Newspaper Page Text
9 ,u For BentUnfurnished Houses. 1 \t THE WISCONSIN, SYNDICATE,..,, v., Rental Lift, Possession Sejtt. 1,,-v Owners, ,Y BOO Temple Court. Both .phones-- $lfcFine six,-rdom cottage* hardwood, three Une bedrooms, water, .good locution, one, block to eWstern car 2023 3d av N, strictl high grade in everyavrespect,25tjanitor service, 7 W 25th *Bt. $40Seven rooms, heated, jahiter, etc. ele gant apartment in the Wisconsin, CIS E 17th st, none better" 1n the cfty. $40Seven-room apartment, every known convenience, 508 University av SK, This is ground floor and O. K. *0-j-Etght large airy rooms, first floor, duplex, 2436 ttlCOllet. Witt re^MC* rent on Ion* lease For solid comfort1 ooooooooooooooo $26, $28 AND $32.50, MODERN STEAM heated flats, easy walking distance to business center. $20Eight-room "house (tenement), hard O wood floors, gas, city water, In flrst class repair, 2308 Clinton av. 0 $15Two acres aud good house and barn, one half mile from city limits in Rich O field. Sloane-McCulloch Agency, Oneida Block. 104 4th st S, 9 Minneapolis, Minn. oooooooooooooooo ooooooo'oooooooo THE NE W Hennepin Court, 1913 Hennepin av, Two and three-room apartments, pas 0 senger elevator, high-class cafe In con nection, reasonable rent. Apply Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus Building. 0,00000000000000 oooooooo ELEGANT MODERN FIVE, SIX AND sc*eu room flats in the Lowry Hill apartments, corner of Hennepin and Douglas avs. The location the very best, overlooking the city and famous Japanese gardens everything Al. Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus building. A FEW FINELY FINISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS, fully completed, four and five-room flats, baths, steam heat, storage room, laundries, Janitor service and hot water alj year around boulevard sidewalks with fine 'shade trees, seven b'ocks from Glass Block, to small fam ilies and satisfactory tenants will rent from 8ept 1, $25, $28 and $30. Call 701 North western building between 9 and 11 a.m. ooooooooooooooooo DESIRABLE UP-TO-DATE T-ROOM apartments for private families* good condition, Immediate poesessfott, rent free to Sept 1 1316 to 1826 Vine place. Inquire janitor or Nickels & O Smith, 311 Nicollet v 0 OOP O O O 6 O OOP XO LETFOUR RO"OM STEAM HEATED flats, modern in all appointments, sideboard, refrigerator, gas range, large private screened ln porch, store room, etc, easy walking dis tance. Price $26, $28 and $30. W. W. Price, 413 New York Life bldg. IIA AND 6-ROOH FLATS IN TH E GROVE laud ppartmnts. 63 and 75 Lyndale av N completely modern, one block from Hennepin av ca,'s. near new parade, soft artesian water good light and air. See P. M. Henry. 514 Lumber Exchange. 9OR RENTUNFURNISHED FLAT, NEW,' duplex flat, seven rooms, Sept. 1, gas grate, book cases, sideboard, tiled bathroom, gas range refrigerator, sefarftte hot "water plant and laun,dry. 2617 Harriet^ay cv a S ____ 'W T. |17Sir-room cottage.^ good. Jot,. Swtfer and gas. one block to Lake street" line ,2837 2d MS. $17Five-room second-floor, duplex, apart ment, modern -except heat, newly decoratea, east front. Just, tie thing for small family 2840 Grand av, S, near Lake at line- $30Five-room- heated, modern, brand new duplexy apartment, Nicollet nd st nothing bet ter to be found in Minneapolis all modern, heated, etc. The Wisconsin Syndicate, 600 Temple Court. __ OUTHEAST^NEAR STATE UNIVERSITY, 401 Oak st, nine rooms, ail modern house almost new. Also six and seven-room flats, 501-503 If th av SE, steam heated, $35 and $37 50. Inquire of janitor. Gould, 16794 T. J5. IF LOOKING FOE A NEW, "THOROUGHLY modern eight to ten-room house. Inspect 44 Clarence av. Prospect Park rent $60. J. L. Gable. 8617 PORTLAND AY. 7 BOOMS, $18, 2917 1st av S. 7 rooms, $18. 2*25. Clinton av. 8 rooms modern, $22.50. Hermann, 4K Phoenix LIST YOUR HOUSES, FLATS, STORES FOR quick returns. Blwood A Co., 718 Guaranty Loan. 54 18th ST S, 10-ROOM DETACHED HOUSE paitly modern, near In. newly decorated. For RentUnfurnished Flats. iCaU132S3.Lujn-v,' ber 'Exchanger* PARK AV APARTMENT, BEST FLATS. COR ner of Park and, Franklin avj an elegant eight-room apartment Jthoroughjy modern large, light rooms, lawn, shade, two porches and artesian water. Mrs* W. S. Best, 2012 Park av. 1401 CHICAGO AV, SIX FINE ROOMS, HARD nood floors, gas fixture*,, fine repair. SIS, 812 E 14th st, seve^ room- heated tramde flat. $32, 923 Chicago av," elghtf rooms, heated, $37_50 Hermann, 410 "Phoenix, ^____ fbR RENINSEVEN-ROOM MODERN, APART ments, large, light rooms, large closets finely decorated1 In best condition second floor, 1512 2d av S, $50. W P. Mealey, 413 Bank of Commerce. ONE NIOE 7 AND~4~ROOM FlAtf'AT THE~Ml nerva, 2809 11 Stevens av, beautifully finished it mahogany, strictly modern, steam het, {o be vacated 8ept 1. See owner. 2801 Stevens. VOONSOCKET, 3d AV S ~AND'16i ST, 7 room, tl oroughty modern and up-to-date, hardwood finish throughout Inquire W. J. Lynch, 151 3d av S C. photic 2672f ERY DESIRABLE"6 AND 7-R00M MOD"! apaitmnt?i steam heat hardwood loor, telephone janitoi, convnifnt to univeisltj andJDast Side high 229 StL a-. SE SEVEN-ROOM "FLAT. CONVENIENTLY Lo cated in good residence district, modern, three sleeping rooms possession given at once, price $45 Call at 226 Lumber Exchange COMPLETELY MODERN SIX-ROOM STEAM heated corner flat, Hrge light looms, numer ous closets, mantel and gas grate, In flrst class condition 1502 2d av 8^ SEVEN-ROOM FLAT I N DUPLEX HOUSE also seven-room flat In four-flat building both entirely modern. T. C. 5459. Apply 604 Ridgeviood av COSY 5-R00M FLATS FOR SMALL FAMILIES at Lyndale Terrace 25th st and Lyndale av S, $17 50 per month. Nickels & Smith, S Nic ollet av. fOR RENTTHREE, FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM flats" all modern, steam heat, janitor service, walking distance, C. ,-Olmsted, 635 Temple Court. fcODERN STEAM HEATED FLATS I N LAUREL ajiartme'nts. coiner Laurel and 15th st easy wjrlking distance, 4- to 7 rooms. See Janitor. JrOR RENTTHOROUGHLY MODERN STEAM hen ted flat in Drexel Cotsrt, Park av and 10th st,_$30._J _F. Calhoun, 500 Oneida bldg. JTOR RENTSEPT. 1, VERY DESIRABLE flat, at 1509 Clinton av only four flats In buildlngj Apply at 1507 Clinton av. THE WALDORF, THE FINEST,* TO 8- room steam heated apartments lu. city, corner Park av and 18th st. See janitor. $26SWELL SIX-ROOM, GROUND FLOOR apartmen* storeroom laundry, sideboard, mantel, gas range. 301 3d av SE. SEAUTIFUJU, UP-TO-DAjttS SIX-ROOM FLAT, In the Carlsborough, 701 9th st 8 walking _dlstanee _T. C. 2422. S&ANT FLATS, SIX ROOMS, STEAM HEAT] $30 to $37.50, Sept. 1. .See Janitor, or phone owner. T. C. 14224, FINEST 4 AND 5-ROOM STEAM" HEATED flats in city. 1 E- 17th at, corner Xlcollet av. fmELD & FiFIELD, '71Y-7S1 Andrusi Bldg., el?- gant mod flat in Lowry Hill apartments, rent. OHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST HAVE flats and houses. $10 to $45. MODERN, FrVE_OOU FLATS AT^ CLINTON and 18th. Frank Miller.. For RentFurnished Rooms. 