Newspaper Page Text
WANT AD. PUBLICITY 1'utN your <jQent for a altuatlon on a atrtctty bunlnraa baatn rvhen you adrertlae la THE TIMES-DISPATCH TO HELP BUSINESS HfllfTr In yourarlf, your coun try, Slnte anil city?and tta la- ? atltiitton*?and aay ao. THE TIMES-DISPATCH 05th YEAR VOI.UME Cft n r.>1111:11 r.s RICHMOND. VA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 TEN PAGES WKATHKIl l'ACiio a CLOUDY PRICE 2 CENTS CHARGES PADDING OF CITY'S PAY ROLL Board Suspends Clay Drewry for Alleged Gross Irregu larities. POLICE DEPARTMENT TO ACT Head of Hands and Carts Force Said to Have Collected Pay of Discharged Men. Clay Drewcry, manager of the First District of the cltv hands and earls forco, nml for many years a. j trusted member of tlic Inspection divl- | hlon of the Engineering Department, j wan summarily suspended .from service yesterday by the Administrative Hoard, , following an inquisition which dc- I veloped evidence tending to show that lie has been guilty of gross irregularl- | lies In connection with the making up j of his pay rolls. Specifically, t lie charge wan made that Drewry kept two men. II. I). Tate and Richard West, on the city's hands and carts foree pay roll for the fort night ending February 17. although neither of the men had worked, and were not entitled to pay. Further more, It was charged, Drewry told First ! Assistant ?'lty ICnirineer I'. I'. Talia ferro that he had paid Tate the $29.25 due him and mailed a similar amount to West, but that lie actually did neither, keeping the money himself. I lithkc;riiAitrrii:s iti:ki:uiti-:i? TO I'OI.K i : l)i :i'A It't'MKNT On the basis of these charges, at- ! tested to by a number of witnesses, the | hoard unanimously adopted n motion made by IClhcn C. Koikes, suspending Drewry from the city's services, and directing the City Ktiglneer to take tiie matter up with the City Police De partment and the Common wealth's At torney. for tii?- purpo>? of establish-; tug ?h? Irregularities charged, and de termining whether or not Drewry has been guilty of uttering a forgery or misdirecting any of the city funds placed In Ins keeping. Detective Clordon I". Smith, of the cen tral ofllce, was a witness to the Inves tigation. and conferred with Mr. Boil ing at the conclusion of the hearing. The motion of Mr. Koikes authorized City l?ngineer Holling to call in the services of the City Auditor and City Accountant to aid him in checking up Mr. Drewry's accounts. "Jt is with great reluctance that I have to make this motion," said Mr. Koikes. "The matter is not a personal one. If it were, we might make an effort to adjust It without taking drastic- action. Hut the city and the public are directly concerned, and our duty Is plain." DETECTIVE \ I SITS IMiKWItVS HOOM.S AT PA1 It I.HOI'.VD.S Though no warrant had been plac< <1 in liia hands, Detective Smith visited Mr. Drowry'u rooms at the State Fair Grounds last night and found thorn vacant. The detective had received in formation, l?e said, that Mr. Drewry left the city on tin- afternoon or night of Thursday. It se<ms assured, so far js the Police department knows, that Mr. Drewry is not in town. Detective. Smith says . that it 's probable that lie will swear out a war rant for Mr. Drewry's arrest. llo did not swear to a warrant last night bc eause of the insufficiency of direct evi dence In the hands of the police to connect Mr. Drewry with the crime charged against him. The hearing by the Administrative Hoard lasted so late that the detective had time to visit only on? employe out of the twenty-one who are listed as having knowledge of the aliened defalcations. To-day he will ninke effort to visit all who are con cerned. According to section 3717 of the Vir ginia Code, the misappropriation or misuse of public funds is a felony, punishable by a term of from one to ten years In the penitentiary. |rKI,!,?U'-W?l?l\ tl \\ < AI.I.S ATTENTION TO DISCREPANCY Tho fact that Tate and West bad been carried on the -ay roll for two weeks, although neither was entitled to pu.v, T?