Newspaper Page Text
WITH POSITION IT STAKE, WHITE SOU BEIT BOSTON Chicago Lost Opening (tamo to lioan eaters, hut Came I lack Strong in Secowl Contest. / o SEXATOHS \VI.\ IM>1 :KLK HIM. ?loo Ilochiing Pitches <?oo?i Came for Washington?Drowns Defeat Van kecs it! Ninth?Athletics Lose to Detroit. CHICAGO. .iilly 17 ?With Htst place i h < .'im- of the c?nd game of n doublcrhcadcr to-day, Kus 8*11 Allow I'll r.l(St-;i :i\ >oat tt |T?l hits and shut them out. 4 to <> three of the m. .>'t . far ,.r- s< i?n<l hase HonIoii won tlii tlrst contest ti t?. i In t!..? r il s:;ini?' i-'ourii:<-r"v error of judj.:n. i .'it: 'low ; Thomas between I,!-* ard s i-onii. ?? n;?! ? I* ?< I lii rry to score ?iii* t>? !!.>. r n In the ?utlitli. and after ?'h;.\?:;ii < ? 'i_ain talicii th*4 lead r . 'Il <?! .tii J"'!' fly h> Mooji r >? ?!-. in!': Thi> ?r t ed :i rally. which pave Boston tlie giunc, whvii : li?? ? r r.> w . ? s?orol on the error, a fore. out. sinule. triple and double Krrati. li.iii . iMirkr.l tin; jmrno- Both < luli^ h:ai ? d it; the sec ond, hut lviissell was master of the situation th: <? - .shotn Chlcauo scored two rttnr i'i the third on Weaver's sinele .idi! K ?''? 1 in. s home run. which hounded o\ ? : Spi ald-r's sIm Mi r Thc\ added two more in the eighth on i hnse on ?? .Hs. .1 si! -;1? a:id a ritice fly. LMili" Mttrphy. who wax purchased from t! < A: iloti< I'r< ^i? i?? nt I'oiuis ke\. pla> e<! i ^.it 1 ? < for t >i < ? locals Catcher Cary ran from the coaching line in th* first uatne and arc,tied a de elslon with 11 i Idehrand until h< wns ? den-.i to tin- ? ! nt-house Th? scor t itter (.ami;, iiovtnll. ('hil'lltii A !! I? O A r \!< H <"? V F ?I.%.%}>?>r r! t ft M'ir'y. : J .1 . ft ft 1 .lanvriii *=s ? I : ' Wnvor. ??? 3 1 2 ?? Spr ik'r. ? ' ? *:????- ? . 1 ! . s : 't.-iln*: :b ' *> : . k?ui ? 3 l !'? t Mohlit"! 7 k ; ' I ft o Lelbold, c( 11 ! ft l.?ui !f I ' } - h t! ' ft ft ? 5?r.l r tt ! ?' s -li i k ?? <? * '? ft 1 in rry _*b l . . .? Bliu-'o, Thomas < " * ? " s.-ott. j< 5 <"? ; ?' i*o?trr. p S ?; 11m:*. |i. . ft " " ft > ?li.'tii : i ?? ?? : ;? : . t i f .- M- ? t.v - H IJfts-tnn ) ft * ft ft ?> 2 .???! t c o Summary' Runs Sp--.krr. Jftnvrin. !i>h tt?- l.-nvN ? - : \ . r: l*.tl!ilir . r< Koi:rr.i - K. '? ? ? I Tkre^-' i.? ? ?: i" ?- ! ? ? ;tii?l. ii ".> run ? F - .-V ? : . r:.;. ?: ,r:..;.i rur '"hi iFO :? ? ? ? ri! hi:> Wt 1:?r vr:. ?; i- i-'. BUoklurn*. Fo.?ter, Lelbeld. !.#st on ka?c* -rnil \r ? P. ! ? ?? r -0*r Si -.7 7 ? U ~ r. 171 1771. - I* ? }? t . , r Fast <-r ? Mi.rrvh? - - .. V .- . ?.? >; -... t . - ? : "?K( OV1I ?. \Mi l.'??t' 7i t hitiico 7.i: i. ? \ f :,n :? YANKEES LOSE TO BROWNS \ >1. I <tui AB K ?> A F, AD i! ? > \ E 1 V'? V: h n '< " 0 . M i.*< < ii ? " " M ?_..<-? ? ? ? 11: ? t t ?) f . ' < ' . ? i lUrt . . ? ?? liOc.i.* :t< ' . l " <-x et-'v i - i I....: 1 . i r' Xun'ktr. < : l l o " .W** \ . : 0 T : Oj War'p. p. 3 1 0 . O^JiTinefc, jf: ' 0 0 0 01 i . ? . " ?.? _ J j Total* 2- 6*2.1 It ? Total#.., 5 37 :3 0 ? I ir.f . ;l ? ? I . ? hi.II 1 or i: ? .? nt'i. .Hjtt*'. : : ^ ?>v n ' V .rk. ?' 1 <> 1 " n 1 ? St. I.oul? 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 I?t Suinn.iir: I - .'?? 1. itpHiinii, Muiirri A< - ?i ? Ai:ilr?? T tilt?Ci ???(?. v. >i > \iiii.-itiiiikor. S'.i 1 ?? u f.aheh?1'< ? , Shotf-ii. I toxin: WdUter I- r ? ? ? N?- v York. . M I. it;;.-. | .... - - ll.iwai <1 1'? :it t 1,'iv. r. ? ? 1 : ? ' ? . I.. ,? S!,'. : l- |*r:?t f ; !'<:? klnr-iue) ? (,r- t-? Mull.'i. I.?ft I :??????.? N- V ?? U . I.'??:.? '??. H im <>h tall 1: \\rti ?] ?? ..ft .iMincx. i on WVMtnan. J Hit - -"il ,Iume*. 3 In 3 1-? i ir.ntn: ?? 1 ?" Wi ?! ?? ' '< ;r.; : .-t r ; r( . ? i y V> ' : ' t-x .1 nmo- : . l.y Wtllman, i iJntu<e<t ball?Agnevv. Um-I I?ir? ^ U .. 1. >? i '..r.imll}. TUnc. ! '?'?? NATIONALS TAKE BOTH l LDV!;i..-.M,1 ?' .fill -\V:isIt!r.jr to!. '':?!? \ n i i I?*? 1tmnM ' ?? 1 t ? ? i. t : : ??.l.'.h Hipt i i ' ::il :M. I'.otli llDg . t t ? ?.; til- it iei's in th- first coiitPRU whilo Hlilkw was placing Ay< ris in thr sticonrt inning. ! Th?- h i i is(. \ m? (ifvflaiiil \\ n?liint:li>it v H !' ' > \ :? ?It it . ? .* r. ,"u tl. ?' V ? r. rf ? 1 '? 0 ; Khch^n i! ? r ?? t- ? :h ? o : ] ? fri.i p : ? ' . ' : 4 "i i * ir.i I if ? ? ' .I.k> n : I 1 K:rk- v t " i ? :?> ? ?: ? ? .-'nii'h ! ' t 0 ? ? o Mr!: . i . i . : ? ? Wit::: J.* 11-42 tl i > N / p : u 1 r, ' l'. ?' l !l Total*?32 7 31 It ;J C 27 n 2 ?Batted f .i W ilki r $n r-v.-nth. ? >-:? i : 0.1 J \Va?)itr.?.t 1 ? i> < ; I - ;; Sur);:.i?t 1. : ..i: ?J; y. Mil..: . Mf-nr . :.?< ti . ? ? . x. : . 2; Wanhtn(.'<"? - Two ui Itlt^McTlricI* <. i :??=' t.- ? . .,ik. Henry ? ? - II.m; - . Milan ' > * i ? . Hut.? rt v . , ? 1 !n . it... ... . ,;f Walk' i ? list ? - ' ? ?It-.. Htru' k fiui - -? .. > > Bo?hli>1S, 10 WMU1 pitcH?Wnlk^.r. First iMr'- Mi l-rr'j!: ? ' . i'.' ! . 1 a/1' ??n '??if : . i . Ti ir. ? . ' I-. ? -I f livn ?, ?.