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'Xt ft --f. a Be Sure to Get What You Ask For. *^HERE is a Reason Why the Good People of Amer ica buy Cascarets as Fast as the Clock Ticks. Every second some one, somewhere, Is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cascarets. 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 660 times to the Minute, 60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxes an an Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours, 1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some. I Think of it220,000 People take a Cas caret tablet each day. Millions use Cas carets when necessary. 1 The Judgment of Millions of Bright Americans is Infallible. They have been Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rate for over Six years. Over Five Millions of Dollars have been Spent to make the merits of Cascarets known, and every cent of it would be lost, did not sound merit claim and hold the constant, continued friendship, Patronage and Endorsement of well-pleased people year after year. There is also a Reason V/hv there are Parasites who attach themselves to the Healthy Body of Cascar et's successImitators, Counterfeiters, Sub stitutors. 1 They are Trade Thieves who would rob Cascarets of the "Good Will" of the people, and sneak unearned profits, earned and paid for by Cascarets. A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest Product and a Disregard of the Purchasers' Health or Welfare. Beware of the Slick Salesman and his ancient "Just as Good" story that common sense refutes. Cascarets are made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and put up in metal box with the long-tailed on the cover. They are never sold in bulk. I Every tablet marked "CCC." I Be sure you get the genuine. THE A. THEs ^Tfts-F-f? Wash Jackets Thursday, 8:30 to 9, we offer about 50 wash jackets in loose, half fitted, Norfolk and Eton styles. Values up to $4.50. Wash Skirts Thursday, 9 to 10 a.m., choice of entire stock of wash skirts plain whites and plain blues circular, pleated and broidered skirts values up Choice, $1 99. Waists Another of those popular sales Thurs day at 10 a.m. This time we offer all odds and ends and broken lots accumu lated during the past week in Taffeta Silks. China Silks. Embroidered Linens. Fancy Lingerie Waists. WHERE FASHION REIGNS. 403-405 Nicollet Avenue. All Sales Final. The Plymouth Clothing House, Nicollet and 6th STOUNDINGre- ductions in our Skirt and Cloak D'pts. Thursday We will offer for sale all our $10 and $.50 $12 skirts for.. $7.50 and $8.50 $ .00 Panamas for.. $2.75 and $3.50 $1.50 duck skirts for 1 Eton Coats in wool and silk. $10.50 $.00 values for Pony and Box Coats. $12.50 values $R.OO for *J 74g North American "The good of the old, the Eest of the new methods." i CONABCTIOM WiTM Postal Telegraph-Cable Go. The Journal carries most wants every day In the week. "There's a $ reason." We dnesda Ettabllefced ..IS MERCHANTS OF FINE CLOTHES. OUR STOCK ALWAYS THE NEWEST OUR PRICES ABSOLUTELY THE LOWEST. $ Values to $4.50. At the start the design counts for more than skill in work manshiphowever the idea and its realization or materialization are so closely allied in all the Hand Wrought Gold Jewelry we produce that the greatest care and skill must be exercised to get the most beautiful effect out of the idea. So successful have our experts become that we have won the enviable rep utation of there being "no sec ond place to go" in the North- westHudson is the first and only placeWe invite you to ask for estimates and designs J. B. HUDSON & SON 519 Nicollet Avenue. Jewelers. Society Stationers. BARNUN ^115 NICOLLET SPECIAL $1.00 and $1.25 pare Extension Arms 49c Elbow Length Lisle 75c 610 Ntcolht Art. JSvfadwr.Si*S .99 $ em- $6.75. Values to $6.75. .95 $ 1 Values to $5.50. All on Second Floor. CLUBS AND CHARITIES Club Calendar. THURSDAY Woman's Home Missionary society of Highland Park Presbyterian church, Mrs C. Cummings, at 2131 Girard avenue S, 3 m. Western Avenue W. C. T. TJ., Mrs. Thompson, 311 Aldnch avenue N, 2 30 m. Cassiopeia Needlework guild, Mrs. L. Marshall, 3232 Second avenue S, all day. W. C. T. U. Officers. The officers elected yesterday at the annual confeience of unions of the W. in the lecture room of the First Presbjterian church were* Presi dent, Mrs Powell, vice president, Mr3 Frances Neal secretary, Mrs E Thompson treasurer, Mrs. B. Howser The committee appointed to arrange the woik for next year con sists of Mmes