00000000000000 G. A. R. ACCOMMODATIONS-" YOU want a good room call at 638 Boston block We have 300 rooms left You will have to act quick. Bryant, 638 Boston block. OOOO00OO0OOOOO 0 ilE HOTEL DU NORTH, FIRST CLASS, EU -ropean plan, 25 Main st NE, one block east of Central av, newly furnished and decbreted throughout thoroughly modern rooms by the day. week or mouth, prices reasonable jBotb phones. ONE SUITE OF PARLORS, PARTLY JMOBERK, cool and shady, downtown, suitable fer four 1 ot six people, $1 eachperson per day during Cr. A. R. encampment meals .next.door. 1816 1st av S SICKLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, DURING" encampment week, on line of march, 10th at S. for gentlemen oc gentleman and wife all moden, 312 10th st S. -tRONT K00M7STJITALE EOeS TBB_S,' THTJbV ing" the encampmentB -b th day .modern' i,0*house, telephone sprvlce, easy, walkjpg ^U- Zf, tance. 12(( E 14th at. JyRTVATE PARTIES'CAN HAVE NEW-Y'FUR- nished apartments, single or en suite, or on, cots*, -.modern house, one block itvm Henne pin. 1216 Linden av. PLEASANT ROOMS FOB RENT IN PRIVATE 'family during encampment or-longer, all mod- ^*(er -convenience* price moderate. ?04 Deis waxet SE. HTAT~GRA~ APARTMENTS. "E33EGANT rooms, hot and cold water each room, four blocks from city hall, $1 per ,day. 920. 7th st S. J& i 1P WW PORJRENT For RentFurnished Jtooms. Continued LARGE, COOL FURNISHED ROOK IK Mod ern bouse, 50c and $1 private family. ,1848 ^Hennepin av._jf._w phone MalnJ8Tl__2. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT "B0ARD--W:_| rent by day, week or month in small modern house. T. 0. 10938, oc call 1805 2d *Y S. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS WILL Ac commodate three or font. 928 14th at S. Take Bloomlngton av car. SDo ANS $1 PER SAY TO G. A. R. VI8-T- ^ers boue modern, walking distance every thing pleasant. 1319 Clinton av. _^ TWO FURNISHED" ROOMS, SEPARATE ~OR connecting, for encampment week for GN A. R, visitors. 623 Central av. 000L.-NEAT ROOM, PRIVATE FAMILY* I I day for one. 76c each for two breakfast if desired. 519 8th st S. $8, PLEASANT FURNISHED MODERN BOOM, private family, no other roomers. 2726 Stev ens aT. second floor FURNISHED BEDROOMS, Mo, Too, I I *ER nignt also toy tne iree* t reduced rates. 22? 7th 8.- STRANGERS CAN FIND FIRST-CLASS A0- commodatlons at 124 E 16th st. N. W. phone Main 4t35 L. fOlt RENTNICELY FURNISHED ROOK AT $1 25 a night. At 1314 4th st SB. College Inn. room 24 ___ FOR RENTFOUR LIGHT ROOMS, 1900 ST NE, 50c per night, two In room. Take Cent ral av ear _____________- A LIMITED NUMBER OF NEW COTS AUD beds for rent. Apply 323 1st av N, 204 Bos ton, block. VISITORS CAN riND A NICELY FURNISHED room at 90 13th st S. next house to Berk ley hotel FOR RENTFOUR ROOMS FOR TH E WEEK all modern and central. 75 9th st S. Mrs. Wlberg FURNISHED ROOMS THE DAY, WEEK or month at the Gibbs iotel, 1124 Henne pin av NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL MODERN conveniences .rent reasonable. 227 8th SE. TRUNKS delivered 25c." Commercial DaliYefin 7th st S. T. 3478 N. W. Main 3468 J. NEW, COOL ROOMS THOROLY MODERN, for G. A. B. 4j08 9th st S. Tel 2757-L1 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT TWO GOOD rooms 2018 Lyndale ar S. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR RENT, ALL modern. Fhone Main 828-L. TO RENTFURNISHED ROOMS FOR G.A.R., at 21 9th st S. For RentUnfurnished Rooms. THREE LARGE ROOMS, STEAM HEAT, $12, Basement flat, 1303 2d av S See janitor. THREE, UPSTAIRS, 980 6th AV B, $6. For RentStores. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH USE OF GENERAL office, phone and stenographer, very reason able 537 Andrus building. NEW STORE AND BARBER SHOP FOR RENT, 1723 and 1725 8th av 8. Address Wyman Elliot. 815 E 18th st. For RentMiscellaneous. FOR RENTENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, 51-53 4th 8t S, will make long time lease space is 2,700 square feet. Call Charles A. Toiler. Journal office. THREE WINDOWS FOR RENT ON CORNER of 10th and Nicollet, second floor, $3 a win dow. G. Lyons Benson, 981 Nicollet av. EIGHT FINE WINDOW SEATS FOR PAR ade Wednesday^ $1 each located on Henne pln. Address 1869, Journal. For RentOffices. OFFICE ROOM, FRONTING ON 4TH ST, I N Bank of Commerce Bldg, for tent See Frank Un Benner, 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. FINE LARGE OFFICES, SINGLE OR E N suite, splendid light. Temple Court building. Apply Horace Lowry, 817 2d av WANTEDFURNISHED FLAT FOR THE WIN ter by small family of adults must be strictly modern, give location and terms. Ad dress 1400, Journal. WANTElCBY HAN AND WIFE, A WELL furnished flat, within walking distance, give particulars Best reference. Address 1915, Journal WANTEDTO RENT SEVEN OR EIGHT-ROOK house must be west of Lyndale av S: state price and location. Address, 1406, Journal, HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. horse dealers in America, have from 500 to 1,000 head of all classes ot horses constantly on hand. If you want one horse, a team, or a carload, call and look our stock over. Auctions every Wednesday. Part time given if desired Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse market FOR SALETO DEALERS OR CONSUMERS, $20,000 stock of Iowa Saddlery Co., consist ing of harnesses, saddles, collars, and every thing pertaining to harness business must sell, special prices to dealers no correspond ence solicited. Midway Harness Co., 1950 University av, opposite Horse Market, St. Paul, FOR SALEBAY PACING TEAM, YOUNG AND sound can pole in three minutes, weight 2.300. black trotter, stylish driver, five good runabouts, must be sold, have no room for them. 16 5th st N Wilson & McGetrlck. ZIMMERMAN'S HORSE MARKET, 12 2d st S. Dealers in all kinds of horses. If you want to buy or sell call and see us. WANTEDWE AR E ALWAYS READY TO buy and pay cash for horses, buggies, har nesses, wagons, etc., at Barrett & Zlmmer* 5a^n*B_Midway_Hirs Market SOUTH ST. PAUL HORSE EXCHANGEWE have a large supply of horses always on hand. Take South St. Paul car direct to our barns. G. W. Flanagan, Manager. HORSES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESSES^ new and second hand bought, 60ld and ex changed. Come and see us. Wldmayer Prendergast, 414 3d st S. DO YOU NEED A NE W OR SECOND-HAND spring wagon or buggy top and open In all descriptions will go now at very low price^ 997 Central av. TOE SALEMY NICE FAMILY HORSE, weight 1,00 pounds, 7 years old and so md must sell M. Lerensou, 2064 Summit av, St. Paul. $85 BUYS THE BEST HORSE IN CITY FOR the money a beauty weight 900, age 8 years safe for lady. 352Q Dupont av S. FOR SALE-LEATHER TOP DOUBLE SEAT, handmade* carriage in good repair. J. P. Kidder. 