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THOMSON AND HIS BRIDE GOING TO SUMMIT POINT They Will Be Accompanicd to His Boyhood Homo by 'Speaker and Mrs. Chump Clark. STILL ON THEIR HONEYMOON Probably Will Visit Friends In Win chester Before IteturninK to Their Home in New Orleans?Mrs. Oliiss Entertains at Luncheon. n * [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] ^'WINCHESTER. VA.t July 17.?Mr. and Mrs. James M. Thomson, the latter formerly Miss Genevieve Clark, whose marriage took place on June 30 In Bowling Green, Mo., the home of the hride's parents, Speaker and Mrs. Chump Clark, are expected early next week at Summit Point, Jefferson Coun ty. W. Va? th? boyhood home of Mr. Thomson, where his parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Thomson, have an attractive home. They have Just completed a tour of the Great Lakes region. It is ex pected Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will visit friends In Winchester before returning to their future home in New Orleans. , Mrs. Robert McC. Glass entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon at her home on Washington Street on Tuesday afternoon, thirty-two women being present. The luncheon was given !n honor of Mrs. Mason Dillard. of Bir mingham. Ala.; Mrs Harry W. Hyde, of Clearbrook. Va.; Mrs. Bryan Conrad, wife of Captain Conrad, of the United States Army: Mrs. William H. Ilakfr, of Winchester, and Mrs. J. Wood Glass, of Nowata, Okla. Captain Frank Rittenhouse, of the United States Marine Corps, and Mrs. Rittenhouse. of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Carter at their home here. Mrs. Joseph Rlan<-hard Amos, of Bos ton. is at the home of Miss Mstrv Spot tlewoode Buchanan for the summer. Mrs. S. A. Jordan and her daughter. Miss Jordan, have returned from an ?-x tended visit to r?lati\es at Cvnthiana. Ky. | George Rivers P.yrd, of the t'nlted States Army, has gone to Washington, after visltlnt: his mother, Mrs Jennie Ryrd, and other relatives in town. Miss Katharine R. Glass. Miss Match er and D: Robert McC. Glass, 1 ?? ft Bal timore by sea this week fur points In N<'a England, where they will spend M'-i'ral weeks. Mr. and Mrs O m Shyerley, of Blue, field, W Ya . have been motorintr and vlsltinsr friet.ds tn town th!? week. MitsH Josephine Conner, of Wa shin c 'on. is truest of the Misses Keating at tfieir home oti South Main Street. . Mr.* Walter K Barr and her brother in-law have returned from a m<>torlr.~ trip to New V'irk and New Jersey, where they spent sorne time visiting relatives. Miss Virginia Higgins. of Washing ton. if with relatives and friends h'-re. NATURAL BRIDGE 'Spec'.*) to The Times-Dispatch ] NATI'RAL RRIDGE. VA? July 17.? Klrr*4 ih" depattur? of the drueulsts of Uft wtek, life bar taken on l:.? t^Funl Brldire tones "TIit" s no elork in the forest." and these mid trtimmer flays aro passing most de lightfully. Th<- Iosb strenuous Fit in th<- swlnp chairs on the lawn whil* tljc-v embroider. exchanRc stitches an>l i]nv?, or aro deep in t>io page? of the lotc-t book." of tlif hotel library. Of ?4.11 ?h* amusements at ih* Brldce. none Is in of popular than the daily .and twice-daily dip Into the fwnnminc pool. whlfh 1 = fed by a rlear mountain stream nenr-by. Every afternoon at 4 o'clock the bnthers and their admir ers fi-k th?> picturesque Fpnt shaded by overhnnginn willows, and a rlcht t:me they have for an hour or |#ri P.irnet L??a. of Danville Yn , spent th< week-'-nd here with Mrs I.ea Mr."-' James Morrison and her little daughter have returned this year, and r<- warmly welcomed by their old f r lends. W P. McClanahan. of Roanoke, Join ed M:p MoClanahan here on Tuesday. Mrs. McClanahnn has been spending several weeks at the Bridce. Pr and Mrs. S J. Crowe and son. of Baltimore, came hero while on a mo tor trip through Virginia l?r. Crowe 15 connected with ?he Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mr. and Mrs W. M. Jones and Gar land and Wesley Jones, of Norfolk, and Mrs. W. A. Mehegan. of Richmond, have taken apartments in the Jeffer son Cottage. Pr ar.d Mrs. A. B. Norton and Dr and Mrs. John E. Wilson, of New York, came here while on a motor trip to the Hot Springs. Colonel and Mrs. Thomas A. Jones, of Lexington, came here while on their honeymoon trip to Asheville, N. C. A 'little later they will occupy their new home at the V. M. I. