Newspaper Page Text
[vs 6gsh i th inked at first off that OUAS A chalk mark daj the ffnc?E. 66e ]? IT WAS, vans old man ujodld raise <?ain i/ " i 7 / v? v 6uess I'LL GO doim) ANDTOKE A S40INT how the n0tt> home y GRODMOS IS 6ett/n' al0n6 -l) some class To these H<v grounds, 0el1evje ME.key TO THE- DOOR amo eyfrrytmw ujell KNOWN sayings iliusTraTed fou^d amd eleuew , ounces! WHAT is THE FIRST th/a/s* A asan usually plants im- his garden ? hks FEET J ASK antf^ody ! ^ L'yj&W ! FROM STANLEY lu<m8 LOCAu BoSf ujhy should bartenders MAKE ($ood MUSICIANS 1 ' toe FIRST fa^ ) [ see CUTT/n' , mis i\)tTlAU5 im ("THAT" grand ma no iv!ill 16f T F it'S. 7hats <&m\ BE ; TOO nice TA c . fool ujltr/ ! _-v BY THIRD strike vjhem the bun<?H (sets 0a<?k from that cruise on man's father's oasT iqff yacht we <pan e?spectto see some iclassy pall GAMES all rl6wr all right |ju5t LOCK afthe alewt grpuajps 1 ' Or" aviolher uiewt OF THE tfeut HOME <5R.00.VDS bein^ fitted op fty VAN'S father-. boys rpjrlstercd umtcd St:it?n patent Office ttie feds Have Nothing on These New Grounds FURNITURE C entral Furniture Co. 207 W. Broad St. Will move to Nos. 7 and West Broad Street. September 1. 25% to 50% Reductions On Everything Refrigerators All Sizes $4.45 Up. $29.00 Refrigerator. 821.7.1. Kasv Terms. Dressers $37.50 Dressers .SiI7.!l."> $31.25 Dressers $27.50 Dressers S2(?.7.~> $ iii.50 Droasera $10.75 I'sed Dressers from up. "Century" Gas Range Special Our N>< S2 *22.r>o Range. with elevated oven, during this sale only six.oil. This range is equal to other:- s1 llin? as high as 827.50. Mother Hubbard Kitchen Cabinets Make you glad you can conk. They have every convenience. They will stand the a.-id test. New one? just received will he offered during this sale at a discount of :T. per rent. Big Lot of Used Furniture Which we must Hose out hefoie we move at less than half viginal price. Central Furniture Co. ?7 West Broad Street. GROCERIES Large Spring Chickens, lb. fclOC Country Eggs. doz 22c Large New Potatoes, pk..20c 3 qts. Hanover Tomatoes. 25c Table Talk Flour, sack..-14c Nice Rait. Pork, lb 10c Good Grainy Lard, lb 10c Great Pig Cabbage, each. .5c Best Tub Butter, lb 30c Water Ground Meal, pk. .27c 2 cans Cali. Peaches. .. .25c 4 lbs. Sugar 20c With I/, lb. of Goort Tea. .20c Vegetables. Fruits and Fresh Meats in Abundance and Lowest Cash Pirces. The August Grocery Company, Inc. j(;ll and ?13 East Marshall, j Phone Madison 1232, 4506. PATENTS PATENTS THAT PROTECT A NO PAT Books and Advice Free ?en<l sketch or model for search. Highest HeferenreB. Best Itcmiltn. Promptness Assured. WATSON E. COLEMAN, Patent Lawyer 624 IT. Street, >1. IV.. WHililuglOn, II. C. I'lUNTIXf? AM) ADDRESSING. I ... ? ? D ? .? HAVKIVS A fl A MCI .N S rrinting u niu si. Mnd. .v.mi HOOK find JOII I'HINTI.Nfi buitn?f? card*, tl.'fl; 500 bill heads, II ?3. l.W) (or 51."W envelopes. $1.2D. 1.000 for 11.75. W. II. SCOTT. SCOTT'S OUi Market Drug Store Is the store of Ri',hmf?n<l. 'When you get ar.ythinii from Scott's it.- rit;ht. J The best Turkish Olive the gal lon: Scott'? Corn Plaster will make a cripple dance for Joy, 1 S'.ott's \Von-: | derf j1 Blood Mixture < ni idles the bloodj nn'l makes it as pure as an $1 the b..ttb ; Scott s Digestive Elixir is a 'panacea fo: nervous Indigestion. "<0c; ! -s.-ott'? Livt-r Pills. b<st or. earth. 10c; I S< ott's I'll-: Salve Is a wonder, 23c; Scott's Rheumatic Mixture positively I tur'-a, Cunningham's Royal P.em cdv and injection f'?r men 'loos the i work, 50c e.'