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---*_J3?* PANIC REIGNS' AS HOSPITAL FALLS Mechanics' Pavilion, Crowded with the Injured, Evacuated in Frantic Haste. San Francisco, April 18.At Me Ihanics' pavilion scenes of heroism and ater of panic were enacted. The great frame building was turned into a hos pital for the care of the injured, and lere a corps of fifty physicians, under ihe direction of Drs. Miller and Hert tog. rendered aid. Nurses volunteered their services and girls from the Red Dross ship that steamed in from the rovernment yards at Mare island con tributed aid and supplies. But while the ambulances and auto mobiles were unloading their maimed ind wounded at the building, the march f the conflagration up Market street jave warning that the iniuTed would lave to be removed at once. Every available vehicle was pressed into ser rice to get the stricken into the hospi tals and private houses of the Western iddition. A few minutes after the last the wounded had been carried thru he door, some on cots, others in strong urns and on stretchers, shafts of nre Ihot from the roof and the structure burst into a whirlwind of flame. The Earth Has Sunk. Down on the harbor front the earth leems to have sunk from six to eight inches and great cracks appear in the ltreets. Car tracks were twisted into all sorts of shapes, and buildings be fore thev were destroyed by the fire were seen to be completely out of plumb. The flames swept sheets across Front street and street cars and Bouthern Pacific rolling stock together with the mail cars were burned,to their First Relief Boat Arrives. Last night the first relief boat loaded with groceries and provisions crossed from Oakland while other boats are reported to have started from Sacra mento. The Berkeley Chamber of Com merce has sent word that the town hall and all public buildings there have been turned into lodging houses for the ref ugees. The homeless will be fed and housed until they are able to find shelter. The new ferry building did not escape the wrath of the trembler, and the tower of this California landmark is badly shattered. At Seventh and Howard streets a great lodging house took fire after the first shock, before the guests had a shance to escape. There were hardly any exits, and nearly all the lodgers perished. Woman Leaps to Safety. Mrs. J. J. Munson, one of those in the building, leaped, with her child in her arms, from the second floor to the Eavemenst below and escaped unhurt, he say she is confident she was the only one who escaped from the inferno. Such horrors were repeated at many points. In the commission house of C. D. Bunker, a rescuer named Baker was killed while trying to get a corpse from the ruins. Other rescuers heard the pitiful wail of a little child, but were Unable to get near the point from which the cry issued. Soon the on "ushing fire ended the cry, and the men turned to other tasks. Tonight hun dreds of firemen and rescuers are pros trated, the strain of the continual fight 31 the face of the awful calamity prov ing more than anyone can stand. In the crowds at many points people Fainted, and in some instances dropped lead from reaction following the shock. Havoc Among Chinese. The earthquake has worked astonish ing havoc in San Francisco's famous Dhinatown. The theaters and joss bouses are in ruins and rookery after Eookery has collapsed, burying alive undreds of the orientals. Panic reigns imong the countless thousands of Chi nese and they filled the streets, drag ging whatever they could save from the wrecks. The Japanese quarter has been burned out and from the part not de Itroyed the people have fled in terror, packing on their backs what house hold effects they could tie together. Thousands of men and women and chil dren from the Latin quarter quit there when darkness began to fall and marched in endless procession toward the hills or to the water front, frantic to get away from the city, lest other earthquakes follow and the flames trap them before they can make their es cape from the charnel house. Artil lerymen from the Presidio, with their supply wagons, and the army commis sary wagons, are aiding in getting the fleeing inhabitants and their baggage out of the threatened quarters. Says He Killed a Sufferer. W. Hussey came to the station at the Hall of Justice and told how, at the direction of a policeman, whose num ber he gave as 615, he had cut the ar teries in the wrists of a man pinioned under timbers at the St. Katherme ho tel. According to Hussey the man was begging to be killed and the policeman shot