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Randolph, of New York, came here en route to the Hot Springs In tholr motor car. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Horton, of Roa noke. and Mrs. John F. Mitchell, of i: ? nficld. 1 nd.. spent a few days here vi touring Ylrglnla. c M. Ouggenhcitner. Jr.. and N. S. < nhelmer visited tho Bridge af t -?<? a motor trip north. V . and Mrs. J. P. Owen, of Lynch lit--_. came here in their motor car v.b? n on their way to Atlantic City. ? Mi an^l Mrs. A. P. Crnddock and family, of Lynchburg, spent a few days here last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. Scatchard and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Stewart and Miss Stew art, of Roanoke, wei*e a motor party that came here for the week-end. La ter they were Joined by L. W. Scatcli rd. of Roanoke. I Misses Eva C. Arendall and Alllft Lee Arendall, of Nathalie, Va., arc new members of the summer colony. Irving and William Lynn, of Lynch i.-j-c. are spending some time at the. I": idge. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Peyerle and . hildrcn. of Plainfleld, W. Va.. came lierc while on a motor trip. Eellx E. Porter, of Richmond, and William A. Elliott, of Chattanooga, T?'-nii., spent the week-end here. Mrs. W. B. Finney, of Stuarts Draft, Vr>? and Miss Ella Myers, of Eagle pock. Ya., Joined Mr. Hicks here dur ng the druggists' convention last ?? eek. Dr. C. C. Coleman and ???-. M. Call, Richmond, came here while on a ? otoj- trip. Mrs. E. T. Shepherd. Miss Sallle Gray iepherd. M. W. Perkins and Hubert IPu-land. of Palmyra. Ya.. came here ?. h11 e on a motor tour. Mrs. R. S. Blackburn and Miss Iola -,I Blackburn, of Beacon, N. Y., visited lite Bridge while making a tour of Virginia Mrs. Flora T. Watklns. Miss Mildred U'atkins, of Winston-Salem, N. C.. ind "r. and Mrs. T. W. Brown, of RalsJgh, v <?, came here while on a moior crip ?>rth. Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Smith and family, ,,f Crafton, W. Va., arc here while on a motor trip. Mrs. W. B. Swaney and Mrs. M. G. Hope, of Chattanooga, came here \\hilo on their way to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Murphy, of Ashe ville, N. C., visited the Bridge while | on a honeymoon trip north. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Snlffen, of Hamp- I Speaking in America in Serbia's Interest Mm*, (iroultch, wlfr of the perma nent I ndiT-Xoorrtnry of I-'orrl^i) Af fiilrn of Srrliln, who lia* liom uprnk IriK 1? the ICnntrrii rlllrN of (lie I'nlted SfnlrN In lii'lutlf of the Serlilnn Acrl cultiiritl llellef Committer of America, Li noir on n tour of .>ll(ldle Western ??Itles. An tlie nlfr of one of Serhlu*? foremost dlplomiitM, Mine. (iroultch linn hud roiiMldernlile experience In ull ] of the Klirnpenn cnpltnln. She hnn nerved In llc-d < ronn nork In the pres enl nnd the t*To previous conflict* In ?hlch Serliln hun rnijaKi'd, nnd rvenrn n KOlrt (?ronn. given her It) her Knvern | nient lied ( ronn. .Mme. (?roulteh vrn* formrrlj >ll<m Mnhel Itunlnp. of flnrkn lui rit. \V. Vn. ton. Va.. are her* while making a tour of the mountains. Mrs. Frank Hall, of Lynchburg, and ; Frank Hall, of Roanoke; S. T. I^cwls and Don Gault, of Chattanooga. Tenn ; ! John 1'. Farley, ot Philadelphia, ami ! N*. H. Thomas, of Richmond, are among j the new arrivals. FARMVILLE [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] ! FARMVlUiE, VA.. July XT.?Mr. and Mrs. J A. Garland spent Tuesday In Richmond. Thomas f'ohb. of Ivor, has been a guest here recently. Mr and Mrs f: H. Paulett are on a ! visit to their daughter, Mrs. Geoffrey iCreyke, of Washington, D. IMiss I.urllne Moring is the guest of Miss Klizalxth North, in Lynchburg. Miss Lillian Hristow, of Richmond, i is the guest of her brother, R. C. j Hristow. j Miss Aubrey Smith is at home after [spending the past two months in Lynchburg. ? Miss ?-iartrf> Hargett. of Richmond, ! has heon ;t recent visitor to Miss Maria | Rrist ow. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edmunds, of Winston-Salem, N. C? are visiting home . people h'-re. I Miss Kucenia Walker is spending the 'summer with h*r grandmother, Mrs. jC M. Walker. H I ?. Flood was in town Shis we*k. I Mr. and Mrs. N. G Haddock, of Rich mond, are on a visit to Mrs. T. N. I.ayne. Judpe W. M. Smith, of Cumberland, was here on Wednesday. Miss Little Jennings and Mrs. Stane, of Amherst, have returned after a de lightful stay with Mrs. Arthur Noel Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Richardson, Jr., of Rltterteld, V.". Va, are visiting his parents. Mr? T M. MrCorkl'1. of I.ynchhurp, is the guest of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Walker i Si oti. Misses Hattie and Bessie Paulett l^ft ! this week to spend two months with ! friend* on I.onp Island Sound. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Harden, of Nor- j folk, are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. | John Shannon. Dr. Ulbhett, of Blue Ridge, is visit !ntr friends here. Miss Elizabeth Horsley, of Richmond, | is spending some time with Miss Lucy Irvlnp. Frank Womack, of Suffolk, is on a visit to friends here. Miss Clara Wesler left this week for her home In Philadelphia. Miss l'rlncess Watkins has returned after a delightful stay with friends In Danville. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Booker and chil dren are visiting in Newport News. Mrs. Quarles, of Richmond, Is with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rich ardson. Rev. Mr. Dlehl and family are viBlt lnp in Roanoke. Mrs. E. C. Jones and daughter. Miss Charley, are on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. (A. H. Hoire, of Bluefleld, W. Va. Mrs. liupene Gill, of Huntsvllle, Ala., j reached here this week for a stay with .her home people. j Mrs. Hundley Is on a visit to friends ?in Buckingham. j Mrs. J. Davis Morton and daughter, , Jacquelln, will leave shortly for Port land. Me., to be the guests of friends. ! Miss Leila Jackson entertained on [Saturday In honor of Miss Hans, of New York. Miss Juliet Hundley is spending some i time with friends In Amherst. Miss Frankle McKlnney was hostess lat an elaborate auction party on Tues I day In honor of her guest. Miss Oalnea. j Cashier Vniden, of the First National iBank. Is back from a stay In Chicago. i Judge George M. Hundley is at Craig Healing Springs. Mrs. George Richardson and daugh ter, Miss Anne, received their friends ! on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of | Mrs. George Richardson, Jr. j Mrs. J. J. Powell will leave next week j for Bedford, where she will net as 'chaperon for a camping party near the Peaks of Otter. j Editor Hart, of the Farmvllle Her A Perfect Complexion Gives that dell* cately clear and k refined complcx 6& ion which every woman desires. Keeps away skin troubles. Gouraud's I Oriental Cream We will ?end a complexion chamois and hook of Powder leaves tor ISc. to cover coat of mailing * wrapplnR. ' At Druggists and Department Slons ^^ FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON ? 17 Groat Jones St. NewYork City. I aid. attended the meeting of the Vir ginia Press Association In Newport News during the week. RALEIGH [Special to The Tlm^ s-Dispatch.] RALEIGH. N. C.. July 17.?Mrs. Marcus Crocker was the honor guest for a delightful informal reception on Wednesday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Murray at their home on Fayettcvllle Street. Mrs. Crocker Is here from Columbus. O., spending a while with her parents. Colonel and Mrs. J. C. L. Harris. Miss Eleanor Vass has gone to Wrlghtsville Beach to he with her sis ter. Mrs. S. Brown Shepherd, who has a cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Morris have returned from their bridal trip on which they spent considerable time In the mountains of West Virginia. They will make their home In Clayton. Mrs. Morris was Miss Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Winder are at home here after an extended wed ding trip. Mrs Winder was Miss M?: Arthur, of Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. London were the hosts on Monday night for a most en I Joyablc progressive hearts party in , honor of their guests. Misses Eunice 1 Elliot, of Linden, and Norris Alexan ' der, of Kayettevllle. and Louis Nooe, I of Pittsboro, and Henry Elliot, of Lin den. Dr. Norwood G. Carroll and wife. Dr. ; Delia Dixon-Carroll, have gone for a two months' trip to the Pacific Coast {with the Panama-Pacific Exposition as ? their special