-ii; * 'unninghanVs Elixir of ' Life restores lost inanhoo'.1, ~"c; chew-! ; InK tobairo. :,C arirl Hi*. plug; smok lint; tobaci o, 20c the pound; SI Maic 1 num Brand Tea, the half-pound., Trusses tit ted by an expert; no charge for tilting. Mall-orders a specialty. Bit; stock, right prices and polite at tention. We bek_your _p_atronape. 1'ANAMA. and straw hats cleaned, I blocked and. rctrimmed in latest ? styles; special attention to out-of-town i trade. Write for prices. Schloss, Hat ; tor. i22 East Broad Street. ' ALL""kinds ot ladles' and Bents' hats cleaned and blocked; satisfaction guaranteed: mail orders given prompt attention. Verra Hat Works. 211 North First, Richmond. Va. \v!7 are splendidly equipped to supply your wants for s* .is<mable poods? ga'rden. lawn and field tools, rubber Jiose. screen doors and windows, i">m plote line of paints, varnishes, enamels, etc., fishing tackle and baseball poods. ! flood poods at right prices. Evans I Hardware Company, opposite Elba Sta tion. Phono Madison 30S6. "oP'frncii featjiers. OSTRICIT feathers?Take your old feathers to Thurston's; they will make them new again. Thurston's, No.' ; 'jiT North First Street. HOSE. TUK kind that lasts. 10c foot up at Vaughan's. Madison 101. 16 East inroau Street. YOUR FLOORS WILL look good if you use Peerless i Cleaner and Polisher 2;>c bottle at. Yaughan's. Madison 1 04 25c. BUYS a big bottle Peerless Cleaner and Polisher, sold all over city. . Vaughan's. Madison 104. 11 ATS cleaned and pressed Ladies' hats. 50c; Panamas. 4?c; straws, 2:>c; i soft hats. 10c. John Rupas,. 714 Fast; Broad. Madison 0405. Next to Co-' J lonlal. | DIAMOND, TIFFANY, 1 1-8 KARAT. WILL SELL CHEAP TO QUICK BUYER \ 305. CARE TIMES-DIS PATCH. j BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND SAPPHIRE; RING. COST ?12">. WILL SACRl-| FICE FOR fSO. .1 326, CARS TIMES-| DISPATCH. j DEATHS COTTLE.?Passed away suddenly at his ! home in Washington, D. <'.. Tuesday night. MR. ALBERT COTTLE, lie was I for many years connected with the Government Printing Oflice and latterly in charge of the State department branch. He was a member of St. John's Lodpo of Masons and belonged to Com- , mandery Knights Templar. Almas ] Temple" of Mystic Shrine and G. A. R. I He served during the war In Company I II. Fifth Massachusetts Infantry, of j which Captain D. Webster Davis was commander. He married fifteen years j I'igo Miss Julia Denison Burr Thomp- ; son. of this city. His wife and a 'brother, Mr. Frank Cottle, of South Dakota, survive him. The funeral was from St. Pauls i Church. Interment private at Arlington National Cemetery. Friday last. Sena tor Lodge and C.eneral laylor, of Bos i ion, were warm personal friends. funeral notice. j N" 101.SON.?The funeral of MRS. LEON i l M NELSON, who died 1' riday even ing," will take place from Uje Mortuary Chapel, Hebrew Cemetery. PHIS (Sun day) AFTERNOON. July IS, 191... at 4:30 o'clock. RAIIM.?Entered into perfect peace July If., at her home. 3If. North Hnr I rlson Street. MARY GIBSON RAI1.M, i onlv and beloved daughter of l^auiaj Young and Frank H. Itahm. ? j Funeral from the houie SI'. North , Harrison. THIS (Sunday) Al-TlKRNOON. ! at o'clock. Interment In Hollywood. LOST AND FOUND ! LOST, between Fifteenth and Twenty second Streets, C. K O. Annual 1 ???'' > Brotherhood card favor. It. B. lings. Heturn to above at