at him, but his aim was defective. The officer then handed Hussey a knife with instructions to cut the veins in the Buffering man's rists and Hussey obeyed. Chief of Police Dinan directed that Hussey be locked up. There has been no opportunity to investigate his story but the police believe that the awful calamity has rendered him insane. Mayor Schmitz has ordered that the physical necessities of the sufferers be attended to first. Goldberg, Bowen & Co., have placed all of their stores at the disposal of the city, including the provisions contained therein. Prayed Amid Ruin. The pastor of St.'Francis' church, on .the slope of Telegraph hill, a few blocks from the raging furnace below, gathered his flock about him on the Bidewalk. where all knelt in prayer. BELIEF GOES FREE Freight Charges Waived on Supplies for Stricken City. Chicago, April 19.That relief sup plies for San Francisco will be carried gratuitously by various transportation companies was indicated yesterday, when within a few hours after the news of the catastrophe had arrived, the Ex port Shipping company announced, thru President F. G. Bailey, that it would acree to take supplies to the suffering municipality free of cost. Mr. Bailey said that clothing and food supplies would be transported as faBt as received. How's This? We offer S10O reward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out tfay obligations made by his flriu. Wftldlng. Klnnan" & Marvin, WholesaleT Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'sf Catarrh Can Is taken internally, act sy8tem 41 th 8en faces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price, 76c per bottle. Sold by aU druggists. Take Hall's/ Family PUls for constipation. Thurs'daypEvenin^, Flames Continue into Night, with Firemen Powerless to Check Them. San Francisco, April 19.At 5 p.m. last night the firemen were as far as ever from checking the progress of the flames. In the northern section of the down town business section the fire swept around the Hall of Justice and com municated to Chinatown, proceeding westward into the heart of that colony. It then began rapidly eating its way southward on both sides of Kearney street and at this writing (7 p.m.) was within a block of the California hotel. This point is close to the plant of the Bulletin, an evening publication, in which the three morning papers had agreed to join for the issue of a four page paper this morning. That plan was abandoned when the Bulletin was found to be directly in the path of the flames. Palace Hotel Gone. About 6 p.m. Palace hotel, built the world-famous at a cost of mil- lions, fell prey to the conflagration, and the Crocker building, across the street began to burn. One of the big losses of the day was the destruction^Of-'St. Ignatius' church and college at Vim Ness avenue and Hayes street. This was the greatest Jesuitical institution in the west and was built at a cost of a couple of mil lions. Homes Are Destroyed. At 7 p.m. the. fire had swept from the south side of the town across Mar ket street into the, district called the western addition, and was burning houses at Goldeu avenue and Octavia. This result was reached after almost the entire southern district from Ninth street to the eastern water front had been converted into a blackened waste. In this sectio, nwere hundreds of fac tories, wholesale houses and many busi ness firms in addition to thousands of homes. Mayor Forced to Flee. On the north side the fire was not making such rapid headway as in the western addition, where there is a limit ed water supply, and the firemen were making despertae efforts to prevent fur ther encroachments of the devastation. Temporary headquarters were estab lished in tents in Portsmouth square for Mayor Schmitz, Chief of Police Di nan and General Funston, but this site became too dangerous about 6 o'clock and was abandoned. Later the flames swept the square. SUCCOR PROVIDED FOR SUFFERERS Mayor Orders Shops to Harbor Supplies for the Frisco Homeless. tag directly npon the blood and mueons sur- trades council last night voted to send San Francisco, April 19.The mayor has notified bakeries and milk stations that their food supply must be harbored for the homeless. Preparations have been made to place tents in every park in the city, and in these those who have lost all will be given food and shelter. The prisoners in the city prison on the fifth floor of the Hall of Justice were transferred into the basement of the structure. Later, they were re moved to the Broadway jail, and, if necessity arises, they will be taken to