Newspaper Page Text
"Mg$*F$0s^ City News ASPHALT COMPANY IS ALMOST THBO EEPAVINQ WILL BE FINISHED BY FRIDAY EVENING. After Odd Jobs of Patching Are Com pleted City Streets Will Be in Fine ConditionBuilding Operations Be taxd Work in Few Sections, Other wise Paving Is New. With anything like favorable condi tions the fiarber Asphalt company will finish its contract for resurfacing the asphalt streets by Fridav evening. Third street was completed yesterday and the crews then tackled "the last bit of straight work remaining, a stretch on Fifth street, from First to Fourth avenues S. The First National bank contractor removed the last of the obstructions vesierday and the crews can now work thru to First avenue without hindrance. Building operations will compel the, company to skip small sections on Fifth street. In front of the new ad dition to the Northwestern Telephone exchange a strip forty feet wide will be jumped. At the Yerxa corner there is a hundred foot stretch which must be left until later as the building work prevents paving at present. Patching Comes Next. When the company has done all that It is permitted to do on Fifth street the crews will start patching. Fourth avenue will not be repaved and the old holes, as well as the asphalt torn up in order to permit the laying of elec tric wire conduits, will be patched. Then there are various places left by the street railway company, as on Washington and First avenue N and Hennepin. Another spot was left at Fifth street and First avenue N to accommodate the conduit layers. Finally, there remains the relaying of the new asphalt torn up by the street railway company to permit the laving of cables. There area number of such places. It mav be possible to complete all this patching, but if it is, the margin will be small. At the worst there will be only a few small spots unpaved. On the whole the city engineer's de partment is satisfied with the Bummer's work. Never in the history of the city liave the downtown streets been in as good condition as today. Miles of Good Streets. The repaying of Nicollet avenue With asphalt from Washington to Elev enth street and with creosote wood block from Washington to the union etation, with the extension of the pav ing on Central avenue makes a con tinuous drive from Grant street and Nicollet avenue to Central and Twenty ninth avenues N, a distance of several miles. LIBERATI AT HARRIET Tonight's Program Will Include Four of Master's Compositions. Tonight will be "Liberati night" at the Lake Harriet roof garden, as four of the regular numbers will be the works of the great bandmaster and cornet virtuoso, and patrons of the roof garden will have excellent opportunity to hear Liberati'B music, as the com poser conducts it. Beginning with his "Souvenir" maxoh, with its trumpets and trom bones, there will be his waltz, "Mili tary Hop," followed by Miss Kather ine Klarer's soprano solo, "Cherished Home," and Liberati's gavotte, "Wed ding Bells," by the full band. Signor Albert Chiaffarella will give a clari net solo and Chevalier Guille and the grand opera quartet will again be The feature of last night's program was the tenor soloe, the "Celeste," from "Aiaa," by Chevalier Guille. m^1 9 ,ff^r tte IF souvenir matinee WI Thursday and Saturday, and on Thurs day evening the complete "Stabat Mater" will be given, with vocal num bers. This evening's program: Harcb, "Souvenir" K,lh*rtt Clarinet eolo. "Trarlata" ..............Verdi Signor Albert Chlaffarelll. llltar Hop Boprano solo, "Cherishe Home' I Mls Walts. '-Military Hop" ...:..'