Newspaper Page Text
Do You Want1 tw has iustly 1 to Know What You Swallow? There is a growing sentiment in this country in favor of MEDICINBB OP KNOWN coMroaiTiox. It is but natural that one should have some interest in the compo sition of that which he or she is expected to swallow, whether it be food, drink or medicine. Recognizing this growing disposition on the part of the public, and satisfied that the fullest publicity can only add to the well-earned reputation of his medi cines, Dr. R. V.ePierce, of Buffalo,"N.sY.i, taken tim by the forelock, a i were."and V'p'ubhshiag broadcast a~Hst ?T^i of all the ingredients entering into his I l^jg* attacked them. A little pamphlet as been compiled, from the standard medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter mto Dr. Pierce's medicines. A copy of this little book is mailed free to any one de unng to learn more concerning the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's med icines. Address Dr. Pierce as above. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tiny, sug ar-coated anti-bilious granules. They reg ulate and Invigorate Stomach. Liver and Bowels Do not beget the pill habit," but cure constipation One or two each day for a laxative and regulator, three or lour for an active cathartic. Once tried always in favor. Tn EVERY SHADE5HAPE 8 PRICE The Letter From Papa (Abridged from the New York News Letter. (A play In one act.) Dramatis personae: Widowed Mother, Mrs. Remsen Son, aged 5 Letter Carrier. SonWhere is papal I want him. MotherPapa is gone. Gone away n a shipthe ship of fateand gone very far away. I wish the ship would come back and take us, and then we'd see papa soon. S.And won't we see papa until the hip comes back for us? M.No. Not till the ship comes for us. S.Papa would hurry back if he knew you were crying, wouldn't he? M.Yes, dear he hurryif he knew I was crying, and that you wanted him so very much, and that you needed him so badly, I'm sure he'd hurry. If he could see the empty grate, the bare table and the empty purse and if he could see your pinched face and your thin little legsyesyes dearie I KUWW he'd hurry then, he'd (rising)Good God! He'd burst the grave asunder and heaven itself to reach usto tell us that he never thought, ne"v er dreamed that we should come to this. We are cold and hun gry, and I have no money and no friends. (Flings herself into chair, arms and head on table, and sobs hys terically.) (Enter letter carrier.) Letter CarrierLetter for Mr. Ralph Remsen. M.(Takiug letter)Thank you. (Exit letter carrier.) (Opens letter ana reads as fol lows "Mi. Ralph Remsen, Dear SirThe second annual pre mium of $650 on your Policy No. 95,656, for $20,000 will be due Aug. 1, 1905. Please remit on or before that date. The dividend is $75per inclosed divi dend statement, and may be used to ap ply on premium or to increase policy by paid-up insurance of $175 at your op tion. (Signed) The State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester, Mass." M.Twenty thousand dollars! (Looks at little boy.) Dearie? S.Yes, mamma was that letter from papa? M.(Excitedh)Yes but wait darling, let mamma think. Twenty thousand dollars' I didn't knowhe never told mebut it must be true the company would not send a notice if it were not true$20,000! A comfort able homedecent clothingrespecta ble society for both of usand an education for my little boy! S.And what did papa say, mamma what did be say? MPapa suvs for me to take the very best care of his little boy until we meet again. The reason why the widow received $20,000 was because her Husband had a policy in THE STATE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF WOR- CESTER, MASS and the reason Why he had the policy was be cause he didn't put off taking it for that more convenient season which never comes. If you have not suffi cient insurance, see an agent of the State Mutual, and do it now! Widows and children cannot live by means of insurance -which was going to be taken some other time. Any agent of the State Mutual will furnish full informa tion on request. W. Van Tuvl. general agent, 408-14 Loan & Tiust Building. Augustus Warren, Geo. A. Ainsworth, R. S. Thomson, Solon Royal, Fred W. Woodward, Ezra Fransworth, Jr., Delbert L. Rand. "The h\es of all your loving com- Stratford Hotel European Plan Refined, Elpgant, Quiet. Located cor ner of city's two fiaet boulevards, convenient to entire business center. Close to best theatres and shopping district. 