2616 Portland av, city. NOTICEDEAD HORSES REMOVED FREE. N. W. Scavenger Co., 102 1st N. Phone 195 M. FOR LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES TRY our hand-made shoes. Jas. Rowett, 2217 th st A. FROST & CO.'S SALE AND COMMISSION Sta'bles 'cash or time. 218 2d av N. HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. WANTEDA FIRST-CLASS, 80UNB~DRIV. ing horse for" business purposes, weight about 1,100 pounds, an animal used to downtown streets and that can be hitched with a weight. Nelson Bros. Pa v. A Cons. Co., 221 6th S. WANTEDTO HIRE. A GOOD GENTLE horse for ten days to drive to two-seat buggy about town .responsible party and good care guaranteed. N. W. 1380-L2 South, or call 2721 Bryant av S. WANTED TO BUYA COMBINATION 8AD- dle and driver must weigh, between 800 and 1,000 pounds, must be cheap for cash. Call F. W. Dressier, 106 2d st N. WANTEDLIGHT TWO-SEATED SURREY for one horse, must tie In A condition and cheap. Give full description and price. Ad dress 2109, Journal. DOGSDOGSDOGS. Broken and unbroken bird dogs and Chesa peake Bay spaniels Irish and English set ters and pointers, all ages and prices. S. B. Jackson. Intercity Shooting Park and kennels, 270Q Como ay SE. T- O. 16348._ FOR SALEENGLISH SETTERS BEST OP breeding. Address Dr. Tourney, St. Peter, Minn GOOD FRESH COW FOR SALE, RICH AND heavy milker price $35. N B. 1 Monday Evening, Call 1308 2d 'st WAGON BUILDING AND REPAIRING. BEST FACILITIES IN THE CITY FOR BUILD ing, repairing and painting wagons, -trucks, etc. fine carriage and automobile fainting a specialty. The Boyd Transfer C_'B BlacHsmitn & Wagon Shop, 2981 4th av 8. CARRIAGE AND WAGON REPAIRING, workmen. O. Mumm. 413 20th av N. WOOD AND OQAIf3*^'* DRY FAOTORY HARDWOOD," 0_EAPEST, cleanest and best wood In the city. Barnard- -..s, Cope Mfg. Co., 4th st and Sd at KB. ^Atm building, MbmeapOlia, Mia* 1 REAL ESTATEJ^R SALE Improved. O O 9000,00 O 0, 0 0 I. 0 A 0 GREAT BARGAIN. That fine ten-room house on corner of 0 ,14th av SE and Division It, to bo sold at a sacrifice price. Easily arranged for two families and will rent well full basement, city water and sink, stone side- o. walks, etc. fine lot, excellent nelghbor 0 hood must be sold at once* Make me an offer. B. Carlton Torelle. 820-824 Security Bank Bldg. a MEW, ATTRACTIVE, OUTSIDE AND IN side architecture of a new, all modern, seven room, up-to-date home in every respect, east front, on Park boulevard at Lake Harriet, where it is quiet, free from moke, dust and noise located on one of the most beautiful streets In this city, kept up by the park board. Come In, let me show you this ele gant home. Both phones. Geo. B. Dartt, 807 Phoentx Building. NEW HOUSE. 2115 Lyndale av 8, in the best residence district it is a handsome artistic home, suited for a family of means and good taste. It has eight rooms, Including bath, large attic, full basement, laundry complete, heated by hot water hardwood floors and finish throughout, up-to-date in every way arrange ment unusually convenient. Price reasonable terms, $1,000 cash, balance on time. For particulars call or welte Adam Hannah, 200 4th st S. COUNTRY HOMES. $50 cash down, balance $10 per month. Would you like to live within a few min ntes" ride of the city and yet enjoy all the benefits and comforts of country life? If you do, let us sell vou a plot of ground In a veritable little park, with beautiful building spots and a fertile soil particularly adapted to the culture of vegetables and ber ries For particulars call or write, Adam Hannah, 200 4th st S. FOR SALEAT LAKE HARRIET, LINDEN Hills, one block from car Tine a modern, nine-room house lot 50 by 146 house finished In birch, hardwood floors, open nickel plumb ing, hot water heat, gas fixtures and electric bells In fact, a modern house screened porch, stone walks, street improvements ail in fine lawn, shade trees this house is ar ranged for tvo families If desired, price $4,100, easy terms. Elwood & Co., 718 Guar anty Loan. F0R~SALE BY OWNERA NE W HOUSE AND two lots, 80x138, with massive elm trees, fine tubular well, big garden, four rooms down stairs, elegantly finished In hardv.ood, beauti fully decorated upstairs not yet finished nice basement one block to school two blocks to Nicollet av car line will be sold so low It will surprise you. Don't fail to see this quick. 4330 Wentworth av, between Blals dell and Pillsbury av^ _____ BARGAIN OWNERNINE ROOMS, ALL modern, arranged for one or two families parquet floors downstairs, 46-foot lot, fine lawn and shrubbery also fine barn upstairs will rent for $20 will sell for $3,500, must he sold quick. 3124 Lyndale av S. 884a JAMES AV S A BEAUTIFUL, MOD home of seven rooms, facing Lake of the Isles birch finish, parquet floors, hot air* heating plant nearly new and in fine condition nice large barn, price $3,800. Lewis & Co., 625 Boston block. _____ 2019 KENWOOD PARKWAY, TEN-ROOM ALL modern house, open plumbing, combination heat, hardwood floors upstairs and down, laun dry good, large barn. Apply to Franklin Benner. owner, 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER8387 9th AV S, AN eight-room, modern house, built for home all Improvements in beautiful yard, shade trees, etc. one block from ear line spl borhood owner leaving city LEWIS W. CAMPBELL CQ 321 Pillsbury Bldg Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. We sell houses and lots. FINE HOME. IN LOCATION, SITE, OONVENI ences. comforts 215 Groveiand never offered before for few days only now. See It and owner at house in afternoons. FOR SALETWO VERY FINE PROPERTIES which will pay 18 per cent net. If you want to make an Investment, don't forget to see me. Meyer, 416-19 Phoenix Bldg EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH, TWO families upstairs rents for $14 suitable for retired farmer, by owner, $3,000. Address 2105, Journal. A-E~YOU~LAYING SOMETHING FOR the hard times sure to come? The Savings Bank of Minneapolis, 4th st and 2d av S. PORTLAND AV NEAR 26th, EIGHT-ROOM modern, $3,500. Hanford Rental Agency, 310 Bank of Commerce LOOK~HERE^BEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. LOT~26 xl60, near university oity water $950. 515 16th av SE. I) -.Improved. CHAS. 0. ELWOOD & CO., 718 Guaranty Loan. $1,100Fine lot on Portland av and 84th st. frJOOFive lots on Oakland and 38th st. $2,000Double corner on University ay SE, $3,000Two tots on Chicago and 24th st. Prospect Park. $000Lot 50 feet. Lake Harriet, Linden Hills district We are offering the above for the first time ntjlht'se low prices to _3ttle_an_estate. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL lots In this city are at Sevenoaks, on Selby Lake st interurban line. We have river bank frontage and good inside lots from $250 up on easy terms. For plats and Information call at our offices, corner 42d av S and Lake st, or 114 4th st S. Edmund Walton Agency. OROCOt & CROWELL'S ADDITION has only four good lots unsold on Nicollet av, 43x125 to alley title insurance lots sur veyed you can buy on terms to suit yourself. The best lots in the locality. Also double corner, 47th and Stevens. C. & 315 Bank of Commerce Bldg. $47l"--0__eES77T0~T I N TOWN FOR THE money located In that Ideal new neighbor hood on Portland av and 38th st, second lot from corner: new house being built on cor ner, 42x118, wide boulevard, most Improve ments and surrounded by new homes. See thia at once. Owner, 2011, Journal. DON'T MISS TB3S. Three perfect lots, each 49x124, corner 1st av S and 31st st. for $8,000. Make best offer for quick sale. Close to large business and fine residences. Big money in this. Bartlftt A Hedemark, 605 Oneida Blk. Farm Lands. MAKE YOUR HIND to see our $10 to $20 per acre Kanabec county, Minnesota, lands during your visit to the G. A. R. and the state fair. Great stock raising, dairying, diversified farming and tame grass land. No richer soil can be found anywhere. Good climate, fine water: excellent health good home markets and cheap freight rates Now Is the time to buy. Come to my office and get a $8 round-trip ticket any day. Write for maps. L. A. Howard, 602 Oneida Bldg, Minneapolis. IF YOU WANT AN INVESTMENT WHERE your money is safe apd where you are Sure of 15 to 5 0 per cent on the investment, look over our lists of lands In North and South .Dakota and Minnesota 28,000 acres of wild prairie lands, ranging In price from $10 to $15 easy terms and several improved farms at $25 to $35 per acre. For further infoima tion please call on Stewart, Barrett & Co., 6*6" Temple -Court, Minneapolis, Minn. 