Newspaper Page Text
FOB BENT For RentUnfurnished Houses. THE WISCONSIN SYNDICATE. Owners. fc Rental List. Possession Sept. 1. 17.00Six-room house, gas and water large yard. 2837 2d av S. 517.00Five-room duplex apartment (upper), modem except heat hot water year round 2S40 Grana av. $26.00Five-room flat (lower), modern except hept. duplex house walking distance, 35 12th st N. $25.00Each, five room upper and lower fiat in duplex, modern except heat 1210 Linden av, opposite Wilson park. $35.00Five loom new. strictly all modern flats in duplex houses. 25th st and Nicollet, janitor, lighted vestibule, hot water heat. J40.00Sevei*room. strictly all modern flat __ heated. 008 University av SE 145.00Seven-room, modem steam boated flat in duplex large rooms 1216 Linden av, op- _. Pblte Wilso park foO.OOOne year lease $55. three-year lease, upper or lower apartment ebrht rooms, hot water heat, lighted vestibule, janitor, i 2436 Nicollet a leases fioni Sept. 1 or Oct. 1, nothing better in the city. The Wisconsin Syndicate. Both telephones 500 Temple Court. LAUDERDALE, 355 TEMPLE COURT. $93100 Sherician av N. $113127 3d st N. $102*123 itou av N. $51420 20th av N. $151541 Hillside, modern flat. $S1718 44th av N. $71213 2d st NE $20Pile flat, corner 20th and Bryant. $10lOZO Ljndale av N. $1615k 17 th $lb1731 Western av. Fire and tornado insurance. SECOND FLOOR DUPLEX HOUSE, 1801 FABK av alio first flooi of 1805 Park av, 7 to 9 rooms each, new houses, hardwood finish, gas and electric light, hot water heat, rent $50 per month. $501412 Stevens av. 10 rooms, modern. $303030 Ljndnle. will be mwlj papered and painted and put in flrst-class repair, eight rooms and barn. Smith. 604 Phoenix Building. IOR RENTNINE-ROOM LOVELY HOME, strlctlj modern, all hardwood down stairs, eighth wurd, near Lake st, east front, corner, $35 pei month to tholce tenants Address P. O Box 541 rlty. TOR RENTS JACOBS' HOME, 2310 COLFAX av S 12 rooms, handsomelj finished, thoroly equipped with all modern conveniences. On premises mornings, fIom 10 to 12 SEVEN-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE, steam heat and hot water supplied same as flat, walking distance, launchj Inquire 1601 Hawthorn av Phone 2256 *0R RENT2616 HARRIET AV, 6-R00M MOD em first floor duplet house separate heating plant hardwoods throughout, good neighbor hood $32 pei month. i0S. RENIVONE U-ROOM AND ONE 9-ROOM house, both modern, excellent location, one block from Oak and interurban cars 320 Oa_ st SE 60UTHEAST, $18, LARGE SIX-ROOM ALL modem house newlj papered and painted next stieetcars, near school. Bodge, 523 Bos ton block #16 SEVEN ROOMS, 1829 UNIVERSITY AV ST desirable coiner, citj water and sewer. American Standard Food Co 112 2d st N. 1411 24th ST S, 6 ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT heat $20 per month For RentFurnished Houses. SARTY LEAVING THE CITY FOR THE WIN tei She" to rent furnished house, modern, pleasantlj located, near two car lines. N. W. Main 3378 J2. For RentUnfurnished Flats. A FEW FINELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE room"! fulh completed four and five room flats, baths, steam heat, storage room laun dries Janitor service and hot water all year around, boulevard sidewalks with fine shade trees, seven blocks from Glass Block, to 6mall families and satisfactory tenants will rent fioui Sept 1, $25, $2S and $80 Call 701 Northwestern building between 9 and 11 am. BO LET^FO US ROOM STEAM HEATED flats, modern In all appointments, sideboard, refrigerator, gas range, large private screened in porch, store room etc, easy walking dis tance. Price $26, $28 and $30. W. W. Price, 413 New York Life bldg. tM AND ^ROOM FLATS IN THE GROVE laud fpartm-uts. 63 and 75 Ljndale av N, completely modern, one block from Hennepin av ca's, uear new parade, soft artesian water: good light and air. See F. Henry, 514 Lumber Lxchnngp. ARK AV APARTMENT, BEST FLATS, COR ner of Park and Piankliu avs. an elegant eight room apaitment thoroughlj modern, large ll bt moms lawn, shade, two porches aid aiteiu water Mrs. W S Best, 2012 Park av jfERY PLEASANTr"aUIET7SUNNYrOUTSIDE, sh room flat, In the Emerson, bath, steam heat jdiiltor, dre gas range, mahogany finish poiches, lawn, delightful surround ings. _60S Globe building. SECOND FLOOR NEW DUPLEXTLAT, SEVEN rooms, line bitU laundry, separate hot water plant storcu'om and shades, finished in oak, lotrtlon first class Inquire owner, Henry Hagmann. 23 9 10th av S TOR RENTUPPER FLOOR DUPLEX. FIVE roo_.s with Hrge alcove, fine bath, laundry, separate hot water heating plants, location hrst-clais Inquire ow ner, Phillip Woerner, 3131 Cilhoun boulevard 8TRICTLY MODERN SEVEN-ROOM FLAT IN the ividgcheid. Laurel av, between 15thwa lbth st1- and hot water heat and in ever i"i\ de-u ible $'5 Abbott, 513 Bank of Con morce building FIRST FLOOR IN DUPLEX HOUSE, UP-TO date oon^trui tlon and appointment, seven large rooms chole location, high above grade Applv 604 Kldgewood av 1. 5430, make appointment ONE NICE 7 AND 4-ROOM FLAT AT THE Mi nerva _S00 11 Stevens av beautiful!) finished ii mahogiim strictlj modern, steam heat, to __be_vaeited iept_ 1 See owner 2b01 Stevens. WOONSOdvLT, 3d AV~"S~AND" 16th ST,~7 looms thoroughly modem and up-to-date, hardwood finish throughout Inquire W J. _Lrnch 151S ^d_ay_ S C_phoue 2672. I_R"RENT$30, A MODERNIJ-ROOM'FLATT within walking distance leady Sept 1 1006. Janitor ser\Icj and steam heat 127 E Grant st Apply Seel^ Co 103 Boston block frOR RENTA BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX FLAT, 7 large looms modem tliruout, hot water heat, exceptional location, 604 Bidgewood av S. T. 5450, on view by appointment JitOM SEPT. 1, THOROUGHLY MODERN BlXr room and bath, coinei flat, all light looms, numeroub cleats In fiist class repair. Inquire janitor or owner lo02 2d av S |16FIVE NICE BRIGHT ROOMS, DOWN stairs, ^ewer citj water gas, woodshed and cellar, stoim windows and sxreens. front and side porches. 2309 10th av S jFOR RENTFIRST CLASS STRICTLY MOD ern, up to date flats four five, seven and eight rooma, prices right W Mealev, 413 Bank of (.onimeroe IARCOLA, 2d AV S AND 12th ST, A FOUR loom now and three four and five looms on Sept 1. Going fast. Chase, 84S Security building or janitor MEDIUM-SIZE FLAT, SEVEN ROOMS, TH0R0- ly modern hot water beat good location Ap ply at 604 Itidgewood av T. 5459, on view bj anTwiiitment CONVENIENT UNIVERSITY AND EAST SIDE high, cos-} Hat, 6 rooms, sideboard and mantel gas range walking distance, $26 Address 301 3d av SE tWO MODERN SUNNY 5-ROOM APARTMENTS and one of four rooms at Mansfield, 2114 Hen nepin av location best in city. Call at flat 1, or Janitor. JOR RENTSEVEN-ROOM MEDIUM SIZED flat, completely modern, fine outlook, best locality in cit). Call at 604 Ridgewood a v. T. C. 5450 VERY DESIRABLE SIX AND EIGHT-ROOM modern apaitments steam heat hardwood floors, janitor service, walking distance. 415 14th st COSY 5-ROOM FLATS FOR SMALL FAMILIES at Lyndale Terrace, 23th st and Lyndale av S, $17 50 per month. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nic ollet av. fOR RENTTHREE, FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM flats, all modern, steam heat, janitor service, walking distance. C. Olmsted, 685 Temple Court. feoDERN STEAM HEATED FLATS IN LAUREL apartments corner Laurel t.v and 15th st, easy talking distance, 4 to 7 rooms. See janitor. _OR RENTEIGHT-ROOM. STEAM HEATED flat, No 910 6th av S, also four-room, same location L. X. Gayner, 640 Temple Court. fOR RENTTHOROUGHLY MODERN STEAM heated flat in Drexel Court, Park av and 10th st _$30. J. F. Calhoun, 500 Oneida bldg^ TOR RENT-^-SEPTr~l7v_RY DESIRABLE 8IX- room flat at 1"1 Clinton av. only four flats in building Apply at 1507 Clinton av. GRANT FLATS, 2d AV S AND GRANT ST, six rooms light, steam heated flats $30. See janitor or phone owner, T. 14224 IN THE WALDORF, THE FINEST 6 TO 8- room steam heated apartments in city, corner Park av aid 18th at. See janitor. *0R RENTNEW MODERN DUPLEX FLAT, 1921 Colfax av S, read for desirable tenant Sept. 1. Owner 2o30 Clinton av BEAUTIFUL, UP-TO-DATE SIX-ROOM FLAT, in the Carlsborough, 701 Oth st S, walking distance T. 2422. FOUR ROOMS AND SHED. 509 Oth ST S. $12 rooms and flats, 26th av S and Franklin. Dr. NeilJL Medical block gEST DUPLEX^HOUSE FOR SMAISTFA M ily for the money in the city. 416 Delaware st SB- T. C. 9280. PC^RENT For RentUnfurnished Flats. Continued OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR. BENT. 606-8 7th st SK, two all modern, sev en-room flats, mahogany finished perhaps the most artistically decorated in South* east Minneapolis, price $40. 0 Corner of Douglas and Humboldt, first floor of new, all modern duplex house, seven rooms, basement, laundry, finished in mahogauy and weathered oak, will decorate to suit tenant. This Is the most up to-date flat ou Lowry H1U readv for occupancy price $60. 0 2S11 Ljndale av N, duplex house, first floor, five rooms, modern except heat, $18, second floor, five rooms, modern except heat, $15. 3714 Stevens av, seven rooms, modern except heat, will be completed and ready for occupancy about Aug. 15. This place has been remodeled and redeco rated throughout, new open nickel 0 plumbing, bam, price $24. 1023 7th st S, three rooms, city water price $7. Call at office for complete list. Sulflow-Dredge Company, 4312-3-4 Andrus Building. O00Oo"0O0 00000 THE FRANKLIN HEIGHTS APARTMENTS, 005 7-0 W Fianklln Av., One 8 room flat. $27. One 4 room fiat, $30. One 4-room fiat, $35. One 5-room flat, $38. One 8-room flat, $55. The above apartments are located the best residence district in the city, all loige, light roonib, well ventilated. First class janitor service and up-to date in ever} respeot The owner is willing to decorate to suit tenants. Apply to Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus Building. oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooo ELEGANT MODERN FIVE, SIX AND seven loom flats in the Lowry Hill apartments, corner of Hennepin and Douglass avs. The location the very best overlooking the citv and famous Japanese gardens, everything Al. Thorpe Bros 200 Andrus building oooooooooooooo FLAT OF SEVEN AND SIX BOOMS, SECOND floor, bath and gas rent, $13 and $14 1316 21st av N FINEST 4 AND 5-ROOM, STEAM HEATED flats In city 1 E 17th st, corner Nicollet av. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST S, HAVE flats and houses $10 to $45. MODERN, FIVE-ROOM FLATS AX CLINTON and 18th. Frank Miller. For RentFurnished Rooms. THE HOTEL DU NORTH, FIRST OXASS, E_. ropean plan, 25 Main st Nn, one block east of Central av, newly furnished and decorated throughout, thoroughly modern rooms by the day, week or month, prices reasonable. Both phones TWO VERY PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, gas sink, walking dis tance, rent very reasonable. 1120 1st av S 75 9th ST S, NEWLY FURNISHED. AND ALL modern rooms, gentlemen or ladies, hot water all the time. Mrs Wiberg G. A. VISIT0R8 CAN FIND NICELY FUR nlshed rooms at the Uneeda hotel. 715 Nic ollet, strictly modern. rOR RENTTWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE block from Lake Calhoun, board if wanted. 2870 James av S. TRUNXS delivered 25c. Commercial Delivery, 117 7th st S. T. C. 3473, N. W. Main 3468 J. NICE LIGHT FRONT ROOM. 1328 6th ST S. For RentUnfurnished Rooms. FTVE ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR HOUSEXEEP lng in modern house, heat, use of laundry and telephone, walking distance, rent reasonable. 156 17th st N WANTEDONE, TWO OR THREE UNFUR nlshcd looms, central, near good dressmaker refeiences exchanged. Inquire at 339 E 17th st FOR RENTFIVE ROOMS WITH WATEH, sewer, oodshed $7 50 month 1621 oth av N Telephone Al Hahn, Twin City 13510. _. For RentMiscellaneous. FOR RENTENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, 51-53 4th st S, will make long time lease, space is 2 700 square feet Call Charles A. Tuller. Journal office SHOP FOR BARBER, TAILOR, SHOEMAKER or light manufacturing 14 Central av, Nicol let island, $15 SPACE IN THE WINDOM BLOCX FOR RENT cheap. Apply Wm. Welsman 224 Wash av S. For RentStores. FOR RENTSTORAGE AND WAREHOUSE room on Great Northern track. Waterman Hunter Co., 515 1st av NE. NEW STORE AND BARBER SHOP FOR RENT. 1723 and 1725 8th av S Address Wyman Elliot. 815 E 18th st TO LETNEW STORE, SUITABLE FOR ANY kind of business 1155 Western av. For RentOffices. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH LOBBY, HALF OF suite of three rooms, including telephone and first class stenographic service 612 Bank of Commerce building FRONT OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT IN BANX of Commerce building Apply to Franklin Benner, 503 Bank of Commerce building. FINE LARGE OFFICES, SINGLE OR EN suite, splendid light, Temple Court building. Apply Horace Lowry, 317 2d ov g. _^_WAKJEr^-TOJ^NT___ WANTEDTO RENT A 3 OR 4-ROOM UN nished fiat must have at least wet sink and sewer, rooms to be on second floor, which are wanted bv man, wife and small baby, state prlceand particulars. Address 739, Journal. WANTEDTO RENT FURNISHED"."ABOUT eight loom strictly modern house in Southeast Minneapolis about Xov. 1 to May 1. P. Smart vice president Wells & Diekey Co., Security Bank building.^ WANTEDBY MOTHER AND DAUGHTER, four or five unfurnished rooms, with bath and heat second floor of detached house. N. W. Main 3023-L, or_address 990, Journal. WANTEDSEPT. 1, By-SMALL Wednesday Evening, ^itf-C THE1 in OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $26, $28 AND $32.50, MODERN STEAM heated flats, easy walking distance to business center. $20Eight room house (tenement), hard wood floors, gas, city water, In flrst class repair, 2308 Clinton av. $15Two acres and good house and barn, one-half mile from city limits in Rich field Sloane McCulloch Agency. Oneida Block. 