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32 twj Tp% i^w. Tvf TI&*- i****-**. JOB, BENT 01 LYNCHING, PHASES N. Y.POLITICIAN Jeurnal Special Bervfce. New York, May Tim" Foley, Shopping By Mail Out-of town orders for merchandise receive prompt and careful attention. Our facilities for rendering efficient service in this depart ment are the very best. If you have never tested this system, we urge you to do so. You '11 be more than pleased with the serv ice rendered. Corset Covers Corset coverlike cutmade of nainsook: has low round neck trimmed with two rows of lace in sertion, ribbon run, lace edge at neck and arm- A holes A corset cover of heavy cambric, neck, embroidery trimmed tight fitting ^t)C Nainsook corset cover, round neck, tight fitting, 8 fine tucking down front. Corset cover of nainsook, low round /ieck, 2 rows lace insertion across front, neck and arm holes lace trimmed mm iff 8 *v_ _^_u- high rows 25c 29c An Assortment of Moderately Priced Muslin Underwear (These groups on sale in the- Underprice Basement Store section) Gowns GownsMade of good muslin, high or neck, tucked yoke, cam bric ruffle at neck '2f\ and sleeves special %j\rQ' Good muslin gown, yoke of 30 tucks, neck and sleeves, trimmed with A ruffle 40C Gowns, made of good muslin, high or neck, yoke of embroid ery insertion and tucking special 69c 69c Gowns of cambric, slipover, hemstitched ruffle and neck and sleeve Cambric slipover gown, round neck, trimmed -with lace inser tion and hem- A.(\s* stitched ruffle 0"C Corset Covers Full French cover, round neck pearl buttons special I \rC Corset cover, tight fitting, neck, embroidery "C trimmed, at Ju&C> ^-.tno^ 1 -Monday Evening, a Tammany tfolitieian, came' near being lynched \n New Hell's Krtchen last night. ^Be-sbot John Flanagan, one pi L ~T "Flanagan the neighborhood gang, and is going to die. The police saved Foley from a mob of 3,000 persons by sneaking him into trolley cars and by a roundabout route getting him to thte West Forty-seventh Fine cambric drawers, ""triihmed with eyelet embroidery six rows of fine tucks above rm j embroidery /t)C Others priced to $3.50. Corset cover, full French, round neck, front and back trimmed with lace edge and insertion, beading, strung with ribbon, lace at armholes ^C%f* special J&ZrC Nainsook corset cover, full French, two rows torchon lace across front, lace at *J4~\ neck and armholes, special OS^C Drawers Made of good cambric, finished with wide hemstitched ruffle, special jht&Q> Drawers, made of good cambric, wide full ruffle, finished with fine tucks and hemstitching, ^f\ tucks above ruffle Cambric drawer, trimmed with em broidery edge th mob. The, 35c Framed Pictures, 25c A pleasing assortment of framed pictures, comprising imitation pastels, scenes and fruit pieces. Also that popular picture The Young Mother.'' Nicely framed in gilt frame, brass plate, good glass, with dust proof back 35c values, ^C/- at, choice Jb^C 1 Underprice Basement Various styles of Corset Covers, prices 19c to $4.50 Various styles of Drawers, prices 25c to $3.50 Various styles of Chemise, prices.... 45c to $9.00 Fine cambric corset cover having neck trimmed with lace inser tion and edging} tight fitting 29c Fine nainsook corset covers in a dozen pretty styles. Three and four dainty val ribbon run lace in sertions, front and back. Some have ruffles across front, others tight fitting and full fronts, 48c and Corset covers of fine nainsook. New button back ribbon run f|Q^ lace insertions, full fronts.. "OC Other styles up to $4.50. 50c Drawers Good cambric drawers, deep tucked flounce hemstitched group tucking above flounce ..29c Cambric drawers with deep tucked flounce. Hem- stitched ZOC DrawersGood cambric, one style flare flounce of two lace insertions and edging another with tucks and lace edging. Some with embroidery 39c Drawers of nainsook and cambric. Deep flounce. Trimmed with two rows handsome lace insertion tuck ing and lace edge. Others with em broidery and tucking. Numerous styles... 