*as nrst brought to the atten tion of the City Engineer's ofllce by James Michael, a fellow workman. He Imparted the information tot', (i. Blake Iv, accountant and paymaster in the City Kngineer's otiicc, on Tuesday. Blakely reporteil at once to Mr. Taliaferro, who is the operating head of the hands and carts forco. Within a few minutes City Engineer Moiling was informed of the alleged irregu larity, and he nt once began nn inves tigation. Mr. Dolling told the board yesterday that he saw Drewry on Wed nesday, and asked hint for an explana tion. Drewry. he said, admitted that he had made an error in keeping tho two men on the pay roll, and that ho was ready and willing to correct It. PNAIILE TO I.OCATE DltEWHY AFTER TWO-DAY .SKA It (11 At Mr. Boiling's suggestion, Drewry agreed to report with him Thursday morning at the City Mali for tho pur pose of making a full explanation to the Administrative Moard. Mr. Moiling told the board of efforts on tho part of himself and Ills assistants to locate Drewry all day Thursday and yester day, without success. Inquiry as to his whereabouts among relatives met with the reply that they had not seen him since Thursday, and did not know where he was. The investigation and subsequent summary action stirred ofllcial circles as no development lias in recent years. It has been the: oft-repeated boast of tho city that tho municipal govern ment was absolutely free frcyn the faintest suspicion of misdoing. The apparent discovery of a deliberate pad ding of a municipal pay roll almost within the shadow of tho City Hail rudely dispelled this fair Illusion. DRKAVRY'S Kit 110 NHS EXPRESS THE GREATEST SURPRISE Krionds of Mr. Drewry expressod tho deepest surprise yesterday at tho developments of the investigation. Among his stanchest friends aro hlgh\ (Continued on Socond Tag:o.) Persuaded Husband to Bare Passport Plot (Copyright !i>" L'fulorwHKl (t l"n?lrr? ooil.) MRS. RICHARD I'. STKUL.KR. It loll II rd l?. Stealer, n (irrmnn re nrrvlnt, prompted liy bin patriotic A mrrlra n k I rl - li rUli", toltl nil he knimw of what urcniH to hp ii tciKnntlc cou xplrni'} for nrmllni; to IOnKlnml l?y mrnn* of fnlnr American pnNnporiH. ' DoninirritH found In tin* poNnrftnion of , Strnlrr by Sfrrrt Srr\lce turn bear flic xl^nntur<-of ( aptniii K. Iloy-Ktl, the tinxnl aftnrhc of Ihr (irrmnn rmliami] nt \Vn?h liiKton. The plea of bin hriilr, ' SlfRU-r nn}M. ludiirnl I:ilit to repudiate Ihr tank net for lilm liy an attache of llir (irrmnn rmlinnMy In thin coun try. STEGLER'S WIFE BLAMED : FOR HUSBAND'S ARREST Anonymous Letter to He Compared With Notes Alleged to Huve Heeti ' Written l>y Captain Hoy-Kd. ATTACHE OF (JKIOIAX KMHASSV .Man I'nder Arrest oil Charge of 1 Fraudulently Obtaining American I'assport Hepcats Declaration of Attempts to Got Him to Act as Spy. ! NEW YOFtK. February 20.? Charles ; it. Griffiths, attorney for Ttlchard P. , Stegler. the (ierman naval reservist, ar I resto<l here on Wednesday on a charge of fraudulently obtaining an American passport, announced to-night thai he would deliver to the Federal authori ties to-morrow an anonymous type written letter received by Mrs. Stegler, ? j which would he compared with letters alleged to havrt been written to Stealer l?y Captain K. Boy-Ed. naval attache of the German embassy at Washington. Stealer, according to Mr. Griffiths, lias told the Federal authorities that Cap- j ! tain Boy-Ed wanted hlni to go to E2ng- j land as a spy. I The letter, which Captain Boy-Ed to- i ? day denied knowing anything about, j i read: | "Reading to-day's New York Ameri- ! ' can, allow mo to t*-l 1 you that it was j i your fault that your husband has been j arrested, and will have to go to jail j j for many years, and will he always i : looked at as a scoundrel. Accept the f j advice to keep your mouth shut, and do : j not open it before you at first consult ? a lawyer. Besides, you put your coun- j | try in a bad position, because your case ! I will only increase the ill-feeling of | the Germans against the Americans, j and you know that a war with the 1 Germans would be tlie greatest dis- i ; aster for the Americans." I ltKSKMIll,!