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-imm-**?*mmm*mammmfe M. T MINNEAPOLIS- oo DOGKSTADER JOKE SENT IN A BARREL One barrel of "Everybody Works but Fathei'' was delivered with the compliments of Lew Dockstader to Dick Fer ns this morning at the dooi of the latter's office the Lyceum theater IVIr Ferris, after Dockstader's porformau^e at the Metropolitan, opeiahouse last night, entertained the minstrel and hi& coaiVjutator, Jean Hav iiC7, reformed newspapei man and song t\ riter, who is responsible for Mr. Johnson Turn Me Loose," "If You Ain't Got No Money You Needn't Come Round," "Eveiybod\ Works but Fither," and Uncle Too Quits Work." -which Dockstader is now intro ducing. A Certain Cure for Tired. Hot, Aching Feet DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. Mlli W has carried thousands T?vJ4 iwt'ji,-- taSPiHiftS ii iiiiii[iiinh]pwiwi ginmmiiWMi N ST. PAUL: 315-325 Nicollet Ave. Seventh and Robert Sts. "MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED." HE Footwear Fashion Connoissear WILL TELL YOU THAT THE NEWLY CONCEIVED Selz Royal Blue OXFQRD 'MAYFAIR' With "The Sole of Honor" is the dressiest, snappiest, liveliest, cleverest style oft 3 spring out put. Hera exclusively Ks''Tie FielHlioe, $2.50 It makes none of them. But it does make fuel-bill and tire-bills. Incidentally. Mr. Ferris mentioned his appreciation of a graceful bit of couitesv on the part of Richard Carle, who had just sent him tho scores or every song he had ever written. "Carle didn't say he was going to send ihem, he lust sent them," saacl Ferris. Rather nice thing Carle did," re marked Hanvez, as he was walking with Dockstader to his hotel. "I've wntten about 500 songs, and I think I'll send Feins the score of every one o them, and the scoies of all the base ball games I have attended." "And I tell you what I'll do," said Dockstader enthusiastically, "The sea son closes in two weeks and I'v got 500 records of 'Everybody Works but Father' on hand that I don't need. I '11 lust send Ferns a whole barrel of them in the morning for that big phonograph he has on his piano. And just like Carle, I'll not say anything about send ing themI '11 just send them.'' And he did. 1 ga -WSSB signature For tfour-cyUador Tovrtns Car Five passengers. Alt-cooled mptor. Franklin horsepower Three speed Hd gear transmission. Shalt drive. Disc clutch Force feed oiler on dash 100-Inch wheel base X8oo pounds 4S irilcs per hour Full bead* and t&U-lifht equip ment. jsSoo. F.O B. Syracuse. If you think weight makes strength, power, room or com fort in a motor-car, you have another think coming. 8. Olmsted* LeRoy,N.Y. on every box. Type a N car gives five people more luxuri ous roomy comfort than they have in this 1800-pound Franklin Type N car is stronger. N car of "thirty" rating has more ability anywhere. N car of any rating has more available ability on American country roads. But any car of equal ability weighs more and uses up far more fuel and tires. Four-cylinder Runabout $1,400 Four-cylinder Light Touring Car .$1,800 Four-cylinder Touring Car $2,800 Six-cylinder Touring Car $4,000 Four-cylinder Limousine $4,000 32\ O Syracuse. Moulton-Jordan Motor Car Co. 217 So. Fourth St oman maro pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always appliedexternally,and No soman's happi ness can be complett without children it is her nature to love Mother's of women through ^L mm the trying crisis without suffering. M^~ S^mm^ hmuwk tWklm Send for free book containing Information Bm mm^Wmmmmmmm wfl JrW of priceless value to all espeotant mothers. Bf mm WB Wmmm LW mm \m\\JR tThm Bradfield Regulator Co.. Atlt mm ^^M^^Siyji'idkiJk^W. and want them as much o as it is to love the beautiful and mm mU .Jris* im .irsi l^tf^^^^r7T^K.^?