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ft V* !i- ft.- I t*it a* '"'i "Br*!- ti i|a! A i GreenorBlack Appeals to fastidious palates because it is CLEAN tea. It is CLEAN for the reason that in preparing it for use approved machin ery only is used. Is not this worth more than a passingthought at a time when there is so much talk of UNCLEAN methods in preparing food for table use? HOW TO MAKE ITUse half the quantity as of other tea, fresh boiling wtte Steep four or five minutes. Ceylon and India Tea Black, Mixed, Green or Oolong. LEAD PACKETS ONLY. 60c and 70c per lb. AT ALL GROCERS. h#J -a PIANO SALE NEW PIANOS. n* Ail' Most all guaranteed for 10 sears many for more than 10 earb HOME SWEET HOME Alike \our home hapjn20 cents per da\ will piy for a Piano and -we will give you a nni&ieil education free, and at the same time sell you ANY NEW HIGH GRADE PIANO FROM $100 TO $150 cheaftr than any concern e\er offered a high grade piano FACTORY SALE PRICE. The above pianos are instiu irionts ou should see at once. Full size sold by other deal ers at $250 FOLLOWING PIANOS ARE BARGAINS. These pianos are the regular $300 instruments Makes not published, as we will never be able to make these puces igain i'HE KIND YOU SHOULD SEE AT ONCE i 1?p j* *-"-K-W* 4 ^"^SW llus grade is sold the world over fors $400 Our price, $216 I iffl whit piano dealers pay for them lou owe this investigation to yourself Come at once, as we now ha\e o-ver 200 pianos 01 you to select from TERMS. Nothing Down, as we must have the 100m$2 $4 $6 or $8 Per Month, and during the sale we will gi\e you SIX MONTHS MUSIC LES SONS FREE. OPEN EVENINGS Segerstrom Piano Co. 804 NICOLLET AVENUE & in the city at Manufacturers' Prices. THE NORTHWESTERN TRUNK CO. ZHQ NICOLLET. Wednesday^Evening, IOWA DEMOCRATS NOMINATE PORTER Tarifif-f or-Revenue Only and Trust Legislation ^Jhief Planks in the Platform. S GovernorClaude R. Porter, Ap panoose county. Lieutenant GovernorJohn D. Denmson, Jr., Dubuque county. Secretary of StateJ. S. Mc Luen, Guthrie county. AuditorC. E. Monroe, Mahaska county. TreasurerL. F. Danforth, Cal houn county. Attorney GeneralFred A.To"wii- send, Monroe county. Superintendent of Public Instruc- tionW S. Wilson, Lyon county. Judges Supreme CourtL. M. Fisher of Scott and E. M. Oarr of Delaware county. Clerk of Supreme CourtT. W. Keenan, Page county Reporter Supreme CourtH. M. Parker, Muscatune county. Railroad CommissionersW. L. Carpenter, Polk county, and E. K. Stoll, Henry county &> IDAHO DEMOCRATS Anti-Mormonism the Keynote of Their Sta*e Platform. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Aug 8Af- ter a strenuous two days' convention the democrats of Idaho placed in nom ination a state ticket and adopted a platform in which anti Mormonism is the keynote There was no opposition to Senator Dubois' nomination for senator nor to the nomination of Judge Stockslager for governor Senator Dubois' speech of acceptance was loudly cheered I prophesy that within three years no man in the state of Idaho will hav the tementv to stand on a public plat form and defend the hierarchy of Salt Lake," he declaied The fol'owing ticket was named ITnited States SenatorFred Du bois Member of CongressRees Hatta baugh Justice of the Supreme CourtStew art S Dennig GovernorC O Stackslager. Lieutenant GovernorGeorge Cha pm Secretary of StateFlournoy Gallo way The anti Mormon plant pledges the democratic party to secure the enact ment of legislation necessary to make operative the "test oath," provided in the constitution of Idaho, which in ef feet would disfranchise all loyal Mor mons Free Ride on the Hudson. First class tickets to New York via the Wabash and West Shore are gool tiom Albany to New York via the Hud son River daj line, steamers at the option of holders Buy tickets via this, route and enioy a clay on the Hudson Three da ly trains Ticket office, 97 Adams street, Chicago. Summer Tourist Rates to Clear Lake, Iowa, via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets on sale daily to Sept 30 For full information apply to H. Heard, General Agent, corner Nicollet av am 5th st, Minneapolis. 1 Fishing and Camping Rates to Madison Lake, Waterville and Elysian, Minn,' via Chicago Great Western Railway. For tartie of ten or more one fare and one third for the round trip, good for ten days. Tickets on sale dailv until Sept 30 For further information apply to Heard, General Agent, corner Nicollet avenue and Fifth street, Minneapolis New York Excursion From Chicago over the Pennsylvania Short Lines, account Reception to Hon William Bryan Rate one fare ?'lckets Wo carry the largest assort ment of High Grade lus Two Dollars for the round trip, sold August 28th and 29th, good to return until September 1th. For full information address A. W. Arnold, C. Agt Minneapolis, Minn. 12,665 ME N Wanted at Once to Harvest the Mar velous Crops in Minnesota and North Dakota Along the Soo Line. Low rates in effect from St Paul and Minneapolis to all points west Mm nesota and the Dakotas daily, Aug. 1st to 31st inclusive, 1906. Splendid wages are offered, ranging from $1.75 to $3 per day, including boardt An opportunity for everybody to ge busy. "Ask at the ticket office." 