Newspaper Page Text
SOCIETY (Continued from First Page ) *mRrt noelety In Virginia and Cint in- ! natl Is that of Miss Lucy Pendleton White, niece of the late Putted Stato3 Senator George rendition, to Anthony Kennedy, of \Varronto:i. The engaye- J ment has Just been announoed. and no date has been set for the wedding. Intrrmtlus Announcement, Of unusual interest hcro and to so ciety throughout Virginia and N^rt h Carolina was the announcement made on Friday in llocklngham, X. C., when Mrs. Cornelia IC. Waddlll entertained at a beautiful afternoon tea given at the home of her mother. Mrs. II <"* Doekery, in honor of Miss Lena Everett. ' whose engagement was announced to' Isaac London, of Slier City, X. C. Tne house was decorated i!t green and white ferns and ehnsta daisies and the color scheme was carried out in ili gowns of the bride-elect and the hoc. ess, both being of white net with ban Is of green taffeta, and also in the ?<? freehmtnts consisting of salads and sandwiches, cream and cakes. The announcement was made by the entrance of tiny Miss Ellznbeth Ever* ett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. j Everett, who entered the room dressed , in the overalls and cap of a baggaiee man and drawine a trunk heaped with . ninny different labels. On each tag wa-< a bride holdinjj Cupid, On one spe- ! clal tag was written. "Lena leaves us for London in November." This was ' read aloud by Miss Mossle Lont "Hearts dice'' was the appropriate : game of the evening, the prize, a bas ket of sweet srass and silk, beinc won by .Miss Roth Thomas. The visitors' j prizes, three photos of the bride j framed wer? given to the three houso guests of Miss Everett?Miss Cornelia London, of Pittsboro; Miss Blair Raw llngs. of Wilson, and Miss Lilly Taylor, of Wilmington. Miss Everett Is the pranddnuirhter of ' Mrs. Walter T. Pavne and the late Wal- j ter T. Pavne, of Norfolk. Miss Everett ! was educated at St. Mary's School, wnere she had a large circle of friends. Mr. London Is editor of The Sile: City Grit, and has already won high standing among the members of his profession in the state as well as with his home constituency. He was edu cated at the University of North Caro lina, and has many friends throughout North Carolina, lie is a son of Major j and Mrs. H. A. London, of Pittsboro, i and a brother of Jack London. Mr*. Potts Impro\tuR. Mrs Charles Elsworth Potts, of Bal timore. wpo was operated on at St. j Elizabeth's Tlosritrtl some time apo. Is ; now recovering at the home of her ! father. Oeotpi* ,1. Hooper, 307 North Rowland Street. Mrs Potts will re main in Richmond until the early fall At the Itcm-h. Registered at *lie Chesterfield Cot tace, Virginia Beach, recently have been: Miss Mary Hudgins. Marlon. X C.; Miss Sara Hudgins, Misses Xell Word, of Richmond; lOssi^ Bugp, .1 G. ! Skclton, of Richmond; C. H. Mayo, of Greenville, N. C.: R M Wren, of Rich- ? mend: Nelson Ingram, of Richmond; . Edith Williamson, of Driver. Dalian Bruce, of Richmond; Mrs. W M. Moore, of Norfolk; W. M. Moore. Miss Moore, Norfolk; Miss Warrick, of Richmond; Rev. R. H. Bowden, of Tarboro. X : | Rev. O. P. Lloyd, of Washington: 11. M. j Rlffe, of Elliston; J. A. Flannagan. of; Pulaski; T. M Bane, of Pulaski, lie v. i II. P. Dalton, Mrs. Dalton and llarry j Dalton. of Boykins; Miss M Lou Fleet, | of Blscoe: Rev. G. C. Duncan, of Carrs vllle; L. F. Paulctte, of Xewsoms; J. B. Powell, of Branchville: Mrs. Powell, of' Branchvllle; Mra. Michaels,] ?>f Richmond; Miss M. Walters, of Nor folk; G. M. Perclval, of Richmond; G ' '?V. Crump, of Chester; M. A. Tucker,! of Drakes Branch; J. A. Struchan, ol I Chester Leilngton Wedding. A pretty marriage took place Thurs day evening, July in Lexington, at the home of Mrs. William M. Patton. on Letcher Avenue, when her daughter. Miss Margaret French Pat top. became the bride of Colonel Thomas An her of the Virginia Military InsM etu;e faculty. Rev. Peyton ("inighill, i of Richmoi d. ofliciated. the ring n-re. ; >oony helm.