%^ 1 Tuesday Evening, fit f!X5WWTCr THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL'. May-X5,*r?i9oG 'YELLOW DOG SUITS AGAINST TRUSTEES Mutual Life Demands the Restitu tion of Money Improperly Spent. .pram. Journal Special Service. New York, May 15.Suits have been instituted by the Mutual Life Insur ance company against three of its trus tees Eobert Olyphant, James C. Holden and Charles E. Miller, and the estate of a fourth trustee, J. Hobart Herrick, who died in 1898. The three compose the committee of expenditures, Mr. Oly phant being the chairman. The suits charge negligence and care lessness in passing upon improper ex penditures and authorizing disburse ments of the company's money. The suits -were beaon before the pres ent management or the Mutual knew about the padded bills rendered by Lysender W. Lawrence and by which Andrew C. Fields got $100,000 yearly but the complaints in none of them has yet been drawn. President Charles A. Peabpdy of the Mutual intimated very plainly today that other suits for restitution would be instituted against Trustees Olyphant, Holden and Miller, based upon the padded bills which they as members of the expenditures committee formally passed. The agrgfregate amount to be sued for is in excess of $250,000. McKeen Is Engaged. James McKeen, associated with Charles E. Hughes in the legislative in surance investigation, has been ap pointed general solicitor of the_ Mutual Life, to succeed Julian T. Davies. At the meeting of trustees, Henry Phipps, a wealthy Pittsburg ironman, and William M. McMillin, son of Sen ator McMillin of Detroit, Mich., were elected directors. Mr. Peabody announced the appoint ment of Granville M. White, George T. Dexter and James Timpson as second vice presidents, the last being also named as financial manager. Henry E Dunsan -was named as su perintendent of foreign agencies George E. Dexter, superintendent of domestic agencies Charles H. Warren, treasurer Stephen Smith, assistant treasurer Emory McClintock, actuary, with William E Hutcheson as his as sistant, William Richards, as manager of the real estate department, and Wil liam Easton and William Dix as sec retaries. PATRIGK GETS RESPITE RENEWS FIGHT FOR LIFE Jcumal Special Serrfce, Albany, N. Y., May 15.Governor Higgins has granted an additional re spite of thirty days to Albert T. Pat rick, the convicted murderei of Mil lionaire William M. Rice. This is the third time that Patrick's execution has been stayed. The respite given him to day postpones the date of his execution to June 18. The governor took this action at the request of District Attor nev Jerome. Patrick, thru his counsel, W. M. K. Olcott, is making a last fight for lib erty on the ground of newly discovered evidence, tending to show that Patrick is innocent. The proceeding is pending in Recorder Golf's court. LOGS FEAST ON BODIES OF MASSAGRED GREEKS London, May 15.A revolting story of Macedonian barbarity is related by the Vienna correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. In a recent conflict between Turkish troops and a band of Greeks in the vilayet of Monastir, fourteen Greeks were killed. After the fight the Turk ish commander refused to allow the Greeks to bury their dead, and when the Turks had withdrawn, a Bulgarian band appeared with a number of dogs which devoured the bodies. The Greeks, in revenge, ambushed the Bulgarians as they were retiring and captured sixty of them, whom they mnssacred, including some women and children, after first subiectmg them to cruel tortures. SAYS SURGEONS LEFT NAPKIN IN RER BODY Special to The Journal. Webster City, Iowa, May 15.That Drs. Fa and Shoop of Des Moines sewed a napkin in her abdomen is the charge made by Mrs C. C. Gillispie of this city, who has brought suit for damages in the sum of $10,000. Mrs. Gillispie's petition charges the doctors with malpractice while per forming an operation for appendicitis. Cure Constipation Rheumatism, Cancer, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Headache, and All Blood Diseases with Common Bed Clover Extract. .Not a Patent Medicine. Common Red Clover. Common Bed Clover, when properly prepared, will keep the bowels open In a natural, harm less way, and soon restoie them to a normal, healthy condition and thus cure the worst cases of constipation permanently It carries away from the system all poisons and impurities and cures all kinds of blood diseases, Rheumatism, cancer, eczema, salt-rheum, blood poi*on, facial eruptions, head ache and all blood diseases Re member it is pure red olover, not a patent medi cine. Needbam's red clover is for sale bv lead ing ^mggiMts but first nil