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$r TODAY'S SPOBTTNTG NEWS WILL E FOUim O N PAGE 20. John Kendrick Bangs In The Sunday Journal -next Sundayt *s -i PRICE TWO CENTS. San Frpneisco, April 20.The people of San Francisco, homeless and starving, are facing the awful calamity which iwept the great city practically out of existence with a spirit of resigned forti tude that must command the admira tion of the world. There are no evidences of weakness among the crowds of stricken people moving back reluctantly upon each ad vance of the flames, which continue to weep toward the ocean. Appalled for the moment, but un daunted, the bravery exhibited by men, vomen and children in face of over whelming disastei is that of a race des tined to arise stronger than ever out of the ruins which now surround them. Little Left of Gay City. There is httle left today of the gay fity. There seems little hope now of iaving the choicest residence section of the city, lying west and north of Van Ness avenue. The men of the fire de partment, who have thruout the entire conflagration done splendid work, are etill making strenuous efforts to check the flames, but without avail. "Water is in better supply, but of lit tle use apparently against the headway now gained by the fire. Owing to the itremendous heat, the buildings for some distance from the fire are as dry as tinder and they seem to disappear like a flash the minute the flames- reach them. Refugees Now Problem. The care of the 300*000 h^meleBsfind hungry refugees now gathered in the city's public squares and parks is now the main problem the local authorities have to solve. Thev must be fed and bread, meat and drink are lacking. Al the leading cities and towns thruout the country are now exerting them selves to aid the sufferers, and provi sions are now headed for them from many points. Bread has already sold as high as $1 a loaf in the stricken city, and two loaves and a can of sardines brought in one instance $3.50. Bu this con dition of affairs will not be permitted to last long. In towns across the bay the master bakers have met and fixed the price of bread at 5 cents a loaf, with the un derstanding that they will refuse to eell to retailers who attempt to charge famine prices. All Stores Ar Seized. The committee of citizens now in charge of the situation here will also use every effort to keep the price of food down to the ordinary level. This committee of safetv, composed of fifty of the leading citizens or Sa Francisco, with Mayor Schmitz at its head, will take all necessary steps for the protection and assistance of the victims of the fire. Three relief stations for the home less have already been established by the general committee. These stations are the temporary homes of the home less. Th stations are at Golden Gate park, the Presidio and Sa Bruno road. order of the general committee, all remaining stores were entered by the police last night and their goods confiscated. Caravans of provisions are now on their way to the three re lief stations. Immense Tented City. I the meantime, the hills and beaches of Sa Francisco look like an immense tented city. For miles thru the park and along the beaches from Ingleside to the sea wall at North Beach, the homeless are camped in tents, makeshifts rigged up with a few sticks of wood and a blanket or sheet. Golden Gate park and the Pan Han dle look like one vast camping ground. It is said that fully 100,000 persons, including rich and poor, sought refuge in Golden Gate park alone, and fully 200,000 more homeless ones located at the other places of refuge. Square Becomes Morgue. Portsmouth square yesterday became for the time a public morgue. Between twenty and thirty corpses were laid side by side upon the trodden grass for lack of a more suitable place. I is said when the flames threatened to reach the square, the dead, mostly un known, were removed to Columbia square, where they were buried when danger threatened that quarter. HUNGER AND DISASTER WRECK MINDS OF MANY. San Francisco, April 20.While the 'fire fighters were making the last stand at Van NCss avenue, panic reigned in this part df the city. The absence of water has been so ter rible that scores have become frantic and others dropped from exhaustion in the streets. The streets are still chocked wi th refugees scrambling wildly for an avenue of escape. In the panic many mad things are be ing done. Soldiers were obliged in manv instances to prevent men and women, made insane from the misfor tune that has engulfed them from rush ing into doomed buildings the hope jof, saving valuables from the ruins, A