M. E. Hoover, B. M. Howser and Powell. Eight unions were represented at the meet ing. EXPERT IN GOLD re- paired now and get sum- mer prices. A. ZEKMAN, Farrier 23 Fifth Street Soath., Between Nic. and Menn. j?S522. MISS C. E. MASON'S Suburban School For Qlrls and Young Ladies "THE CASTLE," Tarrjrtown-on-Hudcon, N. Y. A beautiful and perfectly equipped school. Ev ery facility for outdoor life For catalog: address Mis* C. B. MASON, L. L. M., Lock Box 718 Refer to Miss Hattie A. Wolff, School for Piano forte Study. Minneapolis. Summer address Be Wins, Minn. 3v **-f Miss Kate Harries of Cincinnati and J_. T_ dan of the Colonial will give a lunch eon for them. A pretty wedding took place at the Soldiers' Home today, when Miss Madge Davis became the bride of E. F. Webbei, Jr. Miss Davis is the daughtei ot Dr E Davis, surgeon at the Home, and Mr. Webber is the son of Judge E F. Webber of the ninth judicial district, whose residence is New Ulm. The service was read in the chapel by Dr. E. M. Adams. One hundred invitations had been is sued and the ceremony was marked by charming appointments. The flower garden at the Soldiers' Home, which is renowned for its wealth of beautiful blossoms, had given up its gorgeous flowers which, amidst the glossy green of palms, ferns and evergreens, made an exquisite setting. Eoy McKusick and Miss Lucile McKusick furnished a progiam of vocal and instrumental music. Miss McKusick played the bndal choius trom "Lohengnn" as the bride entered and shortly before the serivce Mr. McKusick sang "Bid Me to Love,'' after the vows had been spoken he sang Conquered,'' and Miss McKusick played the Mendelssohn march as the recessional. Miss Davis wore a charming wedding gown of white French lawn made over a slip of white taffeta. The dress was elaborately trimmed with real Valen ciennes lace and insertion, and she held a large cluster of bride's roses. After the seivice a reception was held in the apartments of Dr. Davis at the hospital Eoses, asters and sweet peas made an attractive ornament in the rooms and on the table, from which a light xiollation was served. Mir and Mrs Webber left in the afternoon foi Duluth en route to Buf falo by way of the Gieat Lakes, where they will spend a few weeks before going to their home at Fianklm. Minn Among the guests from out of the city were friends of the family from Man kato, New Ulm, Fianklm and the twin cities The bride was presented with many beautiful gifts. Mrs. E Eodney of Park boule vard was hostess at a dinner last even ing in honor of Miss Stewart of Colum bus, Ohio, who is her guest for a few weeks. Golden glow, in a mound of feathery asparagus ferns, made a prety setting for the table, and the name cards showed a dainty water color de sign of the sunny blossoms, with the guests' names written in gold. Covers were laid for eight. After dinner the party attended the concert at the pa vilion. Mrs. Bertha Eathbun Swart enter tained at a porch party yesterday after noon at her lake home, 4051 Park boule vard, for a group of Linden Hills women, to meet Miss Bertha Eathbun of Eochester, N. Y. The hours were from 3 to 5 o'clock, and receiving with the hostess and the honor guest were Mmes. G. W. Eathbun and L. V. Eath bun Golden glow and sweet peas were used and filled every conceivable re ceptacle on the porch and the living rooms, and clusters of sweet peas adorned the small tables from which the ices and confections were served. The home of Mrs. Eathbun is in close vicinity to the lake shore, and the band concert was enioyed during the after noon. Miss Eathbun is spending the summer in Minneapolis with her cousin. Master Arnold Anderson of 1818 East Two and a Half street, was host at a birthday anniversary party Tuesday from 3 to 6 o'clock. Asters and bowls of pansies gave the rooms a festive touch The guests were Misses Mable, May and Elm Anderson, Mar-)orie Nel son and Thora Larson, Masters Carl and Hildmg Anderson, Marshall Wallace, Leonard and Ludwig Nelson, Clarence and Irving Madsen and Walter Ahl berg. The marriage of Miss Corinne Brough ton and Dr. Oreil Kibbe of Harmony, Minn., took place today at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Broughton, 513 Fourth avenue SE. The house was decked with blossoms and green. In the living room where the ceremony took place, a bank of palms, arching toward the ceiling and white waterhhes with yellow cen ters, completely hid the window from view. The mantle bore white roses and dahlias, contrasting with the green ot asparagus ferns. Sheaves