Newspaper Page Text
.Rirlimom) Cimcslfepnlrli SIXTY-FIFTH YISAR. ADMITTEDLY THK T3FKT MKDTUM TN THE SOUTH FOR Ct>AS3 IKIK1 > ADVERTISING. t i:i.i:piionk vvms wants to THH TtMfcS-UIfiPATCH OASDOLPH 1 1 RANDOLPH WANT AD. IIA7K8. OAII.7, ene cent r. trrrd paid In a<l ?a"!ca No ud. ItiVn lor l:aa than 10 ceota. kUMlAY, on? and cae-hiilf cenla a word for all c!an<iin?(] H'la. except fcltu.Ulons Wanted at one cent n. wore. No a<l. tukeu (or Ian tbau cent*. Ml ADS. ttlcan roi lee# than 30 cant* irhun charged c- yUonp'J In. Phoned order* not (unrunteea. (hoai'lficatioua not guaranteed nllor w.30 *?. m. DKATH8. McCIjINTQCK.?Died, at tin? residence of In i Msli'i', Mi> Ki'i'IikIi', South l.aurel ."st r M l!S. It. <? Met 'MNTiX -K l-'ilnernI not ire Inter. TI't.'KKIt.-^-lMoil, itl his iato residence, -11 ?? I'leariant Street ;ii 'J.30 I'. M , WKLl-lNCTuN <; TI'i.'K Kit, in his slx ty-idxth year. Funeral notice later. LC-.-T AM) FOUNJ>. SAI.YA(Ji?lJ from .1.trii? s liiver fiCHhet motor boat. < ?wii?t identify at Nun - stead Farm. William For.stencr, 11. K. 1>. .*>, Richmond. J.MST, eit< l.i on Main and Hroad Streets i*i on fiii, <.-rooked handle silk um brella. Suitable !? u.trd if returned to 1?'" .M utun i Uui Id ii LOST, \\ ednesday ihkIh, I- ebruary J4. enhei ill or in front <.: Auditorium or J i II CI .son Hotel, j;oid b;i lid I?r ?' i relet. Reward il i'-lt I'i.'I ll::iio\ei Avcnu< 1 'hono Randolph 2M45-W. 1.' ?ST 1'i-tw ecu I"' - Weat 'Srace Street and Superior Theatre, or on liro.ii and Twi iit>-fifth .street c:ir, black ill. lion watch lob v.-1tli Kold locket, carved front, initial" S. W i> on lurk, with lady's photo inside. Reward if returned to ithove u(l<ln-<i ?.? r ? .' 11 phone Itn. doiph LOST. Wednesday afternoon, friendship rlirle ijt sapphire* and pearl* Call Ma?ij?on : s- j LOST, lady's card case containing rail road passes and small cum of money. Reward if returned to Mr? I.. II. Men der, Jefferson Hotel. ILELl' WANTED?Mala \VANTKI>, railway mall and postal I clerks; examination soon; over j.ijiju iippomt: <?ntf> yearly; prep:\r" at home. Write lor 1'lai. i: oi pay men' after .?p p?>ini.M'.nt. I'>iila<l*'l|>iiia Ru.-.mess < 01 iege, Civil Service Lupt,, i'liliuiJelpnta, Pk. WANTED. ait ?_? x;? ?? r 1 ?? r?ccl man in k- nt's fm iii^lcnit ami haberdashery. State oxpi'iii-no- anil Miliary. J?. <>. j:?.\ SL"i. Danville. Va. WAXTKL), two live men to manage branch otliee. Experience not neces sary if willing to learn. iUO weekly to .-tart C. <" Ijncke < 'o., Inc., Niagara Kail-. N. V. WANTED a blight. r-rfrrdi ?? vi.inu man to Hell tnliaiTft in Stat?- of Vli - glnla. !???? ma in-i i position, with oppor tunity. f'-r advancement Must have written rcf,-: > as to rharin t<*r and al'llity. Apply In own handwriting to Box so 2, Richmond. ?.0 while men to take horses to Europe; rhnnci' to work; going Friday. S<? us to-day before 1) o'clock, or apply Virginia Business Exchange, 316 North Second. \V A N'T E 11, a pri.t.'.: ponltrynian to work on farm. Applicant must l>e 1 hustler and willing to work. Prefer ence given man having experience in breeding and conditioning S <" White l.eghorns for exhihttiori. Could also line another good st::iri who tinder stands (lowers and ??? iir;t 1 f.tim work. He pl>. giving r?fereni.-e?, whether mar ried or i?I*ivrt?*. .ig'-. niid salary expected. Good pi.i' < for right parties- !?'. F. \*. Poultry K.i rm. Meadow and Broad .Streets, Richmond, Va. N'KW company want men who believe t Ii?? y can '???11 goods. staple product. Iteguiar income Territories being al lotted 4?? Hoffn u M:lldii:i:. !1 E;is' l,?*xl"L'inti Street, Ha 11 iniore, Aid WANTKl'. ir? n to l?>arn barber tride. few wil l:.- required steady positions for roimi'ti'iit graduates, wonderful demand for barbers Free catalogue. Richmond Barber I'ollege, Richmond, Va. HKI,I? WANTKl)?Female. i;o?i|? business young lady with expe rience t.i nfa rk and .soil laundry. Ad dr. - ?"ii f t o11 F>'i r.' S'l-am l.aimdry, Clifton Fortce. Va. STKNOCSRAPHKHi to also assist in of 11 cg work; steady Job. Apply at once. Pon't phone. Mr. l'oseridorf, Twtlvo S I V M.i:li. HEM* WANTKl)?Male and Female. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women. to J150 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 430-H. Rochester, N. V. HUMI.MON I > government clerk exami nations March 10. 170 month. Sam. ide (jikvtiotiK free. Franklin Institute, jVpt i.'.'-H, Rochester, N. V. ASSISTANT farm foreman, married, wife to board help. House, fuel, gar den furnished. Only rnrin who under stands modern methods ne.- i apply. J. Md'hail. H. F. D ii. Rnh^iond. Va. HELP WANTED?Professional. WANTED, physician registered In Vlr ginia or North I'arolina for incillral advertising oilier. Address Virginia Hotel, Room 2>, Staunton. Va. SITIATION' WANTK!)?.Male. Yol'Nt! idiiii, rui?i<l tvpcwrllvr operator i find u(tU'<' awlstant, itcnuiilntcd with' flllnj: system and advertising: lutve own | mnehlne; now employed by large mall order house, desires cliilllKc. Address '' 1 ? liox 612, < i 1 y WANTKD, position, experienced toook-l keeper and collection inan. Prefers! wlioli siilo |>c>mit!<jii in small town of J 20,000 to 35.000. Box ill'. Bristol, Vn. ( WaN'TKI), employment In or near city i for white and colored boys, 14 to 17 j years of !iK". Juvenile Court of Itlch- ' mond, Room 0. Cltv Hall. I'hunu Han* dolpli C28. YOCNO man with good references de- j sires position to l<-nrn tho under- * taking business. Address B 802. care 'i i m?? I dispatch. INDI STItlOlJS young man of good j nabits wants position as stenogra- i plier by .Mareb I Can furnish best of j references. Willing to b.cgiti on a I inoderate salary. 1. 147. care Titties-I I 'Ispatch. AC< Ol'NTA NTS. HOOKS opened. closed, systemstIr.ed: I audits made periodically: financial j vtaleinentH prepared. Terms reason ablc Address G JIG, care Tlmcs-I>ls pn tell. C ?! r? ; ? : na I iVA XTEI>?Agents TIIK celebrated Hluo Ridge dyspepsia j water has a State-wide reputation1 for relief of Indigestion and stomach troubles. Ask your doctor. Sales agency at Guerranl Arcndo Address l'hil K liiown. r bones, Randolph 9303 oi ??1547. | BII.RV SL'NDArS message, authorized.! We will pay you to distribute it! in your neign'jcrhood. 00 days' work.. Orciit i.pporlunity for man or woman. ' Spare time may be used Particulars, and sample free. Cniversal Bible : I louse. I'iiil:'.jelpliia FOR KENT?Rooms. NK"KI>Y furnished rooms, 71S and 718 Kant Marshall Ptrer-t. Mrs. J. 15. Pitts. ATTRACTIVE rooms. 14 North Sixth. I between Franklin and Main Streets.) TWO nicely furnished, large connecting ?00111s. adjoining bath. hot-water heat, electric lighis. phone Will rent' s? parately if desired. 1821 West Orace. I 1' third-story rooms, sinisl" or en ?ulte. East Franklin Street LAIK.iK rooms, southern exposure; also hall room, central. 3^0 '^ast Grace. NICE front room, comfortably fur- > nished. steam heat, private family. 314 East Grace. 1 L.ARGE. well furnished room, steam heated, running water, bath: also sinnle room. 'iiT West '".race. . BOAJIDINO. Si;? West Franklin Street, desirable rooms, with board: also table board. Mrs Burba nk. the" w krstkr. I'.noMH and board, absolutely first class; central, prices very reason- : able. Madison 2430 1014-1016 East ! C la y. J'.?">i"l,l-:VAKI> Inn, or. ilampton Roads, j Beautiful locrtlon, country and sea- | viioe combined, w'th city conveniences, i Excellent tuble. Terms. S'J to $12 per week. Neftr golf links. Open all the y:ir. Misses T bb. rtoulevarU Inn. Ilstinp on. Va. ril:-T-<'LASS apartments. vapor heal. private bath and excellent cuisine furnished to permanent and transient boarders at Mrs. Horace Wellford Jones's new and well-equipped house. 200 Kast Franklin SI *eet. HOAHDERS for desirable rooms: also1 table boarders. 112 East Franklin. ROOM and board, 209 South Third Street, strictly modern equipment. Cuisine unexcelled; special accommoda-j tions for transient. High-class service in every respect. "WANT ED, occupants for large front room, with board. 30 Grace. BUSINESS CUAXCEB HARE business opportunity In Rich mond for a woman who understands first-class dressmaking. Small amount of capital required. Address 002 Cham ber of Commerce. Atlanta, Ga. FOR sale, one of the best established carriage and wagon factories In the South doing a cood cash business, t hoicts location, clear of debt. l.