Larkin and Sutter streets two men and a wom an broke from the police [jkdM&^Se^K. r1 i i "ruin FAC E HUNGE HORRO WIT SPARTA N FRON Rare Courage Exhibited by Famine 1 Stricken People of San Francisco. Bread Prices Jump to $1 a LoafRe= lief Committee Seizes Stores. and rushed into a burning apartment house never to reappear. Probably 200,000 refugees are strug gling to get out of the city and hourly the task is becoming more difficult as the fire and heat cut off avenues of escape. Crowding all sidewalks in the threat ened area are hundreds upon hundreds of householders attempting to drag some of their effects to places of safety. I some instances men with ropes are dragging trunks tandem style, others have sewing machines strapped to the trunks. Women are rushing for the hills, carrying on their arms only the family cat or a bird cage. Look Ou for No. 1. There is no aid for anyone from outside sources. I the awful scramble for safety the half-crazed survivors disregard everything but the thought to themselves and their property. I every excavation and hole along the north beach householders are bury ing household effects, throwing them in ditches and covering the holes. Attempts are made to mark th fe raves of the property so that it can recovered after flame* are appeased. Sufferers are invading the few build ings that remain, in the hope of finding something to ea^ They only desist when warned or laot by the soldiers. Were Without Money. A the ferry buildings a thousand teopl gathered begging for food and transportation across the bay. Hundreds had not eyen 10 cents for car fare to Oakland Most of the refugees here were Chinamen and Italians who fled from their burned tenements wi th lit tle or no personal property. Watch Destruction from Hill. Thousands of people slept in the hills or stood gazing with grim faces on the lurid scene below. Women and children and little babies in arms were huddled together wi th the injured. In Golden Gate park gnawing hun ger is the companion of all. The wail of the injured and the calls of frantic survivors for friends and relatives who are missing are most pitiful. These crowds are constantly increas ing and the relief committees are doing all in their power to get bedding and food for them. Famine in Other Citiee. Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda are short of food, and in a few days will themselves be facing a serious short age unless relief comes from tho out side. Expressmen are charging from $10 to $15 to haul a load of Daggage or give any aid at all to refugees. Liquor stores in the north end were broken into and hundreds of men were carrying away the bottled liquors when the soldiers arrived.. Th thieves had to be clubbed by the military before they would drop the bottles. Soldiers smashed the bottles on the stones and drove the mob away ^itb bayonets. Thirst Greatest Woe. The greatest suffering among* the thousands of homeless people is from thirst. Altho the earthquake shocks had broken watermains in probably hun dreds of places, strange to say no watef or very little at least, appeared on the surface. Public fountains on Market street gave no relief. A the corner of Pow ell and Market streets a small stream of water spurted thru the cobble stones and formed a muddy pool. A this hundreds of people kneeled and drank, women as well as rren. I many places men took as many bottles or liquor as they could carry out of the grocery stores, but few of them succeeded in getting away with them. Wherever the soldiers saw a man with a bottle of liquor they forced him to give it up at the point of a bayonet and immediately smashed it. Pass Horrible Night. Measures are being taken for the relief of the destitute. Last night was a horrible one for the refugees. Most of them were without food or water and their sufferings were terrible. Bakeries' are starting today and bread is being sfent over from Oakland. Supplies of bread and milk are needed immediately. Swift & Co. have 500,000 pounds of canned'beef at South Sa Francisco, and this will be of material assistance. Th thousands who spent last night out of doors were fairly comfortable, most of them being sheltered by tents. Considerable distress, however, was caused by a heavy fog which came up durine the night and also by dew The principal food of those who re main in the city is composed of canned goods and crackers. Th refugees who succeeded in getting--out of Sa Fran cisco are met as soon as they enter the neighboring towns by representatives of bakers who have made large supplies of bread and who immediately deal them out to the hungry people.", Keeps