104 4th st S, Minneapolis, Minn. oooo oooooooooo oooooooooooooo THE NEW lleunepln Court, 1015 Hennepin av, Two and three-room apartments, pas senger elevator, hlghrdass cafe in con nection, reasonable rent Apply Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus Building. FAMILY OF adults 6 or 7 rooms in modern house or flat central location preferred State price -nd full paitlculars 0. bo\ 13 WANT COTTAGE ON HIGH GROUND NEAR Lake Harriet preferred, answer by letter, location and rental A. Johnson, 208 Bank of_Commerce WANTEDBY MAN ANlTWIFE, SIX-ROOM, second floor, small, modern flat or heated house near Hennepin W. South 1858-L. WANTEDFLATS AND HOUSES TO RENT IN all parts of the city rents collected, property cared for. Elwood Co., 718 Guaranty Loan. A JAPANESE~WOULD L^__rTO~GET~2 MOD em furnished rooms in same house, fine loca tionstate rates Address 1027, Journal^ LIST YOUR FLATS, HOUSES AND STORES for quick returns with Chas. O. Blwood, 718 Guaranty Loan. WANTEDDESK ROOM TO SELL REAL Es tate, downtown office preferred. Address 1228, Journal. WANTEDTWO ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRI vate family near Lake Harriet. Address 1261, Journal. THE JOHNSON UNDERTAKING COMPANY IS now at 708 Hennepin av Telephones: N. W. Main 3853 Trl-State. 9859. J. H, Johnson, residence 2005 2d av S telephone N. W. Main 143-J, formerly president and general man ager Johnson-Landls Undertaking Co. MOE ft McNAMEE, 23$ 20th av N lady as sistant. N. W Nlc. 326-J Tri-8tate 13883. HUME & DAVIES, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Masonic Temple. 6th and Hen. Both phOnes, JOHN* M. GLEASON, FUNERAL DIRECTOR and embalmer. 82 7th st S. Both phones, J. WARREN ROBERTS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 710 Hennepin av. jBoth phones 3282. yiFIELD FIFIELD, 717-721 Andrus Bldg., ele gant mod, flat in Lowry HOI apartments, rent, SODEBH FLATS. SEE JANITOR, DOVER nervous' diseases and weVk_egBe_"of ailltia&ii Court, 6-7 6th av SB. ft Cj 16698, consultation free, -__* MEDICAL MRS. DR. FLUELLA MoXAY, SPECIALIST. No. 7 S 8th st electric and electro-magnetic, treatments, scientific massage, vapor and medi cated sweats, cures rheumatism, lumbago, BEAL ESTATEjrOB BALE Improved. PAUL BEUHLEJt, 440 Temple Court. $6,400 takes this beautiful new, up-to-date ten room strictly modern Lowry Hill home, finished in the choicest selected highly polished hard wood very expensive combination lighting fix tures, very best window shades, ,very latest up-to-date combination sideboard, very band some mantel, decorations the grandest, hot water heating plant can't be beat, the laundry room Is one of the best, dustproot coal house, house back plastered and built the best pos sible large lot buy this bargain now and be ready to send your children to the Douglas school Sept. 1. $4,800Up-to-date eight-room atriotty modern home Park av this no doubt is one of the biggest bargains ever offered on Park av. $8,250One of the handsomest up-to-date seven room strictly modern hardwood finished homes you ever saw well located on 2d av S almost new easy terms. Key at office. $2.500Look at this all modern home. 21T W 80th st easy terms big bargain, $3,000Good eight-room all modern home, best plumbing, good heating, fine gas fixtures, good automobile house, large lot 57x137 big bar gain Nicollet av inside 28th st. $3,850Built by owner for bis home, strictly modern, hardwood finish and floors, handsome ly decorated, fine gas fixtures, window shades, built-in china closet, storm sash, screens, fine shade trees: only one block to Lyndale car surrounded by $8,000 and $10,000 homes. Go and look It over 2600 Garfield ay S. $2,250Good ten-room two-family bouse, full basement city water wet sink on both floors. fine mantel rental capacity $27 per month mn RlaUdell av InsH" Lake t. $4,200Such a beautiful new up-to-date eight-room strictly modern home Is seldom offered at such a bargain back plastered, and bi-Ut the very best, finished In choicest highly polished selected hardwood, one* of the best hot water heating plants, fine corner lot, and everything else you can think of don't delay. 3345 Grand av g. $4,500For quick sale, 12-room bouse, modern except heat best open nickel plumbing, gas fixtures, two fine mantels lot 64x144 Park av inside Franklin, walking distance. $1.150Rents $12, never vacant, seven-room house and barn, good lot. citv water, near 3?d st and Blaisdell. $1,280Five-room house and baro We lot, 52x 145, city water, good cellar Girard, near Plymouth big bargain. $1 600Look at 629 Girard av N good seven room house city water, gas, cistern, well, storm sash, screens large lot big bar a-atn. $450Look this sweet little new home over No. 5120 Vincent av S fine view of Lake Har riet two large east front lots: good title abstract down to date. Remember. $450 will give yon the property free and clear big bar gain, sure to go owner leaving the state, cause of this great sacrifice. $2.450Here is an elegant, nice, nine-room mie city water, sewer connection, gas. storm sash, screens, fine shade trees, stone walks nice lot, fine location, 25th st, near Chi-ago av don't fell to see this bargain: no doubt will go quick. See Panl Beuhlgr's bargains before you buy. oooo oooo $8,5008987 PORTLAND AV. THIS IS a bargain worth looking at. $8,5002553 Dupont av 8 This is as good a bargain as the above. $6,000Six-flat frame building. Cedar av will net 10 per cent. This means net, too. We can carry one half the amount on a 6 per cent mort gage. $3,000Block of 30 lots on Nicollet and 40th st. $1,800We have been instructed to sell the double corner of 28th and Nic ollet for $1,800 and not a cent less. This is just what It is as sessed for. 5 Per Cent MoneyI have money In anj amount from $2,500 to $100,000, at 4% to 5 per cent according to class of loan. Dwelling loans at 5 per cent with on or before privilege. X. A. Jaraieaon, 205 Andrus Building. o' oooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 oooooo WX BUT OR BUILD HOMES OX EASY PAYMENT PLAIT. Pavrnent, $8 for each $1,000 per month. You may have any amount from $800 up. You select your place and your plans for building. We draw the plans for you without expense to yew you select your contractor. We furnish the money. All on Your Own Time. We do business anywhere in Minnesota, North and South Dakota. American Real Estate Investment Loan Co., 487-439 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. OOOOOO ooooooo OOOOOO O O O O O^OOOO'O SLOANE-MoCULLOCH AGENCY, Oneida Block, 104 4th St S, Minneapolis, Minn. $7,250Beautiful home of eight rooms and O finished attic hardwood finish and floors combination heat, built-in sideboard and davenport, built by owner for home east front lot, 70 xl30. This price for 36 days, On Pleasant av near &t_ st. $3,400Modern home of seven rooms and store attached stock of groceries "o and notions thrown in, on good corner lot, near Dupont av S and 27th st must sell leaving city terms easy. $1,300Six-room house and 50-foot front lot, 22d av S near 21st this price for 15 days. 000000 000 0 0 00000 LAKE HARRIET HOME BARGAINS. $1,050Three-room cottage, with oak floors, lot 50x152 birch finish screened porch $300 down near 48d st and Wash burn. $2,200Five-room, new, modern cottage, bath, full basement, hardwoods, screened porches, lot 56x152 No. 4236 Wash burn av S. $3,000Six looms, new. modern home, hard wood finish and floor thruout sideboard, storm sash, screens east front, near 38th and Stevens. All the above are cheap properties. Let us show them to