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for RentUnfurnished Houses. LINDEN HILL COTTAGES FOR BENT. Cottage, overlooking Lake Harriet, with Water and gas one block from car line five tooms and large screened porch $20 per month also foui-room cottage, $15 per month. Han let Realtv Co.. 4315 Lpton av 5. Open at all hours. Tela. C. 7775, N. W. 183S L. O 718 18th AV NT EIGHT ROOMS, TH9B?. 0 oughly modern. a Thorpe Bros., 0 0 206 Andrus Building. 00000 0 0000000 $30A TEN-EOOM, MODERN HOUSE, NE W Open nickel plumbing, new parquet floors thru out down stairs gas range and shades nice lawn and trees lu good neighborhood to let to responsible parties house located at 1110 13th av SB. JTOR RENTFIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, I N FIRST class condition at Robblnsdale, one block to the car line, $10 a month. Apply to Thomas H. Girling, 328 3d st 8, clty^ SlX CONVENIENT LIVING ROOMS, ALL MOD ern, in detached house, Sunnyside district, reusonable to family of adults. 2611 Aldrlcu av S. T. phone 82S6 JSART OR ALL OF DUPLEX HOUSE IN splendid locality, 5 rooms and bath, or 7 and bath first-class in every way. Sterling, Phoenix. Telephone 1610. SOR RENTEIGHT-ROOM, MODERN HOUSE most desirable neighborhood, walking dis tance will rent furnished if desired. 1529 Hawthorn av. HOUSES AND FLATS FBOH S8 TO STO-, MOV ing van free to tenant who rents our private apartments. Skandla Agency, 12a 6th st 3. IOR RENTHOUSE, 8 ROOMS, MODERN EX cept heat, will nicely repaired for re sponsible tenant, adults wanted. 1506 4th av S. *0R~ RENTTHOROUGHLY MODERN 9-ROOM house, hot water heat, large lawn, pleasant location walking distance. __61 Franklin. 1*7.50AN 8-R00M MODERN HOUSE," BATH, furnace, gas fixtures hardwood floors, barn. 2303 Clinton av. I-urmer, T. C. 7644. COSt KENT GOOD FIVE-EOOM SOTJSE AMB barn at 232S 5th av S. $25 per mouth. Louis A. Howard, 502 Oneida building. |*0FINE, NINE-ROOM, MODERN HOUSE, near Loring park bargain. Hanford Rental Agency, 310 Bank of Commerce. 8046 PORTLANDMODERN, 10 ROOMS, $40. Flut, 3137 Clinton. 5 rooms and bath, mod ern. Call up Craig, T. C. 3137. 0UTHEASTFOR RENT, 812 9th AV. SEV en rcoms, modern, detached hause. 527 5th st SE. SOUSE TO RENTGROUND FLOOR, 3 ROOMS, $15. 1622 1st av S. For RentFurnished Houses. A VERY FINE, NEW, MODERN SEVEN-ROOM bouse, with new funutiue. will rent very reasonable to reliable inrt.\ house in good neighborhood, near car line, from June 1 to Sept. 15. Call up 7720 2693 1 IOR RENTEIGHT-ROOM, MODERN HOUSE most desirable neigh bornood, walking dis tance, will rent furnished if desired. 1529 Hawthorn av. IlNE FURNISHED HOUSE, NINE ROOMS, IN Sunn} side June to September. 1546 N. W South ELEVEN.ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE summer. Call at 1620 3d av S. For RentUnfurnished Flats. S543 CLINTON AV. FOUR ROOMS, BATH, grs, $16, 2S26 3d av S, 5 rooms, first floor, bath, gas ib, 34t kth- av S, rooms, bath, gas, hau'wood flocrs, $1S, 915 Chicago a\, 8 rooms, all modem heated, $40, l.fflo Mne pluee siv loom^, heated in Vale $40 Her rcann, 4lo Phoenl:.. [fERY DESIRABLES-ROOM, EITHER UPPER or lower flat, in duple* house, all modern. furnished 01 unfurnished light and airy. Must be seen to be appreciated. A large lawn, with beautitul sliaue trees. Kent lea sonable Can be seen at any time. d*J2i Lniversity av SE. IOR RLNTUNFURNISHED FLAT, 6 ROOMS and bath, with iarge screened porch second floor of duplex house, all hardwood floors and finish, hot water heat ana practlcallj new, in lake section, nothing nicer in town. J. H. Habb, o!21 Duiont av S. 1 54d8. J^ERY PLEA3ANT, NEW, OUTSIDE, FIVE room flat, with batli, gab range, flxtuies shades, awnings, celli.r, porches, yaid, Just right for joung couple, $20, Chicago a\. 608 Globe building. EST FLATS, 2S12 PARK AVREDUCED price to Sept 1, eight looms, outside posure, shadj, best location, thoroughly mod ern, pure artesian water. Inqulie second floor FIVE-ROOM FLAT. SECOND FLOOR, DUPLEX house, open plumbing, hot atei heating plant. 1812 Nicollet av Kent $23 Inquire Minneapolis Plumbing Co., 1420 Nicollet ax. P6BEAUTIFUL FIRST "FLOOR~EAST FRONT sK-room, strictly modern flat, walking dis tance. See Janitor, 1420 Chicago av, or see W. E. Wells, 510 Phoenix building. TOR RENTLOWER FLAT IN DUPLEX, 2633 Duront av S, verj desirable, oak finish, entirely modern, hot water heating, faee ownei, 2016 aeioss the avenue. HODERN FLATS IN THE LAUREL APABT nients, cornei Laurel av and 15th st easy walking distance, four, six aud seven rooms. See Janitor. LEGANT~C9RNER FLAT. SIX ROOMS, MAN tel. sideboard, hardwood thioughout, gas range, alking distance, low rent. 301 3d av SE FLATS" UNFURNISHEDONE, UPPER NICOL let island. 5 oi 0 loom flat, modern except b.-at. F. C. Giiswold, N. W. telephone East 549 J3. fiODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT, STEAM HEAT and Janitor service, 115 12th st N, five blocks from Dayton's. See Janitor or call T. C. 585. XOK RENT FOUK-KOOM IXAI, ATT, MOD-FOUR ern, stfiim heat, nalking distance, janitor service. Olmstend, K'5 Temple Court. SO LETMOST ELEGANT, NEW, STRICTLY modern, biv-room, outUde flat, second floor, in easy walking distance. 215 11th st S. EIGHT O MCOOM KOSEKK FLAT, FAS quet floors walking distance, 132"5 1st av S \V. P. Mealej, 413 Bank of Commerce A FEW COZY 4 AND 6-ROOM STRICTLY niodtrn flats, within walking distance. Ap ply 701 Northwestern building. IOR SALEOFFICE SAFE, MEDIUM SIZE, fireproof, good condition, will sell cheap. Call any time. 727 9th av S. f80 ONLY, WOEIH ?40, FINE, MODERN, 8- room flat walking distance Hanford Hental Agency, 310 Bank of Commerce. 5FESIRABLE~MODERN~4-ROOM FLAT AND AL cove, closets, combination heat reasonable lent Apply 158 17th st N. MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLATS AT THE CLIN, ton, corner Clinton av and E 18th st. Inquire on pienilses. Frank Miller. SHREEltOO FLAT7VERY~PLEASANT, N 11 W Grant st. See Janitor at flats adjoining or telephone 1345 X1VE-R00M MODERN FLAT, 8302 COLUMBUS av, $25 per month. Chase & Scbanfeia, 414 Guaranty building. JOUR-ROOM FLAT. $16 THREE-ROOM FLAT, $18, modern except heat no children. Call 1406 1st av S. VINEST 4 AN 5-ROOM STEAM-HEATED flats in cltj. _1_ E 17th st, corner Nicolletav. 1-OR MODERN FLATS SEE JANITOR AT Dover Court Flats, 527 5th av SE. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST S, HAVE fiats und houses, $10 to $4S. For RentFurnished Flats. IHREE-ROOM FLAT, SECOND FLOOR, $22 four-room flat, first floor, $25 both completely furnished for housekeeping, modern except beat no children. Call after Sunday, 1406 1st av S. SWO, THHEE A1TC SIX-KOOM FLATS, VERY desirable, $25 to $45 per month, witn or without cafe service. Edmonds, 200 Bank of Commerce bnlldlng. SrURNISHED FLAT, SECOND FLOOR, 1409 Stevens av, for the summer four rooms and bath, for only $25 per month. Call at flat 5, 1409 Stevens av. FURNISHED ROOMS AN FLATS. Other Rentals. Hanford Rental Agency. 81Q Bank of Cotn. S RENT FOR SUMMERFURNISHED FLAT, four rooms and large bath, all conveniences. 