>irect from owner. C 133, care Times-Dis patch. FOIt sale or trade, apartment property iu Washington. D. C., Twenty-first Street, Northwest. Rest residential section of the city. Will trade for a trood farm or timber lands. P. H. Thompson. Salisbury. N. C. John C. Lawson, South Boston. Va. _ A Baltimore saloon; old stand: West Baltimore Street. Rent, including dwelling, only <~>0 i\ month. Price. Jr.. 0'?". \ddrcss F. Swearer. 1733 E. L:m vale Street. Baltimore, Md. WAN'TEI), party with |2"n for e\,-lusive ?gtt:i'-y of the State of Virginia for automobile accessory. I?iu pay to right party Security for money. J. C. Mac kev, 20S Munsey Building, Baltimore, Md. WORTHAM PEAT ROSS, Engineering and Surveying. Countv Rhone Hanovor. Va. GOOD opportunity for energetic man with small capital, Call on Blue Blaze Burner Co., lit! North Seventh Street, and inspect proposition. AHSOI.l'TEI.Y unequaled opportunity for hustling unmarried man with a few hundred dollars: very interesting, respectable, profitable work. Address A 205, care Times- Dispatch. YOUNG man with f? years' hank expel rience wishes to buy working inter est in established concern. References exchanged. Address R , care Times i>ispatch. SHOES. CUT RATE SHOES. FAMILY shoes at rock bottom prices. Empire Shoe Company. 004 Wcai Broad Street. FOll SAIiK?Heal Kstate. I MAST ?? race Street prop? rty containing 14 rooms suitable for boardlng-lio'iio. now tilled wllli also K'?<'d will. Will s;:? rlftcc for <jub k Malt- ot exchange for other property in Wont Kntl. i'. O. ltux <7">. city. N'1"K modern liomn of 1" roonm on '' Floyd Avei<tie. near Monroe Park, direct from owner Price. $0,000. Ad dress F 7lo, care Times-l>lKpateh. lilGilMNI) Park, complete little home, t? rooms. electric lights, r.O-foot, U blocks from car lino, S_',2.?'>. only S1MJ cash, halance montlily. Address A i*ari' Times-1 Hspatch 1 - JM- >11 ' I FOll FA ISM :{ miles Williamsburg, ISO acres, 40 clear, L'O pecan. over Jo0 apple trees; al."? plums, peaches and grapes; J-l.iao worth timber. Price, 0". TermH reasonable George Wright, Williamsburg, Va. I?*0It sale. INiO-a >-r? farm Ir. e'harlot'e County, Va. Tobacco and all gett ers 1 crops' raised Seven-room house, several tobacco barns and other out buildings, "0 acres bottom land, 50 acr? ? tinilx'i. Closing estate. A dd ns ? I >. W. Weese, Sharon, Pa. 300-acre larm - - miles west for sale or exchange for Improved Richmond property by owner. One-third open, remainder pine and oak timber. Hooi! house, tenant-house, at.tides. Iiriy sited, barns and other htilldinuH. Splendid well and tinning water. (Jood pastur" fenced with wir. Excellent gr:wn ami grass farm. (live description and price Richmond propertv in lirat letter. Answer Me'! 23d, care Tiines-Idspatch. iik \i. kstativ I'ou i;.\cnA\(;i;. W(?<>1 iLAXI) H< ightH, best street, .! lots; also modern (lwelllnKi South Richmond, eolored 1 o per ?1,t invest ment dwelling < "ash or automobile, part payment. Address Cashier. Hox i 1 4T,f,. WANTKD?Real Estate. LIST your farms with J. A. Connelly & Co. Write postal for necessary bla nkti. \VA XTFI)?Farms. WA.NTKI', 1". or 20 acrep of farming land. Statelocat ior and Jaflce. Ad dress I, ] 10. care. Times-l>:spat?\h. Foil Ili;.\T?Heal Kstate. ATTRACTIVE RENT LIST Apartments. Dwellings. Flats. McVeigh & glinn. HOl.'SE. i. rooms, bath, etc,, Karate. Apnly 411 North Fourth Street. FOR ItEXT?Huslnchs Property. OFFICE space. ph?>r>e. typewriter ar<l stenographer; will share above with congenial party: moderate terms: loca tion Ninth and Main. Call Madisun 2 977 for appointment FOR KENT?Flatfl. FOR rent, second floor flat of 5 looms with bath. Apply at 411 North Sev enth Street. Nlf'RI.Y (loi orat' M .".-room tlat, >T r? ? 11 y modern, hot-water heat; excellent lo cation: possession at one*-. i'hon<- IPju 1-vard 1 1 7 1 - \V. FOR rent, new flats, 6 rooms each', Park Avenue, near Meadow. Epps <fc i-I}>j Co., Sfj East Franklin. ? FOR SALE?Animals. FOR SALF1. HORSES. MARES. MULES. AT CRULIVS STAHI.KS. IS SOUTH TENTH STREET. PARTIES In ner-d of good serviceable stock right out of the hardest kind of work can find them at our stables and see them at work. We have inules from 800 pounds to 1,350 pounds. 