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Weekly Calendar I.YIMC TIlKATKIt. All Ibr nrrk. tilth <lnily inntlnrcs? Popular vnmlevlllc nml pictures. ISIS rur.ATKH. All the emit iiiiiixi* perform nnr? from I 1 morning to I I night ? (?force llclmn in motion picture, "An Allen." KH.ON I A I. T1IKATKH. All the nri'ki continuous perform ance from II morning to II iiIkIiI ? Mo tion pictures. Moiulajr niitl IiiomIiiv, "Thp Tliuiilng srrorti," rritli .Inne (ircr anil Lionel Unrrtmore; \\ rilnesilfi t nml Thursday. ??Ilciirts ni?d the llighttny"; I-'rltlny nml Mitnriliiv, "The Sin* of tin* .Mother*," ttilli \iiltn Stewnrt nml I'.nrlr I Ilium*. mtti.i: tiii: \ti:ii. All the tveek: continuous perfnrin ituec from i- noon to II?I'nrii mount pictures. I'lrst hull of the week, Mnrj IMckforri In "kittle I'iiI"; seenml hull', .Mnutl Allnn In "'Ihe Hug 'laUer'x llnuchtfr." VI'ltAM) TIIKATKK. All the neck: continuous perform nnee from II morning to II night ? Mo tion pictures. nitli ilnllj change of pro gram. \ 11"run tiii: \ ti:ii. All the ?erl?; continuous pcrform itnrr?Motlnn j>.lctnre*. featuring, ?>n \Vednestliiy nml Tlmr*d:tj, "Midnight at )lii\lm'?.'' JAl'AMISi: 1' II Ml \ IHINM uiiics iik. ri:\TiicK Varietj will have Its lling. regard less o:' tho midsummer temperatui and there is to he n< cessation of the frivolities at tho Lyric during lite tor-| lid weeks ahead. Comedy, music and, novelty are the elements >>i the two shows coming this v.? ch A musical offering is the big fea ture of the bill for tho llrst half of the week. Madame Sumika, a .lapancsi; prima donna, ami her four geisha girls are rrouv.iinnioil for a pi.-turesipiely staged sinking and posing act. Resides' the geisha ? iris. Madame Sumika car ries her own orchestra director, a Japanese pianist Sun.ika is one of Ihe vet y few .lapanes- artists singing in Kngllsh. The act comes highly ice otninendeo. The Sumika compaaj topped the bill in Keith houses in New York and ChicaRO recently. Unusual interest attach, s to another act on the same 1)111, tiiat of Aveling and Lloyd, eccentric . ? in ns, sing ers and dancers, fo: 11.? ? reason ti<:i* theso ftinmakers are both ative Itich monders. Ivich w>rked in musical comedy and vaudeville sev< :al sea sons before they joired hands The Three Kacnrdos, Spanish acro bats, will giv an exhibition >f ilaring and agility. A novel feature of their work is in the nature of aerial gym-, nasties, executed with the aid of a bounding table The I'olner brothers, triek banjoists. w . 11 an ii? ? ir*i mental and corned1, numbe., which is, programmed as "a music and > unc?ly olio.'' The Five Violin Realities, v. iio bid for favor by pers nnl pulchritmle as well as by their skill and technic as, \ iolinists. are on the bill lor the latter half of the week. The girl* promise : n elegant exhibit of gowns for the ' espc'ial delight ot the feminine eye. | Other attractive features in- lmle '.lie ? Jraec- Twit.;,, two little girls, alike as peas in a potl. who exemplify the poetry of motion in a repertoire of dances, and contribute a few songs. Learj and L.w a <piaint pair, will see: in a comedy Mini which is en livened by acrobatic feats, ground and. Softy tumhp'ng Ren Smith, bin,-k face comedian. will make his first appearance in the South For the past iwo seasons he has been the vaudeville partner of llughie .lennlngs. the ball player. They .?-??pa t a ted :? ? ent'.y, ;s t. ? 1 Smith Is do- : ing what he calls "a comedy solo with musical trimmings." The scrcen exhibits will include war pictures, a '.