-?If.. ( lr \ olati'l. Uii'liiti-.'lnfi A ? H O / V ? it ]'.? I A K rf t I * ' Mi- '. ? ' ? , ft,? ? ?- ? I ' | r. ? ?' If t ' '? '?'? ? ' ' ' ? * ? ? x - '-?* . .'ik. ' i ? ? * ? 1 1 ' ? . - . _ r- ? f. ' '? v-, ?? ;??. i : 2 '? ? ?? ? ? ' 1 0 T 3 N't* ? 1 .1 ' '? fi <? i . t Ii ? ? , . r, '? '? * 1 <' ' r . 4 f, ?? ... .#? ' o * ! I a n r ?? - ' ?> fi 0 U h ;> . I. f. o r ft 0 (I : ? ri * r, ( u Vi > 2T !'? 3 Tr ? m ?. ?: n > j , ^ In B' x, ??,; ? ? ;.i<? In m-xf ? ? av?? * in ?*x-<?n :/.??? . H - <<!'?' ; ?i'... / .^<01 10 >-?-rtr ?/??//. KhM^-SOuHSWO Ih., OuM), Baseball Results 1N 1 i: it RATION AL LEAG HE. (.AMK> \ 1MKKIIAV. Itoelipslor. it; Itl( llMI)M), I (llrM Kiimel. Itoeliester - KIt'll AlON D (rain: mm-uimI lSltllle). .lorsv> ( it.\. 2; liulTalo. 0 (lirsl Koine). .!it*o.v C'llj-liulTulo (milt; upcuml Kiime). l'ro\ ulenee, 5; Montreal. 4. Murri-lmrK. *; Toronto. 0. M ANIiIMp O*' CM IIS. \V. I.. IV?. IV. I.. Pel. l*ro\lilonee. 13 '.M .042 Itlt'limoinl .3.1 3R .179 UutTalo 38 2-J ..10*. Toronto ...8J 42 .417 UurrlsltV :n; ;t,5 .31 39 .443 Montreal ,.;si :>i .i.t j<tm) ciij .28 i;i ,39i UKKKl; I1IKV TO-DAY. Kilt!alii al .ifrw) ( ily. Muntmil at l'rovlileiii'C. Itllllj tWO Sl'llfllllU'll.) NATIONAL LEAGUE. oami> m;sti:ui>.\y. ( liicncit, I: Philadelphia, 0. I'll lsl>i>r^li.Itrookt.i n, 3 (first game). Ilrookl.i ii, 7; I'll iMmrKli, 3 (second pimf). Itoslon, 3: ( iiiciimati, 2 t tlrst ruiiipi. liiistim, Cincinnati, - (second kiiiuc). \i'\v lork, M, l.onls, -I t fifteen imiiiiKs; lir?i game). \<w lurk, St. l.ouis, <? (urcutul Kauie). STANIIINO Of CLt l?S. '.V. I.. IVt. 11. I - IVt. riiiln II 31 .,".17 l'ittNli'Bli .30 I') .191 lliir.irfii 3(1 .Mt Ntsv link. 37 38 .191 Brooklyn I'.' 37 ??>3*' Boston ....37 43 .H.R M. I.mils .41 4'.' .4'Jl ( iiit-imiuii .32 42 .432 WIIKI'.I. IB1.1 l'LA\ I'D-DAY. i No Kami's sHiedulcd.) AMERICAN LEAGUE. t.AAlKS 1 Dsi T.KDAV. \\ asliiiiutiili. 3; Cleveland, 2 Hirst game), ushili^t nil. Ill; Cleveland, I (second Kami'). Delioit, 2; Philadelphia, 1. >1. I.iuiis, 4; New York, 3. Bust on, li; (.iiiriiKO, 4 itlrst game). ( Iiii iki'. 4; Boston, 0 (second game). MANiilMi Of (Lllif VV. I.. IVI. \Y. 1.. Pit. (Iiiiaco . ..13 30 .1139 IVashiiiK'n 3D 41 .4^8 Boston lit 29 .028 St. J.uiiis. . .32 47 .411.1 Detroit 4ii 31 .<>13 1'liila 29 5(1 .307 Nt'ii lurk .10 III ..10(1 Cleveland 28 .11 .3.">4 U11KIU, II11.1 1*1.AV TO-DAY. ,von York at SI. I.otiis. \l axtiniKtioi ui Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit. Huston at Chicago. FEDERAL LEAGUE. GA MK.S YDSTKKDA Y. Pltt?liurch, 7; Buffalo, 2 ifirst Kami*). I'itt-liiirKli, 8; Buffalo, .1 (second game). CIlii'iiKo, 7; Brookl* 11. it (tlrst Kamel. Brooklyn. .1; ( hi? auii. 4 (seriinil saint'). M. I.oui- 7; Baltimore. 4. Kan-as ( i I * . l>; Newark, 3. >TAM)I Nl. ?)l CLCUS. IV. I 1VI. X. |? Pet. ( liiciigo 18 33 ..193 Newark . .42 3D ..119 Kttll. Cilj 33 .182 Brooklyn . Sit 47 .131 si. I.ouis 4.1 31 ..170 Buffalo ....34 .12 .39.1 l'ittslt*ch 13 30 ..">11 Baltimore .SO .10 .37.1' W 111.HK l llll I'l.AY TO-DAY. Newark at Knn-as ( lly. ltafiato at I hicuEo. Baltimore at SI. I.ouis. (Onl> three scheduled.) VIRGINIA LEAGUE. OAMI.s 1 I'.sTKRIUT. Norfolk, 3; Petersburg. 0 (ftr?t catne). ( Norfolk. 3: IVierst.urc. 2 (second same). Newport New-. I: Tonsillolith, 1 t tirst ? Same 1' ri?month. 1 Newport News, ." (seeond . K.m k> .Mount, 1. Suffolk, 2 (seven innings). SJAMiJNO Ol Cl.LTJ.S. " 1- ?Vt. \\. L. r. t. I'ortsin'h . .10 6 .i">25 Suffolk . . 7 0 .ISK Norfolk 9 0 .000 lVtersh's fi 10 .37.1 li. Mount 9 b .iuhi N. Nc?> , n 10 .;t7j MIll.HK 11IM I'l.AY TO-DAY. N? came- si hrtluled. i NORTH CAROLINA LEAGUE i?A>1KS YKsTtKDAY. Kaleiph, 4 ; ( liarlotte, 2. \?hev*ll?. S; Ourliain. 3. Oret nslioro, 9; W iii?tor->alem. 7. J5TA>"I>IN<? <?l* CI.CBS. \V. L. l'< t \V. I. IVt. *heville * 3 .*'?!" Durham X C ,M3 rfn?lt'o '* "? I! ilt'ich n 6 .545 *' H ( IiarlottP 4 7 ,3t>4 Ulll.ltK TIIK^ I'l.AV TO-HAY. (No cnmo. ?i ho?hile?l.) Suit" V - >r Foster <3?, , nni'ii. ?? Kartirrt i:;r?? ?? v.'j-i ri-'or.. ? Two ,-a hi:??!?' ? tJiir.'i: V. Three h".*.- ' .'?!? Br!.:- r.f.'e hltf? ? '???'. '? Br riri? e !??,?{i ?>:. . . S't I i- ??Milan. Double Plays- -Jones, Kcau Kirke. Hand:'. !tr. .-.! ?! ? .'hapman, \V:l^lf i > I iv ' n.. H ?? A ^ <*rs, 4 In 1 1-3 Inning*; Count be, In 2-3 in nings; ? *rr .lot ' In It hlngs; nil Hill, 1 in ; :nnlii'' ? '.n .- . v t ?7 Innings. Htrtirk "'it--1 ^ Ha rati 1 ??? Jones, l; by Ayere. . by fShaw, ". First banc oh er rors?W HShllllitcm. . {,??>??ClSVe I;?:i<I. i Us! 'nt'" T ? fc<mr>. Cm* |>irv?, Cvi.l.v til..; ATHLETICS LOSE AGAIN DETROIT. ,D:ly 1* V.ach's triple, and > >v. ? r. 1' . .h .- sr?. : .' ? :!y ?a*. e De tr..;t a ninth-i- ?i 1 t.k : ? over Phila delphia to-rtay. - t.. : |)auj? and J. Mush ?.'tigaKcil i:i it pretty pitchers' l aitle, t:ui h illmvir.R ?i\ h.Us. The visitors s? i5 i:i t!.- *ifth Inning on Lapp's single, a 8acrlflc< hit. an out i.nd I>aiiss's f u i ?