you. Chas. I. Fuller, 803 Phoenix B-ildlng. OOOOOOOOOOO ooooo MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. A six room house on 22d st. between 12th and 13th avs. If a good little cot tage In first c'ass condition interests you, in this location, it will pay you to see us, as this house must be sold at some price, It has a good cistern and well electric 0 bell, screens and etoim sash, small barn, Lot 28x135 feet, with combination drive way. Terms easy. Thorpe Bros, 206 Andrus Bldg. oooooooooooooooo $1,175HOUSE, 8 ROOMS. TWO-STORY, 40th st, one block west of Nicollet av large lot, 80x90, good barn, terms, half cash greatest bargain in the thirteenth ward secure this home, no trade last time offered at this price. Marcus P. Hobart We buy and sell real es tate bargains. Acre* near Hopkins On the elec tric line for $75 an acre In tracts of 10 acres up. "Doubt Is the key of knowledge. He who never doubts never examines. He who never examines discovers nothing. He who discovers nothing is blind and will remain so." 802 Phoenix bldg. A BARGAIN. Tor Sale^A beautiful new 9-room house everything rlrst-chws 5 bedrooms a fine large batIncoin hardwood floors and finish throughout, a beautiful gas m&ntel, side board, china closet, linen closet, combination heat, back plaster in fact, everything to make a home complete now let me give you a good piece of advioe if you want some thing to make your wife happy, buy her this pretty home in Sunnyside. 2542 Colfax av S. No agents need apply. $6,600MODERN LOWRY HILL TEN-ROOM house, hardwood finish and floors, open plumb ing, combination beat grates, mantels, house In perfect condftioh, good as new large sta ble, full-slied east facing lot this choicest part of Lowry Hill you can buy nothing in this location less than $12,000 will sell you this home for $6,500 $2,000 cash, balance long time, 5 per cent owner leaving city possession at once. Only bonafide buyers all at 118 Kasota bldg. FOR SALETHREE FINS LOTS ON EMERSON av S, in eighth ward nice location for a flat. $850 each. Call for our list of duplex houses, some of the best investments In the city, pay ing from 10 to IB per cent net. We have one solid block between 48th and 49th sts that we are offering at such a price that will make someone a good slice If taken In a few days. Charls 0 Blwood. 718 Guaranty Loan. THE' BUYERS'- INFORMATION BUREAU, 804 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Is the place where owners of all kinds of property list what they h-ve to *ell. If you want to buy land, city property or a business of any kind, you cap find out all about It here, get owners' names and ad dresses, deal direct with them, and save agent's commission. ______^__ BY OWNER, REAL BARGAIN, A BEAUTIFUL nine-room house almost new, hardwood finish, modern, full basement, corner lot east front, near Lake st, eighth ward built for a good home must sell and will sacrifice If taken quUk if you see this you'll seek no further. For particulars address P. 0. Box 541, Minne apolis. FOR SALELOWRY HILL, NEW, JUST COM pleted 10-room up-to-date modern house hot water heat, combination gas and electric fix tures, handsome decorations, attic all finished big let choicest location. 2018 Girard av 8. Price $6,400 for quick sale. Owners, Friedman _BrosM S 5th t_*_^ 8025~JA-_-_rAV -TOOKS AND LARGE batb, hardwood flnlsb, in modem except heat, full cemented basementr, large attic, window shades, gas fixture., street improvements all in and paid for large gr_*d lot, facing park, half block to ear price fS^OOj $000 down, 4a0*er mi MINNEAPOLIS $__AL ESTATE FOR SALE Improved. Continued. $4,000A BIG SNAP FOR A GOOD CEMENT ed duplex house of 6 rooms and bath, each floor open plumbing. full basement hard wood floors and finish laundry, storerooms, fuel bins, window shades, storm and screen sash, cistern, well) fine large lot, 50x130 nicely graded ar_ sodded rental $540 per annum location 2707 Delaware st 8_. Get after this quick, it won't last. $3,800Nine-room house, partly modern, on fine large lot. 66x165, on 4th at SB, near 16th. $1.000For a good -7-room house, with well, cistern, cellar and street improvements 2110 E 20th St. $2,0002517 Bloomlngto- ST. 7-room house and two-story workshop, on lot 62x129 to alley. $2,650A good JO-room bouse and bath, large attic, cemented cellar, well and cis tern open plumbing, laundry, gas and elec tric fixtures, partly hardwood finish and hardwood floors location 15th ar S, near Lake. Let us show you this plaoe. $3,000For a good 0-room bouse and recep tion hall pine finish grained throughout newly decorated cellar, well, cistern, fire place, storm add screen sash three large lots fine garden fruit trees and berry bushes good chicken-house S63f Snelling av. $3,000For a flue 7-room bouse with bath, finely finished gas fixtures, window shades, storm and screen sash fine lawn with shrubs and shade trees lot 27%xl23 3216 17th av S. For Sale Quick$2,850 takes 881 11th ar S, a good two-story brick building with store' and 9 room flat above city water, sewer and gas connections, renting for $300 per year. Look this up $5.500For a good two-story brick building containing two nice stores and two 5-room flats above, city water and sewer connec tions- rental $686 per year. $1.700For a good 4-room house and acre of ground In Lake Harriet district. $2,000For a good 8-room house with cel lar, cistern, city water, sink, storm and screen sash Girard av S, near 27th. $3,500A fine almost new 7-room and bath cottage, hardwood finish and floors, open plumbing, laundry, fine furnace, gas fix tures, window shades, storm and screen sash, finely decorated, 2725 Grand av. Yale Realty Co., 806 4th st 8. oooooooooooooo OKAS. W. CHASE, 848 Security Bank Building. $4,000I am just completing an 8-room fully modern bouse at 8129 Du pont av S, finished in oak, with hardwood floors, brick mantel in parlor, nlckel-ifeted plumbing, and ready to occupy. Can be sold on monthly payment plan $3,800This price will ouy a new, mod ern 8-room house at 3410 Oth av 8, oak finish, very fine oak side board, hardwood floors, iull nickel-plated plumbing, all ready to move into. Will be sold on easy payments or will rent to good Suring arty with option to purchnio term of lease. $8,000For an east front corner, 110x155 feet Irwin ar find 25th st, Lake of the Isles. $1,600will take double corner, 76x118 feet, Lyndale av S and 27th st. Lots in all sections of the city at low prices and easy terms. Call and see me. Houses and flats for rent. oooooooooooooo BARGAIN BY OWNER, 9 ROOMS. ALL MOD ern, arranged for one or two families par quet floors downstairs 46-foot lot, fine lawn and shrubbery also fine barn upstairs will rent for $20: on account of sickness will sell for $3,500 must be sold quick. 