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mm 10 jtfSfcfc M8S $*'. ,1* Jude rf 2 Demont 88... 8 2 7 0 8 0 0 0 S 'r ?"w^JSSWMS&immm KILLERS MEET 1 CRUSHING DEFEAT Toledo Batters Hold a Swatfest ffSwith Ford! Sessions and i j^MfS- Frosty Thomas. STANDING OF THE CLTTBS. iTon. Nh Louisville 12 ioledo ii ~u Cojumbus 12 & St. Paul 12 Milwaukee 10 Kansas City 12 viuneapoliB 12 .adlanapolls 11 Lost. 3 4 5 6 5 7 8 8 y Kruger 3b... 8 0 2 0 G'minger 8b 1 Graham ss.. 1 Fox 2b 1 Gehring If.. 0 Shannon 1 Ford p... Sessions Thomas p. Knabe 2b Nance If. Clarke lb Abbott c. .Piatt p. Pet. .750 .636 .583 .500 .500 .417 .833 .273 7 7 5 5 4 3 GABIES TODAY. Minneapolis at Columbus. St. Paul at Toledo. Kansas City at Indianapolis. Milwaukee at Louisville. Special t The Journal. Toledo, Ohio, April 30.Batting the miller tnirlers all over the diamond, the mudhem won che last game of the series yesterday by a score of 12 to 1. Tho Kelley sent three men to the slab, all were meat for the local wagon tongue swingers and gave up enough hits to make three victories for the Toledo cohorts. Sixteen deadsure hits are recorded on the Toledo side, of the book, while Piatt, who shot for the locals, was a mystery which the Minneapolis players could not solve and allowed but fire hits. The largest crowd whloh ever witnessed a game at Toledo, 9,874, saw the millers go down the cnnte to utter and crushing defeat. They felt kindly toward the visitors and were sorry to Bee them go, as the series just ended has been entirely free from bad feeling, wrangling or other unpleasant featured. Manager Kelley is popular with the Toledo fans, and has been roundly applauded at every appearance on the field. Ford started the twirling for the Minneapolis team and lasted just one and two-thirds Innings, during which he presented the mudhens with five hits and three passes. When he was sent to his well-earned rest on the bench Perry Sessions was nominated as the next victim and acted the part well by allowing Billy Nance, the first man to face him, a four-bagger which brought In three scores. Frosty Thomas went In In the third, but the locals could not see any difference, but beat him up for ten safe ones In the last five Innings. Only once during the 'slaughter did the vis itors get into the scoring game. It was in the fourth when Hart led off -with a double and Qremlnger and Graham scored him. Only in two other innings did the millers have a man on base. The contest was not a battle, but a laughter. Demontrevllle played a spectacular game, ac cepting nine chances without an error, making three one-hand catches, hit safe three times ont of five up, scored three runs and drove in four more. Graham replaced Oyler at short and took eight chances without an error. The score: N6..N6..N6. .N6..N6..N6.. Lead to cum etaoin shrdlu cmf Toledo a e| Mpls. a Cannell cf... 2 0 0 OJDavis cf 0 1 1 1 OJSullivan rf.. 0 2 Hart lb. 0 13 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 2 0 Totals 15 27 16 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Totals.... 5 24 12 Toledo 2 8 1 0 0 1 0 2 12 Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Two-bas hits, Hart.0Shannon0 Kruger 2 Piatt Cannell, Nance. Jude home run, Nance: bases on balls, oft Piatt 8. off Ford 3. off Thomas 2- .struck out, by piat 3.foj-Ford 3, by nomas 1 double play, Deniont, Knabe and Clarke: hit by pitched ball, Knabe. Time, 2 hours. Hits, off Ford 5 in 2 innings, off Sessions 1 In 1 in ning, off Thomas 9 in 6 innings. Umpire, Eagan. COLUMBUS WALLOPS SAINTS. Columbus, Ohio. April 30.Columbus made it three out of fonr from St. Paul by winning yes terday 4 to 3. Kihm's fielding was the feature. Marcan and Morgan of St. Paul were put off the field for kicking. In the seventh Pitcher Stovall was sent out after he had aimed the ball at a player on the Columbus bench. The throw was high and a spectator In the stand was hit but not hurt. The score: E Columbus 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 *4 7 2 St. Paul 00010001 13 6 2 BatteriesBobartaille and Ryan Parkins, Sto vall and Drill. ROWDIES ROUGH HUT SLABKEJT. Louisville, Ky., April SO.Louisville batted both Swann and Durham hard yesterday and