48c wide ruffle, 39c Short Skirt Short skirt of good cambfic, finished with wide tucked ruffle, special *J^C These several groups in Underprice Basement This Is Rug Buying Time We are very confident of our ability to please any prospective pur- chaser of a new rug. Our assortment is particularly attractive 1 qualities are the very best and prices below competition. All we ask is that you allow us to show you these fine new goods before*,you make selection. We've mentioned a few special values for this week's selling. Of course there are many others in our stock equally desirable. WiltonsWe believe our line of Wilton rugs is thefinest,an that we have the largest range of sizes of any house in the city. Carpet sizes commence at 4-6x7-6, price $13.50 6x9, price '.V^-V.. $22.50 8-3x10*6, price $34.00 9x12, price $ $3*7.50 9x9, price 'ih $31.00 l(T-6xl0-6, rjrice *T. T*.. .$47.50 10-6x12, price $55.00 10-6x13, price .W $62.50 10-6x13-6, priSe*. .$62.50 10-6x14, prise $60.00 9x14-8, price $50.00 11-3x15, price $67.50 Kashmir Bugs are especially appropriate for summer use they can be used on either side the styles are as good as in our most expensive Oriental rugs, and are made in* the following sizes^ 9x18 ,at,^,^ w% 7 quality $1200 9xl0-e at $10.50 7-6x10-6 at $8.75 **$* W'& 'V ?&**&- $6.00 yfbre C/ar^ets are1 the most san- itary floor'covering for summer use] ttfey "come in two qualities) and1 the .cpnfing week the' ^60c NwiH be sold at 45c a yrdv and the 50c equality at 35c a yard.* vThird Floor-re^ w^m&^Mwlw, han *e street police Station. Th cars were made th targets of rocks and, every i 8ee jg?* & Se in Windowss weree smashedd The Window wer smashe and Foley and the police saved them selves by Crouching under the seats. Fojey has been the keeper of the "Ivy Leaf saloon fox many years. Yesterday he, opened another drinking place on Tenth avenue at Fifty-fifth Gowns GownThe new ''Hospital" gown round yoke, high neck turnover eollar sleeves with plainfl?|^ button cuff also pocket. .^/l*JU& Other gowns up to $11.50. Gown of very fine nainsook like cutsquare yoke, front and back composed of ^wo rows lace -insertion strung with ribbon. Lace edge at neck and sleeves $1.25 Mack Taffetas 19-inch, 69c quality, yard. 59c 21 inch, 79c quality, yard. 69c 27-inch, $1 quality, yard .*79c 36-in., $1.25 quality, yd. .$1.00 36-in., $1.39 quality, yd. $1.18 36 in., $1.50 quality, yd. $1.25 Leather Rocker, $9.98 Those partial to leather uphols tered rockers will find this model to their liking back and seat are upholstered in genuine leath er frames finished in either gol den or weathered oak, or mahog any a good value at $15.00 way below intrinsic (^A A worth, at 4 O Ki street. I was^ten minutes to 11 o'clock when James O'Brien and-John Flanagan wmt fxrtp the place and swaggered up against Forley's new bai and demanded a drink. On being re fused, they started a fight and were getting the better of Foley when he drew a pistol from a drawer and be gan to shoot. TA Flanagan's 1 passed thr abddmeh.hulled O'Brien escapedu Where your dollar does ifofa(g_ AFC DRY GOODS CO. MINNEAPOLIS: 601-503.505-607.609.611 NICOIXET AVENUE. NEW YORK: 464 BROOKE STREET. MANCHESTER: PARIS. CHEMNITZ: 17 NICHOLAS 8T. 39 RUE DE L'ECHIQUIER. 28 THEATER STRAS8E. Our le of Dainty Under-Muslins Begins TuesdayIn Second Floor Annex E ASSURE YOU that the high standard of the merchandise together with the splendid variety impressively asserts the supremacy of this muslin underwear section. A display of garments from the workrooms of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers embracing all the ^yprthy essentials of quality materials, generous cut, faultlessfit,neat trimmings and absolute style correctness. Here is the tangible evidence of price saving opportunities. Gowns of muslin and good cam bric, vaiious styles high and round yoke some trimmed with embroidery insertions and tucking solid tucks or lace insertion /fv_ strung with ribbons O^C Cambric or nainsook gowns, va rious pretty styles low, round and high neck yokes of embroidery insertion and hemstitched and lace insertions strung with ribbons.' 