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TICK TIMES, Founded I8KS THE DISPATCH, Founded 1M50 rubllnhrd every day In the year l>y The Tlinnt riUpnt.-li I'lihllalilnjc Cnmp?nr, lne.~ Afl(Ir?? nil rommnnl'-ntloiM to THE TIMES - IHSI'ATCH, 'Itmw-Hlnpntrh nulldlnK, 10 Eolith Tenth Street, lllt'li moml, Vn. TKIiEPnO.NE, RAXDOMMl 1 I'nlillcH(ion Office 10 South Tenth Street Smith Klrhmond ltliW Hull Street l'e?iT<hiir* 100 North Sycnmora Street 1. vn<-lt Iiiifm 218 Eighth Str?*t l< ISHHOOK, STOHV 1IROOKS. INC.. Sperlnl Advertising Keyrenrntntlvea. V-n \nrk 200 Fifth Avenne Pliilndel|thln Mtitiinl l.lfe nulldlng Chli'iiK" I'foplf'n linn Btillt",,c smsc RII'TIO.N HATES IIA" MAII., One Six Three line PtlVTAI.E PAH! Year. Moa. Mca. Mo. Dally nml SiitiiIht. , , .fA iki HI Wi SI. 50 ( I) n 11 ? only 4.00 'i Ofl 1 00 ..1"< bunday only 2.00 1.00 .B0 .?* 11 j Tlme?-ntn|iatcli Carrier Delivery ."trirlce In It ii Ii moiid (nml *uliurt>s) and l'etrr?hurRi Dully *rlfh Snndny, one ircrk IB centa Dully without Sunday, one vTcek 10 oenta Mm dny mi I S eenta l"n teretl January 1!?. 1U0S, at Richmond, Va., ni ncrond-rlim* mntfe< '..nder net of ConirrfM of Mnrrh ,t, 1S7?. >lnim crliits and ctmimnnlentlona submitted f?.r |Mil>llrntlon tvlll not lie returned unleaa ncroinimnli'd hy piin'iisr fctnmpn. FKIDAT. KK BRIT ART 26. 1515. New Need for Shipping mil ii becomes apparent flint the ship-purchase I bill h:is only a ban? chance of passage at i ? present session of Conpress. 1 lie tili ii r conducted by the Senate Republicans, " >ih ilii* assistance of some Denioerats. is -nine i<> liavo its hoped-for effect unless there is some great and sudden chance in Uie war situation. Kven that change may come. If the t'nited States found it necessary or adviFftblo iu declare a food embargo, reprisals from II r i I u in and Germany niipht well he expected. There would he further withdrawals of Brit is', vessels from the American trade. In that case we might have to make re newed efforts to find markets for our prod nets. They exist in l.atin America and per haps in the Orient. Ships will ho needed, and conditions are easily conceivable under which ihe lack of shipping .vould he felt even more seriously than it is to-day. Behold! <lie Jitney Is Here! 13 K'llMONI) will wntcli with interest and L \ perhaps patronize with pleasure the jitney busses soon to operate here. Start hip in the West, the vogue of the jitney?which s Western vernacular for a nickel?has swept across the country. Baltimore is one of the alest of the Eastern cities to enjoy its blessinps. There is a pood deal to be said for the i nicy, and it may solve pari of the problem >?:' surface trallie in hip communities. The reel railway companies always throw up (heir hands when they are asked to find a ?; \ by which strap-lumping dttrinp the rush hours may be made less prevalent. When the whole male, and an increasingly large part ? ?I . ie it male, population moves downtown in the morning and uptown and to the suburbs ii the afternoon, there is no way, railway < riieials declare, to avoid unpleasant eonges t ion. Perhaps not. The jitney, at . any rate, is i he possible solution offered from the outside. Hichniond will have opportunity to experi :i -lit with this departure from the con <? - p. i <?!:-< 1 \ilacks on County Government \G1TATH)X for the abolishment of county kov? rnments. alleged by their critics >i v>. ?he most wasteful (iud inefficient method administration in the whole American v.-?<?111. i inakMig ju'.it now its regular tour the i ninti1? '"Ifowf'ver. no State has yet t ? ? a'ivi-ald< t<i take the?*- critics' advice. Mi ? ? tin irouble arises, it is probable, ,>?'!i<t<- eitv and county governments vlap i"lv.- counties, w ith separate sets of ?in y i f*.< .? r eontribute to the ofllcial bless- < v of <..i . r N? w York. Citizens of Chi ( 'j'i ? : ?: ir? also the mlnistration- of fune ? i uari' f <if < ool; 1 'ounty. ):? V;?-r.'. -> ; ,' in. wh< reby a city is in ? i n.-, hut m>t of i'. i a ure,tt and rnani ? ? in.; rov< tiK-iit. N< o<J.- of rural and urban ?? i..iii. ??,.- ,:H' nctu iallj separate and dis inct. aii'l the outlooks of rural and urban ? pie .