the branch county jail on the Mis sion road. Insurance Companies to Fay. Commissioner E. Myron Wolfe has announced that the eighty-odd fire in surance companies interested have de cided to pay dollar for dollar to every one insured with them. The companies will not discriminate between fire and earthquake, and every one Insured will be paid to the extent of the loss. But two of the companies affected are Pacific coast concerns, the others having principal offices in the east or in Europe. All will stand the loss, without danger of failure. Saloons Closed. One of the first orders issued by Chief of Police Dinan was to close every saloon in the city to prevent drink-crazed men from rioting. SEND IDLE TO FRISCO Army of New/ York's Unemployed to Assist in Cleaning Ruins. New York, April 19.The allied 'an army of its unemp&yed to San Fran. eisco to assist in the work there.* *r- FIRE'S MAD MARCH*|CAN'T COLLECT SWEPT ALL IN WAY ANY INSURANCE No "Earthquake" Policies, and Others uon't Cover build ings Shaken Down. Journal Spcoial Service, New York, April 19.Millions for fire, but not one cent for earthquakes. Ihis is the insurance situation in San irancisco. Ihe owners or proper ty destroyed oy earthquake cannot col lect a dollar under their fire-insurance policies, even tho the buildings that iell were later swept by flame. But in case a structure shattered by the seismic disturbances should spread a blaze to an adjoining building, the owner of that building can collect his fire insurance. As far as the heads of the big fire insurance companies with policies in this city know, no policy has ever been written to cover disasters by earth quake. There is not an insurance com pany in America that is allowed by its charter to write earthquake insurance. Henry W. Eaton, manager of the Liverpool. London & Globe Fire Insur- THE NEW POSTOFFICE, WHICH STOOD ON MADE GROUN AND COLLAPSED. SAN FRANCISCO'S WATERFRONT WHERE THE BIG FIRE RAGED. ance company, explained today that the insured can only collect on a building fired while standing. Once a structure is shaken down by earthquake the writers of insurance on it are not liable. No matter how fire reaches a stand ing building/' said Mr. Baton, "un- less it is incendiary, the insurance companies are liable. In this case of the conflagration in San Francisco, the buildings that withstood the shock but caught fire after the earthquake, are protected if policies have been written on them." COMPARED WITH BALTIMORE Earthquake Makes Frisco Insurance Problem Different. New York, April 19.Never were the New York underwriters so bewildered in a catastrophe as yesterday, when they tried to figure their losses in the California earthquake. Several place the damages at $100,000,000. A comparison with the Baltimore fire of Feb. 7, 1904, was instantly drawn in insurance circles. In that conflagra tion $70,000,000 worth of property was destroyed, and the loss which eventually fell upon the insurance companies was approximately $39,000,000. Between that disaster and yester day's there was the one great differ ence in the fact that the fire under writers are not liable for losses caused by the earthquake itself. But as for the damage to buildings which collapsed partly and then took fire, underwrit ers were uncertain during the day. As to the blocks of buildings which escaped the earthquake and then were burned, the estimates were clearer. Not a "Standard Policy" State. California is not what is called among insurance men a "standa rd policy" state, and for many years most of the fire insurance polit ies issued upon prop erty there contained a specific clause excepting from liability for wreckage thru earthquakes. Within a few years most of the companies writing the bulk of San Francisco insurance have used the New York, standard policy, which contains only one clause in any way bearing upon liability for earthquake damage. That clause is as follows: "If a building or any part thereof fall, except as the result of fire, all insurance by this policy on such build ing or its contents shall immediately cease.'' Some companies have retained an old-fashioned policy which exempts from "damage "occasioned by earth quake." Officials of these companies were busy today examining the ques tion as to how far this clause would exempt them from losses by resultant fires. The general disposition, however, was that the companies would raise no tech nicalities, but wherever there could be the slightest question the benefit of the doubt would be given to the policy holder. THE INSURANCE CARRIED How the Bisks in