Newspaper Page Text
1.night 1 & ttSWAKiS^^ilfe^ V"4jiS-jV*\, City News THE WEATHER i -JpwtesotaShowers this 1 afternoonrfai ottonigh in south portion sf.^?.north Thursday fair. |&F Upper' MichiganPartly cloudy to night and Thursday- WisconsinShowers this afternoon or tonight, except fair in extreme north portion Thursday fair. North and South Dakota and Mon tana-Fair tonight and Thursday. IowaShowers this afternoon or to Thursday, partly cloudy. Weather Conditions. The pressure has fallen rapidly dur t'ing the past twenty-four hours in the **Canadian causingn rises temperaturprovinces, in that region I the cen tral portion of the country the pressure i has not changed materially since yes texday morning, and rain continued to fsfall in the greater portion of the Mis sissippi and Ohio valleys Grand Mead ow. Minn., reports 2-07 inches of rain fall, and New Ulra, Minn., 2:01 inches. Eain has also fallen in tho middle At lantic coas states during thel past twenty-fourt hours Shower wil con tinue in this vicinitv this afternoon and {-tonight, but under the influence of the ridge of higher pressure covering the i Dakotas, Thursday will probably be i {QXT Charles A. Hyle, Observer Tempo 1 rarily in Charge. Weather Now and Then. Today, maximum 74, minimum 66 de grees a year ago, maximum 82, nnni mum 65 degrees. AROUND THE TOWN "Met" Washes Its Face.The brownstone front of the Metropolitan i theater building is being scrubbed from 2 top to bottom in preparation for the IG. A. R. encampment. The process v-makes the stone several shades lighter. Examiners Meet.The state board of eleetrical examiners will meet at the office of W. I. Gray & Co., 708 Fifth street S, this evening at 7 p.m. The board will examine applicants for mas ter and .-journeymen electrician certin eatea. Salesmen Make Merry.The city salesmen are holding their annual pic nic today at Mound on Lake Mmne tonka. They went out over the Great Northern road in large numbers and are carrying out an elaborate program of entertainment. Panin Will Speak.Ivan Pan'in, the Bussian scholar and lecturer who has 4 appeared at many Minneapolis assem blies this summer, will speak at West minster church Thursday at 7:45 p.m. i His subiect will "T hte of Seve in the Greeek tex oMultiple the Ne Testament.'' Dr. Urquhart Comes.Dr. John TJrqu- western Bible conference, but was de layed bv serious illness arrived the Thursday night at the First Baptist church, his subject being, "Babylon and the Bible," and again on Friday night, his subiect will be, "Is Jonah a Myth?" The_ meeting will be held in the main auditorium. 1 ^_ Baptist assembly shows several special hart, the great Scotch preacher, who ^dresses besides the two new series was expected last week at the north- i NECROLOGIO DE. GOULD STRICKEN Aged Physician and Clergyman Passed Away Last Night. i. Henry Austin Gould died last evening at "the home of his son-in-law, Mvron Whitney, 1881 Quincv street ^E, He was born of a revolutionary prnsioner in NorridgewockvearMe., in Jk2.J. Leaving home at 16 of age fee went toilassa-ihu setts, where he learned the trade of machinist, and followed that emplovment until 1855, i\lien he came to Minnesota. Settling in Cottage Grove he operated^a farm for thirteen years. In 1868 he was or dained a Congregational minister and took eharge of the church in Hammond, Wis., where he labored five vears. In 1874 he was admitted to practice as a physician and successfully followed that profession until 1885, when, dis continuing active work, he moved to W. Hale in 1845 and is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Myron Whitney, and by his son, William A. Gould of Chicago. Funeral service at th residence at 3 0 'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment at Cottage Grove, Minn. SAMUEL WOLCOTT, father of Mrs. George T. Collins and M. M. Wolcott, died Aug. 7, aged 90 years. The funeral will take place at tho residenco of Mr. and Mrs. Collins, 2837 Dupont avenue S. Thursday at S 80 p.m. Burial will be at Eedwood Falls. AUOE FATTEEIiEB died at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. B. Fatter lee, 4043 Abbott avenue S, Tuesday night, aged 44 years. Notice of the funeral will