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Newspaper Page Text
To Contestants in M. & M. SALES CONTEST a Bonus of 5,000 Votes Will Be Given for 1 25c CARTON OF YARN I-Sll INK FURNITURE POLISH. 1 25c CARTON SLX-S1XTY AUTOMOHTLE POLISH. 1 25o CAN llRASHINE METAL POLISH. In addition to tho above offer, the organization and individual sendinK in tho larRest numbor of can? or cartons will receive 15,000 bonus votes. These offers expire July 17* 12:00 M. A8k your dealer, and if ho can't supply you. phone Madison 4S8t> VARNI-SHINE POLISH CO. Richmond Trust, and Savings Co. Bldg. Seventh and Main Streets. 25,000 Bonus Vote Combination c;OOI> UNTIL AUGUST 1ST. Turn in at M. & M. Contest Headquarters the tops from 1 lb. box Big Four | :ss s,"rui" SamnQPtl anrlv 1 lb. box N lit ted llanl Ce-.uers V* B- wdSulJ J And I lO cent packages J Buy them from your retail dealer. This is in addition to bonus vote offer now in lorce. GATHRIGHT-CHILES CO. Wholesale Distributors. M. & M. Contestants! your repair work on Bicycles, Motorcycles and Baby Carriages to Tompkins JOS lVest Broad Street. 10 Votes for Each Cent Paid on sales tickets on Accessories, Sporting Goods, Bicycles and Motorcycles. Special This Week 300,000 Bonus Votes 011 purchase of an INDIAN MOTORCYCLE at $150. M. & M. CONTEST IMPORTANT NOTICE Tuesday and Thursday of this week will bo general voting; days at Contest Headquarters. Women will h? pi von Sfto votes, gentlemen 500 votes and children 100 votes. A purchase of cents or more will he required to qualify to vote. 1 tours from 10 A >1. to 0:30 P. M. BONUS VOTES The following bonus votes will l>e given to the organizations, individuals and children receiving the largest number ol votes front registrations and sales these two days: First, 75,000; second. fiO.OOO: third, r,ft.000; fourth. S'V>f'0. and fifth. 30.000. Don't forget the number of bonus votes on the combinations and sales tickets from other products. Special attention is also called to the new products added to our list this week, and ever \ contestant should see that their friends patronize these new people, as this goes a long ways towards winning tlse pri,.o. SEVEN WEEKS And then?well, th?- shouting, and incidentally, wailing on the part of some that they did not. put forth their best efforts while they had the opportunity; also that they listened to the rumors as to what their competitors had. The final showdown is only what counts, and the winners, when the showdown is made, will certainly not bo those who drop out or are bluf f. cl out. One thousand dollars in cash, or even three hundred, is certainly worth sticking in to secure, and t hese prizes are certainly going to be awarded to someone. Those who have put forth their hest efforts for the last three months should certainly put forth their best efforts during the seven weeks, not only to se cure these prists, but to not disappoint then friends, who have confidence in their ability to win by giv ing litem their assistance. The winners of the bonus vote prizes for purchases made Tuesday and Thursday of last week were as follows: Organizations?First, Catholic Woman's Club; second, Xorthsidc Baptist Church; third. Nurses' Settlement; fourth. Seventh Street Christian Church, and fifth. Highland l'ark Methodist Church. Tndlvi <!xm 1 ?First, George \V. Evans: second, Peyton Johnson; third, ,T. A. Lowry; fourth, E. .7. Toney. Children ?First, Mildred I,elder, second, Sherwood Cournow; third Bessie Sturdivant; fourth. Karl Jones; tifth, fla i a nee i "ardona. Save Sales Slips From TOMPKINS 40* West Broad Street. Bicycles. Motorcycles. Acces sories and Kepairinc; 10 votes for each cent paid. LIST OF PRODUCTS Save the Labels From PIN MONEY PICKLES 250 votes for each label. Save the Carton From GERM-FREE Disinfectant. -T.0 votes for each carton: save Invoices from bulk lots; 10 votes for each cent paid. Frank's Barber Shop: coupons pood for fiOO. -50 and 150 vote? A B < Mirk-"' A-. Son Hardware Co.; c.'ti >1 T' plfti-r rcfV).1!