1409 Stevens av, fiat 0. For RentFurnished Rooms. TO LETONE FRONT ROOM, MODERN FUR nishel good looation. suitable for good dress maker rent c'aeap. One large room, suitable for two people modern. One room, suitable for two ladles modern rent cheap light housekeeping allowed. T. C. phone 10010, 1641 Hennepin av FOR RENTTHREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping roomi. wet sink, large nice kitchen rent very reasonable at 1026 Henne pin av. over the tellor store BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT able for gentlemen steam heat, hot water, porcelain bath, walking distance, strictly mod- m. 1351 Nicollet, third flat. KICELY FURNISHED ROOM I N A MODERN house, bath, hot and cold water, large closet walking distance block from Hennepin car line. 1515 Laurel av. SEVERAL FURNISHED'ROOMS. ALSO THREE connecting, for man and wife, no children .very light housekeeping allowed moderate prices. 43 11th st S. TWO' LARGE CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS, second floor, furnished for light housekeeping modem walking distance. Phone. Ill E 15th st. 0HOICE FRONT ROOM IN STRICTLY UP to-date flat walking distance for ladles em ployed, or gentleman. Call 1307 Yale place, 9. __ ,Ar FJ5L55SL For RentFurnished Rooms. Continued TO LETNICELY FURNISHED LARGE LIGHT corner room phone, spring water, bath, hot water year around centrally located. 34 9th st S. LIGHT FRONT ROOMS, ALSO OTHER ONES, with or without board, or light housekeeping house strictly modern, nio Nicollet, phono 5293. ROOMS iH STRIOTLY MODERN FLAT, SIN gly or en suite rates* for summer near cor ner, of Nicollet. 77 9th st S, flat 1. T. C. 9688. FOB RENTTWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, also one large room, suitable for two gentlemen. 314 Hennepin av. ELEGANT LARGE FRONT PARLOR AND AL cove, if desired thoroly modern gas, bath, phone. 216 9th st S, the Oakland, flat F. MODERN, CLEAN, WELL-FURNISHED SIN gle and double rooms phone, gas, bath price reasonable close in. 1010 2d av S. A VERY PLEASANT, LARGE, AIRY ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen also front parlor 15U1 Park av T_ 10183 FRON! ROOMS, NEW CARPET, IN AiL MOD ern house hot bath, phone, spring water near public library. 51 10th t N. PARTLY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, -AT 1504 Hennepin av, flat 3 light housekeeping allowed, ling first rtooi beil FOR RENTNEAT MODERN SINGLE ROOM in detached house, near good board moderate r^nt. 1012 Hawthorn av TWO NEATLY IURNISHED ROOMS IN MOD ern brick house, for light housekeeping. Call evenings. 814 10th st S. FURNISHED ROOM, MODERN HOUSE, PLEAS ant location walking distance terms reason able. 1902 Clinton av. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOKS FOR housekeeping, in modern flat. 1013 8d av S, flat 8. TRUNKS delivered any part of city 25c. Com mercial Delivery, 805 5th av Both phone*. FURNISHED ROOMS ALL MODERN im provements. 43 and 45 7th st S. NICE CLEAN BOOMS AT HOTEL HENNEPIN, 253 Hennepin av, $2 and up. For RentUnfurnished Rooms. FIVE NICE ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, HARD wood floors, bath, sewer, gas, city water, beautiful place to live, rent reasonable. Call downstairs, 3024 Cedar av. FOR RENTFURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, three fine rooms, second floor houBe all mod- m, wet sink, walking distance. 1402 Vine place TWO AND THREE ROOMS, 201 12th ST S all modern except beat light housekeeping permitted. Call atfirstfloor. FOR RENTSEVEN ROOKS UPSTAIRS, ALL modern except heat, barn, shed, $18, 1808 17th av S Call downstairs LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT _ga s, bath. lnquire_ 812_ D_15th st. THREE UPSTAIRS. 611 6th ST N, $6 8 Up stairs, 613 5th st N, 97. For RentStores. oooooooooooooo 250 2d AV S 24\90, basement and first floor base ment has large area, with 24-foot alley in rear. Owner will give long lease at reasonable rental. Apply ^o Thorpe Bros,, 206 Andrus Building. o^ooooooo FOR BENTSTORE NO. 129 7th ST S, IN NEW England promenade, 18 feet bj 40 feet. The best loc-ition In town for an} retail business requiring moderate rent in growing location. Apply to W. Han Is, New England Turnl ture Caipet Co. NICOLLET AV STORE, BETWEEN 4th AND 5th sts 25x80 teet, will give ten-year lease. H. B. Willis & Co., 433 Andrnsjbuildlng. SHOP FOR TAILOR OR REPAIR BUSINESS, 14 Central av, Xlcollet Island, $15 For RentOffices. OFFICES OF ONE, TWO AN THREE ROOMS from $15 to $27.50, hot and cold water, vault space with each office. Inquire at room 6C6, Bank of Minneapolis building. DESK ROOM FQR INSURANCE OR LOANING business, with private office, 355 Bank of Minneapolis building, $12.50. VERY DESIRABLE OFFICES IN NORTH western building and Sykes block. Apply 701 Northwestern building^ FOR REN^T-^FINE "OFFICE SPACE. OHEAP^ including phones, building F0R 514 Bank of Commerce RENTFINE SUITE, 3 ROOMS AND vault in Andrus building. Call room 5S. TO LETLARGE OFFICES, 619 1st AV S. Call at Lee Bros Photo Studio For RentMiscellaneous. $8LARGE ROOM, OVER STORE, FOR SHOP puiposes. 'lhhd floor for lodge room, $20 Hanford Rental Agency. 310 Bank of Com. SHOP FOR PAINTER, CARPENTER OR LIGHT business. 237 10th av S S8. WANTEDjFOJiENT WANTED TO RENTIN A BARN, STORAGE foi three carriages for four or five months prefer somewhere in neighborhood of Nicollet and 25th st Address stating location and terms. 7310, Journal. OB FIVE TTUiTTfiiTISHEXJ soous, ^must be modern rout reasonable would rent a cottage best of references given state price and full particulars in first letter. Ad dress 6344, Journal. LIST YOUR HOUSES, FLATS AND OTEER property for results with us Hanford Rental Agency, 31 Bank of Commerce. WANTEDJUNE 1, 4 OR 6 FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping modern, gas. hot water, Dath, good neighborhood, two In fam ily Address 1'. 0 Box 285. WANTED4 OR 5 ROOMS 18th OR 20thf state price, location and accommodations, must be reasonable. Address Orton 812 10th st S WANTED6 OR 6-ROOM MODiRN HOUSE or cottage, bj June 1 or 15, lve full par tlculars. Address 7183, Journal. SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. Sweeping reduction in lates, Ivew express steamers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Royal Mail Service, Empress of Britain and Empress of Ireland, 20.U00 tons displacement four (4) days from land to land, coat over $2,000,000 fastest, finest and laige&t steam ers between St. Lawrence ports and Europe. H. B. Lidman, Northwestern Passenger Agt, 232 Nicollet av, Minneapolis, Minn. SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE. Sweeping reduction in rates, ftew express steamers of the Canadian Pacific Railway Royal Mall Service, Empress of Britain and Empress of Ireland. 20,000 tons displacement four (4) dava from land to land cost over $2,000,000, fastest, finest and largest steamers between St. Lawrence ports and Europe. E. Fredman, Northwestern Passenger Agt. 232 Nicollet av. Minneapolis. Minn. FLORISTS ooooooooooooooo FLOWERS, PLANTS AND FLORAL DESIGNS. FJowers, plants and, floral designs for all occasions can be obtained at popular prices in our ne-n, up-to-date Floral De- flished ifirtment that has been recently estab in our big store. California Fruit Store, 1st av S and 6th. ooooooooooooooo NEW YORK FLORISTS. 7 WASH. AV ~S feather and cut flowers and plants floral de signs for all occasions. T. phone 1728, FLORAL DESIGNS AND FLOWERS TELE^ graph or phone. Nagel's, 1118 W Lake st.' STORM SASH AND CARPEN- TER WORK ?trNBT ColK?