75c Good muslin- gownlike cut* Hubbard yoke composed* of 12 rows hemstitched tueks Buffle at neck and sleeves* Special 69c Fine nainsook gown, round, high, low and square neck, frimmed with dainty laces and insertions dr em broidery new kimono sleeves. A 98c The Reign of Regal Black Silks 1 11 1 in"" i i 1 1 I I if i The woman of critical taste who has a regard for her personal appearance considers her wardrobe incom- plete without one or more new summer waists of conservative black. Looms from the world's best mills have contributed to our splendid assortment of beautiful weaves, and with the added incentive of appealing price advantages, invite your inspection and patronage. Black Peau de Cygnes 21 inch, 85c quality, yard. .'75c 21 in., $1.25 quality, yd .$1.00 20 in., Haskell's, yard...$1.10 21-in., Haskell's, yard...$1.25 27-in., $1.25 quality, yd... 89c 36-in., $1.75 quality, yd. .$1.50 Main Aisle Refurnishing and Renovating the Home 3Big Rocker Values3 Now is the time the modern housekeeper is preparing and rearranging the house for the summer furnishings and the question of the addition of one or more articles of new furniture, is of importance. What more suit- able than a handsome rocker? This Rocker $1.98 A large, comfortable rocker of golden oak finish, with saddle seat and rodded arm. Worth at least $3.00 all this week $1.98' We seir furniture, carpets and dra-peries, on the easy payment plan when desired. The Vnderprice Basement Store We call special attention of shoppers to the various groups of inexpensive merchandise always to be found in our Basement Store section Goods for present day needs at below-value prices? rf'-* Defective Page '&"''- GORKY SHUNS BOSTON? WOMAN SCOBES PRUDES 4 I Journal Speoial Service. Boston, May 7.Dr. Morris F. Koni kow, chairman of the Gorky arrange* Fine nainsook gownlike cut has high neck and yoke of four rows embroidery insertion^ wide and nar row tucks. Hemstitched ruffle at neck and sleeves Gowns of fine cambric or nain sook surplice, high, round, neck, trimmed in pretty styles open work embroidery, lace inser- n/\_ tions and tucking.,. OVv Gowns of very fine cambric and nainsook low neck, front and back high, with six rows insertion and embroidery edge or round tyjth embroidery and in- **IC sertions ^JliJitO Black Peau de Soie 19-inch, 75c quality, yard. -69c 20-inch, 85c quality, yard. .*75c 21-inch, $1 quality, yard. 89c 20-in., Haskell's, yard.. $1.00 27-in., Haskell's, yard...$1,50 36-in., $2. quality, yard $1.50 This Style $*.98 An attractive looking rocker, like cut, finished in either gold en quartered oak or mahogany has full roll seat would be cheap at $7.00 our d^ Oft price during week... ^Tr O ment committee, after receiving offers of public halls in which Maxim Gorky il Your Entire Confidence That one word-"confidenceunderlies our entire system. We have confidence in the goods we sell, our prices, our methods of ca tering to patrons. For many years we have enjoyed the public confidence in just such matters, and a constantly increasing clien tele assures us that square dealing is the cor ner stone of our success. Various styles of Gowns, prices 39c to $12.50 Various styles of Long Skirts, prices. 89c to $10.50 Various styles of Short Skirts, prices 39c to $1.75 Chemise Fine skirt chemise, square neck trimmed with four rows torchon lace, lace edge at neck and arm holes. Skirt finished with .f\ tucked lawn ruffle 0"C Nainsook chemise, round neck trimmed with lace and insertions ribbon strung, finished with wide flounce. Hemstitched. Special 5 Chemise of fine nainsook, ribbon run embroidery, trimmed neck and sleeves. Tucked and hemstitched flounce at bottom. .g -jg\ Special Others up to $3.75. coujd speak this evening, telephoned to can live without the danger of being Mr, Gorky to that effect. The novelist reiterated his refusal to come to this city even for a night. Dr. Antoinette F. Konikow, wife of Dr. TConikow, at the same time an nounces her intention to abandon Bos ton. She desires to avoid the contami- Long Skirts Skirt fine cambric like cut deep full flounce, 3 groups tucking, finished with wide eyed embroi- dery ^Jfl/O Others up to $10.50 98c .Skirt, fine cambric, very full, wide flounce, finished with 14 small