-> t>l ?? Davis'* easy rnllrr Detroit in med ? t? 1 -. tied on a hit by lb:rn? wlii i: struck the top of tho 1' ft ftcUl wall and bounded over for a home run. The s^ore: Philadelphia DMrnlt \ B H O A F. AR HOAR ri:,vle? If ?: " ? V :?> Silt I' \v. - ii * : c -? o <? :i> 'I : 1 z " Str'llik -'II' .1 . f < ; !, O <) .Seliang, 2V> 4 1 ". 0 '? Cravv'd, rf ? ?> i ft 0 i.. ;<v. i \ . . t :~a> h i? i : o n *1 lin.l* '.t> 1 ? Hi.rni?. !b ?. i 'i Uapp. c.. 1 '? 1 OO.OUlh, hf 3 0 J 1 0 K.-i'i ? - ft : s-ai. - ft j> ft J ' Pau.-s. p ?. a *? 1 Total* ' ! T^tal* ...3ft f 77 ^ ' ?Two w : ..liinli.K run i-roifS. *-? r,r? ?.\ liminr R riilla-iilj. la ft ft ft ft 1 0 ft 0 <>?1 1 i -tr ? .it . ft ft ft ft 1 ft 0 >> 1?2 >'inii::ar ? r i - I? .j? j?. V( .t'-'n. Ibirr.H hl'.H- .Strtmk. V/Hlxh Three-bnso lilt?yehch Home rhh?Burn*. , Rtolen -Young. H.iriif Karned runs?-Detroit, ,-.ii ? :: i. lit" \Va..-h K ?|tf Si-rltln* fl\ ?Bu*h l.eft on buM--Detroit, S; Phils* ? i? 'i? i:i? ? Kit -t l.iif-e -in ..rr??re? I'hlbtrlel* pi. i 1! ? ? on I nil; otf Daiiii'. . ?.|f .' H i-h ? Striii V: (i.i! ? by liau.v. I, by I fail I. . Cmj. :'DU reti Nalllii life ! HAINES NOT TO COACH Hum llrm-hnl Nn IIITit to InxtriK't I'ciiii I roiv*. B?">STON. July 17 ?William Hnincff, of th'- L'nioii l'.fi;st C'lul) of Hot-ton, fle iri'? b'- will mii ? 1 \ iviiiii NW-kalls as foiif-h of the I'enti crews. Tills wdril in ? from Malr.'-s. ".ho said he I.;;-: t."t rtci' ivcrl ;u;y offer to take N.f'r.alls's pI.U'i'. win* baj i f*.<-:i n ned liti' I (.-it Ion as I'oacli of th?.* I'enn i icws h<? t! .;t In- <j.ii"i assist his eountry, iCliK* 1:>! ?! 11 i bl^- l-'uropean war. V'\ .:.'i Ni( l:..M ha* i <>.i<-t,f h th* I'enn crew* for (he last two years, ano, al* '' ?"i- l > proved mii i t- --fuI ii, i;!:, : >'? ai :ti britiMiiiK I'enn in s'cOihI pl < < i: t lu I'o'i(shl{e?*p?,i?. r' Katta, ho f illwl tltninallj thiH year, tin? to many ' rilshij *hro:i ? ? i.- iik-ii hijfferiny ? 1 ? :'i 'i ? >.? It )?,'? could ?!?) .S ,.K ! .i ' I- ? ' i ? v.i i ' rwi . Ktililileaii lli-ntH Walter Molir. AliBANY, \. Y., July 17.t?^aih riobl* I neau, ?.? rhiladelplila, outpointed WaU ter . ..* 1' I'f.l'l.. : I ,i i-hadr iii a lid iXlt - * .'it; t 111-:.- tii-duy. I M'lbr is < :gli. <1 1 Z'i an<l Hobtrieau 1 '? ! 2 II l?* Ii moil (I (?tinner I.enils. WASHINGTON. Ii <> .1 \j 1 y 17?In j .i t-1' i 11 i..'(?'i ? ? ? : !?' I here to-'lay, I i: II :-'liil! \va> > i. K 1. <???! ill. blOilk I inr. out of l(.o fr<.:n ? nii Get I man w.'i. hef-ond I(lu.'.i'ioii won the t\ej?t \\itl? 'jli out of X:ft. x ! New York Defeats fit. Louis in I<oiik tinme, and Then Takes Another. AI-KXANDER GETS TR1MMKD Premier l'hillio Twirler Downed by Cubs?Braves Take Two Games | From Keds?Pittsburgh Divides Hill With Hattling Superbas. NEW YORK. July 17.?New York de feated St. l.ouis twice to-day. winning the first game In sixteen Innings, 5 to 4. nml the second 2 to 0. The tlrst was the longest played In New York this season, the finish coming; when Rob ertson doubled, took third on Doyle's sacrifice, and scored on Fletcher's single. In the fifteenth inning:, McOrnw claimed Hug gins bunted a third strike. ??H uas ordered off the field for pro testing too strenuously. Perritt pitched shut-out ball against bis for mer teammates In the second same. 1 loak was batted hard in the fourth, when New York won on three singles, a sacrifice and an error. The scores: KlltST (i.VMK. St. l.niils. New York. AH It O A E AO H O A F. Rofi-'r. If. f. t 0 2 ft Burn.i. If. T t 3 M linens. 2b 7 I I 4 2 Bob'on. rf S ? 1 ft 1 Milli r. lb. S I l? ft 0 Doyle. 2b. 7 2."! ft Puller. ss. 7 3 S 3 1 Kletfr. ss. Sit?? Polan. ef.. 4 ft S ft 0 Merkle. lb ?"= 2 53 ft ?? \\'ils>\n. cf 3 1 'J ft 0 I .oh'irt, St> S 2 2 3 1 l,?ng. rf... A 2 3 ft ft Sniul'f. ef. ?' 1 " 1 My.itt. rf I ft ft ft ft Dooln. c.. 7 ' 7 " ft MuiJer. ??. fi 1 1ft ft ft Muro'd. p " ft ft 2 ft Hot*?I. 3b. 7 1 2 f. 2 ? Bruln'rt . 1 0 ft it ft Sallec. p.. 4 ft ft 3 1 Schauer, p 2 ft ft 1 " I'tnluf, p. 3 0 0 2 0 tOrant ... 1 ft 0 ft ft Pert-lit. p 0 ft '? ft 0 Total? 5P 12* tf 19 6 Totals M 12847 17 7. ?On* oat when winning run was scored. I tllatteil for Marquard In eighth !l!.ittr.d for Sehaucr In fifteenth. {flatter hit by his own batted hall Score l>y Innings: ? ft ; St. t-ouls 1 ft ft 0 I 1 1 ft ft ft ft ft 0 0 ft ft?? ! N'.uv York ft ft i) ft 2 ft ft ft ?; ft >1 f ft " ft 1?-S Sumrrary: Buns -Bencher. Hiutgiii" But '.t. l#<>i>g. Robertson. Doyle Klet her ? Two-base hits?Poyle i2>. Snodrras". !:? '.-?rtsiMi Three-bus* hit??Snvilet H< r < h<*r. Stolen bases?Merkle. Bescher. Earned runs?New York. 1; St I.ouU 4. Sacrifice lilt?Doyle. Sacrifice fly?-I.obert. Double play*?Suodgrass nml Doyle; Poyle. Fletcher \nd Merkle. I.eft on bases?New York. !'? St. t.otils. 11 First hase on errors?N'ev York. <; St. I.ouls. 3. Bases on hills?oft Marquard. 1: olt Schiitier. o; >>:f Sallee 3 off Perdue. 1. Hits?off Marquiinl. 