*OGNTRAO^ plans and estimates furnished, satisfaction guaranteed. Your orders solicited. Houses built on monthly payments. 1314 Queen av N. X. C. phone 1*T50. 7. G, MOLDAN. CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 2115 2d st N phone, T. C. 14460. I make a specialty bt all kinds of repairing. HOTELS^ RICHMOND HOTEL, Corner 9th and Nicollet Av, American and European Plan. For tbe money, one of the best hotels In the city. American, per day, $1.50 to $2. By the week, $7 to $10.50. European plan. 50c to $1. By the week, $3 to $5. HOTEL ALLEN. 3d ST AND 2d AV S ONLY -hotel in the city having all outside rooms. KateB 72c. $1, $1.50. single J55J5E2525L S. GR0SLAND, TEACHER OF VIOLIN 8PE~- cial inducements to beginners this month. Address 2761 17th av S. LESLIE VAUDEVILLE SCHOOL. HO Studio Arcade. 804 Nicollet. Minneapolis. '$&&k$g$is* REAL SSTATEJTOR SALE Improved PAUL BEUHLER, 456 Temple Court. i $5,800 takes this fine, up-to-date 12-room home, finished in the choicest selected hardwoods, handsomely decorated throughout electric thermostat connected with one of the latest improved up-to-date combination heating plants, fine gas fixtures, window shades, storm sash, screens, sideboard, mantel, built in hall Wee in fact, everything you could possibly think of to make it an up-to-date, strictly modern honie| very fine double corner east front lot, size 90x120 to alley. This is one of the rare bargains well located in the eighth ward. If you want a bargain in a fine home, well located, don't delay but see this at once. $8,600One of the best and handsomest, al most new, eight-room, hardwood finished, up to-date homes in beautiful Lynnhurst addition, where jo aie protected against interior im provements this beautiful home la surrounded by new, up-to-date homeB that cost from $7,500 to $10,000 the grounds are the grand est note the size, 120x170 surrounded by the most beautiful shade trees, fine garden, stiawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cur rants, all in bearing stone walks, curb aud Sutter all in and paid for fine barn, screens and storm sash fine location, Fremont av S don't fail to see It can't be beat. $3,850Look at this strictly modem eight-room hardwood finished home, surrounded by homes costing from $5,000 to $10,000 only one block to Lyndale car. Go and look It over 2609 Garfield av S. $2,300Such a bargain will never be heard of again good seven-room, strictly modern home, hardwood finish, gas fixtures, window shades, storm sash, screens, fine mantel, nice bath room, good heating plant, fine east-front lot, handy to car, near Blaisdell av, close In, $4,500 Solid brick business block on Plyj outh av, on best side of Plymouth, inside 5th st this is a big snap well-rented and never vacant first time offered owner left the state and telegraphed to sell at once his loss, your gain. $2,400Look at 728 E 25th st, eight-room, nicely arranged home, city water, sewer this is a bargain nice lot to alley fine shade trees, only about 200 feet to Chicago av fine location, go and look it over, don't be afraid to make me your best offer, keys at office possession at once. $3,800Fine, up-to-date, modern, 12-room, two family, except heat, hardwood finish, gas fixtures, tndow shades, storm sash, screens, everything complete fine east front lot, near Jackson NE easy walking distance big bargain. Don't fail to see it. $2,700Long Lake bargain, seven acres, all fenced, good six-room .house, fine cellar, good barn, fine chicken coop and other outbuild ings land all in fruit, apple trees, plum trees, strawberries, raspberries, currants, all in bearing, sunounded by 100 of the hand somest shade trees jou ever saw three min utes' walk to the station black level land, clay subsoil, crop and everything goes. See Paul Beuhier before you buy for fine, new, up-to-date homes tn Lowry Hill, Lake of the Isles, Sunnyside, Lake Calhoun, Lake Har riet or in any part of the city, at all prices. If you wish to make a quick cash sale list your property at once. No charge made for adver tising it. Or borrow money, call and see him. ooooooo ooooo 0 NE W MODERN HOMES, $5,000On Humboldt av S, near 27th st, a nearly new, fully modern, eight-room house hardwood finish and floors built-in sideboard, fine bathroom, gas aud gas fixtures plastered attic, full basement, liot water heating plant, laundrj, and a verj handsome lot, 48 .\150 feet. $2,175A new. modem five-room cottage, all on one floor hardwood floors, hard wcod hnlsh, bath, closet, gas and gas fixtures large attic with stairs, flue basement, storm sash and screens a verj complete and convenient home. Location, 13L1X a-v S near ^TtU st Eafej terms, $1,676Brand new five-room cottage all on one floor large attic with room for one or two more rooms hardwood Hoot's In all rooms, gas fixtures, city water, good cellar, storm sash and screens, near Western av and Morgan. Easj teims. $325A perfect lot on 29th av S. near 22d bt city water and stone side walk. Eas.v teiins. $300 to $350 for handsome lots with city water, gas and stone sidewalk at Bloouiington av. lttth av or 17th av and 34th st. bas) terms. Thompson Bios., 101 louith St. S. After June 1, Security Bank Building. A BARGAIN. For SaleA nine-room house and bath, on a lot and a half, fine large front and side lawn beautiful shade trees veranda In front and around side chicken house and yard woodshed, granitoid walks, cemeni cellar, por celain tub, nickel plumbing, city water, fine well, VUl "In first-class order and repai'5 will alto sell with bouse one fine, large "Art Garland" nickel plated stove house situated in the Bryant school district, 37th and Clin ton, convenient to the Nicollet av and 4th av S car lines. This is a fine opportunity for someone to secure a fine home. Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser. Call or address Blckelbaupt, care of The Journal FOR SALEDUPLEX HOUSE, 2633 DUPONT av S, very desirable investment, entirely mod em, of first material and workmanship, ex cellentlj planned, best neighborhood, rents $70 both, upper flat rented, hot water plant for each, ispbnee boiler. Si rooms below, seven rooms above, fine conveniences, gas and electricitj $7,000, $3,00 of it on five years' moi tgage at 5 pei cent, on or befoie, bj Ownei onlj Bakei 2616 Dupont av S. X. W phone South 1002-Jl. EIGHT-ROOM, THOROUGHLY MODERN house, built in sideboard and china closet oak finish downrtairs, white enamel finish upstairs hardwood floors throughout gas and electric fixtures, combination heat laundry in the basement. built two years ago, on Bry ant av, mstde of 28th st. We must sell at once, and will arrange terms to suit. Lake & City Realty Co., 610 Guaranty Building^ SAtLtvOAS TRACKAGE. Corner, 198x157 feet to 20-foot alley, with exclusive railroad trackage, also con venient to depots, mills, etc. will sell or lease terms to suit. Thorpe Bios., Andrus Bldg. oooooooooooooo A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. Finest double corner on Central, Inside 20th av. beautifully impioved, 84x129, seven-room house, elegant Oat location, nave plans com plete owner going west account health. Call up 14415 T. 0., or address 