-: I.KTTKHS HKCE1VKII FHOM HOY-KD Grifllths said that both Mrs. Stegler i and Stogler himself had declared cer- , j tain characteristics of the typewriter j ami other peculiarities resembled the ! letters Stegler. It is alleged, had re- i j reived from Captain Boy-Ed, now in ' ; the possession of the United States j j district attorney. "Tills thing is too ridiculous to I I answer," Captain Boy-Ed said. "All j the letters that have pone out of this , office have, been addressed by my | stenographer, and 1 suppose there must j bo thousands of typewriters like the i one she uses." Captain Hoy-Ed strongly reiterated , his denial that he had had anything to | do with Stealer, other than to try to j help him get a position. Stegler repeated to-day Griffiths said, 1 his declaration that Captain Boy-Ed hail wanted him to go to England as | a spy. As told by the attorney, Steg i ler was informed by the naval attache i that the British admiralty was fitting i out merchantmen which were to be ? sent, disguised as German boats, to the j mouths of the Elbe and Weser Hi vers , and sunk to blockade Gorman ports, j "T was to get all the Information I I could about tills," Stegler was quoted | by'Griffiths as saying. "I also was to watch all shipping movements in the Mersey. I was to try to locate the strength of the English fleet supposed to be In St. George's Channel. I then was to go to the German border, where I was to meet German officers and give them a secret password. I was to go <Continued on Third Cage.) ASHKVII.I.K, Or TilK SKY," and other Western North Carolina resorts particularly' Inviting In early npiinK- Varied outdoor Hporta. Kxtromoly low farca. Kx ceUcni 3ervlci:. Southern Hallway. Apply i Mi Kut Main Street. PREPARING REPLIES1 TO U.S. PROPOSALS Encouraging Reports Received Concerning Attitude Both of Great Britain and Germany. ALL EYES NOW ON LONDON England's Allies Reported in Ab solute Accord as to Reprisals to Be Made on Enemy. WASHINGTON. February 26.? En couraging reports from both Ambas sador Paifc at London and Ambassador Gerard at Berlin were received to-day concerning the attitude of Great Brit ain ami Germany toward the latest American proposals for the safeguard ing of neutral commerce, and the un restricted shipment of foodstuffs to the civilian population of belligerent coun tries. The United States does not ex pect complete replies for several days. Germany's willingness to make con cessions and negotiate for an under standinK on the submarine, food and mine questions already has been made known Informally, and the United .States expects a formal acquiescence in a day or two. All eyes now are turned on London, where opinion is understood to be divided on the merits of the sug gestions. Some leading British Cabi net members are said to favor in prin ciple the American proposals as a means of solving the problem with as little inconvenience to neutral coun tries as possible. Another element, however, is said to 1-e impressed by the military value of i'urther restricting supplies to Germany OFFICIALS Hlp TIC EA T ON" l\ S. I'HOt'OS A I.S The exact nature of the American proposals is still unknown, because of th?? rigid reticence of otficials here and abroad, but each day adds information on the subject. Briefly, this much of 11??- contents of the American sugges tions now has been confirmed: The United States has asked that the previous rules of international law. with respect to the shipment by neu trals of conditional contraband des tined to the civilian population, and not the belligerent forces of an enemy, remain unaltered. A system is suggested whereby proof can he furnished that the supplies will be used by the civilian population. The removal of all floating mines by Germany and Great Britain is proposed, except mines used for protection of coast defenses and harbors, pilots to be furnli<Tl'ft<l to guide neutral ships through fields r?main. Attention is called to Germany's promise that if foodstuffs are nft de tained when destined to hir civilian population, the submarine warfare 011 merchant ships will be abandoned. liO XOT DUlOt.1, OX (iKIIMAN St 11MAUIXK ATTACKS Tlie American proposals do not. dwell 1 011 German submarine attacks on enemy merchant ships, as the position I of the United States, it is understood. \ would not permit interference in this mode of warfare, except where the lives ! of neutrals are endangered. Officials, j however, assume that the promises ! made by Germany of an intention to j abandon such warfare on merchant ves sels anil confine operations to those ! enemy vessels carrying troops and mu- j nitions of, war, would be fulfilled if ! foodstuffs were to be given unrestricted i passage to Germany. The destruction of the American I steamers Carib and Evelyn continued | to be talked about in official quarters. The hope of the American government is that dangers from mines will be j eliminated by an acceptance of some, at j least, of the American proposals. IX ABSOl.t TK ACCOIIU AS TO ItKI'ItlSAliS t).