be given later. GEORGE H. SIMPSON.The funeral will take place from the Scottish Eite rooms, fourth floor, Masonic Temple, at 2 p.m., Friday. MRS. ELLEN P. FTJLLERTON, widow of the late Calvin F. Fullerton, died yesterday in Montpelier, Vt. BANNAN GOES TO GOTHAM Minneapolis Man Goes Ahead of "The Lion and the Mouse" Company. P. T.Bannan, for the last season business manager of the Auditorium, returned today from a stay of six weeks on his Wisconsin farm, looking the part. Mr. Bannan will start for New York next Tuesday, and for the coming theatrical season will be in ad vance of the western company present ing "The Lion and the Mouse." The play ran all of last season at the Metropolitan, New York, having recently finished the 300th perform ance. Old playgoers of discriminating judgment unhesitatingly declare the play the best produced in recent years. The offer to Mr. Bannon is particu larly flattering, and, as the wesitern company will probably be one of the -best on the road, he is accepting the congratulations of many friends. The play will be given here, probably early in the season. Ollie Alger, who was associated with Mr. Bannan in the management of the Auditorium, will accompany him to New York. THE POWER OF CASH PWijS|B^S3i^^ "a MINNEAPOLIS TO BE A FPU CENTER BOCK ISLAND ADDS TO OITY^S STRENGTH AS DISTRIBUTOR. Warehouse to Be Erected, at Cost of $40,000, and Fruit Which Has Been Distributed from Kansas City Will Be Brought Here and Diverted Second Fruithouse in Town. As a distributing' point for fruit shipments Minneapolis is to gain im portance at once by the erection of a fruithouse by the Rock Island road. The house will be used as van auction mart in summer and for the protection of fruit in winter* The Rock Island has hitherto used the Milwaukee road's fruithouse, but the latter has all it can do to take care of its ojhrn busi ness. Pike & Cook have the contract for the new building. It will be built of brick and steel and will cost $40,000. It will stand at Eleventh avenue and Fourth street, abutting the present freight warehouse. It will be the height of two stories, 300 feet long, 75 feet wide and will have three tracks, with a total capacity of eighteen cars. Occupancy will be given Dec. 1. The house will have the latest type of steam-heating system to keep the fruit warm in winter and to take the frost out of cold cars before loading them. Much fruit will be distributed, to the northwest from Minneapolis, which has formerly been forwarded from Kansas City. In winter deciduous fruit is shipped from California by the south ern route as a protection from the frost. Kansas City has had the advan tage heretofore, especially as Minneso ta has lacked accommodations, which will now be provided. Fruit is often sent "on consignment" in the summer and is then auctioned to small dealers in -the yards. The Rock Island trading will be done from the cars in the fruithouse. Each track in the house will be an unloading track, which will facilitate unloading. When the tracks are full of loaded cars the contents will represent at least $40,000. FEATURES ARE PROMISED ELOQUENT SPEAKERS INSTRUCT AND ENTERTAIN BAPTIST AS- SEMBLY VISITORSEVENTS TO COME. The program for the last week of the ecture wee KJ hich will run thru the -p Ana city this morning. He will Preach Baptist church, Chicagof, gave his sec erso 0 Normal Park- of St. Paul gave a reading and spe cial music was furnished by Mrs. A. C. Gran, Misses Helen Hallowell and Ethel Green. Monday morning Rev. G. C. Moor of Champaign, 111., gave an address on "Eome," and Rev. E. M. Martinson of Mankato spoke on "St. Paul as a Pastor.'' A notable feature was the reading Monday evening by Miss Eleanor Miller'from "Les Miserables." Miss Gertrude Bly of Minneapolis sang sev eral numbers. This evening Rev. Elijah B. Jones, D.D., of Marshalltown, Iowa, will give a lecture on A Crusader in Jeans." In athletic circles the chief event came off last night in the benefit circus under the management of A. C. Gran, athletic director. Among the guests during the week have been Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wasson an Minneapolis. He was married to^ Lucy Dr. and Mrs. Elijah