out coupon below and let u3 send you free by mail booklet and full information about it. FREE COUPON Fill in vour name and address on dotted lines below and mail to I Needham Sons, 879 Lakeside Bldg. Chicago, 111., and by re turn mail thev will send free booklet and full information how to cure yourself with pure Red Clover. Not a patent medicine. -&M fabm Iff It's Hard To Be Sick and Be Happy Perfect Whole-Wheat Food Is the Key to Good Health. Malta-Vita has qualities not found In any other food, and these are of im portance to you if you want to be well and happy. You know it's hard to be happy unless you are well. Malta-Vita Contains the highest pos sible degrree of nutritious food and de mands the least possible digestive effort on the part of the stomach. To begin with, Malta-Vita is made from the very best white wheat. After this wheat is cleaned and scoured, cooked through and through and matured in fresh, pure air (there is no other kind of air in the Malta-Vita factory) it is mixed with the finest malt extract that was ever made. The malted wheat is then rolled into little flakes and baked in intense heat, each flake becoming crispthe crispest, most nourishing food in the world. You understand, or course, that the thorough cooking and steaming of the wheat gelatinizes Its starch, and the malt extract, a powerful digestive agent, quickly converts this into Maltose (malt Bugar). Malt sugar is great food, and the weakest stomach digests and as similates It without effort. That is why Malta-Vita is so good for sick folks or folks with weak stomachs. Malta-Vita melts in the mouth. It's always crisp, refreshing, satisfying. The perfect food for children and grown folks. All grocers, now 10 cents. The Best Grocers sell them and the best people use the famous BELL COFFEES Sold only in Sanitary Packages. J. H. BELL & CO., CHICAGO. Minneapolis Office, 14 ISfort'h. 4t S C. F. GLOCKNER, Manager. FATHER IS LIVING, ROCKEFELLER SAYS John D.'s Brother Demies That Dr. Livingston Was Tne ix Parent. Journal Special Service. Cleveland, May 15."Whoever says that my fathei died before John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was born, lies. My father is alive, so far as I know, and I know pretty well. If he died today I would hear of it immediately. "Of course I -aah not on good terms with John D. Rockefeller, bnt 1 do not think he told New-York newspaper men that his father died bj^Hre John D., Jr., was born. Dr. William fciv*regfeJon -was not my father, and, of course not the father of John D. Kockefeller." In these terse sentences Frank Rocke feller disposed of the New York- story to the effect that Dr. Livingston, the Freeport, 111., man who died within the last few days, was his father, and also of the so-called authentic statement that the father of John D. Rockefeller and Frank Rockefeller has been dead many years. It was suggested to Frank Rockefel ler that he might tell at the present time the present residence of his father, since he denied so vehemently that Dr. William Livingston was that person. "Why should I tell?" asked the brother of the oil king. He was told that the public naturally wanted to know. "It is none of the public's business,'' he replied. BOMB SLAYS CAPTAIN OF IABS A1 POLICE Warsaw, May 15.While Police Cap tain ConstaivtixiofE -was standing Marszalkowska street last evening, with two policemen and four soldiers, a young maafc tfhrew a bomb into the group. The exptefllOn of the bomb literally tore Captand OonatantinofE to pieces and severely wounded a policeman and six other persons. The assassin tried to escape and firing his revolver, wounded a soldier. The other soldiers replied with a vol ley, killing the assassin and two other persons. The soldiers then attacked the peo ple who hadl gathered with, their bayo nets and the butts of their guns, wound ing eleven persons, making a total of four killed and nineteen wounded. The terrorists have sought Captain Constantinoff's lifo since May Day of last year, when he ordered the soldiers to fire on a procession of socialists, causing the death of thirty persons. THO HANGEDTwiGE, WOMAN SUBYIYES Okolona, Miss., May 15.Mrs. Mattie Mcintosh, a white woman^ who was re