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Society, Fashions and the Household?Of Interest to Kvcry Woman prifttionb -jDtepnfcli Confederate Oolom n? Genealogical Data?Tlmea Dispatch Children's Club 65th YEAR SOCIETY Kngagements and rumors of enRago mentB, with si prophetic hint of fall brides, continue to be the main topic of conversation wherever fashionable society may happen to be. Richmond society has finally arranged itself for the summer, and its affairs arc well In order. With the summer hut half done, already plans for the coming season are In the making. Pretty young girls are making up their minds about their debut, and yet others are going off to school and college for a wider and fulb-r education than they have yet obtained. The day is far past when a girl is content with a "chafli.g dish and kodak" course to finish off with, and the ordinary college course of study mapped out for hor curly head ! at present enables her to hold her own j <|illte well in the great world of knowl < -Ikc which lies at her feet. Beside sending Miss Future Society JSelle ofT for her "little Latin and less ?Ireek" and the arrangement of her sister's debut ball, the October liride will come in for a large share of at tention. Already fashionable mothers have been In th" North closeted with modiste and rnantua-maker: already th* costume of the bride and her at tendants are being put into shape for the big church ceremony which they are to adorn. The woman who is well dressed never considers that her ward robe Is completed from one season to ??mother; h?-n?e the siren sons of the .shops all the year round anil th< many and frequent Journevings to the capi tals of fashion, where fine raiment Is on display. Only last week a prominent society woman returned from New York with [ a whole trunk full of the smart'-st ! gowns imaginable. Some of her hats 1 are quite '-xtretne, with a real foreign style to the Jaunty little trimmings,! but they were every one "made in \ America." So for the next several weeks at least, social functions will go ' forward with a swlnir .at the summer ' reports, and then Dame Fashion and the Debutante will be allowed the center : of the btage. Plans for at least two of the fall I weddings are most elaborate. The I brides-to-be hav> cho.son a cot'*rie nf : pretty girls to attend them, and the j big, fashionable churches from which they will be celebrated will be crowded with brilliant assernbli' j to witness th" j nuptials. Most of the brides of the' coming winter have been spending the ! summer very quietly with friends or i at thetr own country H'omes, and the j item of th- trousseau is vastly more interesting than the newest step and the latest rnuslc. BHENT WITT. Ylnltfnir Mm. Wnmlrk. Miss Marie Sands, of Hanover Avenue, has gone to Virginia Beach, where the is spending some time as the guest of Mrs. Otway Warwick at her cottage there. Mrs. John Daven port, of West Hampton. Is ;tlso visiting Mrs. Warwick at Virginia Beach. 'I'o Kelurn From Abroad. Mrs. Reginald Brooks, who went abroad early in the summer to visit her sister, Mrs Wuldorf Astor. at "Cliveden." near London, England, ex perts to return to this country some time in September. Mrs. Brooks was accompanied to ICnuland by her nieces. Misses Nancy and Alice Perkins, who have also been at "Cliveden"' with, her, and are returning to Virginia this fall to attend school. Party I-envlncr for the Went. Or.e of the largest and moat interest ing parties that will tour the West this summer Is that chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cannon, of the Chesterfield. who will leave Richmond on August -I, returning to Virginia September It is to l>e a real Virginia house party on wheels, and they will visit Chicago, Denver. Colorado Springs, Colorado Rockies, Salt Bake City, Yel lowstone Park. Riverside, San Diego, Bos Angelas, Santa Barbara, Del Monte, Santa Cruz, Bin Trees. San Francisco, Portland. Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver. Glacier Park, Bake Bouise, Banss, St. Paul and other places of interest on the return route. . Among those who will leave with Mrs. Cannon on August 3 are Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Miss Katie Taylor, Miss Nannie Sltterding, Mrs. Robert Powers, Miss Sarah Powers. Mrs. James Blpacomb, Miss Josephine Clarke, Mrs. U. B. Massey, Miss Buclle Massey, Miss Bouise Crump. Henry C. Rueger, Mrs. Rueger, Miss Bucy Burridge. Miss Annie Beveridge, Miss Katherlne Sut ton, Miss Elizabeth Wingo, Miss Cor nelia Shields. Miss R. E. Purvear. Miss Frances Wheat, Miss Adelaide Rothert, Mrs William B Reed, Miss Alice Bur weli Reld, Mrs. Harry R. Wayt. Miss Floyd Taylor, Mrs. L'.zzU Scott. Miss Matilda Ness, Miss Maisie Fleming, Mrs. George B. Christian, Mrs. Hon ningham Spllman, F. A. Perdue, Stephen