'FORT WILLIAM, ONTARIO, CANADA. For Sale100 acres, subdlv4de and double your money, $25,000 fine business corner. In cluding building, $10,000 bulldirig lots, farms and miuing properties. Correspondence so licited. John Morton, Real Estate Mart, 8impson st. r** lend Id nelgh- $800 DOWN AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS buys attractive little cottage of six rooms and bath, near Western and Penn av N new this year fine location price $2,100. Lewis & Co., 626 Boston blocks A FINE DOWN TOWN RESIDENCE (ON Jiath St) worth $9,000, for sale or trade for a pleasantly located house feu 'the Lowry H1J1 or Lake of the Isles district. J. F. Calhoun, 500 Oneida building^ FOR SALEAT A BARGAIN OWNER, for cash or on time, with security, a fine $12,000 residence, 12 rooms, nice grounds. Southern Property Register Offices, Minne apolis. DARROW, 1022 GUARANTY, HOME BUILDER neat, modern reslderices on payment iplan on Columbus, Garfield, Stevens, Lyndale also modest homes tor $1,800 and upwards eighth ward. 1920 2D AV S IS A FINE TEN-ROOM HOUSE with barn large frontage all modern terms to suit. Key can be had of owner. Franklin Benner, 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Fftrtn Lands. 5 A' NORTH DAKOTA COMBINED SHEEP cattle and grain 'farm all murket facilities on the land, about 6,500 acres*, an abundance ojt choice meadow, seven flowing springs, 800 acres cultivated, first class buildings, one of the best 'farms of this class in North Da kota price low and terms easy. I Wells &- Dickey Co., Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. W E WILL HAVE ANOTHER OF OUR FAMOUS cheap excursions to sunny southern Alberta on Tuesday, Aug. 14 finest farming lend in the world only $8.75 per aero prices will ad vance $1 por acre Aug. 20, 0, W. jEerr Co., 520 Guaranty Building. IF YOU1 WANT^.TO^BUY A GOOD FARM I N South Dakota ^we have several hundred farms for sale all qver the state for from $10 per acre and up We can surely satisfy you as to prices and land. Write or call at our _offlce. Bryant & Haglund, 638 Boston block. XT XOtT VfAMT A r&BJX. TtSt SOTTX'DAKOTA or expect to go out to Lyman county and look over the section tnrougD wnicb railroad* are now building write ot call on us low rates. Egeland's Land Agency, Immigration Bureau, _T0B-U New York_ Life bldg, St, Paul. Minn. 28,000-ACRFr*RANCK, EASTERN MONTANA^ GO miles fencing, $15,000 in buildings, living springs, coal mine, telephone, abundance tim ber $4.50 per acre, easy terms Elwood Land Co., 718 Guaranty Loan building. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Great bargains in Kansas, Nebraska and Col orado ten ears* time, one-tenth cash. Dept. O, Land pept., U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. GREAT BARGAIN IN SPLENDID HALF SEC tion near Edmonton. Canada, worth $10 per acre,'forced to sell right away. Price, $6.25 per acre, $640 cash, balance four years. Mr. Glennle, Kenmare, N. D. FOR SALEiOOTOOO ACRES FLOODWOOD farm land, St. Louis county, in tracts ot 40 acres or more W. II Kicunaun, S12 Andnu building, Minneapolis, or Rutherford 3c. Elch man. Floodwood, Minn 000 ACRES MEADOW AND UPLAND 5 TO 20 miles Minneapolis, $10 to $15 per acre easy terms, will double when Armour packing house is built. Green & Son, Anoka, Minn. LOWEST PRICED LANDS IN STATE, $8 TO $3 per acre, In St. Louis and Lake counties. Write for list and information. Guaranty Farm Lgp Co., Pitluth. Minn A FEW BARGAINS, IN 160 AND 880-ACRE tracts 'Itf -centraUiSoittth Dakota agents want ed. Address Jay P. Morrill, 407 Globe uild ing, Minneapolis, Minn. 400 ACRES GOOD LAND, ADJOINING TOWN of ^raddock) N. D., $12 per acre one-third cash Write S. Smedberg, Braddock, N. D. 220-ACRE STOCK F-BM GOOD BUILDINGS, good fences, good markets adjoins live town. E. E. Hemmlngway, Mattoon, Wis. LANDSEEXERS AND AGENTS ALL WELCOME at office of Dakotai& Canada Land Co., 811- 315 Security Bank ^building. MUST SELL$2,000 TAXES 120 ACRES, RICH black soil, fine neighboihood, near twin cities. Hanson, 2012 27th- av S. ACRES AND FARMS OF ALL KINDS NEAR the city easy tertns. Yale Land Co., 206 4th st S, Minneapolis. CAN"" SELL YOUR FARM. SEND DESORIP tlon. Shepard, Bank of Commerce bldg. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE AT THE Buyers' Information Bureau, 804 Boston Block, Minneapolis. Everybody who "wants to buy comes here for what they want. Call or write for terms and particulars. W E SOLICIT YOUR LISTINGS. We have continual calls for all classes of property. We have some Investments worth your time to investigate. Best fire and torna do Insurance. Chute Realty Co.. 301 Central. WANTEDFROM OWNERS, LOTS. HOUSES," duplex and flat buildings: we have parties wanting good Investments. Elwood A Co., 718 Guaranty Loan. HOUSES AND~L6TS~IN ALL PARTS OF THE city bargain counter prices Call and see us If looking for snaps. Elwood & Co., 718 Guar anty Loan. r^ LIST~Y0UR~~CITY PROPERTY WITH UST We can sell It., Empire Land & Investment Co., 434 Guaranty, Loan building^ W E CAN SELL^YOUB FARMS AND CITY property. Bcsplcd Land & Investment Co., 484_Guaranty_ Loan building. LIST YOUR-PROPERTY WITH THE LOWRY Realty Co., 329 Boston block. Listing free. WANTEDTO HUYf' TRADE O SELL FINE FRUIT LAND, acres, close to- Melbourne, Fla., and 1% to miles from Atlantic ocean. Wiftt have you got to offer? Answer- C. J. Babcock, 62J. Penn av N Minneapolis. EIGHTY-ACRE FARM IN FREEBORN county, Minnesota improved, fine farm in exchange for horn* in Minneapolis. Meyer, 419 Phoenix Building. WANTEDMERCKlNDISE OR FINEST CHEAP PRAIRIE FARMING LAND I N block_^ _, America lies In eastern Colorado on Union THE* MINNEAPOLIS'" }6l3i^i^^^M^^^^xi\k t&xt*f^t\WJtiS*BV*' 13, too* A CHEA -HOUSE AT 81- Ban 00^1156^P' building wii m.,.'.uji_jr once. as ^REAjnESTATEJBXgHAN^ 160 A., ROBERTS CO., S. D., $19, FOB HDW. 160 _., jMinu $26, for implement stock. 