1'rice. $125 per pair up, and horses and marrs frorr. 900 pounds to 1,400 pounds, price, $65 a head up. This stock is all in good condition, and will be sold under a full guarantee, If not as represented money refunded. FOR sale?$250 will buy a good young pair of mules right out of the hard est kind of work; will weigh 2.300 pounds; In good condition .sound and quick walkers. Also one pair of good blockv mules weighing 2,200 pounds As good n pair of work mules as there are in Richmond. Price, $225. Will give 30 days' trial. If not as rcpresent id, > will give money back. Can bo Been at Crane's Stable, 16 South Fif teenth Street. Half square from Main Street Station. HORSES, MARES AND MULES FOR S ALE. TEN heAd of work horses, mares and mules, weighing from 000 to 1.400 pounds. Prices. $7.", and up. This stock is right out of hard work, and hi good condition. J'arties wishing to buy would advise them to look at this stock before purchasing. Apply 411 North Fifth Street. FOR SAl.E. 20 IIEaIS-OF'nOOD MFLER just off of road contract work These mules are all in good condition, and will be sold cheap. Can be seen at Crull's Stables, IS South Tenth Street. LADIES' TAILOR I have just returned from New York, and have brought with me the smart est and most up-to-date models, and am offering vou for the next - weeks my $55 an<1 models for $30. Don't miss litis splendid opportunity to g.-t these beautiful models at this special price. .!. Katz, Ladies' Tailor, 214 Second Strct. Elevator Servio fourth floor FClt SA.LK?Miscellaneous KOlt aalo. nlc>? clean white paper. 50 1 Inchcii wldo. Suitable for wrapping anything icjuirlnn whlto paper, fiuch via bread, glassware, laundry, etc.. tl.25 p.;r 100 poundJ at tho olttce. Call at Tiio.-s-Oi ipatch. first fliur. l''01 ( sale. 25-room hoarding house with 1 years' lease: 20 rooms ?omple.tely furnished; running hot an<1 cold water In all rooms, steam ln-at. ? c'rlc llshts: 4 rooms with private bath; 3 ^?.;ilc baths. Now filled to apactty with permanent poot'"rt. Reason i'or selling am I'-avIni; cV; I euro Times Dispatch l'? >!t sale, old papers ;?? ;.o cents per !-)0 pounds at this o' cce. Call at first l!oor. Will not be delivered. I:?;?;s and butter, fresh Kather-'d. i:uar anteed cn^s dil'uct from the f.-.l tii<-fj-* baskets to you. 15 dozen ?! ::o dozen ?7..'>??. Kr> sh sweet country butter, < h< ice pound prints, 30c. express pre paid. Cash with order. No C. O. I J. Hay's Cash Produce Marl < t. l.iiicoln t on, N. c. I'OU sale, one and two-horse trucks. v oor| wagons. open iit'd top .!-!lv<-ry w jmi.s. ! and i ? ? Soiits. All kinds i.f painting a'd repairing 15 li 1 to - 1 i r's Sons. I S' i ; l h N > tli Street. FOR sale, large balance In Common wealth Hank. Addrc-< '0'J. care I nspatch. i "< >R sale, at Indian .Motorcycle, twin ? ylimh-rs, !;? l t mod< : I'.ci-n used with < are only three months, 'iuaniu ???<?<1 to t.e in ;? rfect ?>. litton w,ith I'icsto liuhts, $IL I'i Tii'.vim ??. Wav CHOICE pecans, sample 25c. Stockton I'iipei Sli'll I * i <:ti.\. . Stockton, A1 MISCKI,LAXEOIS WANY8. MON 10Y TO IX'AN APPLICATIONS received ft.r loans from i 1 *??? to $10,000, or prov-'l and unimproved town proper:- and farm I'll It.t> rest. S per ? :? * straight, lrterest payable annually or -?ni arnially. Time, i to ! a y? Appli cants for loans will p!< ? i v ? ? ?In scription. location tttul va! :.itlon of pioportv Offered as se. arlty tor- loan State improvements and valuation of Si' lie WIS want county repre?er.tati . ? s to n I'i*.- a pplii a t ions for lo.. ~, appraise property and serve as out exclusive representative. Attorney or es tate man prefer red. Ap;'. ints for loans and applicants for ngcnclcs posi tively required to furnish at least two <r.riracter references and forward pos t;.w< . five Uc stamps, for application b.anks, full particulars, and prompt reply. Writ- Southern Olbce. South ? astern >rtgage I.oat, Association, Koutth National Bank Ruildlng. At lanta, 'ia. FOR EXCHANGE. EQUITY IN RICII .MfiVt > CITY PR? M'KHTV FOR l|o|[SF?S AND MI'l.KS <">!: "VKUl.AND <?R MAXWKI.I. ALT"M'iHI|.i:. 