objective. Mrs. Fred N. Habel and Misses Mar 1 garet and Mary Habel have gone to the ' Panama-Pacific Exposition. i Mrs. W. T. Lee, of Waynesville. was j here for several days this week with j her husband. W. T. L?e, of the Cor j poration Commission. Mrs. A. J. Barwlck was hostess at | her home In Glenwood on l'riday morn i Ing for a company of friend*. I There was much Interest here in the announcement by Mr. and Mrs. P. W. I Cobb, of Rowland, N. C., of the niar I rlage of th<-ir daughter. Miss Nannie I Jan*, and Archie K Robinson, of this city, on Wednesday, June 30, at Row * land. j Mrs. Jane McKinnon has gone to | Boston for the purpose of delivering i a series of lectures at Simmons Col j lege on rural economics and to give demonstrations in commercial canning and preserving. Dr. Charles Lee Smith. Mrs. Smith and their children have gone to More head to spend ten days. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Peterson, ofGolds boro. spent several days here thli week j with their daughter, Mrs. Hiiht C. Moore, who is recovering from a'recent operation. ' Mr. and Mrs M. Rosenthal have gone to Ocean View. Va? for several weeks. Mrs. Fred Brower, of Winston-Salem, was here several days this week, th? guest of Mrs. Telfair Horton. She w??nt from Raleigh to Louisburg for a visit. MOUNT ELLIOTT SPRINGS (Special to The Times-Dispatch.] MOUNT ELLIOTT. VA? July 17.? During the past week the summer colony at Mount Elliott has received heavy re-enforcements, and the season in moving with accumulative momen tum toward Its height, the month of August. Several bowling parties in the morn ing. swimming parties in the after noons. and cards and dancing in the evenings, with some tennis and bil liards thrown in. together with a se ries of "tramps" participated in by nearly the entire crowd, have proved the principal amusements during these last few days. The number of tourists and automo bile parties is on the increase, and dropping in on the Springs for the evenings, they constitute a decided ad dition to the gaveties. Several tour ing parties, stopping by for the night, have found Mount Elliott too delight ful to leave and remained for a week or two. On Wednesday evening1 a program of clever impersonations and old dar key selections, together with a num ber of splendid recitations, were pre sented in the ballroom, and thoroughly enjoyed by the guests. Miss Louise Howell, of Charleston, W. Va., capti vated the audience with a number of charming selections from "Carmen" I and "Aida," and vigorous encores i testified to the appreciation of her ) magnificent mezzo-soprano, and her I soulful interpretation. .After the close \ of the program. the ballroom was j turned over to the young people for dancing. Among the latest arrivals are: Miss Isabel Sublett and Miss Mary Ella Webb, of Staunton: W, II. Horton and Mrs. Horton. and John F. Mitchell, of i Roanoke, Va.: Mrs. Rachel Levy and Miss Swann, of Richmond; Dr. T. M. Tarkins. Mrs. Parkins and Miss Vir ginia Tarkins, of Staunton: John \V. Alby, of New York City; Miss Louise Jarman. Howell Jarman and Mr. and Mrs. Roe R. Uedemann, of Jackson ville, Kla.; M. L. Stern, Richmond; Mrs. H. D." Jarman, of Charlottesville: J. \V. Marshall, of Baltimore; P. It. Porter and S. A. Porter, of Atlanta. Ga.; E R Covee and Kdgar Todd, of Augusta Springs, Va: S. B. Sublett, of Staunton, Va.: R- I'- Stratton and wife and Richard Stratton and Miss Eleanor Stratton. of Staunlon, Va.; i C. C. Knight, Mrs. Knight and son, of Brazil, S. A.; D. C. Gallagher, of I Charleston, W. Va.; II. C Roeblen and ' wife, of Richmond; Dr and Mrs. Thornton Hankins, of Craigsville, Va.; Ernest Howell, Mrs. Howell, Miss Louise Howell and Miss Frances How ell, of Charleston, W. Va.; Mrs. J. W. Ruxton. Miss Helen Weaver and Bux ton Weaver, of Rich Square. X. C.; Mrs. S. D. Craig, Richmond; Mrs. Eu gene R. Walker and son, of Fort Monroe; Mrs. Glenn Brown, of Rich mond, and Miss Margaret Wise, of Culpeper, Va LYNCHBURG [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] LYNCHBURG. VA? July 17.?Mr. ami Mrs. C. H. Lumsden have pone to At lantic City. Rawllngs Hamner has gone to Mountain Lake to spend his vacation. Mrs. C. L. Mason and children are spending the month of July at Ashe vllle. Miss Carrie Johnson, of