- use.I. Quilv a numbct of relatives and friends of Lexington ; and fiom out of town wei- present. The horn'- was beautifully decorated.) the color scheme being white and ! green. Promptly at 9 o'clock the bridal party descended the stairway aim! marched to the altar to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, render ed by Mrs. Andrew I'. JCstill Miss Nannie Pattor, ~i.~:> i ot'rii.-^bihle, was maid of honor, and L'J-veYdy_ .tones, of Portsmouth, hsnih r of the crnom. was best man. William P.ition Williams, of Bl&cksburfi. acted as rihhon heater , The bride looked lovely in a wedding) gown of white tulle over white pussy- i willow taf1eta, trimmed with cream Ince / r Shortly after the ceremony Colonel j and Mrs. Jones motored to Nttunil Hrldge. where they took train for Afhevllle. X i" They will spend the summer In AshevilJe. The bride is the second daughter of Mrs. William M Pat ton, and has lived in New York for the past several yritrs where she has 1" rn enirncod in teach ing. Colonel Jones Is 'a native of Nor folk. a praduate oi the Virginia Mili tary Institute .lass of ivos. aid has been professor of engineering at the institute since 1 r?0S Among the out-of-town guests pres- j ent at the ceremony were. Mr. and Mrs Calus .1, parents of the j groom, and brother, Revenly C. Jones.' and wife*, of Norfolk; Professor and Mrs. Jor.'-s K Williams, c-f P.lacksburi: Miss Elizabeth Pres-on and Colonel Joceph Button, of Richmond Mrs Silas H. Mason, of Lexington, Ky.. Mr-. Bineham, ?f Brooklyn: Mrs. W li. Davis. of Petersburg, Miss Mabel Jor dan. of Buena Vista, and Mrs. <- P Brady, of Buftalo Fe>rge. I.niTn Party TueNriay. The Oirls Social Service Club of Olnte/ Park will have a lawn partv on Tuesda> evening from t< ; o'clo< k at the home of Miss l^ouise Kellogg, on Hawthorne Avmue, Ointer Park All interested are invited t. Mt< Married In l.yncliliiirK. A weddlne of n:urh interest through out the State was solemnized Thursday afternoon at the i. me I Mi ui 1 Mrs Lelghton C. Acree, In Hlvermont, | Lynchburg, when th? !r daughter, Miss Adelaide Royal! Acree. w as married to Dr. Benjamin Beckham of Fort Hauchuca. Arizona. Th* f. i< nrant war Rev. James Colonnn. p'> ildlr.g . l der of the Danville district of th< Methodist church. Miss Florence Acree, a silstei f bride, was the maid of honor, and Dr. William Royall Warrlnor, of Crewe, was the best man. The ring wr: .rn* by little Miss. Annie Land Northlngtou. The bride was attired in h white : ik gown which was imported from ("hi; ;\ and wor^i by her moth' ! a.s her weildlnu gown. She wore no ornaments, and carried roses and lilies of the valley. The out of town guests wen in ?md Mr6. W. T Warriner, parents of the groom, of Crewe; Mrs. F. D. Mason, n{ Richmond Miss 'Gertrude Powell Roy all. of Richmond; Dr. William R. War riner, of Crewe; Mrs. Julia Lewis Trent, of Washington; Pr and Mrs. Jamen On lonna. of Danville: S. II Royall, of Roanoke; T. K Royall and Dr. J R. Trent, of Farmville, and 12 II Acree, of Kay ford Mlea Donnslly Kntrrtnlned, Mis* Mary Donnnlly, of Louisa, gave a h?y ride 1 .st Friday r.iKht in honor of her cousin, Miss Dorothy Donnully, of Charleston, W. Va. The crowd rode Sister-in-Law of Devereaux Milburn Adds Another Poloite to Family Miss Kathryn X. Stelle and K. Slciddy von Stade were married on .luno 20 in the Church of the Advent, in Westbury, Loup; Island. The former Miss Steele is the youngest of three daughters of Mr. mid Sirs. Steele, of Sunridge Hall, Westbury. One of her sisters is the wife of Devereaux Mil