1ft In it ; otf Schauer. 1 in 7 Innings* of IVrrltt. 1 In limine: off Sallee. ft in > !- '? innings; of! Perdue. 3 In 7 Innings. Struck out?by Sehauer. : by Perrltt. 1; by Sailer., 1 by Perdvte, 4. Wild pitch ? Marquard i2i I'mplre.*. Quigley and Einslle. Time | (* game, 3: IS. SEfDND (JAME. St. bonis New York. AB H O A E AB H O V E J Re*,-her. If 4 2 ft ft ft Burns. If i . 3 ft ft ? .'Mic rf. . 4 ft 1 ft ft Bob'on. rf 4 3 3 ft ft J Mll>r 2b I ft 2 2 1 Poyle. 2b n "> n r.-uiler. .-is 4 " ft *. ? 2t-. 1 0 '. ft Wilson. < f t ft 1 ! ft Flet'r, ss 2 ft " * ft ? Hv:t11 :l> J ft IS ft ft Merkle. Ih 2 1 10 " 1 Snyder. ? 3 3 4 ?? 0 I.obert. 3b : 1 ft 1 ft Betid. 3b 3 ft i ? (' Snod's cf " ! ft '? 1-., tk. i 2 1 ft 3 Q Doolu. i - ft 2 2 1 ?lb he ... 1 1 ft ft 11 i-rrltt, p 3 0 1 3 1 , Robin II. p ft ft 0 1 0 Totals....33 S 24 21 I Totals ? ;?! S 27 18 21 'Batted for Do.ik In eighth. I St-ore by innings: R St I.nul^ A n 1 (% A ^ n ^ 0?n ? New York '. ft ft 0 2 ft ft ? ft ??2 | 5'itntn.irv: Ituns - HoliTt'tr. Poyle. Three bi?e nit -Burrs. Stolen base?Miller. Earne?I runs?New Y rk '.. Sacril'.ce hits?Fletcher. V-rV; Pootn trouble plays Snyder. Bet- , .it. i Itvatl WlUon av i Sny.i'-r. I.eft on - 2**.\\ York. 4; St l^ouls. Brtse- on ?. ,11#?D'>n?. Hits ?off Poftlt 7 In 7 In vines, ott Hoblnson ! In !:itdn.< Struck out b> rer.-itt. I: hv Po.-,k. 2. Umpire*, i, as- . m:d Kison. Ttn?e of p.itjie. SUPERBAS DIVIDE BILL BROOKLYN, July 17.?Brooklyn andj P tts'jurgh divided to-day's double header. The Pirates took the first! game. ?" to 3. bv hammeriiis Smith' for a home run. a tripl- and two singles on top of a pass in the llftli inninpr. Th* Superbas knocked McQuillan out of the box in the s xth. when three; pingles and a double by O'Mara scored three r ;ns. The second same wont to ? Brooklyn. 7 to H. tlte Superbas hit-' <ir.?r both Consclnian and Oooper bard in the fotirlh and llfth innings M\?-rs had score.I in th?* seventh, when a heavy thunder show.r stopped the game. The scores: i lHST <;\mi: Pittsburgh. tiriiokUii Ail 11 O A E A H K O A K i C'hr?y, !f ' r? r? 0 Myors ? f I 1 o 0 o . Collins. ? 4 .* 3 ft ft i I'Mr.i ,a . *' 4 ft; jr>hn s :b . ii ft ft ft Daub't. :b 1 1*. . ft Hiii.h n r: ? ft ; ft ft When: I? t ft 1 ft ft V.'jic'r ss 3 2 3 3 0 Cut"v\ Jti J ft ?' 0 Viox. .'!> 4 ? 4 3 II Stei.g?; r! "ft '? Balr-i 3b . 4 ! ft r, ft ?0!s<i!i '? n ft ft Murphv. c J ft ft ft ft tf.'t;;, 3b ; ft iJlbhon" ft ft 1 ft ft Miller 3 ft "* M'Qull'n i> ft ft 1 ft Steitli p ft n ?Dun' at: : ft ft ft <> Apple i. p ft Kant'er. p ft ft n " r> iScnulta lift" a Doug .i p " ?' '? 0 ft Totals. 2^ 7 27 12 ft Totals 34 7 . ?Hatted f-r M Qidllan in se\enth ? Patted for Stengel In ninth ?Batt<i<l for Appl^ten In eighth. Score by ir.ningr. H pptsb-.i-nh . ft ft ft ft 4 ! 'ft ft '--S Brook b n . ft ft 0 ft ft 3 ft f <? -3 Sumtnary: Buna '"olllns. Wagn?r V-',. Baird. Murphy Myer*. O'Mara. Appleton. Two-base hit O'M in. Three-base I'll Wagner Stengel. l!om? run Balrd. Earned rur.t ? Pittst>ur(rh. 4. Brooklyn. ?. Sncritb ? >>111?Johnston. Hlnchman and MeQtiiHaii Double play?fletz. Putshaw and Datlbert I.eft on bases?Pittsburgh. 1; Brooklyn. I Ba?e on errors? Pit tsburgh. !. Bases on be*.Us?Smith. 1: Appleton. 1. lilts?otf Smith. 7 It. i> 1-3 Innings, off Appleton. 0 In 2 2-T Innings, off Douglas. 0 In 1 inning, off M Quillan f In ?> innings: rff Kantleliner. In 3 Innlnirs. Struck out?by Kantlehner. 1 I'tnpires. Eason and Byron Time of game 1:42. SECOND fl.WIK. Pi tt sbnreli. Brooklyn AB 51 O A E ABU r? A Carey. If.. 3 ft 3 ft I .Myers cf. 4 3 ft Collins. <f " 1 i' ft)-Mara. s.? 2 n 1 1 Ifihn'n. lb 3 1 1 ft Daub't jt? 117ft t.erber. ss ft ft ft ft ft Wheat. If 't 2 '. ft lflnch'n. rf 3 ft i ft OCul'w 2b 2 1 1 1 W.igner. ss ft 2 1 ft Stengel, rf 3 1 2 0 \ lox. 2b 3 13 2 0 net-/.. 3b. 3 ft ft 1 Baird 3b t ft 2 I ft Miller. < 2 ft 4 1 (ilbson. c 3 ! L 1 ft Pfetfer. f I 1 " 1 ? onzel'n. p - ? " 1 ?? Coombs, p 2 1 ft 1 Cooper, p l ft ft 3 1 Totals f>*lft 10 2 Totals... 2<< 12 'i'< * *i'ne out when game was called. Score by Innings: I Pittsburgh '? '? ft 3 ft ft ft Myers (2). Dnubert <2>. Wheat. Miller. ? 'oombs. Two-bare hit?Myers. Three-base hits?Collin*. When I. Home run? Johnston. StoliMi base?lilbson. Kit mod runs IMtts l.iirgli. 3; Brooklyn, l>. Saci'llbe lilt?-<)'Viir(t <2> Sacrlllce IIv- Cutshaw, Double pl.iy? Ojs'itx't l. unassisted. l.efl on linWH-Hlllf lmitn. 3: Brooklyn. 3. I'ltst base on err .1 s ? Pittsburgh, 1. IInhcs ?>n built!?off Pfellof. Mils ofT PfofToi. In 4 inning*: off coo'iihf. ;> In 3 Ir.tdnps; oft Conzcliuaii. .* in 4 1-3 innings; off Cooper. I In 2 Innings. Struck out?by Pfolfer. 