225 rooms. 150 private baths luxurious writing: and reception rooms woodwork mahogany throughout bass beds and all modern comforts telephone in every room beautiful dining rooms the best of everything: at moderate prices Michigan and Jackson Blvds., Chicago The white ball which was to have been given last evening by the mem bers of the Minnetonkao Boat club was called off owing tto the heavy thunder- plices lean upon your health"a nd view hotel Ihev entertained Miss Marguerite health does not last lurance, take it now! If you need in fWhen in Chicago" Stop at The Quit the "cellar or attic habit" & advertise the "outgrown things & nka 00 ay Hoe i UoPf ?Tr? *vS 1 leading medicines, the "Golden Medical I Saturday is announced as the day of Discovery the popular liver invigorator. the annual cruise. stomach tonic, 'blood purifier and heart regulator also of his "Favorite Prescrip tion" for weak, over-worked, broken down, nervous and invalid women. This bold and out-spoken movement on the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing exactly what his well-known medicines are composed of, completely disarmed all harping critics who have heretofore un- ^T^F x? The Baptist assemblv grounds at Mound are invaded br several* hundred Baptists who make the annual assem bly the occasion of their summer out ing. The place in its activity suggests a buiv bee hive, for there is that con stant coming and going and doing of people at work. From dav to day the assembly hotel is filling and Miss Camm&ck will find the question of how to take care of her guests a perplexing one if the rush to Mound continues. Several hundred persons can be oc commodated \n the i,aseinbly cottages and tents, where a great many of the visitors will be housed. Thirteen young peoplf of the Burr street church, St. Paul, will go out Monday and will be settled for a vacation in the Fitch cot tage. Among the visitors is the Swedish "ioung Ladies' quartet of St. Paul, in cluding Mrs. R. P. Earl, Miss Esther Swanstrom, Miss Ellen Swanstrom and Miss Olga Larson. All are accom plished songsters and their charming RRfl nfin OIVEN AWAY, in copies of i programs mean a great deal in the way !***WWU Medical Adviser, a book that sold to the ex- bers. tent of 900.000 copies a few years Last copi $160 fear ago, at 51 50 per copy, year we gave away 130,000 worth of those Invalua ble books This year we shall give away $50,000 worth of them Will you share in this benefit? If so. send only 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only for book in stiff paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. Address Dr E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N 'HSjaPWPUMBRELLA S people's Common 8ense of entertainment to the assembly mem- Among the names which are already on the register are those of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Chidester and family of three. Rev. S. P. Woodruff, state evang elist, and Mrs. Woodruff, Rev and Mrs. E. R. Pope, Mrs. Fred Spafford, Rev. and Mrs. George Tunnell, Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Moorhead, Dr. M. Moorhead, Dr. P. McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Wil gon and, children, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bromley, Sr., Mr. apd Mrs. N. M. Good rich, Mr. and Mrs. j3ergstrom and chil dren, Mrs. Alstrom, Mrs. A. F. Gale, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and sister, Misses Hoefline, Alice Gould, Florence Allen, Lucile and Edith Meeker, Davis, Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Huestis, Dr. and Mrs. Walter" Huestis, Misses Ella and Agnes Crounse and Edith Buchanan, Samuel Batson, T. E. Hughes of Min