3124 _Lyndale av S. EIGHT'ROOHS ANlfBATHROOM, THOROUGH ly modern house, with combination heat, gas and electric fixtures, full basement with plas tered laundry in the basement and barn near ly new, on Bryant av S. We must sell this month. Lake & City. Realty Co., 616 Guar anty building. FOR SALECOMFORTABLE, MODERN NINE room home, large grounds, cultivated, fruit trees and shrubbery size of lot 80x150 feet: 800 feet from 6th av N carline ideal location: this can be bought at a bargain. Call and look over property. C. 3. Babcock, 621 Penn av N. TWO NEW HOUSES, 3101 AND 3115 18th AV S, for sale very reasonable overlooking Pow derhorn park one block to St. Paul car line elegant location for a borne houses and sur roundings must be seen to be appreciated. E. L. Miller, owner, 410_8ykes block. BY OWNER, "IO-ROOM" MODERN" HOUSE, beautifully finished Inside, with red birch and oak all improvements in fine location east front shade trees, nice lawn, automobile gar age all In first-class condition and good as new. Call 2712 Emerson av 8. WE HAVE A FINE DUPLEX HOUSE IN eighth ward for sale'at bargain must be sold at once by order -of iMStft* pay 16 per cent on investment come quick:" Davis-Oberg Co., 924 Boston block. $3,500A BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, worth $4,500, finely finished, hardwood floors, thoroughly modern nice lawn east front and In eighth ward. H. A. Humiston Co., 11 7th st N. Hours, 2 to 4. FOR SALEDUPLEX HOUSE, HARDWOOD finish throughout, 5 rooms and bath on each floor and large barn fine location must, will and going to sell this week. Owner. Address 1260, Journal. BARGAIN2801 5th AV S, ONLY $8,900 easy terms monthly payments strictly mod ern 8-room residence: large corner lot, eighth ward. Konkle, 823 New York Life. $8,800BRAND NEW ALL MODERN HOUSE. 8 rooms, 2315 Pierce st NB. All street Im provements in, large lot, excellent neighbor hood. Thomas Watts, 616 Phoenix bldg. LEWIS W. CAMPBELL CO.. 321 PlllsibuTy Bldg Real Estate Rentals, Insurance. We sell bouses and lots. $2,800 BUYS EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, EIGHTH ward, large corner lot, east front, bath, gas, water and sewer, a decided bargain. Shepard, Bank of Commerce building. FOR SALENEW HOUSE, MODERN EXCEPT beat best open plumbing, hardwood finish and fine home one block from 4th av carline. Owner, T. C. 14126. ARE YOU' LAYING BY SOMETHING FOR the hard times sure to come? The Savings Bank of Minneapolis, 4th st and 2d av S. $400 TAXES SMALL UNFINISHED HOUSE and large east front lot, if taken at once time If desired. 4826 Harriet av. FOR BALEEIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE in Sunnjside district at sacrifice must sell. _Call at 230 Temple Cohrt.owner. CONTRACT FOR $2,000 WTTHU. S. INSTALL ment Realty Co, cash ready Aug. 16th must sell. Address 718, Journal. PORTLAND AV NEAR 26th, EIGHT-ROOM modern, $3,500. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. FOR SALENEW 8-ROOM COTTAGE, HARD* wood finish modern, witb heat a bargain. 8426 Grand av. FOR SOME REAL BARGAINS IN GOOD homes see Danfortb & Halsh, 207 N. Y. Life. iinimproved. A FEW LOT BARGAINS. $750For 50-foot lot. Lake of Isles. $950For 50-foot lot. Lake of isles. $1,000East front. 50 feet, W 24th st and Lake Of the Isles boulevard. $2,000Corner, 155x100, 26th st In Lake of the Isles city water and gas. $125Low lot with city water, 18th ar and 35th st east front. $350Lot on Blaisdell, 40x190, near 87th st this price is so low that when I put It on my sign the neighbors smash It. KenllworthNew addition on Lake of the Isles boulevard city water, gas and sidewalks to be laid at once plats and prices on application. We will build for you. NewbHll, 550 Temple Court. ooooooo THE BEST LOTS IN THE CITY FOB. $70 Bach. Located near the 20th av N carline, be tween 35th and 36th avs sise 40x128 feet ench He beautifully, overlooking the city. Terms very reasonable, $10 cash, $5 monthly, 6 per cent interest. An excep tional opportunity. Buy quick. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus Building. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FORT WILLIAM, ONTARIO, CANADA. For Sale100 acres, subdivide and double your money, $25,000 fine business corner, in cluding building, $10,000 building lots,.farms and mining properties. Correspondence so licited. John Morton. Real Estate Mart. Simpson st. iARGAINSBABGAX'NS^BABGAINB. $750Lot. east frnt. Holmes av. near 38d. $750'Lot, west front, Humboldt av S near 34th st. $1,000Lot east front,' Irving av S near 32d. Calhoun boulevard, lot 82x100 finest lot In the city to build a home near 33d st. Hill & Garwood, 617 Guaranty Bldg. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL lots in this city are at Sevenoaks, on Selby Lake st Interurban line. We have river bank frontage and food inside lots from $250 up on easy terms. For plats and Information call at our offices, corner 42d av S and Lake st or 114 4th st S EdmundJS. Walton Agency. ONLY ONE GOOD LOT UNSOLD, ON IRVING av south of Lake st We have it. between 82d and 98d, $1,276. All improvements. Only one good lot unsold, on Humboldt av. south of Lake st, next to corner 31st, east front, all improvements, $1,050. C. 0., 315 Bank of Cdmmerce. SUBURBAN ACRES--W AOREB JUBT NORTH of St. Paul city limits good land only $2,000 a bargain, Call on Janney. -i _. te.-i L_.fj_ _%^__!f BN_P_glto_for _i.T__. A $S8lf _C-BUT^ra_T WILL Defective Page JQtjrRNAt.j, jt^jggl August 8,'390CT. u^/.,. _,_/ REAL ESTATEFOR SALE Unimproved. Continued. EAST FRONT LOTS. NICOLLET PARK ADDJ tlon, 40x132, Stevens av, between 30th and 40th nice place for home: price $825 also lot 87)4x122, Thornton st SB, for $80Q. B. A. Field, 810 Hennepin. LAKE OF THE ISLES ADDITION100x155 feet, fine view of lake, splendid property. $2,250, or will divide. Address 1119, Jour- aL $800, WORTH $360LOTS ON 14th AV SZ BE tween Division and Winter st, Blwell's second addition. Thomas Watts, 616 Phoenix building. Farm Lands. MAZE MONEY 4TO0X by buying second-hand thresher rig a'rig as good as new, one that can pay for itself in one season, will sell at a very low price for cash or time, with terms to suit, or will trade for farm lands In Minnesota, the Da kota* or Canada. One Buffalo Pitts 80 H. P. double-cylinder engine, one Buffalo Pitts Nla- ?eederIIattachedseparator ara 41x66 with 44-inch Lindsey one Nichols & Shepard 22 H. P. engine, one Buffalo Pitts 40x66 separa tor, ope 20 H. P. Case engine, one 36x58 Case separator with 40-inch Lindsey feeder at tached. These rigs are first class and will work like new, will sell any engine or separator alone. Write or call on Feroh Bros., Odessa, Minn. DON'T BUY LAND IN CANADA UNTIL YOT' see Paradise Valley. Northern Alberta, the finest farming country in the world wheat mns 50 bushels, oats 100 bushels to the acre cattle shipped this week averaged 1,600 pounds,, fattened on glass a beautiful park country with clumps of trees, mostly open prairie, gently rolling lakes of good water, anpl rainfall, deep black loam topsoil, clay subsoil, a few agents wanted prices reason able easy payments. Write for maps and route to W. T. Stevens, manager Paradise Valley Land Co.. 220 Bndicott building, St. Paul. Minn. MAKE UP YOUR MIND to see our $10 to $20 per acre Kanabec county, Minnesota, lands during your visit to the G. A. R. and the state fair. Great stock raising, dairying, diversified farming and tame grass land. No llcher soil can be found anywhere. Good climate fine water excellent health good home markets and cheap freight rates Now is the time to buy. Come to my office and get a $8 round-trip ticket any day. Write for maps. L. A. Howard, 502 Oneida Bldg, Minneapolis. 