B. Jones and ond address this morniSg on "The i Second avenue S 502 Hennepin ave- Cros sin Christ's Life," and Rev. W. I ?ue 45 Fourth street S 3 Fifth street E. Woodruff spoke on "Some Neglected S: old city hall, Bridge square 34 Factors in Evangelism." E. Fagen- i Third street S new city hall lourth strom spoke especially of the Sunday street entrance Y. W. C. A. building, school class I Seventh street S. Sunday afternoon a vesper service In these places clerks will be con- was held under the trees, led by -Cary stantly on duty to answed questions Emerson, president of the state Bap- and furnish assistance to visitors and tist convention. Miss Eleanor Miller strangers, daughter, Mrs. W. W. Doodlittle, daughter and H. C. Wilson of Mar shalltown, Rev. Mr. Hoag and Rev. J, W. Loughridge of Duluth, L. H. Sten hoff, Detroit, F. L. Auelman, Chicago, and a party of twenty-three young peo ple from the Burr Street and First wedish Baptist churches of St. Paul. FREE FARE FOR BUYERS REAL ESTATE BOARD WILL TRY PLAN FOR INTERESTING OUT SIDE INVESTMENT. That the Minneapolis real estate board is composed of "live ones" was evidenced by action taken today on plans to promote the interests of the city and incidentally to build up the real estate market. Following the sug gestion made in The Sunday Journal, the executive committee made an ap propriation to advertise the announce ment that the baord would pay the rail road fare of otsiders ho come to Minneapolis and buy real estate. The idea is to use the papers in well-to-do communities over a large area and it is believed that the novel offer will at tract lively inquiry from many sources. Details of the plan will be worked out with a view to making it self-sustain ing and close tab will be kept upon results. The board is discussing a plan also for moving pictures to represent stir ring street scenes incident to the G. A. R. encampment showing that Minne apolis is also a "live one." Represent atives of the picture company will be in Minneapolis Saturday. RED MEN COUNCIL The Red Men of the state will trail to St. Peter Tuesday and Wednesday of next week to attend the Great Sun council of Minnesota. There will be some 300 visitors in St. Peter during the meet ing. Congressman C. K. Davis of the Third district and a meirifter of the St Peter tribe, is to deliver the address of welcome. The citizens of St. Peter have raised $1,000 to spend in entertaining the Red Men the two days they are in the town. Minneapolis and St. Paul will send large delegations, which will go to St. Peter in special cars. Is fully demonstrated in the prices of our pianos. We are the only dealers here who buy always for spot cash. Nat- urally we get price concessions and we-pass them along to you. You can own a Hardman, Krakauer, Mehlin, Behning, Sterling, "Crown" or Huntington piano at the rate of $ to $10 a month. ^%M Representatives for the Knabe-AngeluFPiano. EfiQTcn & WAI nn 3 rllO 1 W ItHLUU Corner NicolletAve. south'6 mt*street 6 WeHnesHay KvenTngf,' THE MINNEAPpLI$ JOUKHAi CITY READY FOR i COMING GUESTS COMMITTEES FINISH EVEBY THING POSSIBLE TO DO. Headquarters Will Be Moved Saturday to Ground Floor of West HotelDe tails for Care of Strangers Include Service of Every NatureLocation of Booths. (Additional G. A. R. news on Page 4.) Saturday morning will find every thing in Minneapolis ready for the en tertainment of the fortieth national en campment of the Grand Army of the Republic. All plans are complete. Everything for the care and comfort of the visitors has been anticipated and provision made. These plans will be' put into effect Saturday when the ad vance guard of the encampment, headed by Commander-in-Chief James Tanner and his party, will arrive. Up to the present time headquarters for all encampment activities has been in the office of the Commercial club public affairs committee in the Commer cial club. For encampment week the -headquarters of all committees will be at 502 Hennepin avenue, in one of the ground floor stores of the West hotel. Secretary Wallace G. Nye of the G. A. R. committees, who has had most of the work in charge during the months of preparation, and all encampment committees will be at