\ K.VHMY j I.ONDON, February 26 (7:40 P. M.).? France, Jtussia, England. Serbia and Kelgiuni are said by I-Jnglish ofllclals to be in absolute accord ns to reprisals to be made on Germany, Austria atnd Turkey in retaliation for the German submarine campaign. England was in conference with her allies concerning reprisals before the receipt of the last American note making informal repre sentations looking to the discontinu ance of submarine activities, and to the admission of food to Germany for her civil population. Willie it can be authoritatively stated that the nature of the reprisals has not been agreed upon absolutely as yet, England and her allies have decided upon the main points, which probably will be announced on Monday by Pre mier Asquith"ln a statement for the press. Simultaneously, the position of all the opponents of Germany toward neutral countries whoso trade is so vitally affected by the present naval methods, will bo submitted t< the neu tral governments. I HKKHAIN KIIOM PUIH.ICI.Y DISCUSSING TKIIMS \ ?* | American Ambassador Pago and tlitf ! P.ritish Foreign Oflice have refrained from publicly discussing the terms of the American note, but the Foreign Of fice has intimated that tlie probable statement of Premier Asqulth on Mon day will not be a direct answer to the American note, hut a lopg-promised elucidation of the Intimation made by Sir Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and the other Cab inet members, that reprisals against Germany doubtless would be necessary. | There is every reason to believe that England fully intends to make all foodstuffs for Germany absolute con traband, thus cutting off the movement of ships to German ports and making export trade by sea impossible. Great interest is being shown by the nritlsh press and the* public in the probable treatment of cotton under the new system of reprisals. The belief seems to be general that both cotton and food will become absolute con traband. Rritlsh officials are now per suaded', they state, that several ships, which at first were reported as having been destroyed by mines, were the vic tims of submarines. Motor Cars Filled With Soldiers j Hurrying Through Belgium. ALLIES READY FOR ATTACK Display No Uneasiness, and Be lieve They Can Repel Any New Assault. IjOXDOX, February 2S (10:30 P. M ). ?Continued progress which the French claim to he making In the Ohampagne distric t nnd the pressure which the al lies. without attempting any great of fensive. arc declared to be bringing "to bear on the German line in the west, have, mccriiing to news received from Holland, Induced the Germans to make another <-;fcrt in the west before the allied forces r^ach their maximum sti'-ngth. By day and by night, Dutch news papers say. big motor cars loaded with German soldiers are hurrying through Belgium to, the west, and troops sent to Northern. Belgium are Koing hack to the trench'4's.' The fact that some of the troops now passing through Belgium come from the eastern fron tier. suggests to military observers that the Germans have decided they can bold tiie Russians while the Ger i mans are carrying out their new ofTen ! Hive in the west. The silence of the German general staff, which to-day simply said there had been no change on either front, is taken in_ London as confirmation that some big move is under way. It is declared the allies are displaying no uneasiness. They believe- the softness of the ground must hamper the Ger mans. and believe that, although all the new troops of the allies are not ready, they can repel any new attack. POSITION'S OK A I.I.IKS IV WEST IMPROVED During the last couple of days the British have improved their positions I in the region of La Bassee, while the French report further progress In the vicinity of Perthes and in the Argonne, and repeated destruction by their ar tillery of German guns and trenches. Jn the east a big battle along the Russian fortress line, which follows rivers almost the whole way from the Baltic to the Carpathians, is still un decided. The eanie Is true also of the battles | in the Carpathians and In Bukowlna. I Petrograd