6510, Journal, for particulars and submit offer. Look this up. FOR SALEEIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, three blocks from University campus house and lawn in good shape, laige lot and barn this house will rent for $45 per month, or you can live in lower part and rent upper rooms to students for $50 per month. Apply to owner. lJBil 6th st SE. $3,700 ONLY FOR ONE OF THE MOST COM plete and best built nouses in Minneapolis to see it is to admit it put up as a sample by one of the best-known builders, whoso name is sufficient this will go quick. Hanford _Rental_Agency,_310_Bank_qf_Commerce. $300SEVEN-ROO HOUSE ON JAME8 AV S. facing Lake of the Isles birch finish, par quet floors, all modern, combination beat beautiful grounds overlooking lake house nearly pew, large barn. Lewis & Co., 625 Boston block. LARGE BRICK-VENEERED, ALL MODERN residence, with elegant grounds, on North east Side can be bought at sacrifice price or will trade for Improved farm. Eichhorn & Soiib, Hennepin and Washington. T. C. phone 106. FOR SALEDUPLEX FLAT. FIVE ROOMS and bath, all street impiovements, good barn, hardwood floors and finish throughout, good location, will sell at a bargain owner wants to leave city. Call at once, 3506 Pleasant av S. fl,8$0 ^TTJfS 6-EOOM COTTAGE, CITX WA ter. cellar, gas beautiful east front lot. 50t 130,\all street Improvements In and paid for walking distance. Oakland av. near Franklin. Ifa a snap L. L. Sutherland, Oneida block. $1,500, IF SOLD THIS WEEK, BUYS EIGHT room house, 56th and Plllsbury, Richfield easy terms, discount for cash three lots, east front, good well, chicken coops, shed, barn. Estabrook's, 3718 Stevens, or 500 PhoenU. FOR SAX.E SEVEN-EOOM COTTAGE, KIAC- ticAliy new hardwood finish and parquet floors downstairs hardwood floors upstairs modern except heat must sell at once very reasonable. Address 7287, Journal. FOR SALE OWNER8233 IRVING AV S, complete modern home, eight rooms, all large and airy, hardwood finish throughout, Spence hot water heat, one block to Cslhoun, built tifto years, worth Investigating. $1,850 CASH OR TIME, TERMS TO SUIT, FOR six-room house, modern except heat, on Emer son av N. near 29th st. Call eariy and we will show you a fine home for little money. Lewis & Co., 525 Boston block. LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL SEC-ROOM, NE W cottage, at 3531 Bryant av S thoroughly well-built, hardwood floors, full basement, ce ment porch, open plumbing easy terms. Her mann, 410 Phoenix building. $3,0005236 ALDRICH AV 8, BRAND NEW, up-to-date, modem except heat, six-room cot tage might consider lot tn part trade. Moore Bros., Brace & Co., 311 Nicollet. $8,600 BUYS NE W SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE, birch finish turnout hardwood floors one block from Central av car line on Polk st NE can be bought on very easy terms. Lewis & Co., 525 Boston i block. FOR SALEFINE MODERN HOUSE, FULL basement, hot water heat, big corner lot, hard wood finish will sell for less than $4,000. Inquire of owner, at 3240 Colfax av S. I Tuesday EvelTng, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOtmiTAl,. flfSfi^?^iMay '15, 1906. ^^#pyt%y:^^feay%|f REAL ESTATEjm SALE Improved. Continued. W E WILL BUILD YOU A HOME IK SOUTH east Minneapolis on small morithly payments houses for sale or rent. James T. Klwell, 686 Andrus Bldg. FOR SALEAT A BARGAIN, STRICTLY MOD ern, up-to-date home: open for inspection every weekday and Sunday afternoon. 2701'Stev- en* av. WE WILL BUILD YOU HOUSE I N ANY PART of the city and sell on eaay terms. J, M. Baltuff, 8829 Hurrlpt av, T. C. 7618. FOR SALE TH E OWNERNEW, MOD ern, up-to-date house in eighth good reasons for selling. Address 7432, Journal. LAKE HARRIET HOMEFINE, MODERN, $8,000 only you will like it. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. ONLY $1,850, EASY TERMS, BRAND NE W house at 4207 Plllrtmry av if looking for low-priced home don't miss this. $1.500GOOD LITTLE HOME, NORTH SIDE, big lot, good neighbors. Hanford Rental Agency. 310 Bank of Commerce. 1,090BY OWNER, GREAT BARGAINSIX room house, lot 46x178, first class order easy terms. 2610 Qulncy st NE. WILL~"BUILD FOR YOV. SEE OUR PLANS. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Com. WANTEDHOUSES TO BUILD AND GENERAL Jobbing. C. H. Klngsley. T. C. phone 8206. Unimproved. LINDEN HILLS LOTS. We have three very good lotB near Lake Harriet and one block from Btreet car, that we must sell right away and will take one half of actual value, price $200 each two fine lots with splendid shade trees, convenient to lake and car, $375 each $10 per month will handle these. Three of the finest lots you ever saw, overlooking Lake Calhoun, splen did location, water and gas in street, $450 each will double in value in one year. One of ihe finest lots, within two blocks of Lake Harriet and same distance from oar, can be bought for $12 per month. Buy now, as values are Increasing every day. Harriet Realty Co 4315 Upton av S (near Harriet loop). Also open Sundays and evenings. LAKE LOTSCHEAP AND WITHIN THE reach of all, near the famous Minnehaha Falls, on the boulevard la Lake Amelia. And very soon will be recognized as one of the most beautiful lakes in the city. The improve ments to be made In that part of the city will advance the value of property. I am now offering for sale all the good lake frontage that Is for sale. At prices that you can buy and double your money in a short time. See me for terms. J. A. Walters, New York Life Building. BARGAIN OFFER BY OWNER. Two lots on Portland av, one corner and One next to corner, facing north and west $475 for one next to corner and $525 for corner go out tomorrow and look at this beautifully located double corner, surrounded by new modern honies location corner Port Ian* av and 38th at. Owner will sell to gether or separate and make reasonable terms if desired. Address 7203, Journal. $25 FIRST PAYMENT, $10 MONTHLY. Nicollet av, 1st av and Stevens av at 47th St. You can't buy these in a shoit while. Only three left on 1st av, four on Nicollet beautiful lots, nice grass, some trees, 43x130 lots all surveyed, title insurance. Come in and see our plat. C. & 315 Bank of Commerce Bldg. $1,100 WILL BUT SO ACRES, GOOD SOXX,, all cultivated, only nine miles from Minne apolis postoffice might take a vacant lot or equity in a small house in part payment. William Hendricks, 830 Guaranty building. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET YOUR CHOICE of a beautiful lot on Emerson, Fremont or Glrard avs S, near 22d st They are going fast. Come and get one very cheap. Her mann, 410 Phoenix building. PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO ONE OF OUR beautiful garden patches, 86th av S and 35th st. 270x118 feet $50 cash, balance $5 per month can arrange for lumber to build. Fjeld. 310 Hennepin av. I HAVE LOT 2, BLOCK 1, J. P. TIBBETT'S addition to Minneapolis. 42d-43d st, 2d av, for sale or trade for rooming houste, grocery, delicatessen value $3O0.Cushman, Box 241, Pieston, Minn. FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE, 90-FOOT FRONT age on Rice st lots 13 and 14, Eismeinger's addition. St. Paul. T. Gunness. Barnesvllle, Minu. W E HAVE PURCHASER FOR FIVE OR TEN acres near tity. If you wish to sell send description Barnes & Smith, 516 Phoenix. $1,575FIVE ACRES, 68th AN PLEASANT av S teasonable terms. E. R. Smith, 538 new Security Bank building.