of golden glow in the reception hall lent a note of right color and trailing woodbine was an effective background for the blos soms. Woodbine was wound around th banister and the golden glow relieved its somberness. In the reception room stately palms were used and in bowJs and vases were pink and white swept peas. The appointments in the dining room were red A large basket oil red geraniums centered the table and ribbons of the same shade with aspara gus vines fell from the chandelier to the edges of the table where the blos soms with fern fronds caught the rib bons a knot. Flowers and vines made an effective decoration in the gift room. Before the ceremony Miss Leah Rohr bach sang "Oh, Promise Me," and as the bridal party descended the stairs Maurice Salisbury sounded the Lohen grin" wedding march. Attending the bride was her cousin, Miss Jeannette Case, who wore white French lawn and carried pink roses Little Herbert Broughton in a suit of white carried the ring in a white rose. The bride entered with her father, who gave her marriage. Her go^vn was of white French muslin trimmed with Valenciennes lace, made over white eyelet embroidered taffeta. Her bouquet was of white roses and she wore roses in her hair. Hamilton Broughton, brother of the bride, was Dr Kibbe's best man. Mr. and Mrs A Kibbe of Hampton, Iowa, parents of the bridegroom, and Mr and Mrs. Broughton received with the bridal couple. Assisting thru the rooms were Mmes. George N. Leighton and Nils Nyberg, and in the dmmg room were Misses Lucile Martin, Lily Simpson and Nina Blackburn. A large reception will be held this evening when about one hundred guests will be received. Mrs. Leighton, Mrs. Nyberg and MISB Blackburn will assist. Alternating at the frappe bowl the reception room will be Misses Helen Guild and Miss Lulu Griffith, and in the dining room, Misses Gale Farmer and Vesta Baker. Three little girls in white acting as pages will be Misses Jane Shepard, Ruth Kelly and Jose phine Leijghton. Dr. ana Mrs. Kibbe will leave this evening for a short trip, and before going to their new home in Harmonjr 5 j/^tf'iU^f THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL, they will visit Dr. Kibbe's parents in. Hampton, IowawAftar Oct, 1 they will be at home'in Harmony.* The" pride's going-away gowa as^of brawn chiffon bioadcloth with trimmings of white broadcloth, and: goia|''pra\d, with a hat to match. The out-of town 'guests were Glen Kibbe and Dale Kibbe, brothers of Dr. Kibbe, of Hampton, Iowa, and Mrs. J. LaVin of Atlanta, Gla. Mis 8 the her aunt, Mrs. Jackson, arrived this LeFevreE wili bAe marriea tonight morning from Duluth aftertfa trip by hom way of the Great Lakes, aftd are the Thomasf, 3832 Teat avenue S. Littl.C guests of Mrs. George W. Peavey at Bermce Corns wUl be ring bearer. her residence on Park avenue tor a 1 week. During their short stay in Min neapolis they will be entertained at a number of charming affairs. Mrs Pea vey will give a dinner Friday evening at the Minikahda club, at which cov ers will be laid for thirty. Mrs Theo dore Jordan will give a luncheon tomoirow in her apartments at the Co lonial, and H. P. Watson will give a dinner for them in the evening. Mrs. A T. Eand of Ferndaler,- Lak-eA Minne tonka, will havW a house party for her relativersi from Saturday to Monday, nSoms and th Danielthta bride'sh brother. Ernest [Charles W Sexton entertained a large Mrs Fre an Dusen and Mrs. group of their lake friends at a thim ble bee and breakfast today at their summer homes at Mmnetonka Beach. Mrs. Van Dusen is occupying the Greg ory cottage this summer, which adioins the Sexton summer home, and the two houses were opened for the entertain ment of the guests. The breakfast was served on the piazza of the Sexton home after the guests had been enter tained at Mrs. Van Dusen 'sj cottage. The members Of the Tourist club were charmingly entertained yesterday at the summer home of Mrs. John Lmd at Lake Mmnewashta, near Ex celsior Carriages awaited the guests on their arrival at the lake, and a de lightful cross country drive was en ioyed Luncheon, was served on the beautiful lawn, which commands an ex quisite view over the lake and thru woodland scenes. The Misses Jennie Lmd and Wmifrod Lmd assisted their mother. The tables were prettily deco rated with blossoms from Mrs. Lind's flower garden and the guests received floral favors During the afternoon hours the tourists gave a program of story telling, and Mrs. Shephard of Berkley, Cal, told the fortunes of