Newspaper Page Text
Special We liave reserved for G. A. R. week the whole of Morris' Addition to Fort Frances one of the most important and admirably located additions to that great, new milling, manufactur ing, commercial and railway center at the great Koochiching Falls. There are 1,475 lots in this splendid addition, every one of which will be disposed of to Minneapolis visitors during G. A. R. week, at the extremely low prices, from $35 to $100 Each mad on the unheard of easy terms of ONLY $3.50 Down HI.75 Per Month Wtthout Interest. These-lots will within three years be worth from $350 to $1,000 each. Con struction work on the big dam is go ing on day and night dirt is flying and railroad work is being rushed at both ends. It Is, therefore high time to secure some of this property here being sold at such low prices and on such easy terms. Take advantage of the cheap rates and come to our offices whea la Minneapolis. TheLLENGER COMPAN (Formerly "The Bnger-Nord Realty Co." and "The N. W. Homestead Lo cating Co.," consolidated), 120 Temple Court, corner Hennepin and Washing ton Avenues, Minneapolis, Minn. IDAHO IS BEING DEVELOPED There Is money to be made in a sew, growing country, where irrigation is pos sible. Farm lands in the vicinity of Wei eer, Idaho, are reasonable now and sure to advance. Send for our list of bargains. HERE'S ONE: 160 acres, 8 miles from Weiser, 5-room house, splendid soil, at $40 per acre. JACKSON & BJCCORD, WKI9ER, IDAHO. $$3K$$3$e$^ S It's not enough to have read the ads last week, nor to intend to read & them next week. Today's reading of $ $ the ads is as essential as is today's & 4 reading of the newsif you would & "keep step with things." $ 5^0 5 5 2 2 2 2 5 2.2 &*$- *ot =^5.-2 s'a'A & ffl Jg GO O Jt* 0 I** 3o."S 2 3 ^3 ffl 2*M S*rf-n-^D0 a "ere a ca tffi H^^ B. ^i? a'-.ffl 00 S-Qcn &a a 2 ffl a 2, 2,3-" a P^ ^tfSa- M2"t 3' a ad!_.jQ ffl OJ S^ 2 a cu .9 Mi? P"S- M, a9 a irt-o a _^_Hffli_i ^""^PMC. 3 ?e- 'S, a a a, 1 50 ctoa ffl e*'s 2? 6 9* 0 sr 0 0Q Wednesday Evening, Renting Cars Day or Night. NOTICEWe have road representatives. And Trans- fer at Wabasha and 7th Sts. in St. Paul WEISER, IDAHO. THE BEST LANDS. LOWEST PRICES. Rich Soil. Abundant Water. No Crop Failures. RBFBRBNCB: First National Bank of Weiser. r-a Type D20 h. p.4 cylinder$2,800 f. o. b. factory. Special Price $2,500 This car is in perfect condition, having been run only three weeks. Franklin Runabout made in the 1-gallon Efficiency Contest last Saturday, 84 11-20 miles. Franklin 4-passenger car made, with one gallon, 25 3-10 miles. Both excelling all other ears in distance. Moulton-Jordan Motor Car Co. TAKE ANY INTERURBAN GAR Fireworks on Wednesday and Saturday Mights. III! li IIIIIIf Soli*! H3 2 B* to Brffl 1 SS gj.2?:e s+~H HJ O 06 Er'ffl 1 ffl S!"^ i-^oa tn O a "V-o wffl O p-C^cn B' *"s C'=*2 "B~^v.' ffl 09 B-g ffl 8 ^S-d ejffl oi*p 3 CO ffl ffl i O ffl ffl r+ o-JsSn 3.^ 3 Qj ffl M" & ffl ^ffl &H "O a ,_, rt-"co _. S 2 3.0 B-^ffl p-H i& 3 ZfS .3". 3 is* a'ST 2 &jBo B* rt- H* ffl ffl P. I-HO r- .B*2_a( a VS: S-jq rt-ai-b oa OfflS^ffl- tt* _t oB S-ftaffl^S^ ^.P* DO S so a H, i rfff h'?"0 tiS B' S 0Ef2 2yiI2 2 S 2 a 3 x-S?!l- H- 217 Fourth Street So. A MILLION teeth seems like too many, but we buy* all our material in large lots. That's one reason why we can make you such low prices on such high grade work. Talk with Us. No charge. Best 22k Gold Crown $3.00 Best Bridge Work, extra heavy. .