dispatches, however, claim that the Russians are more than hold ing their own in North and Central Poland, and that In the Carpathians they are making su^h a steady advance ; that, not only the Hungarian, but the Austrian armies fighting In Bukowlna | are threatened. No further news hRs reached I^ondon of the bombardment of the Dardanelles 1 forts by the allied fleet, but it Ik be lieved here the warships will continue I their attacks until the strait is forced. The outer fortifications having been destroyed, the entrance to the watcr I way is being cleared of mines, pre paratory to an attack on the inner for^s. One effort of the preliminary success of the allies in the Dardanelles j was a drop in the price of wheat, which | went down several points on the Liver pool exchange. I'MOX OF SOUTH AFRICA FOHCKS ON OFFKNSIVK i A Eerious Invasion of German South- ; west Africa by the Union of South Africa forces is now under way. Troops which landed In Walflsh and Duderit* Bay are advancing along the railways from those ports to the main line, which runs north and south through virtually the whole length of the colony, while another force is con centrating in Northern Cape Colony to advance from the south. General Botha is leading the forces which advanced from Walflsh Hay. and is directing their operations. In a speech to his troops. General Botha said the campaign would continuo until the German colony was con quered, and he assured them also that the rebellion in the Union was being quelled. He said his troops would be Joined by strong reinforcements, which would snake their succcss certain. NEW fmAL DENiED BECKER Supreme Court llrfuum .Motion on He half of Hoftrnthnl'n Slayer. NBW YORK, February 26.?Charles Becker's application for a new trial on the Indictment charging him with the murder of Herman Rosenthal, was de nied to-day by the Supreme Court. ir? denying Becker a third trial, Jus tice Weeks limited himself to two words, "motion denied," which he wrote across the face of the applica tion. Denial of tho motion was entered when John B. Johnston, of Becker's counsel, filed his personal aflldavit denying certain charge? set forth In tho affidavit and subsequent testimony of Jaincs Marshall, witness for the Stale at Bccker's second trial. These charges, Mr. Johnston said, reflected on liiin. SPEAKER WOOTEnIdYING Considered Slljhtfnt Sort of Chance for Pnttcnt to Hally. [Special to The Tlmea-Dlepatch.] RAL.I21QH, N'. C.. February 26.? Speaker Kmmett R. Wooten, of the House of Representatives, has beon sinking steadily at Rex Hospital since about noon tcT-day, when he had a chill anfl other alarming symptoms ap peared. Dr. Parrott, of Klnston, his family physician; arrived at midnight and went Into consultation with Dr. IT. A. Royster, with a probability that, as ft laat chance to save the life of the Speaker, tho wound will be re opened. There, is considered tho very slight est sort of chance for the patient to rally. Indeed, ho may not survive until mornlntr. FOUR FORTS ENTIRELY DESTROYED BY ALLIES ^ Chamber of Commerce Secretary Dead R.h.Dixrdop SUDDENLY IN RALEIGH Secretary of IMrlmioncl Chamber of Commerce Passes Away at Sister's Home. \VIJ)F. FAMILY CONNECTION' Had Ilecn Ofllclal of Commercial Or ganization for Twenty-Six Years j and Active in Kvery Movement for ; City's Welfare. I Richard A. Dunlop, for the past twenty-six years secretary of the Rich-! 1 monil' Chamber of Commerce, and! I i widely known in business circles 1 i | throughout Virginia, died yesterday at ; | 1 o'clock, after a brief illness, while I visiting his sister, Mrs. Julian K. Ingle. > I of Raleigh, N\ C. The remains are expected to reach here on n Seaboard Air Line train at 8 o'clock this morn ing. | The body will he met at Main Street Station by the following committee from the Chamber of Commerce: Wil-! liam T. Reed, 'president; Coleman Wortham, second vice-president; 15. S. Goodman, traffic manager; T. M. -Car-1 rlngton. T. Peyton Giles, \V. T. Dabney, Arthur M. Cannon and John A. Morton. The message announcing the death of Mr. Dunlop was received by his rela I tlves here at 1:30 o'clock yesterday | afternoon. Ills relatives wore prepar j I tig to go to his bedside in response I to a message received during the ; morning when the telegram wan re ceived announcing IiIh (Kat)i. WKNT