Vigil for Husband. Among the many pathetic incidents of the fire was that of a woman, who Continued on 2d Page, 3d Column. BDMiMiMa t & FAMINE CERTAIN Washington, April 20.The following telegram has been received by the war, department from General Funston. "Burned district now approximately as follows: From Water front up Broadway to Mason street, thence south to California street, thence west to Jones, thence diagonally to Van Ness and Golden Gate avenue. Fire on following line practically out: From Van Ness west on Golden Gate avenue to Fillmore, thence south! to Market, thence on irregular line to Valencia and Twenty-sixth,* thence irregular line east to bay. Indications are that active fire line will advance west to Van Ness and north to Union and Montgomery avenue. "Famine seems inevitable. Al large supply stores burned. Most energetic efforts from outside only can prevent frightful suffering. PRESIDENT STARTS RED CROSS FUND Appeals to American People Aid Frisco.and Sends $1,000 Himself. to Washington, April 20.President Roosevelt, after a conference with Mi ss Mabel Boardman, of the American Na tional Bed Cross, issued, in the form of a proclamation, an appeal to the Ameri can people to aid San Francisco. asked that all contributions be made thru the officials of the American Na tional Bed Cross, who have effected sys tematic arrangements for the distri bution of the needed assistance. Assistant Secr&ajy Charles Keep, of the treasury department and treasurer of the National Bed Cross association today received a check for $1,000 from President Boosevelt as a contribution to the relief of the earthquake and fire sufferers at Sa Francisco and also one for $500 from Senator C. Knox of Pennsylvania for the same purpose. The Southern railway will send supplies free. Inquiries from all parts of the Unit ed States reached the American Bed Cross today as to where contributions for the relief of the Sa Franciscoans may be sent. Charles Keep, United States treasury department, Washington, is the Be Cross treasurer and funds may be sent either to him direct or to any of the following state treasurers: California, Horace Davis, Sa Fran cisco i Ulinois, Orson Smith, Chicago: Michigan, Emory W Clark, Detroit. CRAZED CHINESE LEAYE HURT TO DIE Gay Ohinatown Devoured by Con- flagrationMany Fleeing Denizens Perish. Jturnal Special Servioe. San Francisco, April 20.The evacu ation of Ohinatown commenced early yesterday morning. A noon it was a furnace and all was razed. Many Chi nese were crazy from fright. Others, loaded down with belongings, made for the ocean beach. Many were killed and injured in try ing to escape. Th wounded were left lying in the streets, it being impossible for hospital corps to render aid. Many wounded will burn to death. Hundreds of Chinese reached the ferry in a roundabout way a nd are leav ing for interior towns. 'I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 11 il I Minneapolis is rallying nobly to the Telief of the stricken city of Sa Francisco and its suburbs. Ee sponding promptly to the preliminary appeal of Mayer David Jones, the business interests of the city are organizing and contributions aTe already being re ceived. There is imperative need of haste. Plans are making for several benefit performances at the theaters business men are volunteering ship ments to the earthquake sufferers free transportation of supplies to relief organizations has been offered, and every hpur some new manifestation of Minne apolis' sympathy is in evidence. Everyone will have an opportunity to contribute to the relief fund. The Journal will receive sub scriptions, or money may be sfnt as directed by Mayor Jones. Mayor Jones today issued the following appeal: "To the Citizens of Minneapolis: _, "The awful calamity on the Pacific coast, Which as virtually wiped from the face of the earth one of the greatest and most prosperous of American eities, an.d Sfv^gtated other thriving communities,, ph^gW ap- ._ i- .FRIDAY -EVENING,-APRIL 20, '1906. *H GRI FAMINE F0EEOMS FRISCO FIRE: ONE-FOURTHI OEiCITY SEEMS SAFEO-S* VIOTOB. B. METOAXF, Secretary or Commerce and Labor, to Be Government's Kepreaenta&ivo in. San Francisco. a ir?