San Francisco Were Distributed. Chicago, April 19.Fire insurance companies had about $250,000,000 at risk in the city of San Francisco, the estimate being based on the premiums received in 1905. For years fhe Pacific coast bas been the one section of the country which could be depended upon for a* steady profit. San Francisco has been the best profit producer of the coast. Its loss ratio for a period of years has been the lowest, being less than 25 per cent of any city in the country, despite the unusual proportion of frame construction. As a result of this unusually favorable experience rates were low in that city and all the fire insurance companies wrote liberally. On the other hand tue proportion of insurance to value was unusually small, partly because of the overconfidence re sulting from the long immunity from heavy losses, and also because there is no co-insurance clause in use there, as THB MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. ia tne 1'iuo in oti|fc* Itufce ciUtp, requir uij. me erf not' to iufrry certain pro por tion ox msurancolio value. Foreign Companies' Policies, The total San Fran&aco premiums in 19U5 were $2,1*86,540!, ol Wiucu $1,045,- iou were written in American com panies and $l,i!4u,8bu in toreign com panies, xhe latter proportion is much greater than that nma oy roreign com-" panics in the country at large. The xuime and moseiie, ior instance, whicu writes nowaere* eise in tue Dmtea Estates, haa nearly $5,0u0,0uU at riaK in ban Jbrancisco. There were 105 fire companies doing business in CaUiorma last year. The firemen's Fund, Which us tne leading fire insurance company 'of Wan Fran cisco, stands third, the premium income in tne city last year being n,oU$ and the Homo Fire and Marine, owned Dy it, nad ifrdl.lUd. Local insurance men esti mated tnat the two companies had over $8,0UU,0U0 at riski The Hartford had $2,2Li premiums and the New York Underwriters owned by it, jjS/7.552, mak ing a total risk of over $12,000,000. Tne California* Fire, Which only re sumed business last year, had large premiums, and the Pacific underwriters nad $2U,6d5 The Pacific waB recently amalgamated with the Conservative of Los Angeles, which will be doubly a sufterer, as that company wrote both life and accident insurance. It had the largest business on the coast last year. BLOOMINGTON, ILL.A relief fund for San Francisco earthquake sufferers has been started by the board of super visors, who voted $200 for the purpose. HEROIC OPERATORS GAYE WORLD NEWS Courageous Telegraphers Stuck to Posts Until They Were Com pelled to Leave. New York, April 19.That the world received news thruout the day of the San Francisco disaster is due in part to the courage of the telegraph opera tors there, who stuck to their posts and continued to send news and other mes sages in spite of great personal dan ger. The operators and officials of the Postal Telegraph company remained in the main office of the company at the corner of Market and Montgomery streets, opposite the Palace hotel, until they were ordered out of the building because of the danger from the dyna mite explosions in the immediate vicin ity. The men went to Oakland, across the bay, and took possession of the of fice there. Last night the company operated seven wires from Oakland. All mes sages from the city were taken across the bay in boats. Goes Thru Burning Streets. W. C. Swain, an electrical engineer in the service of the Postal company, returned several times in the afternoon to the main building in San Francisco and got communication east. His last message was timed 5:47 p.m. He said he wa9 surrounded by severe explosions of illuminating and sewer gas. The Postal building was not de stroyed up to 7 o'clock last night. The roof only had been damaged. It was surrounded by fire on three sides. The cable apparatus of the Postal company was moved to the cable hut on the beach, near the Cliff house. The Postal company received com mercial messages until 2 p.m. in its San Francisco office. No attempt could be made to deliver these because the city was under martial law and mes sengers could not pass thru the streets. The company will move back into San Francisco as soon as conditions per mit. 5,000 MESSAGES "HUNG UP" Chicagoans File Inquiries but Com panies Oan't Forward Them. Chicago, April 19.Telegraph and telephone offices were deluged last night with thousands of messages from friends and relatives in this city, in quiring for information of the fate of loved ones in devastated San Francisco. Hundreds of Chicagoans are in the city, either oh