-, W Mitfi. for each cent. .* ? Whirlpool Pish Washer. IS.500 votes tf bought at Contest Headquarters Pauer'j Flavoring Kvtraets t>ox front." good Tor l'"i .tiul 1"i0 vo'.t." rtoy.-il club fanned Goods; wrapper pood t"r l"1'' votes .toy.or 'ci ioi-i; Compound ntnl .Toy r.?r -> i"roiin ' I'nc uinonla Salve; ? ir tons t t ??? - ' v ote Ho.^i-ep I'r t itlic V.lixli : cartons good (cr ?> v ??? Dismal S.Minv '"hill and Fever Tontc: cartons p<- ? for votes pv ''tvt :-p"cial:v fo.'s I'actal Cream M.,-- i.> ii.d ?'.,?>! <"re:,'ii . i->up,ins pood for - ? ?" ftiii 1 1.000 votes. Pie li Ch? U fletd and I'atlma f'!tutet'? coupoi ? irnod f.?r o \..tes e h. Mod'-l l.r.-lt. ;rv: lists Rood for ten \ot, s < a a ? ' ?. J ? olive I ? crr;,:i t.?trr- and paid Mil r?- ? n-:.-. t-? ???? f..: , ;|t . ;t pnld. Str . - Moii-j-ra:- l-'lvc- C.-nt Clpar: b.'clci- poo.. f..t *.11 vote-; ? io *i Six-Sixty Automobile Cleaner and Pol ish; ? ?!!.- pc. . . for -;0 and 70 votes i .c h. Straus Verso Mi: n ana 10c Cigar: bands pood for loo v<.i,-s New Thea'.ei arid laittle Theater; J! l-ouk 'O'er- r ??? ?? ! J,f v.If bought (' ?"'? ? H< a '!r|ii,irters Hr-o-Mn- . ? p-? : ! -r l.'.o. -j" A and ".<?(? va'". Varnlfh:ii- ? pood for j 'i ar.d 7*0 votes. Sfkel '"? -i: ? i- i Street. ]? ? '?! . go-. . tot ? ? ? C!i-. ?? M f it i f OUlit r uj. , f'.r ? .i ? ri? ?> WeM Itroad i fi6f>6; coupons h cent paid, nvoiccs on ho da ? -.-"I ll-.- 1 M \ "l? :? Tip Top Bread and Butter-Nut Bread; wrapper.- ko.m! for ."fi and 100 votes. Noble's Pound ?'alve; wrappers pood for and .">011 votes. Forbes Montr-bello Hams; labels pood for L'.ooti votes ? ich Forbes I'erfeetlon Slleed Breakfast Huron. bo\ to|-; k'.>. 1 for nr.O and l,7.'iii \ ot? ? Shortening; containers 1,000, '.',000 and Pure I.ard: tin eon '?<>. 7^.0, J."<00. 3,000 rations pood for 150 F..rlies l.nd'na poo.i fur \ o|. ? I' >? 1 e Mont el><< talners pood f..i and 7..">0W vote Franklin Surir and :t'a> \??te.-. Peneonut f'rlsps; eartons good for SO votes llonev Fruit and i"o o-Poln Chewtng (?Uill; oMtaide wrappers !;ood for ;>0 votes each. Knot Knit S?atnl lloie; labels pond 11.1. Itennle Hair.' Milk and Cream; bottle raps good for .*?0 votes each. Hudson's Hum 1 fly t'ondensed Milk; wrappers pood f..; ijr, votes eaeli. Itennle li.ilry liuaranteed Fresh Kggs; coupons pi?"i for '.TiO votes each. Mallard's Obelisk Flour; l'.'-pound sacks tempty 1, pood for 700 votes; 'J4 pound sacks (empty). gc*o<t for 1,400 \ote? ; barrel he,ids pood for 12,000 votes. Blue Valley Mutter; cartons pood for 3 00( -Of .iii-i |00 votes. Snmoset ("horolateH. box tops poo.i for r.o t?, \,,tns Swift's Maxlne ICIltott Toilet Snap: wrappers i for 100 votes. Arrow Itorax; wrappers good for i>0 \ otc s eai h Wool Soap: wrappers pood for 50 votes each. Swift's Pride Washtnp Powder; car ton- pood for 50 votes eiirh. t.'neen Itepent Toilet Soap; wrappers po.i 1 fot ;.i) votes each. Bro-Mal-Oino; carton good for 100, 250 and 500 votes. Belle-Vue Oarape; gasoline book covers good for 7.000 votes; new storage customers, 10.000 votes. blghtntng Carbon Cleaner; cans pood for 1,250 and 2.000 votes. K. V. Murphy & Son; coal and wood coupons, pood for 1,000 votes for each $1 paid. Peek's Perfect Tea; cans good for 100, 250, :.oo and 750 voles. Peek's Perfect t'offee; cans good