160 A., Beltrami. jCo., Minn., $20 for res. American^Land & Ex. Co., 448-A Security Bk, Bldg., Mpls., Minn GROCERY for 160 acres Wisconsin land, good location new cottage, well, lake, 25 acres In cultlvi tjon. Box 63, 8b}on Springs, Wis. ASSEMBLY HOTELMOUND, LAKE MINNE tonka, good accommodations in tents or house from $1 to $1.50 per day. Reached by Great Northern lake trains. FOR RENTBY THE 15th, NINE-ROOM FUR nished cottage by the week or month lee- and boat. Phone T. C. 5106. ROWBOATS AND LAUNCHES THAT CAN'T sink. Shadeggg Ens. Co.. 315 Sd st B. LOST, FOUND, REWARDS LOSTSATURDAY .fcFTERNOON BETWEEN 1 30 and 4 o'clock, a graduated string of pol ished and cut coral beads, between Minne apolis and St. Paul, on Washington Park and Camden car, Seiby-Lake, Merriam Park or Como Hopkins '-ar, or at Cbmo park, chain with gold clasp. Finder please address 2112, Journal, for reward, as it is valued as keep sake^ LOSTFRIDAY, AUG^ 3, A SMALL PACKAGE containing letteis and papers, important only to the owner, the package was wrapped In white tissue paper *ecured by elastic bands. Finder will receive suitable reward by return ing to 704 6th st S. LOSTWILL PARTY WHO TOOK SUITCASE by mistake from Plymouth and Bloomlngton car please return ^r notify me and receive reward. C. W. Nelson, 1107 8th st S. LOSTENGLISH POINTER DOG, WHITE with brown livei? Spots answers to name Sport. Notify or return for reward. Frank W Hayes, 902 Hawthorn av. LOSTAT MINNEHAHA, YESTERDAY, CASE -containing an excursion ticket from Superior, Wis. Finder please telephone Northwestern South 98 and learn of regard. ^TILL PARTY WHO PICKED LEATHER music roll Sunday afternoon at Orpheum please return it to Mrs. Lees, 730 E 16th st, for reward? LOST^UNDAY~nGHT. EITHER AT AUDI torlum or on street, lady's gold watch and pin. Return for reward to Miss BUrho, ,908 5th av S. 4 LOSTA PWRSE I N THE SHOPPING Dis trict containing $25 or $26 and small change. Phone East 734-J2. 817_ Prospect st SB. LOSTSATURDAY SUM OF KONEY"IN"ONE bill, along 29th and Lyndale av S. Return to A. Vansow,_^0_Lyndale__v_S ___ FOUNIV^SATURDAY. MONEY"lN UNION DE pot. Loser call and describe same. W. 0 Bradley, 2012 9th st S, LOSTON SATURDAY. CHILD'S WHITE ahoe. Please return to Powers' bundle coun ter. ___ STORAOB^ THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE 00. HAS unequaled facilities for packing, moving, stor ing and shipping household goods. See our elegant new fireproof Storage Warehouse with separate rooms and compartments. Warehouse office, 400 E Lake,st main office, 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co has best facilities for handling and stor ing household, goods expert furniture packers: satisfaction assured cut rates to Paclc coast and Other points our specialty. 1 5th st S. Both phones. __ CUT' RATES ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO CHI cago Denver, SpOTtane, Pacific coast terminals and 'tributary polntsr bsst of service and low est possible sates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 8d st 8. 51_EON 7 B~TRAWSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house hold goods ewert Packers. Office, 200 Nicol let. Bothj phones 1208. Res, phone T. C. 18824. FIREPROOF ST0RA#, CLEAN, SEPARATE rooms' packing and shipping. 106 1st av N, a. A, R. DEdORATIONS. G, A. R. SOUVENIRS Far sale, wholesale and retail open all week. Call day or night at 828 Kasota fTjnrijnfl'rAWT BF*T F^ Pacific railway produces 80 bushels winterP^A^E. plradT Apply 2oT7tb st*. wheat all other grains price $5 to $8 per ^arov 1 L. __'. A.AASg-g acre easy terms. Selover, Bates Co., An-' AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGSA. OAMFSEXX PAT~ FOR T~ AwiUng 0P. S Hennepin a Defective Page FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS PIANOSGREAT SALE OF SHOPWORN, used and sample pianos, for G. A. U. week used upright pianos, $80, $80, $110, $120, $135, $150, $165 $170 Arlon piano. $126 two Sterling pianos, $135, $255, two "Crown" lanos, $160, $260, two Hardmsn pianos, 215. $845 Vose piano, $100 new sample lanos going at half price square pianos, 15, $26, $80, $40, $50. Easy terms fpc this sale of $2, $3, $4. $5, $6 and "$7 a month. Foster A Waldo, 86 5th t S, Cor. Nicollet av. ENCYCLOPEDIA BBTTANNICA, 81 voir dies, New. In order to effect a quick sale will sell com* plete set of Encyclopedia Brltannlca for $35,' cost $68 only a few weeks ago sickness necessitates my offering these books at this ridiculously low figure need money and am selling all my personal effects. Answer quick If you want them somebody Is going to get a bargain. Address 731L, Journal. BUY OF US AND SAVE MONEY ON YOUR new and second-hand office, store, bank, drug, confectionery and cigar fixtures also safes all sizes and standard makes. Including one extra fine bank safe with automatic time lock and to burglar proof chestfl. bi stock wall cases, show cases, desks, chairs, tables, "caies, -B".- Vrs, letter file, typewriters, tc Twin City Fixture Co.. 228 3d st S. PIANO FACTORY SALETHREE OAR LOADS new tample pianos to be sold, saving the cus tomer $100 to $150 we manufacture pianos and we give you the retailers' profits: used pianos, Cable. $176 Hackley, $185 Welling ton. $125, Kimball, $95 Hlnse, $85 McPhail square, $45, Chlckering. $90. M. Schulz Co., wholesale warerooms, 716-718 lbt av S. COMPLETE" BANK, OFFICE, STORE, RES tauarant, confectionery, butcher and baker's outfit safes, cash registers, refrigerators, wagons, buggies, stores, crockery, glassware, furniture, new and second-hand, for sale at 1027 Washington av S. T. C. 1046. ONE 8 H. P. FAIRBANKS-MORSE GASOLINE engine with pumping jack, one 8 H. P. and one 12 H. P. White stationary and one 2 H. P. White marine gasoline engines, one 16 H. P. electric motor all in good condition. Enter prise Machine Co. LEATHERALL COLORS. Large assortment of skins, for'table and pil low covers, wall decorations, etc., always on band and for sale by The Star Baby Shoe Co., 516 2d av S. Soft sole manufacturers. ALL XINDS OF HARDWOOD AND PINE LUM ber. factory and boat lumber, shingles and flooring, can ship in car lots or less to any point also sailboat for sale. N. C. Bennett Lumber Co.. 405 4th st N. T. C. 9224. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING SKILLED workmen satisfaction always guaranteed, be sure and get a Metropolitan taper. Order di rect. Metropolitan Music Co.. 41-43 Oth st S. Both phones. FOR BALENEW AND SEOOND-HAND-BIL liard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments send for catalogue and price list. The Biunswick, Balke, Collender .Co.. 426 and 428 3d st g. Minneapolis. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON UNCLAIMED watches, furs, suits, overcoats aud musical instruments. Call and get prices. Wolfson, _the_wliable_broker, 108 Washington av S. USED PIANOSBR1NKERH0FF, $166 WELL ington, $140, Chlckering square, $85, Chicago Cottage organ, $25. M. Schulz Co., wholesale wareiooms. 716-718 1st av S. FLAGS. DECORATIONS AND TENTS. For nale or rent. American Tent & Awning Co.. 311 Wash ington avN. WOOD, DRY, $2.60, $2.76 FAOTORY WOOD, 12.50, coal, $5 and $5.75. Plymouth Lumber Co.. 237 Hennepin Main 3846 LI, T. C. 2807. PIANOSA VERY riNE MAHOGANY CAS-., colonial style, new Weber piano, half-price for cash. S. W. Raudenbush Co., 44 7th st S. BRICKFINE CLEANED SECOND-HAND brick, 242 8th av N, or call office N. W. I umber & Wrecking Co 414 2d av S. FOR SALEGAS LIGHTING PLANT ALL right anywhere gives best of light must be sold. 2111 Waslngton av X. NOTICEGOOD NE W CANVAS COTS FOR sale, $1.25 each lots of 10 or more, $1 each. 827 Hennepin av. T. C. 2741. W E HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP ABOUT 70 law books. Send for list. J. K. Brown St Op., Jackson, Minn. A FINE LINE OF SHOW CASES. 