business or on pleasure trips, while many residents here have relatives who make San Francisco their home. One telegraph company last night re ported that it had 5,000 messages on file waiting to be dispatched to the Pa cific coast. Frantic men and women who feared for friends or relatives tried to bribe clerks of the company and to bring the influence of'business men to bear to have their messages rushed ahead of the others, but the rule of "first come, first serve d" was strictly enforced. Another company reported like conditions. United States Mint's Millions Safe. Washington, April 19.The United States mint at San Francisco escaped serious damage from the earthquake and the resulting conflagration, and its stock of gold and silver coin and bul lion, amounting to about $39,000,000, is safe. *-_- NIGHT SCENE lift anE DOOMED CITY f*'^ that are attempting to save the city from complete annihilation. Thieves Are Shot. Early in the evening a horde of roughs started to loot the stores and rob the dead. Mayor Schmitz and Police Chief Dinan issued orders for the soldiers to kill outright all who en gaged in such work. Before the eyes of an Associated Press representative three thieves were shot in the back and fatally wounded in the burning com mercial district. OPERA COMPANY'S BELONGINGS GONE Metropolitan Organization's Valu able Costumes and Scenery Reduced to Ashes. San Francisco, April 19.The fire reached the Grand operahouse, on Mis sion street, and in a moment had burned thru the roof. The Metropoli tan opera company from New York had just opened its season there and all the expensive seenery and costumes were soon reduced to ashes. Destroyed in Minutes. From the operahouse the fire leaped from building to building, leveling them almost to the ground iiuquick suc cession. The Call editorial and mechanical de partments were wiped out in a few minutes and the flames leaped across Stevenson street toward the fifteen story stone and iron Claus Spreckles building, which, with its lofty dome, is the most notable edifice in San Francisco. Two small wooden buildings fur nished fuel to ignite the splendid pile. At first no impression was made, but suddenly there was a cracking of glass and an entrance was effected. Leaps to Dome. The interior furnishings of the fourth floor were the first to go. Then, as tho by magic, smoke issued from the top of the dome. This was followed by a most spec tacular illumination. The round win dows of the dome shone like so many full moons they burst and gave vent to long waving streamers of flame. Thousands watched the spectacles with bated breath. The tall and slender structure, which had withstood the forces of the earth quake, appeared doomed to fall a prey to fire. After a while,-however, the light grew less intense and the flames, .finding nothing more to consume, grad ually went out, leaving the building standing but completely gutted. April 19, ??-19061^ 4- inscribed as One of "Unspeak auie irfranueur" iiow xb juooiteu iiuin instate. Uft.^ -laucisco, April 19.The city labt juKUk rebemoleu one vast shambia with tne red glare of the fire throwing weird shadows acioss the worn anu panic-stricken faces of the homeless, who wandered the streetB or slept xiuw exhaustion on piles ot mattresses and clothing in the parks and on tne side walks in those districts not yet reached by the fire Forgetting for a moment the trials in the wake of the disaster, the scene presented by the flames was of un speakable grandeur. Looking over the city tiom a high hill in the western addition, the flames could be seen roll ing skyward for miles and miles, while in the midst of the spurting and writh ing tongues of red fire could be seen the black' skeletons and falling towers of the doomed buildings. At regular intervals the booming of the dynamite told of the work of the brave men &*WOMEN'S WEAKNESSES. l^\ Two things there are. that womea^ Will jump at in a trice. "i*^^^ Rash conclusions These things are: And timid little mice. MOREAU FORETOLD IT LAST OCTOBER .