made it three out of four. Dunkle succeeded Stecher after the fourth Inning. A one-hand catch by Hill was the feature. The score: ft *H Louisville 0 120 7010 *11 14 8 Kansas City 0 204000107 15 4 BatteriesDunkle, Stecher and Shaw Dur ham, Swann and Leahy. AMERICAN LEAGUE BTANDING O THK CX.TTB8. Played. Won. Lost Pet. Cleveland 10 6 4 .600 Philadelphia 12 7 5 .583 Washington 12 7 5 .583 Chicago 12 6 .583 Detroit 12 5 7 .417 St. Louis 12 5 7 .417 New York 12 5 7 .417 Boston 12 5 .417 GAMES IODAT. Washington at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. Detroit at Chicago. St. Louis at Cleveland. i 1 At St. Louis E St. Louis 000100110-8 7 7 Cleveland 0 0 8 0 2 4 0 1010 9 0 BatteriesHowell and Spencer Townsend and I:eml8. At Chicago E Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 *2 4 1 :etrott 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 7 2 BatteriesAltrock and McFarland Mullin and I'ayne. GOTHAM BEATS XfTIOA. Utlca, N. Y., April 80.New YorS (National) 7. Utlca (state) 5. Monday Evening:, EVERYTHIN WORTH WHIL E WESTERN RUNNER LEADING AT ATHENS ARCHIE HAHN, WINNER OF THE DASHES IN THE OLYMPIC GAMES. MICHIGAN GETS EASTERN GAME Wolverines Finally Find an Excinnati,Aand cuse to Dodge Game with. Gophers. Journal Special Service. Philadelphia, April 30.Harvard has refused Pennsylvania a place on her football scedule this fall. Pennsylvania has arranged a game with Michigan to be played in this city on Nov. 17. George McFadden, chairman of the football committee, bas gl-rea out tbls state ment: "The football committee of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania begs to Inform the public that negotiations begun a month or more ago have been consummated by which the twowas universities enter into an agreement for a period of two years to play football, the first game to be played In Philadelphia No.v. If, 1000, and the following year to be played in the west. Such agreement 1$ subject to approval by the faculty of each Institution." The scheduling of the game with Michigan is the very best evidence that Pennsylvania has Biren up hope or ploying Harvard this year. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Played. 'Won. Lost. Pet. New York 14 11 3 .758 Chicago 18 10 6 .620 Pittsburg 18 8 6 .616 Boston 14 7 7 .500 Philadelphia 15 7 8 .467 St. Louis 13 6 7 .462 Cincinnati 18 6 12 .833 Brooklyn 15 4 11 .267 GAMES~TODAY. Philadelphia at Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Cincinnati. New York at Boston. Chicago at St. Louis. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 242100 1 0 11 14 2 Pittsburg 14100100 0 6 10 1 BatteriesDorner, Overall and livingstone: Willis, Case and Pelts. At St. Louis E St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 5 4 Chicago 0 102 10000* 8 4 BatteriesEg&n. Puttman. Holmes and Grady: Pfeister and KUng. At Brooklyn E Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 Philadelphia 0 0000000 00 6 0 BatteriesStrieklett and Bergen Douggleby and Dooln. QUESTIONS ANSWERED Fan.Kilroy*s cervices are claimed by St. Paul and the pltcbeT cannot work for Minne apolis until his case has been passed upon by the national commission. REAL "PBO" NOW Bender of Nebraska Throws Off theteriesSmithson Amateur Cloak.. SpearfiBb, S." D., April 30.J. R. Bender,' physical Instructor' at the, normal school, goes to Omaha next Sunday where he Joins the'with Omaha Western league, of which he.will member until the early part1 be a of July will then go to Chatauqua where he will attend the school of physical education. Bender .Is well known tnruout Kebia^ks, ha-vlnjr oeen captain of the varsity. football team and also a crack all round athlete,, He ie considered one. of the best football and baseball players In the west. After Severe Illness when the bodily forces are low, and you are weak and feeble y-. impart strength and bodily vigor.y tissue-forming properties of Barley are taken quickly into the circulation, this, food-tonic, jis predigested and is fully received and retained by the most de^ca^ 'stromad^.r^^ ,-J-:^U Soldjiy all Druggists and Grocers. WESTERN LEAGUE READY TO START Teams Look to Be Better Than .Ever Before at Season's Opening. Special to The