3. Ctnplres, Byron and Enson. rime ol' gam*. I:ST. BRAVES BEAT REDS nOSTON, July 1".?Boston defeated Cincinnati twice to-day. the scores be iii?r 3 tn 1' in each contest. A two-buse hit by Schmidt In the ninth Inning of the first game when tho bases were full, drove In the tying and winning runs. A pass, a fielder's choice, Moran's double. lOvers's single. Connolly's sac rifice Hy and .Magcu's hit nave Boston their three runs during tho seventh in ning of the second game. The scores: K1HNT (i.AMK. Cinelnnutl. Bnston. All HOAR ABHOAE <Sroh. 3b... 3 I 0 'I 0 Moran. rf 4 0 3 0 ?i H<?rr.op. in ( 2 0 2 0 Evers. 2b. 4 0 3 3 0 Bods'*. 2b 3 0 0 1' tl Con'ly. Ir 3 1 7 1 ?? Klllll'er. If I 1 :? o o Ma (joe. cf. '.120 0 lint til. rf 4 1 10 0 Si lim't, lb f> 3 0 n I'larke. e. 3 18 1 0 Smltli. 3b. 13 110 I .each, of I 1 1 0 0 .Mara'o, so I 1 4 0 0 Wll'ins. cf. 2 1 2 0 0 Howdy. r. 3 2 12 0 Moll t/. lb 3 M 0 0 Ruxaii. p. I 0 0 n o Solmel r. p 3 2 0 ! 0 Hughes. p 0 o 0 1 0 p. n 0 n o n ?Kgan .... 1 0 0 0 0 tKltz'k .. 0 n n (i o j'l'yler ... 1 0 0 0 " Totals....31 to*?"! 10 1 Totals....3? l! 27 9 0 ?tine nut wli^n winning run was scored. t Hat led for Mushes In eishth. tKiin frr E? ?rs lit ninth. 'Hatted fo- l!:iq,in in sixth. Score by inniliRs: It fit, I unit I .. 0 0 2 o 0 0 o a 0?2 lt<".ion 0 o o 0 o l n o ?? Summary: ltuns ? Williams. Schneider. . ?onaiiliy. Smith. Kltsspntrhk. Two-bane lilts Smith. Schmidt, tlowjy. Thice-base hits? II r: /ok. Connoll>. Sacrifice lilts .Moll wit;'.. I 4'larke. ly. Sacrifice lly?iSroli. Left on bases?Cincinnati, ?!; Hostnn. !3 Bises on b.iils?oft S-hnel1er. 4; off Hasan. I. Hits?off .(antes, 2 in 1 Innings; off Hi pan. | in * Inula?!-: off Hughes. 3 In 2 Innings. Struck nut ?by Schneider, n. Passed !>?!! i'!;rke. empires, Kloni and Cocklll T'm of game. l:.r.f> SK.<'ONI? (SAMK Citirlmintl. Boston A11H O A K All II O A K J Groh, 3b... 3 10 10 Moran. rf. 4 2 1 0 0, He .-/Cos, ss I S 5 6 0 Evers, 2b. 3 1 ?*. 3 0 | Itoilir'.s 2b 3 2 2 4 0 Con'ly. If. " '- : '- n Tivom'v. If 4 0 5 o 0 Musee. if I ?" 1 ! o ; ? Silt tli. rf. t 0 1 o 0 Schm't. lb 4 0 ;; ? n. Witiso. <?.. 3 0 ! 1 n Smith. 31. 4 ? 1 0 ?' I Wll ins. cf 3 110 0 Mara'e. ? I 0 X 7 " Moll t/., lb. 3 10 0 1 Whul'B. c 2 2 4 0 ! , I/ p... 2 1 0 0 0 (.(.wily, c. 0 0 1 0 0 j Ames. p.... 0 0 0 0 0 t>a\ Is. p. 2 0 0 3 ?) j Benton, p. o o o i 'i tiudol'h. p " o o o 11 j ?Clarke ...1 0 0 0 0 tTyler .... 1 o 0 o n ! Totals....30 7 24 13 0 Totals ...31 1*. 27 1? I j 'Batted for Aincs In eighth. ? Matted for Duvlt'S in eighth. Score by innings; It ! i"ti;. innatl 1 o a n o : i " 0?2 | Boston <i 0 o ii o o " '? '-3 | Summary: Buns?f?roh. l.ear. Moran. ; Evers. Tyler. Two-base hitf ?UodilTs. I Moran. Hits?off navies. ?S In 7 Inntnrs' of! Budolph. 1 in 'J Innings; olt I.oar. SO In 1-? j lunlnss; otf Ame.'. i In j-3 Innlns: oft Hen tot. it in | Innlr.g. Sac-rill' ?? h.t 'Sroh. S o t lllc<* flv?Connolly liout.lo I>1 - ' 'Sodirem, >l?ritos and Slnllultz iji, l.eft on ? Clr.< Ipil.iti. 3: Mov of, 7 B.ih. s on 1 ? ;' I - ofT I.Tir off (Ktvles. 1. Struck o;st >?> l.e;r i: by I)n\is. S L'mplrfs. Kl^pr and iv kill. Time ?i p.ini". 1:3. ALEXANDER GETS BEAT PHILADEhrHIA, July 17.?Alexan der. who had won nine jjatnes and tied one out ..f his previous ten. had his 1 winniuir stresik broken when Chicago won to-day's paine from Philadelphia,! 1 to ?? Cheney outpltched Alexan<l<!. and was :i; difficulty in only two in nings. The visitors won the Kanio when they sent ihr<-?- runners over th<- plitt. in the second inning on singles bv Saier : and Williams, 1'lielan' double and nan croft's wild throw to the plate on Cheney's grounder. They added an-j other in the seventh on Xiehoff'y funi-j bio of William's grounder, Phelnn's sin'- I rifle*. Biesnahan's out an.| Cheney's) hisi^le The score: ChicuKO. Philadelphia AB H n A K AB 11 O \ K rsor.d, rf I 2 o o ?? Byrne. 3b 3 0 2 3 o : Fi-her. ss 3 0 1 0 0 Banc'ft. t i *. J 1 ' Srhulte. If 4 0 ton Rp.-ker. If 4 0 0 II 0 Zlm'ii. 3i>. 4 2 1 11 Crav'h. rf 4 0 I 0 0 , Suit. it... 4 1^*0 Nlebotf. 2b 4 0 1 2 ! : Wll'ins. ? f 4 1* 0 o \ V1 > It'll, .ft " n n n ; I'helan. 3b. 2 ! S n n l.ude ? lb 4 0 2 0' Br?sn'n. 4 o r. : o Kill'.fer. . ( 2 s _? n , ch?ney, p 3 1 1 U 0 AlfV'r. p. 3 i) 1 H 'I Totals 32 s 27 S 1 Total" 3; 27 > .? Si ore by innings; I". Ph..i.e. 0 3 0 0 n n \ n f.. i }'ht!a<b*lphla o 0 0 o n fi ft n n -o Huns?Saler. I'lieli-n. Williams <;>. i: irned raun?Cliiiuqn I. Su.iili.e hit. I'l.-hcr. 1'helan. H on balls nil f'heni-;. I J..'lt on basc-s?f*hl< .igo, 4; Philadelphia. ; rit -t 'n 1-rrors?f'hli"Ign. 2; Pli: l.ob-lplil i. '. illi by pitcher?hy Alexander. PhiMan. Strip k out by Cheney. V by Al<-\nin!..f .'!:!!?* of game. 1:V>. Cniplres. ltii;l-'i aie! Hart. W. Frank Powers and George War ren tied with Thad Pell anri Reeves | Kir mining for first place in the. four 1 ball event yesterday at the Country ' '1 ub of N'irginia. Scores of winners follow: Powers and Warren, 45-39?S4 lf-ss 1 S ? Klemming and Bell 37-3S?"5 less '.s In this event the scores made were i exceptionally good under the weather ! < oinliiioiis, as the players met with a ; driving wind and rainstorm, which in 1 tfcrfered greatly with their play. | There were twenty-five foursomes I entered. Si i ? 