to severe shocks. "The fear has been repeatedly ex pressed that San Francisco would be the first to show the effect of an earth quake upon such structure, for it has been well understood that San.Fran cisco has the most dangerous location with reference to earthquakes of any large city in the United States." CHICAGO IN DANGEB Geologic Formations There May Pres age an Earthquake. Chicago, April 19.There are slight indications that Chicago may experi ence an earthquake within a few years, according to Professor Goode of the University of Chicago geology faculty. The presence of crispies of rock in the earth inside or near the city limits, he believes is an indication of a condition A BIRDSEY E VIEW OF? SAN.FRANCISCOfANDfTHEfGOLDEN GATE Like ancient Rome, San Francisco is a city of hills. It is situated on a tongue of land about six miles broad, between the Bay of San Francisco and the narrow strait, called the Golden Gate. It has forty-seven square miles of territory within its municipal area. The business district is in part on made ground, facing the harbor on the east ern side of the peninsula, and on the comparatively level ground to the southeast. It is bi-seeted diagonally by Market street and the streets south of that thorofare are occupied prinei pally by manufacturing establishments that might result in the dismantling of a portion of the city. "There is no absolute geological proof that Ghicago may. have an earth quake in the next few years," Profes sor Goode declared. "One can detect slight symptoms, however. Certain for mations of certain kinds of rock under neath Chicago might be taken as an in dication. An earthquake is as simple as the breaking of a timber. I believHB that the seat of the dis turbance at San Francisco was about seven miles below *the surface- of the earth. It was quit* probably a slip ping of the crust *&f the earth. One block of the crusts! slips up while the other slips down. Tjhe focus Prof. Tarr Tells of Changing Physical Conditions on Pacific Coast. New York, April 19.The Times to day prints a statement from Ralph Stockman Tarr, professor of dynamatic geology and physical geography at Cor nell university on the subject of the San Francisco earthquake. Professor Tarr was formerly connected with the United States geological survey and the Smithsonian institute at Washington. He is considered an authority on seismic disturbances. He says: "It is too early to pronounce a final opinion upon nature and cause of the San Francisco earthquake, but from what has been said it will be seen that it is probable that this shock is the result of movements along one or more fault lines in the course of the natural growth of the coast ranges, which geolo gists have long known to be still in progress thruout the entire extent of California. That the coast ranges are growing is proved by numerous evi dences. There are upraised shore lines at various points along the California coast, proving recent uplift. The very bay of San Francisco is the result of a geologically recent subsidence of this part of the coast which has admitted the sea into the gorge that the Sacra mento river formerly cut across the coast ranges. This forms the Golden Gate and in the broader mountain val ley behind the sea has spread out to form the bay. "Whether the center of greatest dis turbance of the present shock is in or near the city cannot yet be told, tho the meager reports so far received indi cate this. If it is, San Francisco is in danger of future disasters." UNIVERSE IN FOR DISASTER Terrible Forecast by Professor Totten, the ex-Yale Prophet. Journal Special Service. New Haven, Apiil 19."The worst is yet to come," said Professor Totten, the ex-Yale prophet, when asked about the San Francisco disaster. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing struck Chicago tomorrow and New York the next day. What I look for next is a comet, *a portent of greater disasters. The whole universe is wound up for disaster. Every cycle works out to ward zero. Look at the conditions prevailing in Naples, ,San Francisco. Chicago and New York. Naples and San Francisco have had their share. Next the two others. After them Rus sia will meet her fate for consummating her deviltries upon a people whom the Lord has sworn shall be vindicated against any hand raised against them. Then look for the universal war, which the Bible calls a/h earthquake with its overwhelming of the tall cedars and the great princes and the stars of heaven." All California in Danger. Journal Special Service. New York, April 19.Professor Louis Pierson and Arthur Wright of Yale, authorities on physiography, agree tljat at any time all of California may be shattered by earthquakes. Pro fessor Pierson said: "The whole con figuration of California shows that there will continue to' be earthquakes on that region. Buildings thru the state should, be constructed with that fact in view." CONSIDER REPLY O OPERATORS. Wilkesbarre, Pa., April 19.President Mitchell and District Presidents Nicholas Dettrey and Fahey of the. United Mine Workers, will meet here next Tuesday to consider the reply of the coal mine, operators, made'public Tuesday. THtt lIWWlEAFtrjt,l JUUKNAJL. April 19, 1906. vof the dis turbance may be nifted by the .direction of the cracks in the wrecked buildings. "The Sierra Madre mountains are voung and are growing slowly, and no doubt their growing was the cause of the earthquake." OTHER QUAKES MAT FOLLOW and the homes of laborers. The terri tory north of Market street is devoted to retail shops of the better class and the homes of merchants and capitalists. Rearing its tall walls in the center of the business* section was the lofty Spreckels building, occupied by the San Francisco Call. On the other side of the corner of Kearney avenue and Market street stood the Chronicle and Examiner buildings, and to the east close by the Palace hotel, was the building occupied by the Postal Telegraph company. Behind the business district, extend- PROFESSOR TELLS OF THE DISASTER Former Geodetic Survey Official Says 'Twas Like Terrier Shaking a Rat. Oakland, ^Cal., April 19.Professor George Davidson of the University of Caliiornia, formerly connected with the United States geodetic survey, said tonight: "The earthquake came from north to south, and the only description 1 am able to give of its effect to me is that it seemed like a terrier shaking a rat. I Was in bed but was awakened at the first shock. I began to count the gec onds as I went towards the table where my watch was, being able, thru much practice, to closely