Journal. Sioux City, Iowa, April 30.The Sioux City Western league baseball team left at noon yes terday, accompanied by President W. F. Duncan and Manager Carney, for Denver where the team will open the 1006 season. Des Moines will open at Pueblo and Omaha at Lincoln. It is expected that the Western will be even faster than last year, when it fixed a new record. Besides a number that went Into the American association, eight from the West ern have made good in the major leagues. Those who are still held by big teams are Pitcher "Jack" Pfeister, Chicago Nationals Pitcher "Lefty" Liefleld, with Pittsburg Third Base man Shipke of Omaha, with. Detroit Third Baseman Hartzell of Denver, -with St- Louis Americans Pitcher Hoelsketter of Denver, with St. Louis Americans First Baseman Rossman, with Cleveland, and Catcher Wakefield, with Washington. This year two new figures appear in the Western league as managers, "Ducky" Holmes, for many years with the Chicago Americans, and Selee of Chicago National fame. Selee is in Colorado for his health and took the posi tion of manager for the Pueblo team, one of the weakest in the league, and his management alone is expected to put it in the race. Holmes was anxious to become a "magnate," and so took charge *of the Lincoln team, with the rem nants of last year's St. Joseph tailenders, trans ferred there, to start -with. He has been nanoA capped badly, but already has accomplished a good deal. Cantillon can give Des Moines the benefit of hja big squad of teams in the American" asso ciation and the Western, while Denver's strength Is assured by Tebeau, with his three teams! There is no doubt in the minds of Sioux City fans that Carney has a stronger lineup than last year, when he finished third. The team is particularly strong in the outfield, undoubtedly having the best in the league. It is composed of Noblit, who hit .317 last year with Sioux. City, Campbell from the outlaw league, who shows as strong as Noblit, and Tate,' last year with Washington. Carney Is also strong in the twirling department, having had a total of ten to select from. This has already been cut' to sixReeder, Corbett. Jackson, Jarrott, McCabe and Newmeyer. Reeder is a promising southpaw from the outlaw league, Corbett was with St. Paul two years ago. Jackson came from the Cleveland team, McCabe was secured from the Holyoke, Mass., team in exchange for six- play- ers, and Newmeyer was tried out' this spring by Pittsburg. In 'the infield Carney has Newton and Weed, both .300 hitters last year, Bauer, a novice at first base, but a strong sticker, and Frost at third, leader of the Iowa league in fielding last year. catchers O'Neill,, last year with Cin Hess, a gilt-edged backstop for merly known all over the United. States, who has rejuvenated himself. While the team is not. especially fast in the field, it is confidently predicted it will lend the league In bitting this season, and this is relied upon to put It at the-top. NORTHWESTERN BASEBALL Hutchinson, Minn., April 30.Tri a fast and interesting game here. Saturday, between the Harry Mitchells of Minneapolis and the local club, the home team won out' by the narrow margin of 6 to 5. The Mitchells scored their five tallies In the fifth Inning, when, with three men on bases, LawtOH started the excite ment with a three-base' hit. Lawton and Bis-pitcher mout did some excellent batting, and Gordon fielded in fine, style. Owing to rain the game cut to six innings. The Mitchells secured twelve hits, while Hutcbinsoli hammered out seven safe ones. Jones and Purcell were in the points for the visitors, and Bouecb and Lynch composed the local battery. Janesvllle. Minn., April 30.The local high school baseball team defeated Waseca high here by a score of 8 to 3. BatteriesLynch and Shepard Stearns and Larson. Renville, Minn., April 30.A sensational ball game was played here Friday by the leans and fats. The gate receipts and fines- amounted to $100, which, with a subscription of $700, was forwarded to the San Francisco sufferers by Mayor O'Connor. lie Sueur, Minn., April 30.The Le Sueur high School baseball nine went up to St. Feter Satur day and slaughtered the high school nine there