for 350 votes. Wood burn Comb Honey; box end good for 25a votes. Schmidt's Acid Proof Ink labels, good for 250 votes Shnr-po ?.'o votes for each envelopes good for 10 ent paid. Davis Studio; coupons bought at Con test Headquarters, pond for 10 votes for each cent pale], Vlrplnlii l-'lrc Prevention Co., 600 Kast Main Street; save bills on articles pur chased and refills of fire extinguishers. Granite Mineral Springs Co., 600 Rast Main Street, phone P.andolpli 1368; save coupons?pood for 1,000 votes. I.,. C. Smith St Bros., Typewriters; save duplicate hills on tynewriters nnd sup piles?10 votes for eac h cent paid. A. .1. Crafts Piano Co., factory wnre rooms 21S North Second: 10 votes for each cent paid in purchasing player piano music rolls, player-pianos, pianos and Crafts's Royal Piano Polish. Save coupons given with cash purchases and receipts on account payments. Mrs. Charles Jennings. Ice; coupon books for 1,000 pounds of Ice, $1.00; 500 pounds of Ice. 12.25: good for 4,000 votes and 2,250, respectively, if pur chased at Contest Henil<|iiarters. Dickinson's Kestaurant, S21 Rast Broad; $5.25 meal ticket pood for fi.000 votes if purchased at Contest Head quarters. For full information, see ML & M. Contest Headquarters, 111 N. Third Street, Phone Madison 5170. C. H. Heritage, Manager* WM/ms^mis^ssmmmssmmm^sssssmsssmmssmm I An Unusual Opportunity! I Double value on labels this week from bottles of fe H ?1 I Christ? Ginger Ale | Christo Gzape Juice | Christo Cola A bonus of 1,000 votes 011 order for I case (24 bottles) for home use. I 25,000 Votes | I M. & M J |s I Contest I Honey Fruit \ ,|jj "The Gum Worth Chewinji" jn 25,000 Votes for each now St ft dealer sold. < ? ^ 2,000 Votes for 20 wrap- it i ^ ^ pers tied together. g 50 Votes for each Honey Fruit wrapper. Chew Honey Fruit Richmond's sensational new Gum with the DIFFER ENT flavor. Foil wrapped. ^ j Handsomest display box on S; market. <5 Chew Honey Fruit. Get ^ vour dealer to sell it. ^ % Manufactured by ft Franklin-Caro Co. f $ 6th & Canal, Richmond. Va. ^ Teleplione, Randolph 72(1. lW////^\V>^//i2Wr//////1 Special. Demonstration of PERFECT TEA and PERFECT COFFEE Bv the Factory Demonstrator, MISS RUTH STEWART Who Will Serve Each Visitor at M. & M. Contest Headquarters WITH A COLD REFRESHING GLASS OF Peek's Perfect Tea J A bonus of 1,000 votes on all orders for Peek's Perfect Tea or Peek's Per feet Coffee, amounting to $1.00 given to Miss Stewart. ROYAL CLUB CAMMeD GOODS FOOD PRODUCTS Demonstration?Free Votes at & M. Contest Headquarters To prove the superior quality of ROYAL CLUB canned Roods and food products, an other special demonstration lias been arranged for at Contest Headquarters next TUESDAY AND THURSDAY General Voting Days DOUBLE VALUK FOR LAHELS will be nivon each person ordering any of the fol lowing pioriucts from the demonstrator: 3,000 Bonus Votes if You Order $1.00 Worth Goods delivered through your grocer. Asparagus Apricots Cherries Peaches Pears Pineapple Strawberries Blackberries Rutterbeans Beets Corn Peas Pumpkiu Succotash Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Buckwheat Pancake Flour Catsup Jelly Preserves Maraschino Cherries Spaghetti Oats Olive Oil Olives, Queen Olives, stuffed Peanut Butter Rico Mustard (German) Salmon Macaroni Shad Roe W.H.HARRIS G ROCERY CO. ? r VOTES M. & M. Prize Contest Tip-Top and Butter-Nut 50 and 100 Votes Given for Each Wrapper. v* Nolde's Pound Cake ) 250 and 500 Vctes Given for Each Wrapper, AFTER ALL, NOLDE'S IS BEST Made in the Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Bakery. Sold by All Dealers. NOLDE BROS. Richmond, Va. yPr\ ? 3? cV '/III V mm v $ <s>