...Liberalt Cherished Home" r.lh-rat Mls9 E.. Klarer. ....Libcrati .Tschaikowsky 9 E I ''Dance Suite" complete Intermission. Overtare. "I Perle du BrariT Vocal quartet. "Attila" Verdi Miss K. Klarer. Mis9nsrsE. rinc David Wegner, D. de t- T.iZdzel}}}'f Wedl) LuchSignor S1B Liberati ittenor eolo Selected Monsieur A. L. Guille. Ballet music from "Carmen" complete... .Bizet INNES IN RAGTIME Catchy Music Promised at Big Island Park Tonight. Tonight will be "ragtime" night at Big Island park and the program is one that will appeal strongly to people who delight in '/rags" as woven by a great band. Incidentally there will be some other good things, including Strauss' 'Blue Danube" waltz and an over ture including all the popular airs of the day. City people should leave Minneap olis not later than on the 7:04 p.m cars to reach the park in ample time for the opening numbers. To insure an early home-coming hour, there will be no intermission and the concert will end at 10 p.m., enabling passengers to Teach their homes in Minneapolis be fore 11. The program tonight at 7:45 will be: rerture. "The Darkey's Jubilee". R*n,iw (a) "Hearts and Flowers" Ben pll8en"....:" Luderst (b) "Silence and Funf" Powii S? "P.? "Blue Ianube (concert waits) Strauw Intermission, erture, "Sbn*s of the Day" Rexnick (a) "La Paloma" (the Spanish idea of rag-time) Yradler (b) "At a Colored Band Tournament". .Prior GUESTS AT WONDERLAND Employees of the Glass Block Enjoy Their Annual Outing. The Donaldson Glass Block store had the annual outing for its employees and their families last evening at Won derland. A lunch was served in the tearooms at the store shortly after 4 P-ni. and then, to the number of over 1,200, they went to the park in special electric cars. They were all provided with round trip tickets for various attractions. .There was a special display of fireworks in their honor. Hamilton, the aeronaut, gave a fine exhibition of steering the Knabenshue airship in all directions at various altitudes, and Arnaldo's trained leopards and panthers gave an interesting performance. Dancing was indulged in by many. The night was perfect, and altogether the occasion was ft pleasant success. A feature that occasioned a great deal of sport was a program of races and games, the prizes for which were awarded by L. S. Donaldson, who acted AS judge. DICKINSON, H. .Fourteen of twenty ho boes held as suspects for the murder of Brake man Oscar Carr bare been turned loose. Com plaints were sworn out against Boy Ma than, Wednesday gvenlng, Silks for Thursday 36-inch rag-finished black taffeta good value at $1.10: the yard /VC 36-inch guaranteed black taffeta, very dependable fabric, d* f\r\ $1.25 grade, yard j)l*UU 36-inch guaranteed black taffeta, superior finish $1.39 d-g -go quality, yard p 1* O Main Aisle. Front Ordering By Mall "Tj O NOT Imagine that because you may be L' living many miles from Minneapolis you are denied the benefits of our ex cellent service. An experienced house-buyer gives your wants individual attention. DEWEY OPENS SATURDAY NIOHT. The Dewer theater will open Its door* to tbe public Saturday evening. The attraction se cured for the opening Is said to be the best attraction playing the Empire circuit of the aters, the Fay Foster company of forty people. BELLE FOtTBOHE, S. 9.The wool season Is practically dosed. The price averaged a little bvrter than 22% cents for all wool sold. Congestive Chills are the result of thin blood and bad circulation. They occur more especially during the warm weather. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey makes rich red blood and quickens circulation. It aids digestion soothes the nerves hardens mus cles strengthens the heart's ac tion makes the brain clear and alert the eye bright step elastic, and fills one with health, vigor and ambition. Used exclusively for over half a century by leading doctors and hospitals whenever a pure, gentle, invigorating tonic stimulant is called for. Absolutely pure and contains no fusel oil. All druggists and grocers, or direct, $1 per bottle. Medical booklet free. Duffy Malt Whis key Co., Rochester, N. Y. w/mmmasimimm Intentional Duplicate Exposure y~ -^%t *&**' SVS A S every woman knows, these garments are about as handy and use ful an article of apparel as any in one'B wardrobe. We carry a full line of short ki monas, dressing sacques, comb ing sacques and tea jackets. They come in plain white lawns or