Lindsay. \ a. Reward. ; . LOST, a male setter puppy 4 months Old, while with black ticks: one ear and both eyes black. Liberal reward if returned to 111;', North Twenty-sec ond Street. LOST, brown envelope containing photographer plates. Reward if re turned 30(5 North Lomhardy. LOST, "gold ciifTHSTton "with blue rim. Initials T. B. S., Friday sonuwhere on Main Street, between Eighth and [Twelfth Streets. Reward if returned to Times-Dispatch. jSiclnnoriil (TuneS-fliSpatrij SIXTY - KI FT IJ TEAR. ADMITTEDLY THE BEST MEDIUM IN THE SOUTH FOR CLASS IKIED ADVERTISING. TKJ.EPHOXK YOUU WANTS TO THE TIMES-DISPATCH BAXDOLI'H 1 1 nv.VDOLPJ! "WANT* AD. RATES. DAlI.y. one cent a word when pal'", in ad vance. No ad. taken for less than JO cents. Sl'XDAA, on" ar.d one-half cents a word for all < I .unified tds. except Situation Wanted at oiji, tent a word. No ail. taken for lews than It tents. NO ADS. taken for less thnn 25 cents when charged or phoned In. Phoned orders not guaranteed. Classification not ruaran | teed nfter 9 P. M. The Times-Dispatch ac cepts want advertisements by 'phone simply to save YOU tlie inconvenience of bringing your advertise ment to this office. A Messenger is sent to YOUR home to save YOU the inconvenience of bringing YOUR money to ibis ?>fiico. Help the Service by pr..vini? fhe messenger ?.u:iT)fIv when hp calls. IX5ST AM) FOUND. DRESS an'l parasol in Chadl k's Jltnev. Randolph .'.'H>2-J. LOST, one watch fob. between'Twelfth and (.'nry and Main and Ninth Streets. Initials W. II. M. Phone Houlevard D'^S-W. Reward. $?5 reward for black traveling hag lost .Inly 2. containing iew--lrv and papers. A. W. McPadyen, 703 West Clay Street. LOST, Friday, July 1 tr3'} cuff but ton, initial "W Find-r pleas.- ro ttirn Hriom 5f?l First N itional Hank PuUding. Howard. STOLEN, l new Pierce bicycle. No. I 7"l 74. painted light blue. with mud guards, from the- Eleventh Street en train'c to City Hall. Reward of V"> for its return to William H. Wyatt, Jr. Room IS, City Hall. UK J. V W ANTKD ?r?ial t-. WANTED at once, a first-Class electric light linemen, flood pay. Newport News and Hampton Railway, Cias and Electric Company, Newport News, Va. MARRIED man on farm, by the yeaTL Don't write, but call at 12 Rolling brook Street. Petersburg, for particu lars. Grant Chase. MONOTYPE caster operator. Must be first-class caster man and capable or adjusting- keyboard troubles. Non union. Wire at once. Donahlson Ackiss Printing Co., Norfolk, Va. PARMER wanted; steady jol>. i7To3 East Main Street. WANTED, men to learn harbor trade; few weeks required; steady posi tions for competent graduate*; won derful demand for barbers. Fri^ cata logue. Richmond Parber College. Richmond. Va. WANTED, immediately a working married manager for a llolstein dairy farm near Richmond, Va. Ad dress, with full particulars, as to ex perience. family and salary expected. S. W. Huff. St. Marks Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED, an idea. Who can think of some simple tiling to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed inventions" and "How to ? 