on their own diamond to the tune of 14 to 0. They were the champions last year, and have beaten everything they have gone up against so far this season. St. Peter, Minn.,' April 80.Le Sneur high school won from the St. Peter high school on the local grounds Saturday afternoon The score was 13 to 2. Young America, Minn., April 30.The Water town, S. D.,- baseball team defeated the Young America-Norwood team yesterday in a fast game by a score of ,-.2 to 1. BatteriesFor Watertown, Hollenbeck' and Corrigan Young America-Norwood, Dell and Grady. Sioux City, Iowa, April 30.The Sioux City baseball team defeated Duluth here yesterday by a score of 2 to 0. Menomonle. Wis., April 30.The Menomonie Blue Caps defeated the Hudson baseball team here yesterday by a score "of 22. to 5. On Fri day the Blue Caps defeated the Chippewa Falls-Bau Clalrt team of the State league by a score of 23 to 20. The battery for the Blue Caps was Bronstad and Vigreust. Janesvllle, Minn., April 30.The local high school defeated the Waseca high school here Saturday by a score of 8 to 3. BatteriesLynch and Shepard Stearns and Larson. Grlnnell, Iowa, April 30.Iowa college took the first game of the season from Coe college Saturday by the score of 6 to 0. The pitching of Smltbson for the locals was fine, he al lowed but pne hit and struck out eight. The locals got eleven hits off Baylor of Coe. Bat and Valerless Baylor and Titus. Umpire, Somers. Tne S. & i--'s have organized for the season the following lineup: Paulson, oatoher Strand and Brestrup, pitchers Eckstrom. short stop Schultz. first base Dirimple, second base Morison, third base Kerkel, Donahue, Novak, outfielders. The team Intends to kee? vs the reputation mae by the team of that name in the indoor baseball league last winter and want games with any city or out-of-town teams. For games call up or write George Bryant, care of the Eagle foundry. Both phones. ii -vVj Srk- AMATEUR BASEBALL Yesterday's scores: Camdens 2, Holtsermanns 1. Toneys 7, Salzers 4. Hibernians No. 6, Iroquois 5. K. & B. 18. Fisher Box 10. Summits 5, Bteei & Machinery 1 (morning). Marines 6, Summits ,2 (afternoon). Toozes-stlllwater, game postponed. Archers 16, J. C. Donahues 4. The Division No. 6 Hlbernrans won-a very close and exciting game from the Iroquois yes terday afternoon at the Normanna grounds, the final score being 6 to 5. Bernard Bice of In door ball fame, was in the box for the Hiber nians and Fogarry and Flaherty took care of the catching. For the Iroquois Lamb and Larson were on the points. The Iroquois took the lead In the first few innings and held it until the ninth, when Hanler r the division team hit the ball for three bases and brought in two runs. This tied the score and a moment later another run came in on a wild throw' and the game end ed with Hanley's team one run to the good. The Summit team pjayed two games yester day, the morning game being with a team play ing under the name of the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery, which they easily won by a score of 5 to 1. In the afternoon the fast Marine team, which had defeated them the preceding Sunday, was taken on and by loose playing the Summits lost 5 td 2. The K. & B. club defeated the Fisher Boxes In an uninteresting game, as the score would In dicate. Both pitchers were pounded hard and after things had settled and the runs counted the initial team was. declared the winner, hav ing eighteen runs to their opponent's ten. Just as Manager Hentchell and his ToozeB were ready to start tor Stillwater yesterday' telegram was received from the prlgon city man ager saying that It was raining and the game should be canceled. This was a disappointment, as it was too late to arrange another game, and the players were anxious for a game. Next Sun day the Tooses play at Norwood. Minn., against the Young America-Norwood team. The indoor ball game between No. 18 and No. 14 engine house teams yesterday resulted in a victory for the 13s, ending 13 to 10. Jack Smith, who pitched. fr the winners, was formerly manager of the Apex. Rice and King of the winners each made a home run. The Summits defeated the Steel & Machinery company team yesterday at the