headquarters. Each Department Represented. Each of the active committees in charge of a certain department of the encampment work will have a desk in headquarters, and the chairman or some members of the committee will be in charge. In addition, the quarters will be used for rest and information quar ters for the benefit of visitors. All orders relative to the work of care and entertainment will come from the gen eral headquarters. One active commit tee, that on parade, will have headquar ters in room 201 Andrus building. Accommodations bureaus, rest and in formation rooms, information booths and registry stations have been defi nitely located. There are to be three general accommodation bureaus, where visitors who have not reserved rooms will be assigned to quarters in private houses, hotels, boarding houses, etc. One will be in a large tent at the union station on High street. Anotheri wilUl be OUCUAUU uu DUX^DI xi.uwi,uD 1 in" the oity^ffall"" aT'the^FouTth "streeot entrance, accommodating the Milwau kee and Great Western stations. The third will be at 228 Washington avenue N for the St. Louis and Soo stations. These also will be open Saturday morn ing. veterans' registration rooms, where all veterans are urged to register their names and addresses by the regiments in which they served,' will be at 510 Second avenue S. Rest and information rooms will be 1 *e Saturday^1 morning atstreet inK points the follow- a 1 Sevent S 51 0 Chairs and settees will be provided, also, that visitors may rest. Knowledge Adjuncts. Smaller information booths will be open Saturday niorning at the follow ing''corners: Union- ^station, Nicollet and Washington, Nicollet and Fourth, Nicollet and Sixth, Nicollet and Eighth street, Hennepin and Washington Hen nepin and Fourth, Henneinp and Sixth, Hennepin and Eighth, Fourth street and Second avenue S, Fifth street and S( cond avenue S, Chicago Great Western station, Milwaukee station, Seventh street and First avenue S, First avenue S and Washington. These booths will be small boxes sta tioned on the corners named, and i be plainly marked to show their pur pose. In each will be a clerk who will circulars with maps and detailed direc tions for finding any point of interest in the city will be destributed free from these booths. During the parade two additional booths, one at Nicollet and Tenth and one at Park and Tenth, will be tstablished. Guides for Strangers. The guide service will be operated in connection with the information booths. The guides will be stationed at the booths and other points where they will be needed. The groups of guides sta tionedat each booth will be under the immediate supervision of the informa tion man. At his discretion they will go out with persons who may become confused or who are in need of assist ance. Special attention will be paid to giving old people the benefit of the guide service. EVERY ROOM NEEDED The committee on accommodation wishes to call the attention of all who have registered their rooms to the im portance and necessity of co-operating with the committee. There is no occasion for alarm be cause rooms have not been assigned as yet. Comparatively few reservations are made ahead and the bulk of the business will come when the visitors arrive. There is little doubt that every room will be needed. Tho committee also asks that in case any rooms listed with the committee are rented that they be notified at once that the listed room may be cancelled. This is done to avoid sending visitors to rooms already reserved. Maine Open House. The people from Maine sent word to W. R. C. headquarters yesterday that they would receive former residents of Maine at their headquarters in the Waverly, Thursday evening, Aug. 16, from 8 until 10 o'clock. The Maine delegation will keep open house from the day of their arrival, Sunday, until Friday. ENCAMPMENT NOTES. The Fifteenth New York engineers will hold a reunion Tuesday, Aug. 14, in the office of the Yale Realty company, 206 Fourth street S. All New Hampshire residents residing in Min neapolis are asked to call at the Hyser hotel at 7 80 p.m. Friday and register their names and addresses. Akeley, Minn., proposes to do some municipal