of dainty figured materials, beautifully trim med with laces and embroid ery prices range from O to $3.50. Second Floor Four interesting offerings from the basement section are, short kimonas in blue and white figured lawn, with white border, at 1VC Short Kimonas in plain white lawns, *f% with pink or blue border J&VC Combing Sacques in dainty figured lawns, fin ished with overlook Ofi stitches at J&jrC Short Kimonas and dressing sacques, in light or dark colored lawns and per- *J\ cales, good assortment of sizes %j\rC Underprice Basement Corset Department The White Goods 36-inch dotted Swiss, in all size dots a much wanted *\l/. material, yard 1 Jw^C India Linon, a fine sheer grade worth 20c, at, yard... ldC Foot Left Aisle Dimities and nainsooks, in various checks and stripes all pleas- sv effects, 12^c grade, yd... iUC -Underprice Basement Ling in eirec i These Mid-Summer Days IRED shoppers are reminded that for their comfort we have provided writ ing and rest rooms, telephone facilities, directories, a government postbox and an ar tesian drinking fountain. They're at your service. Short Kimonas and Dressing Sacques skill of the modern dressmaker, aided by the indispensable cor set, have brought about seemingly impossible trans formations. Our corset iere will aid you in your selection. P. P. CorsetsStraight front, medium high bust, medium long hips some (have hose supporters at tached boned with non rustable steel made of white and drab coutil also fine, white batiste lace and ribbon trimmed sizes in lot jg\ 18 to 30 values to $1.50 price OVC P. P. CorsetStraight front, medium high bust, long, deep hips, with 2 pairs of hose sup porters attached, long backs, made of white cou til boned with non-rustable steel, lace and rib* bon trimmed sizes 19 to 28 never A sold for less than $2.00 price ......^idU Second Floor Annex Sample lot of corsets and girdles, straight front, medium long, also girdles with supporters, steel filled lace trimmed colors white and drab coutil, also white batiste sizes 18 to 26 in lot never sold for less than 50c price ^w%5C Matchless Corset, straight front, medium low bust, medium long hips, one pair of hose sup porters attached made of white coutil, steel filled lace and nbbon trimmed sizes 18 to 28 never sold for less c/\ than 6B0 price .......OUC Underprice Basement ARCHER'S Cor. 3rd St. and Nicollet. Spruce up for A. R. Week BLUE SEROE SUITS The color that will be worn during the encampment. They make good, serviceable and nobby suits at all times. Oar regular 4feA $12, $13 and $18 S values. Special W 1 W GLEAN-UP SALE ON MADE-TO ORDER SUITS. Any suit in the house, comprising our entire line of $28, $30, 4fc $35 woolens, made to your jK^li measure ARCHER& MEAGHER Rugs Cleaned Orientals and Expensive Imported Bugs cleaned by the Celebrated Kaptha Process. Henry Bros. Dye House -1218-15-17 mmmumr AVB. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Of Cotton and Wool, at the wash fabric section. Cotton Flags Mounted on Sticks. 12-inch, each 5o 18-inch, each 3 24-inch, each lOo 86-inch, each 19c 48-inch, each 35c Unmounted. 4x6 feet, each 75c 5x8 feet, each $1.48 ONE Another Jacket Suit is of white shrunk cotton, pony style, full gored j^% ft skirt, worth easily $4, now Where your dollar does its duty. DRY GOODS CO Beautiful American Flags 'D'OT a few days more before G. A. E. week. Nothing pleases the veterans more than the sight of Old Glory. You should feel the same. We've practically everything in the flag line, and kinds. Prices are the lowest and our assortments are most complete. Silk Flags of various sizes, from the very small at 5 to the large mounted ones at $2.00. Cotton Bunting, fast colors, yard 5 Bed, White and Blue Paper Bells, each 15 Diminished Prices Radical Reductions in the Most Fetching of Summer Wash Garments They'll Change Ownership Forthwith at These Surprise Markings naturally pictures the summer girl arrayed in garments of immaculate wash materials and surely they are most becoming