-View ..f re,.' - events of' world-wide interest, and ? one ainus-, ing pliotofari es <;r.nit?.r. iikiiw in -\\ \ \t tiii: im* vi.i. Tin-: w i:i:k The phrase. "exiraordinart altrao I 'i has been so o', ??rworkeil. il used and gcnerall> misused that the aver-' aia rtr.'inatie e,: Ij^.tniep to em T^jyy J:?c7dzlhs-*at Jn. X i ttxlE1 Thxaxej^ I>11>\- it at any time, or for any reason. Nevertheless, the offering at the ls:s Theater for tin- whole of this week is of si character that justifies Its belio: described as, in very truth, an extra ordinary attraction, it is George Re ban in his own photoplay, "An Allen." iiiiirpc Rcban is admittedly the fir- it-st ;;ireter of Italian eharae tt part:-' on the stairo certainly on the \:n<-ri? it) tasie; li ? is to the Ital ian what I'.ivi'i WartieM is, ? was, to the ?Si'i'inan \?nl in ' is line he Is whit as ureal .<ii artist as War tl? !<I is In Ills. Mr. Rohan was seen last se;is.?n iii The Italian." a screen i<la>. wh h in.l ie thousands choke. Rut before "The Italian" was pro duced, h ai>p' <1 in a much greater thinir -"The Sign of the Rose." It was only :i one-act sketch, and it was played in vaudeville. Rut it was a lilt 1 ? ? pit or of m eat art When it was soon ! r?*. i:i l'.MH, it simply caught by (ho throat :< groat, hit: laimhing house that had l?< n stirred to the highest pitch of go-id humor hy the men and women who made Anna Mold's vaude ville show; and it is not likelv that .is beauty and its pathos have been forgotten bv one person in that audi i nc. "An Alien is simply an elaborate.! 1 lilin version of that 1 '? rally wonder ful sketch. "Thi- Sinn of the Rose." with ( ioor^i' Rohan in th? role in which Jv^onoZ :? J5^j^y77zcin3 Jyz^J "Z/5& j?Z?3s72Zrz^J}jw3rz?'' Goxom/\lj he has already proved himself to n* so fine an artist. As the ??i^ht-rcel picture i? l.Mifrer than the usual pho toplay, performances nt the Isis this ?week will hecin at 11, 1, X, f?, 7 and !? o'clock. P. G. i n<; piki i oim. \ vs ON COI.OM \ l.'S l'ltO(ill \M For to-niomw aim Tuesday, the Colonial's feature photoplay will he j "The KlaniTnj; Swonl," with .lane Grey | ? and Uionol Harrymore. It is said that | this tale of the sea is somewhat 1 iU?"* "The Island of llrRrncrntion." Mriellv. j a young man !s washed ashore on a IlittU island on whieh lives, with her (father, a irirl who has hitherto seen i | only her lather and a few servant*. ! Konianee springs into existence ami .develops, it is said, into tli?? prettiest ? kind of a love tale. The comedy pari of this program will he supplied by I Charlie Chaplin in "Ills New Profes- | I sion." "Hearts and the Tl.uhway." a ptc- ? j turiz ition of a nov-i 11> !{ev. t'yrus j } Townsend Brady, will !>? the chief at- 1 itraiiion <>n the Colonial's program fori ?Wednesday and Thursday. Thv action! j of tii> play lakes pia e during the reign of .lames II., and is said t? ? pre- , sent in vivid fashion the plots, counter- ; plots, intriguc and treason that marked that period of ICngiand's history. I Naturally, it is strictly a eostnme piece. I The presenting east includes I.illlau ] Walker, I'arwin Kerr. Ponald llall, j Charles Kent, l!os" Tapl- y man" ! others. Tlo Pathe News .me. an I added feature for Wedne-.?da\ .-.n i All This Week The Rendezvous of the Elite" nces Start 11, 1:00, 3:00,5:00,7:00,9:00 Children 5c I World's Greatest Character Artist g George Beban 1 IX' ^ a "AN ALIEN Adapted from The Sign of the Rose" PRODUCED BY THOS. H. INCE. STRONGEST APPEAL ANY PLAY i:vi:r filmkd. $1.00 IN NEW YORK, 5c and 10c AT THE ISIS K The New York Dailies Said S Evening Mail?"taught the at S tenlion of road way 'An Alion' k i i vor;. inu< h xorf: whih ^ F.