<ri ,-naily quit, as far apart They i. y -i<.t he antagonistic, although they are fretiuently. hut they survey conditions and i ??tnedi< f r "ii. different points of view We ii.M ? i'it'. the Virginia plan to general r.iiit?;H,i'<? May He Declared i a-* liiiit. and tumors in Washing l ' ; an etnbnrpo on the shipment 't f!?oti suppiie tn the countries now at war n. hi declared hv the t'nltert States. A week a (jo when German and ltritish replies ? >> Pre* '?ni Wilson's protects against their war -'ir* were under discussion. The '"iines-lMs-patch reviewed at length this peace- j fill We;i |j, j | j r,;' (?neM!H>U- potency, t |l <; natlOU held i.i Its I ani' i' i- ' ''i? m w?? beli. \<. to bring both Germany and Great Britain to terms An embargo on food has been demanded by iu Huentia1 ??len:(,Mts within our own bordwrH and for wholly domestic reasons The demand gains si n< w lmpie>siven?sa when hacked hy the destruction of American ship? and Ameri can live? in the meantime, why should we not keep American vessel? of th?? danger /one? I here is a vaiid distinction between a right and the wisdom of it? exorcise A ? iti jumi has a riEiit to walk through a street com manded by a madman armed with a shotuun and threatening <leath 'o sill who approach him?but there it- not much window n taking the risk. A citizen may walk under a totter ing wall also and keep strictly within his legal prerogative hut conduct of this kind does not gain for him a hieii reputation for sane discretion The sit nation on t fie other >?. :< of the oce? n ; ? not dissimilar In essem <; from th<-se '| wo American vessels stIt ?-;??!> h.i. < t ? ? r. ill s'lnye, tiot hy German submarine. <.r n?i,e deslgne.) to interfere with British con.mere hut. ap parent.))'. by mines Germany hat la,.I for the protection 'if iter own Coasts. ?Similar mines ar? to be laid, so it ip said, around t"ne British Isles Nobody has yet found It possiblo to suggest a satisfactory ! ground of protest against mines bo laid, or against thoir possibly destruetive conse quence. Acquiescence by all the neutral j countries, including our own. in the laying 1 of mines by both Britain and Germany in the ' North Sen has precluded sincere and effective insistence that no such mines be deposited in the English Channel or the Atlantic Ocoan. If an American ship is destroyed by such mines, we would have a claim for damages i against the country that placed them there? j if we are able detinitoly to establish that portion of the responsibility?but it is seri ously ??: be doubted if wo would have a real and honest casus belli. As things stand, an American vessel loRded I with grain for Bremen or Hamburg may ' choose between being seized by a British cruiser and blown up by a German mine. | Neither horn of the dilemma appears to offer j an attractive or comfortable resting place, i The truth Is that Germany and Britain have gone mud, and the best thing for this nation to do is to leave both severely alone. No madman's company was ever either desirable or safe. t'p to the Vice Commission IT is the Vice Commission's next move. Mayor Ainslie's request for the "sprcitic evidence" that Chairman Starke has said he was willing to furnish makes the issue en tirely clear. If there was question or in distinctness about the commission's duty, it now has been removed. There has been no disposition in any quar ter to harass the commission or to interfere with the exercise of its sound discretion. So far as we are aware, the whole community has conceded the purity and rectitude of the commission's purpose and its determination to discharRo a ditlicult and thankless duty In the way that would b*?st advance the public interest. So far as The Times-Dispatch is concerned, it has insisted from the first thnt when the time came the commission would be found ready and willing to support the intimations of its original report with the evidence on which they were based. Xo other conclusion, indeed, was possible. The commission represented the city in the inquiry it undertook. Its very appointment predicated an undercurrent of public dis satisfaction with then existing conditions and a public determination that errors of policy or method should be corrected. Tn the in vestigations it made, in the evidence it re ceived. the commission represented the pub lic conscience? not its own. It did not listen to n great mass of nauseous and revolting testimony in order to gratify a prurient curi osity. but that from its findings and recom mendations. so based and fortified, a higher civic morality might be expected to emerge. In the course of its inquiry, it came across conditions that caused it to be distrustful of the existing administration of the Police De partment. ll found that disorderly houses were allowed to opernte outside the disTrlct to which they had been assigned by a delib erately formulated public policy?that, in deed, unsegregated commercialized vice was in the proportion of two to one to that ac tually segregated. These findings and others, the recommen dation that the assignment of policemen to posts be taken away from the Police Hoard and confided solely to the chief; the fact that the board received no single word of the com mendation conferred on the officers and men of the force: the plea for protection for cer tain policemen who had testified, and the whole tone