&r*trfXf/> xxsrx t* A*%X AWMXM MBIG1LF IS SEAT BY THE GMET Washington, April 20. President Boosevelt and -members of his cabinet today devoted the greater part of their semiweek ly session to a discussion of the calamity which has befallen San Francisco. I was decided that Secre tary Metcalf, who is a resident of Oak land, Cal., should proceed at once to the stricken city as a representative of the national government Secretary Metcalf left for Sa Fran cisco this afternoon. I will be his effort to consult with the governor of California and the municipal authorities of San Francisco and to advise the national administration what, if any thing, may l^^ns ^^ttie^iM^^/tlis- tress there. w-w Secretary ta Represent the Na tional Government in the Stricken City. Children Aid Reliig* Wor Ogden, Utah, .Ajurir 20-.UyScbools were dismissed' at 'UfcsO ajn the children^ organized into a relief roroe and at 4i p.m. will send two cars attached to the Overland Limit ed containing fdod for tlra sufferers at Sa Francisco. A spe cial train leaves Ogden today filled wi th food contributions, from this city. Wingna Gives Liberally. Special to The Journal. Winona, Minn., April 20.Mayor Latsch has secured subscriptions of about $2,000 for Sa Francisco suf ferers. Th council is meeting to vote aid, and a popular subcription will be taken up thru the banks. Warships Unharmed. Washington, April 20.The navy de.- Jrom artment today received a telegram Rear Admiral McOalla, command ant of the Mare Island navyward, stat ing that the warships under construc tion at the Union Ir on Works are un injured. $ FOR RELIEF IN FRI8CO National government $1,000,000 San Franefscd Des Moines Peoria Atlanta *Los Angeles Kalamazoo, Mich Madison, Wi Springfield, III *Duluth Seattle Sacramento Topeka, Kan Portland, Or* Defective Page 265,000 1,000 11,500 5,000 242,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 30,000 31,000 60,000 1,000 125,000 *ChJcago 1,000,000 New York Detroit Cleveland Boston *Qotdflefd, Nev Philadelphia Mason City, Iowa Richmond, Ind Other sources Total 1,000,000 15,500 5,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 1,000 5,000 600,000 $3,805,600 *Denotes sum In process of raising. -3 Minneapolis to the Rescue is- Immediate Help Is Needed & fl 1 -*)f pik/ LATE BULLETINS WRECK BEING CLEARED. San Francisco, April 20.The work of clearing up the wreck has already been begun at the waterfront in the business section of the town. A force of 100 men were employed this morning under the direction of the street de partment, clearing up the debris and putting the street in proper condition. STJFFEB FROM THIRST. San Francisco, April 20.Hundreds of the people whose homes are de stroyed have not had anything to eat for twenty-four hours, and many of them nd a drop of water for a longer time. A feature of San Francisco was innumerable wells and cisterns, upon which thousands of residents depended for water for drinking and cooking pur poses. Every earthquake has affected more less these cisterns and wells. Water in many of them disappeared a nd did not return for months. Th earthquake of Tuesday had the same effect upon the wells and cisterns, and tliis accounts, in part at least, for the scarcity of water after the shocks. BAYONETS FORCE BURIAL OF DEAD Soldiers Compel Rich and Poor Alike to Dig Graves of Unfortunates. San Francisco, April 20.Out at the Presidio soldiers pressed into service all men ho came near and forced them dfo labor at burying the dead. So thick were the corpses piled up that they were becoming a meafce, and early in the day the ordei! was issued to bury them at any cost. The soldiers were needed for other wok, so, at the point of rifles the citi zens were compelled to take to the work of burying. Some objected at first, but the troops stood no trifling, and every man who came in reach was forced to work at least one hour. Rich men labored by the side of workingmen digging *trenches in the sand. A the present writing many still re main unburied and the soldiers are still pressing men into service. FLAMES GOHSUME THE SUBTMSURY Assistant U. S. Treasurer in Charge of San Francisco Qffioe Is Missing. "Washington, April 20.The treasury department has so far failed to locate the assistant treasurer or deputy at Sa Francisco and grave fears are enter tained that they have lost their lives. The only person connected with the subtreasury who has been heard from, is J. McClure, an assistant book keeper. has wired Secretary Shaw from Oakland, under yesterday's date, as follows: "San Francisco completely destroyed by fire following earthquake, sub treasury burned yesterday afternoon. Under difficulty reached wreck of building this morning. Vaults appear intact. Found no guards. Finally communicated with General Funston and secured detail of one company of soldiers. Unable to locate assistant treasurer, and therefore acted on own responsibility. Chaotic conditions. Mint building and vaults safe. Please arrange with secretary of war for mili tary protection to treasury vaults." peal most powerfully