each. Mrs. Shephard is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs Lmd. Twenty two guests were present. Mrs. Peter Christian of Howard's Point was hostess at a meeting of the Women's Territorial Pioneer club yes terday. Forty members of the club went out to the lake the morning and enjoyed the delightful hospitality of the hostess at her lake home. A basket luncheon was brought and the noon dinner was'served on the laige piazza. The regular program followed. Miss Ella Martin recited The Tuesday morning bridge whist ?artya was given yesterday at Hotel onk Bay. Caids were played from six tables and the prizes were won by Mrs. Ettenson of St Joseph, Mo, Mrs M. Sterne of St Louis, Mrs. More of St Cloud and Mis. Louis Bauman of St. Louis The week-end guests at the White House were* Charles Osgood, Claude W. Randall, Chicago: W. E. Blasker witte, Rock Valley, Iowa: Mrs. G. M. Evans, Omaha, Mr and Mrs William White, Lincoln, $eb. Mr. and Mrs F. H. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Master, Davenport, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morse, L. Scoberg, Milton Trenham, Mr and Mrs. August Aurness, Mrs Johnson, F. H. Goodrich, L. E. Johnson, St. Paul Mrs. J. M. Wilson, Roy Wilson, Mareus, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Addv, Frank The len, Miss Anna Swanson, MT. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. arid. Mrs. *C. W. Aldus, G. A. Will, Mar aailMtis-. H. R. Goetz, Mrs S. S. Brownf, Wv S. Davis,, ThomasHC H. Glenmore, W.T Ringer North, Mrs. C. H'North L. A. North, E. Sherman, Miss Mary E Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Armstrong, Paul D. Webster, R. W. Waterman, W. F. Decker, F. A. WiU, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craft. N Watson, A. E. Cavan naugh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. D. Lmdt, Mr. and Mrs M. K. Bush, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Bushnell, Minne apolis Mr and Mrs. A. N Odenheimer and the Misses Odenheimer of Des Moines have been spending four days at the White house. Mrs. E. M. French and daughter of Minneapolis spent yester day with Mrs W. Whipple. Mr. and Mrs C. H. Burlingame of Iowa Falls, Iowa, arrived Monday for a week. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Whipple are spending a week with their son and daughter Mrs. 3?. Billiter and son of Minneapolis are out for two weeks Mrs A. H. Noble and daughter of Chi cago arrived for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Babcock, F. L. Babcock, William M. Babcock of Mo berly. Mo, arrived Monday for the re mainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vander Boom and daughter of Quincy, 111, arrived for two months. Mrs. George Helein and daughter of St. Louis are guests for a month. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Miss Katherine Gordon bus returned from a ix weeks trip to Duluth. Mr and Mrs. Charles Williams of East Franklin avenue left last evening for New York for a six weeks' trip to Europe Mrs A Falconer and her guest, Mrs J. O Henderson of Norwich, Qht, have returned from a week visit in Hampton, Iowa Mr and Mrs A N rarmer have been spend lng a few days at Graham Hall Mr Farmer Is the newly appointed superintendent of schools at St Cloud. Minneapolis arrivals at New York hotels are* Astor Misses Guldbrandson, Guldbrandson, Imperial W W Klrchoff, Park Avenue, Miss Draeger Clark Smith and George W Smith left last night for Buchanan Mich where they were culled by the death of their brother, J. L. Rich ards, which occurred Monday. Mr and Mrs Manser, Mr. and Mrs. W T. Hoopes and family and Mr and Mrs Keyser of St Louis have returned from a ten davs fishing trip at Idlewild I ake Washington, where they landed splendid strings of fish. Healthy, wholesome, satin skin bestowed by Satin skin cream and Satin powder. 25c. Club Notes. At the meeting of the Eighth "Ward W. T. U., held Fridaj afternoon, papers were read by Mmes Hendrlx and Hoover, and a review of the course of study for last June was given by Mis Devore The picnic 'which was to be given Aug 17 has been postponed to Aug 24 and will be at Minnehaha park with a noon dinner The meeting will be called to order at 2 Mmes Barnes and Worrell repre sented the union at the Stillwater services Sundar and seventy five bouquets were sent by the union. A committee meeting will be held! Friday A free literary and musical entertainment will be given tonight at 8 o'clock by Friendship lodge, I O at the hall, Central avenue and Fo/rth street