burn, nne of the "biff four" on the American polo team. l!er other sister married Cointe .lean dc la (iireze. Mr Von Stnde is a son of Frederick von Stade, of New York. He is a graduate of Harvard, and for several years has been prominent in amateur racing and in polo at the Roekaway Hunt Club, Piping Hock ami Meadowbrook. Recently, in a contest at. "West bury, Mr. Von Stade fell from bis horse and was injured. The photograph shows bint with bis arm In a sling as a result of the mishap. out to the homo of Miss Jane Garth, about seven miles away, where refresh ments were served. The chapcron for 1occasion was Mrs. George 1C. Black, of St. Louis. Mo. and H. B. Norment. of St. Louis-, was the driver. Those who went won-: Miss I>orothy Donually, of Charleston: Miss Mary Lee Bruce, of Minns. Brazil: Misses Mary Donnally, Mi hi red I'orter, Bessie Knos, CI \\ <? n - dolyn Barrel, Mrs. George K. Black, of St. Louis; Missis. I.. S. Pendleton. Kent Woolfolk, \V. B. Goodwin, J. I... Wills, P. G. Duvall an<l 11. B. Norment. Miss Donnallv has just returned from Richmond. vvhrr? she was the guest of Miss Madeline Rigger, at her home on West Avenue. While in Richmond she was much entertained. Prominent I'n^nuemeu t. An engagement of great interest in Richmond and Norfolk as well aa in Bal timore and New York, lias just been announced by Mr. and Mrs. S. Tagart Steele, of Baltimore, of their daughter. Miss Anne Maynndier Steele to A. Perry Osborn. of Now York, son of Professor and Mrs. II* ni y Fairfield Osborn. of Castle Rock, Garrison-on-the-lludson. The wedding will take place in the autumn. Miss Steele, who was presented to society a season ago, is one of the most attractive girls in Baltimore, and has !?<??? 11 a social favorite both there and at Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., where Mr. and Mrs. Steele have a cottage. Mr. Osborn, who is a member of the Knickerbocker and Racquet Clubs, was graduated from Princeton University in the class of 1905 and also from the Harvard School in If??">f?. He is now engaged in the practice ?.f law with ex-Senator John Coit Spooner. He is a brother of Miss Josephine A. Osborn, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr., and Mrs. Ralph Sanger, formerly Miss Virginia Osborn. His father, one <if the most distinguished paleontologists and geologists in the country, is presi dent of the American Museum, of Natural History, in New York City. IN AMI OPT OK TOWN. Former Governor and Mrs William Hodges Mann expect to leave in Au gust to attend the Governors' Confer ence. In Boston. Bishop Collins Penny and Mrs. Den ny, of Richmond^ are guests of their, dauehter, Mrs. Roscoe White, in Ash land Mr. and Mrs <' P. Bay lis s, of 212" Floyd Avenue, are spending several weeks In the mountains near Green wood Miss Mary Louise Harrison has left for Orange, after Bpcndtr.g several weeks with friends in Ginter Park. Miss Louise Crank, of Louisa. Is visiting her aunt, Mrs .!. H. Crank, at her homo In this city. Miss Margaret Brooke of this city, is the guest of her cousins. Misses Claudia and \fah?l Brook*, in Wil liamsburg. Mi-s Maude Air, she. who has been visiting Miss Virginia Hughes in Nor folk. hag returned to the city. Mrs Rarksdale Lathrop and her children are in Atlantic Oitv for a stay of several weeks. Miss Nannie West will leave this week to Join a camping party near Ashland. Mss Kate Myers and George H. Myers, of ,s(>4 West iJrace Street, are visiting friends in the mountains of North Carolina Mrs. A. r> Leech and daughter, Gen evieve, have returned from Virginia Bea< 1".. where they spent the past week. Miss N Florence Leech, who has been attending the Baptist Rncamp mer.t held m Virginia Reach, will re main at the hraeh a week longer. M!?s Helen Tall and Miss