Clinton, N. C., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. | P. A. Krlso, In Rlvermont. Allen Prlngle, of Philadelphia, spent a portion of the week here with his 1 brother, Ensign John Prlngle, of the Salvation Army. Miss Violet Feagans is visiting rela tives in Richmond. W. W. Walsh has returned from Elk Park, N. C., where he went to spend a brief time with Mrs. Walsh and baby, I who are spending the. summer at Mrs. Walsh's former home there. II. Colston Blackford, who under went an operation for appendicitis at University 'Hospital, Charlottesville, ! has recovered sufficiently to return to i his home in Lynchburg. Miss Marce Jones Is visiting Mrs. : Charles Waddell In Norfolk. ; Mrs. It. C. Moody, of New York, Is j the guest of Mrs. R. O. Thomas In ; Rlvermont. Miss Corinne Schwartz is vlBiting j relatives in Danville. Miss Nenri Lochridge Is visiting ! friends In Charlotte. N. C. She will go to Laurens. S. C., for a visit be fore returning home. N Mrs. C. R. Pleasants is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. W. E. Richmond, at Rural Retreat. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hawse and chil dren have returned from a visit in Nelson County. Dr. F. M. Perrow, wife and Miss Annie Johnson have ?rone to Ocean City, j Misses Minnie C. Perrow and Mary I G. Moon have returned home from a visit In Charlottesville. Mrs. Julia Lewis Trent, of Wash ington, spent a portion of the week j as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Acree In Rlvermont. I Mrs. C. G. Lambert ar.d daughter, i Miss Bessie Lambert, of Atlanta, Ga., are the guests of Mrs. Lambert's I daughter. Mrs. H. M. Davis, on Fed j eral Street. Major T. F. Schley and wife, of Texas, who have been visiting friends here, accompanied by Mrs. Catherine P. Langhorne. have gone to Warm Springs for a visit with Major Schley's mother, Mrs. W. S. Schley. E. N. Tucker left on Wednesday for \ Virginia Beach. Miss Julia Hurley is at Atlantic I City. j Mrs. M. O. Darlev is visiting her j daughter, Mrs. M. L. Gates, at Hut . Springs. i Miss Nora Fields ar.d Miss Ruby ; White have returned to the city after j a visit at Evlngton. Mrs. J. T. Rector and daughter. Miss Elizabeth, of Slater, Mo., are visiting Mrs. C. E. Callahan on Harrison Street. Julian T. Baber left on Wednesday morning to join a party at Pearisburg from Bluefleld and Graham for a ten days' camp at Mountain Lake. Mrs. LeRoy L. Schaffer and chll ' rlren have returned home after spend j ing a week with relatives in Campbell i County. ; Mrs. J. B. Adams left on Wednesday | for Atlanta. Miss Mary "Watts has gone to Moun . tain Lake. Misses Nannie and Frances Kabler ! are visiting relatives at Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Kirkpatrlck have returned from a visit at Emory. ; Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gilliam. Miss Elsie W. Gilliam and S. J. Gilliam left on Thursday for Atlantic Cltv. Miss Florence Foster, physical di rector of the Y W. C. A., has gone ' to Penacook, N. H.. to spend her vaca ' tion at her home. OLD SWEET SPRINGS [Special to TJi* Times-Dispatch.1 j SWEET SPRINGS. \V. VA.. July 17? Without overcrowding, the social cal endar is well filled. The most delightful event of the week was the tally-ho party from "Old I Sweet" to Beaver Dam Falls, at which ! John D. Lewis was host. Mr. Lewis j was assisted In receiving; his guests 'by his sister, Mrs H. S. Johnson. The I drive was through the most beautiful ; part of this favored section, and the I crack whip. Huy Sayre. handled the ribbons with skill. A camp tire was built and a delicious supper served, the crowning feature being the coffee made j by C. C. Lewis, Sr., who, with his I hunter's experience, makes a cup so | perfect it leaves nothing to be de i sired. The younger set regaled their t elders with old plantation soncs, and the trip back under the starlit sky was a happy endlnpr to a glorious outing, j The puests included: Mrs. K. Noyes, I Mrs. IV. D. Wyville. Mrs. F. C. Pieg, i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne. Mrs. Walley i Davis, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ilolderness, I E. M. Payne, Mrs H. Clifford Smith, I Miss Maurie Walmsley. Mrs. C. \V. Rob | ertson. Mrs. J. A. Norris. Miss Cath j arine Darsle. Miss I.ucile