approximate the time in that manner. The shock came at 5:12 o'clock. The first sixty sec onds were the most severe. From that time on it decreased gradually for about thirty seconds. There was then the slightest perceptible lull, then the shock continued for sixty seconds longer, be ing slighter in degree in this minute than in any part of the preceding min ute and a half. There were two very slight shocks, after which I did not time. At 5:14 o'clock I recorded a shock of five seconds' duration and one .PACIFiQ: CONSERVATIVE LIFE BUILDING, MONTGOMERY MENTO STREETS badly racked. ing to the southwest on the high ground called Knob Hill, stood the mansions of the millionaires, the Golden Gate park and the suburb, Richmond Hill residen tial section, approach to which is by streets so steep that cars climbing the hill appear to the spectator on the low ground to be on end. San Francisco has twenty-eight pub lie parks. The largest and most beau tiful is^.the Golden Gate park, which contains 1,014 acres. Its broad sweep to the ocean on the west is of rare beauty. At the northwest corner of the peninsula are the Sutro heights, at 5:15 of two seconds. There were slight shocks which I did not record at 5:17 and 5:27 at 6:50 p.m. there was a sharp shock of several seconds. "Regarding the cause, I maintain, 'as I have always, that it is the earth cooling on the inside. Cooling brings about contraction, which is bound to create a readjustment of the earth's surface. I have" heard talk that the eruption of Vesuvius had connection with this disaster, but that is rank nonsense. My seismograph was twisted out of shape by the shock so that I have no record from that. "As to telling whether there will be a repetition of the earthquake I can no more predict that than I could have predicted the earthquake of today." ITALY SHOCKED, TOO Violent Disturbance Was Recorded There Yesterday. Borne, April 19.The seismographs in the observatories thruout Italy yester day recorded distinct earth ehocks. Those of the observatory at Florence, whieh has the most perfect instruments, indicated that an earthquake had been felt at a distance of over 7,000 miles. The shocks were so severe that they injured the instruments. The director of the Florence obser vatory is of the opinion that the earth quake in California, viewed in connec tion with the outbreak of Mount Vesuvius and the earthquake in Cala bria in September last, indicates the approach of further terrestrial convul sions. King Victor Emmanuel was most impressed with the news from Cali fornia following so soon after the Calabria disaster and the eruption of Vesuvius. He said that no one can AND SACRA- -&** .S.*.'^.'f?liki.r^ -t. and on the rocky shore, a few hundred yards away is the celebrated Cliff house. The Presideo, the military reserva tion of the United States, is the north eastern corner of the peninsula. The population of San Francisco is 400,000. The site was first occupied by Europeans in 1679. It attracted world-wide notice in 1848, when gold was discovered in California. Since then it has grown steadily, until it finally attained the rank of the largest city in the United States west of the Mississippi river, except St. Louis. sympathize more than the Italians with the sufferers in and about San Fran cisco, adding that he felt most anxious for the thousands of Italian emigrants in California. The Pope Hears the News. The news was communicated to the pope by Cardinal Merry del Val, the papal secretary of state. The pontiff gave orders that he be kept informed of all the developments, especially in regard to the safety of Archbishop Riordan and of the clergy of San Fran cisco. PROFESSOR HICKS* PROPHECY fa. Says Mississippi Valley Will Be Shaken Soon. Journal Special Serrice. St. Louis, April 19.Professor Ira R. Hicks, the scientist, declares the earthquake which spread disaster in San Francisco will be felt in St. Louis and the Mississippi valley in a few days. Mr. Hicks said that the seismia* disturbance in Frisco was a direct re sult of a violent convulsion of the plan etary system, a cause that superinduced the recent eruption off Vesuvius. These disturbances, he said, would continue at intervals until June or until the end of the summer solstice. I look for a trembling at any time," he said, for the disturbances are bound to take place thruout the world. Spots on the sun that can now be seen with the naked eve signify the perturbation now manifestecT in 'the solar system. They are the effects of great upheavals, which are bound to affect all the other planets." DYNAMITE'S ROAR HEARD FOR MILES Great Blasts Used to Check Fire'i March in Frisco Shake Oakland. New York, April 19.With a tele- Sce raph instrument in the New York of of the Western Union company con nected directly with anothefinstrumenl in Oakland, Cai., whose operator sat looking across the harbor to San Fran cisco, a vivid description of the appear ance of the burning of California's me tropolis, with its buildings tossed int the air by dynamite, was received here. "The roar of dynamite from the other side of the harbor is almost deaf ening at timps," ticked the Oakland op erator. "They are attempting to blast out pathways in the city blocks, where ever the fire threatens, in order to check its spread. San Francisco is at times enveloped in smoke and when it lifts we can see the flames of burning buildings and occasionally the timbers flying froin a dynamite explosion. Almost all activ ity, except that of dynamite appears to have ceased. The ferry boats have stopped running between Oakland and San Francisco, and no one is allowed to enter the burning city. Shocks Continue. "The shocks here are continuous, som of them being quite severe. They hav gotten on the people's nerves so that whenever the earth trembles, -almost everyone who is under a roof rushes out of doors. Many of the buildings in San Francisco were so badly damaged by this morning's shock that they art a peril to whoever enters them. HOFF'S ASTHMA CURE The Genuine HolT medicine Price, 3 6 eta. a bottle (full size). -Compounded after the true and correct formula of the famous Prtf. Bon" of Vienna, Austria. Known and recognized everywhere as a positive cure for Aatnaaa. Catarrh, Hay Fever, Bronchitis and all diseases of the breathing organs. The gen uine bears the Crown'' trade mark. This should interest all those who hare beet been purchasing tne Hoff medietas under (&ent names at SI and $3 a bottle.. fote Arents In MtonesfroHs. jf*'*. 1. H. BBOUNLEE DBTO 0T Successor to Dillin Drug Co., 101 Wash-! ington Av. S. r?