advertising In Minneapolis next week, and will send the Akeley band to the encampment. The exnaases of the band will be paid by the busi ness men and the band will be instructed to toot its limit for Akeley. The Empire State association will hold its last meeting before the eneanVpment this evening at the West hotel. Badges will be distributed. During th encampment the secretary of the as* gelation will be at New York headquarters to assist in caring for the New York visitors. SHOOTS SELF ON TRAIN An unidentified man committed sui cide on the Soo train front' the coast which arrived in Minneapolis early last evening. The body was^tsflten from the train at Venlo, N. D. The man shot Ihimself thru the head while* 6n the rear platfotfn of the day coach-.1 STREETCAR?'in1'" HKE CYCLONE, HE SAYS was ifound by a porter, bis head "lying over the car steps, and a revolver by his side. The man was well dressed, about '38 or 40 years of age. He is believed underwood .fcachto to hare gotten on the t*ain at MQQSB,. m^n*e in. luniber bui Jaw* SM' **r "bar r~ -r^^_- r* Vt LAUNDRY WAGON DRIVER HIT BY TROLLEY CAR. Nothing Serious in the Result, but the Hairbreadth 'Scape and Attendant Circumstances Were Like the Quips of a Kansas TornadoCalhoun Peo ple See Alderman Walker. His wagon hurled from the street railway tracks where they cross West Thirty-second street, Joseph Rackman, driver for the Sterling Laundry com pany, had a tornado-like experience late yesterday. He drove across* the tracks just as a Minnetonka car had passed, and failed to see a workcar approach. The workcar hit tho wagon and cut the horse loose. The wagon, badly shat tered, landed, bottom-side up, in the street. Rackman was inside. When he emerged he found his right trousers' leg rent, seven cuts on his face, and his collar gone. Rut his necktie was in just as good a knot as ever, and his eye-glasses still straddled his nose, un broken. The horse had run away, but was captured on Calhoun boulevard. This is the third accident on the street railway right-of-way between Thirty-first and Thirty-fourth streets. Bessie Lawrence was severely injured by a workcar on the Thirty-fourth street crossing July 6, and Mrs. Mary Johnson was seriously hurt Monday morning on the same crossing. The girl is recovering from her hurts. Mrs. Johnson, however, is still in precarious condition at the Russell hospital, 3100 Hennepin avenue. She recovered con sciousness early today, only to go into delirium. Beyond Thjrtv-first street the com pany owns its right-of-way, running thru the middle of the block instead of the street. The tracks are in an unusu al place and as the right-of-way is nar row the approach of the cars is not readily observed. These circumstances, it is asserted, make the crossings at Thirty-second, Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth street dangerous. Residents in the district are apprehensive of more serious acci dents unless precautions are taken. It was generally supposed that there was a speed limit on streetcars, but this# is not the case. The old horsecars ordinancesmade the maximu.m speend on th street six miles an hour Whe the electric ordinance was passed it con tained a clause requiring the companv to maintain a rate of speed "not less than eight miles an hour." In othei words there is no rate of speed at which the cars may noj be run. Alderman Piatt B. Walker has been urged by several of his constituents to take a hand, and he has suggested that the interested residents select a delega tion from among their number to wait upon the street railway officials. He said today: "Something must be done as soon as possible. Either the cars must be slowed down in these three blocks or a watchman must be stationed at Thir ty-second, Thirty-third and Thirty fourth streets. From what I hear from that part of the ward, the people are greatlv exercised and are fearful that their children will be caught by the Minnetonka cars. I hope that the street railway company will take some favorable action when the matter is presented to them, but if not, the situ tion can probably be relieved thru the city council." BR. FORCE'S CREDITS LOW FORMER INSURANCE OFFICIAL EXPLAINS HIS HOLDINGS TO BOARD OF EQUALIZATION.' %?