of the report created the irresisti ble conclusion in the public mind tha p dice administration had been found unsatisfac tory, and that some members of the board? perhaps all of them?wore responsible for this condition. Richmond has adopted, following the ad vice ot the commission, a new method of deal ing with the social 'nil. and public opinion, impressed hy the commission's findings, lias indorsed the change. It is evident, how ever. that any policy of tins character must depend for success on the honesty and ef ficiency of the Police Department. There are other requisites, of course, hut police i honesty and police efficiency are hasic and vital. I'ndcr the commission's report, the present police administration stands discredited and distrusted in the public mind?whether right ly or wrongly only an investigation in which the accused have the opportunity to face ' their accusers is competent to determine. I'ntil that investigation is held, judgment should he suspended hut a suspended judg ment is ifll that the situation admits. The Had Indian IT has been a long time since the Indian has been bad in numbers, necessitating large headlines to express the situation. News papers have generally be.-n able to tuck l'oor l.o away on the inside or leave him out , altogether, without seriously impairing the ! news value of any family publication. Hut the other day in Utah, Just outside the reser vation, a hand of Piutes surrounded the vil lage <if It luff and engaged posses in pitched battle, in support of one of their number, who was^i fugitive from justice on a charge of murder. Instantly the Indian took his place on the first pa.ty next to real reading matter, and became quite as thrilling as a Cossack. We have no more of the Cooper sort of red men no more warriors, either, like Sitting Bull, just as in the South we have no more such white Indians as the llatfields and Mc Coys; In the West none such as Frank and Jesse James, and their Ilk This country is growing to be a fairly safe place, of residence for peaceful folk, unless, indeed, now and then a border disturbance makes it ungentle to live too close to the southern edges of Arizona and Texas. How rarely we hear of Chinese outrages in Frisco! Indeed, the only really bad men we have in these times are the gunmen of New York, and they are skulking coyotes, and don't count outside the precincts of Murray Hill. No, we decline to regard the I'lute uprising as worthy of place in the history of the great American colony. It was just a case of a drunken redskin with too many friends to he safe in company, who. after Hie noise of his \ own thunder, was able to persuade a few misguided enthusiasts that the (Jreat White Father was growing weak in the knees. A few days and a few soldiers are sufficient to squelch such valiant warriors and lead the survivors hack to the reservation by their dishonored noses. Poor Cooper wouldn't recognl/.e his noble red man fo-day." Heap Big Injun is a minor nuisance, who has a mighty hard time becoming really dramatic. ( The Kvelyn sunk by a submarine or mine in thft North Ror In not The Evelyn. She Is still in vaudeville with Jack Clifford, and doing well, thank you. SONGS AND SAWS Reformed. Johnny Isn't eatlnp Candy any more; Johnny keeps a way from ('Hki' and soda stove; Also stills Mo pleading: "Lemine have that core." Johnny ha i toothache? <?nr that takes him roar. The I'rNMlmlnt Snym It doesn't mean much. wh?n you come to think or It, to say "It la a long lane that has no turn ing." All that statement implies Is that a long lane is a lone lane?and most of the disagreeable byways of life are constructed In exactly that fashion. ( linuitiMf; the Terms. She (reproachfully) ? Vou always said you would plve the world to make tne happy. lie ? True, true?but it yets on my nerves when vou try to collect that obligation, with compound interest, on the installment plan. 'I'hr Cult of the Antique. "Dr. Olrtslyl? appears to lio recovering a cood deal of his lost practice." "Yes, the vocue of medical novelties is coinsr out, and old-fashioned ailments are back In favor. Why, even people one knows are havinc ordinary chills and fever." Kxcunnhlc Interest. "Why do you stare at mo In thnt fashion?" asked .Mr. (Jaybird of the young son of the house he was visit ins. '"Cause mother said you were a black sheep, and l wanted to be sure she had cot you mixed Up with somebody else." Decadence. First Heeler?Politics ain't wot it used to be. Second Ditto?Xaw. it ain't. Why, l see in the papers they've arrested folks out in Ken tucky for selling votes for 51 a throw Th-iu curs ouchter c<'t ten years for cuttlni; the price." .lust Different. Some wise men swear with nticht and rnnin Thai they have no regard for pelf. .Iu?t what they mean