880 AORES, FIRST-CLASS STOCK FARM, witb full set of buildings, near Farmlngton, Dakota county, Minn. 150 acres, stock farm in Bloomlngton, cat 150 tons hay. 120 acres in Wright county, 110 acres cul tivated, balance timber good buildings. 92 acres, 2% miles east of Anuapdale, $2,700 $40 per acre for good farms, three to ten miles southwest of Minneapolis. I. A. Dunsmoor, 616 Phoenix Building. INTERURBAN ACRESFINE FARM, 60 acres, good house, barn, chicken-house, well, windmill and tank 30 acres under plow, bal ance timber and pasture. We offer this fine lace at the very low price of seventy (70) ollars per acre. You can earn a good living on It and In a few years sell It for double its cost to you. Go and see it. Call on Janney, 203 Oneida Building^ THE BUYERS' INFORMATION BUREAU, 304 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Is the place where owners of all kinds of property list what they have to sell. If you want to buy land, city property or a business of any kind, you can find out all about it here, get owners' names and ad dresses, deal direct with them, and save agent's commission. FOR SALEDAIRY AND STOOX FARM OF 250 acres, ten-room house with running water, basement barn 80x80 joins Minnesota river and Grass lake part upland and part bot tom, 17% miles from Minneapolis, 4Vs miles from Shakopee, 8 miles Eden Prairie Henne pin county rural delivery and phone service. A. Hurr, Eden Prairie, Minn. ET YOU WANT A FARM IK SOUTH DAKOTA or expect to go oat to Lyman county and look over the section through which railroads are BOW building write or call on us, low rates. Egeland's Land Agency,' Immigration Bureau, 700-U Mew York Life bldg, St. Paul. Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHIANGE4,500 AORES OP unimproved land in North Dakota near main line of railroad. Will sell on easy terms for cash or exchange for desirable business or city residence property. Address 1128, Journal. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Great bargains In Kansas, Nebraska and Col orado ten years' time, one-tenth cash. Dept. 0, Land Dept., U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALEMONTANA IMPROVED RANCH IN Sweetgrass county 6,183 acres of deeded land ditches fences, dwelling, sheds, cabins, etc. Sweetgrass river runs thru the ranch. Address 478. Journal. ISO AORES, POLK COUNTY, WIS., PARTLY lmtroved, 15,000 feet lumber, for building 50 miles St. Paul only $8 per acre. Mlnnetonka farms and lake property. A. M. Walker, Ex celsior, Minn. 160 ACRES A MILE AND HALF FROM BEN son, county seat of Swift county sandy loam soil 100 acres in crop, balance meadow, rea sonable terms. Lewis & Co., 525 Boston blk. FARM OF 40 ACRES NEAR LAKE FREMONT, two miles from Zimmerman, Minn. good rich soil good buildings. Also 213 acres near Blk "Elver. Call or address 2500 23grauTH 8b~"c_:oiGE8T QU__t,r__r_crri6Ns^_tf_d av 8* Dakota, $20 per acre, $17 per acre wholesale. Every quarter choice land. $1 per act* to agents. F. D. Dibble, 530 Temple Court. HIGHLY APPROVED 160-ACRE FARM, GOOD buildings and nice grove, for sale or ex change for flrst-class city property. W. D. Savage, 8555 Nicollet av. Both phones. BARGAIN800,000 FEET MARKETABLE pine saw timber on 160 acres of Itasca coun ty onl) $1,800 snap. Konkle, 323 New York Life building. BAR_AIN^76 DOWN, BALANCE FIVE years, buys 40 acres fine land, only 35 miles northwest Minneapolis. Konkle, 328 New York _Life building 880-AORE STOCK FARM GOOD BUILDINGS, good fences, good markets adjoins live town. B. E. Hemmingway, Mattoon, Wis. DAKOTA AND SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY lands, first mortgages. Dakota & Canada Land Co.. 811-315 Security Bank building. 160 ACRES. 10 MILES FROM CITY, EXTRA good land and well Improved will sell half if desired. 402 WthstS^ See owner.^ TEXAS~LAND, ADJOINING NEW CITY, $400 acre crop $8 acre only. J. Phllan, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, IU._ FOAN SELL YOUR FARM. SEND DEBCREP tlon. Shepard, Bank of Commerce bldg. ^WBM^ESTA^JEXCHANGE^ FOR SALE OR TRADE219 ACRES, HIGHLY Improved farm, schoolbouse and Lutheran church close to buildings, four acres of natural timber on the bank of Wild Rice river, in Richland county, N. D. price $50 per acre easy terms. Address Box 7, Abercromblo, N. D. 640 A CAN., MAN.. $11, FOR CITY RES. 860 A., Deuel Co., S. D., $26, for income. 800 A., Wis., Dane Co., $30, tor city block. American Land Exchange Co., 448 A, Security Bk. Bldg, Mpls, Minn. WILL TRADE OR SELL FINE FRUIT LAND, rmiles acres, close to Millbourne, Fla., and 1% to from Atlantic ocean. What have you got to offer? Answer. C. J. Babcock, 621 Penn av N. Minneapolis. WANTEDSMALL HOME IN MINNEAPOLIS for one-half section choice Canadian lands close to town, good water, well settled coun try price $16 acre. Address H. H. Rub, 2815 Oirard av. A 24-FOOT STEAMBOAT, IN Al CONDITION, for city lots or lake property. Have no use for the boat. Write or call at once. Chas. C. Taylor, 2214_Bmerson av S, Minneapolis. TO'EXCHANGEA QUARTER SECTION OF choice Canadian land near Rosthun, Bask., wanted, small house or other property in Min neapolis. John Downs, Wlllmar, Minn. _^ EIGHTY-ACRE FARM IN FREEBORN county, Minnesota Improved, fine farm In exchange for home in Minneapolis. Meyer, 419 Phoenix Building, 480-AORE WELL-IMPROVED FARM, GOOD soil, large buildings, cultivated price $12,000. Clear for good rental property In Minneapolis _or 6t_Pa _._Addres8_1203, Journal. WANT ST. PAUL OR _CINNEAPOLIS REBI dence property for improved farm in Southern Minnesota on nice lake. Write Kawhoma Co.. _1954 University av, S Paul. 170 ACRES GOOD'FARM LAND IN~CAS8 OOUN ty, and buildings to exchange for Improved city property. 2820 Girard av 8. Call quick. A FINE FARM FOR HOME IN NORTHEAST Minneapolis. The Emergency Co 929 Nic ollet av. WANTEDTO BUY A GOOD NEW MODERN residence ud to $6,000 west of Park and south of 24th St: purchaser will pay all cash, most be good values. We will look yotir prop erty over for you and advise you whether we consider it suitable. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus Building. WE SOLICIT YOUR LISTINGS. We have continual calls for all classes of property. We have some investments worth your timeito Investigate. Best fire and torna do insurance. Chute Realty Co., 301 central. W~AN_fb--A FOUR OR iTv^-BCOM^CO? __-- A.X *_ uua-aui w_u wi__ tage ifl the neighborhood of Western v K, you twoAtots^ on University a* NB, walking distance must h*ve good well and sear 2CthT Answer quick. Cook, 816 Bank cistern. John Brapdser, Box 63, Delano, *f conuaerco building ^__ M__, &? ^WANTgJ^AI^ESTATE^ Continued WA-TTEDSMALL H0U8E, WITH LARGE lot, near Nicollet car line, inside 88th st must be a bargain. Hall, 786 Lumber Ex change. THE CHEAPEST LOT I CAN BUY WITHIN a balf-milo of the university must have city water. F. D. Rose, Kasota building. PROPERTY WANTED FROM THE OWNERS. We have buyers looking for good investments. H-Wood Co., 718 Guaranty Loan. 10. 