$3.00 Set of Teeth that fit, best material, price $3 to $5 Fillings 50o PAIEKS DENTISTS CHOICE IRRIGATED LANDS. S-ftrt-O-B P~ .1376STRobert 1 MINNEAPOLIS Office 243 Nicollet Ave. For Wildwood Cars From St. Paul Every 15 Minutes. One of America's Finest. I Fare from Minneapolis Each Trolley Trips. Way 20 Cents. WHITE BEAR LAKE'S IDEAL PARK RESORT. W61 W.S* S'O a 8 Jf a .Sf S rt-a*te Cja-ri-K B^H tfH. M:S)o^d& p B*B 3.2 ti-ffl4 PAUL Office St., CLIMATEIILD& HEALTHFUL Finest Fruits, Melons, Ber ries, Grains, Alfalfa, Sugar Beets grown in any country. Weiser Valley soil cannot be beat. Rich, fertile and no alkali. Send for Descriptive Price List. Addrtss R. 0. McKIRlEY, Weistr Idaho. cr ^i K^&rJ'T'P'r- PJC9 fPjOB HsS S 55 2.B .S ffl & jyi^ a 3o!tp S' S^o tb? -.3 S:2 H?B rt-'^S a B-ffl 5 rt-^t0 3 3pa ^sae-le^Er lasts' a 5 ffl 3J a^^ 3 50 OJ a 2 S.2 5*5 f^is ax & 2 & .6 5 & 3 a ft rt SJO Q^J B/O e'3., 2 goa^B 0 B^ S QJ S ^Hsffl i a "Ji3Sta i^B 2 o^ ^.2-5-aBl Ssj?- ^rfg.-SQ ?5 3 p? 0 0 a cSS'g:^| :a,-" ^rBaftr orfflirfBet'BCi'aij' 1 1 i Offl BSS ua93 lip^ilfa^?,-^ 2.8 5* a ~j p.0S 0 S-^vH," a a JH..^ t^aft_ aw rt-" Mffl 'w^w 3 2 S-3 5 __?B a- IHJ'Q S 1 sTi W g&. BoBPX, Stf'o -5"S. 2 S*S'?w we S rt-S-'S &5* *-^T^ 3 & H 3.^ gfg 2 H* S a O rt-B MJBT'M log r-B*hr O ffl ffl B-W BTiW ft" O *-hw Oft f* saiwaBHSS^isms THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL ^fW^^W^WP^ JOHNSON AGENTS ARE FIXING PAPERS DETAILS OP ONE NEWSPAPER DEAL MADE PUBLIC. State Oil Inspector Secures Support of Former Republican Paper at Bed wood Falls in Return for 2,000 Sub scriptions for the CampaignOther Deals Are Fending. Democratic appointees of Governor Johnson are doing some strenuous work in lining up country newspapers for their campaign work. The facts of one recent deal have come into possession of republicans in Redwood county, who are giving them wide publicity. J. A. McDermott, state oil inspector, has been negotiating for some time with A. M. Welles, editor of the Bed wood Falls Reveille. The paper is re publican and supported Dunn two years ago. Last winter an offer was made to buy the paper, but after some con sideration Welles refused it. Recently an agreement was made by which the democratic committee is to pay Welles $750, covering 2,000 subscriptions to the paper for a three months' period, and the paper is to be sent to a list of 2,000 voters supplied by the com mittee for the time between Aug. 1 and the election, Nov. (J. The deal is the equivalent of 500 annual subscrip tions, converted into 2,000 for a quar ter of a year. The Redwood Falls account says there were several preliminary meet ings, and that Welles went about a month ago to a local democratic com mitteeman to ask him what he had heard from McDermott. Getting no sat isfaction, he went to St. Paitl to meet his man. McDermott then came to Redwood Falls, July 30, and at that visit the deal was closed. They drove to North Redwood in the evening and there met some local democratic lead ers, who ratified the agreement, after G. W. Vaughn, the deputy oil inspector for the district, had secured a promise of the paper's support for the state and local democratic machine. The agreement ran afoul of the pos tal regulations the first thing. Cir culars were issued to the 2.000 voters on the