I can't explain 1 do not f<-el (hat way myself. TilK TATTI.Ki:. Chats With Virginia Editors "The people of the State." says the Freder icksburg Free l,ance, "will regret to learn that tlovernor Stuart is confined to the Mansion by a severe attack of illness, brought on doubtless by the unusual strain he has been under sis a result of the tax reform work now beinK done In Virginia. The Governor has labored Inces santly to solve the difficult problem confronting the State In reforming Its system of taxation, and his advice has proved of great value. We Join with all In wishing him a speedy restornMon to health." Says the Covington Virginian: "We confess to a hobby on good roads. Not that we use the roads one-tenth as much as the average cltivi n. but because we realise that pood roads are just as important as good schools, good stores, cood banks, cood newspapers, cood citizens. In fact, cood roads breed good schools, cood stores, good banks, cood newspapers and pood citizens. (Jive us cood roads, an'd the others follow as a natural matter of courfte." Good roads also breed good money?If folks In the country can just Ik made to understand that potent fact. According to the nrlstol Herald-CourlCr. "a reader writes to say that she hopes Hilly Sun day will come to Kristol and convert the llerabl Cnurier. She Is probably hoping against hope. Few towns the size of Kristol can afford to pay Mr. Sunday's price for his services." I'erhaps Mr. Sunday will make an exception, should he become convinced that the Herald-Courier Is in special need of his services. "CoiiW the farmer organize in a systematic an?l business-like way and keep his organlza tlon alive, his profits would be larger," snys 11??* Eraiikliu County Chronicle, "Tlip trouble with liim Is that lip Is too afraid sonic one will upi more out of it than he will, and ho In not will ing to pay the proper salary to secure the ru <iuisit? business ability to carry such an or ganization to a successful conclusion." Even n very modest set of books, Intelligently nnd faithfully kept, have been known to make the difference between loss ami profit. The Chatham Enterprise refuses to bo over tMiiup i>y wars and rumors of wars. It says: "Aw, buck up! What are you always about the war for? Forget it. Wo have one old hen, a peck of meal, ten pounds of Hour, 2 cents nnd good health Why should we worry?" Current Editorial Comment If the British rule as lo con traband is allowed to stand, there ' will be no commerce in (he At KjUlits on la it t ic Ocean that Is not con 11 ijrli Setcs trolled by Hrcat Britain. Neu tral vessels will be driven off the sea. trade routes will lie abandoned, export houses will lose their customers, and commerce will be a* thing of the past, except with Hrltlsh ports. It might be supposed that American ves sels bound f>>r peaceful Kuropean countries would be uninolesteil, but England claims the riuht to '-apt lire such vessels also, on the ground that their cargoes arc Indirectly Ocstincd for lloimnny or Austria. Now. with all cargoes declared to be contraband, and all destinations^ however emote from C.ermany, declared to be ports of entry for ?brmany, is is plain that no more business can be done except with the con sent of England. To such a pass have come the neutral nations of the world, bccause of the overwhelming force of the British navy and the absence of a naval force to keep it in check! Whether the outcome will be concerted action by all neutrals, In self-defense, or whether they will submit to the destruction of their com merce in order to avoid war with England, re ' mains to be seen, But one thing Is very clear: The t.'nlted States need not expect Oreat Britain to protect American commerce or respect Amer ican riulits unless it is compelled to do so.? Washington I'ost The lesson Washington taught Washington American people, by bis tin Tnillflit. swerving resolution to maintain v ... his own go\emim-nt's position of .Neutrality neutrality was to make American Interests the controlling principle of American foreign policy. America was llrst, in his view. It was most emphatically at that time to the ailviintag<> of .the feeble young re public of the New World to remain at peace. The role of satellite to h great European belligerent would have hern most disastrous to the developing American nationality. The principle Washington established by his course applies no less pointedly to-day, and ex-Presi dent Taft merits the most cordial praise for so warmly approving the present policy of Presi dent Wilson, which is based squarely upon that of 15corge Washington. President AVilson has been attacked on the absurd est grounds. lie lias been violently assailed, on the one side, for not protesting against the violation of cer tain