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"mi'-' my. v, iU^"* fey* $5 A alues OUR BEST SERVICE IS AT YOUR SERVICE SEVENTH AND NlCOtlCT Our May Sale of Wash Goods and Silks Is Now In Progress. Battenberg Curtains* 99c Pair We have an hundred pairs of these to dispose of at this price, which is exceptional for a good 40-mch by 2V^-yard curtain. fif) White and Arabian colors. Pair jrZfC ARABIAN CURTAINS. Three lots of curtains in best Arabian net, with edge and insertion. $3.75 $ 9 Malaca plated Table Spoons, set 13c Extra Special in Table Tumblers, thin blown, fancy etch ing, assorted patterns, worth $1.00 dozen, special, each, 5 China Department. Salad Bowls Plates Teas and Saucers, Creamers, Japanese decorated china Salts and Peppers a variety of other items all go at, each 10 Tuesday Evening, values $5.98 $10 values $6.55 RUFFLE MUSLI N CURTAINS $1.25 values 90c $1.35 values 95 $1.50 values $1.15 $1.75 vaues J9 $1.95 values $ 1 3 5 $2 values $l'.39 BRUSSELS NE CURTAINS. $4.50 values $3.45 $5 values $3.65 $6 values $ 4 QQ $8 values $6.25 $12 values $ 8 $16 values $12.50 ARABIA N NOVELTY CURTAINS. Made on best quality Arabian net $3.75 values $2.98 $4 values S3l35 $4.50 values $3.85 $5 values ..x$4r!l9 $5.75 values gj $6.50 values ft 20 Per Cent Discount on Mission Furniture All this week. None excepted. Just the thing for furnishing your summer home. Bright Basement Benefits Stransky all white steel en ameled ware, consisting of Colanders, Wash Basins, Sauce Pans, Mixing Bowls, Pudding or Millt Pans Vegetable Dishes, Platters, Strainers, Tea Pots, worth up to 50c, special 25 N 0 "White enameled Chambers, 4 sizes, -worth to 65c N 18 25c No. 22 35c 20 29c No 24 39 0 Open stoneware Slop Jars, good size, onlj 49 Cohered Slop Jars, worth $100 spe cial 69c Kni^ ea and. Forks, malaca plated set of 12 pieces, reg ular 85c only 59 set. Malaca plated Tea Spoons, set of 6, only 8 Pictures Renovated Frames Re-gilded The Beard Art Galleries Fourth Floor. TelephonesTwin City, 88. N. W., Main 1185. Attractive Rugs at Attractive Prices BEAUVAI S AXMINSTERS. Regularly. Size. $123 18x36 inches $2.75 27x63 inches $4.50 36x72 inches $1S_ 6x9 feet $-? 8-3x10 6 feet $30 9x12 feet TAPESTEY RUGS. Regularly. Size. $1.25 27x54 inches $7.50 6x9 feet $15 8-3x10-6 feet $16.50 9x12 feet 20c Japanese Matting \QQ yard. DA YTON'S~7th & Nicollet-DA YTON'S -PROOF STORAGE SB The Largest in the WestThe Finest Anywhere. Ureqvalea Facilities for Packing. Moving. Storing and Shipping Household Goods THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Ware one 400-410 E. Lake St. Main Office. 46 S. Third St. Price. 89c -$2.45 $4.19 $15.50 $21.50 $25.75 Price. 98c $6.45 $13.50 $13.75 And good rubber too is used in making The Monarch Bicycle tire. The best $3 tire made. See your dealer. We sell at wholesale only. GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., 21 SECOND STREET S. By& jh.e wayHave you secured your 1906 Bicycle Tag? MAY MEAN NEW \*r PARTY IN IOWA Close Political Alliance of Farm ers and Labor Unions Is Proposed. i i3 Special to The Journal, Dps Moines. May 15 The Iowa State Federation of Labor has determined on li new movement which, if successful, mav bring about many political changes in the state. A closo political alliance with the farmers' organizations was proposed at the Ottumwa convention of the federation last -v\ eek, and steps were taken toward bringing it .into effect. The legislative interests of the two fo treat bodies of citizens were declared be in common. President A. L. Urick was instructed by the convention to endeavor to bring about a better un derstanding between the trades unions and the farmers. In furtherance of this idea, a reso lution was adopted instructing the pres ident of the federation to visit the an nual meetings of all the farmers' coun ty institutes and farmers' co-operative societies, and to ascertain if the farm ers and the unionists could not unite in seeking common political ends. Say I Is a Natural Alliance. The delegates to the Ottumwa con vention argued that, like themselves, the farmers were, to a large degree, at the mercy of combinations of capital and that a political alliance between them was perfectly