list, notifying them they would receive the paper free for three months, and the Aug. 3 issue was then mailed. The postmaster at Redwood Falls at once notified the editor that under the regulations a paper could only be mailed to a free list three times in' a year on second-class rates. After three issues he must pay 1 cent postage for each copy, unless the department construes the rule differently as to what consti tutes free copies. The incident is being widely dis cussed in western Minnesota, and with corroborative details. One editor in eastern Yellow Medicine county met McDermott, who told him he had fixed a paper at Canby, and would like to get another in the east end. The editor replied that "h would see Frank Day." McDermott said that would be just as well, as Frank could attend to it all right. New York Excursion. From Chicago over the Grand Trunk Lehigh Valley Double Track Scenic Route, account reception to Hon Wil liam J. Bryan. Rate one fare plus $2 for the round trip. Tickets sold Aug. 28 and 29th, good to return until Sept. 4th. For full partietolaxs, call on or write to, W. J. GilkersoB* Traveling Passen ger Agent, No. 713 Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis. 3.B2rt S-o -g. p-p i s^s s-p S^g a B-3-2 W HH|B5iir PpDP'-SH- O Defective Page j_ Men's Box Calf, Vici Kid and Patent Lace Shoes. New Store $2.50 and $3.00 fe grades, cut to.. S* FREE GUIDE TO TWIN CITIES 'Twin City Trolley .Trips" is a handsome 48-page folder, beautiful ly printed in colors, on finest paper, in highest art. Tells, in an enter taining way, how to see all the in teresting sights of the Twin Cities in the least possible time at the least possible expense. Filled with beau tiful pictures and instructive charts. Also includes a large colored pan oramic map of Twin Cities, their fa mous lakes, parks and resorts. You should have one for your G. A. B. friends. Can be obtained only on personal application at Ticket Office, 13 North Sixth Street (not given to children), or mailed to any address on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. Ad dress General Passenger Agent, T. C. R. T. Co., Minneapolis. 4 00 ffl rt^z-sffl ft S ffl B-Q& tspLBs "^Upiiaawwi*^ Men's Canvas Shoes, rubber and leather soles, New Store price to $2.00 AQ cut to PUU Men's Tan Russia Calf Lace Shoes, $5.00 values, at half price Men's Satin Calf Lace Shoes. New Store $2.00 O 4 shoejclosing sale *P Men's Patent Leather Bluch ers. New Store $2.50 and $3.00 grade. To clean up $1.98 Men's Slippers, easy Ahg% for house wear nMPlif Men's Tan Russia Calf Bluch ers. New Store t0 $3.50 grades at %Pfc05 S^ 0-2:1 S.Q a 4"* 2.B-P tB* ust 8, 190& *SGfflP L ~ffl .Ort-* Vi -5- ^P 3.8 5 .5- W .B* M a-B'chw a oi M2 BIG SHO E SALE! ENTIRE'20,000 NEW STORESHOE STOCK TO BE CLOSED OUT A ONCE :ATJ Knnhlaiirh'c Famou Arcad Sho Store llimillimH 23 and 25 S. Whlngton-and-239 lUoltet Awnm. MANY LINES HALF PRICESOME LINES LESS. This Sale Will Make Your Shoe Bills Easy. A $2.50 Ladies' Tan Russia Calf Bluch er Oxfords, Ne Store $2.50 price'.gofor..w S.S.S S 30 O & C6 7 B*TPS i Pa 5 E. 1^2 0 1 ffl B-. 6 rt 2 S3 ffl h^ 5 l-k a 2. 