tucks and hemstitch- fkQsv ing-...' VOC Skirf of very fine cambric, has full flounce trimmed with three rows dainty lace insertion, finish ed with ruffle trimmed with in sertion, tucking and lace edge $1.50 Chemise Chemise, hand embroidered, very elaborate design, ^-g sheer material, special 1 Chemise, hand embroidered, ribbon drawn special *P* Hand* embroidered chemise, spray design special $K*^t& Chemise, hand embroidered, spray design and eyelet work, ribbon drawn ^-g ff/\ special 3)l*7v/ Hand embroidered chemise, daisy pattern, eyelet work, sheer material, ribbon ^r drawn special $l*/d Others very beautiful- f| ly embroidered, up to Drawers Hand made, wide ruffle, hand embroidered edges, d-g ^%g special 91* 3d Drawers, hand made, wide ruf fle, hand embroidery edge with small design d| rjj? special ^lt/t) Drawers, hand made, trimmed with French val lace and inser tion, sheer, fine ma- ^"O terial special $*m&D Others to $7.00. nating influence of prudish hypocrite^ toflyt fields where she believes she French Hand Made Convent Undermuslins abused for following what she believes to be a righteous course. Some time ago she acquired a farm near Bath, and it is to this place she is to go. She will work her farm and will also establish a summer resort for those tired of the influences of city life. Our Store Policy To give courteous attention to your wants and to merit your patronage by providing a high standard of merchandise. Maximum values at minimum prices. We insist that satisfaction be incorporated in every pur chase and invite conscientious criticism of our goods, prices' and store service. Chemise of good heavy muslin. Plain cord edge, A Special O Short Skirts Skirt of cambric, trimmed with full hemstitched hem and -5 ^v hemstitched tucked flounce... %5MC Shirt skirts, cambric, tucked, trimmed with embroidery edge others with tucked flounce, lace insertion and lace edge. Special 4oC Short skirt, very fine cambric very full ruffle trimmed with /VQ open work embroidery, at VoC Cambric skirt, deep flounce trim^ med with five rows of lace insertion, finished with tucked ruf- A fle and lace edge OVC Cambric skirt, wide tucked flounce finished with deep embroidery i *i-J $1.25 Gowns Hand embroidered, hand made high neck, turnover collar, turn back cuff & O i\i\ special $^*UU Hand made gown, hand em broidered, slipover style open special $4&\j Hand embroidered, hand made, gown, round neck, ribbon drawn sleeve with wide ruffle, hand scallop Sf\ special ^)0 Others to $12.50. Skirts Fine grade muslin, wide flounce hand scallopf special $**Ju5 Skirts, fine muslin, wide flounce hand scallop, with d?^ design special 4)^* /1) Others to $20.00. Short knee skirt, hand scallop fine muslin -g es\ special l)ldl/' Short knee skirt 9-inch ruffle hand scallop-and *7S dots special ^)l*#d Very handsome three-piece sets, $9.50 to $35.00. LacesImporter's Sample Line A Sale at Almost Give-Away Prices Tuesday morning Jwe will show on special sales tables, main floor, a very large assortment of almost e^cery known kind of lace in the form of importers' samples. These goods are in short lengths, such as shown by large importing agents, and vary up to 13 inches in length. Some are 18 inches wide. The bands can be used for collars and in numerous ways. They consist of a good many desirable pieces in appliques and medallions, for which there are various uses this season. In this lot are Point de Paris, Venice, Applique, Bands, Clunys, Ori entals, Point de Esprit, and many other kinds now in much demand.' Prices Range for the Piece 1c 2c 3c 5c 8c 10c 12c and 15c If yon will inspect these laces you will surely find among them some- thing yon are in need of, that,, too, at a trifling cost. "Am0lL' Goods-Wants' Knit Atmtorel ^"Why are the Arnold bands more popular flwn others Because of the admirable style of adjusting and the ease arid comfort of the infant. Made with shoulder straps and buttoned. A soft, fine, seamless, un- shrinkable fabric. The Arnold'' gauze summer weight band 'meets the demand for garments of light weight, warm weather materials.- 2Ff^ 1 I 4 Price range, 25c and P- iT***