^5v GET BUST AND CK rWITSril?S WEDNESDAY, May 16, to sunny southern Aloferta last chance to get land for $8 per acre, within 6 miles of railroad. We have the finest soil on earth. Your first crop will pay fox the land and leave a handsome sum besides. This land will sell at $15 per acre before Jan. 1 next, Cau you make money any easier than by investing now 1 Only $2 50 per acre cash payment, balance easy terms. We have pri vate car, cook and porter we will make you comfortable and the land will make jou nap py. Write, phone or wire. 0 W. lverr Co., 520 Guaranty building. T. C. D379 N. W. Main 2345. A. FARM FOR $50 DOWN 80 ACRES $50 down and the balance $10 a mouth 40 acres of Minnesota haidwood timber land on bmall payment, $25 down, balance $5 per month our contract allows you to cut the timber and to paj foi tbe land by delivering to us of pulpwuod, cordwood. railroad ties, logs, etc. Original growth of timber and good meadow land, close to railroad station and sawmill, lor fuither information write to the Minne sota Land & Stock Association, 612, Gei manla Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. THE MOST FERTILE LAND In the state ot Minnesota Is ottered you at $10 to $20 per acre. Extra easy terms. Located in Kanabec county, the home of the big red clovet greatest stock-raising, dairying, general farming and tame grass land under the sun an acre pastures a cow yields from three to six tons tame hay to acre, get a home on this rich soil. Come and see me. L. A. Howard, 502 Oneida Bldg., Minneapolis. FOR SALE1,920 ACRES OF SELECTED FARM land In Cheyenne county, Col., close to the experimental farm at Cheyenne Wells, 3}-i miles north of the platted town of First View on tbe Union Pacific railroad. If taken be fore July 1, 1806, will sell for $3.25 per acre $2 per acre cash and balance In eight jears title direct from V. P. Lana Dept Address P. O. Box 1784, Bralnerd, Minn. FARM FOR SALE-S00 ACRES, 2'/a MILES fiom nearest town eastern part of Worth county, Iowa good buildings farmers' tele phone connection, lural mall delivery nnd schoolhouse by the farm 160 acres are put In to crop of corn and oats, remainder pasture, meadow if sold at once price $57 an acre or will trade for creamery property. Address 7229, Journal. LOOK HEREFREE HOMESTEAD I N SOUTH western North DaKota. Free railroad tare from twin cities, free board free livery, and your filing fees paid, all for $100. Isn't that a cheap 160 acres of land, and land is fine. For further particulars write Rourke's Land, Loan and Insurance Agency, either at Lisbon or Dickinson, N. ooo van BALEfOTTAOE TWO LOTeS^ OT windmill, all clearedHarper, best IFisher Barrono county. watewatiwrbloc S E LakHa rTY Bracklln Winston FORT QU'APPELLE, 8ASX., CAN. Qu'Appelle Valley Realty Co., Real Estate, Insurance & Financial Agents. Wild and improved farm lands in the best districts of Saskatchewan. 157 ACRES, ITASCA COUNTY, MINN., CHEAP. 153 acres,. Rossman county, N. D., only $12. 828 acres, Jones county, Iowa/ only $55. 80 acres, Wright county, Minn., only i$15. 480 acres, Swift county, $45 per acre will exchange. J. A. Walters, New York Life Bldg. 'MUST E SOLD 160 TIMBER LAND S00 railroad. "Wisconsin, house, creek, lumber, wood, ties, Ban mill, stave factory, towns, creamery, churches, schools five acres seeded no reasonable offer will be refused for this desirable home before June 1. 518 W 3d st, Northfltfd. Minn. IF YOU WANT A FARM IN SOUTH DAKOTA or expect to go oat to Lyman county and look over the section through which rail roads are new building, write or call on us low rates. Egeland's Land Agency, Imml- traUon Bureau, 700 11 Mew York Life BUc-. Bt. Paul. Minn. W E AB E LOCATING HOMESTEADS I N BUTTE county, S. D., where the M. & St. P. R. R. is being built. Some choice lands can be obtained. For particulars address the LyonB Land Agency, Room 4, Appel Block, Aberdeen, S. D. HOMESEEKERS AND INVESTORS, READ COL urns artielerfou Opelousas and St. Landry par. lsh. La., Uf the news section of this paper March 5. For further information addresB Opelousas Progressive League. Opelousas. La 20,000 AORES FINE LANDS I N AITKIN, CROW Wing and Itasca counties in tracts to suit $7 to $9 per acre strong, heavy soil delight ful climate great stock and dairy district. Henry M. Troy. 502 Guaranty building. I HAVE A LIST OF PERSONALLY In spected improved and Unimproved Canadian wheat lands, less than eight miles from rail road. Alberta and Saskatchewan. Inquire for G^ H. Bellinger^ Pauly Bouse. FORTY ACRES. TWO AND ONE-HALF MILES east of Mora. Minn. Very nice place twenty acres under cultivation. Will sell for $1,550. Merer Land Co., 418-19 Phcenix Building. SPLENDID WHEAT FARM FOR SALE, JOINS station, 20 miles from Winnipeg, Manitoba some sections and half-sections near Reglna, Saskatchewan. Wm. Ritchie, Grafton, N. D. FOR SALE246 AORES, 11-ROOM HOUSE, full basement barn, hay shed, machine shed, fruit trees and *erry bushes. $1,350. 4232 I CAN SELL YOUR FARM. SEND DESORIP- Colfax av S. Must sell this week. tton Shepard, Bank of Commerce building. t. 3EAL^ST^EjmjALE_ Farm Lands. Continued FARM AND RANCH LANDSGREAT BAR. gains in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado ten years' time one-tenth cash. Dept. 0 Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha. Neb. HOMESTEADS AN TIMBER CLAIMS IN Washington good soil, abundance spring water, fine climate, hunting and fishing. Par ticulars 708 Andrus banding. 160 ACRES, FIRST CLASS FARM, ALL IM proved, good buildings-, only five miles from Minneapolis, close to railway and trolley car. Burnell, 205 P. O. building. I HAVE FOR SALE TWO GOOD RELIN qulshments, six miles from Ross. If you want land, come and see them. Perry Noleu, Ross, N. D. 160 ACRES WITHIN BIZ MILES OF BIG Stone City will accept any small Minneapolis property or automobile as part payment. 5074, Journal. CENTRAL NORTH DAKOTA. A QUARTER section or a township, an improved farm or. ranch. Inquire of Rait. 511 Bank Commerce. FORTY ACRES, MOSTLY MEADOW, NEAR Wi zata, on Superior av must be sold to close up estate, Pllgram, 510 Temple Court MUST BELL^W~e,~mrT07EDMUNDS COUN ty, South Dakota look it up make an offer. Fossum Bros., Owners, Aberdeen, S. D. MICHIGAN FRUIT FARM. CULTIVATED, AT fine summer resort, in exchange for good South Dakota land. 4995, Journal. JYIINNETONKA. PROPERTY acres, all fenced, good six-room house, fine cellar, good barn, fine chicken coop and other outbuildings land, all in fruit, apple trees, plum trees, strawberries, raspberries, currants, all in bearing surrounded by 100 of the hand somest shade trees you ever saw only three minutes' walk to the city of Long Lake and the station fast growing city large cannery Just being built and many othet new enter prises going up, suie money maker black, level Zand, clay subsoil. crop and everything goes, Paul Beuhier, 456 Temple Court. FOR SALEONE OF THE FINEST PLACES ON Casco Point. 