Emma Lewis, who have been visiting the Misses "?.dam. on Grove Bond, have n> , turned to Philadelphia Mrs. James Staunton Moore and chil dren win spend the remainder of the 'summer at ('amp Merrymont. In Rock bridge t'ounty. Mrs. Hairy Howell Smith has trono to Blowing Hock, N. C., for the sum mer. Mr and Mrs George C. Ouvcrnr.tor find Mr. and Mrs Clinton Guverr.ator. of Richmond, nre spending some time In West Point. M'.fh Virginia Leftwlch, who 1, a" been visiting here, has returned to Wa yi.esboro. The Misses Newell, of this city, are .?t 'Glen Mary." the home of Mrs J I?. C).aney, near Louisa. Mis Lib p Boners, who has been vis ?' ? Piank Patterson. In Way M.Hboro line icturned to the city. I ?%It' 11 W Bllett, of this city, is the rue?? ,.f hei sister, Mrs. J. A. Kent, j in Louisa, for a week. j Mis Alex Rady, accompanied by Miss Krma Ad-nns, has left for a visit j to Boston, Providence and other near | by pla< of interest. , Mrs Walter l? Sarvav and her jdRUghtei. L> dia. and Miss India Booth ! havi Jiim ret u i red from a visit to Nia , gain J- alls, Athiith and other plaf es in I he Noil h | Miss Mary Both. daughter of 1 T. I Both, of 23f?S \\ cut (iracc Street, hait 1 L>cen Spending the past two months in Salisbury. N. c., where she has bom much entertained. Mr. and Mrs. *David Ruchanan and Unit- family, of Richmond, are spend j nig the summer In Ashland. Mrs. C. A. Mahan and her daughter, who have been ir? Richmond for some ' inc. are now in Danville, before loav . my for Patrick Springs. Mis t.. Keith Oarlin and her son who have been visiting Mis James ; Hunter, left last week for Atlantic John Sydney Williams, of Char .ottcsvillc. is visiting his e:a ndmother. Mrs Joseph C. Williams. of North | Twenty-third Street. Miss Ruth Smltlison. of Crewe, is >isitinu in i "harlottesville. and will later visit friends In Culpeper and W :lsh iii it ton. Miss India Thomas and Lizzie Dcn ' Mis. of Richmond, hjive been recent Clients of Miss Katherine Ma rsh in Ashland i-w.n, in Mrs. A. IT Rranoli, of Newport News I is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. J wi.-u 1 er, in this city. ' io,M1f?vlVin,am UufH and h*r Bonn to Annapolis, Aid for j a Visit to friends. Miss Mary Lyman, of Richmond, is ;sp?noini? several days in I'rbanna as ( .1 puest at the home of I,. r. Treat. 5ov. and Mrs J. j. wicker have ; been spending the past week with friends ar Virginia Reach Mr. and Mrs. E. Southard Shields .'J K?ne to Lexington, where thev , t m*'.'", ';l8ie "nrrison is visitinc Miss !S:-,^!:rn 1m htra'>ar,ment at th0 i !,nri nan-! Ihno fn '??"??? some | ru.> u- Souimers. '.f tbis cit\ hi? Mr. an.i Mrs i r t . '"itlner , \ri. , ,n H1?0"wne. i spendhiir ?-K Raker, of ,h,s city. is ! -P ? .i short time with hei n-> rr?is?.i,r- j- w.^vfni lvrouS and family. and MiSs ,i\?1 < i i.-k''i " 7><>n(n"K a r,:u fI?"?>?.? n. t;,0 dincM^'r country ,Mub Mrs. Minnie V Clopton has joinrd Mr. and Mrs William P. Wood' T, 1 thoir family, of 2702 Monument Ave! nue. at the St. Charles Hotel, in n lantic City. ' ( DURHAM nrl^TlVt 1 vTh? Tim"-nispatch ] .J<? V, M* ? Ju,y 1:?Mrs. Ret. tie ( obt, ?? ]ah:s entertained on Tuesday eninr- at i1(I- home on Ashton to VrlUIu!'i' ?;omplimentarv o Mr. .i?,| ,Mrs Eugi ne W. ? whose marriage was one of the social events of Juno. ""- social j , *'? R- Timberlake naH returned to her home In Columbia. S. C after fake l? hCr mo,h<,r- MrB- ->? L. Timber Miss Martha Whitman, who has bee,, ho guest of Miss Margaret,? : has returned to her home in Atlanta! Mrs. Knnnle Croom and Miss Inez < room, recent guests of Mrs. .1 T tc.'/V;.!. '? ,mvo gOMe Mount Vernon Mrs L. N. Dibbrell, who has be,.n in t.i? city several days visiting h.?r to nT' mrS-J' h:'? rc^unVed ; to !