11111 best ball: I Dallas shaffc-r and U. C. Walden, lfi-37 - 7:1. l.-ss is- f.7. I Third best ball: W w. NYal and Dr. Scales, 4 i -.10? I S3. I-s- 13?US'. i W II Palmer now lends in ISraneh i up. M :s seore to date is as follows: 'iui 4 48-4 32-4 3F>?32 In 424-333-243?2S i Mr Palmer has at least fi\e chances to cut off strokes, and it will bring : the winning r-coro well in the fifty I mark. Douglas Call, Stuart Johnes, Nick j Hot eh kiss and Peeves Klemming are I only a few shots behind the loader. Douglas Call has the distinction of j being the oi l-, member of the (!oun tr\ Cluli w ho has scored a one on the J sixteen-hole. This Is a fa'r three-hole, and for a golfer to score a one on this 1150-yard hide is a rare event. CHRISTO-COLA IS SOLD BY THESE LIVE MERCHANTS ON MAIN STREET BETWEEN 5th and 14th Brinkley & Mills Co.. 4 S. 14th Street. T. C. Sublett, 1301 E. Main Street. W. D. Crenshaw, 1100 E. Main Street. B. Massei, American Nat'l Bank Rldg Straus Cigar Co., 10th and Main Sts. W. P. Poythress, 910 E. Main Street. Levensen Cigar Co., 908 E Main St. Arthur Weil. 91 fi E. Main Street.. Polk Miller Drug Co., 83-t E. Main St.. O. Marchetti & Co., 7th and Main Sts. CHRISTO-COLA NORFOLK WINS TWIN BILL FROM PETERSBURG NUTS Vniplro Again Itouurily Scored for Poor Work in Cockuilo City. DIVIDK GAMES AT POKTSMOl'TH lluiltlers Win First unci Pirates Take Second?Crowd of 3,300 Cele brities Booster Day?Hocky Mount Cops Short Came From Suffolk. , PKTKKSBUIK;. VA? July 17.?Nor folk took both panics of the double header played h?*rc- this evening, both j of which by mutual a?reemcnl were | seven-inning u.-uncs. The llrst was i won in the Ural inning by the visitors, i When, after one man was out. Calder hit for two bases ami came home on Thrasher's triple to right Held. Thrash er scored 011 Flynn'K sinale. Fast tield iiif; on the part of the home team pre vented tin- visitors from scoring. Three dotildo plays were made in the llrrt {.'aliic. The sceolid g.imc was a pitchers' battle between Hlchmotid and Nicks, and barring the lirst iniiiitK. when ? 1 a iiad t he i ice 11 * h * ? uinpirins ami tnan throe singles in succession run for Norfolk. Klchmond best of tlio buttle. As has case in the entire series, the of Stradford was miserable ifestly unfair to the home team, and unless something is done to remedy the umpiring the attendance will dwindle to such a few that empty benches will predominate, at the frames. The scores. KIKJ?T li.V.MK. Norfolk. Petersburg. AH II O A K A it I. <) A i: 3h. 4 0 2 1 <> Slm'r.s. rf 3 2b 3 113 0 Kellher. It. 3 s? 3 l) 1 3 0 Sharpe. 2b 3 0 0 Do no' n, 3I> 3 0 ? Hur'tt. If. 3 0 0 Spoil'r. cf 3 0 0 lllt.ii'li. flh. 2 1 0 l.euls, e. 1 0 I) lllrsi'll, p 2 I'lev'd. ("alder, M' Mh" n. Thra'er. l-'lyiin. Fouler. Stew't. Follea, Coch'n. cf 3 If.. 2 2 rf. 2 a c... 3 fl lb. 3 I p. 3 0 3 1 1 l't 0 Totals 2? 7 21 S i Totals....24 5 Score Ijy 1 (11 \ 1!u; Norfolk 2 0 ? 1 0 PeteisbuiR 0 ?> 0 0 i? Summitry: Huns--t "alder. Tlwnshe Two-basn hits?Cnliler, Hunch. I'll r< lilt.-,?Thrasher. Sacrifice htl?l-Vstcr I'll lias* l-'lvnii. Double nlays? Sharpe iiml Kellhor. MrMnhon arid Slmrji'.' ami Ki-lthor; U'ulder. l-"oll?. Stewart. on ball.*- -nit llir.?< h. on l>a.-e.??Petersburg, ; Norfolk, .. out?Cochran. 1. Time of italic I'nipire, Stradfortl. Ailcndonce. vO". Bun- ! 1 -oti<-i 1. I..-I SI ni'i SKl'OND tiAMK. Norfolk. l*eter?.lMir?r. Ci-v' d l "alder. 2lt .M M 11' 11, ??? 4 1 Ylira'r. cf. 3 2 l'l> nn. If.. 2 1 l-'otter. rf. 3 0 Mil. f, c ... 3 1 I'olleS. lt> 3 I Niiks, p.. 3 0 AH 11 U A E ,b. 3 0 'J 1 Im'ns. 5 0 Keith?i ij 0 Sh.trpe i) 0 l)ono 11. n 0 Hur'ti. 0 (1 Spen'r. 2 n Hum h. 0 " l.i-wis. 1 ti Kl. h d. ?nice AMU MS 11 lii 1 : ;:li :t o 3b 3 I 11. " " ? ?. 3 '? 1 1 he.. Total* ..S<> ?> 21 3 0 Totals . 2 ? fl 'Hatted for l.uwls la the ninth Si ore by Inningx: ? rfolk 1 0 1 0 0 tersburg .a 0 n 1 0 0 1 Nummary Huns?fabler (2). l-'lynri. K pent er. Tho-Iium- lilts?CiUtbr. Do x.iii Thr<-e-liH--i! lilt'?Spi n" er. Stolen 1. ? - Klynn. lttce, Cleveland. Ilnw on balls? Itlchmond, off Nicks, 3. l.eft on bam l'i ii-rsburR, a; Norfolk. ? Strut k oui lilchmomii i; by Nicks, Time of k? 1 I' L'mplre. Stradford Attentlau*. e. 1. IT WAS BOOSTERS' DAY mo, I "V". I '< tliTS.M 1 tl.'TI I. VA? July IT.-Ports moutii Ami Newport News divi<|etl t!i* <|i >iible - iieadi'i of to-day, the visitoiM lakinR tnr- first eonti-.nt by a s<ore of ? > to 1. The secoistl Kami- was called at the close ot the rtfth itinini;. the score i>e!ni! i to 3, in favor of the Ports mouth team. To-day was celebrated as "Booster l)ay," and the largest crowd of the sea son attended, their being 3,000 in the stands and bleachers. A braes band, ;t rainstorm and a miniature cyclone helped to make the occasion out of the ordinary. l-'our home runs were made by the Shipbuilders during the afternoon, Second Haseman HuntlnK iiaviii^ two of to his cretlil. The last eanie was spoiletl by the in cessant klcklufi of the Newport News jilavi-rs, una Umpire llii?sey finally ejeeted Walker from the park. Ilv^ry l>od\ wits liaviim too good a time, how ever. to start anything rough, and the spectators, beyond hooting, treated the hunt* .toke. The scores: l-'lltST <i.