5et Your Patent." Randolph & Co., Dept. 402, Washington, D. c. TWELVE years ago I started a small mail order business at home in spare time with a Tew dollars capital i wanted to make 530 or $40 a montft evenings. The net profits the first year averageC ?200 a week. Five years netted mo $50,000. i will show you how to start a sma.l mail order busi ness. S-mn to-day for mv proposition. Its interesting. No canvassing. Hea cock, Box t?rp. Lock pert, N. Y. (,0\ ERNMENT examinations, thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not ap P,?'n IS Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Washington, 1 >. C. AGENTS, get newest, quickest selers direct from makers; full list free. National Agents Association, 122 Miclii gan Avonue, Chicago. YOUNCJ man, clerk, salesman, typisr, dictaphone, operator, rnultigraph ope rator, desires position. Reference O K!I?. care Times-Dispatch. NAVY'S purpose is to make every en listed man a success in life ' The greater his success, the better navy. Naval service is full of opportunities. Many djlfcrcnt trades required aboard ship. Navy trade schools teach them. < Pay graded according to skill Inves tigate. Navy Recruiting Station, A111 - son I It it Id i ng, I {ichmond. Va. WANTED, registered druggist to man- ; age a large store in one of the largo ciJies of this State. Must furnish tin- : questionable references as to character and ability; $1,000 must be invested in stock of the. corporation. Address L 077, care Times-Dispatch. 11KJ'P WAXTKI)?Male | CIVIL, wrvict--Wini I7~ "? j know ahout it" There ") ?" ''/"""J i format foil ^ ^ I!?.rcs 1,]i- '::,ri wa"htt>a;r '? "nrT tor. colored train'or ?!??.!! ' ter, nrst-clasLViUTninK ,'F, ,K>r (roads, J6.1 to Mr, n . ''n * ''-v f-"?lo I experience unnocwiiri |n*liC,;' y w?rk. iiafac position wnrit?>l " i torms furnished. A-l,lr(L li .iiu I In'Ha'Upoli' {,T.iy BARBKn wanted j.'ir?? _i_ I position: union shop cuarintaaC?>'?>" i ts^rsaznus- ;?*??&.& nminer. Booklet h -i i lrtuir> -hx ! tn-dav. Patterson nv|V? ?Write | itoihostc-rXY " horv'cc School, 1 rflprcsont-Hivos in all ViT. ownoYs. ''lMp' pav weekVk'ntr n,achino Tr,v,v^;? ?r "inr?hJr "JJ?r "V'iK0s? timental wall > iettirn ^ H8 an(1 scn" Every nc^ luivs' on si^M r?stC!ir<J? Press. Spnrtnnl.urg. S o Economy '?"h?n?ii;iss',? i!"r s?*?te " HS! 3n? ! * , ' ?",1^ 1- agency offered m 7T honest onorcot io e.iir ^'rsht, j? EMj^NSrySk"- E"" I SEw|i"vr ?Sr.v,S,.a,tS5,v? y;?rk overr Continental R, ffis,or; rY,j,. vn?*inB r ronts. Positive nccessjtv. Write \v AvcSn?,"^ Sg^S. *????'?* .TO,np!esXPaml,!"ako ordori ; Am "rP|ca?," Co^Ch'Iong?or'nftn*nt- J?P ' ? Vt" u i f)'? MC V e<?f<ily m'T?l'~" Co-opp7 if'nrc nrcrssarv. ' U'ri tf' 'Vt1 n" i J X? Y C?" 4" Connor<} Street, Rochester) *?&3T,aa'"a' WB&na j "2i ?*KS? i j nor ? Nponsej? and commission Rxnori J ^nrf. unrific. ssarv. Writ.* ouick r* tV "mSS^8'"' ,""innr- Av""""' ? WAXTEM. good tobacco auctioneer fo^ 'm"i.KCyp,h.r.,,t.srA?R?i,>*? B< >OKK KKI'i\(linking. "business arithmetic. penmanship, comnierci'il aw. correspondence and h.IS|noS''n, !? t ice aught onJ.f.? s.holarship ?t re : . ' !?,,'? n' v'" ? Graduates as?i??tfd ("ollcKe ' ',0;iiti0"s- Mas.sey Business j SALi;s.M KX. modi:,nles, cWlcals; men of any trade -farm hands and m.-n huntniff fiti work of any kind call on \ irKliiia Biisns. ss ICxehanfje. 3ifi x,,rth KVil. ?"""??"?'? ??5 I men hunting wo7k.~a7l~r.7i ???-????????? a.:; j Victoria, lie at C. & o fw,' cS'??,mT Monday tnornlns ready to Kt>. \o d? jappolnlnient. Virginia Business I elian>:??. ."i 1 ti Xorth Serond^. \V\XTKI?. you a ff ma il stenoKranh'fT" ' experience, and lowest ??|.,rv j will accept. Address Box, Station U. WAXTBD, young men to run on rail road train as news agent; ,nust , / 'e A,)P,y ^?