80 OR 40 ACRES, SUITABLE FOR PLAT tlng will pay cash give full particulars. Address 1235, Journal. WILL BUY SECON.D MORTGAGES OR CON-o tracts If discounted liberally. Address 1234, Journal. IIST'YOTJB PROPERTY WITH THE LOWBY Realty Co., 828 Boston block. Listing free. WANTEDTO BUY A CHEAP HOUSE AT once. 812 Bank of Commerce building. ^JMIlgJBTONKA^^ 880 ACRES NEAR MINNEAPOLIS, ALL Im proved near trolley line. Fine trackage on two railways, with spur tracks graded rail way station on property ideal manufacturing site fine farm beautiful country home land suitable for platting good waterpower, 11 dwellings, store and large barns all in the famous Mlnnetonka region. Burwell, 205 Post office building. A RARE OPPORTUNITY EXCELSIOR, FINE lot, two minutes from electrics good house, seven rooms, 'excellent for all seasons two piazsas, beautiful lake view large old trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn, well, gas available price will soon advance. Holbrook, 417 Ka sota bldg. FOR SALENINE-ROOM COTTAGE WITH bathroom, spring water and rain water piped upstairs and down on main lake near Areola station $3,600, partly furnished. Apply T. G. Winter. Chamber of Commerce. FOB REN_^BY~THE 15th, 9-ROOM FUR nished cottage by the week or month ice and boat. Phone T. C. 5106. ROWBOATS AND LAUNCHES THAT CAN'T sink. Shadeggg Bug. Co.. 315 3d st S. HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. FOR SALETO DEALERS OR CONSUMERS, $20,000 stock of Iowa Saddlery Co., consist ing of harnesses, saddles, collars, and every thing pertaining to harness business must sell, special prices to dealers no correspond ence solicited. Midway Harness Co., 1950 University av, Opposite Horse Market. St. Paul. NINETY HEAD OF CHEAP FARM MARES and horses just received also a number of delivery horses and drivers at right prices. Barrett and Zimmerman, Midway Horse mar- _ket,_St. Paul. OOME T0~THE STOCK FAIR THIS BATUB day and buy anything you want In the line of horses, cows, wagons, buggies and bar nesses, etc. North Side City Hay Market. TOP BUGGY, WHICH HAS NOT BEEN USED to exceed one month, at a price which we know will be satisfactory. Call and see It at 1800 Qulncy st NB. Hennepin Lumber Co. MATCHED PAIR BEAUTIFUL DRIVERS, light weight, also full leather top Stanhope and one handsome bay mare, driver and sad dler. Chester Elwell, 8120 Stevens. WANTEDWE ARE ALWAYS READY TO buy and pay Cash for horses, buggies, har nesses, wagons, etc., at Barrett & Zimmer man's Midway Horse Market. DON'T FORGET THE WEEKLY STOCK FAIR, Saturday a chance to buy one horse or a carload, first cost. Hay Market, 8th av N and 5th st. Auction 2:30 p.m. SOUTH ST. PAUL HORSE EXCHANGEWE have a large supply of horses always on band. Take South St. Paul car direct to our barns. G. W. Flanagan, Manager HORSEB, WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESSES, hew and second band bought, sold and ex -changed. Come and see us. Wldmayer & Prendergast, 414 8d st S. FOR SALETRAP AND HARNESS IN GOOD condition, cheap will trade for tailoring or anything I can use. Dayton Dry Goods, Shoe Dept. HORSE, 1,200 POUNDS, GENTLE, CAN BE used for any purpose, tVund 1701 Aldrich av N. At home morning, noon and evening. FOR SALEGOOD, SOUND FAMILY MARE. 10 years old, weight about 1,050 buggy and harness, $75 no traders. 691_ 24th_ av N B. I36-BUYS~7-YEAB-0LD stables, cash or time. 218 2d av N. COWS, DOGS, POULTRY O MARE, WEIGHT 1,100 pounds good driver, single or double afraid of nothing. Call after 5. 8109 8d av S. FOR SALESADDLE PONT, GENTLE AND safe, $25 closed carriage cheap. Inquire at 1521 Dupont av N, between 6 and 8 p.m. FOR SALETHREE GOOD FARM OR DELIV ery mares, one 1,100-pound horse, cheap time or cash. 608 7th st S. JUST~REC_IVED. LOT OF NEW HORSES from country call and see if you want to buy. Rear_ S20_ath_st_SJ FOUR GOOD FARM MARES, WEIGHT FROM 1,800 to 1,400 pounds each prices reasonable. 2020 Lyndale av N. 1/200-POUND HORSE, EXPRESS WAGON and two-seat surrey, cheap for cash. 313C Emerson av S. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED FREE. N. W. Scavenger Co., 102 1st st N. Phone 195 M. FOR LAME AND INTERFERING HOR8ES TRY our band-made shoes. Jas. Rowett. 221 7th st S. FROST-_~CO.*S SALE AND~ C0MM_3SI0N H_v__NN_W^__ATFO_nf_RI___r_SeN___S are offering for the next 30 days rare bar gains In dogs and*brood matrons these ter riers are from the world's best strains and many are fit to show in the best of company. A nice lot of puppies to select from. Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed. Glenn G. Reed, Glenwood, Minn _____ ONE LLEWELLYN BITCH. 2 YEARS OLD three pups. 5 months old one pointer bitch, 2 years old out of Senator P. all registered also one pointer. 2 years old, not registered will trade for good shotgun. Write me. H. N. Beigart. Montevideo, Minn. 'HUNTING DOGS"FOR SALE. TWO ENG lish pointers, male, 4 years old. not regis tered, but well bred and well broke on chickens, $30 each shipped on approvaL Ad dress C. W. Bckes, Marshall, Minn. FOR SALETWO FINE FOX TERRIER DOGS, 8 months old, also two cocker spaniel pups they are beauties and very well bred. Write at once. A. Barthelemy, St. Cloud. Minn. PEDIGREED CHESAPEAKE BITCH, 2 YEARS old. $10 also Llewellyn Chesapeake pups $10 each the best duck dogs on earth. 8129 Stev ens. FOR SALETHOROBRED BULL TERRIER pups well marked, brlndle and pure white prices reasonable 5808 Nicollet west. FOR SALE^ENGLISH SETTERS BEST OF breeding. Address Dr. Tourney, St. Peter, Minn. PATENjr^ATTORNEYS^^ STENToRXT^TTENTio-f-^PATENTS^SS ALL countries promptly obtained, sold, leased, man ufactured models made 26 years established snexoelled reputation inventor's book free. AddreW Patent Market, St. Paul, Minn. WILLIAMSON & MERlJHANT, PATENT LAW yers and solicitors, main office, 925-933 Guar anty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 52 McGlll building. Washington. D. C. AGENTS WANTED oooD_rv_ "AGENTS TO EARN FROM to $80 per week wonderful proposition can Interest every laboring man. Call room 680 Guaranty building, Minneapolis, MEN AND BOYS FOR NEXT WEEK CAN make big money selling on street G. A. a, parade map and program. See Woodman, 8o Lumber Exchange BARTER AND EXCHANGE PIANO TO EXI buggy or team Nicollet av. _JGE FOR HORSE AND Segerstrom Piano Co., 804 PIANO TO EXCHANGE FOB! 0_BPENTEB work or painting and papering. 804 Nicollet av. MONUMENTS smLlLAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED MONU ments and markers to be closed .out at whole sale prices ranging from $5 to $600. Anoka Granite ft Marble Works, salesroom 428 Wash ington V N. ^___________ NORTHWESTERN XANTELOO., MONUMENTS, headstones and markers special designs on request. Office. 419 Oth st S. Granite and Marble Works. 3517 Hen, av. Both phones. MACHINERY 5bN^^___NT___^W^0^W0R_aHGM A. cblnery, large stock, new and second-hand. Northern Machinery Co., 217 3d st S, Mpls. MINING INVESTMENTS P_trraviL__r-',wls^^ stocks. Write concerning stocks. Advice free. W. P. McDonald. Andrus building, Mpls. WOOD AND COAL BET? FACTORY H_MJWOODJ OHEAMST cleanest and best wood In the city. Bttoard Cope Mfg. Co.. 4th st and 2d av NB. AUCTION SALES :v5V3&7GordoniOoMlioensed auctioneers 1$ years' experience. 