1 1 MODEL, IN NO 1 CONDITION. AD DRESS n 33, CARE TJ.MES - DISPATOI I. i"OK SALE?Vehicles. A larg*' stock ?? f wagons. carriages. runabouts and buggies <?:?!) >>< found ?t R I! ltosher s Sons, 1" South Ninth St ! <???!. FOR SAKE, 1! dump wapons Can he seen at is South Tenth street. 1 light grocery wagon, used only 1' months, to ho sold at cost. 1 heavv m iter-rv wagon. newly painted. 1 open wagon. suitable for street h:*ulitm Several good business buggies. newly painted, rnliher tires. at bargain prices. A. Meyer's Sons, 7I!1 East Cary Street. A UTO.MOIJ11 <KS. 1 ! LET us havu your automobile to repair , and paint; we will make* It look like new. All work guaranteed. Thos. H. D ike & Co.. S04 Brook Avenue. AUTOMOBILE springs made and re paired hv R. li. Bosher's Sons, 15 South Ninth Street. BEST automobile painting and repair ing done by l!. II. Bosher's Sons. 1T> South Ninth Street CHANDLEi! Light Six, 5-passenger, coo<i <. oiidition; looks good; new tires, self-starter, 'to. A 201, care Times-Dispatch. FOR sale, 1913 Chalmers Six, self starter and fully equipped, Including one extra tire, Jmjo. Address R. J. II., care Times-Dispatch. ICE, COAL. AND WOOD WHY" buy green and wet wood when yon can get perfectly dry oak and pine blocks or oak and pine slabs at same price. Coal to suit every stove or furnace that burns to asht-s. "Long's. Madison lfiCO?1070. FOR SALE?itu.sine.s9. GENERAL merchandise business for sale in nice little, town. Annual bus iness $30,000. Nice line In all branches carried. Will sell on very easy terms to responsible party. Address Mer chant. care Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va. FOR pale, well-established carriage and wagon business, owner retiring from business. If interested, conimuni onte with I> '.'01, care Times-Dispatch. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART NERSHIP. AND THAT ONE OF THE PARTNERS WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS. Notice is hereby given that the part nership carried on by C. II. Burton and Robert O. MeCllntock, under the name and style of Burton & McCltntock. plumbing, tinning and gas littlng, 504 West Main Street, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, and In the future the business will be carried on Ivy the said C. 11. Burton, on his sep arate account, who will pay and receive all debts due and owing to and from the said partnership in tiie regular course of business. This 17th day of February. 1915. (\ 11. BURTON. ROBERT O. McCLINTOCK. f AI TUS A S1) CAHHI AtiKS. O. n. (!r;isl)ii'Ki?r, carriage mid autorno- | bile tiitumln;;: repairing our special-, ty? 20 North i'wttitirth Street. i'hono Km ndolph JIM. A I T( >.M< I'll !.i:S YKM K'l.KS. SMITI i-Mot ?ll IVehicle <*o.. wacoiiH iilid ;i iiti>ni(ilii los, repairing ami paint Inn done in lirnt-class' order. Itubher tire work a sperialtv. .ill .North Fifth Street. ;:j: vci.i.s. ItKIV IRIN'O our specialty. Bicycles fur hire Open Sundays. A. I'. C5on- | try. f.Os West Hi ?mil Street. Phono Randolph 2031. : ??l 111'I'MA SRNr> your clothes to "Chltman." th<* ('l"amr. Special monthly rates*. Work called for and ? 11*Ii it. toadies*' work a specialty. '.{'J". North 1'irst Strict. 1'holie iCatldolph 113S irnrnSXT itiiiviiHTx^ AN V kind of electrical repairing. Prompt service. I'liono Randolph oOtit".. l.yons Williams*. 1M ItMTIHK iti:i>\i!ti:i>. Ul'll< ?l,.S'ri;i{|.\i!. i ? tlnivhlng aiiti(|<ica. caliinet making, repairing. White, successor ?o I'l.-ntH 11. 18-20 North Kourth. Madison 6-125. Send it to WI ? i ? get it ba< k right. II IIMI'I It 10 ItKI'A 1111: I>7 l'l'UN'ITl' UK upholstering and rr.rit tress made u. ? r Uko ii'*wr. Called for .uid i ??turned same day. Jacob I'mlaul. i" r 11. r i. Mill!::1:) 32!)I. viiiiiciiRS iiK^VHtlia i ItHl'AIIIlN'1!, r> painting and rubber tire worl: d?>?ie in one of the most mod'! n plants hi the city. Skilled wo: kirn n only employed. Kstinrit's ??lic-i fully given. 15. BrSstow, H23 ICast Main. 11-16 North Eighteenth Street. NOW is the Mine to have that Auto mobile painted Tops, slip coVitsi ! made s>> otd- r. Springs miidn and !?? paired. R. II P.osher's Sons, 16 South Ninth Street Win Mi .arving, furniture repaired W. 11 Hayw rd, 'JOS I'asl ('lay. Han dolph .'