to the generous spirit of every citizen of Minneapolis. "The need of extending relief to the thousands of sufferers from this disaster is most urgent. Already steps have been taken to organize the city into a systematic campaign to secure contributions. in sure the highest results the co-operation of everyone is imperative. Everybody should give according to their individual abilitythe Wealthy in proportion to their abundant means, and those less favored as they can afford. Th need in California is not only immediate and imperative, but it will continue for months, and there cannot be too great provision made for those ruined in business, deprived of daily em ployment, driven from their wrecked homes or in jured in their persons. "Let the people of Minneapolis move as one gen erous soul to meet this emergency and sustain the reputation of the city for prompt and rich response to every call for aid. Contributions can be made to the treasurer of the relief committee, E W Decker, vice president of the Northwestern bank, or to the daily* newspapers of the city, which will open their columns to subscription accounts.,, t^ "David Jones, Mayor." WESTWARD MARC OF FIRF DEMO N STOPPED MAD OATTLE STAMPEDE. MANY THOUGHT KILLED. Says 600 Died at Once. Stampede of Panic-Stricken Cattle Adds Dozens to the Pity's Death List. Ferry Building, San Francisco, April 20.The^ fire is under control in one section, it having been checked at "Van Ness avenue and in the Mission. Th fire is still raging north of Bussia hill, toward the bay, but is not expected to spread west. Probably a fourth of the city is safe. The "stop" was made at Octavia street and* the fire is now confined to Telegraph Hill. Inasmuch aB there is a large burned area between that part of Telegraph Hill, now on fire, and the section of the city farther west, and since the fire is practically out in this burned area, the flames will probably not spread much farther in this sec tion. One great danger which may lead to fresh fires about the city is likely to be the kindling of fires in stoves by ignorant persons. There is scarcely a chimney in town that is safe to trust to a stove fire. San Francisco, April 20.Another series of fatalities was added to the city's long hat by the stampeding of a herd of cattle at Sixth and Folsom streets. Three hundred of the panic-stricken animals ran amuck when they saw and felt the flames, and charged wildly DEAD MAY EXCEED 1,500 down the street, trampling under foe*- SVSffi ^J^^A S Kansas City, April 20.A special to the Star from Oakland, written by Al bert Miller, a staff correspondent, who had just returned from Sa Francisco after making tn rounds of the busi ness district, says: How many lie dead, victims of this tremendous catastrophe, cannot even be approximately told. Estimates have attained currency and credence that vary from minimums of 300 to incred ible maximums of 20,000. I is un doubtedly greater than the first figure, yet it seems impossible that the total deaths can possibly reach the larger aggregate. isnot humanly possible for any one, whatever his opportunity of ob servation, however excellent his judg ment, to do more now than submit his individual guess. For instance, there was a lodging house, the New Brunswick, at Sixth and Mission. I collapsed from the first earthquake shock. One witness in timately acquainted wi th the lodging house and its business, asserts that 600 were within its walls when, with the roof, they crashed into the cellar, and that all now lie dead there. Another witness, of apparently equal credibility, declared that he knew the lodgers num bered 200. The number of dead may never be told, and in any event, cannot now be told. Submitting only a guess now, the number of the dead may not exceed 1,200 or 1,500. ANOTHER DAWN SHOWS GREATER DESTRUCTION. Journal Special Service. San Francisco, via Oakland, April 20. Another dd dawns on a scene of ruin, the extent of which can be com pared 9nly with the vast desert of smoldering ashes that Sa Franciscans beheld when they awoke yesterday morning. I addition to the blackened area on which once stood the great business houses of i he city, revealed to the pop ulace yesterday, a great section of the finest residence district is waste today as a result of the conflagration that waged thruout yesterday and last nigh ni wh.s ii +i -r,T soaa craciters. $1 ^a pound for ham and all Who were in the way. One matt bacon and $1.50 to *g for canned aooda. was gored by a maddened bull, and at ^^SJSoSron ttZL *meat least a dozen persons, it is said* were killed. HUNDREDS DIED TOGETHER 1 The fashionable Nob hill