TO ItAI.KKiH TO VISIT HIS SISTKIl Mr. Dunlop went to Kalelgh on last I Sunday, expecting to spend several days there on a visit to his sister. On last Monday he had an attack of grippe, but Improved for a day or two. and it was not until Thursday that his condition was regarded as serious. Yesterday morning it was seen that the end was near, and relatives here were telegraphed to come at oncc to his bedside. Mr. Dunlop . was born in Richmond on January 4. lSf>0. lie was the son of James D. Dunlop, who was a lead ing business man In his time. Ills mother was Anna Dent McRae, daugh ter of Alexander MeRae, a prominent lawyer . of that period, who, while Lieutenant-Governor, was selected by President Thomas Jefferson to assist In the prosecution of Aaron llurr. Mr. Dunlop received his primary edu cation In McGuire's School, of Rich mond, and later attended the Univer sity of Virginia. After a term at the university, he was ussoclated In busi ness with his father in the flour mills of Dunlop, Moncure &. Co., and later becamo a member of the firm of Dunlop & McCnnce. For sevoral years he served {is vice-president of tho Cham ber of Commerce, and on August S. 1SS3. lie was elected secretary of that organization. F*or twenty-six consecu tive years he was re-elected to tho position annually. Ills duties were porformed with a y.enl, fidelity and ability rarely oquuled. ACT1VK IN MOVKMKNTN KOIl OF CITY All of his enorgies were exerted for the wolfaro of his city and State. He took a prominent part in the proceed ing when Manchester was annexed to tho city, aftd was instrumental in se curing moro adequate passenger facill (Contlnued on Hocond Pago.) council it mora TO TERMINATE FilHISE City Attorney Pollard Gives Impor tant Opinion on Street far Question. COl'NTY FHAXCIIISKS OlISOLKTK Opinion Holds City .Jointly Liable With Car Company for Damages Where Tracks Are Allowed to He main Out of Repair. In an opinion which has just been transmitted to Councilman W. E. Sul livan, of Jefferson Ward, City Attor ney Pollard holds that the City Coun j ell is not authorized under the char ter to terminate by mutual consent an existing contract between the city and the street railway companies. Mr. Sullivan applied to Mr. Pollard on February in for his opinion as to j rights of the city and the street rail way company with reference lo sev | eral matters that have in recent days been the. subject of much discussion and controversy. Anions the questions I Upon which be asked for :in expres sion from the City Attorney was the ; Council's right to terminate existing ! contracts between the street railway | company and the city. ! !>oi ut itiiitrr ok citv to TKinn\ \ti:" Kit iNcmsr i In tin- camp that has openly shown Its hostility to the pending appllca ' tlon of the Virginia liailway and I'ower ( Coinpnny for a new blanket franchise. Mr. Pollard's answer to this question , was regarded yesterday as throwing 'serious doubt upon the riuht of the i city to terminate the existing franchises under which the company is operating in the city, and to grant In their place | an entirely new blanket franchise, i The Council, it was pointed out by j these, can exercise only such powers ' as are delegated to It by the charter, i In the absence of any conferred power ' to terminate contracts between the street car company and the city, even by mutual consent, it appeared rea sonably clear to them that there was a serious possibility of tbe whole I blanket franchise movement falling : through, since the Council might be > powerless to terminate the old fran | chlaos, which would have to remain Into effect until they expired. MIST MAIilO 1'lt<>VISIOX KOtt tO\TIM'K.l> SKItVICK. Such a view, however, was seriously questioned by competent legal authori ties, who admitted, however, that whole matter was far less simple, than it appeared. These took the City At torney's opinion to mean that the Coun cil would have no power, by mutual consent, to terminate the present fran chises absolutely; that is, to cut olY the city's street car service without ample provision for its continuance under another Instrument. \ While It was admitted by these, au j thorltles that the Council has n<> pAwer to terminate any of the present fran chise contracts, between the city and the company, It has ample authority, they held, to