Twenty-first KTOWW. and Tbirty-second street grounds by a score of 5 to 1. BatteriesLobdell and Mo berg Halgren and Yedder. The Anchors would like to arrange games with any 13-year-old teams, the Trojans, Little Japs, Blue Pennants or Bud Warners preferred. For games address William Palmer, 2736 El liot avenue S. Telephone Twin City 6377. The Lunds were to have played the Ibwder horns yesterday, but the game was postponed till next Saturday. The Lunds' new uniforms will be finished next week. The Lunds are willing to meet any 16-year-old team in the city. For games address James Moore, 2413 Emerson avenue N, or phone Northwestern Main 1617-J2. The Little Japs defeated the Hartmans, 10 to 1, the game being stopped in the fourth in ning. For games with the Little Japs ad drees Harry Winkler, 51 Royalston avenue. The Astorias defeated the Blue Pennants, 16 to 3. The features of the game were the catching of Mackenzie and the heavy hitting of Mackenzie, Norton and the Ross brothers. The Glrard Stars defeated the Hudsons, 10 to 0. The Glrard Stars would like games with any 11-year-old team in the city. For games address Captain Harold M. Moeskler, 900 Glrard avenue N. Phone northwestern Main 1032-J. The Monroe school defeated the Adam school, 15 to 6. The feature of the game was thediamond, pitching of Walter Hall for the winners. The Y. M. C, A. boys' team defeated the Emersons Saturday by a score of 13 to 6. Thev lined up as foilow.s: Kendall, catcher Davis, pitcher Wilson, shortstop Bradt, first base Field, second base Wood, third base Griffith, left field Brogle, captain and center field Alcook and Feely. right field. Fifteen or 16-year-old team's wishing games address A. Plag, Y. M. C. A. The Immaculates have defeated the Crombies by the score of 7 to 3. The Immaculates line up as follows: O'Connor, catcher Coleman. PenrJ, shortstop wier, nrpt base Saduhe, second base B. T. Wicr, third base Coveny right field, P, O'Connor, Center field Kldd, left field. Baseball players In the St. Paul railway of fices will meet In the Sew York Central of fice, 340 Roberta street, Saturday, to make plans for the season,' Including the selection of grounds and the arrangement, of a. .schedule. There were fovr teams in the Transportation Baseball league of St. Paul last year, apd, in view of its success, mote are expected to join this season. The officers of the league are: President, F. I. Wnitney directors, Malone, W. M. Stephenson. A. B. Smith, Frank L. Bacon, 0. H. Wilson, F. S. Mc Cabe. F. M. Rugg. C. E. Stone, W. W. Wy-fighter, and and F. W. Saint secretary-treasurer, Harry W. Browne. The Berkeleys forfeited their game with the Dahlstroms for non-appearance. The Datalstroms defeated a pleked-up team by a score of 0 to 6. They will play the Sewards at Twenty-fourth Btreet and "Twenty-second avenue S, Sunday, at 10 a.m. O. Dahlgren will pitch and H. Bell will catch. 7^ TfiTHE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL.: T-^iTil.: April 30, /igoG.^^^ -S DOPE OF THE DAY -4 FOR THE FIRST, time In over twenty years Detroit will not'-have' a grand circuit' meeting this rummer. THE WAY the Washington club has started the race It looks as tho they intend to give Cleveland a rub for the heavy hitting honors. THE CINCINNATI team looks much stronger this season, and with Hanlc* at the head should give the best of them a good fight. ROGER BRESNAHAN is leading the giants* batting order. Something unusual for a back stop, but the Toledo boy can soak the sphere. OF THF. THIRTY or more ballplayers com nected with the'two major league clubs In New York, Willie Keeler alone halls from the me tropolis. SIX OF THE managers in the American league, in interviews concerning their chanees. have claimed the pennant. Someone Is going to be disappointed. CONNIE MAC has Just discovered that Schreck is the hardest-bitting catcher In the game. He didn't look like It beside Roger Bresnahan in the world's series last fall. COMISKEY THINKS his Chicago team will win the American league pennant, with Cleve land, rietrolt and Philadelphia following In the order named. BALLPLAYERS LIKE encouragement. "Knock ing" doesn't do any good. Now and then a little criticism will