\.M K. affair Newport A H llopk i-. rf t Hunt i:. 2b Smith, If. 3 t'rlsi. ss 4 W'nltV 3b 4 Walk n. < f 3 I'it! Ilt'-'t. lb 5 I.ake. r .. 3 IlJiu'n. p 4 N'ptvh. II <t A 1 2 1 Port-nioul b. Alt II t> A 1 0 11 2 1 1 ? 1 0 lluin'l, 4 0 Tnu'r, -ti 4 0 Hurl'y. 11> 3 0 Hi.M'n. rf t 1 Dunt'u. 3b 4 n Will <1. ? 1 ;< 0.Merry. If 3 0 Walte, c. - 0 1/w'n. p. 3 1 tl 2 0 Totnis 31 " 2T 14 1 Totals 30 i .1 'j 4 Score by Innings: ft. Nenport Ni-nn 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1?i Portsmouth .1 0 0 0 0 0 <1 ft ti?1 Summary: Huns?Huntini; ( 2), Smith, t'rlst 12 1, Hurley. Two-bate hits?Hummel and Hopkins. Three-bane bits?Si. Mnrttn. Hoini- ru?i.??liuntiiii: <2 1. t'llHt. Sacrifice lilt- llouklnn. Stolen bases?Hopkins and ?'r!t-1 D'uible play?Walters to t'rlst. Rnses on halls? bv Hamilton. 2. hv l.lesvellyn, 4. Kiru< k out?by Hamilton. 1; by I.lewellyn. ?!. I.-ft on banes?N<-?vport News, h; by Portsmouth. I. Time of gamti. 2 hours. I'mplrr-g, Hufisty ami H!?ble. SKl'OND (i.VMK. News. rortRmouth. H t? A K AH II O A I Newport AH Hop ns. rf 3 Hunt K. 2b i Smith, If 2 t'rl.Nt. ?b. . 2 Well s. 3b 2 \ Witlk'r. er 2 i Voltz. rf 0 | Carnes, 11> 2 j lla.sHon. ?? 2 ; Mullen, p 2 10 0 Huro'l, hs H 0 0 3 ( 0 1 n'l'ag'r, 2b 3 1 0 4 < fi 0 u Hurl'y. lb 2 0 10 I 2 0 lSt.M'n. rf 3 0 10 110 Dillli'U, 3b 2 2 0 2 1 0 0 Whlt'd, ef 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 McCI'y. If 'i 0 0 0 6 0 OClarvIn, c 1 0 2 0 \ n 11 Strain, p. 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 20 4 If. 10 R ... 2 0 0 0 1 ? Portsmouth . .2 0 0 2 0? Summary: Huns?Hopkins. Smith, Harris Taguer. Hurley. Daiiiiau. ijitrvln. Two-base Totals f. 1". 2 1 Si ore by InnlnKS . Newport News hit?Struln. Tliroc-lmw lilt?DitmrAvi. Ilninr run?Smith. Stolen huiiu? tlurvln. Punon on bulla? by Mullen. 2. Ntivii-U out?by Mullen. by Strain. Wild nltoli?Strain, on baiict?Newport L'; I'ortHiuoiitli, Time <>f r.umo, 1 .??>. Umiilroii. lltiMm>y itn.i It Ik l.lo. RAIN STOPPED GAME HOCK V .MOUNT. N. C.. July 17.? , Fight Inir hard fur the little oml of1 tin? series, tlm Suffolk Timers wont | down before Hut Tarheels thin after- j noon by a I tf? - score. It was the j sixth successive victory of the Down llomors. I'.tolts ?'?s pit toil against Southpaw Teiigrue, of the locals, and tin? Tarheels' dlngiM* hail much the bout of it, coming through In went style, save in tin- seventh. when four connected hits by the visitors divided tin? even ing's hitting for litem ami sent Iwti men across the rubber. More runs In that frame were prevented by a great <inc-hnufl stal? by Ooosotreij nt third, who rohbeil Irmsclior f?f a Iwo-ltasi' clout. The Tiger had been reliretl in the eighth anil there wore two down for the locals when a drenching down pour drove all to the dugouts, and th?> game was called on account of rain. The soon Suffolk. All II Irmn'h. 3t> t Stow'rt. c I I 1 Hi liii'lt. rf I 0 tioulby, 2I? n 1 Allen. If., 2 <> roh. hm :t 2 llonry. 11' 4 1 Well li'r. r n I 1'oole, p . . 2 0 Kooky .Mount. AH II t? A B I llltttft. If. 4 0 * loos'0. 3b I ? ? litlvt'n. I'll I rt fJruy, if.. 4 i? KIhi^. if. t 1 I'lrleh. o :t n Sny'r, 11' I o I'ur'e. ??. 2 n Tcukuc. p ^t I 1 it (i 1 7 1 2 2 0 o TotnlH '.'5 S 21 7 N? ore l>y imiln^M: Suffolk lto< Uy .Mount ?lotnlM :il 10 21 3 I It. . ..0 0 0 0 0 0 2?2 0 2 " I '? r? I ? < Suiiiniiry . Itunn?I'oh. Il?nry. i!oos?>tree, Klsel. rirl'li. Snv.ler. I.eft on liuw?Suf folk. ; llorliy Mount, s. Stolon Iuuwr? fritwher. Sn< rltlee hit*?Allen. l'oo|<-. I'.ir in;i!if Tivo-l?a?i! lilt 3?Kltiel, HWwurt. I'oul'lv t?lnv!??Snviler I'tirmiilen, Struck out-?-!?>? Teinjue, I; by J'?Mile. I. IIiiuch "ri lulls -oil Ti'UKUe, 2. Wlhl plfhoK?Timijiio, I. Tlmo of futne. 1 :3i-. t'mpl-e, Mni^uun, Attendiin< e. 7S<V BRAGS ON BARRY f Hrrlmin Sn vn l-Nirinrr Mnrkmnn llnkrH liln Ten in Slrona t'1.10VKLANI). July 17.?Though yes- 1 terday's rain probably robbed the Hed Sox <>f another victory over the In- j ilians. for it came in the first of the I fourth, with three Ho.ston players on and only ijiii' out. with the score noth- 1 ins at all. Kill Carrigan didn't <b> any raving. "Tlntt schedule ami Jack Harry will ultlmatel> win the pennant for us." said he last niuht. "I think the ac quisition of Harry has Just about made us the best team in the league. It's a close race and It's poltig to stay close right along. Most of our boys tigtire tiiat i 'ohb and Crawford make Hit- Tigers more dangerous than the White Sox. but I soil of look for those < 'hi .ino pitchers to keep Rowland's men In the tight. "The n lietiulc Is all !n our favor, for aft<r the next western trip we will play practically all our games at home, hell.k booked for only six Karnes on lh?