120 feet lake shore, Iarge plas tered cottage, veranda, 5 bedrooms, barn, boat bouse, storeroom, woodshed, house la fur nished, row boat, bouse cost over $5,000. For a shoit time, $3,490. P. P. Swenson & Son, 514 Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALETEN-ROOM, PARTLY MODERN cottage in fine location on south shore partly furnished, including boat water In house 100 feet of extra flue beach also stable five minutes' walk to station will sell cheap and on easy teims to good party. Flank P. Nlcoll, 701 Guaranty building. $200 FOR SEASONMY TEN-ROOM FUR nished cottage on Crystal bay large shady grounds, boat, Ice, barn and wood. $150Ten- room furnished cottage at Orono ice fur nished. Charles W. Chase, 507 Bank of Com merce. FOR RENTFIVE-ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE, furnished also gas connections, three blocks from trollev car on Gideons Bay. with lake shore privilege a large shaded lawn and a fine garden patch. A T. Moise, Excelsior. FOR SALEA FINE LOT ON WEST ARM, $250, 60 feet front, beautiful view, good fish ing. P. P. Swenson & Son, 514 Bank of Counselce Bldg. SEVERAL BEAUTIFULLY WOODED ACRE lots, lake fiontage, to desirable parties at a genuine baigain, electric car service halt hour's ride fiom Minneapolis. Twin City 5273. ENI BEVEIT-ROOM LAKESHOB.E COTTASE at Excelsior cistern, cellar, wood and gas ranges, boat, eight minutes' walk from elec trlc car. T. K. Oray, 108 Hennepin av. WOOD, FOR RENTCOTTAGE 9 ROOMS, boat, complete for season, $160. P. V. Swenson & Son, 514 Bank of Commeice Bldg. FOR RENT OR FOR SALELAUNCH, 22 FT., Westman engine, fine condition. Inquire of or phone Matison, agent Wayzata station, or Phil Rose, Breezy Point. WANTEDTHREE TO FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE on lake near Excelsior. Give full particulars. Address 7437, Journal. WANTEDROOM AND BOARD AT OR NEAR Excelsior, on lake Give full particulars. Ad dress 7448, Journal. FOR RENTSMALL FURNISHED PLASTERED cottage, Fairview station. Schadde Bros., 1218 8th st SE. FOR R0WB0AT8 THAT CAN'T 8INK SEE Shadegg Engine Co.. 316 3d st S. ^EAIj^STATE^XOJHANGB^ 418 ACRES FINE IMPROVED FARM I N CROW Wing county, Minn., five miles east of Mllle Lacs lake 140 acres In crop, 120 acres meadow, balance hardwood timber new buildings, all kinds of tools and machinery, 40 head of stock will exchange for clear Minnesota wild land or Improved city property. John L. Smith, owner, 538 Security Bank building. 1 0 EXCHANGE160 ACRES GOOD WILD land in Richland county, X. D., free from In cumbrance, or 130-acre partly Improved stock farm, close to Swanville, Minn., for a small fruit farm close to car line, with fair build Ings Box 385, Whea ton.Mlnn. WANTED TO EXCHANGE560 ACRES OF good farm land in North Dakota for a good stock of general merchandise: no buildings wanted, stock must be good and up-to-date crop goes with the land Address Gooler & Goer, Devils Lake, N. D. $2,000 CITY RES., 14th AY SE, SALE. 139 A.. Pierce Co., Wis., $25, city Res. 80 A Muriay Co., Minn., $40, for hotel. Amuilcaii Land & Co.. 235 Boston Blk Mpls Minn. MINNESOTA OR WISCOKSIM IABM LAMD TO trade for diug stock in Minnesota give de scription with first answer. Douglass, Alex andria, Minn. Route 6 FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE FOR GOOD LAND $10,000 good running stock of general mer chandise, describe land fully in first letter. Box 722, Waverly, Iowa. 1 0 EXCHANGESEVERAL GOOD STOCKS OF hardwaie and general merchandise for land only owners reply. Fremont S. Gibson, Mason City. Iowa. NEW MODERN HOUSE, STEAM HEAT, LARGE grounds, near cailine $7,500 part trade will rent $50. Uait. 511 Bank Commerce. WANTED-REAL ESTATE WILL PA $10,000 0ASH FOR GOOD MOD ern ten-room house, from Hennepin to Chicago av. Inside Lake preferred. Will pay $8,500 to $4,000 for good modern seven to eight-room house near Lake Ilairiet or Blaisdell av, and Piiibbury. cash ready. Will pay $500 down on nice ftve or six-room cottage home, balance large monthly payments might pay cash down for good bargain. Call and see ine at once. I invite listing Ot any otner property you may -wish to sell. Remember, it costs you nothing to list your property free advertising. Papl Beuhier 456 Temple Court. WANTED HOUSE OF 12 TO 16 ROOMS IN goodisneighborhood will pay $10,000 to $20,000. P. P. Swensen & Son, 514 Bank of Com merce building. STEAMHTPS^ ALLAN LINE FAST MAIL AN PASSENGER service, Montreal to Liverpool, the picturesque St Lawrence route new fast turbine triple screw, 12,000 tons steamers. Excursion dates as follows: Virginian, May 10, June 7, July 5 Victorian, May 24, June 21 and July 19. For full particulars and illustrated excursion pam phlets write or call on O. N. Westlund, 114 3d st S, opposite postoffice. OUNARD LINE TO EUROPEOLDEST LINE crossing Atlantic. Boston. New Y(Mc to QneenstowB, Liverpool, New Vork to Gibral tar, Genoa, Naples, Adriatic. Company's new Office, 304 2d av S, Minneapolis. B. Carley, manager northwestern department. CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING. Beautiful rug weaving from old carpets: best work, lowest prices. National Carpet Cleaning Co.. Nicollet Island. Both _rhonea. PARTICULAR PEOPLE, BEND YOUR CAS^ pets, rugs to the Upls. Carpet Cleaning & Bug Factory, 112 4th at N. Main 8237 T. O. 45. BEST RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS CARPET cleaning. Moorish Rug Co., 1002 E Franklin. ^gYEIN^Airo_CLEAOTNO_ TWIN OITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. STERLING DYE HOUSEFrench Dry Cleaning, 602 4tb av S. T. C. 0332 N. W. S. 440 J8. DETECTIVE BUREAUS HOVS~DETE7JTTVE^BU^ Xhoenix building 20 years' continued experi ence in Minneapolis legitimate business solicited reasonable rates best of references. Both phones. PIANOS AND ORGANS 0 FINE CHICKERING & SON SQUARE piano, with the genuine Chickering tone. nice for lake or city home, only $75 otherK'squares from $10 up. 'f Howar Farwell & Co., 707 Nicollet. oooooooooooooo* HORSES AND CARRIAGES Forjtejj^ HORSEB^AI^AUOTION^ ment of horses and mules consisting of heavy draft, farm, delivery, drivers, matched teams are to be sold at the auction next Wednesday to highest bidder without reserve or limit every horse guaranteed as represented private sales dallj. Barrett 8c Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market. St. Paul, Minn. SOUTH ST. PAUL HORSE EXCHANGEWE ean supply your wants in the horse line. Come to South St. Paul when looking tor horses. Our supply includes draft, delivery and driving horses. Take South Bt. Paul car direct to our barn, or T. C. phone 7078. C~ W. Flanagan, Mgr. FOR SALE100 HEAD OF SECOND-HAND logging horses, with harness, consigned to us and must be sold several good big mares in the bunch. Barrett Si Zimmerman. Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn. FOR SALEONE TEAM OF HEAVY WORK ers, weight about 8,000 lbs. also a pony cart and harness, perfectly gentle, cheap also a few good tingle drivers, two good coach teams. 1308 1st av S. FINEST DRIVING HORSE, FINEST BUGGY part) going away. Can be seen at livery bare, IS Uoyalston av also nice 700-lb. cheap pony, saddle and bridle. Cheap delivery horse a driver, weight 1. OOO. LARGEST LINE OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND rigs In tbe city wagons, buggies and har nesses of all kinds for sale or exchange. We buy, sell or exchange. Widmayer A Prender gast, 414 8d st S. FOR SALEWEST POINT, 10627, BLACK stallion, record 2:17%. 