help some, but honest criticism and "knocking" are different things. THE NATIONAL Association of Professional Baseball leagues has started a fund for the Pacific Const league members. John H. Farrell of Albany, N. Y., secretary of the association, Is custodian of the fund. THE CENTRAL LEAGUE teams are on a bet ter financial basis this year and the playing strength appears more evenly distributed. All Indications So fr point to a successful season for the middle staters. MALONEY IB playing as well for Brooklyn as Sheekhard for Chicago. The former made seven hits In ten games, the latter five hits In nine games. Maloney has been covering a world of ground for Brooklyn In centerfleld and throw ing as well as Sheckhard ever did'. THAT "WAS a great Joke on the part of Presi dent Charlie Murphy to Bend to each of his news paper friends an annual pass marked No. 1. The boys are all, on now, and they are not saylug a thing about Charlie's brightness. THE PRINTERS who have to economise space in setting up the box scores of the whitesox's games are abbreviating Outfielder Hemphill's balk name to He'll. That's what Oomiskey would like to have him give the opposing pitch ers. LAJOIB HAS received a letter from Billy Luk,-ln which the Yale baseball coach and the famous 'New Haven ebtefcen fancier asks if he shall report to Cleveland an July 1, when bis contract Kith Yale expires. As Lush has already received instructimis frm the clnb officiate Lajoie win ignore the letter.-Cleveland Plain Dealer. THE CINCINNATI dub bas protested the game played in Chicago April 18, Sunday last, on the graiBd that extra bases were given Chl cago runners in the sixth Inning by Umpire John stone when the ball did not go into the crowd, but was stopped by Outfielder Odwell against the ropes. Tils decision resulted in the loss of the game by Cincinnati. A. CLEVELAND rooter says that Lajoie made the greatest play ever pulled off .In baseball. According to the story the king of second base men Jumped nearly six feet In the air, caught 'a line drive nd threw out a rtinner at the plate, -while he t*rry -was still, three feet from the ground. Can you stand for It? THE WESTERN CLUBS of the American league will start the.trouble with their eastern brethren May ll. Lajoie has picked out Clark Griffith's Highlanders as a soft thing. "Master" Jones the wnifesojc wfB -wrestle with Connie -Mack's Athletics. Broth McAleer will fead his brownies against the ex-ehamps of Boston and little. TYiU|e Armour will turn loose bbi tigers as the national capital. _- ~~4 Ji? *m*m Defective WEST BEATS EAST IN HAMMER THROW PARRY. 3'tE CHICAGO ATHLETE WHO DE- FEATED TOM 8HEVLIM, YAIE'8 STAB, BY TEN FE IT AT FRANKLIN FIELD' (JAMES SATTJBIUY. GENTLE ROWDIES AT ANN ARBOR Property Wrecked and "High Jinks" Generally in. Cele brating a Victory. Journal Special Service. Ann Arbor, Mich., April 30.Celebrating Mich igan's victory over Pennsylvania on Ferry field 300 students seized a streetcar Satur day night, threw out the motorman and con ductor and ran the car off the rails. Then they hauled It a block from,the tracks, gutted It for souvenirs and left It" there. Policemen tried to disperse the crowd, both freely using locusts, but to no avail. The joy ful students seized the bluecoats, stole one's helmet and gave him a freshman cap to wear over his right ear in place of it. Then they tried to chase him up a tree. Some of the students made demonstrations against the dancing academies. They entered Scott's and made him play the piano while they danced. A Granger's they were repulsed bv the vigorous efforts of the dancing master's wife. AUSTRALIAN BOXER AFTER GAME HERE Journal Special Service. Cnicago, April 30.Billy Roclie. referee and fight promoter of San Francisco, is In the city with Hoch Keys, the Australian featherweight and the latt?r's handler, Jack McFar land. The- trio fled from the coast metropolis soon after the disaster, glad to escape with what they had on their backs. Roche would like to match Keys with Benny Tanger as a starter. Frankle Neil, the coast fighter, who Is now in the city, received a telegram from his father, Jim Neil, the horse man, telling him to return at once to Los An geles to fight Abe Attell. This would indicate that the match between Herman and Aftell has not been closed. LIGHTBODY FIRST IN THE LONG RUN Athens, April 30.In the finals, 600-meter race, Paul Pilgrim, New York A. C, won time, 531-5 seconds. Lieutenant W. Halsweller Eng land, was second with 53 4-5 seconds. Nigel Backer, Australia, was third. In the final of the 1,500-meter race today J. D. L'lgntbody, Chicago, was first McGough, England, second, and Hellestrom, Sweden, third time, 4:12. Lightbody won by two yards. 