>nnvlll*, \ a. Ctirrin. of Richmond, ' win. has been the truest 0f Miss C,1 ..H-s ! ' ?7' !'ds': h!lH 10 ?xfor?* to visit Mrs. T C. Michir has as her house g'ien Iter niece, Miss Alexander, of 1 Davidson, N. C. Miss Florence Kasley, of South Rob- ' ton. \a , is visiting Mrs. E. W. Shackie iont. i R* S. Ro,li?s an<l Children have gone to Morehead city, where thc-v ^?.i! sj.f-iid several weeks. Mis. J. j. Hurt and children hav?? pon? on a visit to PtHpeper. Va.. where tnoy will spend about s!\ weeks Mis. \V. Shackle ford was hostess on b riday morning at a deliKhtful r/?o.< parly, ti(^ honorc'cy i.eing Mrs. !?". Glass, Miss Alexander, of David son, and Miss Easley, of South Ros l on. Seautify the Complexion IN TEN DAVS Nadinola CREAM The Unequaled Beautlflef l/Sr.D AND ENDORSED ?V THOUSANDS Guaranteed to removt tan, freckles, pimples, liver spots, etc. Extreme cases about twenty days. pores and of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, hcahhy. iwo sizes, 50c. and .*1.00. By toilet counters or mail. national toilet company. pan,. t?hp Surprising FACTS in Relation to Dresses, Skirts, Coats and Suits On the SECOND Floor Fact 1?The prices quoted are lower in relation to cost? (further below cost)?than in any previous year. Fact 2?To-morrow, Monday, will be the first day in which these prices will be offered. Fact 3?Every reduction is a gen uine reduction. No compara tive values; no fictitious mark-downs. Fact 4?Every dress and suit is taken from regular stock. Not a penny's worth pur chased for sale purposes. Fact 5?All dresses purchased for the spring season, and 95% of them purchased within the past 30 days. Fact 6 ? Merchandise manufac tured by first-rated At makers in accordance with Specialty Shop practice. Fact 7?To-morrow. Monday, will be the LAST day in which the best items will be offered. Fact 8?There will be no C. O. D. sales?no exchanges?no ap provals, and we feel certain you will appreciate the jus tice of suspending these priv ileges. Fact 9?Pricing which absolutely MUST AND WILL clear away the summer stocks. 25 Trimmed Hats in black and colors; values to $20.00; Monday clearance $5.00 47 Trimmed Hats in black, white and colors; values to $12.50; Monday clearance $*J.50 12 Dozen Real Panamas Excellent $1.50 grade; for Monday only 7 Ik* 8 Styles in Sport Hats Color assortments broken; wanted styles; choice Monday, only 4Sc Price $2.75 Monday Price S3.45 Mondav Price $4.95 Monday Pricc $7.45 Monday Price $9.75 Monday Price $13.75 Monday Price S20.00 Mondav Price $1.38 Monday Price S2.38 Monday Price $2.98 Monday Price $3.98 Monday $5.98 Porch Dresses, of French linen, voile and striped lawn. $7.50 Morning Dresses of voile, in dots and striped effects. $10.00 Smart Dresses, in figured voiles and crepes. $15.00 Dresses, in striped tissue and embroidered crepes. $16.50 Dresses, of nets, or gandie and flowered crepes. $25.00 Dresses, in silk, laces and nets; embroid ered voiles and organdies. $35.00 to $45.00 Lace, Net and Silk Dresses. Two smart Skirts of cotton gabardine (regular price $.1.98)?one style with slit pockets, the other with patch pockets and belted of self material. Trimmed in pearl buttons. Novelty Skirts in cotton gabardine or pique, in fancy weaves; some belted ? others shirred at the waist and pocketed. Sold up to $4.38. $3.98 Wool Check Skirt, trimmed in buttons and pleat in front. $5.98 Full Box-Pleated Taffeta Skirt, set-on yoke. Silk Waists That, sold up to $5.00. Monday at SI.89 Standards are important to indioidual or corporate efficiency as light houses are important to navigation. Standards "Standard: That which is estab lished as a model or example by authority, custom or general con sent."?Dictionary. "Standards are wise in direct ratio to the intelligence of him who creates them."?