13 years old service ably sound sure foal getter might exchange for green pacer. George Atchison, Mankato. Minn. FINEST PONY RIO IN OITY, COVERED phaeton and horse that can "go. Can be teen at Korthof's Livery, next to Bijou opera house. T. C. phone 106. E. Eichhorn & Sons. JOHN HOGLUNDDEAD ANIMALS REMOVED free will pay $1.50 for old horses brought to me. 22d av NE and Stockyards roau. Min cesota Rendering Co. Telephone T. C. 16346. FOR SALE-^ONE HORSE, FOUR-SEATED trap, $60 used fao seasons cost $165 1B in flrst-class condition. 607 E l&tn at. Apply between & and 9-30 a.m. BLOOM & MAJERUS HAVE JUST RECEIVED a fine lot of driving and business horses, also good large draft and farm horses. Stables 248 and 250 2d av N. FOR SALELEATHER TOP PIANO BOX BUG gy, nearly new, or will trade for two-seat democrat, in good condition. Call 2207 Fre mont av N. FOR BALETHREE YOUNG DELIVERY horses, weight from 1,150 to 1,350 will sell them_at_a_bargain Call_1012 5th st S. LARGEST SALE AND C0MMISBI0N~8TABLE in the citj cash or time many snaps. Frost & Co., 218 2d Av N. FRESH LOT PONIES, DRIVEKS AND WORK horses, family drivers, can take on trial. Rear 820 6th st S. H. Hildreth. HORSE SHOEING AND CLIPPING HAND made shoes for defects of foot, gait or limb. James Ilowett. 221 7th st S. FOUR NE W LIGHT STEEL SHOES, 8 CASH best material: we do horse clipping. Globe Shoeing Co., 421 1st av N. FOR SALECHEAP, ONE BLACK MARE, also harness and runabout. 118 Sd st S, in the rear. E. La Brash. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED. N. W. Scavenger Co.. 102 1st st N. Phone 195 Main. TWO-SEAT CASOET TOP CARRIAGE III good condition. f35. Address 7261, Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. WAHTEB XO BTTJT A. FIRST-OLASE TOP C&V- ered delivery rig, in good condition and ready for use. Will pay cash. Address 7089, Jour nal CASH PAID FOR H0R8E8, HARNESSES AND buggies, horses sold for anyone for $3 a head commission. Frost & Co., 218 2d av N. WANTEDA SADDLE PONY MUST E GEN tle in good condition and cheap. Apply to Thomas H. Girling. 32S 3d st S. city. WANTEDMARE, WEIGHT ABOUT 1,200 safe for lady to drive, bay or black preferred. Call 625 E 16th st. T. O. 9989. A TWO-SEAT CARRIAGE FOR ONE HORSE must be modern and as good as new rubber tires. Address 7293, Journal. WANT TO BOARD HORSE FOR US E ON farm best of treatment easy Work. 625 E 16th St. T. C. 9989. WELL BRED REGISTERED ENGLISH SET ter brood Ditch for sale, cheap trained year old do**, first-cltiBs hunter, -partly trained some puppies, eligible cheap. Charles Jensen, Delavan, Minn. BOARD AND ROOMS Offered. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, BOARD, MODERN, detacnea bouse, shady lawn, desirable loca tion for summer talking distance. 124 E 16th Bt, corner Stevens. TWO OR THREE YOUNG MEN WITH GOOD habits can get lovely and laige front room, with board, reasonable house thoroughly mod ern. 410 7th st S LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO SMALLER ONE, House modern and central, telephone, spring water, hot *jl cold water. 11W Haw thorn av. HOTEL SAN ANGEL0SUITES WITH BATHS, single looms, with or without board elevatoi service 1221 Nicollet av. Both phones. A PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH board for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife. 1115 Hawthorn av. TWO YERY DESIRABLE DOUBLE BOOKS and single, also day board at the Clinton, 4th and Grant st. LARGE, AIRY ROOM, WITH GOOD BOARD also single room. 25 18th st S, between Yale and Harmon. SOME NICE FRONT ROOMS, WITH AND without bath. Hotel Southern, 4th av and 9th St S. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS with board In private family. 2825 Park av. BOARD AND ROOMS Wanted. LADY DESIRES BOARD AND BOOM IN PRI vate family terms reasonable and walking distance. Address 7423, Journal. BARTER AND EXCHANGE 1 0 EXCHANGEOSTEOPATHIC AND MAS sage treatments for upright piano, music les sons, tailoring, fuel, groceries or anything I can use all diseases successfully treated. Ad. dres? 4204, Journal. LADY'S SADDLE HORSE, SMALL, SAFE, fence ood driver would exchange in part for resi lot. Phone South 217 L. 623 Forest av. DR. NEFF, 1488 VINE PLAOE, CURES ALL nervous and chronic diseases, drugless meth ods, no one too ill to be helped. FOR EXCHANGE3%-CARAT DIAMOND STUD for 20 to 2o-foot gasolene launch give descrip tlon. Address 7300. JournaL ^RADIrEjjLLTAR, GRAVE BIRTH8r~~*~~~ Rieschel, Mr. and Mrs. S., 1817 Fifteenth avenue N, a girl. Nestvold, Mr. and Mrs. S., 2016 Fourth street N, a boy. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, 2020 Fourth street N, a boy. Brackett, Mr. and Mrs. C. R., 1786 Emerson avenue S. a boy. Mason. Mr, and Mrs. John, 411 University avenue NE, a girl. Aydt, Mr, and Mrs. Edward, 2307 Washington avenue N, a boy. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 2800 Dupont avenue N, a boy. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 2916 Portland avenue, a boj O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, 29 Ninth street S, a boy. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. C. M., 3111 Thomas avenue x*, a girl. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. J., 2810 Fourth street SB, a boy. Gaylor, Mr. and Mrs. Otto, 903 Hennepin avenue, a boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Bennle J. Sholl and Ella M. Kilken. Harry L. Bellamy and Estelle M. Young. Lawrence Koaciolek and Pelagla Ssczbialka. WUnelm Olaen and Inga Larson. Olaf A. Dybdahl and Emma J. Peterson. Nicolas Bocbnak and Elizabeth Swlder. Charles R. Ulmer and Selma Ness. Benjamin Blank and Lea Owenstain. Hiram A. Gordon and Catherlna Jane Engert. DEATHS. Thorstensen, Lizzie, 2119 Lyndale avenue N. Carlson, Mrs. John, St. Mary's hospital. Bonlette, Wm R., 1826 Washington street NE. Whltbeek, Maggie, 132 Twentieth avenue S. Jensen, Mrs. Anne, 2700 East Twenty-second street. Harcom, William, Soldiers' Home. Douglas, Aubrey, city hospital. Mitchell, Henry, Soldiers' Home. Yates, George, 2446 Park avenue. Gleason, Orvllle, city hospital. Eckert, Minnie, 642 Eighth avenue N. Altwein, Herman, 1029 Third street N. Frun, John, 83 Western avenue. Graham, John W., Pauly house. Farrely, James, 8320 Cedar avenue. Ward, Grace, 1630 East Lake street. Rogers, Herbert, St. Barnabas hospital. Bakken, Ed, 1426 Washington avenue S. Berry, Charles W., 3686 Upton avenue N. Gansel, Halvar, Swedish hospital. rv. Olson, Katherine, St. Mary's hospiUL i tm 7:50 p.m. 7 60 p.m. 7:30 cm. 7:30 a.m. 7:50 p.m. 7:50 p.m. IB RAILWAY TIME TABLES I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BUILDING PERMITS 3f BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Otty tickat oQce, 83S rTioollet Arenas. FBOM 13* nwMnger riatton. Washington and av 8a. Lwv* *Daily fEx Sunday Saturday. Arrife MMam Chicago, MUwaukM, UCRMM *10.oJB i45pm Chicago, Milwaukee, LsCrotM....,.....*13 01 SB 8 00pm Chicago, Milwaukee, LaCroue...,..,...* 06^ nOKpm Chicago, Milwaukee, UCmn *U.0lB *IMpnt Chicago, Dubuque, Savanna .'10.06B am Notthfleld, Faribault, Maaoa City .....*16.CSS IMpm Korthfield, Faribault, Maaoa CitT....