.-'77-W WW \ T1:1)?Pa i t ij its. I'AHTNKi; wanted to furnish capital fif putt ing on 'he market a guar:'.n teod cure for chronic and spasmodic ,iMlim;? Adiln-.i i' care Tinics 1 >is~pa?cli. i Sl'KCIA 1^ NOTICES. AT st tid? - Touch AI*i, l>y Tmo Commoner Touch Not, full brother to Great Britain, one of !li?- largest winners on the t iff in 191) Also Imp. Duke of ICcndal, by Sir Mods' l-lmp. Duchess of Kendal. Fee, $5-$ 1 (i. No insurance. ! Mures hoarded at 50 cents per day. ; Ellerslle Stock Farm, David Dunlop, proprietor. I'etersburjf, Va. NOtlCK of removal The Blue-Blaze Burner Company has lioen purchased hy a Bichmond firm, and has removed from 100 North Eighth Street, to 116 North Seventh Stri-et. Demonstrations all day. County rights for sale. Call in. WAN'TKD, the pr-'sen t address of Mr. and Mrs. John Wothingt? ? n. who re cently lived at "00 Nicholson Street, Richmond, Va. They will hear gome? thing 1o their advantage by writing to V. M. Cahill, 310 Maple Street, llolyoke. WAN'TKD, the public to know that Jahnke Bros.. Jewelers. 'J 12 East Main street, buy. sell, exchange and K KM Ol" NT DIAMONDS IN TIIK LATEST STYLES. Old gold and silver taken in exchange. TAI.K witn Jitney Association to-day if you contemplate usinu your car in jitney service. They save you money i anil increase your patronage. Head-i quarters, l.'tOii West Broad. Randolph , isr.T. j CLOTHES don't make a man. but they help a lot. Bet us clean and press then* for you. Dyeing and cleaning feathers our specialty. National Dye-1 ing and Cleaning Works, 1205 1-2 West Main Street. FOB finest automobile, carriage and wagon painting and repairing, go to It. II. Boshei's Sons. 15 South Ninth Street. | l"SK your silent piano. No knowledge of music necessary, For absolutely : free lessons write Box 4!'. city. \OTI( 'K?Executor THIS Company having qualitled as ex ecutor of the estate of .loiui Wilds, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate will please present them, and those indebted to the estate will please make payment at this oillce. VI BO IN IA TBI ST COMPANY, Executor of John Wilds, Deceased. MEETINGS. Mechanics and Merchants Bank. Richmond, Va., Jan. 27. 1915. THE annual meeting of stockholders , of this bank will be held FEBRUARY ; 27, at 12 o'clock, at the bank. Twelfth and Hull Streets. J. II. PATTESON. Cashier. THE annual meeting or tho stockhoicT^ trs of the Cans-Rady Company will be held at the ofllco of the company, 100f. East Main Street, Richmond, Va., on March 1 at 12 o'clock noon. GEORGE W. RADY. Secretary. PROPOSALS?Sealed SEABED proposals addressed to J. R. ! Jones. Chairman Street Committee, ' and plainly marked, "Bid on Crusher" or "Mill on Motor," will lie received un til March 1, 1015, at noon, on furnishing to the City of Petersburg, one rock crusher of S tons per hour guaranteed capacity, withv elevator and shute screens; also one r?00-volt 20-H. I\ D. 1 <\ motor, equipped with all necessary ! starting apparatus. Bidders must fur nish complete specifications for all ap pa rat us bid on, and provide in bid for! 30-day trial before acceptance. . The Street Committee reserves the right to' reject any or all bids. J IX MOV IK LAND. f V 1KC. INIA, ;il Enst Broad. fo Day and Night, Except on Special Feature Day:*. TO.I'AV ? SPECIAL. "THE His tory of the World's (ir'atest War." In li\?? purl.'- ' The Still, Small Voire." ? in two parts, featuring Helen ?inr*1 - ' ner. To-MORROW SPECIAL. 'T1IK SPY'S K:i l * ii? three parts. "? H< 1 Isaac son s I >ia moil, is," in two pit ft Fourth episode of ?"Tin- i,irl I ? t? o t i V?? S> ri> | "Tlio Young Man Who l-'ivgel ' ?!." feu- . turing Mil; (.Jnlrk IUCX, Bro at Seventh. ,'ic Day and -Ni^lit, Ex<i-rpi on Special I'Vjituro Nays. TO-DAY ! C 1? ' 11A l: i > STAN'T'lN, IN ill* drama, ? "I'ii? ? Man at tin- Key." Domino, two-reel "IIis Partiu r's Sac rifice." Kr iter Ion, two-reel. "A Lucky i I.?