execute. In the manner provided by law, a new franchise con tract which by its very provisions (Continued on Second Page.) PANAMA KXPOSITIONS NOW OPKN. Snn I'ruiielsco-Sun lllriu. Tlio Choaatirnke and Ohio Hallway off^r* very low rales. Many variable routes. For full Information write J no. 1>. l'ottn. <?. P. a. Itlclimond, Va. FLEET CONTINUES SHORTER RANGE Mine-Dragging in Strait Is Effected Under Protec tion of Battleships. TURKEY REPORTS THREE OF WARSHIPS DAMAGED No Mention of Losses Made Either in London or Paris Announcement. MOVKMKXT OF IMPORTANCE Possession of the Dardanelles Will Open Way to Constanti nople. Germans and Russians Continue Heavy Fighting TICK Crminnn nnd ltunnlanil con tinue their heavy IlKlitlDR- In ' vnrlouH parts nf .Vortli 1'olnnd. Snneuinnry riiK>ix<''npiil<< hnvc tnken place nlonK' the Xlcmfn, nenr Sven toyiuiNk, nnd nortli of (irodno, nnd nlno In (lie reclon of I'rznnnynz. The henvy lirrmnn HlfRo artillery* Iiiim opened n bombardment on thf ItiiM*iiui (nrlrrNM of OKNnnrti, Petronrnd clniniN nn Important niicccmm tn the region of I'rznnnyiiz, where the CcrmnnH chronicled it vletnry for theiti.nelveM n tiny or no nuro. nnd the capture of Nome 10,000 prlnoncrN. The ItiiNxlan \\ nr Dffloe hxivm the (iermniiM In thin vicinity" Imvf lieen forced to retreat over n twenty-flve-mlle front, vrlth heavy Ioknch III killed, TTouniled or prlnua ern. The MiiNitovlten nlnn claim the onptitre of ninny In the went ndvnncen anil the taking of trenchcM In the Cham pagne nnd the capture of Important portion* of the tiermnn linen far ther tire claimed hy the l-'reneh. Artillery eiignKcracntM have been In proKrcN* along the M'liolc line. Having Hllciicrd the fortn at the entrance to the Dnrduiiellen, the al lied fleet In covering the work of mine .sweeperN in the chiuinel, pre parntory to attempting further progrenn along the narrow nntrr ivny lending to the Sea of Marniora. | PA IMS, February 26 if.:.-.7 P. M.).? | An official communication Issued by the ! French Minister of Marine to-day says: "The bombardment of the forts at i tin* entrance to the Dardanelles was | resumed from a great distance to-day j at S A. M. Tills was followed by a i bombardment at shorter range. Four | forts were completely destroyed. One | of them was entirely fortified by the ! (acrmans. | "Mine-dragging in the strait is be ! Ing etTeeted under tho protection of I the armored and other cruisers of the combined Meet." VIOI.KM IIOMIlAltDMKNT TIlHtH.'OlJOUT DAY I PA IMP, February 20 (5:55 P. M.).? The Athens correspondent of the Havaq Agency sends the following dispatch regarding the bombardment of the forts of the Dardanelles by the French and Mrttlsh fleets: j "News received from the Island of Tenedos last ni.rht says the bombard ment of the Dardanelles continued with violence from o'clock in the. morning until (5 in tlie evening. The tiro from , the forts was Intense "during part of the day, 5>ut diminished and ceased ! before nightfall. "Forts Krthogroll, Sedd-el-Bahr and j firhanie sintered a great deal, especially ' Sedd-el-Pahr, which was on fire, the | (lames being seen from Tenedos. One ' of the allies' cruisers entered tho , strait during the evening and bom | barded the forts for an hour. It then | withdrew safely. i "The result of the fire of the Turkish forts is not definitely known, but It ' appears to I stablished that none of the allies' vessels has been serlcasly damaged. j THItlOlO OF Al.l.IKS' SHU'S Itlll'OUTKU DAMAGED CONSTAXTINOl'l.H. February 26 (via ; London, 12:3:> P. M.).?Three warships ! of the allies were damaged In the bom bardment of the Dardanelles forts on , February 2.">, according to announce ments to-day at Turkish army head quarters here. The text of the an nouncement follows: "Pig armored vessels on February 2& ' again bombarded the Turkish forts at ; the Dardanelles for seven and a half j hours. At the conclusion of this opcra , Hon. they retired In the direction of j the Island'of Tenedos. | "Ono ship of the Agamemnon type j and two other armored vessels were j damaged by the tire from the forta on j each side of the strait." j It was announced from London ; Thursday night that all the forts at i the entrance of tho Dardanelles had been reduced by a combined Pritish and French fleet, estimated at some thing over thirty' vessels, and an au