119 Third street S, ,& ~Y-M-U. ^sV&s 4Myi&*ijfe & $HHft?W Era -$ THE TICKET $ Waterloo, Iowa, Aug 8 The demo cratic state convention yesterday nom mated a full state ticket, headed by Claude Porter of Appanoose county for governor, adopted a platform and adjourned sine die last night The platform favors a tariff for reve nue only, the election of United States senators direct vote of the people and demands the enactment of such leg lslation as will effectually destroy all trusts It expresses sympathy with the purposes of national labor organi zations as set forth in recent addresses by Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and others, calling on labor to assert its political rights at the ballot box. A resolution was adopted pledging to William Jennings Bryan the support of Iowa democrats for the presidency in 3908 Four Ballots for Governor. The first ballot for governor resulted Claude Poiter. 262, John Denm son, 245%, George W Ball, 231% Boies, 130, Donald McRae, 59 The second ballot showed a slight gam for Porter The name of McRae of Council Bluffs was withdrawn after the second ballot The third ballot gave Porter 338, Denmson, 219, Ball, 179, Boies, 168 The fourth ballot was started when Ball withdrew Porter was then nomi nated receiving 507 votes, Boies, 292, and Denmson, 132 Other nominations were made by ac clamation until "judges of the supreme court were reached Four names were presented on rollcall Fisher of Scott and E Carr of Delaware were nominated over E A Sager of Bremer and E Herrick of Cheiokee. Tariff and Trusts. On the tariff and national questions the platform says "We believe in a tariff for revenue only and that there should be imme diate relief granted to the people who are now being robbed extortionate prices exacted under the sheltei of the tariff We believe that the people of this countrv who pioduce our wealth to pay our taxes, to hght the battles of the republic are entitled to purchase the goods manufactured in this country as cheaply as the people who reside abroad We denounce the extortion inflicted on our people undei the pre tense of protection as an outiage on the consumer, on the poor and on the laboring people who produce the wealth of the country "We believe that the tariff should be removed from all trust made goods and in the removal of all duties on iron, steel, lumber and coal We de mand the enactment of such legislation as will effectually destroy all trusts We.can supply you with Table Linens, Towels, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillows, Beds, Mattres ses, etc., at reasonable prices. Buy them now. These price* are goed Thursday, Friday and Saturday Wash Suits Strictly all linen, in Eton and fitted coat styles. Original prices $12.50, $14.50, $15 and $18, reduced to Wash Suits and 2=piece Dresses Made from linen in Eton and Long Coat styles, blue self material collars and rt* p* cuffs formerly $6.50, Jkm^/ $10, $12, reduced to $105 H.(\ Stamps with one pound Tea at 50 f Stamps with on and pound Mocha Java at 25 QCS Stamps with one pound Old Govt. Java Coffee 35o f\(\ Stamps on can BakinwitPowdee at 50 O A Stamps pound A. Blend Mocha and Java at 30 r^ff^^THE MINNEAPOLIS tJOURNAL. ^F For G. A. F. Week $7.50 VL Wash Coats Three quarter lengths with full, loose backs, blue collars and cuffs. Regular ft* p price $10, reduced to v*-' Shirt Waists Made from sheer white lawn, with lace inser tion short sleeve styles, buttoning in back waists that were $1.25 and 95c, re- duced to... 69c Men's Shirts A fine lot of New Goods clean Negligees, soft cuffs Mercerized Oxfords, a very fine gauge material in white and cream color, sizes 14 to 16. A fast seller at $1.50 a great many stores ask $2.00 for them. 240 shirts in this lot, at, each Shirt Waists Three different styles, made of sheer quality lawn, with short and long sleeves! values $1.50 and $1.75, now reduce}! d* 1 j/f\ to.. 1*1 J? Women's Summer Hose 50c Qualities for 29c Pair. Fine Gauge Fancies, in various color combinations. The best Sea Island cotton, plain lisles, drop stitch effects and high color gauzes, and many other attractive styles. Great values. 29c At SPECIAL S. &- H. GREEN STAMP SALE ALL THIS WEEK. Phone Your Orders. We Will Send the Stamps. 