Hague treaties which were actually not in force, according to their own explicit provisions, lie has been condemned, on the oilier side, for permuting his own country to make use of it* acknowledged commercial rights under inter national lav*. Hi- has encountered hitter plaints from one side or the other for having demanded respect for his country's neutral rights when they seemed to he menaced by , belligerent operations. The answer to all these [ critics Is precisely the answer President Wash lngton would have made. Let ibis country mind Its own business and safeguard its own Inter ests, whether or not this policy Is popular abroad or Is approved by the sympathize? here at home of belligerent nations.?Springfield Republican. The publication of cartoons. Attack on editorials and news comments on 11 ponding In court has led t . to the lining of the Toledo Ncwa or 1 ress j4eo $7(&oo and the writer $300 by Judge John M. Kllllts, of the I Federal Court of that district. The action of tho judge is In direct detinues of American prin ciples of jurisprudence, the light to comment on pending cases always having been suecessfully i Insisted on hy the American press. Tho law In Kngland Is different. Wo venture the guess that the tines will never he paid and that the higher United States courts will not risk at tljjs or any other lime that sort of assault on tho free dom of the press guaranteed by the United States Constitution. The correct American view was taken only a few months ago by Judge Anderson, ol' the Federal judiciary in Indian apolis. A newspaper had made fun of a grand Jury Investigation in a State court. The judge of that court had had the publisher and the writer arrested for "contempt." Judge Anderson granted a writ of habeas corpus, sustained the , writ, discharged the prisoners and notified tho I Stale Judge that he would hear from him if he took any further action. No further action was taken, and the rights of Americans were thus vindicated l>y tho national authority;?Itrooklyn Ma trio. War News Fifty Years Ago i From the Richmond Dispatch, Feb. 20. 1SH5.) The unbroken quiet on the lines south of the James, which has prevailed for several days j past, is somewhat in the nature of the proverbial lull before the storm. There. is ?;oit?g i? be something doing In a few days?thai Is to say, as soon as the mud dries lip a little. ? There Is ample evldenco that the Federals are eoncentrating their forecs on their new posi tion on Hatcher's Itun, but nothinn of con sequence iias yet grown out of their movement, except the capture of a portion of our picket , line one night. However, the line was quickly re-established. The Northern papers, in reporting the fall of ' Charleston, refer to that city as "th?* cradle of the rebellion." The same papers ate doing much ? rejoicing over the fact that the Colon Ma* t again floats over FoM Sumter, for the first ttmo in four long years. * In an oflicial report to Secretary of War Rreckinridge, (leneral Lee says: "'b-neial Karly reports that Lieutenant McNeil, with tu>t over thirty men. tin the morning of the "1st. entered <'umberland? Aid., captured and brought out ?lenerals Crooke and Kelley, the adjutant of ! that department, two privates and the headquar- ! ters Hag, and did this without firing a gun, ! although a considerable Kederal foree ?van sta- ' tionpd in the vicinity." From Harrisonburg comes another account , of the capture of Uenerals Crunks and Kelley ?t i Cumberland. It says: "Major-Cleneraln R. !?'. Kelley and CJcorge Crooke and Major Thayer .Mellvin, of Oeneral Crooke's staff, arc hero en route under strong guard to Richmond. They were captured In Cumberland, Md , last Tues day tnortilhg at 3 o'clock by Lieutenant Jess* McNeil and forty-five of his brave men. who were helped hy fifteen of Oeneral Rosser's fur lotighed troopers." An ofTlcial statement from General Lee Is to the effect that General ICchola reports to him that detachments of Vaughan's cavalry struck th? railroad beyond Knoxvllle. Tenn., at Sweet water and \thens, capturing the garrisons at both places with sixty men of the Twentieth Ohio Cavalry Regiment and all of their horses and equipments The last of the Confederate forces to hold out at Charleston left that city n week ago to-day, and the next morning the Federals en tered and took possession. All of the Con federate cotton stores were saved nnd removed In ample time. The three <'onfederate gunboats that were In the harbor made their way In safety up the Cooper River. The Federal raiding force reported to have been en route to Tarboro, N. C., and to other points on the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road, having met with vigorous opposition, has deemed It wise to return to Wilmington. The Washington Chronicle tells us that secre tary Stanton has ordered all United states fortR and army headquarters to fire many salutes, and keep It up many days, "in honor of the restoration of the United States flag over Fort Sumter." The Voice of the People Another f-'oe of Tn\ ^rprfxatlon. t To the Kditor of The Tline.w. Dispatch: Sir. I.. S. Kpep, nf Rlru kstoue, says that the new tax law, known as tin- We aver-Buchanan law. to Ff(;r<'tfalc the various classes of prop erty, is a failure, in that it does not reform . anything. 