Paxton, Miss Jennie Day Proudfit. Miss Ruth Payne, : Miss Elizabeth Knisely. H. S. Johnson, | Miss Laura Landers. William McCI. Pax | ton. Mrs. R. S. Matheson, Mrs. Hudson [ Kelly, Miss Adelaide Mayo. R. R. Snapp, [Miss Caroline Cntlin, Miss Mary Car penter and J. B. Sullivan. W. E. Chilton. Jr., son of Senator [ Chilton, who is making a motor trip through the mountains with E. D. Knight and A. C Matthews, stopped : at Hotel Grand. Mrs. W. D. Wyville was hostess at a five hundred party. Mrs. C. W. flobertson, of Washineton. entertaining at bridgo, in honor of Mrs. Clifford Smith. Miss Walmsley was winner of first prize. Mrs. W. A Ponner and Mrs. L. S. ? Dillenhack. of New York, have joined SPECIALTY SHOPC^ This is the Age of Specialization " Do One Thing Well" is the Secret of Success Business Men's Lunch, 40c. STUMPF'S Elghtb and Mala Maalo EtcoIbi*. Stumpfs Own Make Deviled Crabs. Hl.oo per dozen. Tour Advertisement in this space will be read by Richmond's best buyers. One Week Sale Only. Best Country Meal, peck..., 2Rc Best Larrl. pound 10c All 10c goods So 11 5c goods 4c Country Breakfast Bacon, lb 18o "Quality Food for Quality Folka." BEST GROCERY CO., 701 North Fourth St. Vtnnd. 4100 Priceii Itrduced on lilgli-Grnde Lawn Mowers I.arse Variety. All Slses. Clarke?Hardware 1215 Kant Main Street. Cash register receipts good for votes In M. & M. $2,000 contest. De neautlfnl! Why I.ook Oldf WHAT WE no All Disorders affecting the Skin, Scalp and Nervous System success fully treated. Consultation, in per son or by letter, free and strictly confidential. Phone Mad. 2012 for annointments. MRS. M. G. SHANNON HOUSE, formerly with Miller & Ithoads aud Cohen Co. The acme of perfection Queen Quality Butter, 35c lb. Delivered In perfect condition to a??* part of tho city. Jersey Butter Co. 1722 E. Main. Phone Mad. 4.120. I Mrs. R. S. Mutheacn. of Chicago, at Central Hotel. l>r. J. W. Klncald, president of the Kentucky Medical Association, and Mrs. Klncald. with Mrs. I.. Carnahan and I Mrs. S. Klnner have also taken rooms in Central Hotel Mr. an'l Mrs. L. ft. McLain have been added to the Washington colony. Mrs. P. II. Proudflt, of Memphis, fori many years a patron of Old Sweet | | Springs. has arrived to be with h'-r i daughter and small gran'.son. j Mrs. K. It. Cunningham, with her | granddaughter. Miss Lyman, have ar rived from itlchmond. ROCKBRIDGE BATHS [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] ROCKBRIDGE BATHS, VA? July 17. ? Rockbridge Baths Hotel is rapidly ! filling up with quests for the sum mer. Tho cool, invigorating air makes; mountain climbing a popular pastime) j for tho younger set. Several parties! ; have climbed Jump Mountain. The1 j swimming pool proves an attraction for j ; both old and young. . Mrs. Sterrett and daughters. Misses' j Annissa. Marika, and Phoebe. of N'cw , i York City, arc spending the summer; here. Mrs. B. \V. Herndon, of Baltl ; more, experts to remain for the en- I j tire season and has as her guests h?*r j nieces. Mrs. I'arkham. of Petersburg, j | and Miss .lennle Lloyd, of Lynchburg.! Motor parties are arriving daily, j | Mrs. C. R. Caldwell. Miss Jane McC. j Allen, Miss Elizabeth Caldwell. Miss I ; Anno Wilson and Dr. R. R. Sprlnkel j motored over from Staunton to spend I a few days recently. j Amone the guests registered at the hotel are the following: Mrs. J. R. S. Sterrett. Miss Sterrett. Miss Mareka Sterrett. Miss Phoebe Sterrett. New York City; Miss R. M. Crawford, Norfolk, Ya.; Mr. and Mrs. j IS. W. Herndon, Roland Park, Md ; Miss ' Margaret Lloyd. Lynchburg. Va.; Mr. i and Mrs. T. S. Bailey and family. New j London. Conn.; Dandridge Murrcll. i Lynchburg, Va.: Jessie D. Smith. Lloyd M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Smith,' Landlsburcr. \V. Ya.: E W. Curdts anil wife, Norfolk, Vn.: Leigh \Y. Reid, Alexandria, Ya.; Miss Mary McPheters, Henderson ville, N. C.: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ware, Dr. and Mrs. Eraser. Miss Joan Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Oliver and family, Mrs. Jessie Armstrong, E. T. Flfer. T. P. McEarland. Mrs. C. R. ? Caldwell. Miss Jane C. Allen, Miss Ann | Wilson, Miss Elizabeth Caldwell, Dr. t R. W. Sprinkle. Mrs. E. \Y Bissell, J. ! C. McNeill. J. D. Crowle* Mr. and Mrs. j S. G. Henkel