&? Mdr^rt^S ?^Jo_him bythe Northwestern Lif_ Dr. J. F. Force, who is now at Pasa dena, Cal., by his attorneys protested today to the board of equalizatiop against an assessment of $100,000 on ci edits. The statements of the amounts Insurance company, he said, had been "grossly exaggerated by the public press." Moreover, he declared that he had lost by unfortunate speculation and that his credits did not exceed $7,500 in value. Nelson Morris & Co., thru an attor ney, informed the board that it was op erating a line of refrigerating cars and in the course of the business had an agency in Minneapolis. Its property in this city, outside of real estate, is valued at $9,250, hence the assessment of $20,000 was un-just. It was argued that the city board had nothing to do with the company. The various ques tions raised were taken under advise ment. H. F. Douglas, a grain dealer, did not consider that he had any credits that were taxable. He had $5,400 in his account at a bank, but owed the same bank $10,000. L. S. Gillette declared that he had SCinneapolis aid personal property assessments in for the last twelve years, altho during all that time he was a legal resident and had voted in Excel sior. He paid the local tax here be cause he thought that it was right, but he could not stand for an assessment of $50,000 for credits. It appeared from competent evidence that the Northern Cheese company had never materialized as a corporation, and its assessment was canceled. The board also canceled the assessment against the estate of the late Dr. Hugh Nelson. P' IRON COMPANY ENLARGES The Northern Malleable Iron com pany of St. Paul has purchased from the St. Paul Title & Tiust company, as trustee for the owners, a tract of nearly eight acres in the Arlington Hills district of St. Paul, once occu pied by the Bohn Manufacturing com pany. The company at present occu pies a plant at Hazel Park, a portion of the old Wood Harvester company build ings. The International Flax Twine com pany, which occupies the rest of the harvester buildings, wishes to enlarge and use the room now occupied by the iron company. The iron company also desires to enlarge, hence its re moval to a new site. The iron com pany will erect a plant on its new site, to cost $100,000, and will increase the number of men employed from 300 to 500. The new plant will be ready for operation Dec. 1. CLUB DIRECTORS MEET The board of directors of the Commer cial club met at noon today in the regu lar monthly meeting. The following changes and elections were made: How ard W. Baker, assistant manager of But ler Bros, of Chicago, elected to non-resi dent membership Horace V. Winchell, formerly of Butte, .Mont., transferred ttrom non-resident to resident C. M. Keeler and E. W. ,Kneeland, transferred to non-resident membership. The fol lowing were elpcted to membership: $ M. DUrkee, Dolph D.' "Bezoler, Bev. James $. Montgomery, J,, H. Henderson, Dr. J. P. Sedgwick, J.'D. TJtend/Wer and W- L.,Hall. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i iwitta Attdrwf Defective Pa9 TEN-MILLION YEAR.: IN STATE FINANCES REVENUE FOR FISCAL YEAR SHOWS LARGE INCREASE. Income Was Two-Thirds of a Million Over the Previous YearRailroads Show Large Increase and Inheritance Tax Receipts Are a New Item. The income of the state of Minne sota for the fiscal vear concluded July 31 was $10,162,396:05. This is $673,678.03 increase over its income for the previous year, when it was but $9,488,718.02. The increases are in the general tax, the state school tax, railroad tax, fees from insurance companies, and the in heritance taxes, the latter being all "Acivet'' compared with the previous year. State Auditor Iverson's statement of receipts for the fiscal year is as follows: Tuxes State, general $1,378,597.15 State, school 1023,73(5 59 ltullroad companies 2,S65,414.83 Iusu. ance companies lolegiaph companies Telephone companies Dxpiess companies Fieight line companies Sleeping-car companies Vessel tonnage Inheritances 159i454.91 Departmental earnings, fees, fines und miscellaneous leceipts 403,043 60 State Institutions, receipts and earnings (including state piison 1 evolving fund and twine collec tions, federal aid to state univer sity and Soldiers' Home) 1,486,752 28 Sales of timber on state lands.... 