1 write this to say that 1 agree with liitii. and I consider that the- work of the two Tax <'ommlsKions of t l I and of 1911 has been wanted, In so far .is it Was used as a basis fur reform by the body of men who rep resent Virginia In the legislature. I>r. Douglas Freeman was the expert statis tician who wrote the report for the HOI com mission, and I>r. Thomas \V. Page was the technical adviser of the !!ilt coriiniisslon. The , I.eulslaiure just brushed aside and ignored the work of both commissions?tliat is, they allowed , a few political bosses to control the whole liud.i, and a new law was passed which these bosses ! claim is a reform In methods of taxation. The ' people asked for bread, and the bosses have gi veil them ;t stone. That's all. Ileal reform in onr tax law must recognize the new Idea of using the laxinir power of the com munity to stimulate production ntul home huihl Iiik by means of full 100 per cent assessments on ?land values." Capital must not lie driven away by double taxation. Building improve ments must not be discouraged hv State fines In th?- guise of n tax. "I'lKDMONT." i 'harlot tenvi lie, Va., February 24, 1015. l''nvor* Segregation of Social Mvll. To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch: Sir,?A lot lias been heard lately about segre. 1 cation, vice and vice commission!;. I pass by the jesters of li.vtichhurK and Iianville. What j mostly concerns the citizens is the tactics adopted by the Mayor of Richmond, and those associated with him, in a matter which now appears* to be a huge conglomeration of ap parently peculiar issues. In the first place, was it fair or just to run these unfortunate women broadcast, without a moment's notice?to drive i hem like dumb driven cattle anywhere and everywhere? Wast this the rlRht way to act'.' it would appear not. Surely at least a month's notice ought to liftve been Riven them, and everything done quietly and in order and so give those whom war was declared against an opportunity to make prepara tions to ciitit. and perhaps in time tret to their homes. Vice lias always existed, and will continue to exist. Therefore, it would appear the best thing to do would be to regulate It; and the people in Richmond who have thought well of malting a great exposure have evidently made matters worse. It would have been better to | have left well enough alone, for this tnuck : raking is not so very edifying. Do those gentlemen, from the Mayor down, presume to be acting from the moral aspect? If so. it would open up a wide range of thought. A prominent writer has said it is immoral to be false, to be mean, to steal, to cheat, to be uncharitable, to stoop* to low actions and small I ends. snnsrnTRKu. i Nelson County, Va., February 23, 1015. Queries and Answers Cain'* Wife. Please tell me who Cain's wife was. K. MORRlSRTTIC. Nobody knows. A Date. Please tell me what day of the week was March 1. 181*. MRS. I/. Sunda y. Senator llajnor. Can you tell" me the date of the death of Isldor Ra\ner, United States Senator from Marv : land? T. B. MY Kits Xiivi niber V.'i. IIM2. So UN of tlic Revolution. Ploasu nlve name and address of the presi dent of the Virginia Division of the Sons of the Revolution. MRS. K. T. P. W. Chase Morton, 320 West Main Street, Rich mond, Va. THE INVISIBLE PRESENCE Ono of tlio Duy's Heat Cartoons. ? 'h? Molnr* Jt-c!?H?r ?nrt I>?ai1?r. AIM TO SAVE THE KAISER Colonel I", .v. .Minnie, C H ,* whose! knowledge of < ;??! Tll.lliV is ?J ?* I-1 V ? ??I flOJII )natty years of study ami personal ox- ' perlehcc, writiim in tin- I.Million Times, | refers to tiio growing belief In tin- the ory that one of tin great objects stead ily maintain*-)! in vi?? w by tin- directorsi of (ii>fhl?tl policy is to save the lloln-n- , anllerii dynasty ami tin- system it ):??;?<Ih ; from tin- revulsion of national f?-?