- 6.40B tJlipm Korthfield, Faribault, AuitiD til 8.80 un Kansas OitT, Davenport, Rock Wand..t *0 p Onr Omoi: Fifth and Mleollet. Dsror. WMhlagtott 4Md Teath AT*. Sooth. Fson-Main M4. *8i. Sunday. Others Dally. Ohloaffo and Sart. Dubuque Chleago, Kansas City.Omaha Chicago, Pes Moines, Kansas City Kansas City.St. Joseph, Dts Moines Omaha, Dodm, Xwtta. Rochester. Bed wingv 1 Mankato, Faribault, Hortkusld. ")ode Center, HaytUld....^ J11.c lo l. 6 2oc Gi C? a ,0 25 pm Madlaon, AnetrUle, Rocktord 10.*) pa O til 55 am Mankato, Vails, Jackson IMpta -ft 6 03 pm Mankato, Well*. Montgomery 10.10 pm* tlO IS am Aberdeen, ftsaeton, Hutchinson 6 00pm 8 45pm Aberdeen, OrtonrtUe, Fargo M.SSaa 3 30pm Milwankse, LaCrosse *3Mp THE FAST MAIL leavw at 6:46 p.m. ITHa tflONEER LIMITED leave* at 1:06 p. C. B. dc Q. Ry. Phone-N. W., Mta 860 T.C..311 Ticket office, cor. 3rd and Nicollet Union DepotNicollet and High St. Leave I All Trains Daily. 7:30 a.m. 7:80 a.m. ArrlTe 1*6 p.m, Chicago Scenic Express Winona, La Crosse,Dubuque. Chicasro. St. Louis "T&e OMcago Limited" Winona, La Crosse, Dubuque, Chicago. St. Louis. Rock Island, Davenport,Clin- ton, Moline, Peoria. St. Louis Scenic EzpresB Rock Island. Davenport,Ciin- ton, Moline, Peoria. "The St. Louis Limited" 1:05 r-m. 8:00 a.m. fc00a.m, 1:06 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8.-00 a.m. IJOCTH-WESTERN liMCl LB i p*^ !*.*-"v 1 Office 600 Nicollet Ave. Phone 0. tEx. sun. Others dally For CHICAGO Lv 7:60 am, 6.80,8:00,10:80 pn From CHICAGO.... Ar 7:66,9 50 am, 6J30,10:20 pm FON DU LAO Lv 4:25,6-SO pm, Ar. 10:80 am DPLUTH...Lv t7:85 am, 4.00 pm, Ar 16:05,9:86 pm For SIOUX CITY t7:l0,9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From SIOUX CITT 8:05 am, t4:50,8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv t7:10,9:10 am. 7:80,8:80 pm From OMAHA Ar 8:05 am, 8:10 pm For KANSAS CITT 9:10 am, 7:80,8:80 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar8 06am8 10pm CHIOVGO GREAT WESTERN ft Lv. Mpll 740 am 800 pm 10 46 pin Uia 740 am 7 66 am 4t6pm MimiPOLIS ft ST, 1 0 Ar.MpH 10 pat SMaa. 11W 10 pat pa lao pas KpsalUttaCt LOUIs S R.R Station Washington and 4th av N. Office, 424 Nicollet. *Except Sun. Others Dally. Leave for CHICAGO *9 -35 am 8:00 pm Leave for ST. L0UI8 *9:35 am 8:00 pra lw Tor DES MOINES -0.35am 825pm Leave for OMAHA, California *9:85 am 8:25 pra For Watertown and Storm Lake .oa am For Madison and Estherville. .*9:02 am 6:15 pa WISCONSIN CENTRAL E'Y. TICKET OFFICE, 230 NICOLLET AV, PhoneaT. 866 N. W., Main 358. Chippewa Falls, Marsh field, Ashland, Iron Towns, I I Fond du Lac Oshkosh, 8:00 a. m. 8:60 p. m, Milwaukee, Chicago 7:05 p. m. 5:10 p. m. ^KEAI^JESTATE^RANOTERS^ National Life Insurance company to A. M. Geesamsn and W. W. Heffelflnger, 100 feet on Fourth street N by 100 feet on Seventh avenue, lot 18, block 6, Brad ford & Lewis' addition $3,250 Anna M. and Melvln C. Miller to John P. Branyen, lot 3, block 3, Haywood & Pond'8 Hennepin Avenue addition.. 7,500 Samuel S. Thorpe and wife to A.' Herman Johnson, lots 9 and 10, Lawndale 12$ Gust Plrttineu and wife to Edla S. and Salamon Anvinen, lot block 2, Hicks' addition 2,100 Massasoit Land company to Albert C. Sut ter, lot 24, block 5, First division of Reeve Park 150 Massasoit Land company to Anna M. Gleason, lot 23, block 5. First division of lieeve Park 130 Emma T. and Dan T. Chamberlain to Robert W. Martin and wife, lot 20, block 1, Elisha Morse's addition 260 E. F. Cate to Edgar B. Teeple, lot 13, block 6, Remington's Second addition.. 730 W. G. Woodworth and nife to Wasco Warehouse Milling company, lots 4 and 5, block 4, Vinton Park 75ft Mjron Drew to Nicholas Daw. lots 20 and 21. block Hosedale Iark SoO Minnesota Debenture company to Minnie Taylor, lot 3, block 2. Walton rear rangement 100 Wilis M. Lindley and wife to Frank J. Domanski. lots 12 and 13, block 7, Turner & Wainock's First addition... 750 Louis P. Chute to William M. Stanley, lot 19, block 15, Sibley addition 850 Georgiano Broun to John D. Wagner, lot 7, and south half lot 6, block 1, Hance's addition 6,500 Marie B. Tardj to Amos Fortin, undivid ed one-half of east 30 feet of lots 6 and 7. block 9. Bottineau's addition 1,000 John Burns to Carrie Seelje, east half of west half lots 6 and 7, block 6, Wil son's rearrangement 240 Benjamin Mavon and wife to Martin Mul care, east *S6 reet or west TZ leet ot lota 25 and 28, Menage's supplement... 1,550 Malvina and A. C. Sutter to Wiliam J. Murray, lot 4, block 7, Lyndale Avenne addition 4,7T5 May G. Hineline and Thomas H. to Emll Gastafson, lot 6 block 6. Wolverton's addition vox John P. Pielrowskl and wife to Henry Yost, lot 4, block 13, J. 8. 4 W. Elliot's addition 6,100" Thomas B. Lindsay and Wife to Samnel D, Langley. lots 1 and 2, block 5, Henenpln Avenne addition 2 850 Charles W. Payne and wife to G. T. Gus- 5 tafson, lot 18, block 2, Janney & gan ders' addition JO Charles A.. Anderson and wire to Hans J. Johnson, undivided one-third of lots 5 8 and 9, bloc2k' J. S. W. Elliot's additionb JJO Bliza G. Willoughby to Oscar Holmqiiist! Beck' addition.. 1W S Hannah S. Stewart to James P. Churchill and wife, lots 1 and 2, "block 43 Cal houn Park i 70 0 Theodore Schmlte to Peter Schmltz/'lots 9 and 10, hlock 4, Butler & Kalk hoff's subdivision 000 Investmen company to James McK. Thompson, lot 21, block 16, Motor Line addition 300 Bdmnnd G. Walton aeency to Earl A. Rosing, lot 10, Walton's North Side addition jgQ Lizzie and Horace M. Farnham to James H. Cuthill, lot 11, block 3, California Park ^jjgj Lucas Mortl and wife to Arthur Marku sen, lots 2 and 3, block 15, Rollins' Second addition 750 Charlotte A and A. L. Smith to John B. Painter, northerly 80 feet except west 80 feet of lot 6, block 28, Cottage City 1 goo Henrietta, Romtetta and Mary O'Dowd to Peter Roman, lots 5 and 6, block 27, Lennon & Nswell's addition BOO J. H. Lesher to Archibald A. Crane, lots 14 and 15, block 6, Fair Ground addi on 5ft Eighteen miscellaneous deeds Tout. .$67,680 A. F. Bemis and Chester Simmons, 620-22 Fourth street S, two-story brick addi tion 86,000 George Benz & Sons, 218 Hennepin altera tions 5,500 Harriet A. TourteUotte, 3801 Twenty-sec ond avenue S, 1% -story frame dwell ing 2,000 Mrs. Martha Shaman. 506 Summit ave nue, 1%-Btory frame dwelling 4,000 C. F. Sandhott, 2508 Harriet avenue, one story frame dwelling 2,000 Charles H. Singer, 883 Twenty-third ave nue SE, two-story frame dwelling 1,200 James Meehan, Jr 2116 Irving avenne S, two-story concrete block dwelling.. 8,000 E. J. Pihl, 8508 Third avenue S, two story frame dwelling 4,000 Ernest 'Watts. 3034 Thirtieth avenne 8. 1%-story frame dwelling l,80p P. O. Bkanger, 4309 France avenue S, lU-story frame dwelling 2,150 P. P. Koelstad, 4708 T'pton avenne S, two-story frame dwelling 1,800 Jotbam S. Murray, 2203 Sixth street N, 1%-story frame dwelling 1,600 Fifteen minor permits 4,045 Total $88,6 jraOTOGRAPmC^SUPMalES^ KODAK FILM DEVELOPING AND FINISH. V': log done expertly photographic materials out business established twenty years. O. H. Peck Co.. 112 5tb S. "Vt* MACHINERY IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING KA. ir-f chinery: large stock of second-hand and new. trig Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d st 8. Mpls. ffj OPTICIAN^ JOHN J. DOWD, OPTOMETRIST AND 0PT1- dan. osUcal dgpt. Minneapolis Dry Goods Co. i-