-ap." l\*t \>(oio i fiint-Jv. T< i-.MOIil:< iU W II. 1,1AM S. I1AHT, IN "The Sheriff's Streak of Yellow," two-reel. K. li. "She Never Knew," American. "Oiie Thousand Dollars Re ward," Thanhouser. Kmlora, in "The I Twenty Million Dollar Mystery." VICTOR. Broad at Eighth. 5c Day and in lit, Kxrijit on Special Feature I 'ays, Td-DAV?"TWICK ItKSCIlvD (VITA Kraph i.-oincdy). "Siiin HiKgins" ? Se| i: tlrami). 'it's a I.out;. I.onu Way) to Tippi rarj ' '['< ?-.M< Htlii >W?"AVALANCIl ES." SPE oial feature, Jive parts, featuring <'atherine Countess. LITTLE TllEATRIv TO-DAY?"NAVAJO It I NO." VITA-i graph. "i 'ast l'p Bv tlto Sea." with Allzo Jovi i . ID arst Sellg war news. M iry I ???"? 1< f??rd. TO-MORR< >W?"CNCLE CRUSTY," ED ison eoinedy. "House of Horror." Hiogt'aph drama, Oeorge Ado's comedy. "Wantoil, a Nur?e," Vltaisraph. "Won ders of Magnetism," Edison. NEW THEATRE, TO-DAY?"PA TSY AT COLL EC. E," Lubin ?!? -reject, Two-reel Kalem, "Herksvllle Trawedv Troupe." Tn-Mi iUIIUW "OPT OK Till: STORM," Lubin. "Orlzzle Ouleh Chariot j Uai'''. Selig comedy. "From the Shallow," Itiograph. "Taxicab Mys tery," three-reel feature. ALBION, Bo THEATRE. Third, between Broad and ;..r.ace. to-day mm bison, "the cerse of t lie Desert," British East In- j tlian drama, with Francis Kord and (irare Cunard. Comedy. "Taking Her Measure." Comedy, "When Cupid ?'auuht a Thief." TO-MORROW I.-KO COMEDY. "THE Avenging Dentist," in two reels,, with Millie Ritchie. "Mystery of the; Man Who Slept," with Ben Wilson and i Dorothy Phillips, comedy. POULTRY ANI? IUKDS. FOR sale. pigeons. Blue Barred Homers, Red and Red Sparkled Car neaux. at prices to please you. Write 11. P. Winn, Campbell, Va, AI'CTIOX SALMS?Future Days BV GO I. SAN NASH. INC.. Ileal Kstate Auctioneers. TIU'STKK'S Al.'CTM >N SALK OF LOT HUX.'K 12. WAS 111N( JTON TKU HACK. In execution of a certain deed of trust dated April 25, 1M3. anil recorded' in the clerk's ollioe i?f the Hustings Court, I'art II. <>f the city of |{|eh litoiKl. Va? In P. I!. rtt?. page f>?5. default having been made- in the payment of tii<> debt thereby secured. and being direct**'! so to do by tin* noteholder, we will sell at public auction on the prein MONDAY, MARCH 1. 1H15. at 1:4". o'clock I*. M.. tin' following described propert> lying and being In the city of Itichmond, Vn , in Washington Ward, to-wit: Lot 6, iti l'.lock 1-', In the plan of Hollevue, ti, ginning at a point on the south line n!' I:.?!!??% no Av enue, distant sixty-thrye foot six-tenth inches oast of the south oast intersection of Twentieth or Street with Bellevue Avenue; thence extending in an easterly direction and fronting on the said south line of Belle vue Avenue thirty-one feet three-tenth inches, thence hack from said front be tween parallel lines to no alley ten feet wide. TERMS; Cash as to so much of the proceeds as may bo necessary to pay the costs of executing this trust and the expenses of sale, including a trus ter's commission of 5 per cent, and to pay off ten notes of $7.50 each, with interest from April 2s?, 1013, and addi tional interest amounting to $32.72 ami the balance payable $7.50 per month with Interest at the rate of ti per cent per annum and secured by deed of trust on the property; or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. ,1. I'Ol'K NASH. Trustee. COLS AN & NASH. INC.. Auctioneers. HOTELS Tl ltiil.SU AM) UOSIAN UAT11S. THE JEFFERSON RICHMOND. VA. The most magnificent hotel In th? South. European plan. Rooms slnsli and en suite, with and without batna. Special sample rooms. TA 111.12 D'HOTE "(iturdny nud San* dii} , u to U, $1.50 rack A l('TU>N SA1 JS??To-Day P.Y VAl'OHAN & CO.. Aui lli'iioi-rs, 1103 East Main Streot. TUUSTKirs SALE < >K VAU.'A IJEK IMPIluVRP FARM IN AM KM A. col NTT. Hy virtue of a certain ?1 of trti'f. dated I >eoetnb'' ?? 1. l!il3, and records! in the < leek's ollloe of Amelhl Circuit I'liiin, in I toed r.n..k pine 40S, ? online certain imti's 11 ? ei ii.if toe ?!?? - scribed and also 111?? Insis on tlio land thereby i inn'i veil, and premiums on Idsiiimiii'" thereon. default ha\itiv *>cci\ mad ? in tin) sai i t ixes. .-imoiintiit;? $35.14, and iri .lie pi???mhints on Insur at,..- ;inui'intiiiK t<> 51 r. si;. ami beini? required t<> do so by 111?? noteholder. I will soil at public auction. at tile door of Amelia < "mi 11 house, KlilDAV, FEHRl'A It Y 2<5. 