A. Ellison, Nathan Simon, all of Rich mond Miss Helen Duke, of Charlottes ville: Miss Elizabeth W. Rolth, of Sparta: Miss Baura S. Duke, of Han over County; Miss Jessie Flippen, of CumborliLpd Com4'.; Mrs. Dan E. Wil cox and Mrs. M. \ Green, of Peters burg; Miss Heir <3uarles, Miss Lucy Quarles, Miss *bby Gwathmey and Mrs. Charles D. Hobllston, of this city. Senator Cannon will not leave on August 3 with the party, on account of the primary election, hut will join them at Denver several days later. In the Adirondack*. Mrs. Thomas A. Smyth has closed her houso on Monument Avenue and left yesterday to spend some time on Big Moose Bake, N. V. Mr. Smyth will join his wife in New York, and others in the party will include Miss Thereso Nurney, Miss Jessie Darden and Jack N'urr.ey, of Suffolk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bosher will be among the Richmond people sum mering in the Adirondacks. They have taken a camp on Big Moose Lake, and will leave shortly for that place, where Mrs. Bosher will work on 'her latest novel, just now nearlng completion. Visiting Friend*. Miss Bessie Le Masurier is spending some timo in the mountains of Vir ginia, being just now a guest in the home of Mrs. Lee ITill-Dressier, of Cov ington. Before returning to Richmond Miss Le Masurier will visit at the Greenbrier White Sulphur and Hot Springs. \t the Old Sweet. Mrs. E. B. Cunningham and her -randaughter, Miss Emily Lyman, of the Chesterfield, left last week for the. Old Sweet Springs. They will remain there some time, and will not return to Richmond until the. fall. Mrs. A., jj. Adamson will also leave, this week fot the Old Sweet, and she will bo joined later by Mr. Adamson, who will motor tin. Minn White HnKnged. An engagement of much interest to ' (Continued on Second Page.) uner Voile and Net Dresses Offered at Reduced Prices Fancy Voiles, in all colors, stripes and checks; in broken sizes; sea son's best sellers; values up to $7.50, for $5. A collection of Linen Dresses, in all shades; values up to $12.50, for $7.50. $12.50 and $15.00 Fancy Voile Dresses, in white and colors, for $10.00. Novelty Embroidered Voiles, $20.00 values, for $17.50. One lot of Fancy Net Dresses, values up to $22.50, for $15. Several Smart Dresses, in silk and voiles, from early spring pur chase; $50 values, now $25.00. $ Special Values in Q Lingerie and Georgette Bio uses A new shipment of Voile and Organ die Blouses, effectively > trimmed in cream shadow lace and dainty em broidery; $2.48 and $2.98 Valucs for $ 1.98 t Georgette Blouses,in flesh and white ecru lace trimming; new ship ment, at $2.98. At $1.00 we offer an unusually dainty collection of White Blouses?all the very newest models. x> 7 remendous ? Redu ctions on Summer Rugs of the Better Kind Goods from our regular stock, choice of all patterns and col ors. Every rug guaranteed to be perfect. The saving makes it worth while, so choose early. Bordered Crex and Grass Rugs Regular. $1.25 & $1.35 $4.00 & $4.50 $6.00 & $6.50 $8.00 & $S.50 Size. Special. 36x72 in. 95c 6x 9 ft. $1.95 6x12 ft. $3.95 9x12 ft. ?7.45 High Grade W ool and Fiber Rugs Regular. Size. Special. $1.50 27x54 in. 98c $2.00 36x72 in. $1.4S $8.00 6x 9 ft. $5.00 $13.00 9x12 ft. $10.00 Waterproof Rattania Fiber Rugs Regular. $1.25 $1.50 $5.50 $10.00 Size. 30x36 in. 36x72 in. 6x 9 ft. 9x12 ft. Special. 98o $1.25 $3.85 $S.5ft Waterproof Rattania Runners Regular. Size. Special. $3.00 30 in. by 9 ft. $1.98 $3.50 30 in. by 12 ft. $-\4S $5.00 36 in. by 15 ft. $3.98 <z>c: 7able Squares and Scarfs Two Special Lots Marked at Closing Out Prices Lace Trimmed Scarfs and Table Squares; two lots?those that sold for 25c now 15c; those that sold for 50c now 25c. All-Linen Natural Color Scarfs and Pillow Slips; part hand-embroider ed; some fringed; that sold for 50c, marked down price 25c. Of Interest to Art Needle Workers is the Arrival oj the New Fall Line of Royal Society Packages Consisting of Stamped Underwear, Children's Wear and Christmas Novelties. To our out-of-town customers and patrons at summer resorts, descriptive folder, with prices, illustrating contents of package sent upon request. Two Special Art Dep't Offerings Stamped Linen Huck Guest Towels, in attractive simple designs of white and colored embroidery. Special price 19c. Stamped Pillow Cases, best quality tubing; new designs, 50c and 59c pair, including stamping in itial and four skiens of R. S. floss for working. <z>c: :yz> July Sale of 7 runfys, Sags and Suit Cases During this sale we are offering at very low prices the kind of luggage that make tourists and vacation travelers happy. Every article taken from our regular stock, and guaranteed perfect. I 5 Vulcanized Fiber Steamer Trun^s Regular. Size. Special. $8.50 36 in. $7.0(1 $14.00 36 in. $10.00 $16.50 36 in. $13.50 Canvas Covered Steamer Trunks Regular. Size. Special. $7.00 32 in. $5.00 $8.00 32 & 34 in. $(5.00 $12.50 34. 