~~,*^S( ^s. French Savant Predicted Califor nia and Vesuvian Disasters Many Months Ago. Abbe Moreau, in a Paris dispatch to The Minneapolis Sunday Journal, Oct. 28, predicted the catastrophe which has overwhelmed San Francisco. Not only this, but he announced that the spring of 1906 would be marked by four principal disturbances, and the occurrences of March and April have fulfilled his prophecy. Here is Abbe Moreau's specific state ment of the disturbances to be ex pected, and the verification of his fore cast: (a) The west coast of the two Amer- (Earthquake in California April 18 tidal wave on coast of Colombia and at Panama, Feb. 16, 1906.) (b) The ,line including the volcanic district of eastern Asia. (Earthquake in Formosa April 14, 1906.) (c) The South Sea islands and Aus tralia. CALL BUILDING, MARKET STREET NEAR MONTGOMERY, BURNED (Earthquake and tidal wave in the Society islands, March 4 and 5, 1906.) (d) The depression of the Mediter ranean. m. (Vesuvius in eruption April 5, 1906, and succeeding days.) Abbe Moreau's prediction was pub lished in The Sunday Journal Oct, 29, 1905, in a Paris dispatch of the New York Herald cable service, exclusively used in the northwest in The Sunday Journal. The dispatch read as follows: Paris, Oct. 28.Abbe Moreau, writ ing on the subject of the recent solar activity, says: "As the solar activity will slowly diminish, it is highly prob able that earthquakes will occur in March or April next.'' It will be remembered that Abbe Mo reau, in an article which was widelv copied, predicted the earthquakes which a few months ago devastated India and which, he holds, were due to sunspots. He maintained the following in an ar ticle published this week: Therer is a connection between solar activity and volcanoes and even earth quakes. "The awakening of the internal forces of the globe coincides with a sudden change in the curve of sunspots if it rises or if it falls. The nuinber of sunspots is not alone a decisive fac tor there must be sudden augmenta tions or diminutions. "Earthquakes, and especially vol canic action, are localized on the lines of fracture of the globe, and particu larly at the intersection of these lines: (a) The west coast of the two Amer icas (b) the line including the vol canic districts of eastern Asia (c) the South Sea islands and Australia, and (d) the depression of the MedHterra nean, cutting the three first lines of fracture almost at right angles. "These are facts. Hypotheses less certain have been suggested. The sun acts on the cruBt of the earth by caus ing its potential electricity to vary or by modifying the heat sent to the earth. For both there would be a dila tion or shrinking of the envelop." PACIFIC SQUADRON SAFE United States Warships Escaped Dam age by Earthquake. Washington, April 19.A telegram received at the navy department this morning from the commander of the Pacific squadron, sent since the earth quake, reports that all is well with his squadron. Damage at Navy Yard. Washington, April 19.A telegram received at the navy department today from the commandant of the Mare Island navy yard, sent, since the earth quake, reports that $1,000 will cover the damage done there. No mention is made of any injuries to any of the peo ple of the yard. CHABITY. Houston Post. "Do you give much to charity?" "Well, I was held ut by a woman who eomplained that she had nothing to wear this morning, and I had to write her out a check for $50 before she would let me go.'' 'Gee! when your wife "holds you up she holds you up Tropcrly doesn't mitm J. J. HILL ON THE DISASTER'S EFFECT 1 *|rKfej| Development of Pacific Coast Will SufferWall Street in Dismay. Journal Special Service. New York, April 19.The entire financial district in New York was filled with dismay over the tidings from San Francisco. Stocks broke violent ly and financial sentiment was much affected. Wall street has enormous interests on the Pacific coast and iB a large stockholder in all of the financial and industrial corporations that do business there. The controlling inter ests in the United Railways Investment company, which owns the street railwa system of San Francisco, is held in W a street. The stock of that company was seriously affected by the news. Th combination stock declined from 92 64t while the preferred stock broke 2C points to 71. Both issues recovered somewhat before the close. A great many of the stockholder* make their headquarters at the office oi Ladenburg, Thalman & Co., No. 2( Broad street. The company has an of fice at No. 69 Wall street, and at theS Mercantile Trust company. *To alj these stockholders rushed, and some 0$ them were in a condition of panic* Some insisted on selling out their stocks^ no matter what price they brought, hntt the majority yielded to the urgent soltjl citation of their brokers to await rel suits. New York Had Direct Wire. g#% The headquarters for San Franciscan financial interests were the offices of E. F. Hutton & Co., 35 New street, and J. S. Bache & Co., No. 42 Broadway..' Both of these firms Have a large San Francisco clientele and yesterday had a wire working almost the entire