565,405 42 Mineral permits and contracts 25,525 00 Itojalt^ on iron 01 130,915.67 Principal paid on land contracts 346,590 97 Principal paid on school districts, city count}, township and village bonds Repument of seed-gral loan SsileH of grass Redemption of bonds Inteiest paid on school districts, city, county, township and village bonds Inteiest on trust fund bonds Interest paid on daily bank bal ances August 8, .190& 326,600 97 41,522.66 73,947 -54 81,923.73 2,661.61 1,185.89 15,969 90 172,070 00 484.04 1,600.51 232,000 00 133,216 85 313,127 50 24,409 18 Total $10,162,396 05 RESERVE DEPLETED Attorney General Asked to Wind Up a Casualty Company. D. O'Brien, insurance commissioner, today made a request that the attorney general take steps to wind up the af fairs of the Minnesota Mutual Casualty company The company is charged with failing to observe the state law th\t a reserve of $5,000 must be maintained, the company having on hand at present but $687 in cash. Jan. 1 the company had on hand $11,182.20. Since it has received $67,083 08 from member's. Its income from all other sources was $2,211. It ha since paid to members $24,893.20 and its expenses have been $54,371.56. An interesting featuie of the case is that the company's president, Bernard A, Ledy, also operates a matrimonial bureau. An unsatisfied searcher for a wife re cently sent his correspondence with Ledy to D. O'Brien, insurance commissioner, which complaint has seemingly not helped the case of Mr. Ledy's insurance com pany. MeQuaid Generous Credit, as Usual, During This Special Sale. 250 Morris Chairs, no two alike, comprising the entire exhibit of the F. H. Connant's Sons, Detroit. Mich well known for the beautiful designs, exquisite finish and superior workman ship. MORRIS CHAIRS. It bought regu- Manufacturers' lar, price. Sample Sale Price. $8.00 Morris Chairs $3-98 $12.00 Morris Chairs 6-35 $15.00 Morris Chairs 7-75 $20.00 Morris Chairs 1 2 0 0 $22.00 Morris Chairs 13.25 IRON AND BRASS BEDS. This sample line of Iron and Brass Beds is made by the Davis & Har wich Co. of Chicago, and is well known for superior finish and dura bility. The designs cannot be sur passed in beauty and artistic taste. IRON BEDS. If bought regu- Manufacturer*' lar, price. Sample Sale Price. $4.00 Iron Beds S2.25 $7.00 Iron Beds 3-95 $12.00 Iron Beds 6-75 $22.00 Iron Beds 12-25 1 BRASS BEDS. $40.00 Brass Beds $21- 50 $50.00 Brass Beds 28-75 $75.00 Brass Beds 4 2 5 0 $100.00 Brass Beds 57-50 Look Out for Our GRAND OPENING Saturday, August 11 th Music Afternoon and Evening Souvenirs All Day CITY CONTRACTORS HAVE GREAT TROUBLE I N KEEPING CREWS OVER NIGHT. Lured by the high wages offered for harvest hands, the laborers employed on the various building operations in Minneapolis are "pulling their freight in droves. Some aie drawn to the west by the hope of making more money, but with the rest it is a plain case of wanderlust. Eighty men left one job yesterday with the intention of going to the har vest fields, and the experiences of other contractors and foremen is similar. The size of the crew at night is no cri terion from which to judge the number of men who will answer the call of the whistle next morning. Despite this continuous exodus, the contractors are able to keep their forces about level bv hiring other men. While many men in Minneapolis are go ing to the Dakotas, there is also a con stant train of railway laborers re turning to the city for various reasons. This constant changing of the crews is annoying to the contractors but is not seriously hampering their work. Colored People to Receive. The colored people of -the city will give a reception to the G. A. R., and the many visitors who will be here next week, in St. Peters' A. M. E. church, Thursday evening, Aug. 16. LET BARTMAH "FEATUER YOUR NEST." Market-House Go. Seventh and Hennepin HARVEST LDRES WORKERS HAY GRADES ARE DEFINEI The Makers LostThousands 0 the 8tmU Tfcey Blsplayt* at Furniture EiporittoM YOU'LL FIND SOME OF THE MONEY IN THIS SALE Manufacturers spend great amounts in the