natural. The convention was remarkable for the attention paid to politics, and work ingmen were instructed and urged to stand together on political issues as they never have been before. This action was the direct result of the late pronunciamento of the, execu tive council of the American Federa tion of Labor, following its unsatis factory visit to President Boosevelt, President Pro Tern Frye of the senate and Speaker Cannon. Prejudice Must Be Put Away. "In seeking co-operation with the farmers,'' said President Urick today, our greatest difficulty 'will be in over coming the preiudice and misunder standing which now exists among the farmers with respect to labor organiza tions. Our effort will be to promote a mutual understanding, to give the farmers a better insight into our aims and to get better information about the farmers and their needs." It is pointed out that if the plan of the Iowa federation is successful it may result in the formation of a new politi cal party in this state. TEMPERANGE LECTURES FOLCHICAGO "COPS" Journal Special Service. Chicago, May 15.A novel plan of Chief of Police Collins for the regener ation of the Chicago policeman who likes a "nip" now and then was made public by Lucy Gage Gaston last night at the anti-crime meeting of the Gar field Park Federation of Churches at St. John's Methodist Episcopal church. The plan consists of a series of tem perance lectures to be delivered to the police force by the Rev. E. Tennyson Smith, the Calvinistic evangelist of England? Miss Gaston said the chief discussed it with her while she was vis iting his office yesterday afternoon. Do you know that iio single man in his office drinks? They are all teeto talers. Tie chief is at -fine man, said Miss Gaston. ROBS STORE IN BROAD DAY THIEFWITHARMOR-PLATE NERVE RUNS OFF WITH TRAY OF RINGS AT WINNIPEG. Winnipeg, Man., May 15.While a rainstorm was at its height here yes- worth $750. The thief made, good his escape. PLANT AT RACINE BURNS Racine, Wis., May 15.The plant of the Higgins Spring & Axle company at Racine Junction, one of the largest man ufacturing establishments in the city, was practically destroyed by fire about 7:30 last evening. The buildings and eontents were valued at $250,000,. BO YOU KNOW That Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the only medicine sold through druggists for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ail ments that does not contain large quanti ties of alcohol? It is also the only medicine, especially prepared for the cure of the delicate diseases peculiar to women, the maker which is not afraid to take his his full confidence,- by print- several schools ot practice, recommend ing them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Prescription" Is advised. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a free booklet, and read the numer ous extracts from standard medical au thorities praising the several ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are made, and don't forget that no other medicines put up for sale through druggists for do mestic use can show any aucn professional endorsement. This, of itself, is of far more weight and importance than any amount of so-called "testimonials" so conspicuously flaunted before the public, in favor of the alcoholic "compounds. The "Favorite Prescription" cures all woman's peculiar weaknesses and de rangements,thus banishing the periodical headaches, backaches, bearing-down dis tress, tenderness and draging-down sen sations in lower abdomen, accompanied by weakening and disagreeable catarrhal, pelvic drains and kindred symptoms. Dr. Pierce and his staff of skilled spe cialists may be consulted free by address ing as above. All correspondence is treated as sacredly confidential. By con sulting in this way the disagreeable questionings and persona) "examinations are avoided. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very interesting and- valuable, chapters on the diseases fhousandto VK.f.^a!., DMMA THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL HOFF MEDICINE REDUCED The Genuine Hoff Medicine Price. 