NE Rev. Stanley Roberts and George Earl will give addresses, Russell Chapman will give an ora tion, Leah Mcrarlanfl, Jessie Goslin, Eva Trost will contribute readings Dr Melvln Guge Percy Long, Helen Frost and Cora Hanson will give vocal solos, and Clarence Olson and Hazel Christy, with Instrumental selections, will complete the program The Graded Union Of Sunday School Teachers will meet tomorrow at 3 in the assembly hall of the W Oc A building Mrs. James Geggle will lead the devotional service, with the topic, "Women the First Messengers of the Gospel Miss Rose Turnbull will present songis will for beginners, "and Mrs, George A. Hunt teach the lesson. CASTOR IA For Infanti and Children, The Kind You H&ie Always Bought Bears the gigaatortof 1111 1 Defective Page jLj August 8, 1906. MAIL ORDERS QUICKLY FILLED. ONE HUNDRED PAIRS OP 10-4 fancy plaid all wool Blankets extra special for Thursday only, per 2^/ |%Q TWO HUNDRED PAIRS 11-4 white Cali fornia Blankets, pink and blue striped borders. Special for t41 7 Thursday only, pair VWiiM WOVEN WIRE FOLDING COTSThurs day we shall offer five hundred extra heavy improved vermin proof Cots, the regular $1.75 kind. 4 A Special, each N^ mmm%M MATTRESSESExtra heavy excelsior cotton top Mattresses to fit above cot. Thursday only, t1 BSetl each M* DAVENPORT BEDMetallic Davenport Bed, extra heavy hand tufted moss mat tress detachedcan be used either as full size bed or Davenport. Regular price $17.50. Thurs day only SPREADS98c hemmed full size Bed spreads, Marseilles designs Thursday, each Table ARA No. 3 *JC PARING KNIVES, good kind GLASS BLOCK Wash Goods for Thursday. MILL REMNANTS of 36-inch Cotton Beige Suitings in all the new gray plaids, tegu- lar value 19clengthb 1 to 10 yards. Spe- cial for Thursday only per yard Blankets and Comforters. Cot Beds and Mattresses. $10 TOWELING10c quality of checked linen Glass Toweling. Thursday spe- Qffc cial, per yard TOWELING12i/2c quality of all imported brown Crash Towel ing. Special, per yard SHEETING9-4 bleached Cotton Sheet ing, good quality per |QA yard lifU SPREADS$1.15 quality hemmed Bed spreads, full size, extra weight. Thurs day special, 8 5 Sheeting and Pillow Cases Bed Spreads and Towelings. linen 91c 79c Each Piece ONE sepecial lot of 2-piece Carving Sets good polished steel knife regular $1.25 and $1.50 per set, Oftf* special THE WILSON Bread Toaster toasts bread and makes cof- fee at the same time Lace Curtain Mill Ends. O Introduction Tables 3, 4 and 5, Main Floor. Values up to $6.00 Per Pair. Some four, six and eight of a kind. COTTON BLANKETS Five hundred pairs gray cotton Blankets, with fancy bordersjust the thing for cote or sin gle beds. Thursday, per ASkg* 36og Table No. 4 Housefurnishings, Busy Basement. ALL gray Steel enameled Water Dippers, long handles good quality regular 35c and 45c size |A. special 19o 4c POLISHED Wooden Potato Mashers, good quality MOULDS, we have a very large stock of Pudding and Jelly Moulds all sizes, kinds and figures, at reasonable prices. ''WBW..' 3c COMFORTERSTwo hundred fine silko line covered Comforters, pure white cot ton filling. On sale ifcl Thursday only, each I mFiP Furniture DepartmentsFourth Floor. See What SS.7S Will DoThartday ONE GOOD FULL SIZE 3x6 IRON BED. In white or colors. ONE WOVEN WIRE SPRING. ONE MATTRESS. ONE PAIR PILLOWS. THIS OUTFITBed, Springs, Mattress and Pillows, complete "7 Thursday only vOi OUR LINE of deep-side sliding and fold ing Cots is quite complete. We can fur nish on short notice Beds, Mattresses and Springs of every description. TOWELSExtra heavy union linen hem med Huck Towels. ft 1 I E Special, per dozen BATH TOWELS15c quality 4Q1 of bleached Bath Towels each 2v HEMMED SHEETS. Size 63x90 each 49c Size 72x90 each 55c Size 81x90 each 59c PILLOW CASES. Size 42x36 each 10c Size 45x36 each 12c Size 42x36 each 13c Size 50x36 each 14c The above prices are less than they can be bought from the manufacturer. COFFEE and Tea Pots, gray steel enameled ware and are white lined in all sizes, from S I down to 25o GRAY or blue, white lined Rice Boilers all Bizes in the stock, at very low prices, from $1.25 down to 39c. GALVANIZED Chamber Pails iiMabr felH tnr SEND FOB OUR NEW CATALOG. 12k Table ORA Each No. 5 ^OC Piece NICKEL Plated Towel Bars, large size special 6 GEM FANS, heavy tin cor ners, in all sizes 6-hole 8 8-hole 12c BLACK Japanned Dust Pans, large size. 33o 4o ALL heavy tin Wash. Boilera, with copper rims regular S1.50 and fl.75, special'**Vj No. 8 $1.19 Hg No. 9 $1.39 -A L^.M I