8 AND 10 foot length, for sale cheap, at F. Robinson Co.'s. 769 3d st N. FOR SALEVERY CHEAP, COUNTER AND show case. Call 802 Marshall st NE. B. Benjamen. FOR SALEOFFICE FURNITURE. W do re pairing, refinishlng. Amer. Desk Co 525 S 4th. BARGAINS In new and old show oases and counters. Hagen. 1310 Washington av S. FURNITUREGOOD AS NEW, VERY CHEAP small payments. White. 213 5th S. FOfSALEBABY CARRIAGE. LITTLE USED. T. C. plone 4288. 2726 Stevens ay, WANTEDPARTIES LEAVING CITY TO GET our cut rates on household goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane, Pacific coast termtm\}R. and tributary points. For best of service at the lowest possible rates write or call efl'the Boyd Transfer A- Storage Co., 48 3d st $- TOWN MARKET PAYS HIGHEST -CASH price for second-band household goods land office furniture. 417-419 Washington. av S. T. C. 2817. WANTEDTO RE NT SMALL DUCK BOAT OR cauoe for two weeks boat must be In good condition and price reasonable. Address 2127, Journal. WANTEDONE POOL TABLE IN GOOD shape, not later than 1 o'clock Tuesday. Minneapolis Brewing Co 315 1st av ~S. W E WILL BUY YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHlNOf highest prices paid drop us, a card, man & Co., 114 Washington av N. Suss- SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO LINDAHL 8s Diegre, highest prices paid 405 Washington av S Phn Main 1815 L2 WANTEDA DREDGE OR DITCHING MA chine give full particulars. Lock Box 83, Milnor. N D. WANTEDMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. HIGH est prices paid. Max A. Kohen, 327 S Wash. OFFICE FIXTURES AND DESKS WANTED for cash. "Advance," 411 Wash S. 1. C. 9802. PERSONAL. TUBERCULOSIS OF THE BLADDER AND lung, cancers, fibrous tumors and all so called incurable diseases ot male and female can be cured without pain, knife or med icine roots of cancers can be seed in bot tles at Dr. J. F. Whitson's, the magnetic healer. Institute at 1116 1st av 8. Come and be cured as thousands have and get well and enjoy life. Consultation frce^ PROF. H. W. STEPHEN, America's premier exponent of mental science, now permanently located in Century building, corner 1st av S and 4th st, suites 231. Prof. Stephens will give free lectures every Sun day evening at 8 p.m._ AH Invited to attend. BLUE LIGHT Electric and Vibratory Face, scalp and body massage. The man that stops hair from falling out and cures dandruff. W L. Higbee, face specialist, 323 Medical block. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Red nose, moles, birthmarks, powder marks, permanently removed, without pain or scar. Lillian M. Simmons, electro-dermatologist, 828 Medical building. SHOULD BLANOHARD'S ECZEMA LOTION fall to give speedy or satisfactory results, notify Prof. Blanohard, skin specialist, Min neapolis, wholesalers' supplies, all druggists. MATTRE8SES~MADE OVER HAIR AND moss, $1.50 otheri $1 furniture repaired, re finished, upholstered. Twin Oity telephone, 17092. Berg & Smith. 422 1st av SB. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND THURS day evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcotnb's Academy. 48 4th st S, third floor. fREE TRIAL TREATMENT OF ECZEMO aone, the great skin cure, mailed to suffer ers of ecsema and other skin diseases. Eczemosone Co., Minneapolis. MATTRESSES MADE OVER, HAIR MOSS, $1.60 others, $1 furniture repaired uphol stering furniture, stoves. Both phones. Rain vtlle Bros., 17 Central av. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 207 MEDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hair, moles, warts removed by electricity, corns extracted Inverted nails and btwlons treated. 55: PETERSEN'S MAGNETIC WOHDER worker cures catarrh, makes breathing easy and develops the lungs and chest sold by leading druggists^ FUB7~GARMEirr8 TO ORDER, REMODELED and repaired summer prices. Hubachek, practical furrier, 802 Nlcollet_av, suite WJ0._ MR8r~Nr"WAY, MASSEUREi LADIE8~AND gentlemen shampoo, with reeliplng chair. 805 Nicollet av.jootn 1 CORN8~E_TRACTED, 85o INVERTED^NAILB and ounlons treated. Dr. Collier, 515 Nle. av. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE JOHNSON UNDERTAKING COMPANY IS now at 708 Hennepin av. Telephones: N. W. Main 8858: Tri-State, SfflBT J. H. ^^oP, residence 2006 2d av telephone N W. Main 143-5 formerly president and general man- K_r____i__-L^dis Undertaking Co. SOE MoNAMEE, 8$8 JOth N i lady aa slstant. N, W., Nlc 826-J TrlStat 13888, HUME ft DAVIES, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Masonic Temple, 6th and Hen. Both phones. f6_T m. OLEA80N, FUNERAL D-iotOR and embalmer, 82 7th at S. Both phones. ENGER BROS., UNDERTAKERS AND EM balmers. 418 Cedar av S. Both phones. JTWARREN EOBERTS, FUNERALJMBE0T08, 710 Hennepin av. Both phones 8882. iufb F. JOHNSTON OO.y#W sWr~K Both phones. *^C 2USINESS CHANCES FOR SALEWALDORF HOTEL, WINNIPEG Beach, 22 rooms location five minutes' walk from proposed new station price $21,000 $5,000 will handle It balance easy. Hotel? in all parts of Manitoba, Alberta and Sas katchewan: write for particulars. A good Winnipeg apartment block, brand new, good location, annual rental $3,000 price $17,000 $6,000 will handle It: a snap don't miss it. Stores in all parts of city from $20,006 down Improved and? unimproved farm lands In all parts of the provinces good terms write for prices. Ocean tickets to and from all part* of the world. Phone 6875. David Reid & Co., Winnipeg, Man. 866-A. FARfii YELLOW MEDICINE' CO., Minn., $45, for merchandise. 160-A. farm, Lac qui Parle Co,, Minn., $42, for hdw. or machinery. $9,000 general merchandise and buildings for land. $6,000 mixed stock and buildings for cheap land. $4,500 stock of groceries and buildings for land. $4,000 stock ot clothing for cheap land. Let us know what you want. Bryant Haglund, 638 Boston Block. EHOTTOUHfEOIA SKtlasnOA, 84 volumes, New. In order to effect a quick sale 'will seU com plete set of Encyclopedia Brltannlca tor $35, cost $68 only a few weeks ago sickness necesltates my offering these books at this ridiculously low figure need money and am selling all my personal effects. Answer quick It you want them, somebody is going to get a bargain. Address 7811. Journal. LIVERY AND DRAY LINE FOR SALE IN A good, prosperous town in Minnesota, consist* ing of the following: 16 horses, 12 sets har ness, 4 surrics, 4 spring wagons, 6 buggies, 1 dray wagon, 1 trunk wagon, wagon rack, 7 cutters, 2 bob-sleighs must be sold on account of ill health. This Is an exceptional opportunity to make money. For further par ticulars address Rudolph Miller, Wheaton, Minm W E SOLICIT YOUR LISTINGS E HAVE continuous calls for all classes of business and real estate. List what you have. Listing free. We exchange farm and wild lands for merchandise ot all kinds, and merchandise for land. Let us know what you want. We can serve you. Minneapolis Real Estate & Rental Agency, 6SS Boston block. FOR SALEMY GENERAL STORE AT ROCK Dell, Minn. splendid