-th Flf fit;'; ; irw lun.her inspector, cabinet maker $ { -.o-' ikl5V^.m,JLn* $X . Wo *???"??? inrn of every skilled occupation around woodwork i.^ Plants of allI kinds. Some o,>e),?n5s [at once, men to"Muallfy for moVormen l and conductors Inton.rhan roads in ^iiKinla, $70 to $:?o monthlv. Kxneri I enee unnecessary. Slate a-o <t, i..ii . ; *{^u11cate?lTr?^181!"st* !ZIiS?^' ^rWt HKLP WAXTKI)?Male BE a detective; ??arn to $100 weekly; travel all owr .the world. Write Dept. SI. United State:- Detec tive end Adjusting Aueiiey. Itailway Exchange. St. Louis. Mo. WAN'TKLt. for about weeks work, a full roKlftcrcil 'Irusitrist in a town of about 2.000 populat 0:1. Address Bode ker Drug Co.. llo.\ .">72. Richmond. \*a. HELP WAiNTKU?Female. WAXTKI'), women for government. Jobs.' S7o month. I'ull unnecessary. Write ' immediately for list posit ions obtain-, able. Franklin Institute. Dept. 730 F, J Rochester. N. Y. ' ; WAXTKI\ at country home in moun | tains, white woman for rook and j general assistant in family of 3. Ap- ' ply between 3 and 5 1'. M., JIT West I Broad Street. \ FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel. ; demonstrate and sell dealers. $115 to ! ST.0 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 612, Omaha, Neb. A rare opportunity, comfortable living, home sew inn. plain-cloth seams, any sewing- machine; steady, no canvassing; no trlflers wanted; samples, 10c, re turned if not satisfactory. Homo sew ers' Company, Jobbers' Sewing, Iteho : both. Del. "\\ AXTED, white girl to eook for fntn lly of 2. Apply 23 16 West Orace. j j WANTED, competent lady stenogra- I pher and typewriter operator, also to I assist on books. State age, references j and salary expected. Only those look-i j ing for a permanent position need ap-| ply. Address* 11 325. care Timos-Dis-j patch. | WANTED. experienced young ladies in our bindery. Apply at once. Mitchell! Ss Hotchkiss. j WANTED, persons to color art pictures', at home; easy work; no experience; j good pay. Sample free. Glcason j Wheeler. 337 Madison. Chicago. IGUARAXTEED salary paid any woman to ilistributo? hosiery to customers. Experience unnecessary; all or part time. For particulars and complete | on tilt address International Mills, Dept. 1, Norristown. 1'a. I.A DUOS, 52;. weekly easy, simple work: no canvassing. Evenings at home, fascinating, everything litnished: no i experience. Don't worry about capital. Bovd C. lirovvn, Dept. ' B 275, Omaha. Neb. "WANTED, lady traveler beginner. Sal ary, commission and ??xpenso allow ance to right lady. McMrady & Co., 1 * Mi lea go. TWO ways women are making money without interfering with household i duties; 10c. Satisfaction guaranteed, j Gross, 11 Cliff s; !.???!, Boston. LADIES, make shields at home. $10 per 100. Send stamp. Work sent pre paid. King Mfg. Co., 1431 Broadway, : New York City. [LADIES, a fascinating home business; ; tinting postcards, pictures, etc.. spare time; make $12 weekly, no canvassing; i samples 10c.; particulars free. Artint 131 G 130 Manhattan Street, New York. [WANTED, several ladles to prepare for' Richmond September post-otiice clerk examination. Splendid salaries. 1 con j ducted government examinations. Trial examination free. Write O/.inent, 10 L, j ' St. Louis. ? UNDERGRADUATE nurses, stenogra ! pliers, ofllce and store girls, maids, i 1 housekeepers and others hunting work, i call on Virginia Business Exchange, 316; North Second. (SHORTHAND, touch typewriting, .spell-, j Ing. business correspondence, dicta-1 ! phone, filing and ofllce practice taught I'on life scholarship at reduced rate of i $40. Graduates assisted to paying po-! sltlons. Massey Business College. COLORED women wanted for all kinds I of work; good positions waiting. Ap-' ply Virginia Business Exchange. 