10 Stamps with 2 Pounds of TableButter Only 22c Lb with& one GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO 021 NICOLLET AVENUE^ Pair O S Stamps with 1 bot tie of A #& P. Ex tract, any flavor 25 1 f| Stampsx with one 3-lb bo Bes A & A Strictly Fresh Laundry Starch 18c i r\ Stamps with seven *vf bars A & Borax Laundry Soap 25c f\ Stamps with one bottle finest Blu- 10c 1 f\ with one lStamps 20-Mul Tea 1 PHONES 1236. 60 Stamps with One Can of Baking Powder. per pound 12c Dfctiv Pag* ARE YOU READY FOR ENCAMPMENT WECK? SEVENTH AND NICOLLET AllSummerGarmentsMustBeSoldatOnce Clearance Prices Are Very Low ETAILERS* PLANS now center on Fall business. Summer goods must be hurried out to make room for the proper showing of Autumn styles. Our Cloak and Suit buyer has just returned from New York, where he has purchased extensively for the coming season, and decides to make sharp reductions on all Summer lines now. He has gone through stocks carefully, marking down all Summer Wash Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and Children's Dresses unsparingly. None of these are left-overs stock has been constantly replenished up to the end of July, and this Summer's smartest styles await you at these reductions, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Children's Spring and Summer Coats Three-quarter length garments, made from fancy mixtures, splendid for early fall wear, several styles at l/& August 8, 1906., Off former prices. Harvard made white cotton summer Union Suits, high neck, long cyg~L sleeve, ankle length styles a iyS^jC good value at $1.25, reduced to^- All Knit Underwear Reduced When August comes "Sell" is the watchword. Never mmd profits. Make prices low- enough to clear it away at once. This is just what we are doing this week. Nothing in our Knit Underwear stock is reserved. Discounts range from 10# to 37J& %0^ Harvard made white lisle tights, ^g"\ knee length, a choice, light J% ^JCZ weight, 75c value, reduced to Viola Union Suits, low neck sleeveless styles, tight knee, in white PWJW lisle, regularly $1.00, for this Q, Sal6 A fine lot of Summer Vests in white, pink, blue and cream. Plain mm styles, silk tape run, always -"JJJI^T sold at 50c, reduced now to Dayton Dry Goods Co.7th and Nicollet=Dayton Dry Goods Co. Silk Petticoats Made from silk of good wearing quality, in col ors and black. Skirts originally sold as high as $7.50 reduced to $4.95 Women's Silk Swiss Ribbed Vests with hand crocheted yokes, silk taped scroll and roll designs, in cream, ^jrg\ pink and sky, formerly $1.00 IfC and $1.25, reduced to %y White lisle lace trimmed pants, mm an excellent value and a ready J^^ 7 seller at 75c, reduced to W' Women's Union Suits of clear white lisle, Swiss ribbed, low neck, {h -g mm sleeveless, tight knee Jfk C#/% $2.25 value, reduced to *P The 10 per cent discount offer includes such makes as Zimmerli, Kayser, Har vard, Vassar and Swan. Bright Basement Attractions Special Prices on Goods Needed by Housewives During the Canning Season and on Bedroom Supplies. Jelly Glasses crystal g\ tin top, worth 25c doz each ltte Mason Fruit Jars with por celain lined caps Ball Bros best made, per dozen pints, 39c, quarts, 49c 2-quart. 69c Mason Fruit Jar Caps, 2c Gray enameled first quality Kettle, with cover, about half price4-quart, 29c, 6-quart, 39c 8-quart, 43c, 10- quart, 49c Blue and white enameled Preserving Kettles5-quart, 29c 6-quart, 35c 8-quart, 39c 10-quart, 49c Fruit Jar Rubbers, good quality, per dozen, 5c 12-quart gray enameled Dish Pans, worth 50c, only 29 White porcelain covered Slop Jars, first quality, regular $1 25, for 85c Bowls and Pitchers, large size, at 79 and 69c & fi. A. F. Decorations Flags, Bunting and Pennantsiare sold here at very low prices. Decorate your home in honor of the veterans. Wholesale prices on quantity orders. These prices are good Thursday, Friday and Saturday Covert Jackets Short, jaunty garments, very desirable for early fall wear, taffeta lined1. Regular $12.50, $15, all sizes, re- duced to pricesapuvre ivcguioi $7.50 Walking Skirts, Some new models, including very serviceable skirts for late summer. In Panamas and fancy mixtures, ft* p* Values to $9, JfraJ now. White Wash Skirts A grand clean-up of new, crisp, clean skirts, in all sizes, in cluding extra size waist bands. Special values at $L SO, $2, $2.50 and up to $5 Children's Wash Dresses The right kind for mid summer playtime and needed for use before school opens. Choice of 89c and $1 dresses for O^sC Men's Hose 1212 pairs of guaranteed 50c socks, not one pair sold for lessfigured black, jac quards, embroidered tans, mercerized greys, accord eon top and many other very desirable kinds in choice colors. Remember, every pair 50c regularly,^ now, per pair 35c 3 Pairs lor $1.00. *JT 7 4 4 ii i I