- road after September 4." BEHR AFTER TITLE Is llotvn lo So in III ii ii I.h lii Wmlcli ester , IViiiiIn 'liiurne). WESTCHKSTKH. N. V.. July 17.?Dr. j William Hosonbauni and K.*tr! II. Behr \ came through to the pcmiflnal round in the Invitation singles at the Country t'liib oi Westchester yesterday in the upper half. I ?r Kosenhaum rlefoateil the veteran Huglv Tallant in straight ; sets, at ?>-<. while Helir disposed of his old doubles partner, Theodore j It I'ell, at T-tt, ii-,l. The threateniiiK weather kept most of the players in the lower half away, and as a result that section of the draw is not past the second round yet. The only match played in the lower half resulted in a second round victory for Harold A Throckmorton over L.yle K. Miiluin, at f>-7, ?-?>, ?'?-4. Mahan had the lead over the youni; at .">-0 in the sec ond set, but developed a ntreak of wildness, and sfion was caught nrol passed, it was planned to play tne final to day, hut this was found to be impossible, and it was postponed until to-morrow. Is Your Brother a Shooter? Hero's tlio chance for yonr brother, son, wife, sister or friend txt learn the wonderfully popular sport of trapshootlng. Beginners' Day Shoot Daring August several thou sand trapshootlng clubs will bold special shoots to tcach men and women this fascinating sport. Special Trophies wlQ be given for the best man's and best woman's score. Write now for full detain of lieglnnere' Shoot and addreea of necrest clnb. Du Pont Powder Company Wilmington, Del. EDDIE MURPHY IS SOLD TO CHICAGO WHITE SOU Muck Parts With Ninth Member of Teiun Which Won World Title. H MCOMMI0NDED HY COLLIXS Will Take Place of Heboid?Man ??Kt'r Itowland Was Anxious to ImnU Veteran?dot Into Game testerday Against Itoslon. whlchSms'LciV^ !7.?A ilea! 111 Ml* appearani'm lrnfiiiK fi i .> sim-o the 1 ''>Hacloliili|-l }n?i ? WUiu' Sox mated vesterd^v '"""th ronsuni Mu,ho" ,r onalo .viaok l>aiM>niakliiK li'hitn'''u01 ? 1,1 ,h' involved ft U,?Ur "?X ,T?>* amount .stated. tra nsaction was not Aihh.'ti'-lv teain'''w'h I c 1i' w'1 ?'''lV1 "f ,i"' Ivan League K'Hifuliin i "I1 ' - with the piotenoH of <:nnn,V m'-'T1 ",,t is tl,? fourth player ?ohl KiMk. "Y,xv f.tart <.f tii.- I'd-, t ,* Miice the Ivnnock ami ^hawkev an.V' uombs Mender ("Hi Plank departed Uln"'' fin?l the or rant .1. Franklin th!. r. i" l,V,ni1lf\u'lurl">? ,,om* rule for the 1 phi tid club t.f th<> County League. K?vv?tre fin ih..- season's Initial trip to p|,tl V? i i "f ,hp White K.?*. Manager . la ml was In quest of a I cad "oft iiii,.?"1'1" "f,/hc tvl'?- ?>* -Murphv. ? i i !' "ff'r ?" Tactician Mark for the right tl. Id.-,- The n<J.ViiJi irM5 wore not successfuI, hut we, ?* r!-open i?in: ,t,,ok,|?V with the rexult that Htartof ?l.WUM "l0!,0', Ju"1 '??fore th. Mtait of the Kaine yesterday afternoon Sol ViW?i" M,"??hv <" the White Son likely means that Nemo l.eihold recently acquired from the Cleveland' team, will either l>e pent hack or .WHrni a on the t.en. b as the White .Sox hold Murphv In hi-' "Y'r^y ri,!ul* hl" 'lehut as a member of the league leaders to-day. GET MORE ENTRIES 'I'lliihf III ( hnrKr of A. A. 1. Try.Out, riu.'\7T IIV,,'Kr"'*hcd I?l"t. for !?./' V \ i- y 17-~Tit rle* i^iei r "rK I try-outs here to-dav. telcgraphrd to Kverett <\ jirown ves tordav. included the names ..f j,ee 'Ta' hott. of the Kanfan ?'itv A C who will trv conclusions with Arlie Mucks of UiHcniiHlM, iii the weight event*' and I. Ma ill and J. I'robst. of ih- rv,l umhian A c , St i.ouis, tb.. form, r in the sprints and the latter In the live-mile walk. frr,m !ho ?s*"terh division . I , m )v:,v t,,e expected to ? each < hicago yesterday. and their ? o.irh, Law?on Uobi?rtM>n. arrangM to ' have them practice on .stae^ Kield ? Ii i In>r their Mav here I low about your Collars, sir? Do you harve trouble in get ting them buttoned or do they wobble after they are buttoned" Not correctly made or they are not correctly sized?per haps you've been wearing so called "bargain Collars." Suppose you give our Lion Collars a trial. Full line of sizes. Collars at 2 for 25c. & wuiiim-fiir7iid>f& <>27 Kast Broad Street. Jones Motor Car Co. tent Went Jlroari Street, lttchinond. Va. I New Styles, Tailor Mades, Half-Price | $20 SUITINGS, " % Coat and Trousers, Made to Measure % Tailored to Please, Guaranteed to Fit ? | $40 Suitings, ^ Finest to go now-?season's p handsomest weaves ? Coat Ssj and Trousers, I I- Yon ean easily afford a jp really ri>E Tailor-Made at ^ the prices we are offering <2 the in now. $20 Semiannual Halfi Price Sale $10 $30 Suitings, f Checks, Pin ids, Stripes. & Most popular styles. Coat g and Trousers, s $15 TROUSERS Worth $5, $6, $7 and $8 % $3.50 | Morton C Stout &<to. 1 714 E. MAIN ST. ? During July and August We Shall Close on Saturdays at ! P. M. ^mUUVV/////AV\Vl\\W////^!S^ ? TAILORS i