\fTiinp W o r 1 (i "Mak^s $ .strong apjif-al. z I lif- Journal?"Huge siicces?." N. V. Times "Lifts you out of your seat." Tlio Herald "If (ho re was a dry eyo in 11\?? theater it must have been a glass one." The Evening Sun?"From end ^ to end 'An Alien* is all real?the & film story was produced with K Mich eare and ability that it j stands alongside the ? spoken ? drama as a compeller of tears and 8 laughter." " | The Play That Makes Dimples to Catch the Tears = fr = " ? Next ? Neptune's Daughter WITH Annette Kellermann Graustark WITH Frances Bushman WITH iWeefc ^ if || j| - - ii lciiic TTiuiduia-niiuaoicvvaii The Juggernaut ? 5 Earle Williams-Anita Stewart t I Thursday, ns usual. K??r Friday and Saturday, tho P>d?> n :? ?.i:iouncc8 tho prize film play, ?'1 lit* Sins of the .Mothers." with Anita Stewart and Williams In the principal roles. The story is of a girl with a hereditary mania for Rambling. From school she runs the gamut first, the bridge tables, then the races, and. finally, to a gambling house foi merly kept by her own mother. It doesn't sound very pretty, but it will i almost certainly be thrilling enough. ! As usual, tho l'athe News will change on Friday, when a new Installment of that interesting series of . current events will appear for two days. I.1TTM0 >1A It Y AM) MAVO AM.A.V l.mi.R TIIKATIilfS STARS Following her interesting perform- 1 anco In "Tiie Dawn of a To-Morrow," Mary IMckford, t lie favorite star of the Paramount pictures, will next bo seen In "Little Pal" at the Little ; Theater on Monday. Tuesday and Wed- ' nesda.v. The photoplay was woven ] about tho star, and is said to present j a strong story ?>j' primitive emotions! and passions, evidencing a hitherto un suspected aspect of Mary Picltford's versatillt y. For tiie purpose of this production she dons a dark win, wears a costume that makes her appear more diminutive | than ever, and assumes tho stolid re- j serve of an Indian, "i.ittle Pal" is not ? a full-blooded Indian, but a half-breed, 1 living in Alaska among gold-crazed nten. S!n> seldom smiles, and there is no place for girlish coquetries in draw ing the drab, unhappy child the far north. It will surel\ be interesting to see Mary Pickford step so complete ly out of iter own personality. The Little Theater presents on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maud ' Allan, the celebrated dansouso, famed I for her interpretation of "Anitra's | Dance," from C!rieg*s "Peer "S.vnt ' Suite." the "Moonlight Sonata" of I!e<-tliovcn, the "Spring Song" of Men delssohn. and many others. She will make her moving picture debut tin* heroine in 'Tiie Itug Maker's Daugh ter." billed as "solid ninety mintit* s of Oriental pageantry, winch unfold, a "Midnight at Maxims" Act Cabaret Show THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday V I'U I 8th & 3roat! July 21 and 22 Best Seats 10c STRAND Orchestral 11 A TVI nil 11 P TVT ?W&? 11 A. M. till 11 P. M. HOT DAYS MAl'K I'T.KASAXT-Ol'Il COOLING SYSTKM. Best Music Ifontlay, July lit, .ii i.ii s sti:(;i:k IN Fifth Commandment MYHTi.K (KINAM.KA , IN !F;F W i'iIiickiIid'i lllxt, (ioorge Ado's Famous The College Widow 'I'll ur.Nil I) y, .Inly caiilotta di : ii:i.ici: MONEY A Modern Society Drama. Friday. M'LISS Snt ti ril:i>. ri.Ait v k ni it \ i.i, t oi \<; IN Hearts in Exile roMiNf; \i:\t. SI#AMIIII. from the Novel h.v CtiMatc Flaubert. Monday. ?Tulv 11>?TiOMAXCB OF TCI.A1NK (lat? st episode), f?nturlnc Pearl White and Lionel Harry more. 'I'iioiIiij-, July "JO?THE OODDRSS 'fifth chapter), first run In Hich monil, featuring Anita Stewart :>?i?I liarle Williams. Kach Tuesday. WtMlncKtlny mill Thursday, Ulst ami ""ml?"MII>NK?HT at MAXIMS," special l-r<-?-l Kalepi feature. Saturday. July S|-"W< OIAN AND WAR" :?-reel Patho feature; CHAP,. I,IK <'IIAIM.!N ("A WOMAN" i, his latest F.ssanay reha.