1315. at 1 1 o clock A. M., t!io above-mentioned property, de scribed In the deed of trust as follows: A certain tract or parcel of lain! lyitm and reins in (Sites l>istrict. Amelia County, Va.. containing throe hundred and one (301 I ,i i .-. more or less, known as the "Hermitage," ami bounded on t h ? ? ?? 11 i i by Flat Creek, oil the wo^t bv Comity Itoad and lands of t'.try Kccloston. .lunius .lohnson and estate of Willis Johnrori, on the north by Junius Johnson and (Source <! ? . Jr., and on tho east by liorsepeti l.raiii'h TKUMS: Cash as to so much as may be necessary to pay the said taxes and Insurance premium, and also the costs of sale. including a trustee's commis sion of ."> pet* rent, and on credit as to tin* sum of 5'J,: 75, evidenced by eight certain negotiable notes now outstand ing and described in said deed of trust as follows: one for $1.0on, due and pay able .la una ry 1. 1 !? I ??; one for $1,000, duo ami payable January 1. 1 !? tT; one fro $3,500, due and payable January 1, 101 v. mid five interest notes for $343.75. $135, $135. $105 and $l"5. payable, re .spo.-tivoly. at twenty-flve. thirty-one, thirty-seven, forty-three and forty - nine months front date of said deed of trust llosidue on tenns to be an nounced at sale. Above sale subject to a prior deed of trust duly recorded In Amelia Cir cuit Court, securing $1,900. E. II. HOWE. Trustee. AUCTION SALKS?Future Days Bv J. D. CARN'EAL & SON., Ileal Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF Good Re^dlemftr.&ii Eni'y-Bsjcinnieiraft Property, Noa. 2112 R&ira dollplh slzA 224 S. IFalFtfla Sts. By virtue <>f a certain deed of trust dated December 24, lL'lX. and recorded in the clerk's otlice, Richmond, Chan cery Court. In D. 15. P. 147, de fault haviny lu-i-n made in the pay iiiern of a portion of the debt secured thereby, and having been required by the tn'iieliclary therein so to do, I will, on TUKSDAY. MARCH 1015. Commencing at 4:30 o'clock P. M.. nn the premises, proceed to sell the fol low in--; properties: First. That lot of land, with brick tenement dwelling thereon. bexinninu; at a point on the western line ?>f Ran dolph Street, distant 109 feet, more or, south of the southern line of Tay lor Street, thence running southwardly along the said western line of Randolph Street, and fronting: thereon seventeen feet, more or less and extending back westwardly 130 feet 4 inches. Improve ments consist of a six-room brick de tached dwelling, in uood order: always rented: splendidly located, being near school and church. Will make a good homo or a well-paying investment. Second. Immediately thereafter, say at G o'clock P- M-. that lot of land, with improvements thereon: beginning osi the western line of Fifth Street, at , point t S feet north of Bvrd Street, thence alonjy the western line of Fifth Street feet, to an alley 0 feet .1 inches wide, and back 100 feet. Im provements consist of a two-story semi-detached brick dwelling. live rooms, in good onler. Same tenant for ovor twelve years. Will pay well as an Investment; also is in the centre ?>( factory sites, and may be of great value some day. Positively if you want wood investments attend this sale. TERMS: Whereas, the deed requires all cash, yet accommodating terms may be hail, which will he announced at sale. J. T. CARXEAIj. Trustee. HOTKIjS. |a'aMwiMB r_'g ? I - ?? u-m !?!?!?:? psSP" ?w ?vi? i KPf*fei w j3 flSl 75 site ' HOTEL RICHMOND Grncc nnd Ninth Street*, Richmond, Va, European: $1.60 Per Day Upward. American: $3.00 Per Day Upward. Table d'lloto Breakfast. Lunch and Dinner. Bringing Up Father .Copyright, 1910, Ir,ternotlonnl News Servlra. i m * m By George McManus why - father -too s*lly t?-un<; -JU5X take you COAT ?) off; ( ? heavens.' WE have to <t(?t the door lilowrs off: C na?ile -me darl1n' - me coats caocht 1 n the 5afp: ma^cie will know ? what TO do ' ??-r-wfv y^f\\ o n its a <ood thinci wf have. A daughter ,v nM i by colly - j t locked i ,v^e coat-tail. lr^ the SAFE - what am i i to DO? j ?y * K\f yco1 certaihlx'. i ca?tt <1t home onlp'bb i take the safe WtTM me i'll do <t !