cently arrested charged with complicity in the murder of her husband, and 'who gave bond lias reported to the offi cers at Okolona, that Sunday night a number of men visited her house, took her to a treo and threatened to hang her unless she revealed her alleged ac complices in the murder. Mrs Mcintosh declined to talk whereupon she was strung up for sev eral seconds Unon being lowered to the ground she still refused to answer questions, and was, she declares, strung up a second time. When the rope was taken from her neck she heard her assailants announce that she was dead. Her body was car ried into the woodsand left there. She revived and immediately came here to tell her story. HERON LAKE, MINN.Commencement exer cises will be held in fhe Heron Lake opera-house May 31 The graduates are Misses Aura Flana gan. Hazel Eastwood. Ethel Dunlap, Nancy Olson, Paul Benson. Albert Flanagan and Iner Jeppeson. Governor Johnson will deliver the adaresss. EAST GRAND FORKS, MUTN'.Charles Koep cky, a farmer, committed suicide yesterday by shooting. He was 66 and had been ill and despondent for some time. H.IOE LAKE, 'WIS Arthur Smothers, aeed 17 or 18 years, was instantly killed by light ning at tbe Dr. Charron farm east of town. DEB MOHTE8, IOWA.Harrison Bragg, a city I employee, is thes B0& victim of sunstroke this season, being overcome yesterday.. Bis condi tion Is critical. *-r j. FOR supply your Summer wants. When the kidneys are sick, every sud den twist or movement sends a sharp pain coursing through the back. As the trouble gains ground, the pain strikes you first in one place, then another, until you never know when or where it will come next. Backache, rheumatic pain, sciatica, gout and lumbago are brought on in most cases by an excess in the blood of uric acid, a dangerous poison that should be filtered off by the kidneys and expelled with the urine. Uric acid pois oning is a serious danger. I has a weakening and debilitating effect on ev ery organ of the body. It clogs the kidneya themselves, and the urinary channels, causing distressing urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease. I also crystallizes into gravel, stones in the kidneys and sediment in the urine it disturbs the action of the heart, liver, stomach and brain, causes headaches, dizzy spells, dimness of eye sight, nervousness, depression, languor. Colds and changes of weather make these troubles worse. There is only one way to permanently rid the system of uric poison, and that is to cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills have been curing and are curing sick kidneys throughout the civilized world. This great specific cleanses the kidneys, relieves their congested state, and permanently strengthens them. The pills dissolve gravel and stone, and help HASTINGS, MINN At the meeting of the city council last evening Cbarles A Hanson -was elected alderman in the second waid, to All a vacancy caused by the resignation of John Heiuen. ASHLAND, WIS.Switchman George White fell undei the wheels of his engine in the Omaha jards yesterday, losing both legs. His injuries "Je fatal Old Coughs POWERS Nicollet Ave. First Ave. So. Fifth St. Minneapolis. Wednesday we shall continue the most important SALES of SILKS and WAS GOODS ever held in the northwest. the qualitiesprices have not been so low this season we doubt the probability of their being any lower. We wish to emphasize the fact that never in the past have these stocks been so well prepared so early in the seasonassortments and varieties are wonder- fully large and completethe quantities being greater than the com- bined stocks of any three Twin City stores. O YOUR INTEREST!We urge you to look around and make comparisons. It's the only way to prove that "for the price you get the best value at POWERS" always. Come ^Wednesday and All previously advertised special sale prices continue in force. sumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quickly cures new coughs. And it cures old ones, too. Tbe next time you see your doctor, ask rum -why tbis medicine so promptly relieves coughs. &^Stf^5afiSEi LlTHIA WATE HE PAIN A ND THE PERIL "Every Picture Tells a Story. fDOAN'S KIDNE PILLSj Sold