neapolis Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stetson, Mis Lucie Stetson and Harold Stetson, Mr. Rider, junior leader of the Phila delphia church and Mrs. Rider, Miss Emma Robertson, Miss Roberts, St. Paul Rev. M. J. Hilton, St. Paul Dr. L. L. Henson, Providence. R. I. Mrs. Harriet Hill, Chicago Miss Florence Stewart, Miss Grace Monroe, Stillwa ter Anoka has a representative body of Baptists on the grounds. Among those who are enioymg the pleasure of camp or cottage life are Mmes. W. B. Wilson, T. G. J. Pease. C. D. Green, Misses Eva Smith, Rose McPheeters, Clara Belle Claire, Mabel Sanborn, Mammie Leo pold, May and Orabelle Wyman, Ethyl Green, Gertrude Kinsman, Maude De Lane, Grace Davis. Miss Beatrice Ambler gave a yellow and white luncheon Wednesday at her summer home on the assembly grounds at Mound in honor of St. Paul. The decorations ^.were pond lilies and the name cards were views of Lake Minne tonka. A guessing contest was played and the prize, a box of candy, was won by Miss Henrietta Mears. Covers were laid for eight and the guests were Misses Mary Stone, Mildred Jenkins, Margaret Bucklue, Marion Strieker, Muriel Thayer, Henrietta Mears, Ger trude Moore and Beatrice Ambler. LAKE BREEZES. Miss Wright of Oklahoma is visiting her aunt, Mrs Everinjton Ralph Wilson of Northfleld spent Sunday with Professor Ingraham's family. Miss Marion Smith has returned from a few months' visU at Lisbon N Mr and Mrs. OUver Swift spent a day with Adolpb. Noble at his cottage. Orient. Rev and Mis E Carter of Edgerton. are guests of T. Hughes and family. Mr and Mrs. E. Holton of Chicago are visiting their mother. Mrs. A.. L. Bates. Mrs S J. Fairfield will entertain Miss Bdna Jeraldlne Brown over Sunay at her Monnd home Rev and Mrs. L. E. Vleta of Watertown. N. D.. are guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Pirth. Mrs A.. Peckham and daughter were guests of Professor and Mrs W. H. Kercher Thursday. Professor and Mrs. D. 6. Shephardson and Miss Mary will be Sunday guests of Mrs. C. W. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pate and two children, of Denver, are in the Huestis cottage for a month. Irine Carlton and Mr Norwood of Milwaukee are guests at Miss Bverington's cottage for the season. Mr* H. Schustrum of Kansas Oity is the guest of Ernest Fagenstrom at the Mound As sembly jrrornds. Miss Cora Huestis has returned from a several weeks* vipit with her aunt. Mrs. Wallace, at Chippewa Falls. Wis. Mrs A Y. Baglej was the guest of Mrs. Hallowell Tuesday and joined a party of friends on a lake trip on the Acte Mrs Rossing and daughter Ruht, of Chicago, and Miss Nora Morton spent Saturday with Miss Morton's sistei Miss Flora Morton Mr and Mrs Fred Stowell, who have been spending the week at Mrs Abrahams' Wil "lowwood Inn, returned to the city this week. Mr and Mrs W Foster and family, Mr*. George Crocker and Louis Crocker, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Foster of Lin wood. Miss F. M. Lamp of B1? Timber, Mont., is a guest of her sister, Mias E. L. Lamp of North field, who is occupying a tent during the as semblv. Mr and Mrs E. Carter of Edgerton, Minn., are guests of Mr and Mrs George E Hughes at their cottage on the Mound Baptist Assembly grounds. Mr and Mr* Harry Travis. Tiho have been east attending the annual typothetae meeting in Boston will not be home until the latter part of next week Mr and Mrs Boutell, John Bontell, Mrs Royal Shute and son who have been spending a few weeks tit the Hotel del Oteio, returned to their home in Kenwood Monday Mr and Mrs Robert F. Sermour of Denver have arrived at the lake and are guests at the Bavvlew hotel Mr. Seymour is connected with the editorial department of the Denver Times Mrs James Bladon and little daughter Isa belle are plnnnlng to leave next week on a visit with Mrs Bladon's relatives in CanriHa, and with Mrs Bladon's daughter, Mrs. Wayne Browning, neur Chicago i Mr and Mrs IC Light and He-bert Liirht of Chicago nre guests for the season at Bav- Wells of Chicago and MIBSS Mattie McMullen of Minneapolis Wednesday. Miss Eleanor Miller of