2* 2 B-B ii 3 2 rfM^ & O 1 OCLO -a^s.iB^|^a i^as^ B*S.'SfflS S & 2 2.ffl 2. B* *i &^ S3 cco i aQ S*P ao 5f. a.' 2, OJ ^K PT J E B^ft-oJ _^p^^ -5 BTS^ 2\o^gg S 5. ft*J3 5* ffl w. ,-MJO BO sgls-|illl| S'fta ftB?.? 2.5*^. if Ladies' Pink, Blue, Gray and White Canvas Gibson Ties New Store $2.50 4 M_Q price cut to N* *1,5 Ladies' White Canvas Gibson Ties $1.49 and $1.25 Ladies' Kid Strap Slippers, New Store $1.25 and AQ A $1.50 grades, to close vOO Ladies' Kid Lace Shoes, New Store $2.50 shoes ft 4 JB This sale N* *MJ Ladies' Kid Oxford Ties, New Store $1.50 values, QQ A this sale J9%9\0 Ladies' Queen Quality Kid and Patent Lace Shoes. New Store $3.50 grades, at *PSmmW Ladies' Kid House Slippers, New Store $1.00 fiQft grades, to close wmFO ffl & Soo S.rtS 5- e* S: 2SM" 3 B'S.lS.o S- CaS-37 a T"?'^ M B*E:5-2- Sa, n-O *SPg2 B*ffl ct-B {M00 II 3 5 a 2 Wo t-ai" ffi a a rt-B B*B*8Lo5:o S ffl B*P c*-g-B* S" rt-e+ O oaf? -2.^ o'c^^ r- 2 --ff ^2 31*1*2 r*S*| S^ffl 5 0 o^g.S-5l s?.3 -'3 wg e^ 6a ^S %B O ffl Misses' and Children's kid lace shoes. New Store "TQf $1.50 shoes cut to Misses' and Children's white canvas Gibson ties. New Store $1.50 price. This QO^ sale OOt* Misses' and Children's patent and kid strap slip- 7Qn pers **w Children's shoes and JR A CERTAIN SAFE TREATMENT Even if mercury and potash could cure Contagious Blood Poison the condition in which these strong minerals leave the system would make the cure worse than the disease. But they cannot cure the vile disorder they can only cover up the symptoms for awhile to break out with renewed vio- lence when the treatment is left off. When the virus of Contagious Blood, Poison enters the blood the entire circulation becomes poisoned, and the loathsome symptoms begin to appear. The mouth and throat ulcerate, hair and eyebrows come out, glands of the neck and groin swell, copper-colored spots appear on the body, and in severe cases sores and ulcers break out, and even the bones become diseased. S. S. S. is the only certain, safe cure for Contagious Blood Poison thousands have been cured by it after failing with the mineral treatment, Hot Springs, etc. It is the only remedy that is able to get at the root of the disease and force out the poison so that no signs are ever seen again. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, being made of roots, herbs and barks, and never leaves any bad effects, but instead, tones up the stom- ach and digestion and builds up every part of the system while removing the poison from the" blood. Book with instructions for self treatment and medical advice free. THE SWiFT SPECiFIG CO., ATLANTA* GAm rf-00 tfO 3) 3 "S" S ft'BSKciS1S^Pg.H a r- W a rritB & Co* 2 ffl ffl 00 1 ffl CUHJ TO O ffl ft B^rt-C^r 2 O-B" 5 HS Sol ^-iS1*3 S-B a 25*. C*B ao 3 1 ffo-|B Si* S 3CR S S 2 S-^-S-S n-1 O IT. cro n-a a MaCO 2 ^Ojg^ 1 Cfi 1 CD i HH.HH 5 2 8 MC* S^l Mart- j 3 P"P i. 6JI^ ffl QS.^2?. .&B. .^^P -e5 ffl 5 ef ffl *"'ffl Bag 5TE.S? O rt-ffl S 2 Si3 a a ^*J. &^2 Kgg-g.d 0, B 0, S J'ffl ^B"l, B*P- 3 SO IJC-C ffl JS OB^i _.. 5:^ B*C0 0 0 O 3g g^ CI''B ft UU 0"ZL ft 2 cut erg S- S- WS.*'' B"2 *-0 i a** jfo rt-SJ.JJ.ffl 5 ._ fc*2.. 5 2 3I5SB* f. 98c t, A slippers, to close %M\* Misses' chocolate tan kid lace shoes. New Store $2.00 price. To close at, per ft 4 9 Children's kid lace shoes. New Store $1.25price. To RQA close at MPO rt-HH a &JS2 *B S I b3 ffl rt-b. O s. ft ffl B"_ ffl 2 5 S a ffl fiu S 3 -rt I? rt*8 B* rt-ffl J* P O e^ a* ct- v. r* N ecu 2*n 5 8 3*5 CU S3 s. ggg'S-ai 5- 3 2.ftPS0Qft'f4a PS' s- Hrt- c*-w rjrt- Om S'g's S g L 3 S ft ft 1 *-i rtN* Qtf c*-a S'S A MieaHaMiHBi MMBjUVMiraiil