-lin^r , wit loll will follow tin- ii:i'or nit ion' the country has been led into a dis- I astrous win. i'olum-1 Mini eh- says the pinch ?? f hun ger is beginning to tie sharply felt In ? lot-many, not > <-t in the great i-ltios, ' but where every one who knew anything of Cormnn Inlet lor economy woubl have foreseen* it must happen; i. c.. on that part of the lan?l away from the great landowners' estates 11oir? the wonii'ti know they have been deceived about the war ami tliev ari liPffitinlliK to get very restive, for thfl post-oftb-e still delivers internal letters uitcoiiKorod. I'olonel Maude nays "The potato i lot at Selioiiberg was due to the gathering distrust and dis content whl< It oppresses the major part of the women. The million widows land thero are a good many more now; will take a vast amount of explaining away, and the fat, retired old policemen oil whom fall the responsibility of main taining order when the troops are ab sent on the firing line have no cli.iiue against the fury of hungry women whoso tongues will not he silenced. "What ever*- one appears to overlook in the present ease Is the curious fai t that now at last there is no sullb lent authority remaining in ilermany <>r Austria to support the day-to-day transactions and the customs of nor mal country life. All middle-aged and vigorous poiif,; have been drafted into the armies, and old men who have taken their places are not anxious to lose the status acquired by many years of good fellowship In their respective districts by attempt inir to enforce 'inpoptilat law ?. "This is the way in which alnioM in variably the Internal breakup of a na tion is brought about. In this way, multiplied a thousand times, disaffec tion spreads like burning oil on a tidal river. Then comes a time when an ex tremely astute socialistic lawyer recog nizes that with an active army at the front and some S!,000,'?0<i of that already dead or hopelessly crippled, an election will mean a clear Socialist triumph, with, moreover, exceedingly Inconveni ent consequences for the iiohen'/.ollcrn dynasty, "The only way Iri which It may still be possible to save the faie of this par ticular sufferer Is for tho government to VIRGINIA PECANS To the Kd it or nf The Tlines-rMspatch: Mir,?Virginia will become nil Import-' nut nut-producing State as soon a? Its people Appreciate tlm opportunities It now offers for growing pecans and wal- j nuts. In the last ten years, since Rrowora have Introduced choice named varieties of pecans. and learned how to propagate them for this State*, com mcrclal pecan culture has heen put on :i sure basis, where the orchard is planted under proper conditions and given good care. It is an investment of an enduring nature, yields a pro- j duct for which there is an unlimited deiunnd. with no prospect of overpro duction, is a pleasant as well as a1 profitable business that gives large re turns from a small Inveslment of money and patience. W. N. Jlutt. the State Horticulturist of North Carolina, to whom Unit State owes the progress It has made in pecan culture, stated in an address recently that he believes the pectin tree is the) Mouth's greatest asset; that no tree hears more abundant ly and no fruit or j vegetable substance excels it'as a high-I ly concentrated and delicious food] product. It taken precedence of all other nuts in quality. Individual pecan trees in Virginia' are prolific, and hear nuts of excellent quality. Transplanted trees grow as rapidly and come Into bearing as early I as in any State. The varieties suited ' to this locality are known, and trees: are now available for setting out. It has been mentioned that a pecan tree for each acre would pay the taxes, on farms In this Slate. This refers In a tree noon after It begins to hear, j The crops from a mature tree would pay the taxes on several acres. The] MailtMira tree in Surry County, near j .lames River, has borne as IiIk1i as L'7f. j pounds of nuts in a .single, season, for j which a price of 30 cents a pound was received. A correspondent, writing rrom Hampton, Va., this week says he i has bought some of the tinest pecans | he over saw from =*? farmer near Tnhbs, i Vn.. and that this farmer has tcti trees that bear well and pay a gOod return. I The owner of a large farm near Suf- ] folk. Vh.. wrote some time ago thatj there wore seventeen trees on it, and j that the net returns from these trees I were larger than from the rest of his | farm. Many other instances of protlt | able trees in this State could he given. The pecan tree likes company, and there is no more congenial place for it than about the yards and wardens. It is one of the most beautiful and de ? sirahle shade trees. There arc yard trees producing crops of pecans that sell cauh year front 570 to $150. Persons In Virginia who desire to act out a grove of pecans this spring, lead tin* |io(i|il(> to believe that ttiey have tin- w Iti? 1 ?? world auainst them, i-k ircd 'in. of course, by .peiTullotis KiiKlanil b" usual Therefore. Mioner tliiiti nlluw his I* I *? to endure further annoyance hi such iiti iinr>?)ii>?I strimcle. tlx* Kuli't, ivlth divine coin passion, will condescend to heal the w(ior nf his people by Ink ing from thcin rather less thitn he i;t lirst ox ported to Bet. , "Thi re .v< ? in h ri" other ox planatior. for the fatuiiii!) imbecility allowed and cm omaci'il in the tbrinah press e.