35 cents a bottle (full size). Compounded after the true and cor rect formula of the famous Prof. Hoff, of Vienna, Austria. Known and recog nized everywhere as a positive cure for Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the breathing organs. The genuine bears the "Crown" trade-mark. Sole Agentsiin Minneapolis, 8. H. BROUNLEE DRUG CO., Successor to Dlllin Drug Co., 101 Washington A v. 8. LIVES IN PERIL IN N. Y. ASSAY OFFICE Collapse of Building- and Death in Acids Feared by Secre tary Shaw. Journal Special Service. Ne York, May 15."A collapse of the United States assay office New York at any time need not surprise anyone. The lives of workmen are in constant danger. If a collapse were to occur the large quantity ot acids, the molten metals/ the pipes of hot air and steam would convert the mass into a charnel house. I do not think I am overdrawing the picture." The above is part of a communication sent by Secretary Shaw to the house of fepresentatives. He recommended the construction of a new assay office and, whether that be done or not, urged strongly that congress confer authority to rent safe quarters for the services. terday afternoon a thief hurled a brick i Johnston, whose resignation from +be thru a window Henry, Birks & pastorate of the Fifth Avenue Baptistt y. Louis' jewelry store ana grabbed a tray with about $7,000 worth of dia mond rings. He ran down an alley, with the clerks in such hot pursuit that he fell, scat tering the jewels. Fifteen were recov ered, but three were evidently secured by the robber One -was a fine solitaire Pr ng upon each bottle wrapper all the Ingre dients entering into the medicine. Ask your druggistIf this is not true. "FavoritePrescription," too, is the only medicine for women, all the ingredients of which have the unqualified endorse ment of the leading medical writers of the eculiar women. It contains over one pages. It is sent post paid, on receipt of sufficient in one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only, or 21 cents for a copy in flexible paper covers, or 31 cents for a cloth-bound copy/ Address Dr. R. V. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. One a_ laxative, two or -three cathartic The force at work in the two build ings that make up the assay establish ment consists of thirty men in the re fineiy an^l forty-two in the assay de partment proper. In addition there are always visitors moving about the place. The danger to which these are constant ly exposed is indicated by Secretary Shaw. It arises chiefly from the use of strong acids, which, the course of the fifty-eight years since the refinery was built, have almost exhausted the tensile strength^of the timbers and met al supports. But the enfeebled 'condition of the interior structure 'fs n~ot the only source of danger. The south wall of the re finery has a good sized bulge. To pre vent it pressing further outward heavy trusses have been set. It was judged by an expert who recently exanjind this bulge that the expedient of trusses might not be relied upon much longer. JOHNSTON TO BE BEAD OF GHIGAGO UNIVERSITY Journal Special Service. New York, May 15.John E. Rocke feller's pastor, the .Rev. Dr. "Rufus pastorat the Bap church has caused much comment in ec clesiastical circles, upon his return from his contemplated European trip will be come president of the TJniversitv of Chicago, which position became vacant by the death cf Dr. William Bainey Harper, who in his lifetime was per haps the closest friend of the Standard Oil king. It was stated that Dr. Johnston re signed because the notoriety which the Bible class of John D..Bockefeller, Jr., was receiving was distasteful to him, but the Rev. Mr. Johnston himself denies this and adds that his friendship with the Rockefellers is more closely knit than ever. ACCUSES UNION THUGS OF MURDEROUS ATTACK Journal Special Service, Chicago, May 15.Attacked within a few doors of his place of business, 42 Wabash avenue, and kicked and beaten into unconseiouant ss bv two men who are believed to be union "sluggers, W. S. Edwards, president of the W. S. Edwards Manufacturing company, now lies at Chicago Emergency hospital in a critical condition. The assault was wituessed bv more than one hundred persons, who feared to interfere, and pursuers who chased one of these luggers for two blocks were driven back at the muzzle of a re- c^*.4.