0 'BB3BN AFTER STOVAIJ, Milwaukee, Wis., Aprir80.President O'Rrlen of the American association today suspended Pltchel Jesse Rtoval ot the St. Paul clnb pend ing an invetigatlon into the trouble at Colum. bus yesterday, la which Stoval Is charged wtth throwing a baseball at a Columbus player and hlttlpg a spectator. O'Brien says he will not stand for rowdyism if he has to suspend every member of the St. Paul team. Manager Cantillon of the Milwaukee club today asked for waivers in the association on Short Stop Andreas, as he has decided to turn him over the the De Moines clnb. Robinson has been secured from Pittsburg and will ioln the brewers at Louisville. BATTLED AT LITTLE FALLR Special to The Journal. Superior. Wis. April 30. Curler XJllrlch a Superior lightweight fighter, defeated Frank Bonsall of Little Falls. Minn., in a ten-round battle In that city Saturday nlsht Minneapolis: 315-325 Nicollet Av St. Paul: Seventh and Robert. Panama re-eleanlns. re-blocking, with new binding and oJlailk sweat. Full job $1.75 *&* HERE QUAKE BREAKS UP COAST LEAGUE Baseball Out of a Home in One or Two California Cities. Journal Special Service. Los Angeles, Cal., April 39.The Pacific Toast league baseball season in Los Angeles is at an end and this undoubtedly means the disruption of the whole organization. The disbandment was caused by the San Francisco disaster, both Los 'Angeles and Fresno being unable to pay the expenses of a northern trip without San Francisco In the league. If the Oakland and San Francisco teams con tinue all the games will be played In Seattle and Portland. The climax, came in the game with Portland yesterday, when McCreedle pulled his men off the field on the pretext of catching a train, and Manager Morely, who had been unable to obtain a word from President Bert for the last, ten days, immediately announced that his team was disbanded. Morely has made arrangements with the Na tional association to reserve his men for next year, but his action and the enforced retire ment of Fresno throws' a number of good men on the market for this season. FEGGER SGALPS HANG IN LUND LAND TEPEE Coughlln's hraves emerged victorious trom their skirmish with "Spike" Andersou's Winni peggers at Minnehaha park yesterday after noon. Their victory was won by the narrow margin of 1 to 0, thanks to an error by Zelder In the third. Had it not been for this the teams might have played it out by moonlight. Tho defeated, the Winnipeg team acquitted thempelves well and gave promise of creating something of a disturbance in the Northern Copper Country league when they get well into the harness and strike their gait. Considering that- they were up against a team which could make trouble for any in the minor leagues and had not been assembled over two days, the showing made by the visitors was highly credit able. Schroedcr, who was in the box for the Lunds, showed up In splendid shape, and it was his pitching more than anything else which won the game for the locals. His proudest exploit was pnlled- ott in the third, when he faced Piper, one of the best batsmen in the Northern league, With ODC down and two on bases. It looked as if the visitors were due to score, but the youngster had the nerve to strike out the mighty man from the north. Mehle came home for th Lunds in the third on a. wild heave into the bleachers by Zelder. The score: E a 0 0 0.0 1110 Lunds a el Win. Mehl 2b 0 1 4 0(PIper rf.. Kinkle- 2 7 0 0|Varco 2b. fturke cf... 0 1 0 0|Zelder 3b. 0 1 0 1 Phvle lb.... 0 12 0 0 Menlece 11). 0 1 0 Coie" rf 1 1 0 OJAnderson cf 1 1 0 0 Carlisle 3b.. 0 0 4 1 Tucker If... 2 0 0 0 Hoke If 0 1 0 0|Hippert ss. 0 2 3 1 Hill ss 0 3 5 0|Voss 0 10 1 0 Schroeder p. 0 1 1 0|Stout 1 1 0 0 1 jWallace 3b. 0 1 3 0 Totals 3 27 14 11 Totals.... 