\ cept In this determination to Muff th* people. To J ml from Its dally papers, every 0110 would Imnulnc Hint Oreat Itrltaln had declared food eontrabrand nf war and wan really taUInc serious stops to brims a meat 'conflict to a j conclusion. Aceordlim to Sir Ktl ward 15 rev's note to tlie Washing toll env eminent, we have not even yet Inter fered with Herman food imports at all unless tlie distlnatlon of such im ports to the military forces of the tim-mans was < lrarlv evident. "Ho far no hampering the Import nf foodst ii ffs throuch neutral countries, we have done nnthltiK to warrant the tierman press outcry. In fact, the nnl> ~s? Is nf war which are ohst rti-111 i: sii'ii trade it ml thereby Increasing tin ' suffering of the Herman peoplu their own submarines ami their <1 .ft mines, which appear somehow to lieu ? live neutral to two Hrltifth shlp>, n! tllmmh there are ton times ns rn.ur .f the latter to ntiai k abroad on tin- seas ""I'liiK extraordinary prednminahe i f neutral destructions chiiiimI Iik a r? ? Milt of chance, The pinbabilltles i<?:? tis ?>miitirnllv ai i- over? helming l.v against such a ?-?>m;lutdon. The only inferonce tu in- lirawii is that the Ilohcii/.ollci n dynasty, through some secret and truslMil servants. Is deliberately trr - I ii b tu produce a situation which will give tin- Kaiser an upport unit > for I the most ilramatic coup of his life, if all the neutrals nf the world were now in t:11 it against him he coubl pnblls'.i ait of sin render, which would ret; | dei" his memory Immortal with his , people, and it could contain at least half a dozen loopholes for reopening , hostilities as soon as the nation had sulllcleiitly recovered to he able tu I make an attempt. For tho moment ' I do not believe the allies will reull> , enter Into the imperial calculation* j except an an embarrassing distraction Ills whole end and aim Is apparently ? tu keep in with tiie Socialist vote* by a press campaign against Kngland and tlie allies, for if the Horlallsts j once fee| their prer.ont power and be gin to ti.?e n the last iif thi* llohen I xoMerns is now mi the Prussian I tli rune " have nn opportunity to ppoure hurdy trees at a smaller cost than tliey wi't probably have a pa In for several sea son.?, if tlioy will wrlto to Th" Times Dispatch or lo William N*. Itoper, l'? - lersburg, Vh., such information as (hey desire concerning these trees a.nd the subject of pecan culture In this State will tie sent them. AN OLD SUMBfTRIftKU. Richmond, February Ufi, 101",. Talks on Thrift?No. 8 In most schools of America thrift (?* a subject loft to take care of lt*olf. (iraduales po out Into the world with no iletinlte bleas about the happiness there Is in thrift, of the value of home itnrdcns, t>f household imtnHKcmcnt, of \v I so investment ami wise iillotmcnl of income for the expenses of home, busi ness and self.- Montgomery Advertiser. The School of Journalism of the t'nlversity of .Missouri has prepared a series of advertisements for the banks of that State In which the cause of edu cation and the encouragement of the habit of saving are admirably united. "If you will open an account with us when your son enters high school," says one of the advertisements, "and let him help you each week,, by the time lie completes his high school course there i will be sufficient In the fund to tnke him through college." Of course, the purpose, is to have parents save money with the educa tion of their children as an object hihI then use those savings by sending the jyoung people to the Missouri institu tion. Hut the Idea is a, good ono for ! parents every where. What father or mother could not take to heart such an argument an the following: "JlinO a [year will give your son or ^daughter a university education? "? "This Is about the -average vcarlv expense of each of the 3,500 students | at the University of Missouri. t "Only $10 a month deposited In the' j bank at compound interest for eighty I months will enable your son to achieve 'his heart's desire for a college educa tion. lie can earn enough In vacations < to finish out the fund." I Such a purpose provides one of the. j strongest possible motives for thrifty living. j In this connection. If is not out of I place to consider the advisability of | giving lessons of thrift ;i place in the I courses of studj in both elementary land advanced schools. The condition, i outlined t>\ the Montgomery newspaper, quoted above, is all too true, and those things oiiKht not so to be if this nation is to continue lo prosper as it should. T/ I). MacORlSCSOR.