-e; return dat*\ liy request. ?)tlier single ??eel comedies daily, and Pa the Weekly Monday and Saturday. | charming romance." In this produc tion Maud Allan presents tliree of her most famous dances. Altogether, Man I iiRer She I Id seems to have one of tho ' most interesting Paramount programs he has yet offered at the 1^.11tic Theater. I)A II.V CIIA.XfSIO OK I'lllHiKAM AT STKAM) THIS WKIOK Ueglnning to-morrow, (he Strand Theater will offer throughout the week a dally chanRO of program, which will incPudo a number of the llnost and best known photoplays of the dfty. The program arranged is <'n? follows: Monday, Julius Steger In "The Klfth Commandment": Tuesday, "The Col lege \Vld??w"; Weilnesday, NVllton Lack aye in "Children of the <ihetto"; Thurs day, Carlot t a de Kellce in "Money": Kridny, "M'iiss," and Saturday, Clara Kimball Ynung in "Hearts in Exile." YKTOIt'S TWO-OA V PKATIIHK IS "MII)M<;HT AT MAXIM'S" Kor Wednesday and Thursday "f this week the Victor announces what will doubtless prove to be one of tho most sensational pictures- Over seen In Rich mond?"Midnight * at Maxim's." Tho mere title is almost enough descrip tion. hut hear the Motion Picture News: "In the pictures are seen the princi pals and choruses of the revues at Hector's, Hustanohy's and Maxim's; tho j total must be 100 R-irls. Many spec. ! tacular numbers are shown, and also several feature dunces, introducing Rert Weston and Dorothy Ozuman, Haroness IritiRurd von Rottenthal, Plrnikuff and Hose, and the Cameron Ktrls. . . . The chorus numbers In clude the vest number, the bon-bon nirls, the pajama parade, a Ohineso fantasy, the muff number, the eye promenade, Maxim's ballet, bathing revue and the llnal ensemble. . . As usual, another chapter of "Tho Romance of Blaine." with Pearl White and Ulonel Barrymore, will be shown on Monday; a new and complete In stalliiient of "The Ooddess." Matinee Daily at 3:30 LYRIC Night 7:45 and 9:15 Affording the Pleasures of Keith Vaudeville Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FIRST TIME HERE MME. SUKIMO First Japanese Prima Donna Mezzo Soprano of the Imporinl Theater, of Toklo, and Her Four Geisha Girls Misses Khizvko, Fusako, Teruko and Hanako Aveling & Lloyd Two Hichmond Hoys Three Escardos l/iiunhter iwiil Humps The Bulger Bros. Worlil Famed Hanjoists Hearst-Selig Pictorial Tlie Worltl in Heview HARRY KOLMAN & CO In tlie llintdiisly Funny Comedy " ADAM KII.I?IOY COMPLETE CHANGE THURSDAY LrTTL?TU?AT?ft Only Theatre Playing First Run PARAMOUNT PICTURES An Kxehislve House, Where the Worhl's Greatest Actors Ap pear for Vour Pleasure. These Performances Unparnllcfl by Any Attempts Anywhere. Tiir.iti: is om.v PAiiAMorxr rn rnir.s and oxi.v o\k MTii-r tiii:ati:ii. MONl?.\ V?Tt KSDAV?WIID.VKSDAV Tin- \\ orlil'ii Mont I'nmniin Srrrrn Knvorlte, MARY PICKFORD AS "LITTLE PAL 11 TIU'KSIM V?Kit II) \ V?SATI HDAV Maud Allen W lii) I* Conii?I'll One of the Tmi llri'iilmt llnneers in the Wnrlil, Milken Iter lleltut In "The Rug Makers Daughter" ller Interpretative llnnee*. \ilnp(ei| I-'mtii lleetlnn en. < liii|iin nnil lirlejc. I!n*e Mmle ller >nme I'lininilN In K\erv Comer of the (ilolir, XOTK.?To-morrow, l">uei Organ Recitals by Professors Uerse an'l Tupman. 1 lie?AM. SKATS?10c COLONIAL "Where Thousands IVieet Thousands" While We Play the Best the Price Is Always the Same Adults, 10 Cents Children, 5 Cents 11:00, 12:30, 2:00, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 n & 1 U MONDAY AND TUESDAY In the Metro Film Play The Flaming Sword" the Delightful Love Tale of the Sea EXTRA?Charlie Chaplin in "HIS NEW PROFESSION" In the V-L-S-E (Big 4) Feature 'Hearts and the Highway' By the Author of "Island of Regeneration" In Another V-L-S-E (Big 4) Triumph 'Sins of the Mothers' The New York Sun's $1,000 Prize Story LADIES! Be sure that the Colonial appears on your shopping card WEATHER REPORT! Always cool and comfortable at the Colonial