5 24 9 2 Lunds 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 Wlnnipegs 0 0000000 05 5 2 First base on balls, off Schroeder 0, off Stout 2. off Zelder 0 stmck out,, by Zelder 7, by Schroeder 6. oy Stout S hit by pitcher, by Schroeder 2: double plays, Mebl to H1U to Phrle stolen bases, Kinkle 2, Yarco wild pitches, Zeider 1 passed ball. Voss 1. Time of game, 1:38. Attendance, 1,100. SALZERS^AJEffi LICKING Tonys Trim Liss&&* Bunch on a Fast Game. The Tonys still uphold the record as an undefeated team as they defeated the Salzers resterday to the tutie ot tty 4 on the! own grounds. TJie game was fast and many excit ing plftys W^re made pr both teams, and both teams made a double play. The pitching of Dehlgren and the catching of Phile was of the high class order, both working like clock work. Only two men stole bases on Phile. while six stole on Geist. Dahlgren, tho being a UtUe 'wild, pitched a good game, allowing four scratch hits and struck Out ten men. Smith, who pitched fo.- the Salzers, pitched a good game tho his support was very ragged, he allowing ten hits and striking out four men. The Tonys have heard nothing from the Lauritzen's manager regarding the posting of the forfeit for another game. Score of yesterday's ffame: Tonys Hanson 3b.. 1 Etallsbrom If 0 Hauger lb. 2 Nelson rf.... 3 Rul 1 0 0 Satherlie ss. 1 1 a e| Salzers a 1 0|Smlth if.... 1 0 0 0 0 0|Hokanson 2b 0 0 2 0 0 HGelst 0 9 1 0 0 OJKehoe lb... 0 10 1 0 1 0|Rhomberg 3b 2 2 0|Haglund ss. 1 5 0 2 l|Rokem cf... 0 1 0 0 Phele 2 1 0 2 0|Mlller rf... 0 0 0 0 Dahlgren p.. 0 1 2 0|Severth p...0 0 2 0 Totals 10 2T 8 2| Totals 4 27 8 4 RUE Tonys 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 107 10 2 Salzers O lOOOOO 2 1 4 2 Earned runs, Tonys 2, Salzers 1 two-base hits, Hanson, Nelson struck out, by Dahlgren 10, Smith 5 stolen bases, Hanson 3, Kagnar 1, Phele 2. Kokanson and Miller pasted ball, Geist. Umpire. Newgaard. BALL GAME FOR CHARITY. Journal Special Service, Chicago, April 80.The receipts of this after noon's same between the white BOX and Detroit will he donated to the San Francisco relief fund. Several games have already been played by the big league teams for the benefit of the unfortunate Inhabitants of the California metropolis, but it is expected that the receipts of today's game will be as large as any of the benefit games olayed so far. "JAfJK" CURRY KILLED. Richmond, Ind.. April 30.Word has been received here that Jaclt Curry, grand circuit driver who drove Joe Patehen with so much success, was killed in the earthquake In San Jose, Cal. ORINKELL FRESHTES DOWN SOPHS. Grlnnell. Iowa. Aorll 3'.Th freshmen took the dual meet from tne sophomores Saturday by a score of '69 to 67. Goocl records were made eonsiderlng the heavy track and cold wind. The Gordon Hat Meets the preferences of the critical man on every count. ~Fulfillsjevery. promise of "Quality.". ''!_' Stiff Hate, ^Fedoras, Flanges Minervas, THE result of highest. head-and-hand work. 3 $ We are the greatest Gor don hat center in this country 5tw^/iwy^^^*^^|^ Famous Punch Recipe By a well known chef. Cut oui and preserve Four loaves sugar sliced orange and pineapple and a few cherries. One large cube of ice pony of cognac pony of curacoa pony of apricotine one split carbonated water, one quart Champagne A Pure Product of the rye fields is eke nheim Whiskey. After the grain selected by our experts has been dis tilled by most ap proved methods, and after the whiskey has reached an unforced maturity, it is "Bot tled in bond" by U. S. Government. doodold ^ej is distin- guished by the blue and gold banner label. It has I a flavor easily recognized by its indivi- duality^r and fine taste. HGUCKEXHBUER & BROS. DistsVrs Pittsborgfi The Gordon Hat is full of Life and Spring. No pun intendeda fact is a fact. Gordon Hats $3.0C FINE CUTLERY A fa' I Ins Cet-vtnff Sets manicure Ciue: Shaving Outfits, Toilc Articles. Cutlery Qriadini R. H. HECENER, 207 Nicollet Arc MbidMpoli: ""g ***^^|^^*w 1 VErlOlN Clothes Make 411 Nicollet Avenue Swell Spring Suits to Measure $20 $25 $3( Money Cheerfully Refunded.