36 & 38 in. $10.00 Special Inducements on High Grade Suit Cases Regular Value. Sale Price. $4.00 $3.00 $5.00 & $6.00 $1.00 $7.00 & $8.00 $5.00 $9.00 $6.00 $11.00 $8.00 Vulcanized Fiber Covered Dress Trunks Regular. $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 32 34 32 Size, in. in. in. Special. $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 Ca nVas Covered Dress Trunks Regular. Size. Special. 32 in. $6.00 $7.50 $8.00 $9.00 $13.50 32 36 36 36 in. in. in. in. Regular. $4.00 Traveling Bags Size. 16 & 18 in. $5.00 & $6.00 16 & 18 in. $7.00 & $7.50 16 &. IS in. $10.00 16 & IS in. $12.00 18 in. $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $7.00 $10.00 Special. $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $7.50 $9.00 LZXO (children's Dresses 2 TO 6 YEARS. IN GINGHAMS, PERCALES AND CHAM BRAYS; SEVERAL MODELS TO SELECT FROM, 50c and 69c Ones for 39c Children's Dresses. 2 to fi years; some with bloomers; French gingham and chambrays; all this sea son's latest models; $1.00 and $1.25 ones for 80c. Cloning Lot Prices on Low Neck, Short Sleeve Rompers, made of chambray, gingham and seersucker, solid col ors and stripes; sizes 2 t.o 8 years; 50c and 75c ones for 39c. Closing Lot Prices on the Junior Dresses 6 to 16 years. All this season's new and up-to-date models. $1.50 and $2.00 ones for 98c $2.50 and $3.00 ones for $1.50 $3.50 and $4.00 ones for $1.98 $4.50 and $5.00 ones for $2.18 $5.50 and $6.00 ones for $3.98 $7.00 and $8.00 ones for $4.98 $10.00 and $12.50 ones for $5.98 ers White Top Skirts ATTRACTIVE VALUES OFFERED At $1.98 an d $2.98 White Golfine Skirts, patch pockets and belt, at $2.98. White Pique, wide wale, large pearl button trim ming, at $1.98. Cool, Dainty Kimonos of Lawn, Crepe and Silfy Short Lawn Kimonos, in white and flowered pat terns, at 50c. Long Lawn Kimonos, in fancy patterns, at 75c. Fancy White Lawn Kimonos, lace trimmed, at $1.00. Figured Crepe Kimonos, em pire style, at $1.00. Silk Kimonos, in all colors, $1.98. Seco Fancy Hand-Embroidered Japanese Crepe Kimonos, in all shades, $1.98. Crepe de Chine Kimonos, in all colors, empire style, at $5.00. Fancy Colored Crepe de Chine Negligees, with elaborate lace trim ming, at $7.50 and $10.00. Sale of French Nainsook Gowns Lace and embroidery trimmed; some neatly, others elabor ately trimmed; extra sizes included in the lot; also some pink and white crepe ones. Sold for $1.00 and $1.25, Now 89c Another lot of Gowns, made of long cloth and cambric, trimmed neatly with lace and embroidery; can not be duplicated for less than $1.00; as long as this lot lasts, choice 69c. A lot of Gowns, in long cloth and lingerie cloth; lace and embroidery trim med; 50c and 69c grade, for 42c. A lot of Muslin and Nainsook Drawers, open and closed; small, medium and large leg; lace and embroid ery trimmed; worth 50c and 69c, for 39c. A lot of Waist line and En velope Teddy Combina tions; lace and embroid ery trimmed; size 36 to 44; $1.00 and $1.25 ones for 89c. Half Price Sale of Boys' Wash Suits 2 TO 6 YEAR SIZES; ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLOR COMBINATIONS. $1.50 and $2.00 Ones for $1.00 $2.50 and $3.00 Ones for $1.50 $3.50 and $4.00 Ones for $2.00 Boys' Hats at closing out The $1.00 and $1.25 ones prices; the always 50c for 69c. ones for 35c. The 25c ones for 19c. Closing Lot Prices on Children's Coats yj?rs6 Materials of P. K., Wash Corduroy, Cashmere, Crepella, Serge, Gabardine, Linen and Silk; some are hand-embroidered. $2 00 Coats 98c $6.00 Coats .....$2.98 $3.00 Coats $1.48 $7.00 Coats $3.4S $5.00 Coats $2.48 $10.00 Coats $4.98 <=x:: 130 ^/KaUlimer J5rot/wrs We want every woman to know that we believe the Fro laset is as perfect a Corset as human skill can design. The lines 4 e correct, the comfort, it affords is absolute, the ma terial ??? of high quality, the workmanship is careful, the boning is of Walhon; cannot rust or break; each and every model are fitted over living, breathing models, and fit per fectly the exact type for which it was built, whether you are stout, medium or slender. There is a Frolaset Corset for your individual type that will reveal the natural grace of your lines and correct the lines that may perchance need correction. Frolaset Corsets are built automatically correct, and are recommended by well known surgeons and physi cians. We are prepared to fit you correctly and scientifical ly. The stock is complete in size and models, including some broches and pink ones; the prices are $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $6.50 and $S.50. Consult our Corsetiers, who are graduated corset hygen ists, and let them fit you in the Frolaset Corset that suits your individual requirements.