district is in Tuins this morning. Almost a mile of handsome houses on Yah Ness ave nue were dynamited late last evening wi th the hope of stemming the march of the devouring flames, but the at tempt was futile, the fire leaping thru the gaps and mowing down everything in its path. Walt for All to Cfo. A this hour San Francisco sets in the waste of hter ruins awaiting the time when the flames shall have worn themselves out thru lack of fuel. The fire is still burning, but there is little left to destroy. Th ruin and devastation is almost complete. Only eouter fringe of the city is left, and the flames which have swept unimpeded in a hundred directions arc swiftly obliterating what remains. Nothing worthy of the name of a building in the business district, and not more than half of the residence district, has escaped. O its popula tion of nearly 400,000, 300,000 are home" less. N estimate can be made of the dead. Five thousand would be as near ac curacy as five hundred. e,y '*zg~n^m Starvation and Anarchy. I Gutted thruout its entire magnificent financial quarters by th swift work of "Sophy of Kravonia" Anthony Hope's new story, begins In The Journal next Sunday. ^2S PAGESFIVE O'CLOCK. Conflagration Cut Of at OctaVia Street, Saving Portion of City. thirty hours, and with a black ruin covering more than seven square miles out into her very heart, the city now waits xn a stupor the inevitable reign of starvation and of possible anarchy that must crowd close upon the disaster of the last dreadful day The flames at this'moment are eating out the central residence portion about the western addition and fashionable Pacific Heights, the only section of the city proper that has thus far escaped. Storm Bread Wago n. A 5 p.m. yesterday a mob of a hun dred or more stormed a bread* wagon and took the contents. The police made an attempt to interfere but were pow erless. Bread is arriving from Berke ley and Oakland and is being distrib uted in the north end of town the re lief parties organized by Mayor Schmitz. Food, except that commandeered by the troops, went up to famine prices. Detachments went about all day tak ing possession of the supplies in grocer ies and delicatessen stores and piling them up for the common good of all. Be fore the stores which were spared there stood lines of men *nd women which ran, in some eases' for a block, offering anything for bread or canned goods. Bread 75 Cents a Loaf. Bread went up to 75 cents a loaf. Te HOMELESS QUAKE AT LOS ANGELES Panic Reigned for a Time, but No Damage Was Done. Los Angeles, Cal., April 20.-At 12:33 p.m. yesterday Lo Angeles ex perienced a distinct earthquake shock of short duration. N damage was done, but thousands were badly fright ened. Men and women ran from office buildings, especially the tall structures, and many stores were deserted by cus tomers and clerks. Th shock passed in a few minutes and most of those who had fled returned. The Sa Francisco horror has strung the populace here to a high tension and a spell of sultry weather serves to increase the general nervousness. :V| 2 SHOCKS FELT AT FOLSOM, N. M. 1 1 5 because none is to be had. dinar 2 Oook in the Open. The troops have been ordered to per-1 mit no fires to be lighted i' houses. So there are hundreds of cook stoves in every park, and women in all stages of undress are preparing meals which are eaten standing, often without dishes. Troops passed from park" to park in wagons distributing ground coffee, so that most of the homeless people have at least that stimulant. Face Great Trouble. The greatest immediate need is food, water and bedding. Unless supplies are rushed and arrangements made for their distribution trouble is feared within a few days. Even men of wealth cannot obtain food with all their money. "1 1 & Earthquake Breaks Fissure j. Mount Capulin* Which Now Emits Smoke. in Denver, Co., April 20.A special to the Times from Trinidad, Col., says: Mount Capulin an extinct volcano sit uated eight miles from Folsom, N M., sixty miles from heA is said to be emitting smoke and heat from a fissure broken in its side b^y two distinct earthquake shocks which were felt this morning. The mountain is 10,000 feet high and trees grow to the mouth of the crater, and also on the side of it. I is of vol-| canic formation. I has not been in eruption for years. I is said that the heat coming from! the fissure is melting the snow on thef top of the mountain. H| Kansas CSt^ April 20.Word re ceived by t&*Y Postal Telegraph com pany in this ^ty at noon, was to the effect that no serious damage resulted from the earthquake shocks felt near Folsom, K. this morning.