the Elencre Miller School of Oratorv of St Paul will give a read ing, "Les Miserables," Aug. 6. Mlsss Miller's leadings are always considered delightful fea tures of entertainments by the Mound guests. Mrs Robert Smerler ento-talned at a lunch eon for Miss Anna Wilderman Thursdav at her Mound cottage. The decorations were sweet peas and a teach cover were red carnations. Covers were laid for Mmes. Ashley, Mears, 0. Buck bee. Miss Marjcaret Mears, Mrs. S. J. Fairfield and Mrs Smerler The young men of the Great Northern, who have" been keeping machelo-s' cam? fcr two weeks ot Mound Assembly grounds, folded their tents yesterday. In the Darty were Ed, Joe and Frank Maher. Frank Tipping, Georre Sullivan, Mark Milan. Robert McBride of St. Paul. Thty entertained Mrs. F. Maher. Leo and Will Maher, Mrs. F. Tipping, Mias Conklin and Miss Jahnke. THROWN FROM A^O Mrs. 6. W. Turner Has Painful Experi ence 'While Biding. Mrs. G. W. Turner, 115 East Fif teenth street, was thrown from an auto mobile and painfully injured last' even ing while riding along Central avenue. The chauffeur had turned the machine sharply to dodge a pile of paving blocks and Mrs. Turner was thrown ou and under1 t^'p^. the wheels Th machinet was stopped quickly and the woman was taken to her home. Her condition is not thought to be serious. miMiM&^^^ ^"jtef %.J? CLUBS AND CHARITIES w~ Epworth League Assembly. The state Epworth League will be in session at Groveland, Minnetonka, for ten days, commencing next Friday. Rev. Donald McKenzie and W. G. Cal derwood, both popular among Minne sota young people, have been aided to the list of speakers. The fourth de- Sy artment conference will be conducted R. W. Keesey of Owatonna and Miss Ina Ingersoll of Jowa has been secured to direct tho^Junior league class. One of the attractions of the assem bly is the entertainment to be given on Thursday evening by Miss Eleanor Millei, of the Miller School of Expres sion, St. Paul, who will read "Les Miserables," with music furnished by a quartet. Next Saturday evening a moonlight excursion will be given on the lake and the following Saturday afternoon there will be a steamer ride, the start to be made from the dock at 2 o'clock. "IN SPITE OP ALL" Band at Harriet Surmounted Many Difficulties. Nothing more indicative of the spirit which has spelled success for the Oberhoffer Orchestral band has been seen than the manner in which it triumphed over difficulties last night. Mr. Oberhoffer and his musicians played the last Wagner night program in three parts. Part one was played on the roof until the rain put an effectual damper to Herr Wagner. Part two was played in the cafeuntil the lights went out. Part three was played in the dark and included the entire over ture flom "William Tell." Each part was enthusiastically received by the audience of several hundred, who glad ly stayed for the finale. Tonight is the last of the Oberhoffer engagement and as many hundred citi zens as can get on the roof will prob ably attend the concert as a testimonial to the work of Mr. Oberhoffer has done and is doing for musical Minneapolis. There will be three features on the program. As a special number there will be played for the first time by any band, "The Boys in Blue," a march written by Marie J. Weeks and Frank W. Bresee of Minneapolis and formal ly indorsed by the local, committee as the official march of the G. A. R. en campment. Miss Laurentine Palmer will play as a cornet solo "Remembrance of Swit zerland," and Signor Tommaso di Gior gio is down for a euphonium solo. PART i. March, "Board of Park Commission ers" Oberhoffer Grand selection of scenes and airs from the opeia "Aida" Verdi Cornet solo, aria, "Remembrance of Switz erland" Miss Laurentine Palmer. Walts. "Vienna Woods" Strauss March, "The Boys In Blue".. Frank W. Bresee PART II. Fantasie on "My Old Kentucky Home".. .Dalby Introducing grand variations for bary tone, cornets, clarinets, basses, petit clari net, piccolo and bassoon. Overture, "Tell" Rossini Euphonium solo, "The Palms" Faure Tommaso di Giorgio. Airs from "Miss Dolly