construction and finish of goods to be displayed at the Furniture Expositions. They-make these goods up speciallythey put their best efforts into the goods, for they take orders jfrom these samples and know that the amount of business they are to do depends upon the manner in which these goods stand the critical examination of retail furniture buyers. So their sample pieces cost the manufacturer much more than their regular makes cost them considerable more. And yet after the expositions are over the makers are jompellad to e*~ uo* these samples at whatever price they will bringsimply because tiiey lave gone through ^position sefvicenot that they are injured in the least. The manufacturers Jose thousands of dollarsthe peo ple are richer by a like amount. Will you share in these bar gains? Note tomorrow's spe cials mentioned below. China Closets, Combination Book Cases and Library Cases, comprising the exhibition sam ples of the Skandia Furniture Co. of Rockford, 111. These sam ples were greatly admired by experienced buyers on account of their rich finish and excellent workmanship. CHINA CLOSETS. If bought reg- Manufacturers' ular, price. Sample Sale Price $22.00 China Closets $12 2 5 $25.00 China Closets 14-00 $28.00 China Closets.... 1 5 5 0 $35.00 China Closets 19-85 $50.00 China Closets 29-"75 $75.00 China Closets 48-50 COMBINATION BOOKCA8ES. If bought reg- Manufacturers' ular, price. Sample Sale Price. $20.00 Combination Bookcases $12-25 {25.00 Combination Bookcases 14.QJ $30.00 Combination Bookcases 17.75 $40.00 Combination Bookcases 23-50 $50.00 Combination Bookcases 31-50 LIBRARY CASES. If bought reg- Manufacturers' ular, price. Sample Sale Price. $12.00 Library Cases $6-7o $15.00 Library Cases 8 OO $22.00 Library Cases 13-25 $40.00 Library Cases 23-50 22-24-26 FIFTH ST, SOUTH STATE COMMISSION ISSUES RULES FOR SEPARATION INTO THREE CLASSES. In response to a demand for an offi cial grading in the state inspection oi hay, the state railroad and warehous commission today authorized the ol lowing classifications: No 1 Mixed HayShall be nay of tht different grasses, of good color, properly cured, sweet, sound and well baled. No. 2 Mixed HayShall be hay of the different grasses, not good enough for No 1, of fair color, sweet, sound and well baled No. 3 Mixed HayShall be hay of th* different grasses, not good enough for th other grades, sound and well baled- WILL BUILD WAREHOUSE Big hardware Firm Improves First Street Property. Janney, Semple, Hill & Co. were granted a permit today to erect a ware house at 213-29 First street S. It will have a frontage of 198 feet on First street and a depth of 141 feet, and will be of fireproof construction. Only the basement and first floor will be com pleted at this time, but the foundation .will be ample for a higher building. The permit calls for an expenditure of $76,000. The entire sample line of the National Parlor Furniture Co.. including all samples of their mammoth display which occupied the entire sixth floor of the Furniture Exposi tion building, was secured by us and consists of an exceptionally fine assortment of beau tiful three and five piece Parlor Suits, DaT enports, Couches and Odd Pieces. Leather Chairs and Rockers, and trill be disposed of by us at unheard-of low prices. LEATHER ROCKERS. It bought regu- Manufacturers* lar, price. Sample Sale Price. $22.00 Leather Rockers $12o0 $30 00 Leather Rockers* 1 8 5 0 $40.00 Leather Rockers 2 5 0 0 $50.00 Leather Rockers 3 1 5 0 $60.00 Leather Rockers 3 7 5 0 $80.00 Leather Rockers 5 0 OO 600 sample Parlor Stands. Center Tables i and Library Cases in golden oak, mahogany, maple and weathered oak finish, being of superior finish as manufacturers' samples t-hould be. Exhibited by the Wolverine Manufacturing Co., of Detroit. Mich. CENTER TABLES. If bought regu- Manufacturers' lar, price. Sample Sale Price. $3.75 Center Tables $ 1 &S $5 00 Center Tables 2 $6 00 Center Tables 3-50 $10.00 Center Tables 6-OU LIBRARY TABLES. If bought regu- Manufacturers' lar. price. Sample Sale Price. $12.00 Library Tables $6-75 $16.00 Library Tables 8-50 $22.00 Library Tables 11-50 $30.00 Library Tables 16.50 $50.00 Library Tables 28-50 \m il i 5 r%Z \S -%,l{i