316 _ ( North Second. HF.1,P WAXTKI)?Professional. I YOUNG doctor wanted for country; fine ! location for right man. Address L 1969; care Tiines-Dlspatch. ; WAXTKD, registered assistant drug- I | gist, in applying, give reference and j ' experience. L 073, care Times-Dls | patch. | L'XDKHGRADUATB nurses, stenogra-! j pliers, register with Virginia Btisi- I ; ncss Exchange, 316 North Second for i work. ! HELP WAXTKD?Male and Pciunle ! WANTED, men-women, $75 month, j List government jobs open free. ! Franklin Institute. Desk 5. Bochester, X. Y. j WAXTKD, 1,000 men and women to go ! to Buckroe Beach Monday, July 19,' | 1015. Given by St. Mary's Beneficial j ! and Social Union. Come and so with ; ' us if you are looking for a good tlrnn. i I Train leaves C. it O. Main Street Sta- j I lion S; 1Returning;, leaves Buckron I I Beach 7:1.". Adults, $1; children. 50c. i {MEN and women wanted. Govern-1 meat wants clerks. $70 month. Write. | i Immediately for list positions obtain-t I able. Franklin Institute, Desk 6. Ho ; Chester, N. Y. A $2.50 premium with overy $19S sale and 70 cents profit for you. Big; daily profits. Free sample for workers. J. E Hardwicke. District Manager, Win ! st on -Salem, .X. t'. (GOVERNMENT positions, thousands of i appointments to be made, l-'ree book let telling where they are, what they pay, with specimen examination ques tions. Xational Correspondence Insti tute. 415 Seventh Street. Washington,! 1>. C. COPY letters persons writing and I copying letters make $10 to $25 week-j { ly following directions. Stamped eri-j j velope for particulars. Brooks Copy i 'Co., 001 Pennsylvania Avenue, "Vash I ington. D. C. i WANTED, Job press feeder. Apply i Monday morning State 1'rinting Co., j Mr. Davison. Ill:LP WANTED?Mnlo ami l Vmalo J I'.OVS ,hi;i! girls wishing profitable po sitions should consider our practical , courses in business anil shorthand.; Pleasant work, good pay: sure posl- j tions. and reduced entrance fees for I present. Massey Business College. I BRIGHT boj or girl multigraph oper-j ntor. H"! Mutual Building. SITLATlOX \VANTED?Mnle WANTED, employment In or near city! for white anil colored boya. 14 to 17 years of age. Juvenile Court of Rich mond. Room &. City Hull. Phono Ran tiolnh ?522. WINDOW trimmer, card writer and ad., man; hustler. Can furnish best of j reference: also samples of work. Ar- ' range for Interview, Telephone Ran- ! dolph 2336-J. or answer B 304, caro ; Times-Dispatch. I C. I*. A. iiii.dfnt. now employed, wants to change position. Have experience in handling correspondence, bookkeep ing, etc. Address I,. 075. care Times-, Dispatch. I WANTED, position, clerk soda foun- i tain, by experienced man. Address L., ' 505 East Grace. WANTED, by a middle-aged lady a position as caretaker and companion to an elderly lady or as housekeeper; terms reasonable; references ex changed. Address M? Rox 21, Mt. Sid-| ncy, \"a. GARDENER or farmer wants charge of | gentleman's place; best of references. I Tl 32S, care Times-Dispatch. WANTED position, experienced baker! i and pastry cook; city or country; I best references. Address K 603, caro I