by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., Proprietors. V- I I I WmmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmWmWmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW LEAD CITY, S DMayor Ernest May of tl is city vesteruay purchased a lral lor $1,078 to be forwarded to San Francisco Aside from this, the Elks contributed $100, the Masons $150. find Knights of Columbus $50. *A the Argument Necessary/ necessary after the first day or so. i "IN URIC ACID DIATHESIS, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, LITH- AEMIA, and the like, ITS ACTION IS PROMPT LA OEOBSE, WISTho dblonel D. Frank Powell (White Beaver) was burled in Los Angeles, a monument will be erected for him in La Crosse Tho International Journal of Surgery, August, 1905, under{ithe beading CYSTITIS" says: "In the treatment of Cystitis -watee is the great aid to all forms of f&IVF&lA 8 ITtflA WATT!? dedication. Moreover, DUlWIMI MInUtlllUllK form in which to administer it to the cystitic patient, as it is not only a pure solvent, but has the additional virtue of containing substantial quantities of the alkaline Lithates. Patients should be encouraged to take from two to four quarts per day if they can, and tlie relief tlaey will obtain will be all tae argument New coughs are bad enough. Old coughs are worse, much worse. They always make one think of bronchitis, con- AND LASTING." i Dr. Geo. Bon. Johnston, M. D., LL. D., Richntoni, Va.t Ex* President Southern Surgical and Gynecological Assn., Ex-President Vir* ginia Medical Society, and Prof, of Gynecology and Abdoriinal Surgery^ Medical College of Virginia.- I I were asked what mineral water 1^^Si^^^fminm\im^ymMm yttethsHa Diathesis, Gout, Rheumatism, EJthaemia, and the tike, its action is prompt and lasting. Almost any case of Pyelitis and Cystitis will be alleviated by it, and many cured. I have had evidence of the undoubted Disintegrating, Solvent and Eliminating power of this water in Renal Calculus, and have known its long continued use to permanently break up the gravel forming habit." Voluminous medical testimony on request. For sale by the general d* *ug tad mineral water trade. Hotel at Springs opens June i5th. PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LlTHIA SPRINGS, VA "if your'lndorno la "running a losing race with your expenses, try buying from merchants who advertise In The Journal They wHl aave you money. mmm AjrerCo., Lowell, Mm. f*} 9 th the kidneys to filter the blood perfectly. They clean the urinary passages, and regulate the passing of the secretions. In proof we offer testimony of resident* of this city. MINNEAPOLIS TESTIMONY Thomas Mijner, proprietor of grocery, corner of Washington and 28d ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn., says: "It is only a pleasure to re-endorse Doan's Kidney Pills after the permanent and gratify ing results I obtained from their uBe five years ago. At that time I was suf fering from a painful and serious kid ney complaint. There was so much soreness in my back that I could not stoop or lift anything without almost giving out. The kidney secretions were unnatural and distressing. After pro curing Doan's Kidney Pills at the Voe geli Bros.' drug store, and using them, I found the entire trouble banished. My back and kidneys were strengthened and toned up in every way. I have ad vised friends to try Doan 's Kidney Pills and all who did so have vouched for the wonderful curative value of this rem- edy." CREAM CASH For Every Can Immediately on Receipt WE Also-flandle POULTRYjgflD VEAL. Address department R. E. COBB St. Paul, Minn. THEWYOMAitanewIockyVer.collarrsummedban dressy. Front band, I inch points, 2/f-inch back, 1^-inch. Quarter sizes. Wide stitching. If you want stylish collar comfort, ask your dealer rWWYOMA. Like all Sterling- Collars, wears best by test FELLOWS & CO. Make Troy, N, OLD SOR ES CUR ED M'8 fJCOEBlinB SJuLVs. Ctrres mmmm Ohronio CTIeAM, Bone tJleS,VfcaleMM Ulcers SorofrOooa TJloers, VerannalviuMti Ftver Sore*. Q&ngreae, Blood Powonlajr, Whlte^llliif.MBkJ^JolsonedWoojMS, AU Boret ot Ion* sUadlnc. Portttrriy B*m ttttfl. DmwaootftUpoBOB. S*TM AKJMAM Md Cartifl.-Tnfcoen.for la by drmlt. i. r. MLua naoioun ooTst.