Dollars" Herbert VERDI MUSIC TONIGHT Italian Composer Will Be Prominent in Wonderland Program. The Duss band does not conclude its engagement at Wonderland today, but remains over Sunday. This is in defer ence to requests of visitors to the sangerfest, who found Sunday to be the most convenient day for them to visit Wonderland. This afternoon's program was from German composers exclusively, and tonight's will be from the Italian, with Verdi featured. PART I. VBRpi PROGRAM. Grand march from "Joan of Arc." Allecro." storm scene from "Risoletto." Duo for cornet and euphonium, "Miserere," from "Trovatore Messrs. Bert Brown and P. C. Funaro. PART II. Overture. "Sbnierawide" Rossini Intermezzo from "Pagllacio" .Leoncavallo Sextet from "Lucia di Lammernan" Donizetti Messrs Brovtn, Pierno Carlson, Phlnney, Lange win and Funaro. "Dansa Esetica" Mascagni Grand tcene from "Andrea Chenier". .Giordano Prelude, peasant chorus, the feast, arrival of the countess, the oath, commotion In the streets, duet between Chenier and Madaleni in the J4il, at the guillotine, final, the death rXhe engagement of Mrs. Carrie B. ICing of Minneapolis to Warren Stilwell of New York is announced. The wed ding will take place immediately after the first of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Stil well will reside in Newark, N. J, Mrs. Henry J. Moreton and Mrs. George W. Peavey poured tea this after noon from 4 to 5 o'clock at the Miiu kahda club. Owing to the damp weather, the tables were arranged in the glass dining room, which o-ives a pretty view over the links. The greater num ber of guests who called remained dur ing the evening for dinner parties and for the dance which followed. Mrs. Charles H. Hood and Mrs. Walter W. Heffelfinger served tea yesterday after noon during the refreshment hour. The golf dinner wliich was given last night in the large banquet room was one of the delightful affairs. There were 100 covers and the decorations were in veJ low and red. Dinners and dances this evening will bring the eventful week to a close! Miss Edna Leighton of Kenwood, La., who formerly lived in Minneapolis and who is in the city on a several months' visit will be the guest of honor at a theater party Tuesday evening at the Metropolitan theater, at which the J. L. D. girls will be the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gordon, who formerly resided in Minneapolis, and whose home is now in Butte, Mont., were guests of honor at supper and theater party Thursday evening, which was given in their honor by a group of their former neighbors. A matinee party was given at the Metropolitan theater Thursday, by the I. O. club. Present were the Misses Mayme Durham, Harriet Gongel. Hattie Kelleg, Josephine Durham, Gertrude Schubert, Mabel Weber and Helen De Haven. Miss Alvylda DeHaven chap eroned the party. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mrs W Hooper, Miss Helen Hooper and Harold Hooper are borne from a five weeks' stay in the country. Miss Clara Schmidt of Milwaukee is spending a few days with Miss Edith Rosing of Illon ave nue N B. H. Timberlake leaves for Redwood Falls, Minn this evening to spend a few days with his family at the home of Mrs. Lola Chadder don, Mrs. Tlmberlake's mother Mrs. Timber lake will return with Mr. Timberlake Wednes day and will stop at Lake Minnetonka, where thdj will be for a few weeks at B*ntwood. Mrs 8. Totton of 1508 Eleventh avenue S is entertaining Miss Etta Corpstein of Dubuque, Iowa, for ten'days. Minneapolis arrivals at STew York hotels: Cosmopolitan, C. D. Taylor Seville, J. Calder Gilsey, W. Byron Imperial, W. H. Mc Gregor Holland, H. Duvlgneau Cadillac, Dr. K. E. Moulton, W. H. Mosher Hotel Astor, F. G. Daniel&on, F. O Mason. The members of the Simpson M. B. church will give a picnic Tuesday on the Excelsior picnic grounds Charteied cars will leave Lake street and Nicollet avenue at 9 a m. The Emerald Social club will give a steam boat excursion tomorrow down the Mississippi on the Purchase and barge, to Lake St Croix. The start will be made from the St. Paul boat landing at 