opportunity for a Scandinavian with $5,000 capital a money maker from the start you can double your money in two years must sell, as my busi ness here requires all my time. Call at once. S. O. Sanderson, 327 14th av SE, Min neapolis, Minn. THE NE W RAILROAD WILL E COMPLETE to Crosby next week. Thia will make busi ness lively then big crops now ready for harvest all must go to Crosby no other market. Get in-quick and keep the other fellow from getting it first. C. A. Campbell, Townsite Agent, Boo Line, Minneapolis, Minn. ILLINOIS AND IOWA FARMERS WHO HAVE sold high-priced farms are the fellows who are settling along the new Soo line, buying merchandise and machinery for cash, making business good in the new Soo towns. C. A. Campbell, townsite agent, Soo Line, Mlnne apolis. Minn. FORTUNE AWAITS THE LUCKY FELLOWS who put In the first stores at Crosby, the new Soo town on the new Flaxton line big crops now being harvested, all of which must go to Crosby no other place. C. A. Campbell, Townsite Agent, Soo Line, Minneapolis, Minn. GROCERY OPENING-^-~GR~OCERY BUSINESS conducted by one man for 24 years at one lo cation was sold today, stock to be shipped to Dakota. Fixtures for sale at sacrifice and building for rent. Daily business has been $100. Lewis & Co., 525 Boston block. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR active lady partner (by lady) In art store, who can Invest $1,500 highly profitable, no risk or losses, as It is a strictly cash busi ness 1,500 on mall-order list alone no agents. Address 1790, Journal. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIM1T ed number of canvassers with some capital to go In the country to sell a very useful farm tool. We are demonstrating the above machine between 7th and 8th st and 2d av S, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. GOOD FORTY-BARREL FLOUR MILL Lo cated at Clear Lake, Minn., modern machinery, in first-class condition this mill is also doing a large feed grinding business for sale at a bargain. Schwab Bros., Clear Lake. Minn. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY STOCK Central av, excellent location, fine trade sales average $19 a day price $900 a snap or will invoice must sell this week leaving city. 443 Security Bank building. EQUITY I N FINE $12,000 RESIDENCE, 12 rooms, nice neighborhood, eighth ward, to ex change for active Interest in a good busi ness references exchanged. Southern Prop erty Register Offices, Minneapolis. _______ FOR SALE.OK RENTBARBER SHOP I N A atbd oo county seat town, a two-cbair shop with electric lights and city water. Will be sold cheap on easy terms. Address P. 0. Box 33, Olivia, Minn. TWO'CENTS IS ALL IT COSTS TO FIND OUT all about the business chances in the live new Soo towns on the new Soo lines. C. A. Campbell, townsite agent, Soo line, Mlnneap oils, Minn. "FOR BALE8UBURBAN REAL ESTATE AND insurance business established seven years, In cluding business block, $3,500. Steady Income not less than $80 per month. Address 1622, Journal. FOR SALEONE OF THE BE8T PAYING drug stores in southeast South Dakota, a money maker and will stand Investigation good reasons for selling. Address 8249. Jour nal ON ACCOUNT OF POOR HEALTH WILL SELL interest in manufacturing business, giving pur chaser a good position don't answer unless you mean Dusiness. Address 1478, Journal. $6,000 BUYS ONE-HALF INTEREST I N FIRST class business proposition in twin cities a fine business opening for right party, refer ences exchanged. Address 1957. Journal. FOR SALEBARBER SHOP TWO CHAIRS and one bath outfit In good town of 700 will sell cheap if taken at once. Call or Write. O. F. Simpson. Volga, S. D. FOR SALETWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP I N town of 1.000 population, doing good business reason for selling, going wert. Write or phone W. D. Hoffman, Fertile, Minn. STORE FOR^ RENT OR SALESEVENTY miles from Winnipeg good chance for a hard ware store or general business. Apply A. B. Smalley, Westbourne, Man. LUNCH COUNTER$560 BUYS THE NEAT est, cleanest little place in the city doing fs_Co.businessBostonin ood and splendid location, Lewis 625 block._ FOR BALEHOME BAKERY WITH A WELL established trade and situated in a good loca tion reason for selling, sickness In family. Address 1967, Journal. FOR SALESIX GRAIN ELEVATORS I N Min nesota and one elevator in North Dakota. Empire Land & Investment Co., 434 Guar anty JLoan_ building. WANT TO BU 8T00X OF MERCHANDISE or will rent store In good town where there is an opening. Give particulars. 615 5th st N, Bralnerd, Minn. IF YOU HAVE $600 TO INVEST IN A GOOD legitimate business that will bring you $100 per month, call and investigate. Errant, 638 Boston block. FOR BALEONLY MEAT MARKET I N COUN try -town ot 500 doing good business- For particulars write Rickers Bros., Braham, Minn. GOOD UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FOR SALE In a good, lively town must be sold at once the only restaurant In town. Box 9, Colton, 8. D. TAILOR SHOP FOR SALE I N GOOD TOWN of 1.200 inhabitants: will sell cheap If taken at once. Address Louis Heyduk, Qraeevllle, Minn, $485SNAP I N PAYING GROCERY AND CON tectionery well located on corner another one for $600. Santord Realty Co., 518 Guaranty. WANTEDPARTY TO PUT I N GENERAL store at Loulsburg, Lac qui Parle county, Minn. Write O. Lovholm, Loulsburg, Minn. RESTAURANTT HOME BAKERY AND ICE cream parlor for sale cheap, in good country town owner is sick. Address 1620, Journal. HIGH-CLASS ROOMING HOUSE, YOUNG 00U ple can make money part cash. Hanford Rental Agency, 810 Bank of Commerce. WANTEDPARTY WHO CAN FURNISH $10,- 000 to take halt Interest In real estate and building business. Address 2124. Journal. FOR aUICX SALES LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us. Empire Land A Investment Co., 484 Guaranty Loan building,, FORr^RENT^BLACKSMITH SHOP, A GOOD location, town of 4,000, In northern Iowa. Address 1060, Journal. FOR SALEA TEN-ROOM ROOMING KOTJSE apd lot and furniture a snap. Call 818 18th av S for particulars. FOR BALEFLOUR AND FEED STORE. DO ing a first class business. Write Box 68, Fargo, N. I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. SENS BE, Scrlption. Shepard. Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALETURKISH BATHROOM. ADDRESS 1714 Winter st, Superior. Wis. TURKISH BATHS -_ ft .4, PLUMBING 4 HAWKINS* LADIES' TURKISH BATHS, halrdressing, manicuring, facial massage par lors. Exclusively for ladies in all departments, will be open nights, encampment week, In the baths. Special prices On hair goods and toilet articles. 121 6th st S. T. C. 2488. AND WATER PU IN and- heating by W. S. Be* Nicollet av. Both phones. 15 RAILWAY TIMS TABLBf OOEAN STEAMERS CfaOAH.~lmWAUKjn ST. PAUL RAILWAY. Citrttckrtoffice, 9 Hieolltt-TMM. J** ruci)(er (teUon, ~M-lBS*on and a EMV# *D*r. t. SanUr tb. 8tar_jr. Ah*2 M50_m Cue-cot -UwsakM, UCtotst lO.aOsnT 45 pm CJiiojo. HUwsnkw, tsOro-M .*t*.ei P~ 8 00pm ChfcssSj JUhranxMt UCtont. ...,.,.X* uOraj '10 00pm Chie&foj MUwtakM, UOroM*. UOlpm' S.Wpm Chicago, Pnbaaae, S*~nn .W06_i0J_0*1 -m Herthfleld T_rTbMU Jbao Ottj 8.60pm Xorthfltld, hribault, JUsoq 01*7 iS 15 pm NortbJMd. Vsribaitlt, AucHn til 30am 8 80 am K&ntu City, Davenport, {took latand..t 40 pat 10 00pm MadiiOB, JiuufvUU, Eoekferd.., fl??