825 Guaranty. Both phones. EUROPEAN TRAVEL tO EUROPE VIA CUNAI Company's new office. Guaranty Bldg. J^-" lsS G. A. B_ DECORATIONS. oooooooooo oooooo Jo ti HENNEPIN AV, G. A. R. DE00&A-..O tkms to beat the band. Buildings decorate-. Wholesale and retail. Largest stock in city. Phone T. C. 8807. OOOOOOOOOO OOOO 0 OOP OOOOOOOOOOOO INTERNATIONAL FLAG & DECORATING Co., 23 Washington av N. 0 T. 0. Phone 3858. Largest stock, best assortment. Buildings and store fronts decorated, Portraits and decorations of all kinds fur nished. Our prices are satisfactory to alL oooo OOOOOOOOOOO O O O OO'OOOOOOOOO LUTHER FORD AND J. A. FILLMORE, 45 4th st S, next Journal Bldg. O. A. R. decorations, flags, fast color _oods only, etc. ___ Largest stock, best assortment. Hsttmates furnished for decorating build ings. BenJ. F. Ward, Manager. ooooo LUTHER FORD AND J. A. FILLMORE, 45 4th st S, next Journal Bldg. G. A. R. decorations, flags, etc., fast color goods only. Largest stock, best assortment. Estimates furnished for decorating build ings. Open evenings. BenjT F. Ward, Manager. ooooo ooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOO FLAGS AND FLAG POLES. For Sale. Buildings decorated. Tents and cots For Rent. H. G. NeaL 246 Hennepin av, 'OOOOOOOOOOO FLAGS AND BUNTING of all kinds at lowest prloes. C. J. Holgaard Co., 116 Washington av N. WE ARE HAVING A SALE ON BED AND white and blue bunting for decoration at 9%e a yard while it lasts. Parls-Murtoa Co., 2d st and 1st ar N. WOOL BUNTING AND OIL PAINTINGS. TWIN City Flag Decorating Co., 409 Hennepin ar. Phone N. W. Main 2758-J2. FOR BALE--. QUANTITY OF SECOND-HAND wool and fast color flags and bunting cheap. 1068 14th ay SEv LET LEO LIGHTING 00. LIGHT YOUR BTA3TD tent, pavilion. G. A. R, week. 110 6th st ft. AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGSA. D. CAMPBELL Awning Co., 211 Hennepin av.- MOVING THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilltes for packing, moving, stor ing end shipping household goods. Call and in spect our new plant at 4th av S and Lake at, the largest in the west the finest anywhere, embracing stables, wagon shops and Fireproof Storage Warehouse, with separate rooms and compartments. Visitors welcome. Warehouse office. 400 Lake st. Main office, 46 S 3d St.. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. has best facilities for handling and storing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured cut rates to E acuta coast and other points can save you money do not be deceived by other advertisers we can and will do what we agree regarding car rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy ma chinery moved by experts. 122 6th st S. Both phones. CUT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago, Denver, Spokane. Pacific coast terminals and tributary points. The only concern in the N. W. doing enough business in this line to give prompt and reliable service. Avoid risk and trouble by giving your business to the Boyd Transfer Storage Co., 46 3d st. CAMERON TRANSFER AND STORAGE EX pert packers for storage or shipment large and commodious vans for moving. Office, 200 Nicollet both phones 1208. Besidenoe, T. _13324: BENE BROS.. TRANSFER AND BAGGAGE( finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tele phones 954. FLOUR CITY TRANSFER AND STORAGE Moving and packing a specialty. Office, 217 5th st 8. Both phones 648. ANNOUNOEMBKTO THE CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE, Corner 6th st and 1st av S, wishes to announce to their friends and pa trons that they have recently installed one of the finest and most expensive soda fountains in the city. Ladles cordially Invited to make ow store headquarters for a resting place after shopping or while waiting for the cars. Large, comfort able seats, electric fans and public phones NOTICEZESBAUGB7S CLEARING SALE, entire stock new and unclaimed pictures, fine oil paintings, mirrors, ovals, room mold- lngB sale we frame pictures cheap regild lng flrst-class work. 11 5th at S. OUT RATES ON HOUSEHO-D GOODS TO Chicago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast termW nals and tributary points. For best of ser vice and lowest rates write or call on to* Boyd Transfer Co., 46 3rd st S. BOARD AND ROOM Wanted. YOUNG LADY. AT BUSINESS DAYTIME, DB slres nice large unfurnished room, with op tion of board, private family preferred walk ing_dtetanceL Address 1282, Journal. ROOM AND BOARD BY GENTLEMAN, WALK* lng distance from Journal must be modern home with lawn state rates. Address 1278, Journal. ____- WA-TTED-^TWO ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRI vate family near Lake Harriet. Address lZtJL, Journal. BOARD AND ROOM Offered. ONE PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOABD IN A thoroughly modern flat hot and cold water private. Iy09 8d av S, flat 1. WELCOME G. A. R..-FINE FAMILY HOME reasonable price. Hotel Van ^00^1224 Nic. HOTEL SAN ANGELOROOMS WITH OBJ without board private bath. 1221 Nicollet. OARPET OLEANINQ. RUQ MANUFACTURING _Q__TICULAR~'SP-3H^ pets, rugs to the Mpls. Carpet Cleaning- ta Factory. 112 th st N. Main 3227 T. 9496: _EST~RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS CARPET cleaning. Moorish Rug Co.. 1602 Franklln. CLEAN your own rugs and carpets wltt Oam. tlna: costs 2%c yd. 913 Nic. T.C. 456 NicWt DYEING AND CLEANING PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ^r^kvTrA^msr^^r^rrs^^& brated Eastman kodaks and photographic sup plies for both amateur and professional. Cam or weekly payments if desired. The New England Furniture A Carpet Co. KODAK ANrTBROWNIE CAMERAS ABE DAY light loading. Buy them of O. H. Peck -Co., 112 5th st S. _____ ACCOUNTANTS would like a place to work after school and evenings understands the care of horses ana cow. Address Charles Kemsser. 2910 S7th, -v S. PLUMBING HAVE YOUR slw^_~AN_ il tM French dry cleaners for ladles* and gents clothing and all household goods. 816 NJcoBet. Hfidr PHONE T. C. 8051, get prices on dry oloaalag. Prlngle Dry Cleaning House, 110 Western T. STERLING DYE HOUSEFrench Dry Otea-ter. 602 4th av S. T. 0. 9332 N. W. 8 440 J8. S "w) also plumbing and heating by W. 8. Bay ley & Sons. 3037 Nicollet av. Both pbone._ PENSIONS R. B. H08TETLER, Pension Attorney, del examiner bureau pensions. $07 Boston bl*. _,bB_rWAT80H, WAR VETERA*. PENMOB atty., box 413. 828 Boston block. MinnespoUs. PROFESSIONAL_^_ OTPEB__UOUST_UT, MOLES, tfSC, TfaOU^ nently removed by electricity. Mtes HoUJstg, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of Vm northwest. Exclusive specialist. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULT*. clalty perfect security and very low rate*. The Boyd Transfer Co.'s Fireproof WarebooM, 400 E Lake ft. GOODJflRTO^T^PAra^tia. PROTECT THOSE REAR, HALF-FOm0T___f windows this week next week auty bo too late. Pete Yost puts steel bars "Omnh. doncherknow." T.C phone 1672. lmtj WATCH REPAIRING lag of all kinds. 2616 Central av. 14k l?-tfi*