Times-Dispatch. ; REGISTERED assistant pharmacist; desires position; best references, i Address H 332, care Times-Dispatch. REGISTERED assistant pharmacist ? wants position as relief: references. | G 107. care Times-Dispatch. i ? WANTED, September i. permanent po-1 sit ion with going business tlrm who ; has opening for A-1 man in oilice, whole-I sale, manufacturing or any line car-j rylng good position. Now holding re-j j sponsible position. Reason for change, j : what have you to offer? All answers ; confidential. Address L 97-1, caro Times- J ; Dispatch. j ROctKK EEPER, stenographer. 22. thor-1 ! oughly experienced, desires position.) : Excellent ability; A-l references. Will | consider any proposition. Go anywhere. ; .Moderate salary. Address C. J. S., J I Itlue Spring Run, Va. ! j YoUTH. is, good education. very I anxious for employment with some business firm. Small salary to begin with. A 30-|. care Times-Dispatch. i WOULD you like a reliable white boy of IS to assist on youV farm? He Is ! anxious for the work. Any location. .1 32.r., care Times-Dispatch. ; USERS of help ?salesmen, clericals, mechanics, clerks, farm hands?men for any work, phone Virginia Business , Exchange when you have a vacancy. Help waiting: no charge. I RELIABLE colored men furnished for | house, hotel and farm work; no charge. Virginia Business Exchange. A< ?'Of NT A NT, AGE 30 YEARS. NOW KM PLOYED. 10 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE BOOKKEEPER. CASHIER AND GENERAL OKKICE WORK, DESIRES j T? ' MAKE rilA N<; E S EPT EM I ? 10R 1 ST; GO<>i> REASONS FOR DESIRING! CHANGE. ADDRESS J 322. CARE TIMES-DISPATCH. j WANTED, position as stenographer j and assistant bookkeeper, by young lady with several years' experience.] Address E 41, care Times-Dispatch. DRUGGIST, graduate, registered I'enn- : sylvanla, Virginia; 12 years' expert-i eitce, desires position at once. High grade salesman, expert prescriptlonist; familiar best class trade. Able to man-I age department or whole establish- i inent. Not a loafer, booze artist or doper. Referei,cos. State particulars. ' Virginian, care Times-Dispatch. SITUATION W AXTICD?Female LADY who is musical would like posi tion as companion; also competent to nurse Invalid. Mrs. Edith Shook, 107 North Carey Street, Baltimore, Md. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ste nographer wishes position by Sep tember 1: best city references. Ad dress Miss C.. 903 West Grace Street, i WANTED, by a refined, experienced. lady, a position as housekeeper, ina-i tron or to take care of an invalid;! references exchanged \ildress Mrs. 1 Lucy Minor Barrett, Graham, Va. WANTED?Lady of refinement de-i sires position as nurse or companion:; several years' experience; reference;j willing to go anywhere. Rose Wilson. General Delivery, Oxford, N. C. STENOGRAPHER of long experience J and executive ability desires posi tion where hard work and merit will be appreciated Best references fur- < nished. H 323, care Times-Dispatch. j YOUNO lady desires position as pianist ! at a summer resort. Will play for board or small salary. 