~i 1155 am Maakato, Walla, Jaektoto.?. ......t 1 6 05pm Hankato, Walla, Moateomarj ..../..,..*10 Mpm 10.45 am Aberdeen, Siawfam. BulchhUon. Mpa, 'Satpm Aberdeen, OrtoarUla, Fno 880pm Milwaukee, LaCroa*. -..Ry:{KT.tiw*.t".*p.m C. B. & Q. THE FAST KAIL loaves at 8:4ft THE PIONEER LIMITED leaves at 8:00C 9.M. PhoneN Mai 860 .,t, Tiolurt offiea. ear, Sxd wad MtooUwS. Union Depot-NlcoUet and High 8s. Lew AH Trams Daily. I ArrJre 7:80 swrn. CMcago Bay Limited 740 a,m. tfinons, Lai Crosse.Diibao.ue. Chicago. St, Louis 7:60 p.m. "Tbe Chicago Limited" 7*J0 p.m. Winona, La Crosse, Dubuque. Chicago. St. Louis. 7:80 _m. Rock Island, Davenport.Clln- ton. Moline, Peoria. T_0 a.m. St. Louis Scenic Express 7:60 p_. Rock Island, DsvenportCUn- ton, Moline, Peoria. 7*0 p.m. "The St Louis Limited" 9:60 p.m. Chicago Night Bxpress Preseott. Winona, LaCroasa. Dubuque. Aurora. Chicago. M._ o.prrJ Office 000 Nicollet Are. Phone 240. tl Bun. Others daily For CHICAGO 7.60 am, 6.80,8 00,10 80 From CHICAGO.. ..Ar 7:66,9-60 am, 6:80,10:90 FOND DU LAC Lv 4 26,6*80 p, Ar. X0: a DULUTH.. .Lv t7,86 am, 4.00 pm, Ar 16:06,9.8 pm. /5fc ForSIOUX CITY f7:10,8 10am,7:66,8:80tttt _^, From SIOUX CITY 7.60am,t:60,810pm. -0- For OMAHA LTt7:10,0:10 am. 7A6,8B0pm. Prom OMAHA. Ar7:50am,8.10pm 7 $ For KANSAS CITY 9:10 am, 7.56.8:80 "f From KANSAS CITY A 7:60 am 8:10 pm.. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RT. &ir OFFIC: Firth and Nicollet, Dzror Waahlngtoa and Tenth Ave South PHOHB: Vain Mi. "Except Sunday. Others TJally. Chicago, Kansas City Chicago, Kansas City. Omaha Chicago,Je ktolnea, Kansas City Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rochester, Ilankato Rochester, Mank&to. Bayfield... Leave. 10 ant (00 pm 1045 pm IS 01pm 7 60 am 4 35 pm Arrive. TTo-5 INut ISOa 7Iip M86pm 11 so am IIIEAPOLIS i ST. LOUIS R.PM Station Wagalngton and 4th avs N. i Office, 424 Nicollet. Except Sun. Others Dally* Leave for CHICAGO 9:86 am 8:00 pm Leave for ST. LOUIS *:S6 am :0O pm Leave for DE8 MOINES *9:S6 am 8:25 pm Leave for OMAHA, California *9:M am 8:26 pm For Watertown and Storm Lake 0S am For Madison and Esthervllle..*9:09 am 0:15 pm WISCONSIN OSNTBAL B'Y. TICKET OFFICE, 280 NICOLLET AT. Phone*T. 356 N W.. Main til Chippewa. Falls, Marsh- 1 Leave, I Artie* field. Towns. I Daily. Daily. Fond du Lae, Oshkoeh. I 840 a. m. I 8:60 p. m, Milwaukee. Chicago I 7:05 p.m. I 6:10 p. m. Diamond Jo Lines Steamer STr 1 MrD CT UA TTT "WW leave St. Paul for St. OlIiAMLIl Ol.rAUL Louis and intermediate points Tuesday, Aug. 14. at 8 a.m. H.ARJRY CLARK, Gen. Agt., St. FauL AMERICAN UNE PLYMOUTHCHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON. PhiladelphiaQueenstownLiverpool. ATLANTIC! TRANSPORT LINE NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. DOMINION LINE MONTREAL TC LIVERPOOLShort sea passage RED STAR LINE N. Y., DOVER, ANTWERP (LONDON, PARI8). WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORKQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL* BOSTONQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL. __ MEDITERRANEANJ____. FROM NEW YORK. CRBTIO Sept. 25, noon Nor. 8. Dee. S REPUBLIC, Oct. 18, noon Dec. 1 (from BostoB) FROM BOSTON. ROMANIC.-Sept. 15. 7-30 am Oct. 27, 6:80 am CANOPIC...Oct 6 12 30 p.m. Nov. 17, Jan. 0 E. BRECKE, N. W. P. Agent, 181-123 3d st S, Guaranty Bldg, Minneapolis. T. H. LARKS, Passenger Agent, 9 East 6t at, St. PanL Scandinavianwh American Lint Large Fast Tin Screw Passenger Steamers Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark Sailing from Ne York at Noes. First cabin $60 cud upwards, second cabin $47.60 HELLIG OLAV Aug. 16, Sept. if UNITED STATES Aug. 80, Oct. OSCAR II Sept. 13, Oet. 29 J C. TIBTQEN Sept. 20, NOT. g For tickets apply to Local Agents or to A. E. JOHNSON, 100 Washington av 8, Mpla. THE EMPRESS LINE 0 1 THE ATLANTIC High class accommodations on the new ex press steamers Empress of Britain and Em press of Ireland, the fastest, largest and finest steamers between St. Lawrence ports and 8u- rope every luxury of travel and all the com fortable appointments are at the disposal of the passengers traveling with their steamer*..^! Canadian Pacific Royal Mail Steamship Lines, 232 Nicollet av. Minneapolis. Minn. GOING TO EUROPE! BEFORE ARRANGING your trip see Cunard Line. Guaranty building. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS James Pye to Thomas Peebles and wife, part lots 4 and 5, block 29, Mill com pany's addition, and part lot 93, Au ditor's subdivision No. 28 $8,000 Daniel. A. Denlson and wife to Marion Stewart, lot 8, block 8, Lawndale 189 Minnetonka Land & Improvement com pany to Adojph Parka, lot 87 and 88, Minnetonka Lake Park 850 William J. Gavin to Thomas Lowry, part SB section 28-29-24 6,000 Olof Hoglun to Thomas Lowry, part NE section 28-29-24 8,000 Conrad Birkbofer and wife to George B. Frankforter, lots 1 and 2, block 48, St. Anthony City, 16,000 Thomas flavin to Thomas Lowry, part S section 2829-24 80,080 C. D, Graesett and wife to C. A. Tardlf, north 16 feet ot lot 19 and south 34 feet Of lot 18, block 88, Whltcomb's 8.000 O. D. Grassett and wVfe'toO. A.*Tardif, north 4 feet of lot 18. all let 17 and ir south 8 feet of lot 16, block 88, Whit comb's subdivision 8 4*** Security Bank of Minneapolis to Martin Peterson, lota 7 and 8, block 8, Ra- 'i gan's addition SOS John E. Atland to William Lund, lot 6, block 7, Fairground addition l.BBS George F. Long to Elmer Owen aL, NW NW section 24-119-22 l.SSS Harry V. Lamborn and wife to Carl G. Carlson, lot 7, block 4, Elliot's addi tion Mechanics' A Workmen's Loan A Build ing association to Frank Norvak, tot 9, block 13, St. Anthony Helen K. Collins et al. to Mrs. Lucy Smith, lot 10, block 2, Janney A San der's addition Isaac Kinne and wife to Jane E. Tomlln son, northeasterly 6 acres NE SW sec tion 28-117-24 1,830 3,060 1 John AlexWhHten to Catteftee Bartholo mew, lot IS, block 10, Excelsior addi tion' Ella 0, Blgelow,and William L. Blgelow to Edna M. Guilford, lot 9, block- 8, Cable Line addition'- O0 Lewis A. Wllscy and wife to Charfee W. Gray, lot 5, block 4, Lincoln Srteet supplement, East 81de addition 1,890 The Syndic to Arthur B. Chamberlain, south 15.1 feet of lot ,24 and north 85.1 feet of lot 23/ block 8, *._, Blalsdell's revised addition, 1.8_ Arthur Chamberlain and wife to Ger trude H. Goodrich, south 15.1 feet of lot 24 and north 86.1 feet of lot 28. block 8,'J. F. BlalsdelT* revised addl- 2,800 1,100 IK Angelina M^ and James Bpragua to Louis B. Clyde, lot 5, block 8, Long Lake Heights *_. Security Land Investment gan peter Peterson, lot 19, block 28, Sooth Side addition ........_-_^*iW Security Land A Investment PW Charles R. Murphy, lot T, Monk X6, Motor line addition 1SS ~r$ BUILDING PERMITS Z'J Thomas Vndand, 1618-1615 En*rsn av* nue* N, two-Btorr. frame dwelling.*,.. $*i00 D. A. Murphy, 4427 BlaisdeU, two-story frame dwelling _.........*..., MO* Daniel P. Kreklan, S_-24S7 landed* ave tne N, two-story brick -fneered Bat. S_ Four minor permits MBS .ps^ il .^t&Ust