10 a.m. The following Americans registered in Paris: Mrs Lewis Aveiy North and Miss Effie B". Trump, Minneapolis. SURGEON TAKES HIS OWN MEDICINE. Vienna, July 28Professor Baron Elselberg, noted surgeon of the Vienna university, after performing two difficult operations for appendi citis surprised his assistants by ordering them to clean the operating table and make preparations for a third operation, announcing himself to be the patient The assistants corroborated Profess or Eiselberg's opinion as to the necessity for an Immediate operation, which was successfully per formed. D.TosepSaK. Uentley of Grind Mich died at, he residence of LEAD, S stone City his son, Samuel In tills city, with whom he and his wife were visiting. Comb Out? Anty Drudge Jollies the Doctor. Patient (anxiously) -"How do youfindme this morning, doctor?" Doctor (cheyfully)- "You're doing nicelv, and will soon be about again. Your arms are stilL a bit swollen, but that doesn't trouble me at all.'' Anty Drudge-"! guess it doesn't, doctor. _, It wouldn't trouble her either, if 'twas your arms that were swollen. But then it serves her rio ht. She should have used Fels-Naptha to do her house-cleaning. Her house would look cleaner, and she'd be around the house now singing like a bird instead of being bed-ridden.1 GOMPANY E GETS EAG COVETED PRIZE, THE HONOR PLACE FOB G. A. R. PARADE, IS WON IN COMPETITION DBILL. CAPTAIN HALPH S. B0STW10K. Of Company E, Which Last Night Won the Flag Competition of The Journal Cadet Regiment. Photo by Miler. The thunder and lightning that seemed to presage a heavy storm cut down the attendance at the competition drill of the Journal cadets at The Par ade last night, and the regimental drill had to be abandoned. About 250 ca dets participated in the drills, which were rushed thru in time to complete them before the rain fell. Major'B. R. Henderson of the G. A. B., C. P. Schouten of the state univer sity cadet corps, and George F. Weit sel and Frank Yates of the national guard, officiated as judges. The prize was the honor of being designated the flag company during the G. A. R. par ade, and Company E got its reward for its hard work by winning under Cap tain Bostwick, from company, which has previously held the flag. Company C, however, made a good effort to keep it. Owing to Captain Plouff having been recently appointed, the company was handled' by Major Ives and Lieu tenant Acton. Both companies did so well that the decision was a very close one. As Captain Wiserman was late, Com pany drilled under Captain Camp bell of Company A and captured third place. Company under Captain Clark stood fourth. Of the others, K, I and F, stoqd in the order named. The attend ance of the other companies was so light as practically to bar them. While,the competition is settled so fas as the flag is concerned, it is planned to have another when weather condi tions do not interfere with bringing out the full strength of companies. In the baseball game which preceded the drill, Company I defeated Company L, 17 to 4. Because of the rain the practice march to Cedar lake this morning was abandoned. Tonight Com panies and hold a special drill at Holy Trinity church. TOBIN GETS LIFE SENTENCE. Chicago, July 28.For the murder of John La Vine, a well known Onion labor leader, John Tobln will spend the remainder of his life In the penitentiary. This was the punishment fixed by a Jury here yesterday. The murder occurred early in June after a meeting of the cigar makers' union, at which Tobln, who is a crip ple, applied for aid from the union and the application was opposed by La Vine. As La Vine left the ball where the meeting was beld be was shot and killed .by Tobin. OWATOHKA. MINN.Work wan this week commenced on the new city hall. The contract was let for $20,000 to Hattmel Brothers & Anderson of this city. When the hair combs out badly! That is the time you want to know exactly what to do. Here is advice founded on an experience of half a century Uae Ayer's Hair Vigor! It feeds the hair-bulbs, gives life and strength to the hair. The hair stays in, grows