-Harrington Emerson. W/"E consider GOOD-WILL our ** largest asset. Gaining and deserving and strengthening the confidence of the public is our life work. If the store is not worthy of your trust every day, it is not worthy of it ANY day. Our aim is to give good service always. Our prices are right ALL THE TIME. Our seal of confi dence is an assurance of relia bility and satisfaction ALL THE TIME. We have special attrac tions and extra values frequently ?you will find many such un usual values to-morrow. But al ways remember there's a guiding rule in all we do?TO MAINTAIN OUR STANDARDS, of obligation to customers, of quality and de sirability in merchandise, of promptness and courtesy and to see that you get full value for every dollar. SUCH STANDARDS, we main tain, are no more than INTELLI GENT SELFISHNESS. 101 Cloth Suits (In two lots.) Suits that sold up to $50.00. Monday at S7.S0 and $10 15 Silk Suits Suits that sold up to $55.00. Monday at $15 Remaining numbers among regular $5.98 Corduroy and Plaid Coats Monday at $4.38 ? mWMpyca^! The Test of Flowers of Guaranteed Freshness One order will show bet ter than anything we can say: 1. The freshness of our Flowers. 2. The excellence of our Service. 3. The reasonable prices. .Mny We Submit Kntimate". ? .Innt Phone MndUon 030. I ? D HAMMOND The South'sGreat Florisi 109 E.Broad ?L.ffSfc No exchanges, no mail order?, no phono orders. Five II indred Pairs Ladies $4 and $5 Tan Low Shoes We are making room for oar Exposition footwear. Seymour Sycle 11 We*i Hronri Street. Now-a-Days It's Bread RICHMOND LUMBER CO.,Inc. Fourth, betTTcea Dtrutur and Stockton. I.CMPER AND 5IILLWOKK. The Valentine Museum ELEVENTH AND CLAY STREET1 Hours 10 A. M. to 6 P M. Admtnston 2V fc"rea on Saturday*. The Confederate rvluseum TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Open 9 A. M. to t P, iL Admiftflion. 25c. Saturday free from a *o S. This Week's Biggest Bed Bargain! MASSIVE WHITE ENAMELED BED With Spring and Mattress Complete $14.95 As illustrated, with heavy 2-inch continuous posts. Strongly made with heavy fillers Stylish and attractive design. National Fabric Spring is one of the most satisfac tory Finings made. The mattress is a heavy 50-lb. all-felt mattress, soft and luxurious. Never an opportunity like this before?perhaps never again, so grasp it now. Quarter Off on all Styles of GIBSON REFRIGERATORS Get yours now and save money. The best Refrigerator on the market ? thoroughly constructed, perfectly insulated, safe and san itary. Uses less ice? keeps all food perfect ly. Don't waste food and ice with an unsat isfactory refrigerator, when you can own one of these splendid re frigerators at a worth while saving. Choice of linings?opalite, por celain, porcelold or gal vanized Iron. With or without water coolers, f'ricos start at 95.BB? Uoff now. $1.00 puts one in your home. For Summer Cooking New Method Gas Ranges Solve every question of comfort, convenience and economy; 16 styles to choose from, rang ing from the convenient two-burner hot plate to the big elevated oven range. More and better im provements than all the others. Used and en dorsed by hundreds of Richmond housewives. Call and let us demon strate them this week, and ask for booklet of testimonials from your friends and neighbors. 91.00 put* one In your home now. F R E E With every purchase amounting to $10.00 Ileantlful (.lux* Flower Vase. Bo sure and F" a?k for it. With every purchase amounting to $25.00 E :iy-IMece Dinner Set. Handsomely decorated Jjp and particularly pleasing design. Foushcc and Broad This Splendid $4.50 Box Frame Diner, $2.95 Solid quarter-saw ed oak, highly pol ished. with slip seat of genuine lea ther. An attractive design thnt fti well mailt and substan tial. Don't miss this great value. Order yours early to-mor row.