11 337, care ; Times-Dispatch. STENOGRAPHER with three years' ex perience desires position at once, j Good reference. A 312, care Times- ' Dispatch. \V A XT K I >. steiiiigraplili' work to do at home. All work confidential. B 305, j care Times-Dispatch. AN undergraduate nurse desires to eo i to springs or mountains with a con- | valescent or Invalid Ref( : changed. ?Address K tJ09, care Tlrnes I ilspalch. NURSE with hospital training and 1 practical experience desires place in department store. Reference from i best of physicians. Address G 121, care Times-Dispatch. WANTED, iiv young ladv now em ployed. position as assistant cash ier and bookkeeper; experienced in of fice work; best of references. Address ! C 110, caro Times-Dispatch. SITUATION WANTED?Female I desire .1 situation by the riav or -week" bXEL^o^' man ca" tu *Si ^ Vies i res ?ltmiv.i,'!ssir,ant b?okkoepe7. operator S v^r ri,ipifl machine BITUATIOX WANTED?I'rofe^slonnl THE Virginia Teachers* RiTrTTTi *Z7t wel l prepared t caehcrs fir 1915efirf? ?I Wilton H-.ii Madison 55 7 S. nr,,,,.,,' .?.'ox"?;1,-. g;x'?,,rvig;"'A-v"" ' fakirs and hconrpanl'oi|fflrenMrs' Ch^l" "lcl" i-'tl'lT. nanZlih sao^.j r'.shes Position in""fanTiTF fond of children; siiccossfri ? ?nre: testimonials; KnglHh i'I" Latin, music: tonus m i .1^ 1 rench. "red. j WANTED-?Salesmen. i WK.MiTra?' sToreTannni? ca,i on Kroccrs.." j small country towns confectioners In I ''a:viSc?c.i; iSSaa: K A*iirust''*1 'r,for?Pcapabl > P"S,1Uon Vi. ? staple U^fo,- g^rnl" re" ve -klva- ?,:v ','1?ralo mission^; opportunity ,0 \?dvnn5o- T" ,t? Rtart: SRr.wr,', ?&?? i?s& ton. O. ' lns?l0' President, Day Kalesnui'ii ofV|roo?i,>?.henowl sPec'alty ?f earning $5 oni> a ve? r ae t0r- capable district manager in V Ri h''"^'^ f?r ?nan here is -i K,ma- To right lahlish a pornuinenT niU*"''y tn proiitahie businessTh? PV?'?SaA,t a,ul tion. Cleveland, o Corpora 'S')! 1 J'S o,n-N ,'u'ly ?ab,j?'ss'0n.i"selu Proposition to merchantsse.i^remh,rn where. Demand mlitr.,?; .Se'ls every I free. Universal MjYc , ?1 ?.l" ,?i?rnl>,e? Huron Street, Chicago, III 4 Van Virginia!*'' Snfplo i?neC'on ynman' tor Wc7iXnalcSZVh ,oXnM'nn?>- ^V1 weekl.v for expenses \rn ^.act S3R Co.. 278-29 Carliii rfiiii H F Blxler "liio. "UilUlng, Cleveland. Iiref<frrcfi^ Fby1'w"]?1!' ,0^ merchants concern to sell"merch??i2 Cleveland fialty of the day j- oo 8P* nionth. Cmnnilssions ,,,m $t>0? ,per State experience o r i,', , weekly. t . Cleveland, n Single, Station fion. State territorv commis fujl particulars r >gardin?U,n?OV*r aml i ;<n? Tiy.sp'uoh u s recon1 ?.w'a'nt0!I'u', h.' i?,,c^o^, salesmen ??" Conimission has is onlv v,?rin S-.,a,ea .mm xeckuear Co., ^i l.r^S^^ SJ!>?!.'m'oryNi,i'jior[?adl'^co and etn ritorv .... ,l "restricted ter 1 io,ls 0 *<<!? lines 'T o'n'ox 31? , i":i Squnro Station. New Yo?k aU" toinobiic to vou for' 'trVvh^er Por<J ati 'V your lime each ihv V? UHua little three weeks. Write for lri?P li ! next A :t 1H. care T 1 > 1?L rM v ? Ad TOV, 1 ^ t,a,^-T!'ii??-l.>i.Hpa tVh. U1 to merchant tailors- ? 1? at sl?ht t<> SI4 a riav onll- 1 make from $2 tailors, furnishing t,lo.a0 calling on '"k. need apply s^-.roT s a,ul oloth tucky. Virginia' ,V, u-"u' Ken ;>ohl,y Salei compan v U ^st . ,v?rRinm. Cincinnati, O. ^ol,,pan>. I extile Bldg.. ?el jo ts" In "the? V '"'r ,no,;}h Oil Melds. Address- 1/ .{anions Caddo velopment Co.. A lexVu' lri r ' v!a a"d D"' se?SsePn?rnlCXtnradSnC|? v','-- '', V"?* to 1 ancy August 1 nnev-.>11 va IM-opositlon: eonimisiirtTi specialty weekly e\!ei,s.s , " <0"t'a.-t. s.r. ry Co, 9A.-"1"C1>, ? ""tUu-ntai Jewel Cleveland, o~ ? *nent:il CtT^V?? ' ''! "" ''"-r.-h.inl.-. i" lit. 1 home town or cttv experiem-e required f J-, ,', ""i"* San Kranci.sco. Cal * ?' ,,ox gyS'SaSsii gasoline street p?mt) yet made bSx -lo, Charlottesville, Va.