and L. D. Myorley, S^aun i ton, Ya.; Mrs. Edmund Christian and! j family, Norfolk Va.: Miss Elizabeth Patterson. Augusta Springs. Va.; R. M. McLaine. wife and son. Romney, W. Va.; Blair N. Haines, Romnfty \Y. Va.; R. M. Strother, W. H. Lloyd. G. W. Hamner, S. A. Lloyd, J. E. Lloyd, Miss Jennio Lloyd, Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs. I. V. Parkham. Petersburg. Va.; E. W. Armstead, Mrs. M. V. Armstead. Rich mond; Paul M. Penlck and wife. Miss ' Agnes Penlck, Frances N. Penick, Allen i Penick, Reed Steel. Miss Mary Barclay, Miss Nell Brokenboro, Lexington, Va.; Miss Martha Webb Purcell. Richmond; D. Allen, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Henkel. Brownsburjj, Va. SUFFOLK (Special to The Times-Dispatch ] SUFFOLK. VA.. July 17.?William N. McAnge, Jr., is the guest of his parents on Main Street. Mrs. J. L. Bell and family, and Mrs. Ed Harrell have, returned from Wil loughby Beach, Va. Mrs. Henry Jordan is the guest of ! Mrs. George Grumpier on Linden Ave j nue. i Misses Ella Mary and Amy H. Smith have returned from a stay at Ocean i View. i Miss Dorothy Vann is the guest of ' Miss Ada Brlggs on Grace Street. Mrs. Otis Obcrry, of Whaleyville. was 1 the g nost to-day of Mrs. Crawley i Nelms. President Harper, of Elon College, and Dr. Whlttj\ker, a prominent divine of the Christian denomination, both on their way to the Christian Chautauqua at Virginia Reach, will he In Suffolk next week and will make addresses at the Christian Church. Mrs. (J. Wilbur Shipley ami Miss Laura Benson Shipley, of Albemarle, N. C., who have been guests in the home of Dr. J. M. Gibson, will leave on Tuesday for Baltimore. Jack Xurney left to-day for Rich mond. to be with his sister, Mrs. T. A. Smyth, for a few days. The Ladies' Home and Foreign Mis sion Society of the Christian Church met In the Philathea classroom on Mon day night. The lawn party given on Tuesday night in the Hall Place Park for the benefit of the baseball club, was large ly attended and most successful. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Rochelle Harrell entertained Informally at their home on Chestnut Street In honor of their guesjts. Misses Ethel Hicks BufTaloe and Lucy Virginia Camp, of Raleigh. Mrs. M. A. Matlce Is the guest of rela tives in Hlnton, W. Va. Mrs. William Disharoon and chil dren, of Norfolk, are guests of Mrs. O. K. Pinner, on Main Street Miss Louise Godwin, of Chuckatuck. was in Suffolk on Wednesday. Seth Campbell. Wood Campbell and Laurence Brlggs are with a camping party at Nix Wharf. Marmaduke Woodward is visiting In Portsmouth. Judge and Mrs. James L. McLemore and family, and Mr. and Mrs. L. li. Birdsong and family leave to-morrow for Wllloughhy Beach BUENA VISTA [Special to The Times-Dispatch.] BUENA VISTA, VA., July 17.?A very enjoyable social event took place on Saturday night, when Mrs. W. T. Pax ton entertained the Auction Bridge Club. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trumbower. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilkyson, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Embree, Mrs. Willie Dickinson, Misses Mary and Carrie Rlcheson and Mr. G. D. Black. This community, especially the fe male portion, has been considerably excited of late by reason of rumors of a belligerent animal stalking abroad at night and attacking dogs and cows. It is anything from a wildcat to a panther, and it is in fear and trembling that dark corners are avoided and shadowy places hurried by. Mrs. G. T. Divers gave a reception on Tuesday from 5 to 6 o'clock In honor of her sister. Miss Lillian Martin, of Martinsville, and Richard Fox. of Rich mond. who are her guests. The punch bowl was in charge of Miss Lelia Mil ler. Howard Robertson, of Salem, who has been assisting his brother, A. W, Robertson, for some time, has returned to his home. Miss Catharine Miller will resume her duties as stenographer with Mr. Robertson as soon as Miss Ethel Foutz, who has Just been operated upon for appendicitis at Bluefleld, is able to take up her work at the stationery plant. The Buena Vista Board of Trade has Issued an attractive booklet, wherein are set forth a concise and modest manner some of the advantages pos sessed by the city. W. T. Vest and wife are the first to return of the local visitors to the ex position at San Francisco. Mr. Vest Is strong in his praises of the wonderful buildings and other attractions at the exposition. C. S. Lake, son of Mayor Lake, and general manager of the Seaboard Air Line, came last week to visit his par ents. His stay was short. Misses Carrie and Margaret Rubush are visiting their cousin In Gibson. N. C. j Miss Edna Dyer's mother, of Wash j ington. I?. C.. is with her at Rev. a. C. 1 Hopkins's. ' Mr Samuel Hammer, president of th? I Columbia Paper Mill Company, whose | offices are in Philadelphia, Is in the (city on official business. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Stuart are spenrt ; Ing te,? days in Atlantic City. BLUE RIDGE SPRINGS ) [Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch. 1 l BM.'K RIDGE SPRINGS, VA.. July | 17.?Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brothers, who j are one-time Virginians. are guests cf ! the week. representing the old Tarheel ! State, from Fayettevllle. j Lynchbtirg is still contributing- of her I best to the summer home here, wltii latest arrivals of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hancock, habitues of this resort in ! former seasons. Mrs. Hancock with j I>r. Glldersleve for a partner, makes a I champion team at auction bridge. Mrs. John S. Daniel and daughter, l Miss Miriam Daniel, are patrons of j former seasons, who are meeting- old | friends and making many now ones. | Norfolk sends to the summer colony j Mr. and Mrs. Cole and two bright little j boys. E. H. Jones, of Richmond, was a, | week-end visitor, who came here to I meet his sister. Miss Jones, and niece, j Mrs Nlcolson. | Phil F. Brown, Jr., from Richmond, j ami C. J. Brown, of Norfolk, nephews of I the host of Blue Ridge Springs, are interesting guests who are spending a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Angell. of Roa noke, with a touring car filled with six younger "Angels," were neighborly visitors for a day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Krass. of Poca hontas, Va? were arrivals of the week. Chatham sent to the colony Mrs. Ed win S. Reld, the wife of one of that city's hankers, and Miss Frances Thorn well Reld and Master Sidney S. Reld, Jr. Mrs. James D. Mason and son. James D. Mason, and niece, Miss Anabel Hays, are prominent recruits to the Blue Ridge family from Petersburg. Mrs. Mason was Miss Willie Lee, the daugh ! ter of an eminent physician of Peters burg. and as a patron of other seasons, finds many friends here to give her welcome. Late arrivals from Suffolk, Va., of interest are Mrs. Crumpler and her j daughter, Mrs. Fannie Crumpler Par rlsh. The Blue Ridge Dramatic Club, com | posed of young women, repeated on ; Friday evening the beautiful perform ! ance given more than a week ago by special request of many new colonists, who had heard of their fame in such entertainment. KING GEORGE KING GEORGE, VA.. July 17?Wil liam T. Smith and his bride, whoso marriage took place at Warsaw on June 29. have returned from their I bridal trip, and are at home at their handsome new residence on the Rap pahannock. They were given a hearty welcome home, many friends gathering to give them a tin shower. Miss Lucy Yates Brockenborough. ot Washington, is spending July with Mrs. W. W. Mountjoy, at her summer home here. Henry T. Garnett. Jr.. is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Garnett. at Spy Mill. Miss Gladys Brown, of Washington, is spending the summer with her crrandfather. F.. D. Brown, at. Sunny Side. Rev. It. V. Owen will begin his series of meetings next Sunday at Fletchers Chapel. Mrs. H. A. Mason will entertain a ; nnml er of friends this evening in I honor of the br'des of the neighbor i hood. 150 ?jmd&y aft Afemuft Wholesale Firncss Fresh from New York Saturday 12.50 at Taffeta and Crepe do Chine Dresses that are worth regularly $10.50 and $17.50; all are now styles never shown iti our store l>efore. Only a few of each style. Plenty of the very de sirable Navy Taffetas in this lot. Many with (ieorgette crepe sleeves. Many are only one of a kind. Regularly worth $20 and $22.50. ait $17.50 Kxcellenl $25 Silk Dresses, quaint and pic turesque are these he ruffled dresses of flow ered taffeta and crepe de chine. Plain colors; de signed to wear during the hot. weather.