~ ^t U^^*-. -J volver which, one of tHe fugitives flour- ettOrtS Ot iceen people. ished and who threatened to shoot any one who came near him. Mr. Edwards, who ormerlv was pres ident of the Gas & Electrical Fixture Manufacturers' association, is believed to have incurred the enmitv of the ga3 and electric fixture-hangers' union thru his recent efforts to settle the strike which they called several weeks ago. His activity in this direction is considered to be directly responsible for the assault. FIRE IN SHIP'S HOLD Vigilancia Beaches Havana, Her Cargo Badly Damaged. Havana, May 15.The Ward Line steamer Vigilancia, which was reported from Cape Lookout May 12 to be on fire reached this port from Ne York to day, one day late. The delay in her ar rival was caused by the precaution in keeping her near the shore during the fire, which was under control on Satur day evening and which, it appears, was chiefly confined to the ship's stores in the forward part of the vessel, all of which were practically consumed. Her cargo also was badly damaged by flooding the holds with water. The loss is not known and will not be as certained until tne report of tlfe board of survey appointed bv the American vice consul is maae public. "WILLISTON, N. D.The special election for the purpose ot empowering officers of the irriga tion association to sign contracts with the secre tory of the Interior resulted unanimously la SKTVH: aC twh action. SAYS HIS WIFE'S LOYE WAS STOLEN RICKERD OF POLK COUNTY, MINN., SUE FOR DAMAGES. J. E. Cooley Charges Him with Alienat ing the Affections of His Wife and Asks for a Judgment of $25,000. Special to The Journal. Grand Porks, N. D., May 15.J. E. Cooley has brought an notion ui the dis trict court of Polk county against C. W. Eickerd, secretary and treasurer of the Grand Forks Lumber company, 'for dam ages in the sum of $25,000, charging Eickerd with the alienation of his wife's affections. The papers were served on Mr. Bick erd in East Grand Forks by Deputy Sheriff Hugh Quigley, who also served a writ of attachment on the Grand Forks dumber company covering any interest that Mr. Eickerd may have in the business. R. H. McCoy, president of the com pany, says that Mr. Eickerd has no in terest in the business beyond a salary interest. R. G. Brown of Minneapolis and Murphy & Duggan of Grand Forks appear as attorneys for the plaintiff. ALUMINUM SCABBARDS FOR ARMY. Springfield, Mass May 15.Aluminum scabbardswill supersede, those of steel, wood and leather patterns in the United States army. At tests of the United States armories in this^ city and Rock Island, 111, the aluminum scabbard out classed scabbards now in service in every particular. Tr)r 1&# May 15, 1900. Then to "do things" is easy. There's a Reason."' Have a try at NO PLACE The Lazy Ones Must Stand Aside. The dull heavy feeling from coffee may not amount to much in itself but it's a great obstacle in the way of fame and-fortune for it kills ambition and makes one lazy and finally sick. The successful men or women must first conquer themselves. The way to Conquer that dullt stupid feeling nine times out of ten is to pay a little at tention, to proper food, coffee in par- and Waiting Roo ftr sr "zrj*? NEW TICKET OFFICE*.. 13 North 6th Street OPENS FOR BUSINESS WEDNESOA Y, May 16th Commutation and "Sightseer" Tickets on SaleInformation Bureau. It will be a Pleasure to Serve You! "Minnetonka Electric Line" CARNEGIE ENAMORED OF CHINESE LANGUAGE Journal Speoial Service, Pittsburg, May 15. Mark Twain lias been deserted by his partner in the form of English orthography. Andrew Carnegie has become enamored of the Chinese language and is going to get out a book on the origin of the celestial tongues. He is not the author. The Rev. frank Chatfant of this city has worked over it for manv years and it will be a pretentious work. The Chinese have no alphabet, only about thirty thousand characters which represent words and flows of Chinese conversation. Mr. Carnegie sees the possibilities of this. There can be no orthographical monstrosities in this, but great care will have to be exercised to print the language. It was