rapidly, keeps soft and glossy. There is hand- some hair in every bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor I j.o.AyerOo &*>',-+: *K*wft I Art Iowll. Bin. tmmasr Get genuine Eels-Napfha soap. Imitations are imitations. For scrubbing and house-cleaning Fels-Naptha soap is just as superior as it is for washing clothes. It does all any soap will dobesides lots of things impossible with other soaps. For instance, it whitens floors in addition to cleaning them takes dirt off varnished surfaces of hard wood without dulling the varnish brightens dingy paint work and brings out the colors in oil cloth and linoleum and in doing this cleaning you use a cloth instead of a scrubbing brush. Easier, isn't it? It will remove grease and stains from carpets and rugs as thoroughly as can be done by a professional cleaner. It will even take out blood stainsthe severest test a soap can be put td. For disfy-washing Fels-Naptha has no equal. It will "cut" the grease quick as a wink. As hot water is not necessaryonly cold or luke- warmthere is no danger of crack- ing fine cut glass or fragile china. Full directions for doing all these things the Fels-Naptha way are printed in the wrapperthejrcd and green wrapper. And, by the way, you can drive away ants and roaches if a few shav- ings of Fels-Naptha soap are put where these disagreeable insects con- gregate. And, if you wash your dog twice a week with Fels-Naptha soap 7' he'll not be bothered with fleas. There are imitations of Fels-Naptha soap. Be careful. sSgiS- &%&Eo^ 4Mi YOUR GROCER ^PREFERS TO SELL from Twin Cities &j &$viam<M CEYLON AND INDIA GREEN TEA Because he knows of its absolute purity Lead Packets Only. 60 and 70 per lb. A All Grocers'. Highest Award, St. Louis, 1904. PILLSBURY ACADEMY^ OWATONNA, MINN. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND OIBLS. Attendance last year, 240. Two large dormitories, heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Five other buildings. Complete equipment. Four- teen acres of campus. Maximum preparation for college or scientific school. Diploma admits to any one of a dozen colleges east and west. Special courses in Music, Art and Elocution. Athletics of all kinds. Championship football team last year. Military Drill. Finely illustrated catalogue on application. Fall Semester begins Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1906. Principal will be at the West Hotel, Minneapolis, from 1 to 5 o'clock p.m., on Mondays during July and August. MIliO B. PRICE, PhJ. Principal. CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE FOUNDED 1867. DR. F. ZIEGFELD, President. College Building, 202 Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, Ills. Forty years of artistic achievement under the personal direction of its Founder and President, Dr. F. Ziegfeld, has made the College one of the vigorous educational forces of America. "5 Offers facilities unsurpassed in America or Europe. Has the strongest faculty ever assembled in a school of musical learning. Investigation will demonstrate the superiority of this institution. BOARD OF MUSICAL DIRECTORS: Dr. F. Ziegfeld Hugotfecrmann Dr. Louis Falk Hans von Schiller Ernesto Console William Castle Bernhmrd Listemann Herman Devries Felix Borowkl Mrs. O. L. Fox Hart Conway, Director School of Acting All Branches of SCHOOL OF ACTING, II11 I SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, OPERA, I O I Modern Languages. RECENT ACQUISITIONS TO THE FACULTY: HUGO HEERMANN, The world renowned Violinist and Instructor, of Germany. ERNESTO CONSOLO, The Eminent Italian Pianist. 41st SEASON BEGINS SEPTEMBER 10th. ILLUSTRATED CATALOG MAILED FREE. VOTE^ Applications for the 45 free and 150 partial Scholarships will be received ""ft! September 1. Summer Trips California and back, June 1 to September 15. You may travel on the lux urious California Limited along the historic Santa Fe Trail, and visit the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Harvey serves the meals. 1 mm Saritafe! ^0 !AJlth"wajr AA the Santa Fe asentat Guaranty Bldtf., Minneapolis. I IM