day to* their San Francisco offices. Early in the day E. Hutton & Co. placed their wire at the disposal of all persons who desired to make inquiries concerning friends in the stricken city. Many people took advantage of this offer. The private wire of Hutton & Co. ran direct to their offices in the Kohl build ing, at the corner of California and Montgomery streets, San Francisco. This is in the very heart of the devas tated district. Hutton & Co. were about the first firm in Wall street to receive news of the disaster. First News of Disaster. When the office was opened about 9 o'clock the telegraph instrument was clicking frantically a language which5 the clerks did not understand. When the operator arrived the voice that had been meaningless to them appalled him with the news it sent. "Great heavens!" cried he "San Francisco has been destroyed by an earthguake. Our office building is still standing, but fire is raging everywhere and shock after shock is occurring." From that moment until about 3' o'clock, when the wire ceased working, the operator was surrounded by anxious inquirers. He sent scores of 'inquiries, but only a few of them brought an swers. Then Building Was Dynamited. An hour later from a roundabout] way, came a report to the office that the building* had been destroyed in which the offices of E. F. Hutton & Co. had been. Whether it had been dynamited in order to prevent the^1 further spread of fire, or whether it had been weakened by thel successive shocks and had fin-! ally become untenable the firm had not learned. All their .efforts to obtain? further news failed. Unloaded Their Stocks. All the stock exchange houses Te-i ceived large selling orders and thef" transactions in stocks were unusually! heavy. The offices of the Union Pa-, caflc, Southern Pacific and St. Louis &| San Francisco railroads were besiegedi by inquirers, but they had very meager! news. At Mr. Harriman's office in theJ Equitable building, most Inquirers werej referred to the afternoon newspapers. At the banks only meager details off what was going on in the fifancial dis trict of San Francisco was obtainable. There are forty-three banks and trust companies in San Francisco, and most of them have New York correspondents. At the offices of these correspondents little information was received con cerning the disaster. Effect of Disaster in "the Street.'* It was the general opinion in finan-i cial circles that the first effect of the disaster would be the demand for* funds upon the New York banks. No such demand was received yesterday, but that was due to the panic existing1 in the stricken city. I is thought that later today order may be in some meas ure restored and the subtreasury is ex pecting demands for telegraphic trans fers of currency. Up to the close ofi business there was no means of trans ferring money by wire, even if there had been a demand. J. J. Hill's Statement. James J. Hill, who has just returned to New York, has many interests on the Pacific coast. He has received a number of telegrams concerning the dis aster, but they were mere bulletins^ Mr. Hill said: I was deeply grieved to hear of the catastrophe. My news has been very indefinite and unsatisfactory. If the disaster is as severe as reported, it is very deplorable and it may retard to seme extent the great progress that is being made in the commercial an industrial development of the Paciffa coast.'' D. O. Mills is the largest owner 01 California property in New York. THEIB STATUS. New York Sun. KnickerWhat becomes of the chil dren in case of a divorce! BockerThey occupy much the sami position as the public in a coal strike" NO WORDS WASTED A Swift Transformation scribed. Briefly De About food, the following brief bu emphatic letter from a Georgia womai goes straight to the point and is con vincing: "My frequent attacks of indiget tion and palpitation of the heart eul minated three years ago in a sndde: and desperate illness, frodm whichh. arose enfeebled vin mind an body doctor advised me to live on cereafa but none of them agreed with me u til I tried Grape-Nuts o6d and Postux Coffee. The more I used of them th more I felt convinced that they wer just what I needed, and in a short tint they made a different woman of My stomach and heart trouble* we* cured as by magic, and my mind wa restored and is as clear as it ever wa I gained flesh and strength so raj idly that my friends were astonishe Postum and Grape-Nuts have benefite me so greatly that I am glad to bea this testimony." Name given Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason.