Newspaper Page Text
WE HAVE SO TROUBLE IN PLACING RE liable help. The following are onlj a few of OUr many positions. Write or call at once. First-class lumber bill eleik. $75. Competent office man foi tiafllc department jobbing house salary depends.. 1 Assistan bookkeeper, Scandinavian, $50. Assistant bookkeeper, jobbing house, $12. Grain bookkeeper, peimunent, $00. Young man, quick at figures, JfO 25 general store cleiks foi Minnesota, the Dekotas. Montana and Idaho ?10 retail yard managers foi same territory. Jk Experienced giocerj eleik, $50 to $00. _S Furnishing goods salesman, !j12 S. A. Morawetz A. Lo 500 Kasota Bldg Minneapolis. WANTE3LOCA MANAGERS AT EACH postoffice for combined oft lie business, no dull times, lines, leal estate, life lnsuuuice, chat tel mortgage and salni louu_, sales and ex changes of leal estue and business chances, collections, fidelitj repoits, adveitislng, em ployment local salesman etc. I nder our sjs tem you are always emplojeU. Kverj hout counts. Propositions and oppoi tunltles placed before you that iou would uevei hear ot otherwl-e. -Jxclushe tenltoij. Entire I nited States your field. Join us. make monej and be happy. The ludustiial Association, Clinton, low a. WANTEDDRY GOODS SALESMAN, Who can trim and wiite cards, position peimanent, salaij $1,000 pei jear, give refeiences, evpeiience and age, also suite it siugle or mairied. W. TV. Keyleek, Grafton, D. ooooooo_oo _o o_o__o_o WANTEDFOR U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BODIED, unmauied men, between ages ot -1 and 3o, CitUens of Lmted biates, of good chaincter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and wiite Unglish. toi intoimation apply to re cruiting officei. Phoenix building, or Coni meicial Hotel, ht. Paul, or 324 1st av S, Min neapolis, Minn FIREMEN AND BRAKEJ-EN ON MINNESOTA and other railioads. expeilence unnecessary firemen SlOu, become eugiueei- and earn *s monthl. brakemen $75 become conductors ana earn $150 Positions awaiting strong, com petent men, state age, send stamp, name posi tion preferred. Address Rallwa. Association, 74S0. Journal WE WANT TWO OR THREE LIVE MEN TO act as salesmen for rugs, either the cit or on the road We sell on the installment plan. A good chance for men who are not afraid of work. Experience not necessar). Call or addiess Creore & Niekeison Home Furnishing Co 221 SlcojleLABORERS, BRIDGE- av. Minneapolis. AN CULVERT $8.7 5 to $3.25 Montana. Pile-river men, blacksmiths, laborers South Dakota, highest wages. 100 teamsters, South Dakota free fare. 60 men, steol gang, Wisconsin, free fare. National Employment Co., 222_3d st S. ACTIVE MAN WANTED T0__-DVERTISE, Ex hibit goods and manage branch of large mail order nouse, salary $18 per week, expenses paid permanent position with advancement honesty more essential than experience. Na tional Co-, 720 Chestnut_st _ghliadelphla, Pa POSITIONS PAYING $16 TO $70 PER MONTH and no expenses for board and lodging are open to young men and mechanics in the navy advancement for nient, Urst outfit of clothing free. Apply Xavj Keciulting Sta tion, 508 Postoffice, Minneapolis _3-_AUGHTSMEN, MECHANICAL AND ELEO trlcalt we have a number of clients who are wanting all kinds of technical men, good salaries and first-class chance foi ad\anceinent. Hapgoods, 313 Nicollet Av. VTAXPEEDA GOOD ALL AROUND MAN IN -tore, one that can do a little window dress ing tod take care of dry goods stock perma nent position for right paitj, Scandinavian preferred. Apply at once at Klene'e Dept. -tore, Kennedy, Minn, WANTEDM'SN'TO LEA RN BARBER TRADE exceptional opportunity now. Only institution of Its kind in the northwest. Call or write for "free" Illustrated catalogue. Moler Bar ber College, 221 2d av S, Minneapolis. Es tablished 189- Hannah, N. D. WANTED, AT ONCE-^A CYLINDER PRESS feeder Of some experience, magazine and job "work exoluslvelj, monotvpe composition, steady job and sure prorrotlon for right young man. Address W Crocker,_Lisbon,_N. D^ __NAMA~HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED, Don't throw away old hats. A. Hussey Makes them as good as new. 327 Nicollet Av. Second Floor. c6_____---CIA_r~TEACHE_lS. $700 TO $1,C00 Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, also teachers of manual training, sciences, etc., 20 men wanted foi small pilncipalsuips at 60 The Hazard Teachers' Agencj, 317 Kasota^uilding^ ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN $40 to $ At monthly at homo in spare time, cqr iespoiilin foi newspapers, no canvassing ex peiience unnecessuij Send for paiticulars. Pies*, bvndiotite, Lockport WATCHES" CLEANED, 50c MAIN SPRINGS. 50c warranted one jear, $1 will repair your watch thoroughly, no matter what is broken, expert work guaranteed. Dobiin, 223 Wash ington av 3s Established 1886. SEGISTER ED "PHARMACISTWE NEED A gooa druggist, rcsl^teied in Minnesota or North Dakota, assistant will do, $75 to start more if you re worth the money. Paul V. McCoy & Co Minot, N. D. MEN WANTEDGOOD CARPENTERS FOR work on power house and dam at St. Croix Falls, Wis wages $8 per day. Apply Co lumbia Improvement Co 827 Lumber Ex change, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTEDA MAN WHO CAN DO TIN WORK to work in tin shop, also assist in hardware store, steady job, good pay for right party. Apply at once to Aarestad Bros, and Troseth, Hanflaford, N. D. WANTEDCASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER BY Aug. 20 must be good at figuies and write neat, plain hand, state expeuence had and What salary e_.pec.ed. Carlson & Mellquist, Sherburn, Mum. WANTEDYOUNG MAN TO WORK AROUND house must have had experience and give ref erences wages $35 per month and board and room. Call immediately, second floor Journal building EVERY MOTHER, SON AND DAUGHTER TO order a box lunch, 15c, 20c ana 25c, avoid the rush. T. C. 2839. For sale at 126 7th st N, 206 Hennepin av, operator in Phoenix bldg. lobby. WANTEDGROCERY CLERK MUST SPEAK the Scandinavian language and have experi ence none other neei answer, wages $40, board. Haffet & Crosby, Portal, srkand WANTEDFOR THE U. S. MARINE CORPS, men between ages 21 and 35, an opportunity to see the world. For full information apply in person or by letter to No. 41 Washington av S. PLUMBING SCHOOLWE TEACH YOU THE plumbing trade, pays best wages, insures steady work, makes you Independent Write today. Plumbing School. Minneapolis, Minn & ROSENTHAL, THE TAILOR, NO. 7th ST Ns rear Paulos' candy store. Suits sponged and. pressed, 50c done right. Ladies' and gen tlemen's garments cleaned and repaired. WANTED AT ONCEGOOD, SOBER, FIRST Class pant and \at mnkci In summer resort town steady work, prices, $2 to $2.50. Wm. Hanisch, Clear Lake, Iowa^ 50 MEN AND BOYS WANTED. $10 pep day can be made selling souvenir canes and badges until Aug. 18. Call every day at 823 Kasota block WANTEDEXPERIENCED MEN TO DELIVER and set up stoves, steady woik and good pay. Apply at delivery department New England Furniture & Curpet Co. WANTEDSEVERAL BOYS ABOUT 18 TO 20 years old to learn good paving trade. Gram mar school education and references requlied. Address 1067. Journal WANTED MAN AND WIFE, WITHOUT children, on a dairv farm, must be reliable and good milkers, state wages wanted. Ad dress 1135, Journal. BOOKKEEPER WANTEDYOUNG MAN, Scandinavian, bri-ht, neat and accurate. Ap ply at once. Mercantile Reference Co., 465 Temple Court. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS COATMAKER AND A pants and vest maker at once, prices, sack coat $7. vest $2, pants $2 25. W. F. Tank, Staples. Minn. 800 MEN AND BOYS THURSDAY, AUG. 9, AT Bijou theater 7 30 p.m stngle entrance 50 girls and ballet dancers for Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii." WANTEDSAW MILL HANDS AND COMMON laborers, $185 to $2 25 a day. Call C. A Sn ith Lumber Co. sawmill. 44th av N and Lvudale. WANTEDEXPERIENCED MAN FOR WORK on farm, must be a good milker and teamster, good wages to right paity. Address 164, Journal. WANTEDA GOOD MAN FOR GROCERY honest and tollable and experienced refer ences of employei steady job. Address 1217, Journal. POINTER WANTEDMUST BE GOOD COM positor no boozer. Wiite quick, stating wages wanted. News & Stockman, Towner, N. D. If, WANTEDDRUG CLERK, REGISTERED As sistant or young man with several ears' ex perience. George M. Biasing, Deer River, Minn. jffAK CAPABLE OF TAKING CHARGE OF rooming house must furnish city reference. Apply at the Puiitan Coffee House, 28 6th ft st s. USE OPENING FOR GOOD SOLICITOR. IN sidustrlal Health & Accident Insurance. Oor igw,respondence confidential. Address 956, Jour- "^nal. AT ONCEONE EXPERIENCED BRICK A^SL *&%&-<*k Continued WANTEDFIRST-CLASS ACCOUNTANT, LADY or gentleman for about two months' work. S. A. Morawetz &-Co.. 500 Kasota building. STENOGRAPHER FOR GRAIN BUSINESS must be Al good salary. Apply the Munson Shoithand Institute, Guaranty Loan bldg. WANTED-MALE CLERK FOR GENERAL store, must have had one year's experience, WANTEDFITTERS AND HELPERS FOR AR- young, unmarried man preferred, best of chitectural iron work. The Herzog Iron Wages and steady employment to the right Works, St. Paul, Minn, mam McGrath Bros., general merchants, WANTEDEXPERIENCED JANITOR MUST be single, sober and able to furnish refer ences, salary $50. Address 084, Journal. WANTEDBRIGHT BOY 16 TO 18 YEARS OF age to work aiound store. F. H. Tallant, merchant tailor, 88 3d st S, second floor. GOOD TENATON MAN, ABLE TO LAY OUT sash and doors also cabinetmakers. The ISvanson Mfg Co 2107 Madison st NE. $1 CLEANS AND REPAIRS YOUR WATCH, no matter what is broken: no better work at any price. Brunat, 202 Sykes block. WANTEDYOUNG MAN, WITH SOME EXPE rience aB short order cook good wages. Mer cantile Lunch Rooms, 240 Hennepin SY FRY COOK WANTED MUST BE A COOK NO hams need applj $3 pei day male or female. Columbia Rcstauraut.225 Nicollet av. SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTES BEST OAK soles, sewed, 75c, nailed, 50c rubber heels, 40c S. T. Sorensen, 314 Nicollet av. SIMPSON'S BARREL IS WHERE YOU STAND while having your pants pressed for 15c suits 50c. open evenings 704 1st av S. WANTEDNEAT, aUIOK AND &ELIABLE joung man to bottle milk, run separator and boiler, near city T. C. 7486 call 1. PRESS BOY WHO HAS HAD SOME EXPfi rience at feeding piess. Apply at 627 3d av S, Commercial Legal Printing Co. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS MACHINIST FLOOR hand, must be familiar with printing presses. Prtuteib' Supply Co., 108 3d st N. WANTEDA POOR BOY, ABOUT 16, TO leain drug business must be able to speak Sw edish. Address 1171, Journal. WANTEDTWO OR THREE GOOD MEN USED to hard work, to work in ice cream factory. Ives Cce Cream Co 215 2d av SB. JANITOR WANTED FOR SIX APARTMENT building must be clean and steady and under stand tumaces. 3121 Clinton av. WANTEDSTENOGRAPHER AND BOOXXEEP er, give age, experience, references and salary expected^ Addiess 1127, Journal. WANTEDTWO FIRST-CLASS PATTERN makers for architectural iron work. The Her zog Iron Works, St. Paul, Minn. WANTEDA STRONG YOUNG MAN TO carry dishes G. A. R. week must have had some experience. Hotel Pauly. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN EOS GREEN house work. Apply at R. Will & Son's green houae. 10th av N and 85th st. WANTEl)EXPERT^PAtfTElN MAKERS FOR permanent position. Apply Electric Machinery Co., 14th and Tyler fit NB. BARBER WANTEDAT ONCE, WRITE OR wire. $15 per week, half Over $22. John Dovey, Jr., Bessemer, Mich. BARBER WANTEDMUST BE GOOD WORX man. sober and reliable, $12 per week. A. H. Shelby, Lake Crystal, Minn. A SPLENDID PROPOSITION WITH GOOD pay for good wideawake agents. C. F. Adams Co. 76-78 7th st S. WANTEDMANAGER FOR RESTAURANT must be capable and well recommended also. The Puritan, 28 6th st S. BARBER WANTEDA YOUNG MAN WITH one year's experience state wages. R. O. Hadwick, Campbell, Minn WANTEDTWO GOOD LIVE SALESMEN, Ac quainted with the saloon and hotel trade. Call at 504 Century bldg, city. WANTED-^TEAMSTER~MUST KNOW-CITY steady woik and good wages to good man. Apply 2014 Pillsburj av. GOOD HUSTLING SALESMAN FOR SPECIAL G. A. R. tract, to dealers only for the next six days. 129 7th st S. DON'T SWEAR IF YOUR RAZOR PULLS AND scrapes. Let Verbeck fix it ground and honed. 85c. gll 4th st S. WANTED AT ONCEGOOD, ALL-AROUND tailor, Scandinavian preferred. H. S. Frem gord, 102 E 26th st. WANTEDMAN TO WORK ON FARM NEAR city, must be good man to handle team. Ap ply 1122 Yale plaoe. WANTEDTWO GOOD HUSTLERS SELLING ability. Inquire 804 Nicollet av. T. C. 293, N W. Main 2579 L. WANTED FIRST-LASS BLACKSMITH, used to steel work and tool dressing. Ap ply at 1007 3d St S. GOOD BARBER AT ONCE STEADY JOB, $13 and half over $20. Address F. C. Murray, Watertown, S. D. GOOD BARBER WANTEDSTEADY JOB, $13 per week and half over $20. Jack Wright, Rochester, Minn. WANTEDSTRONG BOYS, WILLING AND steadv, to learn the machinists' trade. Call at 610 1st av 6. JOB PRESS FEEDER EXPERIENCED: GOOD wages, at once. McNeil Printing Co., 102 Edison building WANTEDTWO STRbNG YOUNG MEN TO carry dishes, wages $5 per week. The Grill, 308 1st av S. WANTEDA GOOD DELIVERY AND SALES man, acquainted with city. Apply at Ives Ice Cream Co. STENOGRAPHER FOR RAILROAD WORK. AP ply the Munson Shorthand Institute, Guarant Loan building. WANTEDA BL_i^KMiT__7~ONE WHO-CAN shoe horses. Apply at gas works at 14th av S and River. WANTEDALL-AROUND HORSESHOER AT once no boozer need apply. Benson & Ansell, Dassel, Minn. WANTEIP-MEN OR WOMEN-F0R~ WANTEDBOILERMAKERS' shop. 417 1st st-S- GOOD CABINET MAKER. av N and 2d st. INSIDE car cleaning. Tne Pullman Co., room 1, Union depot. BARBER WANTED$12 AND HALF OVER $20. Answer at once. H. E. Lawrence, High more, S t. BOY, 17 OR 18 YEARS OF AGE, TO LEARN the bakers' trade. Call after 6 p.m. 1200 3d av S. MEN WANTED TO WORK ON ICE WAGONS $60 per month. Cedar Lake Ice Co., 110 Tem ple Court. WANTEDGOOD STOCKMAN $11 WEEK. Kosko & Champine's livery, 19th and Henne pin av. BARBER WANTED STEADY JOB TO A GOOD, sobei man. Address Nick Klein, Wahpeton, N. D. WANTEDTWO STRONG YOUNG MEN TO c_rry dishes wages $5. The Grill, 308 1st av S. WANTEDUSHERS FOR BIJOU 0PERA house. Call at theater Wednesday evening, 7 SO. MEN WANTED FOR INSIDE STEADY WORK $2 per day. Superior Mfg. Co., Superior, Wis. JANITOR FOR CHURCH. GIVE AGE, Ex perience and references. Address 1209, Jour nal WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS TRAVELING MAN foi the grain business. Address 1206, Jour nal. WANTEDYARD AND KITCHEN MAN AT LA fayette club, Minnetonka Beach. Both phones WANTED EXPERIENCED FURNISHING goods salesmen _The Palace Clothing House. TEN FIRST-CLASS PAlNTERS7~HrM0NR0E, 129 5th st N. Call at 9 o'elock Thmsday. WANTEDA GOOD SAUSAGE MAKER AT _A A. Baker's Market, 523 Washington_av S. WANTEDBRIGHT, ACTIVE YOUNG MAN of 18 years. Coll afternoons. 2434th av S. NOTTC--" TO~ALL MECHANICSSTAY AWAY from Billings, Mont., until trouble Is over. WATCHES CLEANED, SI MAINSPRINGS, $1 warranted one year. Paegel's, 22 3d st S. BRING YOUR WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO M?er. the expert repairer 109 7th st 8 WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED WASH MAN. Model Steam Laundry, Grand Forks, N. D. WANTEDMOVING PICTURE OPERATOR. Call Wildwood pavilion. Phone Main 751. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber tiade at the Courthouse Barber Shop. WANTEDGROCERY OXERK REFERENCE and experience. Address 111, Journal. WANTED-^GOOD BOOKKEEPER 0UT-OF- town work. Apply 400 Oneida blocks WANTEDYOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE at soda fountain. Cirkler's Drug Co ERRAND BOY WANTED, WELL-DRESSED. Grlevish, optician, 407 Nicollet av. MOLDERS WANTED AT CHASKA FOUNDRY & Machine Shop, Chaska, Minn. GOOD BOY WANTED. M. D. S. Co,, Medical block. F. PATTERSON WANTEDYOUNG BOY TO ASSIST JANITOR. Call at Bijou Operahouse WANTEDA"GOOD BREADBAKER AT ONCEl Call at 716 6th av N. WANTEDTEAMSTERS. INQUIRE 185 WEST ern av, Minneapolis. HELPERS AT WANTEDPLUMBER AT ONCE. CALL AT 1708 Clinton at. OPTICIANS EYES EXAMINED GLASSES $1 AND UP AR. tificial eyes open Saturday evenings Sunday GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 10 to 11. Ostrem, 329 Nicollet upstairs wheeler and three day laborers. M. Ander- JOHN J. DOWD, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTI- WANTEDMIDDLE-AGED HOUSEKEEPER, son Brick Co.. 843 Security Bank building. clan, optical dept., Minneapolis Dcy Goods Co. Address 989, Journal, -j. ?ijLW$&?y*r /i%rfi0, lli%0__t M^'^^i^i^J^^wik* _-NYESf_SjJGENTPI_RSO_r^ to $60 monthly at home, In spare time, cor responding for newspapers no canvassing ex perience unnecessary- Send for particulars. Press Syndicate) Lockport, N. Y. EVERY MOTHER. SON AND DAUGHTER TO order a box lunch, 15c. 20c and 25c avoid the rush. T. C. 2330. For sale at 120 7th st N, 206 Hennepin av, operator in Phoenix bldg. lobby. WANTEDGOOD COOK FOR SMALL PRIVATE family at Lake Minnetonka. Apply 1825 8d av S. WE HAVE PREPARED HUNDREDS FOR GOOD positions no failures we know Just how to prepare you and get you a position catalog free. American Business College, Minneapolis. MILLINERY AND DRE8SMAKING TAUGHT quickly at our college competent students fur nished positions free satisfaction guaranteed. Dobbs Bros., 1000 Nicollet, Minneapolis. WANTEDA MAN, ABOUT 25 YEARS, TO do light deliver} married man preferrred references required steady position. Call Minneapolis Dye House, 1012 6th st 8. TEACHERS, NORMAL TRAINED OR EX perienced, for grades, willing to accept $40 to $50 per month. The Hazard Teachers' Agency, 817 Kasota building. HAVE AIT OPENING FOR A WOMAN OF good education and address in Minneapolis and one in St. Paul. The position is perma nent. Address 1190. Journal. WANTEDOPERATORS ON POWER MA ohines to work on shirts, pants, overalls and duck coats steady work best of pay. Call Robltshek. Frank & Heller. WANTEDYOUNG LADY TO DO CLERICAL work in factory must be quick and accurate and punctual In attendance. Apply N. W. Knitting Co.. 710 3d av N. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT stenographer, state name of former employ ers, also machine used and salary expected. Address 1254, Journal. WANTEDEXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework wages $5 four in family also experienced nurse maid, not under 24. Call 2801 Stevens av. WANTED AT ONCETHOROUGHLY EXPE rienced cook for private family. Apply to Miss Olapp, office of New England Furniture & Carpet Company. WANTEDRESPECTABLE MIDDLE AGED widow for housekeeper on well improved North Dakota farm. Address with references 1178. Journal. WANTEDA GIRL TO HELP TO TAXE CARE of twin boys. Apply at 2314 12th av S, second floor. Girl living ferred. a in neighborhood pre- WANTEDTHREE WAITRESSES AND ONE kitchen girl for G. A. R. week. We pay prompt wages for experienced help. At Hotel Pauly. BUY YOUR TRUNKS AT THE BIJOU TRUNK factory old ones taken In exchange. 14 Wash ington av N. William Loren_. Both phones. WANTEDTWO EXPERIENCED WOMEN ON men's clothing alterations. Apply Thursday morning, main floor, Plymouth Clothing House. DURING JULY OATON BUSINESS COLLEGE, 253 2d av S, in the College block, admits stu dents, tuition payable after obtaining position. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL IN MODERN apartment for family of two. Apply 355 Bank Minneapolis building, Mflvollet av and 3d st. ARE YOU SAVING A LITTLE FOR THE haid times coming? The Savings Bank of Minneapolis, corner 4th st and 2d av S. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, three in family no children small, modern house. 1776 Dupont av, Lowry Hill. WANTEDGIRL PRESSERS FOR LAMES' dresses, 6teady work. Call at once. Henry Brothers' Dye House, 1213 Hennepin av. WANTEDWOMAN TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework no washing or ironing must go home nights. 428 E 16th st, flat _4,_ WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, no washing: no ironing, new house. Phone N. W., S. 12059 J. T. C, 7992. WANTED^-sBY RESPECTABLE WIDOWER, RE spectable widow for light housekeeping. Ad dress Lock Box 99, St. Charles, Minn. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework no laundry. Apply at once, 2417 W 21st st, Kenwood. T. C. 4069. WANTEDA GIRL TO HELP WITH GEN eral housework for three or four hours a day. Mrs. Burns, 716 Monroe st_NK. WANTEDG_R_T1^R~HOUSEWORK~S__ALL family. Call or address 46 Summit place. Kenwood oar. Phone, South 1950 L. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK THREE IN FAM~ ily good wages, permanent place. Telephone M. 904 J. 164 Laurel av, flat C. WANTED TWd WAITRESSES GOOD wages and no Sunday work. Apply at the Miller Lunch, 729 Hennepin av. WANTEDGIRL IN MANUFACTURING DB partment. Apply to foreman, fifth floor, Mc plellan Paper Co., 245 1st av N. WANTEDOHAliBERMAIDS ANff SCRUB girls at once, good wages. Call The Windsor, on Washington, and 1st av N. WANTEDEXPERIENCED GIRL IN TAILOR shop, must do some sewing. Call at once. 5 7th st N. L. Rosenthral. GIRL WANTEDFAMILY Of TWO, TdTifr. sist with housework and attend telephone good wages. 614J3 22d st^ WANTEDYOUNG LADY TO HELP IN 0F- fice and look up orders. Call Minneapolis Dye House, 1012 6th st S. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, must be good cook. Apply at once. 1700 Portland av. flat F. WANTEDA HOUSEKEEPER) FAMILY OF 8 no objection to a small child. Call between 12 and 2. at 120 Polk st NB. WANTEDFOUR GIRLS FIRST AND SECOND cook waiter and dishwasher, at once best wages paid. 93 7th st S. TWO DISHWASHERS WANTED, $5 PER week off every afternoon. Columbia Restau rant. 225 Nicollet av. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in family of two easy place call at once. 905 E 17th st. WANTEDTWO EXPERIENCED DINING room girls will pay best of wages. The Cuisine, 46 7th st S WANTEDSWEDE GIRL TO DO KITCHEN work in boarding house. Address Miss John son. 1806 4th at S. WANTEDCOMPETENT GJRL TO DO GEN eial housework In a modem flat. Flat B, 1923 Aldrioh av S. WANTEDFIVE EXPERIENCED WAITRESS es, $10 per week, at Creamery Lunch Room, 426 Hennepin av. WANTEDEXPERIENCED GIRLS TO SEW tents, awnings and horse blankets. 116 Washington av N. WANTEDGIRL TO WRAP BREAD NIGHT work. Call at once. Ye Old Tyme Bakery, 822 Nicollet av. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, small family good wages. 2946 Park av. WANTEDGO OD GIRL FOR" GENER AL housework, in family of four good wages. 720 E 16th st. WANTEDGIRLS TO WORK IN FACTORY. Northwestern Compo Board Co., 44th av N and Lyndale. WANTEDA GIRL FOR TABLE WAITER and chambermaid. Murray Institute, 1819 Nicollet av. WANTED86" WAITRESSES AT DAYTON'S Tea Room and also second and third cook at once. WANTEDA GOOD CLEAN GIRL FOR SMALL modern house three in family. Apply 2915 Park av. WAITRESSES, COOKS AND DISHWASHERS wanted at the Athens restaurant, 103 Nicol let av. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work young girl preferred. Call 402 Irving av N. WANTEDA SHORT ORDER COOK IN RES taurant also dishwasher, at Mather's, 14 5th _st_S GOOD WAGES FOR GOOD, ALL-AROUND cook for 80 people nice place. 603 10th st S. WANTEDGIRLS TO FOLD PAPERS AT THE Murphy-Travis Printing Co.. 6th st and 3d av S. COMPETENT SECOND GIRL: BEST WAGES ptld N. W. phone South 922. 2933 Park av. WANTEDDISHWASHER IN BOARDING house. Pacific House. 153 Harrison st NE. WANTEDA GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK ONE who can go home nights. 2708 Colfax av S. WANTEDGIRL FOR TOAST AND CAKES also pantry girl. The Grill, 308 1st av S. WANTEDGOOD GIRL, SWEDISH NEWOOM er preferred. 4659 Lyndale av N, at once. WANTEDSHORT ORDER WOMAN COOK, night work. 246 1st av S. At once. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL H0U8E- work. Call at 1427 University av SB. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at once, 2400 9th av S. GIRL WANTED TO DO CHAMBER WORK. Atlantic Hotel, 44 and 46 7th st 8 WANTEDA GOOD, COMPETENT SECOND girl good wages. 1912 1st av S. WANTED housework. L. PAULLY, 1st WANTEDGOOD STEADY BARBER AT 701 5th st N. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL 1821 Humboldt av S. WANTEDEXPERIENCED BTNDERY GIRLS at Klmball-Storer Co., 16 5th st S. WANTEDHELPER TO MEAT COOK. SAM son's restaurant. 508 2d ayS. WASTEDTEN WOMEN TO SCRUB. CALL AT stage door, Bljou_ Opera-house. WANTEDGOOD" GIRL TO" DO GENERAL housework. 627 12th av SB. Brunswick Hotel,. room 212. "v i CAL HELP WANTED JTOAL* Continued WANTEDEXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AT Regan's, 28 4th st 8., WANTEDSHORT ORDER COOK. Grill, 808 1st av S. WANTEDTHREE DISHWASHERS, Grill, 308 1st av S. WANTEDA WAITRESS AND girl. Holmes Hotel. COOK WANTED Call T. C. 7002. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED 000X. Portland av. THE THE ORDINARY IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 8601 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 825 Franklin BT. CHAMBERMAID AT 310 HENNEPIN AV, SEC ond floor. MANGLE GIRLS WANTED AT place. 91S MARY SITUATION W^TED Male. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, fto A word no ad less than 10c dally: 20 words or less one week. 60c. A MIDDLE-AGED MAN WITH 10 YEARS' EX perlence in the real estate exchange and rental business is desirous of changing his location would like a position with a good real estate exchange and rental firm in either of the twin cities willing to work on small salary and commission can give good references. Address 1166, Journal. WANTEDBY AN ACTIVE, ENERGETIC business man, a position with large real es tate firm, to take charge of rentals and re pairs have lived in Minneapolis twenty years and am well acquainted with values in all parts of city would be willing to take some stock in the business later If satisfactory. Address 1125, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION ABOUT SEPT. 1, BY young man of excellent executive ability, best habits has had five years' experience in country banking best of "references prefer position with bunk or real estate company. Address "ft." Box 197. Busch, Okla. WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN, POSITION AS bookkeeper, teller or assistant cashier In bank, after Sept. 1 at present employed eight years' experience best of references. Address 258, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS EDITOR OR MAN ager of republican paper in good, live south ern Minnesota town will later take an in terest if field warrapts. Address 3676, Journal. PERMANENT POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN with four years' experience in a general store and two years in a clothing and dry goods. Address Irwin Reed,JEtayniond,_8!_D. BY AN EXPERIENCED" YOUNG MAN AS As sistant bookkeeper will do collecting or nythlng desired in office references fur nished. Address Julius Price, 524 3d st N. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER AND GENERAL office man wants position with live growing concern. Several years' experience. Describe __position_and_salary._ Address_442, Journal. ADVERTISEMENT"WRITERA LIVE YOUNG man wants position handling large firm's busi ness in Minneapolis or St. Paul experienced newspaper man. Address 1028. Journal. WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN, COLLEGE GRAD uate, position as assistant bookkeeper, store clerk or any office work references, college proprietors. Address 1279, Journal. YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED GASOLENE EN gine runner wants position to operate auto mobile, state wages. Write A. Swanson, 801 8d av S, Minneapolis, Minn. YOUNG MAN BOOKKEEPER AND STENOG rapher desires permanent position in or out of city experienced and best of references. Ad dress 1210. Journal. YOUNG MAN WITH SECOND-CLASS ENGI neering license wants permanent position much experience and best of references. Ad dress 1211. Journal. PROOFREADER, AN EXPERIENCED PRINT er, d*slre position married and resides perma nently In Minneapolis always temperate. Ad dress 1029, Journal, A SALESMAN, WELL ACQUAINTED WITH twin city grocery trade, would make a change. What have .you to offer? Address 1118, Journal. EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK WISHES position, inside or order years of practical experience. 8322 Thomas av N. Telephone Main 1944-J2. POSITION AS JANITOR, BY YOUNG MAN no bad habits experienced in heating plants can furnish references. Address 1124, Jour nal. PRINTER DESIRES CHANGE ALL AROUND man and no boozer competent and reliable. Address Box 136. Farmington, Minn. SITUATION WANTEDSOBER, STEADY cook, with good experience no objections to leaving city. Address 1176, Journal. WANTEDBOOKfr TO OPEN, ADJUST, AUDIT, post or close: -o,tis-a*tlon .guaranteed best references. Address '-ster-Journal. A BOY OF 17 WOULD LIKE TO LEARN THE machinist or pattern maker trade, Address E. Bngebretson, 2806 9th st S. WANTEDBY EXPERIENCED MAN'S SHOE salesman, position during the encampment. Address 1195, Journal, XiY A YOUNG MAN 89 YEARS OF^ AGE, would Uke work in a wholesale bouse. Ad dress 208 Journal^ YOUNG SCOTCH LADDIE WISHES EMPLQY ment by the day light work of any kind. 2101 Lake st. A YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er, deBlres a^ position^ Address 1286, Journal. CARPENTER WANTS SHINGLING OR ROUGH work of any kind. Address 1268, Journal. Female. RATE V-TD-Sft THIS {JLASSIFIOATION, Wo A word no ad less thfttt 10c daily 20 words oe lees, one week, 60c. A SWEDISH YOUNG WOMAN WANTS TO care fcr invalid experienced in nursing and five years' practice as masseuse diploma from Stockholm institute best of references can talk English. Address 1095, Journal. YOUNG SOANDINAV-AN LADY, EMPLOYED as clerk in store, wishes change of location has had several years' experience in dry goods, general merchandise and groceries. Gertie Amundsen, Hendricks, Minn. _-_DDL_rAGED WIDOW, COMPETENT, trustworthy, good cook, wants position as housekeeper for elderly widower who has good home conveniences references. Mrs. D. 0. Laury, General Delivery, St. Paul. 'NOTICEFIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISH es sewing by the day stronger in city needs work price lowest till established work guaranteed satisfactory. Address C. A. P., Journal office^ POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT AND reliable young woman left alone as housekeep er in hotel or widower's home would go as companion to lady. Address Mrs. H. Garrett, Jamestown, N. D. CHRISTIAN LADY WOULD LIKE P08ITI0N as housekeeper-on a farm or out of city, for widower no objection to children. Call or write. 2441 Portland av, upper floor, Minne apolis, Minn. A^ESPEOTABLE WIDOW, UNINCTUMBERED, would like a place as a housekeeper no ob jection to going into the country. Address R. F. D. No. 15, Langdon, Minn., Box 8. A YOUNG WOMAN WITH A KNOWLEDGE of stenography desires a position as office assistant, neat and competent. Address 209 S 5th st, Mankato, Minn. LADY BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE TO take chaste of stnall set books after 5 o'clock inn Saturday afternoon. Address 1064, Journal. SITUATION WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY prefer easy place and good home. Call at 1903 4th st 8, second floor ATCOLORED GIRL WANTS DAY WORK washing, Ironing or cleaning* Address 962, Journal. GIRL WANTS PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework. Address 2825 15th av N. TYPEWRITING WANTED AT HOME. dress 654, Journal. AS- ^JLO^J^UKgj^^WAWDS^ LOSTCARD CASE WITH TWO WIGWAMS and Minneapolis burnt on outside bills and C, St. P., M. & O. ticket on inside. Return to 16 Washington av 8 and receive reward. Lost Sunday night at Wonderland or on Lake st. LOSTTUESDAY AFTERNOON, SUPERIOR blvd, between Minneapolis and Lafayette club, lkdy's light tan linen jacket. Reward for return to 909 Chamber of Commerce. LOSTBETWEEN NICOLLET AND 2d AV 8, on Washington, roll of bills, containing one $5, $2 and $1 bills owner is Sam Fox, the blind man, 35 Washington av S. LOSTPOCKETB0OK CONTAINING' MONEY and papers on car between Minnetonka and St. Paul. Finder please return to 218 Henne pln av and receive reward, LOSTSUNBURST, WITH DIAMOND, *LAST evening, between corner Portland av and Lake st and Wonderland. Return for reward to 513 82d st. LOSTBANK BOOK ON FARMERS & ME cbanics' bank, containing note for $480 and other papers. Kindly leave at Journal office for reward. i _-___ LOST OR STOLENJERSEY COW, FlfOM MY pasture in Rosetowh And Beltline on Broad way. Return for Teward to R. Rasmussen. L^STSUNDAY~MORNING ON MINNETONKA train* green shopping "bag. Finder, send word to 925 6th st SB for rewanL ^S^S^SSSJbSSSSSS^^. McNULTY DETECTIVE AGEN0YPROMPT service, unequalefl facilities, reasonable rates references, police headquarters. 210 Kasota blk Defective Page 80 AND 86-ROO-C FAMILY HOTELS, FIRST clasa. 40 and 25-room transient hotels. troom rooming-house, steam heat, $2,800. rooms, steam heat, $2,000. 18 rooms, modern, for boarding, $700. 16-room rooming-house, money maker. 15 rooms, best In city good furniture, $500. 12 rooms, always full of first-class people, $800. Drug store, and stocks, city and country.' Grocery store and living rooms. $550 cash. Hotel with bar in country town. Good farm to trade for country hotel. Kelly, 823 New York Life. FOR SALE OR RENTIN A LIVE SOUTH western Minnesota town, hotel, feed and liv ery stable property in good repair, occupies five lots, good well and cistern, seven bed rooms, dining room, office and kitchen fur nished complete with storm windows and screens only hotel In town: ten regular boarders besides transient trade taxes low. If you are looking for a good location in a small town, this is your opportunity. Ad dress Hotel Carlson, Magnolia, Minn., Bock County. WILL SELL MY GENERAL STOCK OF MER chandlse, located on the new Soo railway in a thickly settled community and a flourishing town reason tor selling is that I am inter ested in other business and unable to give mypersonal attention may consider part in trade building and stock will invoice about $7,000 this is a proposition of interest for someone will show up books and Invite any one to come and look over the town and country. Address 913, Journal. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIOA, 81 volumes. New. In order to effect a quick sale will sell com plete set of Encyclopedia Brltannica for $35, cost $68 only a few weeks ago sickness necessitates my offering these books at this ridiculously low fig-re need money and am selling all my personal effects. Answer quick if you want them somebody 1B going to get a bargain. Address 7811. Journal. oooooooooooooo GROCERYCHANCE OF A LIFE TIME $3,000 stock will be sold at once for $2,000 on account of sickness, or will Invoice and discount 25 per cent present proprietor at this location for 25 years. High class trade $600 weekly business. Lewis & Co.. 625 Boston block. O OoOOOOOOOOOOO PAINTERS, ATTENTION FOR SALE MY paint and wall paper store and paint shop, all in one building, with living rooms up stairs also cellar, well and cistern in build ing and barn the only up-to-date paint shop in town population 2,000 will sell cheap for cash a snap for someone if taken at once. Address John H. Lau, Springfield, Brown County, Minn. THE BUYERS' INFORMATION BUREAU, 304 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Is the place where owners of all kinds of property list what they have to sell. If you want to bay land, city property or a business of any kind, you can find out all about It here, get owners' names and ad dresses, deal direct with them, and save agent's commission. FOR SALELAW, LIBRARY, OFFICE FURNI ture and law, loan. Insurance and collection business in North Dakota, for less than value of library and furnishings $1,000, half cash will secure a business that has been worth over $2,O0C for many years, a rare chance. Owner got to go out of business and leave the state. Address 522, Journal. FOR SALE CLEAN, WELL-ASSORTED hardware stock, tin shop in connection busi ness established five years will invoice about $5,000, but can be reduced to suit purchaser best location in town no trades considered. Wabasso Hardware Co., Wabasso, Minn. PARTNER WANTEDMAN WITH CAPITAL to buy interest In Burg Cigar Factory, New tilm, doing business since 1871 account of retirement of senior partner, junior partner wishes to retain interest in business. Ad dress Max Burg, New Ulm, Minn. MILLINERY STOCK FOR SALE 90 PER CENT being fall and winter goods, such as ribbons, velvets, feathers, plumes and chenilles. Will sell cheap on easy terms or exchange for real estate. Address Charles Beuglet, 405 W Superior st. Duluth, Minn. GINSENO. The crop that is worth its weight In Ster ling silver. Write today for folder, giving Srices of nursery stock, roots and seeds for all delivery. Address Veil's Ginseng Garden, Marshalltown, Iowa. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR A LLMIT ed number of canvassers with some capital to go in the country to sell a very useful farm tool. We are demonstrating the above machine between 7th and 8th st and 2d av S, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SELDOM OPPORTUNITY TO RENT TWO story frame store building in thrifty division town, Nobles Co., Minn only two stores big opening for several lines of business write quick. Paul Schmidt. Valley Springs, 8. D. FOR SALEONLY UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, county seat. 2,500, northern Minnesota two railroads infirmary and hospital furniture could be added price reasonable investigate if you mean business. Address 264. Journal. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO GET LOCATED in a new town in a prosperous* new country where big crops are ready for harvest and lots of merchandise needed. C. A. Campbell, town site agent. Soo Line. Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE$6,000 STOCK GENERAL MER chandise, in good town and good country no trades considered don't answer unless you have the cash and mean business. Address The New Store, Binford, N. D. NGRTH DAKOTA AND VICINITY IS THE best place to buy business property. I have some good stocks and buildings for sale and to exchange. What do you want? P. B. John son. Bismarck. N. D. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 88 ROOMS, RENT $60 central income $140 terms or exchange for land rooming-house 9 rooms, modern, rent $25, $62 income $425 terms. Taylor, 401 Kasota building. WE HAVE LOCATED THOUSANDS OF others in various lines of business in our new towns, perhaps we can locate you. Write 0. A. Campbell, townslte agent, Soo Line, Min neapolls. Minn. FOR SALEA WELL LOCATED BAKERY with large Hubbard portable bake oven good fixtures, will be sold cheap. For particulars call Northwestern Bakery Supply Co., 215 1st av N. TO EXCHANGE640 ACRES, GRANT C0UN ty: large new buildings, all under cultivation fine farm close to town want business block or good income property. Owner, 1184, Jour nal. FOR BALEONE OF THE BEST FAYING drug stores In southeast South Dakota a money maker and will stand Investigation good reasons for selling. Address 8249. Jour nal. FOR SALEGOOD CLEAN UP-TO-DATE HARD ware, invoice $1,700 to $2,000, Including tools and fixtures money maker for anyone, good _owaj onnty-seat town. Address 1177, Journal. WANTED=PROMOTER BOLD OPTION, 80,000 acres rich Texas land on railroad and harbor easy terms will divide with financier. J. Fhilan, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago. FOR RENTCONFECTIONERY STORE FULL ice cream and candy making outfit beBt loca tion In city an exceptional opportunity. Stephen C. Vasaly. Little Falls. Minn. WE ARE OFFERING ONE OF BEST KNOWN groceries in town, running 20 years, doing fine business. Look this up. Hanford Rental Agency. 310 Bank of Commerce. $485EXTRA BARGAIN$425. Confectionery and light grocery doing $25 dally business good corner location. Sanford Realty Co., .518 Guaranty bldg^ FOR SALEHALF INTEREST IN A GOOD real estate office, making good money ex perience not necessary Investigate this. Ad dress 1136, Journal. SPECIAL G, A. R. SOUVENIR FOR IMME dlate delivery exclusive sale. Call at Nic ollet Hotel, room 289, this evening and see the goods. AN INTEREST CAN BE BOUGHT IN ONE OF best known laundries in town owner leaving city. Hanford Rental Agency. 8l0 Bank of Commerce. HOTEL FOR RENT, FURNITURE FOR SALE fine business, good countyseat town good rea sons for selling. Address Lock Box 75, Stan ton, Neb. BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE. WALK ing distance, earning $1,400 monthly this is first CISBS. Mann & Chapman, 100 Kasota bnildtng. FOR SALEBAKERY CLEARS BETWEEN $2,000 and $3,0,00 yearly at Invoice stands Investigation. For particulars address 1169, Journal. FOR SALE-CONFECTIONERY, LIGHT GRO cery rent $16 living room location in select part of city good business. Address 970, Journal. TAILOR SHOP FOR SALE IN GOOD TOWN of 1.200 inhabitants: will sell cheap if taken at once. Address Louis Heyduk, Graceville, Minn. DRUG STORE. CLOSE IN. BEST IN MINNE apolls must be sold account of poor health owner. Mann & Chapman, 100 Kasota building. XF YOU WANT A FINE ROOMING HOUSE, or a half Interest In a permanent paying business, call on Salmon, 507 Boston block. EXCHANGE$18,000 STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise for land and $2,500 In cash give description and price. Box P, Halloway, Minn. WANTED FOR SB0T CASHA $2,600 TO $5,000 stock of clothing and furnishing goods must be cheap no trades. Address 043, Journal. RESTAURANTWILL FEED 8,000 PEOPLE gold mine during Q. A. R. and fair deal for small house or lot and cash. 857, Journal. WANTEB-A PARTNER IN HOTEL BUSINESS, big money don't answer unless you have $1,500 and mean business. 7192, Journal HIGH-CLASS ROOMING BOUSE,'YOUNG 00U- pie can make money, part cash. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. FOR BALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR LANS, feed mm in good town in Sargent county, N. D. Address llfiO. Journal. i Jj Busaresa CHANOES Continued. FOB SALEBAKERY, DOING A GOOD Busi ness on principal street in city must sell at once. Address 1175, Journal. GROUND SPACE FOR A STAND ON 7th BT between Nicollet and 1st av 8, to let G. A. K. week. Call at 85 7th st S. ROOMING AND TRANSIENT HOUSE, CLOSE in, 16 rooms, modern, low rent. Mann & Chap man, 10Q Kasota building. FOR RENTBLACKSMITH SHOP, A GOOD location, town of 4,000, in northern Iowa. Address 1050, Journal. FOR RENTA BARGAIN: ARLINGTON HO tel, Faribault, Minn. W. N. Cosgrove, Fari bault. Minn. FOR RENTDAIRY FARM WITH MILK route at Excelsior. Bldwell & Co., 803 Hen nepin av. I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. SEND DB scriptlon. Shepard. Bank of Commerce Bldg. NEED MONEY 1 GIVE US YOUR 0OLLEC tlons. The Emergency Co., 920 Nicollet av. FOR SALETURKISH BATHROOM. ADDRESS 1714 Winter st. Superior. Wis. FINANCIAL ooooooooooooooo CHATTEL LOANS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., Established 25 Years. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large payments, weekly or monthly, with privi lege of payment on or before, thus stop ping all cost. Having been engaged in the money lending business for the past 25 years, and with the large clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates, and give the quickest possible ser ice. Our reoord and reputation for the past 25 years Insures honorable and confidential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 805-806 Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1st av S and 4th st. ooooooooooooooo IT IS EASY TO PAY ALL THOSE LITTLE, annoying and troublesome debts on the install ment plan. Borrow money. Chattel mortgage loans On furniture, pianos, horses. 'Wagons, warehouse receipts, etc. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co., 406-408 New York Life Building. Telephone, N. W. Main 409 L2. T. O. 8092. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephone^N. W. Main 1770. Twin City 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Bldg. 22 4th st S. MONEY TO LOAN ON MINNEAPOLIS XM proved real estate at the lowest prevailing rates large loans and "building" loans par ticularly solicited partial payment privilege granted. R. M. Newport, 809 Phoenix Building. MONEY TO LOANON MINNESOTA AND North Dakota farms a few choice mortgages always on hand for private investors. John son-Van Sant Co., Bank of Commerce build ing, Minneapolis, Minn. S. K. Van Sant, president J. A. Johnson, secretary. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tall merchants, teamsters, boarding houses, without security offices In 56 principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 920 New York Life building. MONEY ALWAYS ON HAND TO LOAN UPON real estate no delay in securing answer or in closing deal. Also building loans lowest rates. Thorpe Bros., Andrus bldg. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON Improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., J13 Nicollet av. R. D. CONE & CO., 617 GUARANTY BLDG, have on hand to loan on improved property $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $3,500 lowest rates. THE SAVINGS BANX OF MINNEAPOLIS, Es tablished in 1899, has since, paid 4 per cent on deposits. 4th st and 2d av S. WANTED$1,200 LOAN, IMPROVED PROP erty worth $7,000 6 per cent Interest no com mission. Address 1248, Journal. ON OR BEFORE MONEY TO LOAN LOW rates no delay. Minnesota Title Insurance A Trust Co., Oneida block. Nicolle av PROMPT LOANS ON IMPROVED MINNEAPO- 11s real estate. C. S. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty building. MONEY TO LOANON IMPROVED FARMS agents wanted. M. R. Waters St Son, Minne apolis. PRIVATE '1st' and 24 Real Estate ,Mortgje made promptly. Dever, 537 Andrus building. MONEY-LOANElFON ^LOAJSj^TO^^TTELS^ JENNINGS, 824 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, ware house receipts or any security lowest rates etriotly confidential. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg. PERS0NAI____ TUBERCULOSIS OF THE BLADDER AND lung, cancers, fibrous tumors and all so called incurable diseases of male and female can be cured without pain, knife or med icine roots of cancers can be seen in bot tles at Dr. J, F. Whitson's, the magnetic healer. Institute at 1116 1st av S. Oome and be cured as thousands have and get well and enjoy life. Consultation free. FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIOA, 81 volumes. New. In order to effect a quick sale will sell com plete set of Encyclopedia Brltannica for $35, c$st $68, only a few weeks ago sickness necessitates my offering these books at this ridiculously low figure need money and am selling all my personal effects. Answer quick if you want them somebody is going to a bargain. Address 7311. Journal. 600 IRON BEDS. ANY SIZE, ANY COLOR. $149 and up brass beds, box springs and hair mattresses, cots, etc., very cheap 600 feather pillows, 48c each 500 full sUe blankets, 75c pair steel drop conches, $3.48 also an immense assemblage, all kinds, new and slightly used furniture. Lowest prices la the west. "Bown's" Old Established Sales rooms. No. 17 6th st N, opposite Masonic Temple. BUY OF US AND SAVE MONEY ON YOUR new and second-band office, store, bank, drug, confectionery and cigar fixtures also safes all sizes and standard makes, including one extra fine bank safe with automatic time lock and two burglar-proof chests big stock wall cases, show cases, desks, chairs, tables, scales, regis ters, letter file, typewriters, etc. Twin Cltr Fixture Co.. 223 3d st S. i WE DON'T DO CHEAP WORK WE DO FIRST class work for little money. Note the follow ing' Shampoo, 25c manicuring, lfdies 35c gentlemen, 50c free massage, using electric Vibrator, 50c combs, brushes, etc., sterlli_ed for each customer at the Boyd Toilet Studio, 495 Syndicate Arcade. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Red nose, moles, birthmarks, powder marks, permanently removed, without pain or scar. Lillian M. Simmons, electro-dermatologist, 323 Medical bldg SHOULD BLANOHARD'S ECZEMA LOTION fail to give speedy or satisfactory results, notify Prof. Blanchard, skin specialist, Min neapolis, wholesalers' supplies, all drngglstB. MATTRESSES MADE OVER HAIR AND moss, $1.50 Others $1 furniture repaired, re finished, upholstered. Twin City telephone, 17092. Berg & Smith. 422 1st av BE. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND THUR8 day evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb Academy, 43 4th st S, third floor, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, HAIR MOSS, $1.50 others, $1 furniture repaired uphol stering furniture, stoves. Both phones. Rain ille Bros., 17 Central av. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 807 MEDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by electricity, corns extracted inverted nails and bunions treated. BAftrTCft'iB ITCH CURED WITHOUT FAIL IN five davs or money refunded. Herrmann, skin and scalp specialist. Beaufort Hotel, opposite postoffice IF YOU WANT A GOOD TREATMENT FOR rheumatism, lumbago or other diseases, visit Mme. Berg, 7_Eastman av, NicolletJsland._ WILL MR. GRAHAM, WHO SPOKE TO GIRL at Harriet pavilion, at 9.30 last Friday evening, please be there agalnFrlday? CORNS EXTRACTED, 26c INVERTED NAILS and bunions treated. Dr. Collier, 515 Nlc. av. SWEET SCENTED SKIN, SMOOTH AS SATIN made by Satin skin cream and powder. 25c. STORAGE THE~B0YD TRANSFER A STORAGE 00. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. See our elegant new fireproof Storage Warehouse with separate rooms and compartments. Warehouse office, 400 Lake st main office, 48 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cut rates to Pacic coast and other points our Specialty. 122 5th st S. Both phones. CUTRATE8 ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver. Spokane, Pacific coast terminals and tributary points best of service and low est possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. OAMEBON'STRANSFER AND STORAOB Best facilities for moving and"storing house hold goods expert packers. Office, 200 Nicol let. Both phones 1208. Res, phone T. C._13324. FIREPROOF STORAGE, CLEAN, SEPARATE rooms packing and shipping. 106 1st av N. STOVE REPAIES^^ U. S. STOVE REPAIR CO., 18 3d ST S, STOVES repaired and stored for summer. Both phones. Prompt service. REPAIRS FOR ALL STOVES. GREAT WEST era Stove Repair Co., 812 Hennepin av. J*., 1 PIANOSBARGAINS IN USED PIANOS FOR this week A $450 Henry F. Miller piano for $200 I vers & Pond piano, $190 $235 buys a $400 Braumuller piano, $215 buys a $450 Chlckering piano good Shibley piano for $170 used upright pianos $90, $100, $110. $115. $125, $150, $170 terms, $5, $6, $7 a month. Foster A Waldo. 36 5th st S. corner Nicollet. WE HAVE FOR SALE A GOOD CREAMERY outfit has been In use but 90 days De Laval separator, 12-borsepower engine, 16- horsepower boiler everything that goes to make np a first-class creamery and every* thing the best money could buy and every thing in fine condition will sell cheap. Ad dress Simon Bros., Montevideo, Minn. COMPLETE BANK, OFFICE, STORE, RE_ tauarant, confectionery, butcher and baker's outfit, safes, cash registers, refrigerators, wagons, buggies, stores, crockery, glassware, furniture, new and second-hand, for sale at 1027 Washington av 8. T. C. 1046. LEATHERALL 03LOR8. Large assortment of skins, for table and pil low covers, wall decorations, etc., always on hand and for sale by The Star Baby 8hoe Co_, 516 2d av S. Soft sole manufacturer*. PIANO IUNING AND REPAIRING gmr.r.rn workmen satisfaction always guaranteed be sure and get a Metropolitan toner. Order di rect. Metropolitan Music Co., 41-43 6th st S. Both phones. FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND-BIL llard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments send for catalogue and price list. The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 426 and 428 3d st S. Minneapolis. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON UNCLAIMED watches, furs, suits, overcoats and musical Instruments. Call and get prices. Wolfsoo, the reliable broker, 106 Washington av S. $6 BUYS AN EDISON DIAPHRAM MIMEO graph. No. 61 cost $16 when new, used only three months in good shape a bargain. Ad dress "Hed-Ee_V" St Peter, Minn. FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS, STANDARD makes about half manufacturers' prices. Get price-list expert repairing. Typewriter 4k Supply Co., 202 Sykes Block. WE LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT LOW- boulevard. est rates no delay. Nickels & Smith, 311 yo_ SALE OFFICE FURNITURE. We do re v~ii_ oW. GOOD REAL ESTATE security. Axel Anderson & Co., Sec. Bank bldg. READY MONEY LOANED ON DAKOTA LANDS and other securities. Davis, 720 Phoenix bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. HAVE $1,000 TO $1,700 TO LOAN ON IM proved city property. Call 488 Andrus bldg. $100 OR MORE ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY, Tabonr Realty Co., 410 1st av S. FLAGS. DECORATIONS AND TENTS. For sale or rent. American Tent & Awning Co.. 811 Wash ington av N. PIANOSA VERY FINE NEW WEBER PIANO^ colonial style, beautiful mahogany case, one half price for cash. Call at once. 728 Nlcol let. room 2 U8ED PIANOS, GOOD BARGAINS: WELLING^ ton, $140 KimbaO, $95, Chlckering square, $85. M. Schultz, wholesale warerooms, 716-718 1st av S. WOOD, DRY, $2.50. $2.76 FACTORY WOOD, $2.50 coal, $5 and $5 75. Plymouth Lumber Co.. 237 Hennepin. Main 3846 LI T. C. 2807. WANTED SECOND-HAND CARPENTER'S tool chest, medium size, must be good con dition and cheap. Address 9028, Journal. FOR SALEBOAT SHED FOR LAUNCH, -S feet long, at my dock, Huntington PolnJ. Minnetonka Beach. W. L. Bigelow. FOR BALEOLIVER TYPEWRITER USED only two months, good as new a bargain foe cash. Address 868. Journal. FOR SALEFOLDING BED, WITH BEVEL plate glass, cost $60 $16 takes it. 313# Emerson av 8. FOR SALE$60 CONN CORNET, IN FIRST class shape will sell for cash only. Address 868, Journal. FOR SALEA FINE STEEL ROWBOAT, LESf than half price. 2619 Lake of the Isle* lr _g i refinishlng. Amer. Desk Co., 525 S 4th. BARGAINS in new and old show cases and counters. Hagen. 1310 Washington av S. OAK BEDSTEADS WITH GOOD Springs. $3. Hotel Vendome. AUTOMOBILE AND BICYCLE YALE, 16 H. P. WITH TONNEAU $500 Franklin with tonneau 800 Rambler. 190$ model, 8 H. 23_t Rambler. 1905 model, 16 H. P.. side en trance 800 Marion, 1905 model, 16 H. P., 4-cylrnder. air-cooled 900 Glide, 1905 model, 8 H. P., single cylinder. 400 General, 1904 model, 16 H. P., double cylinder 400 Largest line of sundries in northwest. Dis tributing agents Fawkes' Airless Tires and Rushmore lamps Fawkes Auto Co.. 111-118 6th st S. ONE 1906 FRANKLIN DETACHABLE tonneau $1,000 One 1904 Franklin, detachable tonneau. 750 One 1904 Franklin, detachable tonneau. 000 One 1906 Stevens Duryea. top, odometer, extra tire 1.900 One 1905 Peerless touring car, full leather top 2,100 One Waverly electric 900 All these cars are In fine condition and big bargains. Moulton-Jordan Motor Car Co., 217 4th st S. 1905 WHITE. FULL EQUIPMENT ....$1,750 1{04 White, full equipment 1,1-0 1904 Packard, no tires 350 Bulck. 1906, full equipment 1 050 $2,500 Santos-Dumont, thoroughly over hauled 700 Auto car. 4-passenger 600 Harnes Automobile Co 220 6th st S. Minneapofla. .Af^llu, FOR SALE18 H. P. RAMBLER. SIDE EN trance, surrey type one, with folding top plate glass wind shield, extra tire, complete mud chains and lamps, first class condition and looks fine also house and lot for sale. Call 2712 Emerson av S. AUTO TIRES FROM $10 UP. CARRIAGE tires $3 up bicycle tires. $1 50 up, send your tires to us for repairing. We have the only complete plant for vulcanising and re-covering tires. J. N. Johnson Co.. 915 Nicollet av. TO TRADEA 1904 CLEVELAND AUTOMO blle touring car in first class order, for gaso lene launch not less than 18 feet long auto mobile can be seen at any time. Address A. M. Bridgeway. Annandale. Minn. ONE $1,000 ELECTRIC RUNABOUT WITH new batteries, looks new and is as good as new in every respect will trade for good city lot or quarter section of land land must be clear. Address 152, Journal. WE HAVE SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN SEC ond-hand Maxwell automobiles repainteA thoroughly overhauled fine condition. A. F. Chasa St Co.. 418-421) 3d av S. WANTEDTO EXCHANGE NOTES, WELL SB cured on farm land, for 1906 model four cvllnder automobile Address 1134. Journal. A^TTOMOBILE--NSURANCXT'BEST- n', SPIRAIi WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTEDPARTIES LEAVING CITY TO GEX our cut rates on household goods to Chicago. Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast terminals ana tributary points. For best of service at the lowest possible rates write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 8d st p. SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO LINDAHL Diegre highest prices paid 405 Waahingtoa av S Phc ne Main 1815 L2. WANTEDA FURNISHED FLAT OR SMAL3. house for family of two Sept. 1. Not to ex ceed $85. 1009, Journal. WANTEDTO BUY FOR CASH A TWI_f "Mills" 5c and 25c coin slot machine. Ad dress 558, Journal. WANTEDTO BUY 10 SECOND-HAND COIN. paying nickel slot machines. Miles A. Bnm ner, Fargo, N. D. WANTEDTHE BEST REFRIGERATOR $i will buy describe and address Beardslee, 220T _ortland av. WANTEDMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. HIGH est prices paid Max A. Kohen. 32T S. Wash. OFFICE FIXTURES AND DESKS WANTED for cash. "Advance." 411 Wash S. T. C. 9803. BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH IN SMALL quantities or whole libraries. 605 1st av S. i i i & i I POLICY lowest rates. Chadbourn & Braden, 17 4te st S. Both phones, 1219. GENTLEMAN'S HIGH-GRADE WHEEL FOR sale at a bargain a snap if taken at once. 409 6th st BE. WAGON BUILDING AND ^^^J^PAIMNa BEST FACILITIES IN THE CITY FOR BUILD ing, repairing and painting wagons, trucks, etc. fine carriage and automobile painting a specialty. The Boyd Transfer Co.'a Blacksmith _& Wagon_Shop^ 2931 4th av S._-_ CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, BEST workmen. C. Mumm. 413 20th av N. PIANOS AND ORGANS WE HANDLE THE ANDERSON Brecke-Olatad, 113 6th st S. ._.*#'-- PIANO, 1 I &2iaAJB,Z&A. *k'Ml -f 1