and there is decid- ed economy in their wearing. We've regrouped our splendid stock of summer wash apparel and marked prices down to ridiculously low figures. Wash Jacket Suits Much in demand these vacation days and the ideal costumes for lake wear. You'll wonder how they could possibly be manufactured and sold for these prices. The se cretwe practically sacrifice profit. Eton and Pony Jacket Suits and half box styles of white shrunk cot ton, trimmed with white bands, light blue linen and narrow braid. Skirts circular and gored. Choice from among some half dozen mod els. Values $6.50 to E" $8.50, choice, at ip4 m.^Am/*jr& Ladles' Hosiery, 35c TX7 E have just closed out this excellent lot of ladies' hosiery from a large New York importing house, and the values repre sented are big ones, far exceeding the ordinary offerings. 100 dozen, special lotThe New York im porter from whom we bought these goods, con sidered them a very choice lot, as did we. Not all sizes in each style, but all sizes in the lot. Not a pair worth less than 50c. They include plain lisles in white, black, gray, pink, cardinal and brown. Lace lisles in white or black em broidered hose in black, brown and red drop stitch lisles in black or white white lace, all sizes actual values from 50o -j to 75cj choice, pair %JUQ First Bight Aisle Front Second Betty dries Bob and Blinker over tbe Gat Range. NO SCORCHED MEATS Any desired degree of heat Is obtainable on the Gas Range. A valve regulates the blaze to a nicety. No more burned bread or over-done roasts after we have oonneoted a range In your kitchen. The sim mering burner Is Just the thing if you want to keep a meat or vege table at a boll all day. On it they will not burn or boil over but remain at Just the heatyou wish for hours. Send for our men to Install a range for you at onoe. MSATHASWEETM RICE POWDER Inc. Bert foty^ *3C- \JM MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT CO, Hoe. 16-18-20 Se. Seventh. 8ATHASWEEH A Perntmed Luxury/ Forth* BATH Best toilet powder. AntI- i ,'gnft.Mu UrA W^ta^V tseptlcally pure. Relierefy/S/ aonemitsio ^w*tr r, jranburn and chaf-/%-. August 8, 190& All sizes, materials Of Silk, in the Handkerchief Department. Wool Flags UnmountedBest quality fast colors. 4x6 feet, each 4 $2.50 4x7 feet, each $2.75 5x8 feet, each $3.50 6x9 feet, each $4.25 6x10 feet, each 4 $4.50 8x12 feet, each $6/75 10x15 feet, each $9!50 12x18 feet, each $14.00 The Wash Coats They may be worn with almost any kind of skirt and look neat and attractive coats of linen, English rep, and shrunk cotton white, tan and gray pony, Eton and three quarter length, loose styles plain or with trimming of lace and Per sian embroidery prices diminished to one-third to one-half below regu lar. A few representative values $37.50 coats at $20.00 $12.50 coats at $8.50 $5.00 coats at $2.95 $18.50 coats at $12.50 $8.50 coats, at $5.50 $3.95 coats, at $1.5 0 Shirtwaist DressesAll the pretty styles in vogue are shown on our sales floor. The reductions affect these creations also and are very generous. Floor Elbo' Gloves and Mitts HP HE modish short sleeves created the demand for long gloves. As you know they are ob tainable at bat few stores, of which ours" is one. Complete line of lace mitts, all elbow lengths, very pretty, newest styles specially good values in black and white, at pair $1.50 Si.25 $1.00 and 50c. Pure silk gloves, 12 B. L., double tipped fin gers extra heavy quality y-v white only pair PldU Pure silk gloves, 16 B. L., best quality, black and white, pair P^*^5d Ladies' pure silk gloves, 2-clasp, double tipped fingers black, white, grays and tans pair dUC First Bight AiBle Front "S BATHASWEETV COMPLEXION SOAPtj ftoftens and whiten* tfit^J kin. Mfckea heavy Brtttr ,thsn Ptt-y~*\tnamyl*thw.Vnty Nv c. Nyfracrantr Purest baby. A XHE SOX **cats y^THB CAKSfV for toilet AT AJU. a*0BJM .MAXXADBTfM, tJATCHE'.LEF IMPORT COMPANY. 