announced today at the meet ing of the Presbvterian ministers of this city that Mr. Carnegie had con tracted for the publication of Mr, Chal- fanP boook. Th- cost will be enor mous. Mr. Chalt'ant has taken hun dreds of photographs of Chinese charac ters and these will be reproduced in halftone. FRIGHTENED TO DEATH BY A COFFIN "JOKE" Journal Special Service. New Orleans, May 15.Susan Wash ington, a young woman of Crowley, La., is dead of fright as the result of being locked up a dark room all night with an empty coffin. The girl was at a party with a number of young men, an they concluded that it would be a good joke to lock her up with the coffin. She entered into the spirit of the affair, but the boys failed to unlock her. The strain of staying with the grewsome object was too much for the girl and sh died a few hours after being ieleased. Ca You Cu Out the "Yellow" Streak? All got one, you know. Some small, some large. The more "y up, the less yellow gold in your character and pocketbook. Is your yellow streak the coffee habit? Does it reduce your working force, kill your energy, push you into the big crowd of mongrels, deaden what thoroughbred blood you may have, and neutralize all your efforts to make money and fame It does that very thing for thousands who don't suspect it. Languid, half sick with stomach and bowel troubles, heart weak and hardly half alive, you cannot succeed un- der such fearful handicaps nowadays, when the world only yields the crown for the best leaving off coffee for 10 days. Build back to a clear-cut mind and healthy body- by Postum Coffee. That's the true route to health, and .with bounding exuberant health you acquire "Energy plus." NOTEPostum is only good to the taste when well boiled. Then it is prime and toothsome. ticular will dull the senses and make one feel lazy and stupid after the first effects of the cup have worn off an hour or so after drinking it. I was a lover of coffee," says ia Ne York man. "It sjeemed to me breakfast was nothing without it, but I noticed an hour or so after breakfast a dull, stupid feeling came over me ac companied frequently by nausea. "Thinking perhaps it was caused by coffee I wanted to make sure of it so I jrave up the use of coffee and drank ^a^l^gj^^jjgatagg^ BULL' ANDREWS IN LAND FRAUD LIST New Mexico's Delegate in Con gress Charged With Grabbing School Lands. Journal Speoial Service. Washington, May 15.Charges of di rect violation of the land laws against "Bull" W. H. Andrews, now the dele gate in congress from New Mexico and officers of the New Mexican govern ment, have been made to the house of representatives by the secretary of the $$ interior. Nearly ten thousand acres of land, granted to the territory as school lands by congress with the stipulation that not more than 100 acres should be sold to any one person or corporation and then only upon the payment in cash of the price agreed upon, have passed into the possession of Andrews and the Pennsvlvania Development company, it is charged in violation of both these imposed conditions. Secretary Hitchcock in his letter to the speaker of the house says there ia no authority outside of congress to en force the original act granting the land to the territories and therefore sub mits the matter for such action as con gress may take. The story* is told a repoTt from a special inspector of the department of the interior and in letters from the com missioner of the land office and the as sistant secretary to Secretary Hitch cock. These documents charge collu sion between the officers of the terri tory whose duty it was to safeguard the school land and Bull Andrews who was trying to secure them for his own purpose!. Postum i fr r? IIII.IM.H t~ 0 in your make- ii V2 Postum in its place. old trouble disappeared and I learned to look for ward to my Postum with as much eager ness as I used to look to coffee and in stead of being bad in its effect. Postum is very healthy and I feel ''fit as a lord right along. Name jpven Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason why Postum help* toward fame and fortune when used iff place of coffee, the drug drink. Look in each package for the famou* little book, "Th fcoad to_Wel^yie'f