34 3 Defective Page 1 !VS Are You Coming" To Minneapolis A. E. encampment week, Aug. 13th to 18th Special rates over all railroads. An ideal vacation trip. A magnificent park environment an interesting retail shopping district manifold attrac tions a city beautiful. fromTw^Ciric. Cheap oneway Colonist Bates to Cali fornia, beginning- Sept. 15. A modern Establishment "Y'OU are always very welcome to make this store your downtown home, and to avail yourself of its many advantages. Of course, your presence carries with it no obligation toward purchase. A Galaxy of Modish Waists W E ABE led to believe that our collection c/ dainty lingerie waist is particularly attraev ve. Twc reasonsthe one our own knowledge of their real worth the other, thevopinion frank ly expressed by hundreds of stoppers and doubly through purchase. One lot consists of dainty mulls, batistes and beautiful lawns, in very attractive pat terns, tnmme I with embroid ery and lace. Some in plain and plaited offsets buttoned back or front sleeves short or long collars high neck or the Dutch style, so much in vogue, values to $4, price $.&{} Waists of batiste, lawns and mull: neatly trimmed with Valenciennes lace un-l embroidery short or long sleeves buttoned back some with panel fronts high neck all sizes in lot worth $5 choice P55U Second Floor proven White Lawns, embroidery trimmed, and colored chambrays full complement of sizes ^f\ unusual values at *UC Very special lot of white lawns and colored cambrics, embroidery and lace trim- ^vr med, all sizes, values to $1.50, at VoC Underprice Basement Men's Half Hose. 25c OUR clearance of men's summer furnishings, together with the spe cial offerings of which to day's is representative, presents some very excep tional value giving, of which you yourself would like to know. 50 dozen imported half hoseJust purchased front a leading New York im porter a surplus lot which we took entire aJt advantageous terms regular 50c, 75c, $1.00 ami $1.50 grades. There are lace open works, plain colors, silk embroidery, fancy stripes or figures, fine lisles, silk-mixed, pure-thread silks, etc. This season's latest styles "^Jp all sizes choice, pair ^Q. Bathing SuitsOur regular 75c grade two piece suits in plain navy blue with a little trimming of red or blue, Thursday, a suit 'VC Muslin Night Shirts, with or without collars, fancy trimmedan extra good Cf\ value at DUC Wash VestsSome very remarkable values in modish summer vests of up-to-date -g f\f\ cut and materials, at P lV/vr To Bight Main Entrance Shop With Comfort THROUGe 5 The Wash Materials 200 pieces best quality cotton challies, light and dark AkLs* grounds, yard 4*C Indigo blue prints, best quality, big assortment of figures and dots, yard .OC Percales, 36 inches wide black and white checks, figures Qry and stripes, special, yard O Foot Left Aisle means of an electric fan serv ice th atmosphere permeating our store is cool and pleasant. This means much during these trying hot days, when the mer cury is at the top, and sweltering humanity at the bottom. Summer Trips California and back, June 1 to September 15. You may trarel on tne lux urious California Limited along the historic Santa Fe Trail, and visit the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Harvey serres the meals. *A PATHTTB TOUXBT A9PEJB ORCHARD 8TX TBAB8 OUX" IDAHO ncMNed flrat urtse lor .septal at tbe World's Fairs tfera* times waotm woA won the oweep-etske prise at tbVtrrlgatloQ coasress in 1MB tor beet display of set fruit raised by Irrigation. awgmwlne FXCBB, address C. B. BBBDUUtD. BstTBTTB, IDAHO. If you have a good position open you ought to have a good employee to fill it. Write your Journal want ad. statins fully the requirements and the opportunities of the position, and you will receive answers from many capable persons. You lose the best of your opportunity to get a competent employee when you word your ad carelessly or too briefly. Teti the whole story, and the right person la sure to answer. i 1 3 5 !a S'1 =0 Santa Fe) Ask A* Santa F afeatat Guaranty Bldtf., Minneapolis. MV iAJlthawv^ pe*